//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Poisonous // by WendytheCreeper //------------------------------// "Ugghhh...what's poking at my head?" Ashley Dusk turned her head to look at her carrier pigeon poking her head. In the pigeon's mouth was a piece of fancy embroidered paper with writing on it. She took the paper from the pigeon with her telekinetic magic and picked her head up. As she lifted her head up, Ashley was instantly blinded by the sun's light spilling through the window next to her desk. Blinking her eyes, she made out the image of her small flower garden that she tended to with love and care. Today it was in full bloom, with many red tulips planted in neat rows. She smiled at her garden work and then got up out of her chair. The unicorn decided to seat herself at her dining table, and then lazily made herself a bowl of hay cereal. As she eat her breakfast, she read the letter that she received. Dear Ashley Dusk, Thanks for sending me a letter! I've considered your request to come to Ponyville as a VIP guest for the Ponyville Music Festival, and, after speaking with my agent, I've arranged for you a place to stay for 2 weeks(the festival lasts one week, but I want to give you a week to settle in). Of course, you must honor your request to make promotional art, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that. I can't wait to see you there! -Colorful Sound P.S. You may also bring guests. I've enclosed the 5 VIP passes in here, but your friends are responsible for their own housing. Ashley put the letter in a safe place and then went downstairs. She figured that she would visit Windi and see if she could have Fawnette over to discuss moving to Ponyville, since it was Windi's turn to house a meeting between them. ------ Looking at the huge gate that stood before her, Ashley Dusk picked up her hoof and pressed the doorbell. In a few seconds, the words "come in" were boomed at her through the PA system, and the gate opened up. The white unicorn walked along the stone path that led to the front door, passing various shrubbery and gardens. At the front door, a maid pony greeted her. "Good Morning Mistress Ashley Dusk. Thou wishes to see Mistress Windi?" Ashley replied, "Yes, I do. Could you take me to her?" "Certainly," said the maid. "Please follow me. Mistress Windi is in the parlor." "Thank you," said Ashley. She followed the maid pony throughout the large mansion until they reached the parlor. "Mistress Windi, Mistress Ashley Dusk is here to see you." In the parlor was not only Windi, but also Fawnette and her roomate, Flora. "Wow Windi!" exclaimed Flora, who was studying every inch of the room. There was a lit fireplace, which added a cozy air to the normally chilly-feeling room, and an onamental rug made the room all the more regal. "How did you afford this huge mansion?" "Please don't shill me too much, it's kinda rude," replied Windi. "But anyway, I come from a high-class family, and I get good buisness." With Fawnette here already, Ashley realized that she could just start talking about the move to Ponyville. "So Ashley," started Fawnette, "What's up?" Ashley Dusk smiled and said,"Well, I have some good news!" Windi jumped up out of her seat and exclaimed, "I like good news! Tell me! Tell me now!" "Umm..." started Ashley, "Well, I contacted my friend Colorful, and now I get to be a promotional artist and a VIP!" "So you're going to Ponyville then?" asked Fawnette. "Can we come too?" "Yeah, but I can't help you with housing," said Ashley. "Eh, we'll find apartments or something," Fawnette said. "Wait! Fawnette!" complained Flora. "What will I do while you're gone? Will I have to pay the full rent on the house while you're gone?" Fawnette looked at her and replied, "I bet you can come if you want, so you don't have to worry about the rent." "But what if the landlord gives our house to someone else while we're gone? Or what if we can't find anywhere to live later? What about an attack by Nightma—" "Flora, don't worry," interrupted Fawnette. "We'll be fine. Once we return home everything will be fine." "O-ok..." said Flora. Once Flora was done worrying about everything, Ashley said, "Anyway, I can give you all VIP passes once we're in Ponyville, ok?" "Yay!" exclaimed Windi. She was floating in the air out of excitement, when she was usually much calmer. "So when are we going?" "Umm...how about we take the 10 o'clock morning train tomorrow. Is that okay with you guys?" "It's okay with me," Windi replied to Ashley. Windi settled onto the fancy rug. "Us too!" Fawnette and Flora said in unison. "Ok, so it's settled," said Ashley. "10 in the morning tomorrow! That means I should get back home to pack my bags." "Yeah, me too," Fawnette agreed. "I guess we'll leave you to your packing, Windi." "Yeah," said Windi. "I hope you guys enjoyed your stay here. I'll see you tomorrow!" "Ok, bye!" After Windi's visitors left, she went to the entrance hall of her mansion and flew up to a balcony that led to the master bedroom. The bedroom appeared to have been just cleaned by one of her maids, as the carpet smelled fresher than it did earlier, and there were fresh sheets on her large bed. She went to her bed and removed several suitcases and bags from underneath it, and then started packing various objects, including a 10 foot tall lamp that folds up for easy storage. -------- Meanwhile at Fawnette and Flora's house, the two mares were packing their own things. Their house was of a modest size, and could house two equines without the invasion of privacy. However, despite the spacious house, things often got mixed up between the two mares. Flora, who was studying two toothbrushes, asked, "Um, did you own the pink one, or the purple one?" "Err... I think it was the purple toothbrush? Wait, no, didn't I have a blue one?" replied Fawnette, who was sorting her various medicines and syringes. "A blue one? I don't remember you owning a blue one! By the way, I'm pretty sure this pink gown is my gown." "Your gown?" Fawnette questioned. "I think not!" "Oh really? 'Cause it looks better on me than you~" "Don't tease me! Or I will...I'll...uh..." Fawnette picked up one of her syringes and pointed it at Flora. "Or I'll prick you!" "Nooooo! Don't hurt me!" exclaimed Flora. She shrank back in fear of the syringe. Fawnette felt a wave of guilt flow over her, and then she put down the syringe. "I'm sorry...I really shouldn't have threatened you like that." Fawnette stared at the other corner of the room in guilt, when she heard her friend say, "I'm sorry too." "Huh?" "I shouldn't have been such a jerk to you. Why don't we both agree that fighting over this gown was stupid of us." "I guess so...so we're still friends?" "Sure...if you want to." "Okay..." Even though the two mares gave each other an apologetic hug, one could not help to feel the tension between them. -------- Ashley sighed as she stared at her mess of a house. Fallen papers were scattered everywhere on the floor. Her desk was covered with odd foreign objects that should be placed somewhere else. McDuff, her pet bird, somehow got out of its cage. With a look of determination, the white colored unicorn started cleaning up her house. She placed books back on her bookshelf, and threw out stray papers on the ground. Old markers were thrown out in favor of newer ones. A mop was taken out to clean up her hard, wood floor. The dishes were quickly washed, and she wiped up the counters in her kitchen. Finally, she cleaned up McDuff's cage and placed him back inside. In a few hours, her once messy house was sparkling clean. Opening up a suitcase, she procceded to pack away her things for the move to Ponyville. After packing up her stuff, she passed out in her bed for the night. ----- A/N: I think I went a little overboard with Windi's house(Victorian speaking maids?). Oh well.