//------------------------------// // Crumbling // Story: Learning is Magic: The Beginning // by lyramei //------------------------------// Within seconds, Team 7C and Discord were overlooking the ruins of the Tree of Harmony. Island, Caramel, Sunset, Inkwell, and Bookworthy wore expressions of shock on their faces. Lilac smiled. "See? Discord was just trying to be a good friend," she said calmly. "Well, my apologies, Discord," began Inkwell. "I guess we all underestimated the fact that you-" Suddenly, the ground began to crumble. Island, Bookworthy, and Sunset were about to fall to their deaths; into the jaws of a hungry bugbear! "saved us... DISCORD!" finished Inkwell. Team 7C glared at the draconequus. Discord looked hurt. "It wasn't me, I swear! My magic is not working properly today," the draconequus explained with a sheepish grin. "DISCORD! Whatever your excuse is, you're putting our lives in danger," Sunset retorted. "It was an accident. I-" Discord began. Lilac looked coldly at Sunset. "Sunset, please try to be understanding. Accidents happen. Discord, like all of us, is not perfect but has well intentions," she scolded. Sunset raised an eyebrow. Inkwell touched Lilac's hoof. "You know what, Lilac? I think Discord IS telling the truth. I know he didn't mean for this to happen." She turned to Discord. "My apologies, Discord. I should have trusted you earlier," said Inkwell. Discord smiled. "Now, let's save your friends, shall we?" Sunset tried to hold on to the about-to-crumble rocks. "Hurry... up... my hooficure... and myself is about to FALL INTO THE JAWS OF A BUGBEAR!" Inkwell thought for a moment. "I know how to save you three ponies. Listen to me: Let go." Island, who tried his best to cling onto the rocks, rolled his eyes. "Are you CRAZY?" "No, I am not. Lilac, you can go tame the bugbear and then fly in to rescue them," Inkwell explained. Discord laughed. "You know, Inkwell, you are an awful lot like Applejack," he said. Inkwell raised an eyebrow. "Really?" The draconequus shrugged. "I read a lot of their friendship journal entries." Island shook his head. "No. I will not let go," he protested. "I don't want to become a bugbear's dinner!" Inkwell winked at Lilac. Lilac flew down and comforted the bugbear, who immediately took a liking to her. Sunset and Bookworthy let go at Inkwell's cue, but Island did not. "Come on, Island. Trust me. It's the only way you'll get to safety." Island hesitated at first, but he finally let go. He screamed until Lilac caught him and brought him back to safety. "It... really DID work," said Island. "Thank you, Inkwell. You too, Lilac." "See? It was just a matter of truth," said Inkwell. "You know where I got this survival skill?" Island was curious. "Where?" "Inkwell was a Filly Scout in elementary and middle school. That's why she knows how to survive in the Everfree Forest," explained Sunset. "She is correct. Being a Filly Scout helped me grow as a pony." "Thank you for saving my life again," said Island. Inkwell smiled. "It's just a matter of the truth." Sunset, who had been brought to safety along with Bookworthy, shook her head. "I look absolutely horrendous!" Her ponytail began to fall apart, along with her top being scratched. "You're fine, Sunset," assured Inkwell. She had dealt with Sunset's fashion tantrums on more than one occasion. "Love the mane-do, by the way." Lilac nodded. "You really do think so?" Sunset pulled out her hoof-mirror. "Hmmm... not bad! For a surviving-in-the woods mane style, anyway. I think I can live with this," she said. Team 7C laughed and began the next leg of their journey.