//------------------------------// // Under the Crystal stars // Story: Under the Crystal stars // by Sanxa //------------------------------// More about me? Hmm... That won't be really... fine, stop insisting, this begging is bugging me. Huuuh... don't laugh, please. I'm in Crystal city almost... since two or three years. And I have to recognize it was pretty simple, being a simple servant in the castle staff. And quite nice until the issue before the anniversary of the young princess. She was going to be seven. And everything was normal until the return of the righful kin... huh... yeah, it's hard to get rid of what we were used to say. Not like we had a choice. The more vivid memory was my first evening, when I let myself fall on my couch. First and worst, there was this dark crystal collar with a ruby the king had put around our necks. Well, for the ones who were lucky enough to not get 'helmeted'. Poor guards. Even the resisting ones couldn't do a thing against the power infused in the helmet. And with the war... On the other side, we were free to think, but... huh... no, I'm okay, I'm not cold. I just remembered the fate of a good pony, he set as an example. Huh... I'm okay, it's just hard, you know. It was one of the most violent event in a while. Even the changeling attack on Canterlot wasn't that... wasn't... like that. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't nice at all... I'll come to that later. Yeah, the collar. It was the result of the supplication of the queen. I mean, at that time, the future queen, the only pony that 'our' king respected. It was her who made the change a little easier, despite all the cruelty we had to witness until the liberation. The real first day, just after the king had taken the power, he gathered all ponies on the place. There were two dark crystal statues of ponies. Two dark crystal formations with two ponies inside each of them. They had attempted to run away, and once outside the city... The staff of the castle was trapped. The workers were chained or collared, depending of their responsabilities. And all soldiers wore those helmets. And he made that speech. That speech about how he was the only one able to protect the Crystal Empire. To bring back its splendor. And for this, he casually announced the necessity about a scheduled execution of the royal couple. In about like a week from today ? Hehe, I can tell you that silence can be more loud than bombs, as none gasped. Eyes were wide opened. Jaws had fallen. But only the frozen wind was whistling. He continued his speech, and when he ended, there was a clopping. It was the future queen. She was clopping, looking at us. She was frowning, and we didn't knew if it was because of our lack of enthusiasm. So we started clopping too, in honor of the king. And he was grinning as soon as all the place was clopping in his honor. That was an awful grin. And it was only the beginning of the day. You know, I heard about how some changelings can become husk if they don't have enough emotion. We pony can too. If it wasn't for our rare possible interaction with the queen, we would have had no chance to be that... fresh? I don't know of a better word, to... But she was seemingly decided to listen to all of us personnaly, casually when she could. I think everypony has shared their stories and fears with her. Yeah, me too. Humpf, yeah, she saw that I wasn't a crystal pony. I told her a little of my happy fillyhood, well, until the invasion by the griffons. From what I have heard of them, they pretended to believe in equality, as long as the tribes bowed before their rifles. Tsch. Liars. They are thieves, nothing more... yeah... i'm still angry. I wouldn't have gone through my actual life without their intervention. And most of it was solitude, scare, fear so far. Hmm? Oh, yeah, I had some times of boring peace... previous boring peace... Equestria is not that bad of a place, but it never felt like home. I was with my grandma, until... until she had to go. I was sent to a filly place in Canterlot, because it would be simpler for family to look for me there. Most ponies were nice, but there were some others, hugh, you could tell by their eyes and attitude how they despised you. Almost exclusively a minority of unicorns and pegasi. The other ponies ? Well, earth ponies were nicer, because I was like them, I suppose. Bat ponies... I don't know. They were super discreet, even if nothing forbid them from living there. Huh, but I remember one time where a supervisor telling me to not play with bat ponies. When I asked why, I was given pony tale books. And I didn't understand. But stopped regardless. As I grew up and graduated, my first job was in the orphanage. But the unicorn in charge made me understand that it could not be all my life. So I looked for other jobs, trying to find a way. My cutie mark? I was just helping a younger making his bed. I don't see why you ask. It's like you're all obsessed with the cutie marks on Equus. Anyway... Well, I found a new job at a bedding store. I was helping with the delivery, the assembling and the making. Yeah, we were not just delivering the beds, but everything for a good bedding. The chief was very proud of the business. And for some reason, I was happy with that simple job. Until the sudden orders of the palace. You know, for the wedding... So, they wanted to check which beds or mattress had to be changed. So the chief decided to pick me as an aid, as I was still in training. That's how we went once to the castle, established the list for the necessary replacement. We went back quite late that day, and the chief told to have my tomorrow morning. So I went after lunch to the shop. On the way, I met the official that had made us visiting the castle. I was given files for the chief, about the delivery. I was pushing the entry of service with such a big smile. I didn't knew of changelings, and I have to say that seeing the shop hangar full of them the first time... I had to blink, then rub my eyes. And there were no more changelings, just some ponies I knew? And the chief. So I told him. And they looked at each other. The chief told me that he was letting me in charge of the deliveries. It was weird, but they helped me. Like any pony would do. I guess that I just convinced myself that I was tired by the exceptional castle visit the previous day. And there were more crates than needed, now that I think about it. But somehow, I found it normal? I only recovered from the effect of the magic... and apparently, it was when the princess of love and the prince deployed their magic shield. When I realized what I had done, even if the others told me I was not responsible... no, I'm not crying... snirf... but being under the influence of magic... I can relate somehow to the helmet of the Crystal guards, but their fate looked clearly worse. I, on the other side, should have been able to alert somehow, no? No... Oh... Thanks for your kind words. Yeah, I felt guilty and left the capital short after, looking for an isolated post. I found one in Manesbury. A little outpost to help the Wonderbolts patrol there, or make reports from the ground. Away from any potential issues, or so I thought. The reappearance of the Crystal Empire, and the little station became an extended outpost, until the princess, her husband and the bearers settled the first issue. After this, there was no more reason for the outpost in Manesbury. So they proposed me a post into the provisional presence of the Wonderbolts in the Empire. At the Crystal castle, only that. I don't know what my face looked like, but they started to augment the amount of bits for the post. So I stopped them by accepting the third proposition, I think. Probably a mistake? Maybe not? Heeeh, don't look at me with those big eyes, hehe. ... I found myself working with other ponies, making bed in the castle. I naively thought that I would stay a servant. And I had a pretty decent pay, you know. And a little home. It was not always great, especially with the few issues of the royal family, but nothing as big as the return of the king Sombra. But it had its share in emotional jumps. I remember of a few. The first of all time was when we were already dispatched. The supervisor of my team was seeing some aspects with me, about my planning and tasks, when the princess rushed to us. We didn't had time to bow. Her hooves were on the chief shoulder as she was asking her who had made their bed yesterday. I gulped, and looked my chief, as she was looking to me. I raised my hoof, which was taken by hers. I didn't understood really, but looked like she had a stressfull meeting the day before, and that the bedding almost got most of it away. She thanked me, shaking my hoof, full of spirit. We didn't really understood, but I was essentially getting some recognition for making the royal bed that day? We thought of a coincidence. But my schedule changed to prepare the bed of the royal couple or of some guests. And with the birth of the young princess, I was exclusively tasked making bed for her. Nope, not a nurse, just making the cradle for the baby. Never understood why. Those were fine years though. In 1007, there was this issue with bat ponies and the night princess in Equestria. There were some demonstrations, in the Crystal Empire as well, but not that much trouble. No, the surprise came from the changeling high queen, like she is called by her people. When the changeling propaganda called changelings the 'lost tribe', understanding the bat ponies and being ready to help them in case of rejection by the ponies. I don't know what the changelings tried there, but it was quickly forgotten, though it was big. Even if some ponies still think that there may be some truth behind. You too, you doubt of it? That's a surprise, I admit... WHAT? It was only because the high queen thought the bat ponies looked cool? Pfffrt, you're joking, right? Hahaha, that's even funnier that this is true, pfffrt! Haaa... But later, when the news from the west told us about the submission of the bears to the changeling, we barely gave it a thought. No, it was what followed that, that was truely shocking. Yeah, the declaration of war by Olenia on the Changeling Hives. I didn't follow the changes there, but it must have looked pretty unstable, was it? Not really? Heeeh, but the changelings won in like less than a year... Oh, they were weakened by some civil war? Why did they do that?... Heeeh... That's... sad. And then, as we were preparing for Hearth's Warming Eve of 1010, we learned of the joined declaration of war by Equestria and the Crystal Empire over the Changeling Hives. Yeah, I guess you were surprised. But we were too. And we heard that the lines of battle didn't move. That there were even some meeting between soldiers, that Hearth's Warming Eve. And that the changelings deserted as prisoner of war. It was really a weird war. Oh? Only at the beginning? Hmm... if I know about Thorax? Of course, I know a little. He was a guest a long time in the Crystal castle, especially after the intervention of the, erm... the great and honorable Spike, the brave and glorious. Don't get me wrong, but crystal ponies really respect him. And, well, even if it was temporary, he saved us some time. Well, they, but he was the dragon everypony remembered. And he befriended Thorax, who was a thorn in the flank of the changelings, when nopony would have even tried... But with the returning of the king, he ran away, like most creature who could and had to. I heard he was somewhat safe in Equestria... Heh? He helped against the changeling infiltrators? Hmm, I have difficulty to imagine the energy needed to do that. So, you know, the king's return, the collars, the queen listening to us. I thought that it couldn't be worse. But it always can. Despite the relative peace incarnated by the queen, there was the clock of the scheduled execution ticking. And the queen had decided that I had to take care of making the bed for some specific locations: their royal quarter and the young princess, of course, but also the beds of the imprisoned Mi Amore couple. They were in separate areas, but I had plans. I didn't question that, when I should have known that this knowledge would put me in danger. And of course, like anypony, I saw it when it was already too late. It was an evening, nearly four or three months away from the... huuuh, whatever. I was preparing my planning as usual when the queen went in with a guard. That was unusual, she was mostly alone, when she was in the castle. And she started to talk with me. It made sense at first, but I heard a scribble. As I looked around, it stopped. The guard was behind me, seemingly fixed on my desk. But with those helmets... Whatever, the queen was here, and seemed more and more nervous, as I was still trying to figure from where this scribble was coming. When I asked her if she wasn't hearing a scribbling, she had a nervous laugh. I understood. I turned towards the guard and... and I don't remember from there. I just woke up later, at my house. Alone. In my bed. And it was morning. And my head was hurting. And I was going to be late. And, you know, the king had that obsession. Each morning, asking to all staff if something was wrong. That morning, I could not answer the question. I knew that I was kind of safe, since there was only a red blinking under my neck. However, being dragged by a corona of dark magic towards the owner... I really thought I was going to die. But I was asked more questions, and couldn't answer properly. I had to told him about something, his magic was forcing me to, but another was resisting... it was painful. Only the intervention of the queen saved me, as she told him she could probably dispel this magic with some time. So I could speak freely, without interference against the collar. O-o-oh, the king was not happy, and I was to be secluded into the castle until the recovery of the knowledge I had. No-o-o, I-I'm not shaking that much. That was only some d-dark p-p-powers... you better don't stop me telling the story, ok?!?... Brrr... Yeah, that was horrible... Phew... I was finally locked in a room, and the queen made sure to visit me three to four days a week. But she wasn't attempting to relieve the spell. I thought that maybe she couldn't. After three weeks, she didn't came back as often. And one night, I heard the muffle sounds of the sirens, then of explosions. Far away. I thought I was dreaming, but no. There were those horrible sounds of metals bending, or crashing. The repeated explosion of gun fire. I didn't knew where to go, as leaving the room with the collar on me could... I was paralized by fear. Only my ears were twitching, changing direction, trying to get the direction of anything. But all was muffled, uncertain. Snirf... I was scared. And then, the gun fires grew closer. And then, it was the guards before my door who shot. I pushed my bed to create some sort of protection between me and the door. I cowered. I heard the fall of their bodies. The buzzing stopping before the door. It opened. I closed my eyes. I heard the steps approaching. The rifles aiming. And the voices of the changelings saying the zone was cleared and the target was acquired. They told me that they were jägers, that I would be ok as long as I helped them. They needed me to get close to the young princess. I was about to follow them but I stopped before the door. They looked at me. I almost touched the collar, but stopped. One of them nodded, and a green corona broke the collar. They told me to not look. I saw the guards. One was seemingly stunned, helmet open. The other... didn't had the same luck. But I ran with them. I needed to move after being indoor so long. Anything looked better. I was not prepare for the guard though. We went through the castle, taking some shortcuts, avoiding some patrols or checkpoints. Of course, it was more difficult for them because of me, and by the schock of seeing the gun injuries. At a moment, we stopped, and their leader asked me to tell in details how to go to the young princess from here. I explained as best as I could. I didn't knew what was happening, and still had difficulties to imagine that this was real. I mean, that changeling, he went with three others there. Two were waiting for him, and the four others, they had to get me out of here. Why? It was easier to get out of the castle. It was harder when we heard gun fire coming from where the other changelings were. But we were almost out. Two stopped to guard the door, as I galloped with the two others. One told me to not stop. We were under some heavy fire, yet, it was as if they could not aim at us. There was this green light on our left. When we had found the cover of some buildings, with other changeling soldiers all around, I had time to saw that one hadn't make it. And the pain shoot through my body, as the changeling guided... well, more like dragged me to an infirmary. I was counscious enough to see that the jäger was hurt too. I got treated in a couch, under the city sky. It was amazing how so many changelings were present there. I couldn't avoid asking 'How?' through my lips, and an injured changeling next to me started to explain. They were here for the food, the love generated by the royal couple, and since Sombra had refused to gift them for an alliance, it was war. He added that the high queen had had that idea to put rockets on multiple transport planes to bring her troops for a general attack on Crystal city. I looked around, and I saw an important group buzzing from the sky. Among them, a lot of white uniforms, and three huge figures. High in the sky, more changeling were falling, before spiraling down. The three figures and a good group of white uniforms went down near two other huge figures. The injured told me that now the five queens were here, Sombra would have his ass kicked. And then, I saw them: the Mi Amore couple. They were brought before the high queen, who ordered to keep them away from each other. I think she pestered that the mission was not finished and that she had to do it herself. She's not the quiet type, right? Heh, hmm... Then, they disappeared in direction of the castle. You know, bullets are terrifying, but magic... after a moment, I saw the clash of the bright sickly-looking green against the dark-green awful purple of the king. I heard a slamming sound and the shout of pain of the king. And in an even that happened in less than one... two seconds? But the worst was the sudden buzzing of the white uniforms throwing themselves on the Crystal castle and the defenders. I'm not cold, it's just... thinking that there were only injured or dead... and yet, there was the relief of seeing the young princess with one of the queen coming back. And that queen, the one with the blonde mane, and she bowed before everypony... oh, you prefer everyone?... Hmm, ok, well... She bowed before the princess and the prince. I note also that changelings are as bad as pony to keep orders, like keeping away the royal couple at a distance, as they were hugging their daughter. And while she was bowing, she also used her corona to get some field doctor, shouting him an order. And they went with her. The Mi Amore. And soon the rumors of the violent encounter between the high queen and the king filled all mouth. I don't really understand that magic stuff. And magical users are really bad to explain it. That's obviously more scary when you don't understand. But, heh, I think we all understood why the white uniforms went madly against the castle, when we saw that huge cocoon, with two of the queens, the royal couple and the doctor, guiding it into a building, which was fortified. The injured near me tried to pick a weapon, that he did not had. And it took all of the authority of the two other queens to not add names to the list. And the evening of the first day of assault by the queen's guard, the white uniforms, right? Yeah, you already know... well, we heard the explosion, and another scream of pain of the king. Three day laters, we could still hear him shout, cry, scream... over the few gun shooting still happening... it was terrifying. Heh, I was able to walk and help a little after the first day. So I helped as a nurse. Changelings are really into uniforms, now. Hohoho, don't give me that look. But when the guys from the VOPS appeared from nowhere and started to walk through the changelings area, telling how reinforcement was coming from Equestria, I was stunned like all changelings. You guys were supposed to be at war, you know. It was so sudden. And, it was weird to know that help was coming from supposed opponents from the one helping us? Yeah, it's a weird sentence, stop this. You know the rest. The Equestrian Air Force and their Wonderbolts flew over the city, with some unicorn units teleporting in, the bearers and the night princess. Then the rest of the Equestrian forces brought supplies and help. And rumors. Rumors of the sun princess being in the city, as well as Thorax. Rumors of the final operations, where the broken king was saved by the young princess with the help of the bearers. Too much rumors to track down. But I wonder: is this rumor about a changeling princess true? =(*)= The changeling had offered crystal flowers to the mare. He didn't expected to find her here, after their 'meeting' in 1002. He had to keep her mind blurry at first. But until the failure, he grew sick of making her forget things. She was telling him her personal tale, and he listened, sometime teasing her. Adding elements she didn't know. She talked a lot. He liked it. Without himself noticing, his wings started to reflect the stars. No, it didn't match the sky. And as she was approaching to the end of the tale, they were leaning against each other, side by side, between the Crystal stars.