//------------------------------// // Not So Skinny Felines // Story: Heists and High Rises // by MrTrieg //------------------------------// Heists and High Rises Chapter Two: Not So Skinny Felines Detective Five-oh made his way into the precinct, it was still early in the morning and the detective liked to get a head start on the day, he exercised every morning, and stayed up late into the evening working; a head start was necessary. Even on vacation he was a through and through cop, and probably the most shrewd detective to ever grace the MHPD, he could also be a royal pain in the neck. It was this quality that had gotten him off of working vice, and into robbery. Whatever the reason was, Five-oh liked to catch criminals, sometimes more than he liked to follow due process of law. The detective was good, really good, fifteen years on the force he had never not solved a case. He also had a penchant for sometimes narrating his own life mentally to no one in particular. Troubled, deeply troubled, many ponies might say that about me, all I say is that I’ve got a nose for justice. The pony behind the desk, a rookie his face covered in acne, motioned to the detective, speaking to him, “Fivey, yous got a letter!” Five-oh replied, “Thanks for the heads up Darwin, don’t ferget ta call ya mother t’day,” “Screw you Fivey,” We get too many o’ these guys, rookies, fresh outta the academy that can’t wait ta get on tha street and get t’ “the real crime.” Five-oh grabbed the letter out of his mailbox and read it to himself, This letter is meant for the esteemed detective Five-oh of the Manehatten Central Police Department, your escapades have caught the attention of our host, Fat Cat, and we cordially invite you to his gala event tomorrow evening in the Amble building. At the bottom of the page was a small addendum, Black tie required. Five-oh began his monologue anew, I don’t really care much fer parties, ‘specially th’ kind hosted by the not-so-skinny feline tha’ runs this town. Funny thing is I know some ponies that would kill t’ get this invite. The detective made his way over to records, crumpling and throwing away the invite as he requested a specific file, one incredibly relevant to his most recent case; it was a file on Black Light. The detective started to walk over to his desk carrying the file in his mouth, and I was workin’ tha real crime until a month ago, but this one time I go bustin’ a pony’s head in and he turns outta be th’ wrong guy, this’s typical o’ the red tape pencil pusher higher ups. They give me a “vacation,” forced exile more like, and then all of a sudden I’m workin’ robbery. This desk ain’t got nothing remotely interestin’ goin’ on in it, the detective dropped the file onto the desk, with the exception a this guy. This city has seen too many “Master Thieves” and so called “Super Criminals” all of em have always turned out ta be petty criminals whit some kinda mental disorder. Boot Bat, Bird Brain, Kool Aid, there’s been so many a these guys tha’ there’s an’ entire wing at the asylum jus’ for em, Five-oh took a sip of water from a glass on his desk as he started to page through the file, Once again dis guy is an exception, goes by tha name Black Light, likes ta leave graffiti an’ other markins all over tha city, wearsa trench coat an’ theatrical mask, day one tha department wrote ‘em off as anotha nut, but all of a sudden he starts pullin’ off his boasts. We got a letter from ‘em once, The detective chuckled to himself, box shows up on th’ doorstep whit a letter and a big diamond, taken from a high-end-fancy-schmancy jewelry shop. Gem was engraved whit th’ store’s logo, we talked to em later, they didn’t even know it was gone yet. He told us who ‘e was, stupid colt musta loved the attention, wanted us ta call ‘em by name. Short while after that all th’ money inna big ole bank vault jus’ up and disappeared one bright sunny day, nothin’ left in th’ vault but for a big BL on a wall. Nopony has ever knocked over a bank in dis city without hostages ‘er at least some backup, ‘e did it without anypony noticin’. We still ain’t a hundred percent sure how ‘e did it. After that the heists got crazier an’ crazier, ‘s obvious ‘e put some a that bank money t’ good use; some a th’ gadgets the pony musta used t’ pull off these jobs hadta cost some bits. The detective continued to flip through the file, starting to go over known heists and thefts that Black Light had done. He continued reading, glancing over numerous newspaper clippings detailing the various jobs, This one right here was where we got our first good look at em, He brought his hoof down on a headline that read “Black Light Robs Manehatten Art Gallery,” Thief somehow managed t’ tunnel under the city t’ get to the gallery. It was ‘ere where we found out he was a unicorn, smug colt stopped t’ wave at the cameras. After learnin’ that the department was able t’ divert some extra resources to his case, magic user have and always will be tough nuts t’ crack. Crimes in th’ city that are committed by a magic user are handled by the Magic Investigations Unit, the MIU, in tandem whit th’ MHPD. They run in an’ cast their lil’ investigatory spells t’ find out what kinda magic was weaved inta th’ air. See whenever a unicorn casts a spell they leave behind trace elements a magic; these traces can be used by ponies whose special talent is in this particula field to figure out what spell was cast, sometimes they can figure out who cast tha spell if they have somthin ta run it against. What tha MIU told us was that the majority a what this guy accomplished ‘e did whit ‘is hooves, and a variety a gadgets, harpoon guns, fine dust, etcetera. Furtha this guy was onea the most skilled acrobats in all of Equestria, an’ probably the whole world. What magic ‘e did use though, the MIU hadda field day whit it. Apparently this guy can see through things t' both assess security systems an’ other objects embedded inta metal or wood or stone, ‘e could wrap shadows ‘round ‘imself t’ make ‘imself invisible at night, an finally ‘e could magically assess th’ weight a objects. So when we get down ta brass tax we are dealin’ whit a master acrobat unicorn that can see most security systems plain as day, make ‘imself invisible, who’s equipped whit somea the most high tech gadgetry tha likes a which we ain’t neva seen before. Furtha we haven’t the slightest clue a who ‘e is, no ones eva’ seen ‘im without tha mask, and ‘e ‘ardly talks t’ anyone while on tha job. Detective Five-oh cracked his neck, having finished the file, and muttered to himself, “Time ta get ta work.” Rarity, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were standing in the lobby of the Diagonal hotel in the dead center of the Central district of Manehatten. Rarity was discussing with the front desk about what to do with her luggage in great detail, “There are fifteen chests of fabric and jewels, these are the most important chests, as they contain my design materials. I need these arrayed in a line on one side of the second sitting room in our penthouse. Then there are seven chests containing the various clothing articles that I have brought with me, I need these brought up to a secure location as soon as possible, if I remember correctly I have a number of other rooms ready for them. Finally there are the two ornate gold inlaid trunks, these are my personal effects and I need them in the penthouse quickly, my own personal dresses are very important and are to be treated with extra care. Finally my two companions have their own trunk that needs to be brought up, I need this done sometime tonight” The pony at the front desk was having trouble keeping up with the information being presented to him. He was holding a quill in his mouth to write down all of the information being presented to him. Dropping the quill he answered her apprehensively, “Yes ma’am we will be bringing your luggage up to your room as soon as possible, however this may take a while, and I am not entirely sure that the job can be done tonight,” As he said this he glanced over the trio to the mountain of trunks and chests behind them, swallowed nervously, and continued speaking, “Any way, this is your keycard, it is tied to the magically powered security system built into all of the doors and elevators, do not lose this as it is quite difficult to replace. You three will be staying in the penthouse suite, this suite takes up the entire top floor of the building and as such your keycard will be required in the elevator to make your way up, simply hold it up to the receiver and the elevator will begin moving. As I am sure you already know the suite in question has a pool, kitchen, sitting room, two bathrooms and three bedrooms, room service and daily meals have already been paid for and will be delivered on request. “ Rarity grabbed the keycard magically, sliding a bag full of bits across the counter with her hoof while batting her eyelashes, “Yes thank you darling, and let the boys know that each of them shall be given a generous tip. I completely understand that I am asking a good deal and I will make absolutely sure that they are well compensated,” The attendant suddenly seemed much less afraid about the task before him, “Absolutely ma’am, I’ll get everyone I can right on it.” The pony behind the desk started to move, gathering everyone working in the lobby, the many attendants started moving the luggage onto carts to get them into the elevators. Spike looked up at Rarity as the made their way over to one of the elevators themselves, “Wow Rarity, this is a crazy vacation, we are staying in one of the best hotels in Equestria, you are tipping with entire bags of money. I gotta ask, where did you get the money to fund this trip?” Rarity smiled as they stepped into the elevator, “I’ve had a very good year, between the contacts I have established in Canterlot, designing the dresses for a royal wedding, and the generous funding from Fat Cat to get me out here, I have made a good deal of money. In fact I am doing so well that half the proceeds I generate from this little venture I intend to donate to the Canterlot orphanage.” She held the key-card up to the receiver, and they began to ascend. It was a long way up and the trio had a few minutes to discuss the plans for the next several days. Rarity turned to Pinkie Pie, “Now Pinkie I want to make sure that you full well understand the seriousness of some of the events we are going to, while many of them will be a little more, relaxed, than the Grand Galloping Gala I still want you on your best behavior. If anyone asks you about the dresses that I am going to have you wear then I would like you to tell them about Carousel Boutique in Ponyville, that they are all for sale, and to drop my name, got it?” Pinkie Pie smiled, “Got it Rarity, I’ll try not to get too stir crazy, but can I at least dance? I don't mean to be rude but some of these parties just sound boring.” Rarity rolled her eyes, “Yes but the majority of these parties will only have couples dancing, if you can find someone to dance with then be my guest.” Rarity continued, “Spike you are going to be my assistant, we are going to be meeting a lot of ponies and I will not be able to remember all of them, you are going to be in charge of keeping names, addresses and writing down anything I tell you to, alright?” Spike answered, “Of course Rarity, is there anything that you don’t want me to do? Outside of the obvious, no burping, loud chewing…” Rarity cut him off, “Of course I want you on your best behavior but most importantly I want you to be sure to enjoy yourself, this is a vacation after all. Both of you should endeavor to have a good time. I do appreciate that you two have come along and as such I have arranged to appear at a couple other, less high class events, please note that we are still going to be in Central and these parties are going to be in some of the more patrolled,” Rarity shuddered as she spoke the next word, “Clubs. Though I still recommend that we not stray too far from each other.” Pinkie started bouncing, “Wait you mean like, club, clubs? With dancing and loud techno music! Ohmigosh! This is going to be the best trip ever!” The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. The friends stepped off the elevator and looked around, this penthouse was truly massive, more than enough space for the three of them, and all of Rarity’s gear. Spike and Pinkie went about and started to look at the place, they found that the whole penthouse was arrayed around a pool in the center of the floor, which did not have a roof over it, allowing any occupants to gaze up at the stars. The elevator opened up into the sitting room which was furnished with a variety of couches and tables with an attached kitchen, leading off counter clockwise into the master bedroom which contained its own bathroom. Further leading into the secondary sitting room, furnished similarly to the first with the addition of two desks and a variety of armoires, dressers and longer tables, and a door that led to the other bathroom; this led to the next two bedrooms, which connected back into the main sitting room. Rarity stayed by the elevator, giving a bag full of bits to each attendant that came through it. A couple of hours later Spike and Pinkie, having enjoyed the amenities of the penthouse, were relaxing in the main sitting room when Rarity called for them. Rarity was working in the secondary sitting room, and when Spike and Pinkie entered she spun to meet them dramatically. “Ah Pinkie it is good to see you relaxed, I need to get to work making you a dress. But first, Spike I have a gift for you!” Rarity reached to the nearest trunk and grabbed a suit. The suit was probably the nicest thing Spike would ever wear and it was much different than anything he had ever worn. The suit was sharp, and was made of a magically flame retardant and easy to clean fabric. Further it had corners to it, as opposed to the majority of outfits Spike had worn, which were rounded and childish; this suit’s shoulders looked to be able to cut diamond. The number was rounded out with a green tie, to match Spike’s scales, a white undershirt, and a small pair of trousers. Spike looked at the suit, and was suddenly much more excited about tomorrow. The party had begun, the three friends were in the elevator of the Amble building; the party, which was going to occupy the large gala room which took up two floors near the top of the building, was already underway. They were slightly late on account of Pinkie having trouble getting into her dress. The dress in question was a bright and colorful number that accented her mane and coat color, it was gorgeous, and drew attention to her bright and bubbly eyes. Rarity was adjusting the dress when Pinkie made an excited exclamation, “Alright when we get there I am going to need to find the bathroom.” Rarity, who was wearing a white and light red dress that had a number of curved sweeping lines that drew attention to the natural curve of her body and culminated by drawing stark focus to her fire ruby necklace, looked to Pinkie, “We will be sure to ask one of the help to give you directions to the nearest powder room, do you need help getting out of your dress?” “No, but we DO need to hurry,” Pinkie said, making it obvious how dire her situation was. Rarity sighed apprehensively as she began speaking to Spike, “Well, are you ready? First big event of the trip!” Spike nodded, “I’ll be honest, I’m a little nervous. But this isn’t the first big event I’ve ever been to, don’t forget I was born in Canterlot after all, we’ve got this.” “I hope you’re right.” The elevator opened and the three stepped out. Rarity and Spike began making their way around talking with the other guests of the party, while Pinkie made her way over to the nearest stallion in a suit. Pinkie started to talk to him, “Hiya, I don’t mean to bother you but I need a bathroom a s a p!” The stallion, a butler, looked to her somewhat disapprovingly and spoke in a very snooty accent, “Yes madam, the nearest washroom is two floors up, which is unfortunately the vault floor, where guests do not have access. I am afraid you are going to need to go back down to the lobby.” Pinkie knew she couldn’t make the ride back down in time, so she grabbed the smug colt by his lapels, “Listen here, I need a bathroom now, or we are going to have a big problem! “ The butler, a little scared, relented, “Fine let me show you to the stairs.” As Pinkie made her way up the stairs Spike and Rarity had just found the host of the party, Fat Cat. Fat Cat was, true to his name, rather rotund and spoke with a good old boy accent. The stallion wore a white suit and tie, complete with a white ten gallon hat. He had a white-gold colored coat complete with a stark white mustache. His cutie mark was three bits, falling into a piggy bank. As he saw Rarity approaching he turned to speak with them, “Why now Rarity, I must say you do look deevine!” Rarity blushed, “Why thank you mister Cat, I was also hoping to compliment you on the great job you are doing with this party.” Fat Cat smiled, “Why of course Rarity, we spared no expense in puttin’ this hear partay togetha, I would have loved to have had you come out hear a number of months ago but we have been having trouble with that there mangy thief,” He stopped for a moment, his face confused, bringing his hoof to his chin, “Now what was his name?” Spike chimed in, “Black Light?” At hearing the name Fat Cat’s smile turned into a tight lipped frown, “Yes, that is tha scoundrels name! Oh it is he who has been causin’ me some right trouble these past six months.” His eyes grew distant for a moment, and then he looked down at Spike, “Oh my I didn’t see you there, glad you spoke up, now you are a dragon ain’t ya!” Spike nodded in affirmation. Fat Cat continued, “Why now miss Rarity you do keep interesting company, I thought I saw you come in with another little friend here a moment ago,” “Why yes of course, that was Pinkie Pie, she is a baker from Ponyville and one of my dearest friends, she will be modeling in the fashion show next week. She needed to use the little mare's room, she should be back any time now.” “Well, the help probably sent her back down to the lobby, we don’t usually let guests go up to the vault floor, but it is in fact the closest bathroom. If I’d have known I would have taken her up to the vault floor personally, place is a convoluted maze a hallways, cameras, and laser beams. ‘s designed that way ta try an’ keep thieves out, why now I’m quite proud a the fact that it is one of the most hard to crack security systems in the city.” Pinkie Pie was lost, she had managed to find the bathroom easily enough but had taken a wrong turn down a hallway, and walked through a couple of wrong rooms or something. Whatever the case she was completely lost, and kept getting more lost by the minute. She had continued hopping in her bizarre Pinkie Pie fashion deeper and deeper into the maze merely thinking to herself I’ll find the party eventually. Little did she know that she had managed to hop and skip over every magically powered laser security system that led up to the vault, she had also failed to notice that the many security cameras lining the walls had mysteriously powered down, but she did notice the gigantic vault that was almost directly in front of her. At the base of which she came to a stop, a dead end. She looked around trying to get her bearings when she noticed the unicorn, dressed in a black trench coat, magically holding a blowtorch that was cutting into a corner of the vault. Pinkie asked curiously, “Hey, what are you doing?” Black Light was startled, turning his head to look at Pinkie with a dumbfounded expression. Pinkie seeing the black mask and magical light that enveloped his eyes, grew scared and let out a small yelp while she jumped backwards into the nearest laser. Immediately every alarm in the room was going off. Black Light’s face grew incredulous as he voiced his situation tacitly, “Ah bollocks.” Rarity and Spike were taking a break from the main party out on the second floor balcony that had a lovely view of the city’s skyline. Rarity was asking Spike about the notes he had taken when one of the windows above them busted open, and out of it flew a certain thief. Black Light landed five feet from Rarity and stopped a moment to catch his breath, and take in his surroundings. He noticed Rarity and Spike, looking at them for an uncomfortable amount of time until finally speaking, his accent was thick and he spoke far too fast to be understood, “Alright, so I 'ave an audience fer once, tha's new, may as well tell ya tha situation. Tha’ pink one upstairs, I’m a chancing tha hoof ta git inta tha vault ‘n she comes round ‘n turns tha whole job cat, can ya believe that?” Rarity raised an eyebrow, her voice confused, “I am sorry dear but I am afraid that I do not understand what it is you are saying,” Black Light, not noticing that she couldn’t understand him, continued to talk too fast, “I’m a chancer love, and I ain’t gonna be caught rotten at a job, ‘specially wit nothin’ ta show fer it, Celestia an’ Luna ‘ave me was suppose’ ta be a handy job too.” The thief looked over Rarity again, huffing as he spoke, when he noticed her fire ruby, he began to talk slow enough that she could understand him, “Tha’ there’s a fire ruby, innit, quite valuable, ya best be given it t’ me love,” Rarity’s voice gained an edge as she spoke, “Notta chance, this necklace and ruby are very dear to me, and I would sooner throw myself off this building than give it to you,” Black Light smirked, “Wasn’t askin’ love,” He magically ripped the necklace from her and vaulted over the balcony in one smooth motion. Rarity and Spike made their way over to the edge and peered down, the thief had vanished. Rarity was determined, There is no way I am going to let him get away with this, Spike gave me that ruby and there are none other like it, I am going to get it back.