Chrysalis revenge

by Multithread

Royal Dinner

I'm sorry about the update cycle, I will do my best to get at least two chapters uploaded in September.

But now, let the Royal Dinner begin:

Chrysalis sneaked through the Castle, following Shining Armor like a Shadow.
There where two stallions which had nearly detected her, she send them both into dream land, they would wake up about tomorrow midday with a terrible headache.
The dinner had already started, he was the last one who was going there she heard him say.

After walking through the castle for half an hour, he finally stopped in front of a big door, guarded by two guards, a Unicorn and a Pegasus, they both nodded at him and the door was opened from the inside, there was no sound blocking spell on the door so you could hear every single word through it.

“We eventually found a way to communicate with you, not only if you are weak, and we don't think that you should do it.” it was the voice inside her head again, but this time the voice was absolute clear to understand as if somepony stands besides you.
“No.” she said inside her head, speaking loud would startle the guards and maybe all the princesses too, “This is my path now, not your path anymore, I will do what my heart tells me to do, even if it should kill me.”
“Well than, we will be silent for another night, but be aware, we will watch every single step of yours.” the voice disappeared with a small echo and left a bad feeling and some more things to think about in the next centuries.

An illusion spell was created soon around the Pegasus by her, and a noise blocking spell around the unicorn, he gets restless, he was able to feel that something was wrong around him, he felt her presence.

She walked around the corner as the Changeling she was and he tried to cry, but out of his mouth cam no noise, and the Pegasus was unable to see her. There was fear in the eyes of the Unicorn, fear as if she was the devil in pony-form. And maybe she even is.
“S-S-Stop, y-you are arrested for breaking in and sneaking around.”
“Oh, I'm not here for break in something, I'm here for a princess.”
“I won't let you hit Princess Celestia, I will stop you.” he was shivering but he badly tried not to show it.
“It's neither Celestia's nor your life that I want. And because I'm in a good mood tonight your pathetic life will be spared for tonight.” Her horn glowed again and he yawned:”and now our conversation is over.”, he fell asleep.

This sleep spell was for her always just good for pranks and restless stallions, she liked it to imprison other ponies.
But now she didn't want to hurt them anymore, and this spell seems to be very helpful to do this, now she had to wait, she had to wait until the pony she was waiting for would leave the dinner hall, hearing every single word which was spoken inside.

There was a lot of firework exploding inside and the story of Nightmare Moon was told once again, with one simple difference, Nightmare Moon was sitting in the first row this time.
After this show with lots of explosions and smoke there was a moment of silence before something unexpected happened:
Two ponies were angrily and she was able to feel their dislike, even through the door, it was Twilight who spoke first again.
“Princess, why have you invited her, I mean she is a loudmouth.”
“Yes, she is and she is also a good show master as you wrote in your letter, that's why I have invited her for the show. And I think you could learn the one or other thing from her, your magic presentations need to be more juicy.”
Both, Twilight and Trixie were shouting at the same time:”Princess!”
“Well then, so shall it be, Twilight, you will learn from Trixie how to make a good show and how to make an entrance dramatic, you will learn everything that is needed to be a good show master, and you have to present everything you learned to me and Luna, and be sure that if you fail we won't be generous.”
And again there was a Duet as response:”But.”, they where interrupted by Celestia.
“No contradiction, my word is spoken and it shall be law, the faster you learn the earlier you two can go different path's again.”

And with this words it seemed to Chrysalis that they wouldn't discuss about this any further because Twilight changed the subject.
“Princess, can I ask you how you and Big Mac came together? I haven't seen you in Ponyville often.”
“It was at the day when Nightmare Moon returned, after I brought my sister to Canterlot and arranged everything here I came back to Ponyville and the first of my subjects I saw there was Big Mac, pulling an empty carriage.
I walked short time beside him before he asked me if something was wrong and I started to talk, and I had a lot to talk about what happened the last thousand years, an he listened to the things I said and when I finally finished he cuddled me, to him it made no difference that I am a goddess, he treated like a mare and not like a princess.

Before I went to Canterlot again to make sunset I allowed him to call me Tia, I had feelings for him I hadn't felt for centuries.
Because of this, I invited him to Canterlot after the Apple Bucking season for some royal duties.” Celestia giggled like a little filly.

“When he found me in Canterlot to ask what sort of duties he had to do here. You should have seen the faces of my guards as he called me Tia, they looked at him as if they kill him for this insolence on their Princess.
But they realized fast that if they only touch him they would feel my anger.”
“Wait, you allowed him to call you Tia after your first talk, and I still have to call you Celestia. I don't think this isn't fair aunt.” She knew this voice very well, it was Cadance, the last pony she imprisoned yet.
“From then on, with every meeting over the time we get closer and closer, until the moment I realized what I feel for him. So when I thought we were alone, I kissed him and as it had to be, just in this moment, Shining Armor came around the Corner, with a full group of new recruits, my cheeks haven't turned that red for millenniums.”
“You should have heard what the envious said later, they where so jealous on Big Mac.”, it was Shining's voice.
“I've heard the one or other thing.” She chuckled:”Well, how was your honeymoon Cadance?”
And so the subject changed, and surely not for the last time tonight.

After nearly three ours the door swung open and a clearly tipsy Celestia vacillated out of the room, the Pegasus next to Chrysalis got away with her, she maybe wouldn't even find her bedroom.
Half an our later her time was finally there.
“What do you think shiny, shall we go to our bedroom?”
The door swung open again and this Time Shining Armor and Cadance left the dinner.
As soon as the door was closed again a green ring of fire came from the floor and surrounded the three ponies and just a few seconds later they where all in the caves again.
When Shining Armor turned around he was petrified by Chrysalis.

Cadance turned slowly round, unbelieving what she saw:”No, not you again, what are you doing here? Ruining my life or would you like to kill us because we stopped you?”
“Your life is none of my business for tonight, all I want is that you can forgive me what I've done to you.”
Cadance started to sob and tears run down her neck“How can I forgive you? You are a monster, you imprisoned me twice, you petrified my husband, you nearly ruined my wedding, how am is supposed to forgive you all of this? You are still a monster and nothing more.”
It was to much for Chrysalis, the only pony who could forgive her refused to. She was called a monster many times before and she never cared, except this time, she didn't want to be a monster anymore, she wants to be loved as the thing she is.

Her feelings overwhelmed Chrysalis, unable to move she just laid there and sobbed.
She didn't know how long she just laid there, it could have been an hour or a day, she had lost her feeling for time since her swarm had kicked her out.

Time passed and Cadance laid next to her love, watching the once so powerful and feared Queen of the Changeling's had asked her for forgiveness, deep in the caves, this was more than ironical, how could she forgive her who imprisoned her a second time now.

Chrysalis heart slowly stopped hurting and her thoughts slowly returned into her head, she heard again the voice in her head:”We think that your intentions where god this time but your way wasn't, let them go!”, the last words weren't a proposals they were a command, a command from the past.

When Chrysalis opened her eyes she thought she had seen Cadance's horn glow but when she took a second look, Cadance was playing with a stone in front of her hoof, but Chrysalis soon had her whole attention when her horn glowed and she removed the petrification spell from Shining Armor and one of the walls broke down.
When he saw her he took a step forward to attack her but he was hold back by one of Cadance's hooves:”Not this time, we should leave her alone now.”
“But she imprisoned us!”
“And she let us go, I think this time we should show mercy.”
And with this Cadance and a grumbling Shining Armor left the caves and they left back a slightly sobbing and confused Chrysalis.