//------------------------------// // A Swashbuckling Sword Fight // Story: Descendants of the Isle 2: Back Among The Hidden // by Melody Song //------------------------------// Tempest sighed and held out the crown. Spitfire reached, then stopped and chuckled. “Too easy.” she locked eyes with Tempest. “Why don’t you give it a test drive? I’d like to see it work.” Tempest laughed. “You always were quite a drama queen.” Spitfire chuckled. “And nothing too big or Sandbar’s shark bait.” she said. Tempest looked back, following Gallus’ gaze to see Rainbow dangling Sandbar precariously over the water. She then looked around, and saw that Monarch had once again disobeyed Gallus and was perched on one of the nearby wooden railings. Perfect. “Fine.” Tempest said smoothly. Tempest set the crown on her head, then ignited her horn, making it crackle as she walked to the edge of the bridge. She raised her voice and spoke. “Though it may seem absurd, turn your hiss into a spoken word.” she called, and Monarch tilted his head. Tempest rolled her eyes. “Talk, cat.” Monarch opened his mouth. “Is this what you meant?” The pirates all began cheering. Spitfire grinned. “Give me the crown!” “Give us Sandbar!” Gallus shouted Spitfire smirked and waved her wing. “Rainbow, bring him over.” Rainbow let out a groan of disappointment and took off, carrying Sandbar with her. They touched down beside Spitfire. Spitfire held out her wing and Tempest extended her hoof. “Cut ‘em loose, Rainbow.” “Ugh, never get to have any fun…” Rainbow muttered, making a quick slashing motion with her sword to cut the ropes. Tempest yanked Sandbar up and forced him behind her, into Gallus’ waiting forelegs. She then slapped the crown into Spitfire’s outstretched wing. Gallus pulled Sandbar in for a hug, holding him close and stroking his mane. Spitfire paid them no attention, raising the crown high in victory. “Alright, go!” Tempest said “But the crown!” Sandbar objected, but Gallus had already pulled him further away. Spitfire whooped as she placed the crown on her head. She waited, willing her magic to move from her necklace and connect with the crown to break the barrier. Nothing happened. Soarin, Rainbow, and Fleetfoot gathered around in confusion. Spitfire removed the crown. “No!” she snapped it in half in her hooves. Gallus pushed Sandbar back. “Sandy, go!” “You do not get to win every time!” Spitfire bellowed “Hurry, go!” Tempest shouted to them as they ran. Pharynx knocked over a barrel he’d stashed the swords in. He, Tempest, Luna, and Ember each grabbed one. Gallus wrapped a wing securely over Sandbar, then grabbed a slingshot and began launching the smoke bombs at Spitfire’s crew. They were temporarily blinded by the sudden colored smoke. Fleetfoot, Soarin, and Rainbow Dash flew from the smoke surrounding the ship, wielding swords. They began sword fighting with the group. Rainbow Dash fought Ember, Soarin tried to overpower Pharynx, and Fleetfoot wrestled with Luna. Tempest drew her sword and stood face to face with the approaching Spitfire. Rainbow Dash threw off Luna and approached Sandbar and Gallus. Gallus grabbed a sword and raised it. Rainbow smirked. “Hello Sandbar…” Gallus pushed Sandbar back and began sword fighting with Rainbow Dash. Soarin and Pharynx were tangled in an even fight. Soarin lashed out with his sword, and Pharynx dodged expertly, then he attacked. Tempest and Spitfire were locked in a similar battle. Fleetfoot headed for Ember. Ember clashed her sword with the pegasus’. They were in a narrow part of the bridge, and she was backed up against the railing. Ember jerked her claws and made Fleetfoot’s sword fall into the water. Ember flipped her sword around and offered the handle to Fleetfoot. “Here, take mine.” she said with a smirk. Fleetfoot chuckled and grabbed it. But when she lunged, Ember dodged each time, her tough scales only being slightly scraped. She planted her claws on the railing and lifted herself, kicking Fleetfoot in the chin and sending her sprawling backwards. Ember chuckled and collected her sword. Tempest and Spitfire continued fighting on another area of the bridges. “Heh, you miss me?” Tempest asked, and Spitfire ignored her. Pharynx did a complicated maneuver with his sword, then yanked Soarin to the ground, tripping him up temporarily. Luna stepped in to help Gallus fight Rainbow Dash. Slowly, they all managed to meet up near the tunnel that would take them back to the carriage. Tempest stepped down on Spitfire’s blade as she forced her down. Tempest whacked her backward and then ran for the others. Pharynx managed to push Soarin away and joined her. “Spit!” Soarin called, as Spitfire made to follow Tempest. Fleetfoot was gripping her shoulder and trying to stand. Spitfire shot towards her, Soarin and Rainbow fast behind. Sandbar watched this as Monarch ran up to Gallus. “Pharynx, get the carriage ready, we have to get out of here.” Gallus said, taking Sandbar’s hoof and pulling him along. Ember raced over to them, followed by Luna and Tempest. “Tempest’s mine!” Spitfire charged up the steps, having ensured Fleetfoot was alright. Tempest and Spitfire began clashing their swords together again. Gallus and Sandbar managed to escape down the tunnel after Pharynx, Monarch running along beside them. Ember began fighting with Soarin, while Luna was backed up against a wall. “Ember! Smoke bomb me!” she shouted, and Ember grabbed the bag from the railing. Ember tossed the bag over to Luna, while Tempest and Spitfire dueled. Luna waited until Ember and Tempest had both closed the gap between each other, then tossed the smoke bomb. It covered the bridge in purple smoke. “Come on you two, let’s go!” Luna shouted, and they tore down to the tunnel after the boys. As the smoke cleared, Spitfire and her crew began to catch up to them. Tempest stopped at the edge of the tunnel, then wheeled around and delivered a powerful kick to the bridge with her hind legs. The wooden bridge collapsed down and fell into the churning ocean below. She grinned at Spitfire before racing down the tunnel after the others. “No!” Spitfire stormed off, shoving her crewmates aside. “Out of my way! There’s still time!” she snarled