The Future: After the End

by StelsunDarkstar

Chapter 1

Just another ordinary and peaceful day in Ponyville. Ponies and non-ponies are walking around the streets, nothing to worry about. But this day was the day that changed the life of one single filly.

"Well, dear, this will be our new home. Welcome to Ponyville!" The mare said to her little colt in a cheerful tone. They walked true the town and looked around with inspired expressions.
"Mommy, i guess you were not wrong about this place!" The little colt said happily. "It looks so happy and perfect."
The mare looked at her son and smiled. She then continued talking with him and ask small questions.

Then they stopped walking when they reached the old Ponyville Schoolhouse. The mare looked at the building while still smiling peacefuly. The colt looked at the Schoolhouse and then at his mother.
"Uh, mom? Is THIS the place where i'm gonna study?" The colt asked the young mare in pure confusion.
"Of course, sweetie! Why do you ask?"
The little colt thought on what to say, then said the thing that was on his mind.
"Well, i saw a huge school-looking building back there, mom. And i just thought that i'll study there."
The young mare raised an eyebrow.
"Uh, well, this school is a.. so called... 'School of Friendship'. I planned for you to study in a normal school where you're not going to be distracted by lessons about friendship. You'll make normal friends in this schoolhouse, so there's nothing to worry about."
The colt looked at the schoolhouse once again, the building looked just like the ordinary school that every filly would go to.
"Now let's go sweety." The mare continued. "We need to get you registered!"
They entered the Schoolhouse. The two ponies noticed right away a purple pony mare, pink mane and tail and three cheerful flowers for a cutie mark.
"Excuse me?" The mother asked. "My son is new here, and he would love to get accepted here."
The purple mare turned around, facing the new ponies. "Oh, i'm sorry, i didn't notice you two! So, you're new here?"
"Yes, we are." The mother mare answered akwardly.
"That sounds great! What are your names, if you don't mind?" The purple mare asked kindly.
"My name is Violett, with double t's. And that's-"
"My name is Winder." He interrupted his mother. "Sorry mom."
"What interesting names you guys have!" The mare giggled. "I'm Cheerilee. But you, little one can call me, Miss Cheerilee."
Winder thought for a second on what to say.
"I'd rather just call you 'Cheerilee'. It's not a problem, right?"
"Nope. Not at all! Alright, anyway, if you want your son to get accepted, just please, uh.." The teacher walked towards one of the drawers and got an unsigned document from there. "You just need to sign up here! Nothing more." Cheerilee hooved over the paper to Violett's hooves. Then she gave her a pen to sign up.
"Am i now a student here?" The little colt asked.
Cheerilee looked at Winder and answered.
"Of course, little one. We'll see eachother again tomorrow!" The teacher smiled.
"Oh well, it's time for us to go! Winder?" Violett informed her son. "Gonna say goodbye to the teacher?"
Winder looked at his new teacher.
"Goodbye, Cheerilee."
"Bye, it was realy nice talking to you!"

While the two earth ponies walked, Wander started asking his mother.
"Hey mom, i was thinking. Where are we gonna live now?"
Violett thought and thought, then answered her son's question.
"I've already bought a house for us, dear!" She stopped walking and poined her hoof to East. "It's ooovver there! Just five more minutes and we're there. Got it?" She said with a cheerful smile.
"Yeah, i got it."
"Good! Now come on, we have more things to do!"

The two ponies already got home. The house they now lived in was quite old, dusty and covered in webs, possibly even forgotten by the residents of Ponyville.
"C'mon Winder! Bring me the broom, you'll use the mop and bucket filled with water!" Violett yelled from ceiling part of the house. The young colt ran over and threw the broom to his mom. "Thank you, sweetie! Now do your part of the job!"
Winder started mopping the floors of all the rooms in the house, it wasn't that big of a deal, because the house was a small one. It really took him two hours to clean all of the floors, same for his mother.
"Winder!" The mother mare yelled again.
"Yes?" The colt filly answered.
"If you're done mopping the floors, go get the second broom and sweep around the front yard! If you don't do it, then.." The mare silenced akwardly. "Uh, you just need to do it, okay?"
Winder understood his mother, got the second broom and ran outside.

One more hour has passed, and Winder has already finished his job. He sat on a bench close to his home to rest for a bit. It was getting late so it was reasonable that much less of the residence were anywhere to be seen. The silence made Winder feel a little lonely, even tho he could easily just go inside his home and talk to his mother.

Suddenly, the colt heard somepony's hooves galloping. Winder looked up to see where did the sound was exactly coming from. And then he found out. They weren't really visible in the dark, but Winder was able to recognize that they had a pony-like body type.
"Hello?" The mysterious pony-like figure said worringly.
Winder thought that whoever that was, they got somehow lost.
"I.. I'm right here!" Winder informed the stranger. "Can you see me? Are you lost?" Winder noticed that the figure shaked their head for 'no'. He got up from the bench and carefully walked towards the stranger. "Here, grab my hoof, i'll take you home."
The stranger was able to see the little colt's hoof and grabbed it calmly.
"Thank you." The stranger whispered.
Winder carefully walked the stranger to his home. When they got to his home, the colt knocked on his front door.
"Mom! It's me, i'm home!"
Violett, Winder's mother opened the door in shock. When she saw her son she calmed down a little.
"Ah, Winder, sweety! You scared me!" Violett looked a little disappointed. "Why didn't you told me that you'll be home late?! You could made me lose it, if you didn't come back today."
"Mother.." Winder was about to ask. "..Is it a problem if we let another one to stay the night here?"
Winder's mother was confused. Then her son introduced her to the stranger he 'met' in the darkness.
"Oh my, okay then." Violett didn't see the stranger really good, but still she allowed the stranger to stay the night if they really got lost.
The whole town, including their house was dark today, no lights were on. Only the homes with unicorns didn't had that problem with the dark, because they had their magic to produce light. Pegasy and earth ponies used candles or lanterns. No lamps. Maybe there was some sort of electricity crisis, who knows?
Violett lighted up a candle for better vision. But then, after the light spread across the living room, both Winder and Violett were kinda surprised. Surprised to find out that the pony-like stranger was in fact a kirin.