A story of The Doctor and Daring Do

by Casey1859

The beginning, or sometimes called chapter 1

Daring and the Doctor: A prologue of sorts.

Daring dashed into the clearing, sweat pouring down her face like tiny bullets, rushing to the ground to explode upon the earth. She was running from a green mountain lion, something she had hoped was a dream, as she had been taught all her life that green mountain lions were native to Canterlot and just stayed there. But right now she didn’t care whether or not the lion chasing her was real or not, all she cared was that she got out of the clearing unscathed. So she ran. Oh, she ran and ran and ran. But it just wasn’t enough, the lion was slowly gaining ground on her. As she jumped into another clearing and into a bush, she saw the lion run past her, and she allowed herself a brief respite. She sat under a tree, thinking about her goal here in this jungle. Why had she come here in the first place? She sat under the tree, thinking, as she remembered. There was said to be an abandoned village just 8 miles out of Manehattan, and she came out here to find it. It was said that this village had struck extreme gold, and she wanted it. Oh, she really wanted it.

But she couldn’t just fly up and around to find it, what would be the fun in that? And, she had been recently captured, and her wings had been clipped there, and she couldn’t just fly up. So she was stuck to running. But OH did she like running. By now she began to regain her bearings under her tree. But it was just too quiet. Shouldn’t the lion be looking for her? But the warmness on the back of her neck told her otherwise. She got up as fast as she could, and ran once more, the lion jumping out of the tree it had been hiding in, joining in pursuit of Daring. Once again, Daring found herself running, always running. But it was such a great, adrenaline filled, fun experience, being so close to death, but constantly avoiding it. It was what Daring lived for. Even this close to death, she ran, and laughed. And this close to her tail ending, she wouldn’t fly even if she could.

So that is what she did, and she did it well. She turned. Left, right, straight, up, down, start, sele- wait no, that isn’t right. Daring kept running, and getting small bursts of little flying leaps, as if she was a chicken. It felt like she was nearing the edge of the jungle, she could see lots of light, and the tree line was thinning out, and after just a few minutes, she found herself at the very edge of the jungle,and when she stepped out of the tree line, she heard a loud bang behind her. She looked at where she thought the noise had come from, and saw sparks coming from the lion's neck. The head fell off, revealing all sorts of metal and wiring and gizmos inside.

“Well, That would be an explanation as to why something native to Northern Canterlot is here in the Lodusa just a few miles out of Manehattan” She remarked to herself. She thanked Celestia that it had been a robot, and it had broken down at that moment. She walked. She finally walked. For a moment, she allowed herself the sweet blissful feel of victory. So she kept walking. Out of the forest. But something wasn't right. She wasn’t out yet. The air wasn't right, as if some large object was blocking the movement of air in her general area. She was immediately suspicious. She looked around at what she hoped would be the horizon, but instead, all she saw, was another line of trees.

She was in the largest clearing on the entire face of the planet, and it was there for a reason. It wasn’t just a clearing, it was grounds for a great building, one that was staring her right in the face. That temple, the second biggest thing on the planet she had seen that day, was right in front of her.How the hay did I miss that? Daring thought to herself. The thrill of adventure began to flow through her veins, and she could not wait to get inside of the temple. So what else to do, but go inside? Well, for starters, retrieve her hat. She went back to the lion, and retrieved the hat that had fallen in front of it. But that's when she noticed the oddest thing about its demise. The lion didn't just blow a fuse, something had tampered with it. Ehh, Ill figure it out later. Daring thought to herself. She threw the hat back onto her head, and walked up the steps up to the temple. Banging open the huge polished stone doors, she stepped in, breathing in the old, mildewy odor of a large temple.

As she strolled down the halls, she noticed the walls where completely covered in pelts, fangs, and tusks, the kind of thing a poacher would have on their walls, and a serious one as well. Daring noticed that the temple went on for as long as she could see, at a sort of downward slope. As daring kept walking, she heard a loud whooshing sound, it sounded as if time and space where being ripped apart, and mending itself, all in one sound. She ran to the source of the sound, where a large blue box had begun fading into her line of sight.

“Ah, there we go! Ditzy, I'd like you to see the Lodusa jungle, wait, no,” A colt turned around inside this box. "Ditzy. It appears that we have a stone jungle on our hands. Either that or... we are in a building. Let's go outside, shall we?" A colt stepped out, introducing himself as “The Doctor”. “And I'm Daring Do, explorer extraordinaire. I came here to try and find a lost village, but I ended up finding this temple. The Lodusa is right out there.” Daring said, a confident smile playing across her lips. “ And who is your friend? I do believe I have seen her before” Daring asked. “Ah, this is my friend and partner in time, Ditzy Doo.” The doctor answered, giving his partner a warm smile before continuing outside.

“Hey, you looking for a problem? I think I've heard of you two, and you seem to be really good at getting in trouble and fixing problems. Oh, and I've heard you like running.” Daring remarked. “Muffins!” Exclaimed Ditzy, faintly smelling her favorite treat. “Why yes, we do usually end up in trouble, why do you ask?” The doctor wondered. “Well, I think this temple might hold residence to a major poacher. And poaching is up there next to high treason in regard to the fine and prison time.” Daring explained. “Oh ditzy” The doctor sang “I think we've got our next adventure!” The doctor yelled after the escaping Ditzy. She must be looking for muffins. The doctor thought to himself. But Ditzy had no muffins on her mind, for the first time in almost a century. She trotted farther into the clearing, one set destination in her mind. She was panicking, thousands of thoughts of muffins going through her mind, not the mind of thing that was controlling her. Her hooves moved all on there own, and her face was one of pure panic as she was pulled away against her will. The doctor sensed something was amiss, and proceeded to run after Ditzy. Oh, the running, the running again. Daring thought, as she dashed away after the doctor.