//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: The machine is broke down // by RainbowAdmin //------------------------------// “Dash, please, tell me about yourself. Where are you from?” “Me? I am the best flyer in the whole Equestria! The fastest and the coolest!” Blue pegasus proudly puffed out her chest and spread her wings. Wow, that looks spectacular. “And even the most modest.” I could not restrain a soft smile. “You don't say?” She sniffed and sipped tea. “And if in general terms? What is Equ…how is it calling?” I scratched my head. “Equestria! Are you listening to me?” She looked into my eyes. “Ponies live there.” “It’s like a parallel world, right?” “What? I don’t know, it’s a normal world.” She stands up and went around the kitchen, looking at my stuff. “And this is a strange place. No, we don’t have about a half of these things. What’s that… box?” Little pony pointed on my laptop which was lying on table. “It’s not a box, Dash. It’s my computer. Would you mind if we’ll try to get you home first? After that I’ll answer for all of your questions.” I tried to calm my strange guest. “Okay.” She sat down on a chair and reached her hoof to take an apple. “What do you wanna know?” “Tell me about your strange world.” “It’s not strange!” She looked at me like I was an idiot. “Yeah, sorry. Tell me about your normal world. I’m not used to meet talking pegasus every day.” “That’s better.” She smiled. “I meet ponies every day.” “Yup and I meet humans every day.” “Who is that?” She looks curiously. “It’s me. And these monsters, as you call them. Come on, tell me something.” “Okay… Let’s see.” And then she struck. Stories about how she got her cutie mark, the victory in the flyers competition, about the Elements of Harmony, the princesses. I could not put a word between her stories. Half of what has been said, I do not even understand. But it was a lot of information. “Wait, Rainbow, I don’t get about elements.” I took a bottle of whiskey and refilled my empty glass. “But I don’t think that it will be useful.” “Ha? Why? It’s simple.” “Yeah, you’ll explain this a little bit later. You told me about princesses. Can they found you here?” I became look on a pegasus with interest. “I don’t know. They have a very strong magic power. But I think my friends started looking for me. And who are you? Now it's your turn to talk! What kind of job is this? To kick big scary creatures?” This sudden question drove me into a corner. I could not so simply say who I am. I remembered how recently she clung to me for protection, having such a pure soul. “I... I’m a cleaner. So some kind of garbage would not pollute the planet.” “No, you're still weird. And walking on two... feet. Like Spike!” She starts crunching an apple. “No! I'm not weird. I’m normal. You are. You'd better tell me, did the people that carried you in a bag talks about something related to you?” “Now I'll try to remember. I was sca... I could miss something. But I'll try… Patrick?” “Yes?” “I have a headache…” She looks sad. “Okay, have a rest.” I led her into the bedroom and helped her to lie down on the bed. “I’ll be there at the kitchen.” “Fine… Um… Patrick?” She was a little confused. “What?” I looked at her. “Thanks. You’re very kind.” Little pegasus shyly looked away. “It's my pleasure, Rainbow.” I smiled and went to the kitchen. Yeah, I’m just a walking bag of kindness with the gun, right. After entering the kitchen I re-open the laptop and start to look through different databases for some information about pegasus girl. Nothing. Then I stand up from the chair and slightly rubbed my numb ass. After that I tried to find some information about a basement where my guest was found. I looked at my watch. A half past ten on the evening. Wow, a whole day flew away. I stand up and went to turn on the light. And when I reached for the switch, I was concerned about something. A strange sound. Somebody was tinkering in the door lock. I launched a surveillance program. The camera, which was hidden near the door, showed a picture. There were four guys. Three of them were holding guns, and the fourth was picking my locks. I had a head start for five minutes. Its were not so easy to hack, I tested its by myself. I quickly returned to the bedroom and woke my sleeping guest. My finger gestured to the fact that she should keep quiet. I hide a pegasus girl in the closet and whispered: “Be quiet and wait here.” Dash just nodded and looked at me. She looks scared. “Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to you. Just do as I say.” I came to the window after closing the closet. Two SUVs were unknown to me, obviously does not belong to the neighbors. One man stands watching the exit and the second is sitting on the hood of my car. Just scratch it – I’ll kill you. Flashed in my head. I pulled out from the bedside table a gun and screwed silencer which was lying near to it. If I’ll have to use it, I don’t want her to hear shoots. And those morons under my window should not be seeing the flash. Not turning the light on, I quietly walked to the kitchen. Outside the window was dark, thick curtains were closed, the room was semi-darkness. Click. The entrance door has been opened. The open door slightly lit hallway and I had to hide behind the kitchen door not to be seen. Wedding Crashers went inside and... closed the door. I wanted to slap a hand over my face, but then the sound would have betrayed me. I put the pistol in my belt so that I could snatch it in a split second. Intruders got flashlights and went to the apartment. Two went in the bedroom and began to dig there. A big lump crept into my throat. She is there! I watched the scene through the reflection in the glass of the oven. Maybe they will think that there is no one and leave? I heard a cell-phone ring. One guest, who was in the bedroom, answered the call: “…” “But no one is here!” “…” “So what? I know that the signal goes from here! I’m telling you - here is empty, even the cockroaches run away. Apartment on the first floor we have already checked!” “…” “Okay, let's look.” With these words, he put the phone in his pocket and... opened the closet, the meantime one of them went to the kitchen where I was hiding. “Here it is! Guys, take that blue freak!” Hell this shit! I made a sharp blow to the throat of the kitchen guest and I heard the familiar crackling of the larynx breaking. I rushed out from the kitchen, raise my gun and made three fast quiet shots. All it took no more than three seconds. I ran into the bedroom and looked in the closet. Dash looked out of it and she looked frightened. “Wh.. What happened with them?” “They are tired and laid down to take a nap, do not worry. Now I’ll call a cab for them and they will go home.” With these words I closed the closet door and began to drag corpses to the kitchen. I didn’t want Dash to see them in full glory. Well, these heavy bumpkins. I looked out the window once again. A clown who was sitting on the hood of my car now stands near his friend looking for the exit. Nice. No sticks in my wheels. We need to go. And far away from here. And I should liquidate that apartment. They knew about it. I'll go into the house; there we’ll think what to do next. While I was thinking these thoughts, I pulled out of the economic cabinet can of petrol for cigarette lighters, then poured the furniture in the kitchen, made a track in the hallway and watered by gasoline all that it was enough. Then unscrewed from the plate gas hose and opened a general crane. I made an improvised igniter from long twisted towels, put it under a cupboard and set fire to one end of the cloth. I have a couple minutes. Then I got a big garbage bag and went with it into the bedroom. “You'll have to pretend to be garbage, or a bag of potatoes.” I said, opening the closet where Dash was hiding. “You should not be seen.” “Is this necessary?” She looks very scared. “I know that you were carrying in a bag, but it’s just for a few minutes. Come on, we have a little time.” I put on on pegasus one of my bullet-proof vests. Dash looked in it very ridiculous, but you would never know. It’s better a broken rib, than the punctured heart. She curled up, I pulled a bag on her and decided to grab something else from my safe. I pulled large sport bag and opened a big floor safe, standing near the closet, took out packs with all the earned money, one gun, a dozen boxes of ammunition, a pair of stun flash bangs and electronic riflescope with thermal imaging mode. Following the contents of the safe the laptop flew into the bag. I hung the bag on one shoulder, carefully lifted a bag of potatoes to the second and quickly walked to the back exit door. That's my car. Pressing the key fob - alarm beeping. Second press - the trunk opened, where went my sport bag. I could put in there Dash, but she's not potatoes, so the bag with her I put on the back seat. One of goons looked in my direction. “Oh, barbecue, fishing! Resting is good, isn’t it?” I shouted to him, smiling stupidly as imbecile. Not burdened by intellect face turned away towards the exit door. I got in the car, put the key into the lock and pushed the button. Five-liter diesel under the hood of my Touareg clucked by pleasant sound. As soon as we drove away from home, from the window of my former kitchen burst a pillar of fire. “You can get out.” I told to the potato. “Now we’re going to the safe place.” I heard that the pack starts rustling behind my back and in the mirror I saw that rainbow-mane bouncer crawled out of the bag and was now sitting on the back sit, staring at me. “Patrick?” Her happy and fervent voice was replaced by dry and serious. “Yes?” “You're not a cleaner, am I right?”..