Discordant Origins

by Queen Zozer

Chapter 3: From Heartbreak to Bedlam

Amma rested peacefully in her bed until one of the windows violently flung open and suddenly turned the room into a partial snow storm. She woke up annoyed and shut the windows, but it opened on its own again. With an angry grunt, she slammed the window closed and locked it tightly.

She could never stand the cold.

Suddenly, the window in Draco's room had flung open and she let out a heavy sigh. She walked over to his room and went to the windows. She peered at the bed and saw that Draco wasn't in it. She gasped in shock and ran out the door to look around the house for Draco but he was nowhere to be seen. Without hesitation, Amma frantically put on a scarf and headed out the door. She nearly collapsed from the sudden gusts of cold air as she sprinted into the forest behind the house. She shut her eyes tightly as she shed tears from the sheer cold. The cold was painful, but she didn't care. She just wanted her precious...


Draco laid shivering on the cold, rocky floor. He had stayed in that cave for as long as the blizzard kept him in. He was starting to develop frostbite. He looked out at the cave's gaping entrance and looked at the blizzard which blew snow in every direction. He had to get something to keep him warm. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing before briskly running out of the cave to try and get wood. He figured that all he would need is branches that fell from the trees. The wind nearly carried him again before he hugged onto a tree and began crawling again. He shifted his hands through the thick layers of snow and managed to pull out a large stick. He dug up more snow and found another stick. He continued this process until he had roughly five sticks. He would've gotten more, but the cold was really starting to get to him so badly that he was starting to grow icicles on his face. He felt like he was on the verge of dying, but something within him managed to keep him alive the whole time, despite everything that has happened to him. A normal pony would've died in matter of seconds in a blizzard like this. But he was still alive, and he wondered why. He grunted as he collapsed on to the rocky floor of the cave, causing all of the sticks that he managed to gather to scatter all over the place. He barely managed to prop himself up before gathering all the sticks into a pile. He then took two rocks and tried using them to ignite a flame, but to no avail. He threw the rocks into the murky depth of the cave and it ricocheted off of the walls like bouncy balls. He pouted and sat down in front of his stick pile. He sniffled, which caused his nose to tickle a little bit. He reeled back his head and sneezed. The moment he sneezed, a large burst of fire ejected from his nose and ignited the pile of sticks that he had in front of him.

"It keeps getting worse..." Draco thought to himself as he hesitantly huddled closer to the fire.

"I know I've only caused pain ever since this started happening to me, but the least it could do is stop for five minutes."

He shook himself out of it, "No," he said, "this is probably happening to me because I deserve it. I mean, everypony always saw me as a monster...."

Tears starting falling down his face as he remembered, "Even...her..."

Draco laid on his side and whimpered as his face drenched with tears. He had cried so much that tears weren't even coming out anymore since he was starting to get dehydrated.

Draco opened his eyes and realized that the cave was suddenly getting darker. He looked out at the cave entrance and saw that the snow was piling up so much that it was blocking him in. He quickly stood up and grabbed a stick from the fire to try and melt the snow before it completely blocked himself in, but it was no use. In a matter of seconds, the only light source in that cave was the campfire that was almost put out. He gave up and huddled closely to what little was left of the fire.

"I want my mommy...I want my mommy...I want my mommy..." Draco kept repeating to himself as the fire was finally put out and he was left in complete darkness.

He only sat there silently. Seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. And what did he do? Nothing. There was nothing he could do. He was too tired to claw himself out of the snow. He was too hungry to go anywhere. He was too thirsty to even think. He was in pain. Mentally and physically. He felt like he should've died hours ago just from the cold alone. But he didn't.

"Why, why, why?" he would ask himself over and over again. But there was no response...until...

"Because you need to suffer..." a disembodied voice answered. The deepness and raspiness of the voice sent chills up Draco's spine.

Draco looked around the cave, trying to find where the voice came from. Even though his eyes had somewhat adjusted to seeing in the dark, he couldn't find it. He peered into the murky depths.

"You're a monster..." the voice said again, breaking the silence.

"W-who are you...?" Draco asked the voice. He still couldn't see it.

"I am what you have been, what you are and what you will be..." the voice said in a subtle, goofier tone.

"W-what am I, then?" Draco asked the voice.

"You're a horrible monster....and there is no hope for you..." the voice answered.

"But...what about Am-?"

"No!" the voice interrupted.

"She never truly cared about you! She only took pity on you because you looked weak and helpless when she found you!" the voice continued.

"Is...that really true...?" Draco asked as he tried to shed a tear, but couldn't.

"Oh, don't you worry yourself, now," the voice reassured him, "we'll do something about it...and we're gonna have fun getting our revenge."

"Revenge? But...why?" Draco asked.

"Seriously? You don't remember being hated by everypony? The bullying? You need to strike back!" the voice exclaimed. Draco just stared at the ground.

"No..." Draco whispered to himself, "I don't wanna hurt anypony...not anymore."

It was silent for a few seconds until the voice suddenly started chuckling. The chuckling then turned into maniacal laughter.

"Foolish boy. You don't have a choice," the voice finally spoke.

"What do you mean...?!" Draco asked, but was only met with silence.

Suddenly, he had a pounding migraine and there was a loud ringing in his ears, which caused him to drop to his knees and cover his ears. The moment he opened his eyes, the floor of the cave looked wavy as if he was in some sort of twisted dimension. He felt nauseous as his perception of his surroundings became more and more jumbled. From his perspective, his own limbs seemed to increase and decrease in size repeatedly. He leaned against the wall and it turned into a purple checkered pattern. His own body started to morph. He wanted it all to stop. He couldn't take it anymore. But there was no hope for him. There was no one there to help him. He was alone. And the only thing he could do was lay there and wallow in pain as his mind continued to spiral down into despair. Who knows how long this would last? An hour? Days? Weeks? Years? Time seemed to matter so little to him in that moment, for Draco no longer cared, and Draco was no longer. There was only insanity. There was only confusion. There was only bedlam. There was only...


For years, the blizzard had run rampant around Equestria and all of the ponies were bitter towards each other as their crops died. This blizzard wasn't like any other blizzard Equestria had ever seen. It appeared to have a center to it and it had what looked like three large horses running in a circle. Many ponies were literally frozen in ice. Their anguish only fed to the unending storm. Eventually, they had learned that friendship was the only way to stop the unending snow storm. So, they had finally come together and used what little magic they had left to stop it.

During the cold, long years of snow and the frost in their hearts had finally melted, Discord had stayed in that cave until his mind was no longer salvageable. He had truly lost his mind. On top of that, he was incredibly powerful. Fortunately, he had laid dormant in his cave where he appeared to have been hibernating. He looked a lot different. He was now three times the size of a normal pony. His lion paw had claws the size of kitchen knifes and his eagle talon was razor sharp. His long red tail had prominent scales that shimmered in the morning sun. His deer antler and impala horn were fully grown. He had a long, soft goatee that was as white as the snow that had melted. He finally propped himself up from his long slumber and stretched himself out like a cat. He rubbed his eyes before attempting to stand up like he usually would, but since he was a lot bigger, he hit his head on the roof of the cave and rubbed his head as he grunted in pain. The sunlight was nearly blinding to him, but he walked out of the cave with his head tucked down. He looked out into the forest and saw the melted snow and freshly growing flowers. He yawned and stretched his arms as he rubbed his head in confusion.

"Mmm...where am I?" he asked himself. Of course, no one was there to answer him. He looked down and saw how high up he was. He nearly lost his balance, but he managed to stay upright. He continued to wander aimlessly through the forest before tripping in front of a creek. He gasped at his reflection in the water. He touched his now elongated face and stroked his goatee. He stood back up and continued walking out of the forest thinking to himself.

"Why am I here...? How long was I asleep for...? What happened to me...? he asked himself.

"And why do I feel like I'm forgetting about somepony...? I can't remember anything..."

Before he even noticed, he had walked right into the center of a busy town. A bloodcurdling scream snapped him out of his trance. He snapped his head towards the screaming pony.

"A monster!"a grey stallion with a cutie mark of a boxing glove exclaimed.

Discord widened his eyes in shock. He suddenly got a small flashback of the same grey pony bullying him back in school.

"You..." Discord said, now enraged.

And that was the very beginning of his rampage. He exacted his revenge on not only that grey stallion, but on that town. He terrorized everypony and had become the very monster that everypony would fear for years to come. Then, he went from terrorizing towns to terrorizing entire cities. Eventually, he had ruled all of Equestria. He had become the Discord that everypony would now despise. There was no going back for him. His memories of love and family had disappeared along with his sanity.