Equestria BatGirls

by Wildcard25


In an office, a man wearing a white tux and a black skull mask, watched the footage of when the Turtles and Rainbooms trying to stop the Kraang from stealing the scientific equipment. As well as a the footage of Subprime overpowering Nightwing, Robin, and the Birds Of Prey from the night they faced the Kraang at Wayne R&D.

"Interesting..." Black Mask said to himself, with curiosity.

In another dimension, in a brightly colored version of New York, Batman's utility belt laid on the ground of a roof top. Then six shadows fell on it as a large green hand picked it up.

"Yo, Mad Dogs, check out what I found!" The hand belonged to another Raph.

But this Raph was a big bulky mutant alligator snapping turtle. And the five other shadows were his brothers, an African American April O'neil, and snort chubby Splinter.

"Ooo, what is it?" The other Mikey asked. He was a mutant box turtle.

The other Donnie barged in, looking at it through some goggles. "It appears to be some sort of utility belt." He was soft-shelled turtle, wearing a tech shell.

"It's cool is what it is!" The other Leo stated. He was red-eared slider turtle.

"Where did it come from?" The other April asked.

"No idea?" The other Splinter said.

Raph pushed a button, causing smoke pellets to fall out and explode.

“Ooooo!” The Turtles, April, and Splinter awed.

Curious, Mikey pushed another button and batarangs emerged.

“Aaaaah!” They all responded, awestruck by how shiny they looked.

The other Leo imminently snatched the belt, "I call first dibs wearing it!"

Raph pushed him and took the belt, "I found it, so I get first dibs!"

A claw from Donnie's shell grabbed it, "It'll never fit you. And since I'm the smartest, coolest, and obviously the most superior turtle, ergo, I get first dibs!"

Mikey snared the belt with his weapon, "I call first dibs!"

Leo then snagged the belt, “It’s flashy! So it should go to the best looking. Moi!”

“I lead this team! I should wear it!” Raph grabbed it just as Mikey snatched it from him.

“This kind of belt requires delicacy! So who better than Dr. Delicate Touch?”

Donnie snatched it, “I my dear brothers must analyze this belt of awesomeness!”

“No way! You hog all the good toys!” Leo pounced on Donnie followed by Raph while Mikey cannon balled in the pile. This went on and on until Splinter raised his voice.

“BOYS! What have I taught you about sharing?”

The turtles then began to show second thoughts before Splinter gave a sneaky smirk, "Hot Soup!" And kicked the turtles off their feet.

"You snooze, you loose!" He said, "Splinter for the win!"

"Awww!" The Turtles pouted.

"Hmm? What does this button do?" Splinter pressed a button on the belt and he and the Turtles were engulfed in sleeping gas and they instantly fell asleep.

Then April snatched the belt and put it on. "APRIL O'NEIL!" She cheered.

In Equestria, Princess Twilight was reading a book, when she heard the journal buzz. She opened it a saw a message from Sunset Shimmer.

Hey, Twilight.

We all just had a crazy weekend! And your old friend Batman says hi.

Princess Twilight was surprised, but smiled, as she glanced over at the picture of her, her friends, and her friends the Justice League after they had defeated Lex Luthor and Queen Chrysalis.

In the Utrom detention center in Dimension X, a portal opened and Krang Subprime fell through. After regaining consciousness, he screamed in rage and smacked his Shredder exosuit.


He kept having his fit before he heard a familiar voice.

“Wait a minute! I know that voice anywhere.”

Subprime looked at the prison and recognized a familiar Rogue Utrom.

“Krang Subprime.” the one addressed him.

“Bixolio. So you’re still alive!” Subprime smirked.

“Unfortunately, I was brought back here courtesy of some nosey brats and turtles.” Bixolio struggled in his restraints.

“Doesn’t surprise me.” Subprime rolled his eye as he climbed to the controls and started to hack it. “You know, I was always curious why Kraang Prime let you go when you turned on the Utrom. But at least I can actually trust you since we have a common foe.” After crossing a couple wires, the restraints holding Bixolio vanished.

“Much obliged.” He thanked. “My exosuit should be that way. As well as some Krang they haven’t rehabilitated yet.”

Subprime smirked, “Excellent. Cmon! We have a lot to do before we take on the Turtles and Rainbooms again!”