Duel of The Fates: Friendship Unleashed

by An_Obsessed_Fan

The Dazzlings

A shipyard is buzzing with noise from power tools and machines assembling pieces of ships. A figure in a cloak walks through a narrow space seeing ships of all kinds, republic cruisers, jedi shuttles and fighters, and something else they didn't recognize. The figure continued quietly making their way to a large open door big enough to fit a destroyer through knowing that any low profile vehicles that could be useful in escaping would be found in this room.

Before the figure was able to enter the room three more figures approached from inside the room. The first figure Ignites a red lightsaber and swings at the others only for their attack to be blocked by a lightsaber belonging to the person in the front. The two began exchanging blows as the other figures watched. The first figure using being pushed back into the factory causing them to go on the offensive while the second figure uses single handed powerful strikes. The factory workers begin to panic at the sight of the two duelists slicing through the equipment in their attempts to defeat the other. Light sparks from the clashing of their lightsabers and the first figure is revealed to be Twilight Sparkle the fallen Jedi Master. Twilight falls onto the floor and her hood falls off and calls her second saber to her hand to help block a nearly finishing blow, which instead tosses both sabers out of her reach. Her opponent laughs and returns her saber to her belt.

"You are powerful in the force Twilight Sparkle, but you do not know the dark side, not yet," The dark figure stated.

The figure raised their hands and unleashed a torrent of force lightning on their defeated opponent. Twilight twitched and struggle as the searing burn from the lightning became unbearable, and she let out a scream of fear, and her opponent gave an evil laugh as they had won, unknowingly to Twilight with that scream she had submitted to a new master, for she was bound by the dark side. The lightning did not stop though, it did not stop until Twilight passed out from the pain and smoke drifted from her skin from the heat.

When Twilight woke she was in a room, she looked around and found pipes, steam and metal everywhere. It was quite small and wires hung from the ceiling and the windows were covered up crudely. She heard the hiss of a door opening and closing behind her and the same three figures stepped in front of her. The one who seemed to be the leader spoke again, "Your knowledge and skill in the dark side is comparable to a child, I can offer you a chance to learn its ways and learn the power you seek."

Twilight tried to keep them from noticing her shiver, she felt fear, this person was powerful she sensed it, not as powerful as Twilight herself but undoubtedly much more skilled in the Dark side.

"You're a sith," Twilight asked.
"Indeed I am," the figure said making their impatience obvious, "now do you want the power that the dark side can grant you or not, will you pledge yourself to the dark side."

Twilight hesitated, gritting her teeth ," I pledge myself to the dark side."

"Good, now rise, my apprentice,"

Twilight wasn't angry, she was furious, the idea of being an apprentice again fueled her rage, but she held it back. She knew that it would do no good in this situation.

"Your anger will serve you, when the dark side becomes your ally you will be ready to fufill your destiny, but for now, I have a task for you. There is one particular jedi who is proving to be a larger thorn in our side than we anticipated. Your first mission is to kill Jedi guardian Flash Sentry."

Twilight Sparkle left the room and all three figures removed their hoods.

Aria Blaze looked at Adagio, "Are we really including her in our plan?"

Adagio thought for a moment, "Yes, as long as we need her,"

"Right, why do we need her again, "Sonata asked."

Adagio and Aria both looked at her angrily.