//------------------------------// // A Cyber Discovery // Story: A story of The Doctor and Daring Do // by Casey1859 //------------------------------// Daring caught up with the Doctor in just a matter of moments, something that is most definitely not an easy feat. As she ran with the doctor, she laughed. She loved laughing. Soon, it had spread to the doctor, and even into Ditzy's consciousness. It gave Ditzy strength, enough strength to let her consciousness through for just a moment “Help.... Me...” She blinked. Until now, Daring and the doctor hadn't been able to see her eyes. And when she blinked, she went back from Ditzy to whatever was controlling her, and it was horrible. Her eyes where a perfect pitch black. As she continued trotting along to her currently unknown destination, the doctor noticed a blue, blinking light in her ear. And it horrified him. Beyond anything that he had ever seen. The doctor knew of Ditzy's fate. “Ditzy, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” The doctor pulled out a long,silver device, with a blue light coming out of the end of it, and held it in his mouth, pointing roughly in the direction of Ditzy's ear. The device in her ear exploded into a great shower of sparks, and Ditzy fell into the ground in a great heap. “What... what just happened?” Daring blurted, completely confused. First green northern Canterlot robots, now blue ear-buds of apparent death and destruction. Daring was having the weirdest day of her life. “These ear-buds where painfully and probably willingly inserted into Ditzy's ear, and where controlling her movements and her basic thoughts. The ear-buds where designed and built by a race called CyberPonies. They trick ponies into wearing them, and then control their movements to an “upgrade” room, where their brains are cut out, and inserted into a metal pony body. Their emotions are then removed and are able to electrocute any normal pony to death with their hands. They are inserted into an army of millions and are preparing to wage war on every planet, galaxy, and universe. But the question is, why Equestria?” The doctor said, talking very quickly. “Well, Equestria is the most inhabited and technological planet in the galaxy. If I fully understood what you where saying, The CyberPonies would easily be able to trick tons and tons of ponies into wearing these ear-buds and-” But the doctor was no longer listening. He had run over to Ditzy's body and had pulled out a stethoscope and was listening to Ditzy's heart. He had a pretty worried look on his face. “What's wrong, doctor?” Daring was worried. The Doctor had placed his hoof on her chest, and it began to glow a very faint yellow. Daring began to feel a bit scared. She had no idea what it was, but he just had a certain aura about him that made her instinctively worried for him and willing to help him. And it scared her. And she didn't know it, but she was the first in a long line of the doctors' partners that realized that before she gave her life. And she was worried that Ditzy had now ended up being one of them. “I think she'll be fine, shes breathing, shallowly, mind you, and her heart is still going, but she's a strong pony, and she'll be able to live. The ear-buds are literally connected to your brain, and shutting the ear-buds down shuts down a large portion of your brain. Most ponies don't survive the removing of the ear-buds, but Ditzy is special. She's connected to the TARDIS. It helped her in her time of need. So she'll be alright. Back to my earlier questions: Why Equestria and where in Equestria?” The doctor remarked. “Well, I can answer one and maybe both of those questions. One: As I said earlier, Equestria is full of technology eager ponies, and Equestria is also the most populated planet that pony-kind has discovered. So that fills in for both of your parameters. It has lots of ponies, and they can all be easily tricked into wearing these ear-buds, seeing as they are so eager for new technology. As for your second question, We can probably just follow the path that Ditzy was on.” Daring answered confidently. “Oh, I like you.” The doctor said, eagerly dashing off in the direction that Ditzy had been headed. Daring headed off in another direction, going to investigate Manehattan, which was just outside of the Lodusa. “Doctor! I'm going to go make sure my theory is correct, and maybe get a little Intel on the CyberPonies while doing it, like what alias they are operating under!... Or something!” Daring yelled, hoping the doctor could hear her. She dashed off, hoping to get some info from town. The doctor heard someone shouting, and took out his sonic screwdriver to amplify the sound. All he heard was “-berPonies while doing it, like what alias they are operating under!...Or something!” But he got the message, Daring was splitting up, gathering info. The doctor continued on his way, continuing on in the direction Ditzy had been going. He would avenge her. Whoever had almost taken her away from him, whoever had almost turned her into a CyberPony, they would pay. He continued on, his fury rising. He had to keep it down, had to keep it cool. He won fights by running and thinking, not by fighting. So thats what he did. As he trotted down the path, he thought. And he devised a plan. By the time he had reached a totally not conspicuous castle with a big sign on the front saying “CyberPony conversion center”, he had made a plan. And he had had about 10 minutes to think it up, but thats the way the doctor liked it best. He opened his bag, and pulled out a pair of rubber ear-buds. "I wonder if these will even fit on a pony, and if they do, I knew keeping these was a good idea." He put them on. Thankfully, they still fit, if a little tight. He wore an expressionless expression as he waited for another group of conversions to come trotting by. After waiting for another 15 minutes, a group came by, and he silently merged himself in with them. Nopony noticed, thankfully. He expressionlessly trotted into the castle, with the best way to break in: the front door. He looked around, amazed at what an old, crumbling castle could hide. He saw machines up and down the wall, and he soon realized he was moving down, down into the center of the world, and close to Equestria's most valuable and powerful supply of energy. He was nearing the heart of Equestria, burning with the fire of friendship. And the CyberPonies where using it to rip ponies brains out. How ironic. He continued on. Bravely walking into the heart of the CyberPony factory. This is where his plan ended. It had taken him 10 minutes to remember that he had those ear-buds, and he hadn't had much time to think of an actual plan after that. So he just seemingly mindlessly followed the crowd, drifting off deeper into the factory, to meet someone he hoped he would only ever meet in the grave.