FiM 10: Friendship is Galactic

by TheAlienBrony22

7. Every Dog has its days, wolves Too

Day 2:
'I made a new friend yesterday, her name was Trixie, she's willing to not say anything about the incident in the Everfree Forest, but I do have to worry about how I'm going to go about making my home, and what materials I'll have to use to keep it sound and sturdy. Then again, I could use a couple of my stronger forms to get the job done quicker, but that would just mean I'd just be making a home big enough for my bigger forms, not necessarily me. Maybe I'm overthinking this, but I have to keep myself busy, and stay away from that Alicorn. I can only imagine what Applejack has told her about last night.'


The stallion put the book and quill down on the stump, and activated the gem on his wrist. Within a flash of light, Everchange was replaced by Tyrani-Taur, and started to gather thick trees for breaking down and construction. Tyrani-Taur remembered that stone place that mycelium was hiding under, and decided that some stones would also be perfect for keeping something sound, sturdy, and durable. As the Minotaur made his way through the forest, a creature stalks him from afar, ready to make its claim.

Back in Ponyville, Applejack and Twilight are conversating about what to do about Everchange. "If he isn't a changeling, then he's just some normal pony... with really powerful and unexplained abilities of shapeshifting. And he's got no horn, so magic is obviously out the window, unless he's somehow hiding it with a concealing spell." Twilight said aloud.

Applejack was trying all morning to get Twilight to see reason, to see that Everchange is not trying to cause a fuss or to cause trouble, and while she got through a good bit, Twilight still thinks this might be a magic based problem with a magic based solution. "Sugarcube, you know I can tell when ponies are lying, and he's obviously not a unicorn. There are just some ponies who can use magic in other ways. If this isn't magic, good, dark or otherwise, maybe we should just let him figure it out on his own, and not make such a big deal out of this, I even doubt that the princesses could figure out what to do without making it seem like the only option is to, say, lock someone in the dungeon." Applejack retorted, trying to get Twilight to see this from some other angles.

As the two ponies trotted along through town, several ponies from behind the two elements were screaming and trotting past them in a panic.

"What was all that about?" Twilight inquired. A vibrant gray stallion, with short black hair with streaks of white in his mane, and a semi-unkept tail in knots with thorns in it, and panic in his yellow eyes was catching his breath from all the screaming, running and panicking he was doing.

"Hey pardner, what's all the commotion?" Applejack asked the frantic stallion.

"GROWLING... STRANGE SMELL... BIG TEETH.. HOWLING.. MONSTER! DOG! RUN!! WHITETAIL WOODS! PANIC!!!!!!!" The stallion exclaimed, and started to run through town, tripping over himself as the stallion continued to panic with the other ponies.

"A monster. In the Whitetail Woods?" Twilight wondered.

"Could be Everchange, maybe he was testing out one of his transformations, and then soon encountered a group of innocent ponies, who freaked out." Applejack stated.

Almost like they spoke of the devil, Everchange came trotting along, in a better mood as he was carrying a couple bags of what looked like dog food. Everchange was then stopped in his tracks with Twilight's magic as she turned him around, obviously needing answers, where Everchange was just plain mad.

"Can your royal threats wait, your annoyingness? I gotta get these bags to Sweet Apple Acres, heard Winona was runnin' low on food, so I thought I'd buy a couple bags and save Mac the trip." Everchange stated, obviously a bit miffed he was suddenly stopped.

"Partner, that's quite the generous thought you had, but were you in the whitetail woods earlier, by any chance?" Applejack asked, thankful that Everchange thought to help out.

"No, I was in town, getting into a heated argument with someone who called me the royal servant boy of this sour Alicorn, and then I went and got dog food for Winona. Earlier, I had transformed into my Minotaur form to collect stones for construction purposes. I haven't stepped foot in the whitetail woods in years, so what exactly could be the problem that automatically connects to me?" Everchange answered, now wanting an answer for what the deal is.

"Well, a bunch of ponies have just run past us, one of them mentioned something about a monster in the whitetail woods. I don't exactly see who or what else it could've been, if it wasn't you." Twilight retorted.

Everchange knew what she was insinuating, and was just appalled. "How dare you assume that I'm a savage beast! Applejack, tell her what I told you last night, she needs to learn to swallow her words and speak in a way that won't rile me up!" Everchange stated, entirely offended by Twilight's insinuation.

"Both of you, will you cut it out? if there's a monster in the Whitetail Woods, then we need to take care of it. Maybe bring Fluttershy along, she's always got a way of animals." Applejack insisted, trying to keep the two ponies from trying to tear each other to pieces.

Everchange backed down, knowing he wouldn't let Twilight be the one to freely say he was the monster. Twilight knew she had to see if this was indeed the case, if Everchange was a mindless creature, like that mysterious scroll from this morning went on to make him seem that way.

Twilight let Everchange go, obviously not trusting him, and with that, Twilight was able to teleport the dog food to the farm, and the ponies then made their way to the shy yellow Pegasus's home.

Fluttershy was still a bit unsure of if she could trust Everchange, but then again, she always remembered how he saved her and prevented her from falling. Fluttershy agrees to help, and travels along with the other three ponies to the Whitetail Woods.

Unbeknownst to the ponies though, a cloaked pony has been following them, and they've got their eyes fixated on the gem attached to Everchange.

As the ponies make it to the entrance to the trail of the whitetail woods, they see that something has obviously been around, stomping, scratching and causing a real ruckus around the place. Everchange looked down at the Gem, and figured it'd be time to put his powers to use. "Alrighty, I think I have an idea on how to solve the mystery of our recently new 'Creature of the Whitetail Woods'. Did some experimenting, and found I have more than just the form of a changeling, and a dragon. I think its time to demonstrate how much good I can do. Ye royal pain in my flank." Everchange slightly muttered at the end.

Twilight rolled her eyes as Fluttershy ducked behind Applejack, who just watched closely. Everchange seemed to find the form he was looking for, and in a flash of green light, The stallion began to change.

Everchange felt the gem sink into his body, and also felt his coat become tough, but also very furry. His new fur began to change to a light gray color, he felt digits growing from his hooves, almost like he was also developing paws. He felt a white collar form around his neck, embroidered with blue diamonds as his horse-like features became more and more canine-like, his eyes shined bright, emitting a green color, his ears jutting upwards at attention, he felt his instincts get a bit amplified, He soon showed the Gem had formed onto the collar's center, He howled as the flash of light died down, showing he had become a Diamond Dog.

Twilight backs up, and readies her horn, as the Diamond Dog looks onward towards the horn, and looks very unamused. "Oi, ya royal drag, you wanna be brave and stupid firin' that magick attack at me, or do you wanna be sensible and smart, and save the energy for the monsta, ya daft alicorn fool? Tell ya wot, you can prod at me, you can cut me, you can even bloody cut me noggin open and literally pick at me brain, but only when I prove my innocence to extinguish yer arrogance." The diamond Dog stated, his british/scottish accent being half way from understandable to incoherent, his voice sounding heavy and gravelly.

"And to cement that this won' be the last time you see this rough ol' dog, I'm callin' this fella, Germani!" The Diamond Dog exclaims.

Twilight is just wanting to blast him for the heck of it now, until she picks up a strange scent in the air. "Does anyone else smell something odd?" Twilight asked, picking up an odd scent.

"Yeah, ah smell it too." Applejack said, smelling the air.

"Smells... weird.. but familiar." Fluttershy stated.

Germani smelled the air, and nearly keeled over, coughing and hacking at the scent. "Blaagkh!! That nearly knocked the wind outta me! I know that smell, that's the scent of a timberwolf!!" Germani exclaimed through his hacking and coughing. Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy looked at each other, surprised, and concerned as Germani tried to compose himself, crawling away from the strong scent to gather his bearings.

Germani hesitantly sniffed the air, and started to go into another coughing fit. "Yea, that's the smell of a timberwolf, alright! No mistakes about it!" Germani stated, covering his canine nose.

Twilight, and the others ventured into the woods, not noticing the cloaked pony following their every action. Twilight stuck close to Germani, making sure he didn't try to pull anything without being reminded of who he was helping.

Applejack obviously wanted to tell Twilight to lighten up, but Twilight and Everchange were not planning to get along anytime soon, not with how one pony can hide such a secret, and the other just being sour and immediately aggral.

"Excuse me, um... maybe Everchange could direct us to where this timberwolf could be, that way we wouldn't have to uh... get ourselves hurt fighting it, if necessary?" Fluttershy stated, uncertain as to what the plan was exactly.

"Sounds like a right proper idea. Twilight, can you ease up on the poor guy and let him do his thing?" Applejack stated. Twilight didn't want to, but knew innocent ponies could be seriously hurt if they don't find this timberwolf.

Twilight let her guard down, and Germani began sniffing around the ground, definitely picking up the scent of a Timberwolf.

"The idea of a timberwolf being out here in the whitetail woods... it's not something I'm used to, why would it be out here, and not in the Everfree?" Twilight pondered.

"Probably got cast out, or split off from its herd; It's not familiar with the new environment it found itself in, so it's trying to make it where this is a timberwolf only zone." Germani stated, smelling the air as he finds a trail of the scent. "An' speakin' of the obvious, looks like this timberwolf's got a bit of a temper goin', so this is gonna get ugly." Germani stated, following the scent as the ponies follow close behind.

Off in the outskirts of the Whitetail Woods, the timberwolf is on the run for a pony. The pony was gray, with a blue and red mane with headphones, and a sparkling pickaxe for a cutie mark. As the pony tripped over something, it looked up towards the beast as it was suddenly crushed. The timberwolf was proud of its first ever solo hunt, until he saw the pony crushed beneath its huge lumber paw turn to a mystical dust.

Confused, and obviously starved for some kind of nutrition, the timberwolf tries to snap its jaws at the dust, only for a sudden magical blast to knock the timberwolf back, dismantling it to pieces. Behind the Timberwolf was the cloaked pony, who only seemed to show a vile smile as they trotted over to the re-assembling timberwolf. The pony then lodged a glowing red rock within the chest cavity of the timberwolf, as it repaired itself.

"The wonders of dark magic, it's sickening, but it also gets... necessary results." The cloaked pony stated, the timberwolf whimpered and howled out in pain, the red rock was almost acting as an infection, and was driving the timberwolf mad with the pain it spread throughout its body.

The Cloaked pony just grimaced and grinned as it vanished within a puff of magical energy. The timberwolf, was on the hunt. Not for all ponies, but for Everchange, and whoever else stood in its way.

As the ponies continued to follow the Diamond Dog, It's becoming all the more apparent that the smell of the timberwolf was all of a sudden, a bit... faint. Germani stopped in his tracks and took another couple whiffs of the air around him, and his ears started to fidget a bit. "Partner, whatcha smellin' now?" Applejack asked.

"Somethin' ain't right... scent's gone lame, and... there's somethin' verray off." Germani stated. In a flash of red light, Germani had reverted back into his stallion form. "I think it'd be best if we went back to Ponyville, maybe get some assistance with this sudden-"

Everchange was about to finish his sentence, until Twilight groaned out in exasperation and irritation. "Can you do anything right?! I thought you were hot on the trail, what, did the timberwolf magically disappear or what! You absolute idiot!! How could you lose the trail?!" Twilight exclaimed, obviously enraged, and very impatient with Everchange.

"Twilight, just calm down, it's not the end of the world as we know it, or anything. If the timberwolf is actually gone, then it won't be a problem for Ponyville, right Everchange?" Applejack said, trying to reassure the angry and impatient Alicorn.

"Ok, first off, the timberwolf is very much still here, but there was a sudden change in who was looking for who... I don't know what happened, but I do know I don't plan to stick around so I could either be mauled by a timberwolf, or be called an idiot by a princess in training with a bigger superiority complex than Joseph Stallion." Everchange stated, fuming with irritation himself as his face gets redder every second.

Twilight and Everchange both took a deep breath, preparing themselves for a real verbal feud.

"You are probably the most incomprehensible, unexplainable, and the biggest downright jerk to trot the face of Equestria!" Twilight exclaimed.

"At least I have a personality, instead of just being Alicorn trash for that 'princess' to discard or send somewhere that had to be within my vicinity!" Everchange shouted back.

"Says the trash! First thing you do when we meet is run off, what was that even about.. and How dare you call me trash! At least I don't dress like some sort of blatant stereotype of high class ponies everyday! Who wears something like that anyway, you look like a spoiled royal!" Twilight retorted.

Everchange was getting angrier, Fluttershy heard some faint rustling nearby, and Applejack was picking up on the fact that Everchange and Twilight's arguing, was attracting what possibly could be, the timberwolf.

"Hey fellas, let's calm down and-" Applejack tried to get in-between the ponies, but Everchange got up close and was getting furious.

"You hoof dragging teacher's pet! My mother made me this outfit. It is all I have left of her!! She made this for me so I could wear it, and cherish her memory, Even when she's gone!! You want to make a monster out of me, your highness?! Sure, make the monster out of the stallion who lost everything to a selfish and vile ALICORN!!!!" Everchange exclaimed, his voice breaking a bit as he felt a personal nerve get touched too hard, his voice echoed loudly through the woods.

Twilight just kept glaring at the stallion, not listening to a word he just said, but was obviously aware she just set him off. Out from the brush, a huge creature appears. Twilight and Everchange glance at it, and their anger subsides, turning into fear.

The creature before them was some kind of timberwolf, but it was so... drastically different. The wooden body that made up most of the creature was darker, and thicker, had like different types of rocks, and gems growing and protruding from the branches, sticks and logs making up most of the body. The spiky wooden fangs were replaced with fangs shaped with iron deposits and diamond tips. The beast was huge, bigger than a regular timberwolf, like 3 times bigger. The huge beast had a huge red rock glowing in its chest, the beast proceeded to howl at the ponies, almost tearing a couple of the trees from the ground with such a howl.

Fluttershy, Twilight, AJ, and Everchange screamed and started to sprint away from the beast, and the huge wolf creature roared as it chased after them. Twilight and Fluttershy immediately tried to fly, until Fluttershy immediately ducked and kept running, while Twilight suddenly screamed out, toppling over as there was a noticeable gem shard puncturing her wing, Twilight struggled to get up, but her wing just made it difficult.

"Twilight! Everchange, gimme a hand!" Applejack exclaimed, running to Twilight's side. Everchange begrudgingly turns the other way, and helps the princess up, but the beast is still on their tails. Everchange looked down to see the gem wasn't ready for another form yet, and just chucked a couple stones at it. It slightly worked, as the creature was solely focused on Everchange, and all those between it and the stallion were to pay.

"There's gotta be somewhere we can trap it!" Fluttershy exclaimed, terrified out of her mind and beyond as the lumbering canine monster continued its pursuit. Everchange is sprinting full on, keeping a steady pace with the mares, as the creature tries to lunge in for a 4 in one meal.

Twilight immediately tries to muster as much of her magic into one teleporting spell, teleporting the four ponies back to Ponyville, as the timberwolf monster crashed, and disassembled, only to start reassembling itself.

Back in Ponyville's library, Spike was busy tidying up around the bookshelves, until he saw a magical flash, and heard four ponies hit the floor. the dragon turns around and sees Twilight, exhausted and has a really devastating wing wound, Fluttershy and Applejack, who are exhausted and a bit unsettled, and the Stallion who used that gem on him, Everchange. "Twilight, are you okay?! Your wing!" Spike asked, worried as he clutched onto his caretaker.

"Urgh... I-It's alright Spike, I just need to rest... took all of my magic to teleport the four of us away from the Whitetail Woods." Twilight stated weakly. Applejack and Fluttershy got up, and dusted themselves off as Everchange gets up in one go, trying to catch his breath as Spike just covered his eyes, and his mouth.

"Urgh.... My head is spinning... Are we okay?" Everchange asked, slightly dazed by the teleportation spell. Fluttershy covered her eyes as well, Twilight looked on in surprise, and Applejack looked like she was trying to hold back the urge to point out the obvious. "What?" Everchange asked, confusion plastered on his face.

"Uh... Everchange? I think you may wanna look in a mirror, sugarcube..." Applejack said, looking away from Everchange.

The stallion walks over to a nearby mirror, and the biggest eyesore about him is that he's got blood leaking from his nose, that blood was all over his poorly patched up clothes, one of the only things he has to remember his mother by. The stallion just stood there, his perception of the world just brought him back to that day in Canterlot all that time ago, and he just stood there, feeling a couple tears roll down his face. The screams, the adrenaline...

The stallion's rage was very present, but he didn't voice it. He just stood up, and walked out of the library, only to look back through the doorway, to a solemn Applejack.

Applejack looked on, watching the stallion leave, and turned back to Twilight, who was still trying to treat her wing. "Ya know, I think there's something to learn here, Twilight-"

"Not another word, Applejack. Maybe I was wrong about the monster being Everchange... but I still have my suspicions. I will make sure to inform Princess Celestia of this issue." Twilight interrupted.

"I'm just saying, he's a bit touchy, a bit sensitive about the topic of family. Maybe don't agitate him on that front. I know I'd be the same if someone talked like that about my folks." Applejack stated.

Fluttershy spoke up. "Are... um a-are we sure that it's safe... to just leave the timberwolf there, back at the whitetail woods, when fall's on its way?" Fluttershy asked.

Applejack looked back at the doorway, and decided to leave. "Where are you going, Applejack?" Twilight asked.

Applejack turned back to Twilight, a determined glint in her green eyes. "To go help a friend in need." Applejack stated, running off.

Everchange just kept on walking, till he found himself in the midst of Ponyville. As the stallion walked, he could've sworn he heard some sort of thumping sound in the distance. The Stallion turned to see where it came from, but was met with silence and the audible sound of other ponies trotting along. Everchange continued to trot along, till the thumping sound became slow, but rhythmic, slowing growing in sound as everypony stopped what they were doing as they looked towards the sound's origin, feeling the earth beneath their hooves tremble and shake. Everchange looked onward, only to see the monstrous Timberwolf creature, now made up of tougher stone, dirt, trees, and leaves, still retaining the gems from its body, it roared as it began to run to Ponyville.

"Everypony, RUN FOR YOUR BUCKING LIVES!!" Everchange exclaimed, galloping down the road as fast as he could, everypony was in a panic, running into buildings to hide from the beastly beast as it stomped through the city, trampling through the town as Everchange ran like he hasn't run before, trying so hard to make some distance between him and this colossal Timberwolf. Everchange saw sugarcube corner, where Pinkie was cleaning the front windows till she saw the stallion.

"Hi Everchange!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"Pinkie! inside! hide! Giant Timberwolf! Now!!" Everchange exclaimed as he ran past the shop. Pinkie looked confused until she heard the howling monster approaching, and she quickly ran inside the store.

Everchange just kept on running, realizing he was approaching the Boutique that Rarity owned, seeing her close up for the day. "Well, you have some nerve to come back here, you shape changing love sucker, if it's love you want, find it som-"

"Get in the boutique and hide, there's a colossal Timberwolf on the loose!!" Everchange exclaimed, cutting Rarity off as he just kept running. Rarity really had to process that last part as she suddenly picked up on the smell of the timberwolf, and hearing the monstrous howl of the one coming her way.

Everchange was running out of places to go, till he decided to cut through the market, making sure to only go through Flim and Flam's stand to make sure he can hoof it long enough to get to the Everfree Forest. He looks down at the gem, seeing it glow green, signifying that it was time to be useful. Everchange stopped in his tracks as the Colossal Timberwolf did the same, growling as it leered down at the stallion.

Everchange cycled through the icons on the gem, and finally rested on the icon of the dragon. "I hope you enjoyed your puny tantrum, you splintery stalker. Because this is how your story ends, in a blaze of Glory!" Everchange slams on the gem, and begins to transform, once again.

Everchange's coat became a pure green color, he sprouted five tufts of what felt like hair and felt several feathers sprout upwards from the back of his head, each one fading from the green feathers to darker and lighter shades of blue. He felt dark gray wings growing from his side, his tail was long and slender, with a big tuft of white hairs at the end, he felt his front hooves once again grow digits, claws. He felt his muzzle grow into a beak, His his hair and mane faded, making the feathers feel far more prominent in their display. A black chest harness formed onto his upper body, with blue stripes and a Blue diamond. Beneath the diamond was a white gem, embedded into the harness. The creature flapped its wings cawed like a mighty eagle as the flash of light died down.

Everchange took to the skies, and suddenly noticed how his form was not of a dragon, but of a Gryphon. "Well, this was to be expected. I don't really have a clever name for this one, Though I guess it wouldn't hurt to name this one, Lionhawk!" The Gryphon states, trying to figure out how to stop a Timberwolf like this. The Timberwolf shot gems at Lionhawk, but he was able to evade them, though the Timberwolf was being attacked in some way.

Up close to the huge beast itself, was Applejack, tryna use her natural Earth Pony Strength to cause some kind of disruption to the beast, but it was solely focused on Everchange, and it's wooden body just seemed to be tougher than normal Timberwolves.

Lionhawk flew around the beast's gigantic head, causing it to try and keep an eye on the sudden green blur it was having so much trouble focusing on before. It fired gems and stone shards and wooden projectiles at the blur, hoping to hit it once, but it was just getting disoriented. The Timberwolf began to sway, and inevitably soon fell over, collapsing into several huge pieces. Applejack ran and dodged the many falling timberwolf pieces falling from the air, and Lionhawk landed a little bit of feet away, the Timberwolf finally stopped. Applejack ran over to the green Gryphon and then firmly smacked him upside the head, despite him now being taller than the earth mare.

"Have you lost your Apple pickin' mind, partner?! You coulda gotten yerself seriously hurt! What would've happened if you up and broke something if ya weren't careful?!" Applejack exclaimed, hugging the gryphon as the red rock within the timberwolf kept glowing.

"AJ, I get you're worried, but what are you doing here? YOU could've been seriously hurt. I can say that biologically, we ponies are durable and strong enough to withstand some seriously painful altercations, though your pink friend is quite the enigma, by the gods before she's like rubber... sentient rubber. Nonetheless, you don't need to worry about me, I can take care of myself, I'm not a scared and defenseless filly... but I am grateful for the assistance." Lionhawk stated, embracing the earth mare.

Lionhawk looked towards the Timberwolf, and saw it starting to rebuild itself, and it was taking more materials from the Everfree Forest, increasing in size.

"Ah don' understand! Why won't this wild varmint just stay down or retreat?!" Applejack exclaimed. Suddenly, a blast of purple magic, as well as a swift light blue blur hit the timberwolf, knocking it back as it tried to fix itself. It was Twilight and Rainbow Dash, who are really trying to put this creature down.

"No one hurts my friends and gets away with it, you overgrown firestarter!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Lionhawk saw that the magical blast had broke open the chest area of the timberwolf, revealing a huge red glowing rock. Lionhawk bet that was the reason this timberwolf was so insanely crazy and powerful. Lionhawk charged forth, and crashed into the timberwolf's body.

Inside of the colossal timberwolf, Lionhawk rubbed his head and saw what seemed to be a regular Timberwolf, ensnared in some sort of trap, as the red rock keeps on draining something from the wolf itself. "This thing must be drawing life magic from the timberwolf... and if enough is taken, this timberwolf might just perish... no, I can't allow that. Hang on, I'll get you out." Lionhawk stated, kicking the rock out of place, freeing the timberwolf as it weakly reformed itself, but is too weak to move on its own.

Lionhawk carried the timberwolf on his back and the rock in his arms, and started to fly through the body, exiting through the open and inactive maw of the colossal timberwolf husk. Lionhawk quickly landed on the ground as the husk of the timberwolf monster collapsed and turned to ash.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash landed and checked to see if Applejack was alright, while Lionhawk eased the timberwolf down onto the grass, and watched as the mares talked.

"Are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you?" Twilight asked, her voice full of worry for her friend. She reached a hoof out to the farm pony.

"Yeah, are you okay AJ? That thing could've crushed you, if you weren't careful." Rainbow Dash inquired. Applejack brushed Twilight's hoof away from her face and cleared her throat.

"Twilight, you should be home resting, you go on now, and let your wing heal. I appreciate the support, even though it could've gone to someone who I think really needs it right now, and maybe an apology." Applejack said, gesturing to Lionhawk, who was looking at and examining the red rock.

"Him? Please, he probably orchestrated all of this! Hey buddy, you wanna tell me why you did any of this!" Rainbow said, jumping the gun as she got closer. Applejack held the pegasus back by her tail and looked over to Twilight, who would probably be the worst person to send over.

Twilight walked over and stood beside the Gryphon, looking at the gem, then back at the creature.

"So the monster wasn't you, that doesn't mean you might not have some kind of sinister agenda. I don't know what you mean when you say that Celestia took your mother away, because she is not like that, she's not that kind of ruler... Though I can appreciate that you found another solution to the problem." Twilight said, obviously trying to be a bit more secure with her word choices. Lionhawk said nothing, but just looked at Twilight, a sign of fear and concern swelled within him.

"Twilight, do you know what this is?" Lionhawk asked, his tone grim and serious. Twilight shook her head, and focused on the gem, unaware of what it was.

"I expected as such. This is the Ruby of Ea 'Vol 'Uut, it uses time magic and dark enhancement magicks to rapidly throw a living organic creature into a state of no control, letting a beast take control over them, it adapts, it overcomes, it is Darwinism as an ancient magical gemstone. This could very well have been the end of Equestria right now, if it hadn't stayed locked up tight in an ancient temple underneath modern day Manehattan! It drives one mad with power and increases their innate instincts, making them monstrous." Lionhawk explained. Twilight's slight irritation over the stallion, was pushed aside by intrigue and curiosity over the gemstone.

"So... how do you know all of this, unless this was also apart of your alchemy studies?" Twilight asked. Lionhawk sighed and just rubbed his eyes for a moment. The gem on his harness enveloped the Gryphon in a red flash of light as Everchange returned to normal, the Red Rock did not seem to interact with the stallion whatsoever.

"I'd just recommend you send this back to where it's supposed to be, and don't let it fall into the wrong hands. I need to catch up on some important property work, and it'll take me forever to do if I have to constantly drop what I'm doing for some pony's sake. I'll be sleeping in a poorly pitched tent for eternity if I can't find somepony in town who will let me buy some tools and equipment." Everchange stated, obviously exhausted and tired from the chaos.

As Everchange tiredly trots towards the Everfree Forest, the timberwolf he helped out got up and whined as it followed behind him. Twilight had so many ideas about so many things that she didn't know how to properly react. She used her magic to teleport home, and used a magic containment field to contain the ruby's effects while Twilight prepares another letter to Celestia.

5 Hours Later...

As Twilight trots up to her room, and Spike snuggles up in his bed, Twilight turns off the lights and tucks herself into bed, ready to sleep the night away, until she hears a firm knock on her front door. Twilight groans and gets up, heading downstairs and opens the front door to nothing. Nothing except another mysterious scroll on her door.

'Twilight Sparkle,

this is your first warning. That shapeshifting abomination is no Stallion, he's a beast, a freak. A danger to all life. As punishment, we'll be taking the Ruby of Ea 'Vol 'Uut back, The Timberwolf was just the beginning of what we are capable of, and we'll show you and all of Equestria how truly dangerous and vile Everchange Spectical can be to normal ponies. I suggest you re-think about even 'trusting' it.'


As Everchange tried to relax in his tent, he heard the whining and whimpering of the Timberwolf. Everchange got up and petted the creature, causing it to shake its wooden tail in joy as it nuzzles up to the stallion, who sighs and smiles a bit as Everchange falls back asleep onto the soft grass, as the Timberwolf lays down around the stallion.