Red Absolution - Arthur Morgan in Equestria

by BP

#3 - Generosity

Twilight took me to her friend Rarity. It probably wasn't going to do having blood and mud-stained clothes. Rarity asked what I normally wear. I described a hat, boots, shirt, and pants.

I asked how she was going to get the leather boots given I think how cows can also talk in Equestria and all. She didn't seem to understand the question. Apparently, they make leather in Equestria from cork, like a cork from a bottle. Though I don't know where cork comes from. Never thought about it before.

She made me an entire outfit. Stitched the damn thing over the whole day. I worried about how I was going to pay for it. I only came for repairs in my pants. She told me it was a gift! For a gentlecolt(?)! It was hard to believe her generosity - you would not get that service in the finest store in the finest part of San Denis.

How can these people be so kind to each other?