//------------------------------// // The Ending of the Middle // Story: Test Subject // by 1023nelly //------------------------------// I backed away nervously as Iron Will advanced. “Iron Will is here to collect the human!” he barked. Then he looked around, noticing the absence of a human. “Where has the human gone? Iron Will must know!” he demanded. “Uh, I think she ran out of the building,” I squeaked. Iron Will sure could be scary when he wanted to. Then again, he WAS an instructor that was supposed to make people more assertive. I guess he practiced what he preached. The minotaur narrowed his eyes. “Nice try,” he sneered. “I know it’s you. You can’t fool me! I AM IRON WILL!” Yipes. Guess that plan’s screwed. Iron Will picked me up off the floor. I realized that none of the other ponies were even bothering to look at me, much less help me. “Guys!” I yelled. “Aren’t you going to help me?” I struggled to get out of Iron Will’s viselike grip. Not surprisingly, I couldn’t. I remembered I had a tail, and swished it in the monster’s face in a desperate attempt to make him sneeze or something and drop me. No dice. The other ponies looked at the floor sheepishly. Not even Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty, attempted to do anything. “Fine, then,” I said. “I’ll just go get sliced open and operated on. Thanks so much for your help.” Next thing I knew, the six ponies were getting farther away as I was carried under the arm of the cobalt minotaur through the halls to my doom. I was too tired from the utter confusion that had happened in the last half an hour to stay conscious any longer. I fell into a dark void of sleep. * * * “Hey! Wake up!” I was slapped across the face by a none-too-gentle palm. I opened my eyes drowsily, trying to make out the blur that was in front of me. Then my eyes focused, and I saw an operating table, surrounded on all sides by so many sharp objects I didn’t even bother to count them. The large laser directly above said table, however, woke me right up. “No way am I getting sliced open like an apple! I prefer having all four limbs!” Iron Will chuckled. “Too bad,” he said. Still carrying me under his arm, he put me on the table and held my arms and legs (or should I say four legs) in the classic I’m-cuffed-to-the-table-like-James-Bond-in-that-one-movie pose. Sure enough, cuffs appeared from nowhere. Now I was really trapped, and no matter how I struggled, I couldn’t get out of the bonds. Iron Will started up the laser. He aimed it at my forehead. “Princess Celestia wants to get some valuable information about humans, and she knows just the way. When we have your thoughts, we can learn all about them and their ways, and more specifically, their weapons.” “What?” “Oh yeah.” He left the room chuckling. The laser got brighter and brighter as I struggled to get out of my bonds. It began humming with very high intensity. I feared I would not be able to escape. Then the laser exploded. ***AUTHOR'S NOTE*** Why did the laser explode? What happened to the human-turned-pony? What is up with Equestria? Well, I think you have enough imagination to find out those answers for yourself. Due to the large Improbability Field surrounding my computer, the plot is going nowhere and the characters and scenarios are melting away into the sixth dimension. Also, large bananas with boxing gloves are popping out of the printer and eating any and all interesting things in this story. Therefore, I am cancelling it, and starting a new one with an entirely different plot. Hint: Live long and prosper.