Adopting and Adapting

by PonyPixel

Sibling Struggles

After Peter was finished with his meal, Bronze Box then decided to take him out to get him enrolled in a good school in Cloudsdale. Gallus decided to go with them and give Bronze Box a couple more bits of info about griffons. Since that’s his first time adopting another creature, he listened attentively.

“So, griffons aren’t like pegasi,” the blue griffon told Bronze Box. “We can’t control the weather as you can, and our wingspan is much bigger than yours.”

“Uh-huh,” Bronze Box commented, “That makes sense. And about his diet.”

“If you can keep getting him at least one good serving of fish a day, he should be good. Although,... I recommend at least two servings. One is only if things are a little tight. We griffons could also eat other stuff like pigs or chicken, but I doubt that many ponies would have that kind of business, because… you know…”

“Yeah. Probably. I understand.”

“Anyways, what school are you getting Peter into?”

“Easy. Flight school. Right over there.” Bronze pointed over to the said school, where plenty of colts and fillies were flying around. Looking back at Peter, he was just sitting on his father’s back. “Peter doesn’t seem to be the best at flying yet, so I think a school made for such a subject would be a good place for him to learn.”

“Sounds logical to me. Let’s go.”

They flew over to the floating building, where a bunch of the colts and fillies could see Bronze Box with the two griffons. The building was only two stories high, but taller than their house. Then from the entrance, they went inside to go towards the Principal’s Office. Bronze Box remembered what route should he take, but asked some of the students there in case if he forgets. They finally arrived at the door with writings on the top center, telling that it is the Principal’s Office. Bronze Box then knocked on the door.

“Anyone in there?” he called.

“Yes,” the female voice replied, “Come in.”

He grabbed the knob with his right wing, opened the door, and went inside. Inside, they found the principal in her office sitting in front of the desk.

“I’ll wait for you,” Gallus said to him. “You go ahead.” Peter and Bronze Box went inside the office while Gallus, meanwhile, then sat at the bench, where it’s just right in front of it, at the corridor to wait for them.

“Mr. Bronze Box, I suppose?”

“Yes, ma’am,”

“Take a seat.” He then sat down on a chair, together with Peter beside him.

“So, I’m aware that you’ve just adopted this young griffon.”

“Yes, Peter does have a bit of an issue settling at our home,” Bronze Box said, “but it’s better than on the street.” He looked to see that Peter was uncomfortable hearing that sentence.

“That’s a very good thing that you decided to adopt him and give him a good shelter. If you just let him leave him there, he would’ve been starved to death. That’s an act of heroism right there.”

“Thanks. I’m just glad to help him.”

“Right. So, tell me more about Peter? Is he shy? Is he talented? Tell me.”

“Peter is not much of a talker, so he’s kind of shy. He also loves to play with some toys or anything like that. Ever since I and my wife found him, he’s a very loving and caring one.”

“Does he enjoy your new home? Sounds like he does from the look.”

“He does, actually.”

“Okay then. Now, I just need you to fill out these forms right here.” Box was handed some forms and he looked through everything he needed to fill out.

“Okay, this may take a while.” There was a sudden tapping on the window which made the stallion, mare, and griffon look over to see the fillies and colts trying to get a look at Peter. The principal had to shoo them away.

“I’m very sorry about that. We don’t normally get griffons enrolled here.”

“It’s alright.” Box started filling out the forms again as Peter looked around the room. The principal noticed his curiosity and spoke up.

“You don’t have to worry about showing up here too often. You’ll only find naughty children, which they’ll end up here.” Peter felt a little nervous now and tried to hold onto his father’s wing. Box stopped to look at the young griffon before smiling and continuing with the forms.

Gallus sat on the bench, whistling to the tune while waiting for the stallion and griffon to get out of the office as he then noticed some of the colts and fillies had come back and were staring at him. “Can I help you?” he asked.

“Are you being adopted too?” a filly asked.

“What? No. I’m not with Peter. Just... Don’t you have classes?” The young pegasi raced off, leaving Gallus by himself. Soon he saw Bronze Box and Peter leaving the office.

“Alright, that seems to be everything,” the principal said. “We’ll see you next Monday.” She then closed the door and the stallion and his new son walked over to Gallus.

“Okay, we can go now,” Bronze Box said. “We’ve got to pick up the new bed.”

“A new bed?” Gallus questioned.

“Yeah. Peter can’t keep sleeping on the floor, can he? Let’s go.” The three soon left the school with Peter still riding on Box’s back.

“You know, I could’ve sworn I’ve seen you flying around the house before,” Gallus said, remembering that he saw Peter try to fly and fell and slipped towards Gallus’ belly.

“Peter’s just in a need of confidence. Once he learns a few things from this school and makes himself at home, he’ll be much more cheerful.” The three carried on to collect the young griffon’s new bed.

Back at the house, Smolder was helping to move stuff around to make room for Peter’s new bed. “Okay, so where do you want this chest?” the dragon asked.

“Uh… Just move it into the left corner over there,” Summer Blossom requested. Smolder pushed the chest into the location she was told.

“You know, this room is a little smaller when you imagine the bed in here.”

“Hmm, you got a point. Maybe we try a bunk bed?”

“Yeah, that could work. We have those beds back at the dorms in the School of Friendship.”

Summer Blossom pondered for a little bit as she walked back downstairs. Smolder decided to take a break and looked around the house. She looked around for Star Drop, who seemed to have disappeared. That was until something flew outside the window. Poking her head outside, Smolder found the filly flying around the house as fast as possible.

“Hey, kid!” Smolder called, “What are you doing?!”

Star Drop suddenly rammed into the dragon as she stepped outside, making them both crash onto the cloud. The filly stood up and looked rather angry. “You got in my way, dragon!” she cried.

“Well, you were just flying around the house for no stupid reason.”

“I can’t fly at top speed inside, so I’m doing it outside.” She took off and started flying around the house again. She didn’t really change course as she nearly hit Smolder again. The dragon ducked and decided to walk back inside as talking with the filly might be like talking to a brick wall. She instead went for Sun Snow, who was sitting on the couch reading a book.

“Star Drop crashed into you, huh?” he asked.

“Yeah. Does this happen often?”

“As much as Ricky screams.” The colt placed his book down and looked towards the guest. “What were you trying to ask her anyway?”

“I was going to ask how you two were getting along with Peter.”

“He and I were okay. He’s been getting along really great with Ricky. That’s not an easy feat. Star seemed to be a little angrier since the little griff showed up.”

“Has she been envious?”

“Kind of. Our parents haven’t noticed. They’re probably too busy helping Peter get settled.”

“Well, Star’s jealousy isn’t going to end well, right?”

“It’s already kind of bad. One time, she left the door open and Ricky nearly escaped. Cockatoos don’t do very well in the cold.”

“Yeah, one of our professors discussed that with us. What else did she do?”

“She’s stopped helping to clean up dinner, barely cleans up her room, which mom does most often now, still don’t know how they haven’t noticed her behavior change.”

“Well, how do you think it’s going to play out when Peter gets his bed?”

“Probably downhill. I thought she was just acting like this because they were sharing a room.”

“I saw some shelves with trophies on them. Those are actually hers, right?”

“Oh yeah. Star Drop’s trying to be a Wonderbolt when she grows up.”

“That explains that action figure Peter found.”

“I honestly think that Star’s a little spoiled. She hates it when things don’t go her way. I swear, she refuses to have fun when it’s not something wants to do.”

“Do you have an example?”

“Let's see, one of them is when I wanted to go to the trade market at Rainbow Falls. Star refused to get on the train and she’d even pulled the emergency cable, making everypony late. When we did get there, she refused to get off the train. And you know what the worst part of these kinds of acts? She doesn’t get punished half the time!”

“No way. You’re joking.”

“I wished. While she gets what she deserves, sometimes it’s like they think she can do nothing wrong.”

“So, do they see it and just pretend it doesn’t happen?”

“Honestly, I think she just gets lucky when they’re not looking. It really gets on my nerves."

"Well, now she has to deal with Peter being the center of attention." Both dragon and colt chuckled a little bit but it made Smolder think a little bit.

"Hey, Sunny," Summer Blossom spoke.

“Yes, mom?”

"Can you help me decide where to move the furniture around Star's room?"

"Just wait until dad gets back with the bed."

This didn't take as long as they would think. With Gallus tagging along, loading the bed's crate onto Bronze's cart took much quicker. "Thanks, Gallus," the stallion said.

"No problem," the blue griffon said. "I'm just helping a fellow griffon into his new home." Peter smiled at Gallus's comment as he noticed another stallion flying towards them. The stallion had a very pale blue coat and a dark mane. Bronze Box knew who he was.

"Soarin?" he gasped.

"Yep," the stallion said.

“What’re you doing here?”

"I was just flying by when I thought I saw somepony in a Wonderbolt's uniform." He looked towards Gallus feeling a little embarrassed. "No offense."

"It's fine," the blue and yellow griffon said, "I get that a lot."

"Okay. So, you guys getting your new kid a bed?"

"Yeah," Bronze Box said. "It can be a regular or bunk bed. In case the room isn't big enough for two."

"Welp, I was just dropping by. I'll be on my way now." Soarin was about to take off again, but Bronze stopped him.

“Hold up,” he called.


"Before you go, my daughter's a huge fan of you and the other Wonderbolts. Could I..."

"I just need something to write with a piece of paper." Box had a spare piece of paper and a pen in the cart. Using the crate for a surface, Soarin wrote down his name and handed the signed paper to Bronze. "There you go. Now, I should get going. See ya." Soarin flew away as Bronze and the griffons headed back home.

When they arrived back at home, Smolder came out and helped unload the crate and carried it upstairs. She was quite strong and moved it like it was just a throw pillow. “We really have to thank you for the help,” Summer Blossom said.

“It’s no problem,” the dragon responded. “Gallus and I are happy to help.” She placed the crate down in the bedroom and it was soon opened up to show many bits and pieces of the bed.

“This is one of the build-it-yourself beds, isn’t it?” Gallus questioned.

“Sure is,” Bronze Box said. He looked through the box until he found the instructions and the Allen wrench. “Okay, now let’s see.” While the stallion took a look at the instructions, Smolder told Gallus everything she found out about Star Drop and her attitude to Peter.

“That makes sense to me,” Gallus commented.

“Yeah, I was about to tell Mrs. Summer until you showed up.”

“You’ve only been here for a few minutes. I doubt she’d believe what you’ve found out.”

“I only found out because Sun Snow told me.”

“Okay, that makes things a little better, but I feel like the girl’s going to make it sound like Sun Snow was lying. He probably was.”

“I beg to differ. Peter was just trying to find a toy to play with and when he gave it to me, Star just snatched it back and placed it back in the chest. She even whipped my face with her tail. Kind of like she doesn’t want Peter to play with it.”

“What are you talking about?” Bronze Box asked. He had been focusing on the bed and didn’t fully hear what the guests were talking about.

“Uhh… We’re just talking about why we were sent here,” Gallus answered.

“Oh, okay then. Could you give me a hand with this? I think the bed’s going to be better if it’s a bunk bed.”

“I think I can help with that,” Smolder said.

“Yeah, she’s stronger than me,” Gallus noted. “I’m going to check on Peter.”

“Great,” Bronze Box commented. Gallus left them to their work while he looked around the house until he found Peter. The young griffon was in Sun Snow’s room, as the said colt was taking Ricky out of his cage.

“Okay, Ricky,” Sun Snow said, “you know what to do.” He carefully took the cockatoo out of the cage and held his arm out to Peter. The young griff was holding out his arm and Ricky stepped onto it. Peter was a little nervous but kept still as the cockatoo climbed onto his back. “You’re doing great, Peter, just stay calm.”

He gave his adopted brother some seeds and told him to feed them to Ricky. Peter did so and almost flinched when the cockatoo snatched it from his talon. “What are you doing?” Gallus asked.

The colt, griffon, and cockatoo looked towards the guest standing in the doorway. Ricky started flapping his wing and squawking until Sun Snow quickly grabbed a jar of peanut butter and a butterknife. He placed some of the peanut butter on one of Ricky’s dishes and the bird stopped squawking and went back into his cage for a snack.

“Do you just keep that jar of peanut butter in your room?” he asked.

“It helps keep Ricky quiet,” Sun Snow stated, “Can’t argue with the results. Anyways, to answer your question, I was just helping Peter get used to Ricky. I thought it would be easy considering that he seems to like griffons for some reason.”

“Good to know. By the way, Smolder told me what you just told her about Star Drop. I just want to check to see if you’re telling the truth or not.”

“Trust me, everything I told your friend was true. Star is just a brat who tries to make others miserable when she doesn’t get what she wants.” Ricky let out an angry squawk to make his owner’s attitude. “That’s right, Ricky.”

“Okay, that’s good information. Have you seen your sister lately?”

“I think in the kitchen.”

“Thanks,” Gallus replied, giving him a thumbs-up before he flew to that location. Star Drop was standing next to her mother while complaining.

“Why can’t I have a donut now?” the filly questioned.

“Because, it’ll spoil your appetite for lunch,” Summer Blossom stated. “Then your appetite for dinner will be ruined too. Plus, now I have to get fish for Peter to be healthy.”

“It’s really not that bad,” Gallus remarked. The mother and daughter both looked towards the blue griffon. “I mean, you just need to keep that fresh fish in the freezer and prepare them for Peter later. Just need to make sure that they don’t spoil and they’ll be fine to eat.”

“Okay, that’s good to know. It’s probably a little difficult for biologically vegetarian creatures.”

“Yeah, my friends were talking about that at our school. Anyways, I wanted to ask Star Drop about how she and Peter have been…” The young flew away from the griffon not wanting to talk. “… doing.”

“I’m sorry about her. She’s been a little moody lately.”

“Yeah, I think I might have a theory why. I just need her to talk.” Gallus began following the filly who could see what he was trying to do. She began picking up the pace and flew into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. “Oh, come on.” Gallus knocked on the door only to get a sassy response.

“Occupied,” she responded.

“Look, kid, you’re not going to stay in there forever. I’ll get a key from your parents. I’m serious.”

“I can’t hear you!”

“...As if I didn’t need another kid like Cozy Glow. Untrustworthy and annoying.” Gallus flew away to tell Summer Blossom about the locked door.

Star Drop just minded her own business messing around in the bathroom until she heard the door unlock. Summer Blossom opened the door with Gallus by her side. “Star, what have I told you about locking doors?” the mother asked. The filly just stood and stared at her. “Star, answer the question.”

Again, the filly didn’t say anything. She turned to the mirror to look at her reflection. Summer grabbed her by the tail and dragged her into the living room. “I know you can hear me!” Star Drop stayed silent. “Star Drop, answer me right now!”

“Hold on, let me try something,” Gallus spoke. He flew upstairs for a moment and into Star’s bedroom. Summer had her daughter sit down on the chair in the dining area and forced her to sit there as she still refused to respond. Gallus returned and landed in front of the pouting filly.

All of sudden, Smolder appeared from behind the couch and let out a roar. This frightened filly enough to make her fly up to the ceiling. “Welp, she’s not deaf,” Smolder chuckled. She walked over to Gallus to share a fist bump.

“Why would you do that?!” Star Drop angrily exclaimed.

“You wanna know why? Because you’re acting like a brat,” Gallus explained.

“Star Drop, what did I say about locking doors?” Summer Blossom asked. She had yet to get her answer.

“To not to only because of emergencies,” Star Drop answered.

“Good. Now, why did you lock it?”

“Because that griffon was bugging me.”

“I just wanted to ask you a few questions,” Gallus stated. “You’re making it harder than it needs to be.” The upset filly flew back down onto the couch. “Okay, how have you been dealing with Peter?”

“Not good. I don’t want to share a room with him.”

“Star, you know why you have to,” Summer Blossom said. “Our home only has so much room. Either we get a bigger house, which will be too expensive, or Sun Snow moves out. He’s not going to do that for a long time and frankly, I don’t want that to happen.” That only made Star Drop pout more.

“Only, I don’t think it is going anywhere,” Smolder commented. “I’m going back to help Mr. Box.” The dragon flew back to the bedroom to see if the stallion needed help with the bed.

“Should I leave this to you?” Gallus asked.

“Please do,” Summer Blossom replied.

“Got it,” The blue griffon flew away and went to check on Peter again. The young griff was petting Ricky, who was sitting on the perch next to Sun’s bed.

“That’s the spirit,” the colt said. “He’s starting to like you.”

“Pretty bird,” Ricky cooed. Peter started lowering his arm and the cockatoo stepped on it. Peter was a little shocked by the bird’s action.

“Okay, Ricky. We’ll give you a treat.” Sun Snow flew over to Ricky’s cage and opened a bag that was sitting on top of it and took out an orange treat. He took it over to his new brother and gave it to him. Peter then gave the treat to Ricky who happily chewed on it.

Gallus smiled that they were getting along and walked over to the other bedroom. Smolder helped him hold a part of the bed rest in place while Bronze Box tightened the bolt. “Okay, I think we’re almost done here,” the father said. “Now we just need to lift it into place.” He took a look at Star Drop’s bed and removed some parts to make Peter’s bed fit.

“It shouldn’t be too hard for me,” Smolder stated.

“It’s a little more awkward than heavy.”

“So, you need someone else for support?” Gallus asked. He grabbed the attention of his friend and the father.

“That would be great. Thanks.” After making some modifications to Star’s bed, Bronze Box and Gallus got on one side of the bed and Smolder got on the other side. They lifted the new bed upwards and carefully lowered it onto the other one. “Okay, I think we’re good.”

“It’s missing the mattress,” Smolder commented.

“Don’t worry, we’ve got a spare one in the attic. Could you help me move it?”

“Sure.” Smolder then went out of the room to go to the attic to get a spare mattress. Before Bronze Box goes out to help, he turns to Gallus and asks him for his help.

“Gallus, we’ve got some bed sheets and blankets in the closet, could you get those? I’ll be right back with the mattress.”

“Sure, I will.” The blue griffon gave a thumbs up and went to the closet to collect the bedsheets and a blanket. As he placed them down on Star’s bed while he waited for Box and Smolder to return, Star Drop flew in. “What do you want?... Are you going to make things harder for me?” Star didn’t say anything she flew onto her bed, pushing the extra bed sheets off. “Oh, real mature.”

Bronze and Smolder soon walked back in to see Gallus picking up the sheets that were tossed onto the ground. “What are you doing?” the dragon questioned.

“Someone decided it would be fun to knock Peter’s bed sheets onto the floor.”

“That’s not true,” Star Drop fibbed. “He tossed them on the ground and tried to blame me.”

“Now why would I do that?”

“Yeah, she’s clearly lying,” Smolder added.

“I can see that,” Bronze Box commented. He and Smolder placed the mattress against the wall as the father stared down at his daughter. Star Drop wasn’t feeling very confident. Gallus and Smolder decided to leave the room as they could feel the tension.

“Okay, so I think we’re starting to fix the problem,” Smolder commented.

“Yep, sounds like it,” Gallus said. He eavesdropped on Box who was telling his daughter what she was doing was wrong. However, something didn’t feel right. “Smolder, don’t you think this was a little too easy?”

Smolder thought about it for a while. “Yeah. I think our bodies would've been glowing by now. Something’s not right. What are we missing?”

Gallus poked his head back into the room to see Box had just finished giving his talk to his daughter. He pulled back before he could be seen. “Maybe we should be the ones to get Star to talk with Peter.”

“If we can get Peter to talk. All I’ve heard him say was a quiet hello.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty tricky. I’ll give it a try.”

“Go for it, Gallus.”

They checked with Sun Snow’s room again. Ricky was being placed back into his cage before the door was closed. “Okay, Ricky, let me know when you want out again,” Sun Snow said.

“Why are you putting him up?” Gallus asked, walking inside the room.

“He was getting tired of being out of his cage. He does that sometimes. Usually, when he doesn’t want to go back in his cage, we just wrap a towel around him and he just seems to go limp.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Anyways, have you had a nice chat with Peter?”

Sun looked over to his brother, who was sitting on the bed. “He’s not much of a talker around strangers.”

“I probably know why.” Gallus walked over to the young griffon and sat beside him. “Listen, I honestly know what it’s like living on your own. And trusting others might seem a little scary, but you’re in a much safer place than Griffonstone. You can talk to us if you want.” Peter looked away from Gallus as some bad memories were coming back to him. Gallus frowned as he sympathized with him. “Okay, if you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you. Don’t worry.”

He patted his head, stood up, and walked back to the doorway where Smolder was standing. “I thought you said you were going to get him to talk,” Smolder spoke.

“I’ve been in his position before. It’s a set of bad memories we don’t want to talk about.” Smolder knew what Gallus was talking about and they both walked downstairs.

“Okay, so if we can’t get Peter to talk, we have to get Star to spill the beans.”

“What are you talking about?” Bronze Box questioned.

“We think that Peter and Star don’t have the best relationship.”

“Yeah, I was afraid of this. I’ve tried getting her to talk with him, but she always keeps her mouth shut. Summer tried too, but she always finds a way to slip out of talking.”

“Let us try,” Gallus said.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Trust us, she’s not the first filly we’ve had to deal with,” Smolder chuckled.

Lunch was now being served and it looked like there was only one plate on the table containing a PB&J sandwich. Star Drop walked into the kitchen and found what she was hungry for. She sat down and was about to take a bite from the sandwich when she heard two creatures approaching her. Standing on each side of the filly, stood Gallus and Smolder.

“Hello, Star,” Smolder said.

“What do you want?” the filly asked.

“We want you to answer our questions and grow up,” Gallus said. The filly just stood silent. “So, are you going to grow up?” Star said nothing. She tried reaching for her sandwich but Smolder snatched it away from her.


“You want this?” Smolder asked. “You’ve got to answer our questions.” Star tried to fly up and take her sandwich back, but Smolder placed her claw in her face to keep her back. Gallus grabbed the filly by the tail and pulled her back into her seat.

“So, are we going to cooperate?” Gallus asked. He gave a smug grin and Star sat back in her seat crossing her arms.

“Fine,” the filly groaned.

“Okay,” Smolder said. “First of all, what’s your problem with Peter?”

“I don’t want a new brother. Sun’s already bad enough. Plus I’m not sharing a room with Peter.”

“Well, duh. That’s life.”

“Look, you might not want to be a sister to Peter but think of it like this,” Gallus spoke, “You could probably warm up to him if you don’t keep acting like this.”

“But he hasn’t done anything noteworthy.”

“And that’s important, why? How long has he been living here?”

“I don’t know. Three days?”

“He’s been trying to befriend your brother,” Smolder stated. “Why can’t you just grow up and try and get to know your new little brother more.”

“He’s not my brother! He’s just some bird cat that came from a dumb village where a bunch of nobodies are born. No one knows about them and nobody cares!” This struck a chord with Gallus and he was now red in the face. Without warning, he grabbed the filly by her arm and brought her to his face. Smolder felt shocked, startled, and speechless when her blue friend grabbed her like that.

“Listen here you little twerp,” he growled. “If you knew what Griffonstone was really like, you wouldn’t be talking like that. Peter and I have been through crud nobody should’ve been through. If you think you can just push him to the side and put him back on the street, I’m going to smack that out of your head.”

“Gallus, calm down!” Smolder cried. She separated her friend from the filly, who was now a little frightened. The blue griffon breathed heavily while looking at Star Drop.

He took a deep breath before speaking again. “We’re leaving.”


“There is no helping this kid. Her parents need to learn to do more than a slap on the wrist.”

“They won’t know what to do unless we help them.” Smolder grabbed her friend’s wrist trying to stop him from leaving, Peter and his parents walked into the kitchen after hearing Gallus’s outburst.

“What’s going on in here?” Bronze Box questioned.

“I think we need a ten-minute break before we can continue,” Smolder said.

“No, you guess we're going to punish your daughter,” Gallus furiously stated.

“What are you talking about?” Summer Blossom questioned.

“It’s obvious you don’t even fully pay attention to her behavior when you do, a slap on the wrist is all she gets. Not even that sometimes!”

“Are you saying I’m a bad mother?”

“Well, if you’re not willing to look into how different a griffon is from a pony, then I would say yes.”

“Okay, Gallus, maybe we should leave,” Smolder said. She tried to grab her friend’s talon only for her to be pushed back.

“No, not until I tell these two to get some guts and show their kid that there are consequences.” Sun Snow was opening one of the doors to get to Ricky’s water bowl as he heard Gallus’s anger. He left the room to listen to the griffon’s outburst leaving the door to the cage open.

“Hey, it’s not like we’re trying to be bad,” Bronze Box defended.

“Well, you’re really good at it.”

“Gallus, please, calm down,” Smolder begged. “You’re going to make things worse.” She tried to pull her friend away but Gallus stood his ground.

“No, I think I know the reasons we’re called on these missions because creatures don’t know what’s wrong. You’ve clearly seen your daughter acting like a twerp and barely do anything to stop her!”

“You have no clue what it’s like to be raising two children,” Summer Blossom sternly stated right in front of his face.

“Well, you clearly don’t know what it’s like to live in a place like Griffonstone!” Gallus said it back. “Not to mention being homeless.”

“What?” Bronze and Snow questioned.

“You don’t think I know how bad homelessness is?” Summer Blossom questioned. “Why do you think we took Peter under our wing.”

“He’s just a child,” Gallus stated, “Why not help an adult or a teenager?” The mother and griffon were both staring daggers into each other’s eyes. “Speaking of which, you can’t just keep treating them like they’re incapable of doing nothing wrong.”

“You don’t think we try!?” The yelling was starting to make Peter nervous and he quickly went to Sun Snow’s room to block out the noise. Bronze saw this and quickly got in between the two yelling creatures.

“Okay, break it up!” he cried.

“I’m really sorry about this,” Smolder apologized. “I think it’s best if we just go.”

“I think that’s good,” Star Drop said. She tossed them their winter clothing and then opened the door.

“Star, stay out of this,” Box ordered. By the tone of his voice, it was best to listen to him. Star quickly flew back to her room, leaving the door wide open.

“I think it’s safe to say this is a failed mission,” Gallus said. He put on his cap and his scarf. “Let’s go Smolder.”

“Gallus, you can’t just quit like that!” the dragon stated.

“I’m not helping a filly like that.”

“Don’t you talk about my daughter like that,” Summer Blossom ordered.

“Summer, just calm down,” Bronze begged. “Maybe you should go.”

“Couldn’t agree more,” Gallus spoke out. Suddenly, they could hear some wings flapping as Ricky flew out of Sun Snow’s room. He scored past the guest and out the front door.

“Ricky!” Sun Snow cried. He quickly ran to the door to try and catch his bird, but when he got outside the cockatoo had disappeared. “Ricky? Ricky!”

“Oh crud,” Smolder gasped.

“Maybe you should stick around a little longer,” Bronze commented. They all now felt a little bit worried