Terraria: Friendship Is Magic

by Pomp-Neigh

Chapter 115 - The Sunken Sea Pt:1


Within a large throne room that was arguably the epicenter of The Temple, Yharim was currently sat upon his throne within a pondering posture, all while Yharon’s large frame towers behind him as the dragon kept his wings spread in all their glory. One couldn’t help but to compliment Yharim’s foresight to make many of the chambers throughout The Temple large enough to accommodate Yharon’s size.

The throne room possessed a sort of ancient beauty, a monument, even, which stood against the age of time. Ancient tapestries, some of which depicted events of the very distant past, were currently adorned upon the various walls of the large chamber. In addition, goblets of fire were burning strongly as they were etched onto the walls and various of Yharim’s guardsmen were currently standing at their posts.

Suddenly, a whirlwind of shadows mixed with lavender colored energy starts to form itself before The Jungle Tyrant, which in turn causes him to say:

“Ah, I see you’ve returned. Report to me, Signus.”

The swirling darkness continues to dance about chaotically before the aforementioned entity finally comes into being. A cloaked individual with six purple eyes hidden within the hood’s veil was now floating before the tyrant, as Signus responds:

“We… I have prevented the witch, and that pony, from engaging in conflict.” Yharim simply facepalms and lets out an irritated sigh as he responds:

“My thanks, Signus. Not only do I have to deal with a loose cannon, Calamitas… that pony is also one of the many keys I need for my true goal, but it doesn’t help me when those two are constantly at each other’s throats.”

“If I may, Yharim, what is the significance of that pony?” Signus inquires which causes Yharim to lower his hand, thus ending his ‘facepalming’. “Ponies, despite being the children of Harmony, are really not all that special. Why then, are you investing in this one?”

Incidentally, Yharon lets out a rumble as the dragon knew what Yharim was going to refer to and comments:

“Those events sure bring back a lot. The gods themselves would often clash with each other just to assert themselves, turning Terraria into their own battlefield.”

Finally, after simply sitting on his throne in thought for a few moments, Yharim clasps his hands together and looks up towards the ceiling as he comments:

“There is much that this world has forgotten in its ancient past. Secrets that go back even before my own birth. Among these many secrets are The Ancients. You remember them, right? The same ones we faced over two thousand years ago?”

“Yes, The Devourer Of Gods nearly consumed all deities in existence. However, the combined efforts of Athena, Harmony, The Equinox Duo, Anubis, Greed--who formed a temporary alliance with them--and the entire race of the dryads, were able to cast out The Devourer. Fortunately, we know how to bring Twi-” Suddenly, Signus pauses for a moment as the entity shakes its head before it continues: “We… know how to bring The Devourer back.”

Taking notice of that momentary action, Yharim states internally: -So, you’re still in there somewhere. I’ll have to correct that, later-

“Why do they matter and what does the pony have to do with them?” Signus inquires which pulls Yharim out from his internal monologue before he responds:

“I won’t reveal everything to you just yet, Signus. That can come later. However, I’m also confident that the truth will reveal itself in the coming days,” Yharim answers as he then raises a finger, in an effort to emphasize a point, and says: “There is another ancient, one that was once believed to have been banished from this world. Funny, isn’t it? Being banished has ways of undoing itself in this world it seems. However, as you know, I’ve been molding certain events to bring forth my vision,” Yharim then extends his right arm as he conjures forth a tapestry that depicted a very particular scenario: The night when The Moon Lord invaded Equus. “It was all not only for the unification of Equus and Terraria, but to also bring those two here. Pinkamena… Pinkie Pie… their ‘antics’ are thanks to their connection to: Oblivion, bringer of The Void.”

The Jungle Tyrant then lifts himself off of his throne and declares:

“There can only be one god, one supreme power, one great evil…” Yharim then lowers his head. “One hero,” He then raises his gaze once more. “And that shall be, me.”


Some time after the momentary conflict with Calamitas, which in turn was halted by Signus; in addition to leaving Princess Cadence’s bedchambers, Pinkamena was currently performing her task as she once again was stealthily making her way throughout the capital. Stopping on one of the many rooftops, Pinkamena then pulls out a map with various ‘X’s marking the spots of certain locations.

“This is madness, they’re setting everything up for a bucking demon invasion,” Pinkamena comments. “According to this map, I have to place these runes in specific locations. Now, the first one is…” The dark pink pony then narrows her eyes as she closely observes the map. She locates the first spot that was the closest: The Order Of The Guide. “Alright then. That bucking asshole’s guild is going to be first on the list, it seems. Tanner… if I find out that you did anything to my sister, I’ll butcher you whole. Yharim’s threats be damned.” Upon saying those words, Pinkemena spits in disgust as she then continues to make her way towards the aforementioned guild.

Finally reaching the rooftop of The Order Of The Guide, Pinkamena extends a forehoof towards a secluded spot on the rooftop. However, before making contact, something from deep within her psyche speaks to her.

-Pin… ka… mena-

As expected, this causes the dark pink pony to jump in place as she scowls in response and shouts:

“Who’s there?! Who are you?!”

-Do not fret, Pinkamena… for I am you, and you are I-

“What are you talking about?”

-Allow me to put it this way: As you are the strength to Pinkie Pie, I am the Mena... to you-

“W-what the buck… what exactly do you mean by that?!”

-Think about it, Mena. When Pinkie Pie gives into her sadness or desperately needs to defend herself, she becomes you. Before you two got separated, that is-

“W… wait, you mean that...”

-Yes, Mena. I am what results when you go even further into your dark abyss. I am you and your sister’s final stage, one could say. She may no longer be with us but we three are always connected. Our psyche is vast and can house the consciousness of other entities. Why, you even have Valencia and that Skeletron fellow in here. All that being said, you and I are a bit more… intertwined. There is so much that I must reveal to you-

The dark pink pony suddenly falls to the ground in discomfort and grabs her head with her forehooves as a serious headache suddenly pulsates itself, nearly racking her entire body in the process. Sharpened teeth were now starting to elongate, similar to what Nightmare Moon had possessed within her own maw. Her eyes became blackened with red pupils hidden within, as Pinkamena’s voice became deepened.

“We are the bringers of GrimDark, The Void. The Ancients have awakened, the prophecy is nearly complete, and we… are Oblivion,” Oblivion then extends their left forehoof forwards and comments: “These runes from Nyarlathotep, and the demons of The Underworld, shall aid The Void’s return.”

‘Pinkamena’ then performs the deed as they place the demonic rune while also adding... something else.

“These are capable of twisting and bending reality itself. When the worlds become one, ancient curses and seals shall become undone. The forces of light and dark shall be unleashed during the coming conflicts and that… will be our time to rise.”


“Twilight, try to calm yourself,” Linn comments with her right hand extended towards the angered alicorn. “I know this upsets you, but-”

“No!” Twilight roars out in response. “I refuse to allow that thing to return! Cyborg or not!” The lavender mare’s horn was now beginning to emit a powerful lavender aura as she says: “Move away from that computer panel, I’m sending this entire place to The Underworld!”

“Twilight, wait,” Another voice injects itself but what catches the alicorn mare completely by surprise was the fact that it was her very own voice, being mimicked by none other than Tori. “Do not be so hasty and give into your rage. Trust me, I understand the temptation of giving into anger; especially when it’s aimed towards a certain individual,” This causes the lavender alicorn’s ears to twitch as Tori continues: “However, let us gather and salvage any and all information from this place. Besides, you skipped one important thing.”

This noticeably caused the alicorn’s angered expression to turn into confusion as she inquires:

“What do you mean by that? I skipped something?” Tori nods in response as the kenku then imitates Linn’s voice and says:

“The file said that Dr Draedon wasn’t able to complete Cyborg Brainiac due to The Hivemind destroying this lab when it escaped.”

A mixture of shock and sudden realization became etched onto the lavender alicorn’s face as she widens her eyes and open and closes her mouth repeatedly before she then lets out a simple:

“O-oh…” Both Celebes The Dryad and Linn nod in agreement as Twilight laughs sheepishly before saying: “S-still, I do firmly believe that we should destroy this place… even though my curiosity begs me to do the opposite.”

“Actually, Twilight,” Celebes responds. “We’re still going to destroy the lab, but only after we get everything that we need from this place. Tori was just trying to stop you from doing that now.They’ve already set charges throughout the entire laboratory and once we’re done here, we can blow this place sky high and go find an alter.

Blinking twice in response, and finally grasping the situation, Twilight was now slightly dumbfounded as she comments:

“Ooooh, I get it…”


Aside from King Amidias, his guardsmen and even Echo Silhouette, the group were absolutely shocked by what they were seeing before them. An entire aquatic ecosystem was present before them with multiple bioluminescent forms of life, be it flora and fauna, swimming to and fro. These luminous entities came in multiple colorations. Some were pink, others orange, but one color seemed to have dominated most: Blue.

Thanks to The Sea King’s blessing, Rainbow Dash, Terralestia, Applejack, Sai Sahan, Jeremy The Angler and Tanner The Guide were effortlessly able to swim and navigate themselves through the underground waters, despite the lack of fins to do so. In addition, they were not only able to breath underwater but their vision became well acclimated to the sunken seas’ darkness which allowed them to see a fair distance ahead, but not entirely.

“Whoa… this place looks awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaims as she takes in the various creatures, a few mysterious forms of coral, and the overall surroundings all around her.

“Ah’ be darned, this place is simply beautiful. Pretty dark, but beautiful.” Applejack compliments.

“Like you~” Rainbow Dash says in a lowered tone.

“What was that, R.D?” The cowmare inquired as she was only able to faintly pick up the pegasus’s words. Momentarily panicking, Rainbow Dash was quick to come up with a lie as she responds nervously:

“L-like your orchard! This place is as beautiful as your family’s orchard!”

“Ah, shucks, thanks R.D.” Applejack responds with a content smile.


“I can’t believe how incredible this is,” Terralestia comments as she slowly turns towards Sai Sahan. “What do you think, Sa- What are you… doing?” Terralestia comments as she notices the nervous expression that was plastered onto Sai’s face as the male terrarian was also inches away from grabbing onto her in fear. One couldn’t help but to laugh at the sight of what was once a hardened warrior, was now a jittering mess.

“I, um… hate being in the sea,” Sai responds in a fearful tone. “I didn’t want to admit it before, for the sake of the mission and to not let you all down, but I have a small case of… Thalassophobia. I put on a brave face when we were back in the cavern.”

These words momentarily shocks Terralestia as she then giggles to herself and replies:

“I thought you said that you got over it? You can be so silly sometimes. You can face down the creatures of The Crimson, a horde of undead, and even that bastard, Yharim, with unbroken bravery but the sea is what gets you?”

“C-come on, Celly… don’t be like that.” Sai responds as he looks to and fro nervously, even nearly letting out a loud screech when a bioluminescent fish grazed him. Terralestia smirks as she comments:

“Well, feel free to grab onto me whenever you want, Sai.” This causes the male terrain’s features to go red as he says:

“I-I think I can manage. I can’t believe how pitiful I must look right now…”

The entire group continues to navigate The Sunken Sea as they diligently try to locate any signs of The Crab Brotherhood’s activities. Unbeknownst to them all, they were currently being watched by a large number of serpentine entities, bioluminescent creeps of the deep.