//------------------------------// // Subject 199: Fake Stripes // Story: Interviews With Equestrians // by Jmaster49 //------------------------------// In the back of my mind, I took some mental notes of everything that had happened so far. To my surprise, I had been treated rather...decently. Was it possible that their stance on other species had changed in recent years? Still, having to be transported as if I was a prisoner didn’t bode well. I just hoped that no other half-breeds like myself weren’t here to suffer… “Follow close,” the officer zebra commanded as we walked through the town, “If we are separated, you will not like what happens next.” Blimey. Such a threat was uncalled for, yeah? But no...I couldn’t say much in response. This was not my home, and I had to abide by the rules that were set in stone. “Understood,” I replied, and continued to walk along in silence. As we made our way through the town, I noticed that more than a few of the Zebras stared at me with judgemental eyes. Guess I played the role of a captive well enough to skate by, eh? Wonder what Neon would think. Anyway, we kept going. Eventually, we pressed on and found ourselves near the Town Hall--or Stagsaal as it was known here. It was an all-white building in a carousel-esque shape not unlike the Town Hall of Ponyville. From what I could detect, there weren’t many individuals inside, so we should have been able to request an audience with the leaders of the region without much issue. Kwaade stepped forward, and up the steps that led to the massive brown doors. “Follow.” I did as instructed, and rose up the steps with her. “Will we be able to meet with the leaders, madam?” She turned to glare at me. Likely because I spoke out of turn when she hadn’t expected it. “Hm...maybe. Once you hear why those acts of vodun have been committed, maybe you will begin to understand why they have been done.” Now that was just odd. She didn’t have the full details and yet she already sided with those above her? This was right mental, it was. Not a good sign if an officer had no true autonomous train of thought. But I had gotten ahead of myself in my thinking. Maybe it was just the one incident, yeah? There was no way she could agree with them on everything. “I see...and do you think their actions may be justified in some way?” “Why wouldn’t they?” she shot back, eyes narrowed, “My leaders have no reason to engage in action without a cause. You will find that the zebras know more about their own magic than you ever could as a halfer.” Harsh. But I wouldn’t allow that to bog me down. Words alone could only get you so far in this world. What mattered more was how you acted, and lived up to the standards of your own words. Or something like that. I wasn’t a bloody philosopher. But I was going to ask her a relatively simple question. I took a deep breath, and looked her in the eye. “Madam Kwaade. If your superiors ordered you to burn down a neighboring village with no regard for who was there--children, mares, stallions, animals--and so on...would you carry out that order?” Just before she reached out a hoof to open the door, she stopped and spoke without so much as a glance. “...Without hesitation.” Dear gods above, things were actually worse than what I had initially thought. If every zebra in a position of power had the same mindset as she, then there would be absolutely no convincing them to change their ways. It would be a losing, uphill battle. Fortunately for me, uphill battles were my specialty. We entered, and it was this sort of...eerie hall that was a creepy shade of milk white from all angles. It was so shiny that I could see my own reflection in the floor and ceiling clear as day. But someone was available to see us, thankfully. A zebra who wore a black hood with white stripes that concealed their face sat at a stand that was elevated off the ground. Kwaade went ahead and introduced me. “My Lord. I have brought a visitor here. He is a...half-breed.” Silence from the stand. Kwaade continued. “He is curious about something going on with magic used in mainland Equestria. I am sure your reasons are sound, and--” The ‘Lord’ zebra cut her off, and spoke lowly--their voice deeper than Kwaade’s. “Speak, half-breed.” I swallowed the lump of anxiety in my throat, and made my case. I went on to explain just how many problems had been caused by Zebra magic in Equestria as of late and how various ponies' lives were at risk--especially that of Cozy Glow… “If they put a hex upon her, and make her even more powerful, she could end up more dangerous than any enemy this world has ever faced,” I stared them down to show them just how serious I was. I was afraid, yes, but I hoped to the gods above that my sheer will to put myself at risk as a half-breed would at least catch their attention. “I beg of you...if you’re aware of anyone that is misusing their abilities, then I would like to help put a stop to them as soon as possible. It’s right dodgy, it is.” Silence once again. I could feel the weight of everything that had built up to this point. Was I about to be shown mercy? Or was I going to be shamed for my efforts? All of the sudden, the Lord zebra’s voice boomed out once more. “Kwaade. Take him to the holding cell until we figure out his intent. Based on his accent, and the way he carries himself, he could easily be up to something.” The officer mare looked at me, and grabbed ahold of my hoof. “Let’s go.” I said nothing. All I did was comply as I was taken to the cell, and locked in. Kwaade left me there to return to her Lord to have a discussion, I would venture. And to be quite honest? I expected this.