Fallout Equestria: A Gleam of Hope

by Xx soul sorrow xX

Chapter 5: The Journey

Twiligt pull up her magic G[pes. er magic dont work good but lucky her gps still does. Now that they know there destunation it was time to Go. twiligt been there to Sweet apple buker in the olden days of old but er memory isnt as good as it used to so she didn't know were it was.
"HHhmm well i think its here" said brunkle. RTwiligt look and he was right! "Thanks bugy
" said twilight and hug im like a buddy or maybe like soul mate? They Head Off to it.

They fly and fly but suddenly, twilit coke and gasp. She had a stomac crunch and a real doozy of a one. "Buck I cant fly anymore" she said. "Ok" they stop and go to the ground.
Wat hapenned" said bucky. "I got a stomac crank real bad" said twiligt. It was cramp. "WWe got to stop until its better" said twioligt with a somber note like a forest clearing at night time. "No problem My lady" said bucky. "Ill get you fixed up"
Twligt sleep for a nap and bucky te griffone went off to find a medicinal herbs. Tey cant afford to go to drug store and buy a iibuprofen so they had to go back to their Roots (lol get the pun) and use a plants from the wild. Buky searc Hi and Low for his love. He find it and run back to twiligt so quick he forgott to use his wings and that he can fly even.
Buck go to the unicorn and said "Here Have this plant" and hend it to her. "Wow bucky its bautiful" said twilight and she teared up. "No you have to eat it for your somach" "Oh" said twilight and se did.
Twiligt was still Out of Commission like a unpopular artist so se sleeped off the pain and wait for it to kick in. Wile she did it bucky strategize. They could get to apple bunker pretty quick since they were close. but it was near nigt time so might as well stop for the night anyhow. After he got his plan bucky cucking decide ti sleep rigt next to twiligt parkle.

In The Morning it was time. twilte look around and looked. she felt real good so good like a funk. Buckt worke up and was like ey twilit I got you something. "What is it" said twiligt. He gaved her te gift it was empty 2litre bottle. "WOW" said twilte. se put it on her horn stump it was a perfect fit!!! It was like armor like a helmet. BUT they got to go so twiligt take it off and put it in buckys backpack for later. Bick start up the GPS and get to go.c

Tey go and get to it a while later. Twilite feel the wind whip her wings as they fly above the clouds and the bunk came into view. On it's surface was a farm with a barn and a silo or two. fields of wat used to be farmland but was now a wasteland and a badlands. there wasn't a sign that said it's a bunker because its secret. But they knew.

They fly down in there and go to te dirts. Twilit follow the directions, 12 steps to the right and 11 to the east. There was a X marks the spot. Twilight smile a knowing smile. Se scrape with her hoove and dig. Bucky came and helped and finally the earth opened like a seismic rift and they saw a rusty crookd ladder going down into the earth to the bunker. "Come on bucky let's go" the horse said. "Ok" he reply. e take twilights foot stump in his bird hand and they creep down into the night of darkness.

The ladder go on for ever and for ages. Then a light came into view. It was like the light of daytime emerging from the night. "Hurry up twi we're almost there" said Buck with a whisper voice. "DONT RUSH ME" twilight wisper in reply. buck said :(. They go and go and suddenly they smack into the ground. The light appear now and was blinding. Twilt and tthe bird man squinch their eyes in the light. "WHO GOES THERE" said a loud angry voice. It sound like a woman or maybe a man.

Twiligt said "Hey this is seet apples bunker right?" "yeah" said the person. Twilt step into the light and said "It's me, twilight sparkle..... I need your help, we are all in grave danger"
"If you need my help it will come at a cost" SAID THE VOICE. "I will do anything I can to help" said Twilight. The person put down te light and twiligt could see that it was who she suspect, Applejack. She orange body and yellow blond hairs and eyes that shine with a emerald shimmer through the darkness. She had some dirt and grease on her face and she wear a apron that's made of rubber and had stuff in the pockets. It had stuff like a wrench and a broken glass bottle for weapon. "Twilight?" said apple wit recognition. "Yeah, it's me" she say. "Ok... wo is with you" "This is Bucky Cucking, he helped Rarity and Ranbow in the fight to try to defeat Sombra." Applejack eyes got wide. "Really?" "Yeah"
"Ok" said the orange pony, "Follow me"