Equestria Girls Super


Chapter 10: Broly Rages. Back to the domain of the Gods

Broly was walking away as behind him was blood and a small crater with a few body limbs belonging to Trixie and her crew. Broly growled until he looked to a cliff as he saw the Rainbooms. Broly growled and flew to them as no one saw him but the girls did as they look at him.

“Hi Broly, been a while.” said Twilight kindly as the other girls were scared of him as Broly just growled while Twilight sweated a little. “C-Can you... p-p-please move so we can... fight the Dazzlings?”


NOOOOOOOOOOO...” the girls heard Broly actually talk while in his Ikari form, making the girls take a step back.

“H-He talked?” asked Rarity in shock as AJ nods as Broly starts to show his green aura as he still growls. But he looks as someone walks to him, making him stop showing his aura and grow a small shock face knowing someone was actually going to confront him... it was Sunset.

“Broly... I know you’re there.” said Sunset as Broly growls but he starts to fly down to land in front of Sunset Shimmer, he truly had the height of a monster. (Sunset’s height is 5’6-5’7 and Broly’s height right now is 7’9) Sunset actually stepped closer as she looks at his face but she had to look up to be able to. “Come back Broly... please, I know there’s still good in there, we want I want, the innocent Broly back, don’t let the Dazzlings destroy you.” Sunset showed a bit of tears as she grabbed one of Broly’s hand with both as she hugged it. There was a moment of silence until Sunset felt Broly wiggle his hand as she looks at it and he starts to create a small energy blast. Sunset takes a step back as Broly throws it making the girls duck and luckily dodge the blast. The blast goes to the sky and explodes expanding the clouds and releasing guts of wind as the girls look at Broly in fear who just flies back and shows his aura again as he starts to scream and power up.

Everyone takes a step back since this time Broly would go for killing blows. Goku felt that surge of power as he frowns.

“Crap, Broly’s powering up, I have to go!” Goku puts two fingers in his forehead and disappears, making the nurse just drop the needle landing in her foot, as she noticed and started to tear up.

“MOTHERFU-“ Broly keeps powering up as he growls at them but later screams as he creates another blast and this time it goes to the cliff they are. He throws it with no remorse making everyone step back and wait for the inevitable as they all hug each other and look away. But they heard a weird sound and they saw Goku who managed to kick the blast in his God form but only using it for a split second just to go back to base. The blast goes to the sky again and explodes as he looks at it just to sighs.

“That was close.” said Goku relieved until the girls hug him to the point Goku’s face turn blue. “Girls... can’t... breath... please.” the girls let go of him but Twilight as he started to laugh. “Twilight I’m here, you can let go now.” said Goku with his smile as she separates with a small blush.

“S-Sorry.” Goku kept smiling until he felt Broly land in the same cliff as them.

(Starts music)

Goku looks at Broly who was ready to attack as he frowns.

“Broly... I know you’re there, and I know you can hear me. The Dazzlings have taken over you and filled you with lies, I read your mind, they said I killed Paragus... your father. (Broly grows in shock but later growls again) They also showed you me killing the entire city in the future, also a lie, that was in Trunks’ future timeline, that was Goku Black. They’ve lied to you, don’t listen to them, I know you can break from that mind control they put you in, they need you back Broly, to take The Dazzlings down.” Broly just goes to growls and get in a fighting pose as he showed a smile but a evilish one as Goku saw that words won’t work with him. “Ok... words won’t do the work, I’ll make sure fist do.” Goku starts to show his SSB aura as his hair spikes up to Super Saiyan and later the tint of blond hair changes to blue as the girls had to take a step back. Goku started to show some veins in his face as his blue aura expanded covering the entire cliff but without hurting anyone. Goku stops screaming and calms down and starts to breath in and out very calmly as the blue aura expands even more but later explodes and the entire aura gets pulled back into Goku as his eyes glow even more blue but that glow fades and Goku’s aura is just around him.

Broly growls and flies to Goku as Goku only dashes once as they clash by grabbing hands but Broly pulls Goku down and goes to stomp him but Goku dashes back and later at Broly punching him out of the cliff as he flies at him and kicks him twice but Broly grabs his head and smashes it with his forehead and by his face pulls him down to the ground. He completely smashes his face dozens of times but Goku blasts him back to the sky. Broly in anger shoots a bunch of ki blasts at Goku who just tanks them as they both clash punches, leaving wind gusts around the whole area as they start to trade punches with Goku using his agility, speed and skill to be able to land more hits on Broly than Broly to him. Goku kicks Broly back and pushes him to the ground but again the mantle of earth as Broly punches Goku gut and grabs him by the face but Goku bites his hand and throws him back to the surface. Rocks started to float as Broly prepares a small blast as he throws it at Goku who just shoots a Kamehameha and when the blast collides, Broly’s blast get hundreds of times bigger but Goku manages to push it back only a little until it explodes leaving wind gusts and smoke. Goku powers up but with showing his aura pushing the smoke away as Broly growls at him.

(Ends music)

Goku still keeps his frown as he flies back at Broly who he does the same. They start to trade punches with shockwaves in the sky making sure the buildings or the city don’t get damaged. The girls look to the sky but in confusion.

“I still don’t understand why Goku’s sudden power up? He still looks the same but noe he can fight Broly comfortably like when he had that red aura thing.” asked Rainbow as Twilight puts a hand in her chin and comes with a theory.

“I might have a theory. Goku talked to me about his forms with it’s pros and cons. Super Saiyan Blue has a pro that since it is the Super Saiyan form of Super Saiyan God, he says that Blue maybe multiplies his God power by 50, but his con is bigger than the pro. Goku can’t use his form full power, says it wastes extreme amount of stamina and some side effects. He used his full power once against a foe named Zamasu, he used his full power in one Kamehameha, leaving his arms numb and if it wasn’t for something called a Senzu, his power would be crazy and uncontrollable, so I guess that Goku learned to access it’s full power without a problem and now he doesn’t have to worry for side effects.”

“Like if he Perfected Super Saiyan Blue?” asked Sunset as Twilight nods.


(Starts music)

The two fly away to a broken a mountain with Broly behind shooting blasts at Goku who dodged them with difficulty. Goku lands and sees Broly about to attack him but his teleports away as Broly does the same, catching Goku off guard. They were now fighting while they were in Instant Transmission with Broly kicking Goku from it and follows him. Goku sees that and gets a punch in the gut but later blocks the sledgehammer attack from Broly. He creates a crater but sees Broly shooting blasts at him but Goku backflips and dodges every blast. He launches himself to Broly as he knees his face and later kicks him down as he shoots a bunch of ki blast at him. He feels Broly moving as he shoots another ki blast but to the ground. Broly eliminates the smoke but the ki blast Goku shot to the ground turned into hundreds hitting Broly none stop as Goku kicks his gut and later his side face, pushing him far back. Broly saw that and created an energy shield as Goku goes to punch him but he hits the shield and Broly breaks it and grabs Goku’s face and smashes him to the ground creating shockwaves and an earthquake. Goku kicks Broly’s face and he fires a blast at his face but not to hurt him but blind him. Broly covers his face as he growls making Goku have an advantage as punches Broly none stop until Broly regains his sight and blocks an attack and headbutts Goku and grabs his leg just to smash him. Goku backflips and they start to trade punches once again as Broly kicks Goku back and throws a blast at Goku like a bowling ball as it gets bigger each second making Goku dodge the blast until it explodes behind him pushing him to Broly who grabs his leg and smashes him to the ground of the mountain with Broly creating a big blast and throws it at Goku and the mountain as it explodes as lava erupts from it. Luckily the mountain wasn’t close to the city so no damages involving lava.

(Ends music)

Broly flies close to it as he sees from inside Goku with his shirt and pants a big burned but walking from it. Broly gets in fighting pose as Goku keeps a frown.

“You really are pushing me to my limit Broly, but I guess is time to ends this fight once and for all.” Broly looks confused after what he said.

(Starts music)

Goku’s blue aura tint around him disappears as now he has red normal aura appears as the red aura shoots to the sky as Goku powers up to new heights. The girls saw a red glow as they look behind as the clouds were turning red but saw Goku’s red aura, it was like Kaioken’s aura. Goku’s eyes changes from blue to purple/pink but more purple. Goku’s hair changes as well as the aura explodes and enters Goku’s body as the blue with purple tint around Goku was now purple and pink tint but the pink was barely noticeable. Broly saw that and his hands were actually shaking.

(Ends music at 1:43)

“Get ready, your facing KaiokenX10 with Super Saiyan Blue Full Power.” Broly got ready but Goku disappeared and appeared in front of Broly as he goes to attack but Goku already hit Broly more than once making Broly get pushed back intensely. Broly manages to get up but saw Goku with his fist covered in purple/pink aura as he punches Broly even harder. Broly goes to attack back but the gap is too big as Goku blocks the attack and with one punch, he hits him 10 times making Broly kneel as he kicks him away. Broly lands in his back as he was panting. Goku realized that Broly might have reached his body limit. The Sunset saw from behind Broly getting up with his clothes damaged and he was bleeding, literally. She later saw Goku land in front of him, as Broly growled but looked at his hand which was all bloody. Broly starts to go into shock, seeing his blood starts to bring back his memories, taking out his fathers eye, seeing Bah get hurt and later die in his dream, seeing Cheelai and Lemo covered in blood, their blood and seeing his father dead back on earth. Broly couldn’t stop his breathing, his sudden shock was of rage and sorrow. The Dazzlings were singing against the Rainbooms but Adagio kneels in pain as the girls look confused.

“What happened to them?” asked Rainbow as Aria puts a hand on Adagio.


“He’s free from our control.”

(Starts music)

Broly starts to make weird movements involving like a kind of bones breaking as his aura covers him as his green eyes break and turn back to yellow and green aura that had a tint of black reverted to normal. This should be an accomplishment to the girls and Goku since he was free, but the mistake was freeing Broly. He powers up as Goku what was happening and flew back to the girls but sweating as the girls look at him.

“Goku!?” asked Twilight in fear as they saw Broly break the ground with just power as lava erupted around him but the lava turned green. Broly’s eyes broke and were now pure red. His energy erupted to the sky as the green lava exploded at landed on the girls and Goku but didn’t burned, the lava just disappeared. The sky went dark with lightning falling with Broly’s power cracking the moon but the moon turned green completely. From the aura erupting to the sky Broly appeared but glowing red eyes and cracked ground around him with green lava.

Goku got in a fighting pose but Broly’s power was too much for him, he has never been this scared except against Jiren.

“No... he’s... he’s getting stronger... too strong!” said Goku in fear as the girls saw him and couldn’t believe it, they were seeing a scared Goku.

“HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Broly screamed as the energy erupting changed to an energy field covering Broly but the pressure was still intense, there was a crater below Broly with the weather turned into a rain of thunder and lightning.

“We did a mistake controlling him!” said Adagio in fear, of her thousands of years alive, she has never seen or felt such scary power like the ones Broly possess, not Princess Celestia or Princess Luna, maybe not even Lord Tirek could withstand such angry power that Broly possesses. Broly looks at Goku in pure anger as Goku gets in a fighting pose while still shaking. Broly keeps powering up with a scream as his energy sphere disappears and he shoots a bunch of energy laser blasts at Goku as he flies up and dodges them but Broly appears behind Goku as he kicks him back breaking a bunch of mountains with one swing.

(Ends music at 1:25)

Broly flies towards Goku firing ki blast at him. Goku saw it and couldn’t react, so he tanked every blast but it hurt him a lot. Goku stood up with his clothes broken and shirt torn. Broly appeared in front of Goku and smashed his head to the ground, creating a big shockwave and breaking the ground to the point that the girls could even feel it, and they were hundred of miles away. Broly throws Goku away through couple of mountains. It took a few seconds for Goku to get up but he realizes something, his Blue form with Kaioken ran out.

(Starts music)

“No... no not now! I don’t have enough strength to-“ he heard a shockwave and from the smoke saw glowing red eyes and green aura. Goku got up and got ready to fight, at least with his remaining power, just enough to go Super Saiyan. Goku goes at Broly in his SSJ and attacks Broly but Broly doesn’t move an inch. Broly growls and punches Goku in the gut so hard that he spits blood and goes back to base. Goku kneels in pain as he coughed. Broly grabbed his head and lifted Goku just to punch him in his gut again but hundreds of times, even breaking his ribs. Goku lands in the ground but Broly lifts him up again and with one hand starts to crush his head completely as he screamed in pain and agony as his pupils just disappear. Broly lets go of Goku and crushes him completely as Goku as his energy completely gets destroyed. Broly grabs Goku’s body and throws it to the sky just to blast it away completely.

(Ends music)

Goku’s body falls lifeless as Broly growls and later screams in victory, but saw a rainbow shockwave is which called his attention. He flew at it as he saw the Rainbooms singing.

(Starts scene at 4:07-5:35)

The girls couldn’t blast The Dazzlings as Broly appeared somehow managing to grab one of the dragons which was Sonata and hit another dragon who was Aria. He later blasts the last dragon who was a Adagio pushing them back. The Dazzlings saw that and saw Broly in front of them with a small amount of aura around him.

(With this pose)

Broly looks down as the students were scared of him.

“GRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” Broly screamed at the scared students making them run as he looks back at the Dazzlings creating a ki blast in both hands.

(Starts at 1:22)

Broly growls even more as he throw a blast at dragon Sonata and another to dragon Aria but the dragon dodges and flies at Broly who he flies at it but grabs it’s tail and starts to rip it off but it was painful, since Aria’s grown pony tail was felt like being ripped from her human body as she screamed but not singing, but one from pain.

“ARIA!!!” screamed Adagio as Broly screamed in anger and ripped the dragons tail as Aria screamed even more until Broly puts his hand straight where the tail was even inside the dragon as the dragon glows green and the eyes and mouth of the dragon shoots from Broly’s blast as with the other hand grabs the dragon’s neck and puts it over his head as with pure anger ripped the dragon apart. Aria felt like if her body was torn apart in half as she screams and lands in the ground still screaming, Sonata runs and tries to cañm her though it was impossible. Adagio in anger with her dragon screamed at Broly releasing the sonic waves and pushing him to the ground. She kept but saw Broly flying back as he managed to destroy the sonic waves. Broly flies and puts his hand inside dragon Adagio as she also glow green but she explodes, making Adagio kneel in pain but even more than Aria.

(Ends music)

(Starts music)

Broly growls and starts to scream also as he showed his green aura and powering up. The Dazzlings only barely managed to look up but Sonata was the one who could clearly see the situation.

“Well... seems we have been beaten.” said Adagio until Sonata hugged both girls.

“I’m gonna miss you two so much!”

“SONATA!!!” screamed Aria in anger but they saw Broly fly away leaving the girls confused. “He just... flew away?”

“Seems like it.” said Sonata as Adagio got up.

“Then let’s get him as long as he is distracted.” said Adagio as they were about to sing, but someone shot three lasers, one for each gem they had. The girls realized that and looked at the direction of that blast, just to grow in shock.

“YOU!!!?” asked in shock The Dazzlings, as a hand was shown with it’s hand extended but lowers down and later disappears leaving the three confused. Broly flew to the alicorn the Rainbooms did, as he pushed it back but later shot at him supposedly to stop him. Broly was shown inside the blast, but he flies through the blast just to grab the horn and torn it in half and throw the alicorn to the ground disappearing. He created a small blast to the girls as he flew at them, but he blast disappears and he gets pushed back by an unknown force. He stands up growling not knowing what actually hit him.

(Ends music)

Broly looks around trying to find what hit him, since he didn’t see anything. The girls were confused as well as Twilight looked at someone behind Broly and she smiled showing tears.

“He’s alive.”

Broly looked around as he stayed growling but when he moved a little, someone was shown behind Broly, it was none other than Goku.

(Starts music at 0:36)

Broly feels someone behind him, as he looks back seeing Goku, making step back a little in shock. Goku turns around facing Broly but with his eyes closed, but he opens them showing silver eyes and white tint around him. Broly growls showing sweat as he dashes at Goku throwing a punch but Goku dodges. Broly gets incredibly frustrated and he releases hundreds of attacks maybe thousands but Goku dodges them all as when Broly goes to punch him, Goku gets closer and punches Broly’s gut, to the point it even lifts Broly. Broly lands knelt bleeding from his mouth and coughing barely able to get up. The girls look in shock seeing Goku managing to hurt Broly even when he couldn’t against him. In Equestria, both Princesses and deities were looking in the library until Beerus stops and smiles.

“Whis.. you feel that?” asked Beerus as Whis stop and also smiles.

“I do, my lord.”

“Feel what?” asked Princess Luna as Beerus looks at the portal smiling.

“Whis, put what’s happening in that other world.” Whis nods at Beerus and with his staff puts like a live from what’s happening, as they showed Goku with the silver eyes and white tint until his aura turns into a white and blue fire like aura and magenta sparkles as Princess Celestia recognizes that aura.

“Is that?”

“Yes Celestia, that’s it. I show you as of right now, the strongest mortal in Universe 7 and maybe the 12 universes.”

Goku kept a calm look with Broly finally manages to stand up.

“What did he just do?” asked Rainbow was Twilight saw in astonishment, Princess Celestia told her about that look and aura, Sunset realizes it as well.

“T-That can’t be... no one has been able to achieve it, not even Celestia or Luna.” said Twilight in shock.

“What da ya mean, Twilight?” asked AJ.

“Princess Celestia told us about magic spells or techniques, but this one... not even she can achieve it, no one has.” said Sunset as Rarity looks confused.

“What are you talking about?” asked Rarity as Broly growls and powers up showing his aura in pure anger shaking the entire city, with Goku keeps his calm look and adding his power the entire planet was shaking maybe the entire solar system as Goku stared at Broly and Broly started back but showing anger.

“What are you two talking about!?” asked Rainbow as the two girls kept their shock faces.

“Autonomous Ultra Instinct.” said both girls as a lightning bolt lands between Broly and Goku meaning the big fight was about to start.

(Ending 1)