Sunset and wallflower save the Botanical Garden

by raviolican

Sunset really likes the botanical garden

Sunset and Wallflower were having a positively exemplary day. They were holding hands on their wonderful date in the botanical gardens, soaking in each others company. The butterflies in their stomachs were only matched by the literal butterflies in the air around them. As they stared into each others eyes, they both could see the endless pool of love for one another. Yes, this was in fact a wonderful day.

Sadly this wonderful moment was fleeting, as they noticed muffled chanting happening outside. Their interest peaked, they decided to wander outside and figure out what was causing all the commotion. As they exited the building they noticed 3 college students with picket signs standing in front of the botanical garden shouting slogans. "Save the botanical garden! Stop the demolition of this community symbol for the building of new high-rise apartments!"

There was a man with overly greasy slicked back black hair and a very expensive suit who adjusted his tie as he prepared to speak. "Hello, I have recently bought out the land for the botanical garden and the numerous housing projects around this area. I will be revitalizing this area with high rise luxury apartments and many high end businesses. This community must move past this rustic area and dive headfirst into the new era!"

Now Sunset thought this was simply preposterous, this botanical garden was their favorite date spot, and they always saw plenty of people in there! It wasn't right for them to take away such a central part of the community, for what, high rises? As she glanced over to the love of her life Wallflower, she noticed that the once chipper face has fallen and there was now a frown in the place of a smile.

"But this was the best spot for a date, it even has all the plants and everything, they already took the park and now they want to take this?" Wallflower said as she turned to stare up at Sunset. Sunsets mind went into overdrive, as she looked at her downcast girlfriend she knew that this could not stand. When they messed with the botanical gardens they messed with Wallflower, and messing with Wallflower was something Sunflower could never let slide by. She would save the botanical garden, come hell or high water.

In order to save the botanical garden she would need to remove the capitalist from the picture. Through Sunsets loose grasp on the history of the human world, capitalists were commonly opposed to a couple things, unions and communism. it was decided, for Wallflower, Sunset would topple the Neo-liberal world order and usher in an age of communism so they could sit on a bench and enjoy the flowers.

She turned to her girlfriend and immediately brought her into a deep kiss, looked her dead in the eyes, and proclaimed "my love, Do not fret! Give me 1 week to construct the most romantic surprise for you in this entire universe, and I promise that you will no longer feel down about the botanical garden!"

Wallflower raised an eyebrow, the woes of the day seemingly forgotten, but as she looked into Sunsets earnest eyes she said "alright, as long as we get to finish our date today." They both grabbed each others hands and returned back into the botanical garden to kiss and hug and generally have a good time.

After a day full of love and great memories, the duo split their ways with a parting kiss, and Sunset began her planning. She would need support, followers, a plan, and supplies. She would need to ensure the downfall of capitalism while keeping the botanical garden intact. If this was a task for any other person Sunset would have scoffed, but for Wallflower she would move even the heavens themselves.

When she got into her home she dove into the work that lay before her with gusto, and created an online newspaper espousing the need for a downfall of society and currency. She then created and printed out flyers for her newspaper which she spread around the city throughout the night. As the dawn rose on the second day of her promise she collapsed in her bed and took a well deserved nap.

As she slept recruits flocked to her cause, after all they had reason to hate the man taking their homes and businesses away. When sunset woke up in the morning she had an ample base of supporters to call upon. She did not let this go to waste, and began the first stages of discipline and teaching of the ideology.

Sunset like any self respecting communist had created her own ideology. Aptly named Anarcho-Wallflowerism, She advocated for total communal living with no social stigmas, along with extreme use of plants everywhere. Her recruits were having doubts about their ideals but then Sunset showed them all a picture of Wallflower. Obviously this created an entire city of diehard Anarcho-Wallflowerists because wallflower is just that precious.

By the time the botanical garden was to be leveled, there were Anarcho-Wallflowerists in all levels of life. Sunset had laid out her plan for the perfect date, and revolution. As she gave the signal her radical band leapt into action seizing key points in the city and adding potted plants everywhere. Meanwhile Sunset was on her way to pick up Wallflower for the best date of their lives. All throughout the country the Anarcho-Wallflowerist cry was heard "Seize the means of production! Save the botanical garden, to each according to their pots, from each according to their garden!"

Now not many actually knew what these statements meant, but they had seen the picture same as anyone and if it was gonna make her day better they had no qualms with it. As Sunset and Wallflower headed for the botanical garden the Wallflowerist flags were risen amongst every city in the land. There would be no more kings or money, merely mother natures humble embrace and the common existence of all. As a new peace settled across the country, neighboring nations joined suit until all nations on the planet had joined the Botanical Garden Free Territory.

As global peace and utopia settled across the world, Sunset and Wallflower found their bench, took a seat, and leaned into each other and shared a deep kiss. Their love for each other was strong enough to move the heavens and they lived a wonderful and long life together in the new society they had created.