Twin Suns

by Feynna

Chapter 010 - Mistress of the Night.

I awoke to the feeling of somepony nibbling on my ear delicately and I let out a moaning sigh in contentment. After having dealt with that foreign dignitary from Saddle Arabia the day before this, it was a welcome change of pace. The last few months hadn’t been entirely kind to my mood, the revelation of the unique alicorn nature contributing the most to that.

The ministrations of my twin sister brought back a smile to my muzzle, a genuine one. Not one of those fake ones I had to wear on a daily basis while dealing with the nobility, foreigners, and peasants. It was an exhausting ordeal dealing with everypony when all they did was demand one thing or another from you and you had to bear everything with a friendly smile when you just wanted to tell them off and be reasonable for once in their damn lives.

Seriously, was it too much to ask for them to use their common sense to solve their own problems without having to bug us about minor things? Most of this stuff could have been resolved within seconds if they used their friggin’ brains...

Sometimes, I swear, I’m looking after children instead of fully grown adults.

I giggled as I felt a curious hoof start to brush against my marehood, leaning into it as I felt the mouth on my ear start to smile. Whatever I did to deserve this, I wasn’t in the mood to question it.

It felt great, to say the least. Not waking up to endless teasing, directly jumping into the action, instead. Tia must be particularly merciful today with me, perhaps she felt I needed the relief more than her enjoyment over making me squirm.

As I felt my breath begin to quicken due to my arousal picking up, I turned over to sleepily nuzzle the chest of my wife, silently telling her to not stop what she was doing. Then again, her scent was slightly confusing to me, I couldn't quite put my hoof on it. I chalked it up to her using a different soap without me noticing (which happened rarely, but she does manage to surprise me every once in a while when she feels in the mood for a change of scents). I continued to enjoy the nibbling on my ear and the hoof between my hind legs, meeting her hoof with a few humps of my own.

A louder moan escaped me as I felt her let go of my ear and lick the groove of my horn, the movement of her tongue feeling oddly different than usual. I blinked my eyes open wearily, staring at the midnight blue fur in front of me. Eh? What?

Luna giggled as she noticed how I stared back at her in puzzlement, having mistaken her for my wife. A shudder ran through me as her hoof rubbed against my needy marehood, her slender tongue doing wonders to my horn at the same time. 

“L-Luna?” I moaned out, only for her to silence me with a kiss. Her tongue wrestled mine and quickly won, my dazed self unable to compete with her passionate show of affection. 

“We want thee, right now,” Luna whispered as she broke the kiss with me and my heart started hammering in my chest at the seductive tone in her voice. It took all of my willpower to not start grinding myself against her in earnest to comply with her demand.

“But why?” I asked as I stared into her half-lidded gaze, confused. I avoided her next kiss by leaning my head back away from her, giving her a look that I wouldn’t do anything before I got an answer.

“We want thy baby in our womb,” Luna told me, trapping me underneath her in one fell swoop. My little sister started to grind herself against me, despite my protests at her strange behavior. “Pleasure thy princess! Mmh~!”

“Luna, stop this!” I cried out, not able to suppress the moan escaping me this time. Damn it, what has gotten into her? Which month were we in, again? “Luna... don’t tell me you’re in heat, please...”

“What of it?” my little sister asked back, hungrily trapping me in a kiss. Luna bucked her hindquarters against mine, her wet vagina smearing her fluids against my hind legs as she pressed her own against my sopping wet entrance with a little bit too much force.

“Ow! Luna, for fuck’s sake!” I growled, pushing her off of me. Or at least, I tried to do so as her magic forced my hooves away from her. “I’m not having sex with you when you can’t even think clearly!”

“We want to see thee try to escape from this,” Luna smirked down at me, her panting breath tickling my muzzle. “Thou won’t find a place that we won’t find thee in.”

“Stop...” I moaned, feeling slightly dirty that I couldn’t muster up enough strength to get out from beneath her and finding myself not nearly willing enough to actually want her to stop. 

“Nay, we won’t,” Luna giggled, lightly stroking my cheek with a gentle hoof. “We can see thy desire for this in those beautiful eyes of thine, sister.”

“Where is Tia?” I breathed out, unable to see her in the darkened bedroom. I was so glad I could change my eyes on a whim to that of a more predatory nature, night vision was seriously awesome to have.

“'Tis not our usual bedroom,” Luna answered with a pant, biting at my lower lip as she let out a cry of pleasure herself after giving another buck against me. “'Tis one of the enchanted rooms.”

“You mean you dragged me in here in my sleep?!” I cried out, desperately wanting her to refute my fear. If she was in heat... I won’t be able to open that door from the inside and teleportation won’t work even with the full might of the red sun at my disposal.

“That we did,” Luna moaned out, bucking out against me once more, making a wince run through me. She clearly never had sex with somepony else before, or she was simply too drunk on her arousal right now. Or she liked it rougher, I don't know. “We left a note with Tia stating that we took thee for a little... trip~.”

“Luna, you can’t just drag me off like that!” I scolded her, struggling against the magic holding my forelegs still. My own magic didn’t come to my help as I felt something blocking the flow of mana to my horn. Ugh. Why am I not surprised? “And did you seriously put a suppression ring on me?! I still need to raise my sun!”

“Mhh~... Yes, we did that. We can’t have thee trying to weasel thyself out of our grasp, dear sister. Besides, Tia can probably take care of that for thee, no need to worry,” Luna smiled as she panted into my ear. She... she really was out of her friggin’ mind! I whimpered against her, feeling another jolt of pleasure and pain run through me as she rammed herself against me again with a buck. “And why shouldn’t we take thee with us here? We art a princess, we can do whatever we want~...”

“An argument that would be valid if you were the only princess in this room!” I shot back. “And could you stop with the archaic speech? I thought you were over this.”

Luna glared down at me. “Don’t spoil my fun, Summer,” she said, grinding herself against me. “And I know you actually like it, don’t try to deny it~.”

“Well, that might be true, but this is still not right,” I grumbled, only to find myself silenced by another kiss as my little sister moaned into my mouth. My wings flared out as she gave me a slight pinch on my Cutie Mark with her magic, sending me spasming against her with a cry of pleasure. “L-Luna, ngh... p-please...”

“Shush,” she told me around the kiss, both of us panting against each other while she increased the pace of her grinding against me. I couldn’t help myself as I felt even more arousal at her taking charge and forcing herself on me like this.

“This is technically r-rape,” I mewled, bucking out against her as I threw caution out the window. Damnit. I just couldn't resist my own need, she was driving me crazy with the smell of sex in the air.

“Is it, though?” Luna argued back, driving me further into the cloud mattress. “If both are willing, isn’t that just sex?”

“I’m not so s-sure this is e-exactly willing,” I moaned. “Y-you’re not quite in the right state of… ahn~... m-mind.”

“We art sound enough in mind to still decide we want this, dear sister of mine,” Luna answered me, very much convincing me with her 'logic' before she decided to nip my lower lip with her teeth and I mewled out in pleasure. Damn it. If she could convince me that easily, then I must be not thinking entirely straight, either. To hell with this. “Now stop thy prattling and fuck us.”

“A-as you wish, milady,” I whispered back with a wispy voice, the feeling of need overwhelming me. You know what? I’ll just chalk it up to constantly smelling her intoxicating scent and the erotic sounds of our privates grinding against each other as I gave in to the pleasure in a haze of lust. If she gets mad at me after this, I could always say that she was the one that forced herself on my poor, defenseless self instead of the other way around.

I was glad that she at least decided to give me back the freedom to move my front legs after I stopped struggling against her. That way I had a better grip on her as I threw my hooves around her and genuinely started to help her in our movements grinding against each other.

With my help, I finally got her to stop bucking herself against me so hard, actually making this more pleasurable for both of us. It certainly got better for her when I let one of my hooves wander down to her flanks, causing her to moan even louder, much to my satisfaction.

Luna got her kicks out of me as I began to start screaming her name as I neared my first orgasm, edging her on to bring us over the brink as fast as she could. And I have to say, I was enjoying 'vanilla' sex with her a lot. Tia was way more controlling in bed than Luna, it was a pleasant change of pace.

Still, I felt kinda peeved that Luna decided I didn’t need my magic for this, but it wasn’t like I would have used it that much, anyway. This was way better without having to bring magic into the mix. I had no idea this could be so damn good without resorting to oral sex, either.

I wouldn’t have expected Luna to know how lesbian sex worked in the first place (I could hardly believe this sexy devil was my sweet innocent little sister), although I was pleasantly surprised that she was so enthusiastic about it. And with her own sister, no less. Here I thought she would still have had reservations about that, even while in heat, but perhaps having watched me and Tia do it a couple of times over the last few months loosened her inhibitions enough to stop caring so much about it.

My mind was wiped completely clean of all thoughts as the explosive shudders of an orgasm wreaked havoc on my body and I cried out one last time against my little sister as she, too, succumbed to her own orgasm. She didn’t even stop with her grinding against me (slower as it was). It only served to prolong the tingling ecstasy all the more.

We breathed heavily in satisfaction once we had completely exhausted ourselves from the passionate round of sex, her pretty little head resting on my chest with an adorable grin fixated on her muzzle that I found was also mirrored on my own. She really was adorable, and I can't believe I found it even cuter because we just had sex with each other. Perhaps it was the afterglow in me speaking, but I really loved seeing her like that.

“'Tis was great...” Lulu mumbled dreamily, nuzzling my chest lovingly and I leaned slightly up to her to give her a small kiss in agreement. Luna started to deepen the kiss, much to my delight, and I felt her brush the underside of my wings with her feathers.

The sensation sent shivers through me in a pleasant way and I hummed with approval. Feeling a bit frisky with her, I started groping her flanks with my hooves. They had just the right amount of firmness and give, I noted happily. My sister was clearly enjoying the attention just as much as I did.

Before long, my marehood was already begging for attention again and I hummed needily. My vagina was insatiable, I swear.

“Art thou ready for the next round, sister?” Luna asked and I noticed that she, too, had changed her eyes to those of Nightmare Moon’s by now. That wasn’t the only thing that she had changed about herself, though. I could see the tips of her fangs barely poke out from behind her lips and they looked so damn cute on her, I felt my own teeth sharpen to match hers.

Oh, fuck. I swear, I never had a thing for vampires, but at that moment, I found it incredibly sexy. Too bad she didn't have webbed wings, she would look incredible with them.

My sister had obviously gotten a lot better with her control over her own emotions over the past few months, making a lot of progress. I was so very proud of her. She might even be able to go through with the full transformation soon. I couldn’t wait to see that finally happen.

I didn’t answer her question if I was ready to go again with any words, simply reversing our positions so that I was now on top of her with a little smirk gracing my muzzle. She let out a little surprised squeak which quickly transitioned into a moan as I stroked her marehood gently with a hoof. Luna hummed delightedly, leaning into my touch like the needy mare that she was.

She smiled into the kiss that we shared passionately with each other, my primary feathers running along the base of her wing joints towards the very tips in a practiced motion, provoking a few twitches and cute mewls from her. Her marehood certainly showed how much she enjoyed the sensation, too. My hoof was glistening with her fluids and the bedsheets were quickly soaked through due to her heavy arousal.

My muzzle found its way to the horn on her head and I smirked as Luna called out beggingly to me, shouting out my name as I began to suck on it like a popsicle. My, oh my, she was way more sensitive on her horn than I was myself, I noted with glee. I made sure to concentrate on the groove, the tip of my tongue trailing it with reckless abandon, evoking the lewdest sounds I've heard Luna make up to now.

She had her hooves thrown around me as I felt her shuddering against me and I awkwardly tried to wiggle my hoof against her eager snatch as she did her best to squish my foreleg in between us.

So, seeing that that was proving to be ineffective now, I defaulted back to our previous method of sex and withdrew my hoof from her folds. A short shuffle later, I had my sister and myself positioned properly for me to rub myself against her while still maintaining my ministrations on her horn.

Luna was absolutely loving it as she began to cry out against me, giving me slight nicks on the neck with her fangs. I almost asked her to bite me a bit more forcefully but thought better of it, it would have been a bit too much for our first time (even though the thought of her sucking my blood like a vampire had me excited for some strange reason). 

I contented myself with the sounds of heavy moans coming from her, the noises she made were like music to my ears and I couldn’t get enough of them, even as I started to voice out my own pleasure around her horn.

It was almost like sucking dick, only more involved as she moved her head and I had to react fast to not hurt either of us. My assault on her horn also demanded of me to think outside the box to get the maximum effect from licking the spiral with my tongue. I couldn't just swirl my tongue around her tip and be done with it, I had to get more creative than that. Unlike with a soft, squishy dick, I could even use my teeth to play with her without having to be too careful. She especially liked a bit of pressure on the base of her horn, but it wasn't easy with her randomly jerking around as we bucked out against each other.

Before long, I was unable to concentrate on her horn. I abandoned my attempts in favor of doubling down on grinding myself against her, trying a new tactic altogether. It took me a few tries, but soon enough, I found a good rhythm to jiggle my flanks rapidly. The motion translated over to my nethers and Luna quickly copied me in an attempt to keep up with me. It was incredible, there were no better words to describe it.

It wasn't very easy to maintain our frantic pace of love-making, but that only made it more exciting. The more we kept this up, the more unexpected twitches and bucks started to switch things up. The little bucks against each other sent delightful jolts through my body and her tight embrace on me did not let up in the slightest.

We continued to drive each other closer to the peak in a maddened pursuit to win the race of who got to be the first one to give in while trying not to give in ourselves. Sadly, my little sister didn’t have the same experience as me from holding back, mostly due to the fact that Celestia was a cruel mistress in keeping me from my orgasm for as long as possible.

Luna let out a final last cry of my name as she was subjected to utter bliss and I allowed myself to let my own orgasm rock my body with heavenly spasms once I had satisfied my little sister and won the little bout of competitiveness against her.

She was happy to snuggle with me in our afterglow, nuzzling her head against the nape of my neck with affection. She was utterly exhausted, I could tell, and I simply enjoyed the closeness for as long as it lasted.

“Are you satisfied now, my little princess?” I giggled, moving a hoof lazily over her back in slow circles.

“Verily,” she sighed blissfully, snuggling closer to me. “Thy princess is pleased with this performance.”

“In that case, this princess is happy to have been of service,” I smiled, nudging her head back so I could give her a small kiss. She reciprocated with no hesitation, our lips locking in a sweet and passionate embrace.

We stayed that way for what felt like hours on end, content to have each other be there for the other. Luna might have even dozed off a few times, not that I could blame her. Both of us had thoroughly exhausted ourselves and we needed time to recover from our little bit of exercise.

“Hey, Luna?” I asked, an idea forming in my head.

“Hmm?” she murmured, lazily opening her eyes ever so slightly as she gave me a questioning look. 

“How good are you at dream walking by now?” I inquired, curious if she could actually do what I hoped she could do.

“Pretty good, why?” Luna shot back with a roll of her eyes. I guess it should have been obvious to me since she has safeguarded the dreams of our subjects for more than ten years by now. “Where are you going with this?”

“Can you find a specific pony in the dream realm?” I smirked and she raised a brow at me. I smiled a bit wider when she gave me a nod, silently asking me what it was that I wanted her to do. “Say, if Tia goes to sleep, you would know, right? Can you bring us into her dream as soon as she is asleep?”

“Summer, who do you take me for? I am the Princess of the Night, not the Princess of Whatever,” she snorted. I felt my heart start to beat a bit faster in giddy anticipation.

“So, let’s say you bring us into her dream, could you make her believe that the dream she is having isn’t influenced by you? So that she doesn’t think we are actually there with her?” I grinned and I could tell she was catching on to where I was going with this.

“I could,” she confirmed, biting her lips with a hint of excitement and lust. “Any specific ideas on what we should do with her?”

“Oh, I have an idea~,” I giggled, explaining in detail what I wanted to do with my twin. Luna was definitely liking what I had in mind, licking her lips hungrily. She dragged me into a shared dream in preparation for what we wanted to do, one we were quite familiar with.

In the middle of the room stood the reflective surface of what we had agreed to call the Soul Mirror the first time we had used it to talk with our darker halves. I watched as my little sister happily skipped up to the front of it with an eagerness I found quite cute (and so very sexy, too).

Nightmare Moon stared back at Luna and let out a suffering sigh. I gave her a sheepish smile as I came to a halt beside Luna.

“No,” Moony said, glaring hatefully at me. “In no way am I going to satisfy that pervert's mind with this little fantasy of yours, Summer. Luna might be in heat, but I won’t let that cloud our judgment. I am above such things.”

“Come on, you want it, too, Nightmare,” I smiled at her with a hopeful expression. “Don’t be so sour all the time, have a little fun!”

“My definition of fun does not involve giving our perverted sister a wet dream of our darker sides,” she snarled, tapping the mirror with a silvery light blue shoe. Luna pouted cutely at her and Nightmare averted her gaze from us in a huffy fit.

“Please?” Luna whispered, displaying an expression of mock hurt in order to guilt-trip her other half into giving in. “I want this and I can feel how much you want this, too. Why not entertain the idea for a moment?”

Nightmare huffed. “And why should I?” she asked, raising a brow challengingly at her. “You’re too innocent for this, my dear. I won’t let you give in just because 'sister dearest' planted this absurd idea into your head. It's debasing and not to mention, ridiculous.”

Luna frowned, giving her an unhappy look as Nightmare refused her. “Is this why you won’t let me lose my control over our emotions? You fear that I will end up as a pervert just like them?” she asked curiously, tilting her head slightly. “Where is that mare I met that was ready to plunge this world into darkness just to make her good half feel happy?”

“Well, that mare was a naïve mare,” Nightmare shot back, growling in defiance as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not going to let us do this while we are in heat...”

My sister looked like she might give up before she smirked. “We can do whatever we want with Tia~...” she whispered conspiratorially, grinning victoriously as her other half sported a heavy red blush. Nightmare shook her head, trying to block out the images my little sister was currently thinking of.

“No...” Nightmare whined, holding her head with her hooves. “I won’t give in to these... sweet... pictures... of... Gah! Stop! Why must you torture me so?! I hate you so much. Me. Whatever. Stupid mental bullshit.”

“Just think about it,” Luna giggled, running a hoof along the edge of the mirror playfully. “Tia as our mere pet while we can do whatever we want with her...”

“You know you want to,” I said, my fangs biting down on Luna’s ear as we both watched Nightmare’s reaction in the mirror. She was unable to stop the wing-boner from happening, displaying her arousal clearly for both of us to see.

“Fine! I will do it, you incessant idiot! I swear on my moon, sometimes I wonder just who of us is the good version here...” Nightmare exclaimed, pawing at the ear corresponding with Luna’s that I was currently gently nibbling on. “...might even enjoy it...”

“Aww~, you’re so cute!” I giggled. Luna gave a tiny huff as her fur turned black, muttering something about perverts corrupting her. Then again, that was probably more the opinion of her darker half.

I watched with eager anticipation as my sister was successful for the first time in turning into her other self. Turquoise eyes transformed into icy blue eyes with slits running down in their middle, her teeth sharpened even more while her starry mane took on a more cloudy quality, and the dark splotch behind the depiction of the moon on her flanks changed its color from black to purple.

“Well?” she asked me, looking at me with a sneer on her lips. “What are you waiting for?”

“I fucking love your voice,” I whispered dreamily, forcing my tongue into her muzzle. Nightmare gave off a startled whinny that quickly turned into a moan, although I could tell she was loathing it very much that she was enjoying this. Perhaps there was still a part of my sister that hasn’t entirely come to terms with this.

Nightmare pushed back against me as we fought for dominance, my own transformation into Fallen Star providing me with the extra bit of confidence and possessiveness needed for me to come out on top with a self-satisfied smirk.

“Don’t think I’m going to let you do as you please,” I stated, staring haughtily down at her as I pinned her to the ground with a glare. “You are mine.”

“Is that so?” Nightmare growled back, trying to reverse the position and only succeeding with it due to the unfair advantage she had over me of being able to use her magic while I could not. “You wouldn’t like me when I’m jealous, dearest sister of mine.”

“Know your place,” I snarled, rolling us over again. “Now bring us to our sister, we have a plan to enact.”

“Oh, Celestia isn’t asleep yet, sister,” Nightmare Moon smirked as she pinned me underneath her once more. “And I know my place perfectly well, sister~. It’s on top of you as your mistress!”

“We will see about that, bitch,” I shot back, but I struggled futilely against her as chains sprang up from the ground, ensnaring me in heavy iron cuffs. Panic started to grip my heart and I struggled against them with desperate movements. “Release me at once, sister! Or I won’t show you mercy once I break these!”

“I want to see you succeed at that,” Nightmare cackled, delighted at my struggling. “Call me your mistress and I might consider it...”

“I will rip that smirk from your muzzle, you insolent little...” I cried out in fury, only for her to put a ball gag on me. Nightmare had her fun watching me try to chew through the offending object in my mouth, something I failed miserably at.

“Now, now,” Nightmare said mockingly, patting my cheek condescendingly. “I am in control of this little dream of ours, you have no power here. If you won’t call me by my rightful title, then you will have to suffer for it.”

I watched fearfully as my sister procured a riding crop from out of nowhere, floating threateningly in front of my eyes within her icy aura. She grinned with all her sharp teeth fully on display as I leaned my head away from the blasted thing. A little giggle was heard from the mirror in which the good half of my sister watched on in amusement and a little shame. Mostly in arousal, though.

Oh, she is going to get it... once I’m free of these infernal bindings, that is. She knew that I despised being bound like this, unable to move within these restrictions. This was some weird plot for revenge, wasn’t it? 

Nightmare prowled around me as I thrashed against the shackles holding me to the ground in a compromising position, howling out in pain as the crop flicked itself harshly against my teats. I swear, I will do so much worse to her once I get out of these damn chains! Her cackling was perhaps even more infuriating as she took her sick pleasure out of watching my twitching reactions to the crop.

Nightmare hummed, mock concern in her eyes. “Have you had enough?” she asked me, her voice so falsely sweet that there was no way she would let me go even if I gave her an affirmative. I nodded desperately, anyway. She snarled and hit me on the same spot again, making me howl once more. “Too bad I’m not in a forgiving mood, then.”

She ignored my growling, staying well out of reach of my raging mane, the chains not able to restrict something that wasn't solid, to begin with. It was too bad that they didn’t even seem to heat up in the slightest from the heat generated by my fiery mane and tail.

Another resounding snap echoed out in the chamber as the crop found its mark on my Cutie Mark this time, making me scream out both from pain and pleasure. A puff of flames escaped my nostrils as I silently glared at my captor. She didn’t seem to be concerned all that much by the blatant hatred I sent her way, though. If anything, it gave her even more incentive to humiliate me.

“This is what you always wanted, right?” Nightmare whispered snidely. “Your sister loving you, oh so very much. I’m just giving you exactly what you asked for, dear.”

I winced again as the crop flicked my Cutie Mark harshly, crying out as it hit the exact same spot as last time. The electrical feeling surged through my whole body, wreaking havoc on my nerves in a pleasant, shivery way. My marehood started to show its approval despite my misgivings about the situation.

Judging by the self-satisfied look in her eyes, Nightmare took notice of my begging nethers, too. 

“Are you willing to call me your mistress, yet?” she asked with a raised brow, and had she not put a ball gag on me, I would have already spit her in the face for her insolence. She seemed to take my glare as an answer and punished me with another hit from her riding crop, this time slapping me across my muzzle. “What will it take for you to admit defeat and grovel at my hooves like the pathetic worm that you are?”

She stalked her way back around me, staring down at me like I was worth less than the dust floating in the air. Another snap against my Cutie Mark on the other flank made me scream out in fury and pleasure as I struggled harder against the chains in an effort to strike out against her.

Once more, my sister sneered disdainfully down at me. “Tsk, tsk. Must you be so difficult?” she asked me and I was prevented from tugging at my restraints more harshly as her magic reached out to the cold steel. With a cruel smirk, she enforced their strength before I could actually break them, ruining my attempts to break out altogether. “It would be so much easier for you to just accept me as your better. You just have to learn where your place is, sister. Everything will be so much more enjoyable then, don’t you think?”

I whimpered as the crop lightly slapped my horn, sending stars through my vision.

“I can continue with this for as long as it takes, my dear,” my sister told me. “Stop resisting! Bow down to me and call me your mistress and I will make you feel good, instead. That would be nice, right? Just. Stop. Resisting!”

I growled back, earning myself another slap to the horn from her stupid riding crop. Clearly, my rage wasn’t doing me any favors, much to my own chagrin. It was all I could do, though. The other option would leave me far more vulnerable and broken if I turned back into Summer Sol. That, I couldn't allow.

Alas, I was getting tired from the constant thrashing within my confines, the bindings digging painfully into my fetlocks. Submitting to her might be my only option left, but… my pride demanded of me to put up as much of a fight as I could in order to defy her for as long as possible.

Nightmare continued to punish me for my resistance against her as I tried to suppress the pleasure I started to feel from the damn pain she inflicted upon me. I never knew this could actually turn into such a good feeling (at least, not to a degree like this), but here I am, quickly being proven wrong of that little misconception I had.

My sister raised a curious brow at the unexpected moan that forced itself out of my throat instead of the pained yelp as she struck her crop against my teats. She repeated the same thing and I hated myself for the sound that came out of my throat once more. Why was this so damn arousing to me?!

“Now that is very interesting, indeed...” she mumbled, staring at the riding crop and then at me. I watched fearfully as she levitated the damn thing near my marehood and I tried my best to struggle against the restraints to get away before she could actually do what I feared she would do. “Are you going to submit yourself to me now or do I have to resort to more... painful methods? I doubt you could draw pleasure from that. Do you want to risk it?”

I shook my head in despair, hoping against hope she wouldn’t go through with her threat as I begged her for forgiveness with my eyes. Sadly, she mistook the frantic shaking of my head as a negative (probably so she could still punish me) and I let out a muffled shriek as she punished my aching snatch.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” Nightmare snarled and I let out a whimper, crying out tears of shame as the damn pain turned itself into arousal for more. I shrieked out again as another slap connected with my wet entrance, moaning heavily afterward much to the surprise of my mistress.

She smiled at that, pleasantly surprised that her previous statement was proven wrong. My mistress hit me once more with her riding crop and I voiced out my opinion with an even louder moan, ceasing my struggles entirely as I tried to lean my sopping-wet entrance closer to her. At long last, she took the gag within my mouth out and I cried out my desire for her to punish me more, calling her my mistress much to her approval.

“Now, why don’t you give me that little spell of yours,” Nightmare cooed, stroking the side of my head slowly with the crop as she stood over me and I leaned into it dazedly. I wanted her to hit me more, have her slap me without stopping. My marehood ached so much for it, I couldn't think clearly anymore. “You know which spell I’m talking about, don't you?”

“I don’t know,” I answered hesitantly, wincing as she hit me with her hoof across the muzzle. “Please, mistress! I don’t know how I cast it on myself!”

“Then you will cast it on me, pet,” she snarled. “Before I decide to punish you further for your disobedience.”

“Of course, Mistress!” I nodded enthusiastically, only to find that I still couldn’t access my magic. My heart sank as I saw my mistress narrow her eyes at me in impatience.

Stars danced through my vision as her riding crop flicked my aching nethers, hitting my nub harshly. I was quivering underneath my mistress as she stared disapprovingly down at me.

“What have I told you about disobedience, pet?” my mistress growled and I whimpered fearfully.

“I tried, I swear!” I sniffled while my ears pressed themselves against the back of my head. “But my magic is still restricted, Mistress! I’m sorry, I failed you! I need to be punished more!”

“At least you know your place now, pet,” she commented, doing just what I was deserving of as I felt another hit connect harshly against my begging marehood and then another. And another. And one more. I relished each one, moaning approvingly. “Now, describe to me the process of the regular spell version.”

I did what was asked of me and recounted the steps to take to give another pony a second sex, essentially transforming them into a male and female for a few hours. I even told her as much as I could remember about the time I had cast it on myself in the Crystal Empire. 

“I see...” she said, tapping her hoof against her chin. “Feelings of possessiveness, you say?”

I nodded, seeing where she was going with this train of thought and feeling my heart start to beat faster in anticipation. My mistress lit up her horn and soon enough I saw the tantalizing tip of her member standing proudly erect right in front of my face.

Nightmare bit her lip as the heavy horse cock hung from her nethers, the tip twitching in time with her next heartbeat as she was unused to the feeling. “Ngh, fuck! This feels so good~," she exclaimed with a shudder, her dick twitching again as her breathing got more erratic and shallow from the lust addling her mind. "Oh, yes. It's like my clit got turned into a cannon, ngh!"

I gulped as I got nervous from excitement, myself. Her dark member was already glistening with arousal, the tip flaring out like a big mushroom. I really missed out on some premium cock as Summer, didn't I? That's what I get for avoiding to look at another stallion like that. My sister looked so fucking hot, reaching out a hoof to hold it up like that. She gave it a few strokes, getting it to twitch heavily and I couldn't help but feel like that monster would break me. 

"Mhmph," she moaned, momentarily lost in the sensation before she looked at me with pure, unadulterated need. "Pleasure your mistress, pet! Fuck! You will suck me off until I cum down your throat, do you understand? Perhaps I will show you mercy afterward.”

“Yes, M-Mistress!” I gulped, greedily taking her thick rod into my mouth. She hummed in approval as I began to suckle at her tip, doing my very best to be careful with my sharp teeth.

“Ugh, yes! Just like that!" my mistress groaned out and I smiled happily up at her, her twitching shaft showing its appreciation of my efforts by leaking even more pre right onto my waiting tongue. "Fuck. You're such an eager pet, aren't you? Take my cock and choke on it!”

I hummed and did just that, forcing more of her big dick into my muzzle. All the while, slurping noises came out of the corner of my lips and the taste reminded me a bit of fresh mint. I’m pretty sure Tia was right about pony tastebuds being different, there was no way body fluids could taste this good.

“If I had known how empowering it felt to have another reduced to my mere toy, I might have given less resistance to this relationship thing with you and Tia...” Nightmare commented as I bobbed my head up and down, expertly working my tongue on her to get her to twitch and moan more. "Oh, yes! Mhh, you're so good at this. I just want to shove it in further."

I let the dick plop out of my mouth and gave her a seductive look, kissing the tip. "I aim to please, Mistress~."

Nightmare shoved her dick back into my face and I went back to bobbing up and down on it. "'Tis such a build-up of pleasure, all in one spot. I feel like it's going to explode any m-moment from… oh fuck! Faster, sister! Do it faster!" she exclaimed, barely holding herself back from bucking herself against me. And from the way her breathing got harder, it took her considerable effort, too. Not that I would have been able to complain, the thought of actually choking on her huge cock as she fucked my throat without mercy excited me immensely. The more pain, the better~. "I'm so close, pet. Suck my dick as if your l-life depends on it!"

“Mmhhm~,” I hummed and picked up my pace to as fast as I could move my neck up and down. Her dick was throbbing heavily in my mouth and I salivated at the thought of tasting her ejaculate. Her member twitched and I delighted at the begging look in her eyes, her legs shuddering with need as she was unable to keep herself from standing still.

It would only take a bit longer now and I doubled my efforts in pleasing my mistress, eager for the reward that wasn’t too far away from now. I needed that mint-flavored cum so much... My mistress hummed in approval as I added in a few lewd sounds, making vibrations run through her thick shaft with the loud slurping noises. Anything to get her closer to finishing was a plus in my book.

“I’m close, my pet,” Nightmare muttered, shaking. And yet, despite being on the verge of an orgasm unlike anything she has ever experienced, she gently brushed a hoof against the side of my head in a simple caress. To be honest, it was slightly weird to see her looking down on me with such a vulnerable expression, her current demeanor such a stark contrast to her usual behavior. 

Was Luna having an influence on her? This was the shyness I would have expected from her before she had ‘abducted’ me into the estrus safe room this morning. But then again... it was the hesitation of Nightmare that kept her from embracing her affections fully, wasn’t it? 

“Mhh~,” she groaned and I smiled at the heavy twitches her member gave. A few more and she wouldn’t be able to hold back for much longer, so I licked and suckled, moaned and hummed, slurping noisily, all to give her the best finish she could ever ask for.

And what a finish it was. My sister let her member shoot out its bountiful load into my mouth as she moaned gratefully during the convulsing shudder that wreaked havoc on her and I watched on in satisfaction as her eyes screwed themselves shut while I eagerly gulped down the minty cum of her shaft, savoring the flavor with happiness.

My mistress stepped back from me once she was done, her thick horse cock hanging there as it barely deflated. She can't possibly want more after all of that, could she? Or was she just that turned on? “Such a useful pet you are,” my mistress hummed, pleased with my performance. “You deserve a reward, my pretty little Sunshine.”

A hopeful flutter went through me, hoping she would punish me more with her riding crop. “I am wholly undeserving, Mistress,” I said, earning myself a hit against my aching marehood, much to my eternal happiness. “But… ngh~... I won’t deny my body to you. Abuse me more! Hit me as much as you want!”

“Oh, I will,” Nightmare sneered down at me, her vulnerable behavior long gone. And, oh, my, gosh! I just loved the fact I had corrupted my sister with a power fetish. It was kinda funny, seeing that her good side had a thing for being in the position I currently found myself in while her other side was the complete opposite, wanting to be the dominant one under any and all circumstances. “Let thy Queen return the favor.”

My breath quickened excitedly as I felt the chains around my fetlocks disappear in a flash of light, granting me back the freedom of movement. Or so I thought. A moment later, after I managed to get back on my hooves, my freedom was cruelly robbed away by her again.

Confused and panicking, I watched as new chains replaced the old ones, one even chaining me around the neck in a thick and heavy collar. I let out a fearful whinny, trying to figure out in which way I could have possibly displeased my mistress this time. I strained against the shackles holding my legs in place, flaring out my wings in a last attempt at somehow fleeing through sheer force of wing power.

Nightmare grinned beside me, watching my struggles with a sick kind of pleasure. I felt her bite softly down on my wing joint, the bit of pain massively overshadowed by the sweet, sweet spasms running through my body and causing my wings to stiffen up. I almost lost the strength to stand as she did that, moaning loudly.

“While I will reward you for your services, you are still my pet. Do not forget your place,” Nightmare whispered into my ear. “Or you will know true fear as I leave you here, forever alone and unable to escape.”

“Yes, Mistress,” I gulped, fear rising in my chest at the threat of her doing just that. It was degrading, what my sister was subjecting me to. After she had her way with me, I would turn the table on her and get my sweet revenge. It doesn't matter how long it would take, at some point, revenge would be mine. I just have to be patient. In the meantime, I can still enjoy the pleasure my mistress inflicts upon me.

Alas, I might have to get used to always being the one in the submissive role if this was an indicator of how my little sister could get with her darker side. I don’t think that, even when she was Luna Nocturnis, would I remain in the dominant one for very long with that damn riding crop being able to reduce me into a quivering mess so fast. And she had already proven to be capable of making me sub to her this morning. I had little hope of wrestling control away from her (not before she had me at her mercy, that is).

Nightmare circled around me like a hungry predator and I happily accepted the punishment from her riding crop, hating the fact that it could inflict so much pleasure upon me that I was starting to become a slave to my own lust again.

Then, my mistress left my peripheral vision entirely and I was prevented from turning my head by the collar around my neck holding me in place. I quickly found out what she had in mind for me, though.

Suddenly having to support the extra weight of my mistress as she placed her hooves upon my back, I felt excitement rising for what was to come. I very much liked where this was going and my marehood was crying happily at the prospect of getting stuffed with the mighty tool of my mistress.

My mind was going crazy at the lust addling it, my rage at being treated as a mere object got quickly drowned out by the trepidation of her making me her mare. This might serve as a painful reminder of what it feels like to be reduced to a possession... if I were able to care at the moment, that is. All I wanted right now was for her to penetrate me as deeply as she could and fill me with her cum.

My sister had her fun for a while, teasing my entrance with the tip of her big cock. Sadly, I was unable to shove her right into me due to the stupid chains preventing me from doing just that. Then, as if she felt she had gotten enough amusement out of her little fuck toy, she started to press into me with next to no warning.

I screamed out lewdly, my tight walls stretching painfully around the huge head, and I felt like I was just split open. Thankfully, she gave me more than enough time to get used to her girth, her dick pulsing with her heartbeat, and my tunnel adjusted with each one until I felt ready for more. 

Slowly, she pressed in further, letting me enjoy the heavenly sensation of her rod burying itself deeper and deeper within me. She chuckled at my moaning gasps, rocking back and forth while going a bit deeper into me with each shove forward. 

“M-Mistress!” I panted out as she hilted herself fully within me. And, oh my gosh, I felt her filling my insides so thoroughly that my heart quivered with ecstasy. Any bigger and I doubt she could've fit. She was a big mare with an even bigger cock, I was in utter heaven.

Fuck Summer and her preference for small and cute dicks, I need to be broken on this monster, now.

“Do you like your reward? I will leave you in a twitching pile after I’m done with you, my pet,” Nightmare crooned, her own panting breath tickling the backside of my head with pleasant tingles. I shivered slightly as her tongue ran up from the base of my neck towards where my ears stood stiffly erect. “Be thankful to thy Queen, my little mare.”

“Y-yes, Mistress! I-I’m very thankful for this honor,” I answered back, almost zealously. “I am but a lowly princess to your magnificence, my queen! Destroy me with that huge dick, I beg you! I deserve nothing less than having my cunt imprint on your big, fat cock! F-fuck! Ngh!”

Nightmare chuckled with a grunt as she started to pull back out of my marehood. “Verily,” she shot told me before she bucked back into me with a titanic thrust. That only worked for a couple of inches before my tunnel stopped her progress, squeezing her as stars shot through my vision. Then, instead of trying to get further in with another buck, she pulled her thick horse cock back out entirely. She rubbed the broad tip over my entrance as I whined at the feeling of withdrawal, and she laughed at my misfortune before putting the tip in as I begged her to fuck me already. “Now scream the name of thy queen for us!”

That is what I happily did as she shoved her dick back into my eager folds, making more progress than last time as our mixing fluids eased the way back in for her member, the stretchy feeling making me mewl out in delight.

I screamed my throat raw, edging my mistress on in her quest to drive me into an earth-shattering orgasm, her shaft tunneling its way in and out of my canal at an increasing pace. The way that her tip slid against my walls was forcing out moans from my throat even after I felt like I couldn’t utter another word.

Then, once my snatch got well and truly used to her girth, she hammered her member into me like a well-oiled machine. It encountered no resistance from me and my mistress was grunting cutely, pleased by how my marehood hugged her shaft snuggly each time she went back in, holding onto me with her hooves while capturing my ear in between her teeth at the same time. 

A few rare times I felt her tip poke me at my inner sanctum, sending jolts and tingles through my body in a mesmerizing way (something that felt only so good because of how she made me enjoy pain so much). I wished I could rock my body against hers, forcing her member even faster back in, but I had to content myself with her own thundering pace.

She was like a beast gone wild as she pressed herself into me with grunts that got heavier the longer she continued at the insane pace she set for herself, the twitching rod massaging my inner walls beautifully. And I could tell she was having a great time herself as my marehood squeezed her length inside of me, massaging her big cock.

Her moans and grunts were coming out of her throat faster and faster, as she somehow also managed to drive her member into me with greater force than before. My moaning joined hers almost in a synchronized fashion, both of us were gasping for breath in exhaustion.

But my mistress was undeterred by her own exhaustion, pushing on with a determination to see her reach the end and deliver her payload within my eager sex. The twitching of her rod got gradually greater and I was longingly awaiting the climax of our degenerate love-making. 

I felt a warmth begin to build up within me, coming closer to my desired high while my mistress ravished my insides with the pistoning movements of her shaft, hitting all the right spots in a mad frenzy.

Alas, my mistress finished before I reached my own orgasm, holding herself against me in an effort to get her heavily twitching monster of a penis as deep in as she could. I felt the warmth in me blossoming as her spunk filled me up in a veritable flood, one cum shot after another coming out of her member.

I was feeling slightly disappointed that I hadn’t gotten off from that alone, her orgasm joining with mine would have made this moment one to remember for all of eternity. But, as my mistress left the confines of my weeping snatch, I had to content myself with having given her the sweet relief I craved myself.

Nightmare Moon came around to my side, dispelling the chains holding me in place and I let out a squeak in surprise as she forced her tongue into my mouth. She had a devious smirk on her muzzle as I helplessly slumped into her embrace. Then, she started to vibrate my clit with her magic while my screams were muffled by the kiss.

I had already been close to the edge before she did this, but the stimulation of my nub was the turning point for me. Nightmare managed to make my vision go completely white in bliss. She had to hold me upright in her embrace as I convulsed against her in a mind-shattering orgasm, prolonged by the fact she didn't stop playing with my clit. I fear I would have met the ground with my muzzle, had she not held me up. All my muscles were like mush.

“How was that, sister?” she asked me, fidgeting slightly on her hind legs and looking at me a bit shyly. “I might have gone a bit overboard with this, but after watching you and Tia do this roleplaying thing with each other a few times, I thought I might give it a try.”

“I fucking love you,” I muttered with a dreamy sigh, nuzzling her black fur in a daze while I recovered. “I’m going to make you my bitch for this at some point, but all in all, it was great. I really enjoyed that girth of yours, too.”

Nightmare chuckled. "You seemed like the type that would enjoy the pain," she teased me and I grumbled.

"Only because you made me enjoy it," I shot back, glaring at her.

“I’m sure Summer would have approved,” Nightmare grumbled, giving me an irritated look.

“Dear, I’m going to rip your throat out for that suggestion,” I said in a deadpan tone. “If you dare do that to me while I am Summer, there won’t be a single place where you could hide away from my wrath.”

“Sheesh, I’m sorry, alright. No need to get so huffy about it,” my sister shot back with a huff, rolling her eyes at me. “Ungrateful witch.”

“Hold your fucking tongue, or it will be the first thing I rip out,” I snarled, not actually moving to follow up on my threat. “Tia knows how much I hate being bound and unable to move, I’m sure we already brought this up to you.”

Nightmare shrugged. “It might have slipped my mind,” she said. “In that case, we probably should establish a safeword before we do something foolish.”

“A... safeword?” I asked, looking up at her inquisitively. My sister nodded before creating a large bed out of nowhere. She invited me to join her on the soft covers, holding her wing aloft. I stared at her, a bit suspicious that she wasn’t so... anti-social against me anymore.

“Just get up here, already,” she grunted, looking stoically ahead, and at that moment, she very much resembled a cold-hearted queen. I got over my hesitation, reminding myself that this was my sister and not some stranger that just had me restrained while she had her way with me.

I snuggled myself into her side, silently offering an apology that I let my hatred get the better of me for having betrayed my trust like that. I found myself forgiving her for it, not having it in me to hold it against her. She knew now not to repeat that, so why not offer her a little bit of kindness? Besides, I sorta felt like I deserved it after the whole seducing thing Tia and I had forced on her and not helped her come to terms with afterward.

Also, now I was feeling guilty for withholding the information Hope, Magic, Generosity, and Honesty had given me. I let out a long sigh, debating whether to tell her about that or not. I certainly deserved the punishment after keeping it from them for so long.

Nightmare gave me a look as she noticed my mood shift. She fidgeted and scrunched up her muzzle, struggling with herself before she let out a sigh, nudging me. “Is something the matter?” she asked and I shuffled awkwardly with my wings.

On the one hoof, I could tell her and get it over with before resentment could begin to build up for not being honest with her, or I could hold my tongue in... misguided kindness.

That's what this was, wasn’t it? I feared how she would react and wanted to do her a kindness that could easily backfire on me. Breaking her heart like that would be a mercy compared to that, I thought bitterly.

“There is... something important I need to tell you and Celestia. I would prefer to tell you both at the same time, though,” I whispered, a fearful flutter running through my chest as my ears splayed back against my head. Damn you and your fucking bleeding heart, Summer. Damn you and damn me, too, for being such a coward. Damn this fucking world. Damn Magic. And damn fucking alicorns with their damn lifespan, damnit.

“In that case, let us pay our dearest sister a visit,” Nightmare smirked, ready to hop off the bed. I stopped her before she could do so, though.

“Can we stay like this for a few more minutes?” I asked, slightly embarrassed. Nightmare gave me a surprised look, but she did as I asked of her with a confused nod. 

“I know I already asked this, but... is everything okay?” she asked me with a raised brow.

“Just shut the fuck up and cuddle me already,” I snarled, puffing out a small flame from my nostrils. My sister rolled her eyes, not fooled by my behavior. I silently enjoyed the closeness, feeling my face heat up as she rested her head on top of mine, hearing her start to purr.

Slowly, I moved my head so I could look at her, surprised. “I didn’t know ponies could make that sound,” I commented. “Think you’re part cat?”

“Hah hah,” Nightmare said, unamused. “Your mane feels nice, it made me relax and that just came out of me. I had no idea I could do that, either. Now, lie back down or I won't... c-cuddle... with you anymore.”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, heaving a sigh dejectedly. “I didn’t mean to insult you. Besides, it felt nice hearing you purr against me...”

“It’s okay,” she sighed, putting her head back down on mine as I did what was demanded of me. Sure enough, a few seconds later her purring started back up again. “Now, what about that safeword? Any ideas?”

“Naked apes?” I snorted, smiling a bit at the thought. My sister let out a laugh at that, shaking her head good-naturedly. “But I’m open to anything else.”

“No,” Nightmare said, her tongue lightly flicking my horn, causing my tail to rise up unbidden. My sister let out a very seductive-sounding chuckle, noticing my reaction with unfettered glee. I swear, if she wasn’t this damn sexy, I would have broken her muzzle already. “I don’t have a better suggestion.”

So, with that agreement made, Nightmare tried her best to get me to moan for her by continuing to lick my horn. Suffice it to say, it didn’t take her long to edge one out of me and after that, they just continued to come out of my throat. My nethers were already begging for attention again.

“You know...” Nightmare spoke up, stopping with her ministrations much to my disappointment. “Why does our regalia change when we switch from good to kinda bad and vice-versa?”

I blinked at the question, staring at mine with interest. My own shoes were a dark burnt red with the crystals having changed color from ruby red to an electric yellow, the rounded tips of the shoes were wickedly sharp now, instead. The rest was true for my chest piece and the ‘tiara’ upon my head. But instead of a tiara, it was more like an old Roman circlet with a flame theme instead of an olive branch. The chest piece looked mostly the same, though, only ending in a sharp point instead of a rounded one on my chest.

Luna’s obsidian tiara turned into a polished silver helmet, the miasma that her mane consisted of easily flowing out of it despite it covering so much of her head. The obsidian of the rest of her regalia was also turned into the polished silverish light blue metal, ending in more sharpened edges than mine, but not as much as the armor I had seen Daybreaker wear in the mirror.

Daybreaker had by far the most intricate armor out of all of us. Her regalia turned into actual armor in contrast to mine or Nightmare’s regalia, even adding protective guards on her wings where there were none before. If she weren’t on our side, I would have feared having my sister turn into Daybreaker on the battlefield.

The armor of Celestia’s darker side was more of an orange-red color with a deeper saturation than my own fur color while I was in the form of Fallen Star. Probably a bit darker than my fur, too. She had quite a sinister look to her, the shoes she wore extended a lot further than her regular ones, almost reaching the knees of her front legs in lethally sharp edges resembling a flame pattern.

Daybreaker’s armor was more suited to take into a war and lead on the front lines, breaking the morale of enemy soldiers with her terrifying looks alone. And the tiara of my sister didn’t just turn into a helmet like the one Nightmare wore, it somehow also combined that with a crown fit for a strict and harsh empress.

Any nation that dared to stand against her would have signed their death warrants as soon as they decided to engage in a war with her. I had no doubt that my sister could stand in for an entire army all on her own, her magical arsenal was far more vast than Luna’s and my knowledge combined.

The question of my sister left me quite stumped on a possible cause for why our regalia changed with us. I might have a working theory, but I couldn’t be entirely certain of the answer.

“I’d like to know for sure why it changes, but I have a somewhat plausible idea,” I said, holding one of my hooves in the air. “Option one, we replace these with new ones every time we transform. That's possible, but very unlikely. Option two, after having worn our regalia for more than ten years, our very essence seeped into them. That would also mean they are a part of who we are now.”

Nightmare nodded along with my hypothesis and I decided to do a little experiment. I slipped my right hoof out of the shoe and set the thing in front of myself on the covers of the bed. Concentrating slightly, I reverted my bare hoof slowly back to the bright white one of my other half while watching intently at what was happening to the shoe in response to the shift.

Sure enough, it transformed back into the golden slipper with the ruby set into it. Because I was doing the change slower than I had ever done before, we saw a fascinating display as it transitioned over to the golden variant. The transformation of the shoe progressed just as slowly as my right hoof.

That essentially meant that the shoe in front of us on the bed was the same one as before, not a replacement.

“You know, this does make sense,” Nightmare Moon stated, her curiosity sated with a purr. “It also explains why they appear with us in the dream realm, now that I think about it.”

“Huh,” I hummed. “You make a good point. I wonder...”

I concentrated on the feeling of the connection towards my sword, willing it to appear in front of me. The sword appeared in a flash of light, not blinding me due to the nature of my alicorn domain over light and fire. But the sword also looked changed, much like the rest of my regalia.

The shape of the longsword King Bullion gifted to me was still there, although everything else looked different. Mainly because it wasn’t entirely solid anymore, molten rivers snaking their way down the length of the blade. And the guard at the handle was a lot shorter, not fulfilling the purpose of a guard any longer. The gems had also changed their color to that of the other ones on my chest piece and shoes.

Nightmare got curious herself, laughing silently at my failed attempt at lifting it within my telekinetic aura to look it over more. I pouted angrily at her as she called her own weapon to herself. 

Once more a weapon appeared in a flash of light, but this one wasn’t a sword at all. Luna’s sword had already seen quite a lot of use over the years, but what floated before us in Nightmare’s telekinetic grip was something different entirely.

The weapon was still a bladed weapon, just not in the way we expected it to appear. The grip of what had previously been a sword had been elongated and taken on a slight curve, the pommel in the form of a crescent moon was now a defensive hook still in the form of the crescent moon. The actual blade was massively bigger than the original sword, violating what I knew of the laws of physics by creating mass where none should have been.

That was transformation at its finest, though. Substituting physical matter with magical energy. The mana used in the transformation acts the same way as the real matter would, showing no signs of trickery to the untrained eye. The physical part acted as a core while the magical part stretched the definition of 'real' while leading the universe on, telling it the blade was bigger than it should be.

My sister was holding a wickedly sharp scythe, the blade's edge was as thin as paper as far as I could tell, and, after Nightmare experimentally tried to bend it to see how sturdy it was, we came to the conclusion that no ordinary mortal would ever be able to deform it through sheer force. Whatever the blade was made of, it refused to warp and flex even the slightest bit.

I had to begrudgingly admit that I was totally and utterly jealous of my sister. Well, I can’t say I was entirely surprised that the weapon turned out to be a scythe, it practically screamed ‘I am the Deity of the Night’ to me (not that I was particularly inclined to believe we were 'goddesses', I didn't quite feel comfortable with the thought of... well... being viewed as such).

Nightmare was very much happy that the weapon represented her so much, the color of the handle was almost black all the way up to the blade, which seemed to shine with an inner light. It also left a small trail of stardust in the air as she swung it experimentally in front of us in a horizontal curve (well, I'm saying stardust, but they were in all actuality just magic sparkles and a soft afterglow from the blade itself).

I groaned as she began to play around with it giddily, resembling more her better half than the fearsome ruler of all nightmares and night terrors. She also tried to draw funny faces in the air in an attempt to get me to laugh. All that managed to do, though, was to make me snort out a flame from my nostrils with a roll of my eyes, even as the corners of my lips twitched upwards.

Stupid sister with her awesome weapon and dream-walking powers...

“I think it’s time you stop with your shenanigans and we go over to sister dearest,” I said, nudging her with a hoof. With her attention now fully back on me, I hopped off the bed and stretched my limbs out, smirking as I saw her gaze wander toward my flanks. “Like what you see~?”

“Verily,” she nodded, biting her lower lip. I let out a nicker as she got out her riding crop again, immediately snapping it against my flank. Squirming slightly on the spot, I eyed the damn thing while trying not to beg my sister for more. Damn her and the stupid riding crop. Why does it have to feel so good?! “Do you want me to cast the spell on you?”

“I...” I hesitated, chewing on my lips. “I don’t know. Tia would no doubt love it, but I... after what I did to her? It would make me feel... dirty.”

Not to mention, ever since I regained my sanity, I felt the same way about my sex as Summer did. Being a mare just felt right, the reminder I got of our past life... it gave me a sense of dysphoria like no other. But how could I tell my sister that? She seemed to like having both parts, there was no way she could understand my difficulties...

“Why? It’s not like you're going to rape her again. Besides, as far as I can recall, she has forgiven you for that. What’s the harm in it?” Nightmare asked, coming over to me to lay a hoof reassuringly on my side. It still left me stumped about how caring she could be as Nightmare Moon. “You were male in your past life, so why are you hesitating now? It's not like you're going to turn back into a stallion for the rest of your life.”

“That’s true...” I said. “It’s just... weird to have one again, you know?”

“Can’t really say I would know, this is the first time I’ve had one and I can’t say I’m disappointed,” Nightmare shrugged. Then she grinned smugly at me. “Especially after making you scream for me.”

I blushed and fidgeted, looking away from her. That's exactly what I was afraid of. The feeling of being the dominant one as I... I don't like it. It made me feel like I was just pretending, that I wasn't really a mare and that I would lose everything I stood for in the process. I already did, once. I lost my sight and stopped being me. All because I couldn't recognize what I was doing. I was a slave to my own need and that scared me.

If I went back and had... that... again, would the same thing happen to me all over again? For some reason, I couldn't trust myself with such a thing, afraid I would start being abusive and hurtful, selfish even. More selfish than I already was as Fallen Star.

"Come on. It's only for one night," Nightmare told me, her muzzle tickling my ear as she spoke directly into it. I shuddered as she kissed my neck next. Her hoof reached around me as she hugged me from behind. It came dangerously close to my nethers and I felt her huge horse dick brush against my back as she molested me, pre-cum dribbling down from it. Then, it twitched with a small hump from my sister and my breath hitched. It pulsed with her heartbeat and my nethers drenched the fur around my thighs with arousal, the scent driving me into a lustful state of need. I leaned myself against her as she turned my head up, her grip forceful but still gentle (by her standards, that is). My sister's gaze was harsh and I moaned. Stupid submissive Summer, making me like being dominated... "’Tis was your plan to make Tia into our plaything, was it not? Should you not show her her proper place as your pet? 'Twould be easier to do it with a big, fat cock, no?"

I bit my lip, shuddering against her. Damn it. Why must she do this to me now? Turning my own words against me, she is using my lust to her advantage, making me weak. It was unfair and... and so fucking sexy. I couldn't help the pathetic whine from escaping my lips as a flutter raced through my stomach toward my pulsing sex.

Fine, then. I know I will regret it as soon as the spell takes hold of me, but... “Do it,” I said, giving in as I felt angry at myself. That, and defeated. I was unable to fight against her, not having it in me to deny her. Summer was incapable of saying no to our sisters, and I found out the same was true for me. I cannot bring myself to disappoint my Nightmare.

Still feeling queasy, I watched as my sister let go of me, clapping her hooves together in excitement. She lit up her horn with the spell after I gave her my consent and I shifted awkwardly on my legs as I felt her magic invade my body. With trepidation, I felt the magic mess with reality as a penis started to grow from my nethers. Like Nightmare, the shape it took was that of a pony's cock. Or rather, it was more akin to that of a horse, being too large on my frame.

I was by no means short, standing taller than most other ponies with few exceptions (those being mainly my sisters and Starswirl), but this was just ridiculous in comparison to my stature. The girth of the flat tip was just short of my hoof (and that's without my shoes on, still making it far larger than what it should have been).

Considering how the spell worked, the thing was already hard from all the blood rushing into the newly formed flesh. So... at least it couldn't get even bigger, right? That thought was only a small consolation, though. There was one other thing my mind couldn't stop focusing on, and that was the trip down memory lane as it brought back phantom memories from when I had... raped... my wife in my madness. This need to get off... it was already clouding my mind as all I could focus on was the damn sensitive point where my nerves congregated.

It felt like a simple twitch would be enough to set me off. And then, there was the overpowering desire to stuff it somewhere snug and wet. It almost overwhelmed me right then and there, my breathing shaky and fearful.

Come on, Star. Get a grip on yourself! This is embarrassing and you're better than that. You're the cleansing fire, the inescapable wrath, the Red Sun that ushers in a rightful dawn! Not some pathetic insect that cannot deal with one additional limb.

With a flare of my wings, I growled at myself, shaking my head from side to side. I won't let this turn me into a shivering mess, crying as I curl up on myself because I can't handle these sensations. I am better than that. I can do this. Nothing will stop me from ravaging Celestia like she was made to be my...

I stopped that train of thought before it could go any further, shutting my eyes tightly as the feelings of possessiveness overwhelmed me for a moment. Tia was not my toy, damnit! I won't fall into the same trap of thinking like that again. This dick does not dictate my thoughts!

Just as I thought that, I felt the overwhelming desire to rip the damn thing off of me in a fit of rage. It was wrong, I shouldn’t have it dangling between my hind legs. It was a dark temptation I couldn't deny. I wanted satisfaction, in the roughest way possible. I wanted to force myself on Tia with all my might and have her look at me with tears in her eyes as she choked on it. I wanted her to hurt as I had my way with her. Only my pleasure mattered and I felt disgusted at myself for that.

This wasn't me, I thought with disdain. I was already regretting having given Nightmare permission to cast the spell on me. It was an impulse decision I felt pressured to make, but what was done was done. I couldn't reverse it. At least, not without my magic and a useable counter spell I could cast on myself. And I'd rather not forcefully dispel myself. Stuff like that hurt. Even if I really wanted to get rid of it by any means necessary.

Perhaps it was the guilt talking within me or the fact that I had realized that I should have been female in my past life. This was likely a remnant of my time as a male on Earth, being ignorant of my distress over my gender. I didn’t envy any of the transgender people that actually took notice of their plight, I might have fallen into a depressed state like so many others had I known.

I know I was feeling like shit right now...

A slap against my face brought me back to reality, blinking the tears away. Nightmare was standing in front of me as she sneered down at me while I rubbed my cheek. “Get a grip on yourself, idiot. What is up with you? I know you aren't this pathetic, so what made you react like that? This can’t be a simple negative reaction from what you have done to Tia.”

“I... I might have been transgender and never realized it before being reincarnated,” I admitted and my head drooped even lower in shame. A sneer started to appear on my muzzle as my sister forced me to say it out loud. Her eyes lost the slits in them as they turned turquoise for a moment, concern showing in them before they reverted back.

“I see,” she stated, looking at anything but my own eyes. “I’m... sorry. I didn’t know.”

“How could you have known?” I snorted, letting out a sigh. “It’s okay, it’s not like I’m fully male again. I can survive this.”

“I could probably reverse the transformation if that is what you want?” Nightmare offered, but I shook my head, telling her the transformation would have to wear off on its own. I never actually bothered to figure out how to reverse it and I’d rather not have her shoot me with a dispel... those were seriously uncomfortable to be subjected to. Like... I'd rather chop it off with a rusty knife, instead. It was that bad.

I would get over this somehow, coming to terms with what I had done to Celestia and temporarily having a penis again. Thankfully this was nothing permanent or I might have done something really stupid.

For fuck’s sake, how can I be such a hypocrite? I loved it when my sisters had both parts and here I was, being a pussy about it. I was lamenting about things that shouldn’t be a problem anymore. I was still female, just... with extra parts right now. I have lived with that for forty years. A few hours won’t kill me...

I really hated having heightened emotions as Fallen Star, I’m sure I could have dealt with this better as Summer Sol. Okay, maybe not exactly, but I certainly wouldn't feel like torturing Tia with my... ugh... dick.

First and foremost, I need to keep myself calm and think this through in a rational manner. Fact is, I was transgender (or am I still? Since I got reincarnated instead of transitioning, does that mean the word doesn’t apply to me anymore?). I’m female now, so didn’t that mean I have reached the perfect state my body could achieve? Or was it more about the experience of knowing your gender differed from the one you were assigned with? Sure, I might have not noticed it until it slapped me in the face in this life, but that's alright. Well... mostly alright. Apparently, I had repressed feelings about having male genitalia, but at the same time, I thought it was perfectly fine if my sisters had both a penis and a vagina.

Hm. Then again, Celestia was a pervert about it, so I don’t think she minded it that much. Lulu, or rather my Nightmare, was sort of neutral about it and liked to be dominant in the BDSM kind of way. Both of them seemed to be happy with whatever as long as it wasn’t hurting anypony's feelings. A bit of pain turned out to be alluring in its own way and my Nightmare was mindful enough to make sure I enjoyed it before following through with it.

That much can't be said about me. I was only feeling this selfish need to satisfy my desires and couldn't trust myself to not end up being cruel and sadistic to the one I had 'fun' with. I felt dirty about what I had done to Celestia the last time I had a dick hanging between my legs, reducing her to a possession that I was still prone to do from time to time. Even if I work through my issues to reduce this possessiveness over my sisters, I knew it would lead to more pain and suffering if I lost myself to this feeling.

So, I had three things that were contributing to my self-loathing right now. The fact that I was transgender that I never acknowledged or knew of in my previous life, the rape of my wife during my insanity, and the uncontrollable urge to be pleased, no matter what. The mixed feelings of having both parts played a big role in that because it all centered around that stupid horse cock.

The gender question was difficult to deal with. I felt happy as a mare, wasn’t that enough? Why was I so vehemently fighting against having both parts for a little while? That shouldn’t cause so much conflict within me. Was it this irrational fear and insecurity in me that my psyche had to lash out at me because I had a penis again? 

Perhaps that was it, I thought with a frown. Maybe I was fearful of having anything male-related on my body that evoked such heavy feelings in me. I was scared I would become a slave to my urges again and lose all of my inhibitions, in the process. I have to change my perspective, I told that to myself because... it couldn’t go on like this.

And there was a solution to that, too, wasn’t there? I was already thinking of those parts on my sisters as more feminine because they looked less masculine than they should have in my eyes. Whatever it was that made them look so sexy on my sisters, I had to view my own like that, too.

But could I get over that feeling of it basically giving me the same sensations as I remembered as a male? I mean, my recollection was kinda murky of having been male, seeing that a lot of time had passed since I felt these things, but it felt sort of familiar enough that it brought those old memories to the forefront of my mind. And it wasn't helped by my brief stint in the Crystal Empire, committing such a horrendous crime.

I guess I couldn’t just make myself feel differently about this at a moment’s notice. It wasn’t the end of the world, either, so I could temporarily cope with it during this little endeavor and ease myself into accepting it over the next few months if not years. If ever...

“Sister?” Nightmare’s voice brought me back out of my ruminations and I noticed her staring at me with a raised brow. Next to her was a white door. With an embarrassed flush, I took a look around me. I have no idea how I didn't notice the change of scenery. We weren’t in the Soul Mirror chamber anymore, standing on a starry path of mist and sparkles. Similar doors were all over the place, but this one was special. I knew who it belonged to without being told. My sister dreamed just beyond this door and we would go through any moment to have our way with her.

By my sun, how could I have missed a change of scenery like that? I must have been deeper in thought than I thought. Ugh.

"Can I ask you something, Nightmare?" I whispered, my gaze forlorn and unsure.

My sister snorted, smirking slightly. "You just did," she pointed out, amused. "But you may ask another."

"How do you resist it?"

Nightmare tilted her head, confused. "Resist what?"

"This damn need to fuck everything with a hole and not care about the consequences of being too rough!" I told her, aggravated. "All I can concentrate on is this pulsing rush of blood in my... in my... that thing!"—I pointed accusingly at my still stiff erection, unable to say it out loud in a proper way—" I feel like I'm losing myself the longer it is there!"

"Hmm," Nightmare hummed. "To be honest, it feels like a bigger clitoris to me and that's it. I don't know what the problem is."

I stared dumbfounded at her. "I did mention the overwhelming need to fuck, right?"

"And..?" Nightmare asked, shrugging like she didn't care. "What's so different about that than how you usually feel? As far as I can tell, you're just as horny as always."

"It's not about being horny!" I exclaimed, feeling like ripping a few hairs out of my mane. "It's about this damn need that borders on rape territory, sister! It feels like I'm actually going to hurt somepony because I can't think straight with it constantly demanding to be satisfied. And I want to get off so badly, it's driving me insane! I want to make you suffer on my dick, and not just because of the whole bondage thing, but because I can! And it's all because of this!"

Nightmare Moon gave me a skeptical look. "Are you sure you're not just sadistic?"

"...what?" I asked, caught off-guard by her question. "Did you not listen to a word I said? This damn thing makes me want to hurt you by forcing my..."—I struggled with forming the word, but ultimately couldn't as my emotions spiraled further out of control and the shimmer of heat around me got worse with my anger and fear—" in you! And I don't mean like pain-play with the whole shebang and so on, I mean like forcefully fucking your dry cunt because I can't help myself!"

My sister snorted, laying a hoof on my shoulder. "Sister, that is a cock and nothing more. It has got no mind of its own, it isn't making you feel like you're going to rape Tia or me, it's just an appendage with sensitive bits like your marehood. You're a sadist, nothing more. Much like I enjoy putting you in your place and making you beg for more, you are a sadist and masochist, to boot. Your dick just brings out the dom in you. I didn't torture you beyond what you enjoyed, did I? You won't, either. I know it, and you know why?"

I shook my head and she simply placed her hoof over where my heart was. With trembling lips, I looked back up at her. Her eyes were as cold and uncaring as ever, but I saw the compassion in her. It was there, despite it being hard to find. Her reminder made me realize something important. "I'm still me."

"Obviously," she said, a bit snarky with me. "Now, stop being a dumb idiot. You're projecting and your dick has got nothing to do with it. Or, well... it does, but only because of your stupid angst. You're still a mare and always will be, nothing will turn you into this 'meat prison' you fear your body will turn into because of one selfish act of sadism. Stop doubting yourself and be the strong mare I know you are. Not this pathetic excuse of a crying mess that calls herself my sister. It's embarrassing."

"Gee, thanks a lot," I said, glaring at her as I calmed down considerably from my, well... whining, I guess. That totally hurt my fragile feelings, though. Bitch.

"Then next time, be honest with yourself and tell me no," she said, sneering. "I have little patience for having to talk sense into you for breaking into tears over something that could have been avoided entirely. Now, am I going to do this alone, or will you let that dick get in between you and your prize?"

"I..." I hesitated and she frowned at me.

"I know you won't hurt Tia or me on purpose," she told me. "With or without a dick, that fact won't ever change. Now, are you ready?"

I let out a sigh and steeled my nerves. My sister was right, I'm not going to lose my mind over this and become a mindless beast. At heart, I will always treat my sisters like my most prized possessions. I, uh... I mean my most beloved sisters. Yes, exactly that.

You know, maybe some angry sex will do me some good to get rid of all of this frustration. Angry sex does not mean selfish torture sex, after all. If I keep that in mind, I might just make it through this without hurting them in the process. I can keep myself from being too rough, I know it.

"Okay," I said, trusting my sister to be right with this. Besides, I'm sure she will snap me out of it if I get too forceful. Tia, too, for that matter. “I’m ready.”

Just... think about giving your wife a good time and everything will be alright, I told that to myself, still a bit unsure but more confident in my ability to know what I was doing.

My sister looked dubiously at me but ultimately decided to shrug in a detached and uncaring manner. Well, I'm sure she still cared, only in her own 'unique' way. “Alright. Now, remember, she won't recognize that this is a dream at all, so just play along and don't screw this up,” Nightmare said, sending me a look that promised pain if I even remotely screwed it up, and I had to admit it to myself, I found it fucking sexy as hell. Then she let out a friggin’ squee, sounding absolutely adorable. “This is going to be so much fun!”

I shook my head good-naturedly, unable to believe that this was the same pony that had no qualms about being harsh to me if it got her what she wanted. It felt like such a stark contrast that I momentarily had the impression that I was dealing with Luna, instead.

Without wasting any more time, my sister opened the door with her magic, and a moment later, we found ourselves in the dream of my twin. I looked around with a questioning gaze at the living candy running around, the randomness of her dream throwing me for a loop.

“Are you sure we’re in the right dream?” I asked Nightmare, about to tell her she must have made a mistake, but I never got the chance. Her hoof connected with my muzzle as she gave me a sneer, wings extended in an intimidating way.

“Who do you take me for?” she growled, shoving me to the ground. I snarled back at her, crouching in a way that would make it easier for me to pounce on her. “Do I need to make myself clear again about who is in charge here? I know what I am doing, pet.”

“Try it, bitch,” I shot back, tackling her. We were sent sprawling across the ground, rolling down a hill in our struggle to establish our dominance over each other.

She was right. I totally wanted to be the dominant one and I would prove to her that I can do it. Without being a monster about it.

“Luna?” The voice of my twin put a temporary stop to our fighting and I craned my neck to look at where her voice came from. My eyelid twitched as I saw her sitting at a massive table filled with all sorts of cakes. Flying pigs were serving her more plates with confections while others made sure her tea never ran out. “...Summer?”

“This is so beyond anything I ever expected to see,” Nightmare muttered in disbelief and I nodded dumbly along, agreeing with her as I was too stupefied to respond to what my own eyes were seeing. My twin stared at us in horror, probably because of our appearance and the fact that we were previously fighting against each other.

“No...” Tia muttered, shaking her head in denial. “No, no, no, no! This can’t be a vision...”

“A vision?” I whispered over to my Nightmare and she shrugged back at me. “I think Tia has lost it, sister. In what way could this ridiculous landscape ever become a reality?”

“It could be another mirror world,” my sister shrugged. “To be honest, it does resemble the worst of Wonderland.”

“I’d rather not think about that shit show of a world,” I shot back, shuddering slightly. “Seriously, the original is way more disturbing than it has any right to be.”

“I agree,” Nightmare said, also shuddering at the thought. Then she smirked down at me, putting a collar with a chain back around my neck. She let out a triumphant laugh and I whinnied in surprise. I tugged at the chain with a hoof, desperately hoping I could somehow break it. “Now, do be a good pet and subjugate our sister for thy queen.”

“You little bitch, I will snap that stick of a horn off from your head the first chance I get!” I snarled, only for her to jank at the chain and crack her riding crop against my horn in retaliation.

I let out a whimper and moan, glaring at Nightmare for springing the same damn trick on me as last time. At least I could still move around. So much for trying to be more dominant...

“Do I have to punish you for your disobedience again, my pet?” she asked me in a deathly quiet whisper and I shook my head, actually getting afraid at her ice-cold demeanor. Fuck, she was terrifying when mad. “Then do what is asked of you.”

“Of course... Mistress,” I said, gulping down my fear as I desperately tried not to show my hatred for being commanded around on my face. It was bad enough being degraded to a possession myself, now I was her friggin’ minion of all things! That should have been me in her position, damnit. Me!

My eyes wandered over to my twin, and I knew how I could let my frustration out. I gave her a predatory grin, delighting in the fact that Celestia turned tail to flee like a deer caught in the gaze of a big, bad wolf. Oh, fuck yes~! A good chase was just the thing to start this dream off.

I let out a cackle as I saw her try to lose me within the cotton candy clouds, my mane proving to be useful in burning away the odd clouds. My Mistress wasn’t far away from us, taking flight after us. Both of us laughed in glee as Celestia only slowed herself down more by going through the sticky clouds, oddly enough drenching herself in what appeared to be chocolate rain.

With a tackle against her side, I captured my twin by restricting her movements with my forelegs. Together with Nightmare’s help, I brought Tia back down to the ground where chains sprung up to hold her in place for us.

“What do you want to do with her, Mistress?” I laughed, running a hoof against the side of her head before moving over to those delicious lips. My wife gave me a pleading gaze as I toyed with her. I looked down at her, smirking as she began to beg me with her eyes for us to show her mercy.

There was one other thing in her eyes, though. And that was lust as she began to fantasize about being used like the sex slave that she was. Such a pervert, my wife.

“Why don’t you present her your sex, pet?” Nightmare crooned, brushing her tail alongside my wife’s side as she stalked past her. “Force her to pleasure you while I have my way with her? Oh, you would like that, Tia, wouldn't you?”

My sister moaned in her bindings, her face heavily flushed as she breathed unevenly while my Nightmare groped her flanks. For some reason, it turned me more on than I already was.

“Which sex, my queen?” I asked back, desperately hoping she wouldn’t ask me to present my male parts to my twin, although I felt my arousal make me painfully hard despite my wishes.

“Must I make all the decisions for you?” Nightmare snarled, glaring at me as she brought out her riding crop.

"I..." I began, only for her to flick it against my flank, causing me to moan out. My lust spiked as she hit me again with it and I begged her to punish me more. My sister happily obliged my request, and I felt her going for my marehood next until I couldn’t hold it back any longer and did what she demanded of me with a shuddering moan. Grabbing the back of my wife’s head, I brought her muzzle towards my dick and forced her to swallow the thick tip in her wet maw. She let out a moan herself, aroused from what was happening around her.

“Such a little pervert,” Nightmare cackled, trailing her riding crop along Tia’s spine and getting her to raise her tail even higher up. “You are ours to do with whatever and however we want, sister dearest. Don’t you ever forget this or I will be quite displeased with you.”

Tia let out a heavy lewd moan as she began to bob her head upon my member, the vibrations made my mind get further addled with lust and I forced my dick further into her. A part of me despised me for enjoying this so much, but the bigger part only wanted to get off by shoving it in as far down her throat as I could go.

Fuck. I think I might be in heat myself, damnit. If I weren’t, I wouldn’t be going along with this so readily and my mind wouldn’t be in such a heavy haze of lust and need right now. Maybe it really wasn't my dick making me feel like this but every mare's curse. Stupid pony biology.

Nightmare mounted my sister right in front of me with a grin on her muzzle, pressing her rod into her without any hesitation whatsoever. Tia mewled out cutely around me and Nightmare tugged on my chain while she began to thrust into my twin, causing me to push my own shaft further down the throat of Celestia.

My twin breathed in sharply through her nostrils, trying to force enough air into her lungs to compensate for the awkward position we found ourselves in. It wasn’t helped by the fact that her breathing had picked up significantly after Nightmare started to plow her so recklessly.

This was no better than what I did back in the Crystal Empire, wasn't it? Worse, even. I felt sick that I was basically raping my wife with my sister this time around. I mean... this was a dream and Tia wouldn’t mind either way, but still. It was highly abusive behavior and I... I knew my wife would be waking up horny after this. Fuck.

Please. Please, please, please, don’t let her have a rape fetish, I thought with disdain and horror. By everything that was holy, my wife shouldn’t have such demented fetishes, I swear.

Too bad the lust currently ensnaring my mind was doing its best to reduce me to a slave to my body. All I could think of was ramming my dick into the throat of the beautiful mare that was my sister and getting off as fast as I could. I had enough presence of mind to not suffocate my wife and held myself back enough to not hurt her beyond what she could handle. But even then, the moaning voices of both my wife and Nightmare Moon drove me into a frenzy and the only thing that mattered at the moment was the pleasure running through my body.

I felt disgusted. Disgusted and ashamed. And yet, I didn't have enough willpower to stop myself. I was too weak for that. That, and I was selfish. I relished the feeling of being the dominant one, and for once, I could fully enjoy it. My sister wasn't fighting back against me, and if anything, I could tell she was trying her best to make it even better for me. As if she loved being able to suck dick again.

“M-Mistress! I’m close,” I grunted, moaning out as she yanked on the chain connected to my collar again. “How do you want me to finish?”

“Let’s see...” Nightmare hummed, not even stopping in her movements as she bucked into Celestia quite heavily. “How do I want my little pet to have her way with our slut of a sister?”

Tia giggled happily, apparently gleeful that she was in a position where we could do whatever we wanted with her. She tried to get my member out of her muzzle to say something, but I held her involuntarily back against me with a growl. The thought of being unable to finish put existential dread in me like my life depended on this one task only.

Was that how stallions felt like when they were close to orgasm? It never felt like that back on Earth and I doubt it was entirely normal. It felt more animalistic than anything.

Nightmare gave me a glare as she saw the momentary struggle between Tia and me. “Let the slut speak, pet,” she demanded of me, punishing me harshly with her riding crop at the same time. Chastised and startled, I jerked away from my twin, breathing heavily as a shudder went through me. “If she has an idea worthy of our time, I want to hear it.”

Celestia moaned ecstatically once she was free from me and she turned her heavily flushed face towards my mistress. “My queen, I... ngh! I want her to paint my body... ahn~! Yes, harder! F-fuck, so good! Mhhn, I want her to cum all over my face with her divine seed, please!” she begged, her panting only interrupted by the heavy thrust of my Nightmare. “Let me bathe in her cum, I beg you!”

“Through and through a pervert, huh?” Nightmare cackled, grinning widely as she bucked into her with renewed vigor. Clearly, she was turned on by the idea as much as my wife was. “Thy queen must admit, thy proposal hast merit. Pet, do as the... slut... requested... of thee. Mhhn! Fuck, yes! 'Tis feels so good! Squeeze our royal cock more, slut! Tremble beneath our might!”

“Yes!” Tia hummed back with a lewd whine, her eyes coming dangerously close to rolling up into her head as she barely kept herself from drooling, her mouth hanging open due to her difficulty of breathing in enough air. Then, I felt her magic surround my pulsing, needy shaft and begin pumping it with a slow rhythm at first before picking up speed once she screwed up enough concentration to do so without tugging painfully at it.

I would have protested vehemently against this a few minutes ago before we started with this mess of a dream, but if my wife was all for it, who was I to deny her this? If she really wanted me to coat her in a few strands of sticky cum, then I could do little to dissuade her from that.

On top of using her magic, my wife gave my penis a few kisses, licks, and careful nibbles. She went all out, and, as Celestia gave me a final lick on the tip of my member with that lewd grin on her muzzle, I felt myself let loose. Shot after shot flew out of my thick horse cock, spraying Tia from top to bottom. A few strands even landed upon my mistress. Not that she cared, fucking my twin senseless.

I had mixed feelings about this as my brain started to recover from the heavy dosage of lust, only to be assaulted by the intense orgasm playing havoc on my body. On the one hoof, I just enjoyed something that I felt like I shouldn’t enjoy under any circumstances ever, and on the other hoof, my conscience demanded of me to hate myself for it having been the wrong sex that brought me over the edge. My heart struggled to come to terms with what just happened and emotions of all kinds ran rampant within my body. I had no idea how I should feel at this moment, the only thing that came to my mind was self-loathing.

But hot damn, they both looked so fucking sexy like this, marked by my fluids while they continued to have crazy insane wild sex right there in front of me. I let out a snarl at my conflicting emotions, turning around and shoving my pussy in front of my twin as I felt tears building up at the edges of my vision. Fuck this shit, I want her to eat me out, damnit. Not suck my dick or jerk me off.

I needed something to take my mind off of these shitty emotions and my sister will please me where I wanted to be pleased, or there will be consequences for her afterward. The 'no sex for a year straight' kind of consequences.

Nightmare didn’t seem to care that I took the liberty to shove my marehood into Celestia’s face like that, continuing to plow into her with stamina I had no idea she possessed. 

Moaning happily that Tia didn’t waste any time plunging her tongue into my eagerly waiting folds, I felt more at peace at the familiar sensation of my wife flicking her tongue back and forth in my slick tunnel.

This is exactly what I desired most out of the intimate act shared between us. While I can’t deny that it had felt (somewhat) good having offloaded cum shots all over my sisters, it didn’t manage to evoke the same feeling that I felt right now. The attention to my marehood calmed me considerably from the self-hatred I suffered from a few moments ago. I felt good and at peace, being taken care of like this. It made me happy. Euphoric, even.

I guess I won’t ever come fully to terms with being the target of the spell that I designed myself, huh? I really wanted to be more accepting of it, just to make Celestia and Luna happy, but I couldn’t help myself from still feeling disgusted at it. I wished I could go back to my ignorant self and let it be. I wanted to stop thinking about this, but... it felt like I was stuck in this endless loop of overthinking this.

Was I overthinking it, though?

Perhaps there was no way to get over this. Ugh. This was such a hassle, I thought with resentment. I was starting to hate my past self for the ignorance I displayed to the distress I felt about my gender, now. I was actually jealous of my past self. I didn't have to deal with all of this stupid mushy stuff back then. But on the other hoof, neither was I really living at peace with myself then, either. Not completely, that is.

I merely went through the motions, did all the stuff a 'man' was expected to do, and shut myself in as I wasn't all that good at it. I was basically the stay-at-home parent in our relationship because I liked doing it. My wife racked in all the big money and I never saw a reason to put in more effort to get a raise or a better-paying job. I was content raising our kids while making my hobby more-or-less into my reason to work instead of doing nothing with my spare time but playing video games (aside from doing various chores around the house, I suppose).

I never really lived as Rudolph Baker. And I only realized that now as I was reflecting back on everything I felt in conjecture to my identity. And, as I did that, I realized just how petty I was being, blaming my time as Rudolph Baker for everything I was feeling right now.

Just because I was male in my past life didn’t mean that my current life was bad. If anything, it was very much the opposite of bad. Sure, we had a prospering nation on our hooves weighing us down from time to time, but that's a hell of a lot better job than what I did as a human. I felt like I was actually doing something worthwhile as a princess, unlike what I had accomplished as a programmer.

Also, the fact I was biologically female was perhaps the best thing that could have ever happened to me, besides having my wife and her sister reincarnated here with me.

So many transgender people on Earth would be so jealous of me for literally being granted the life they wished for. Well, maybe not as a pony (even though that's totally awesome, too), but surely by being granted the body parts they longed for. Actually being born with them and not having to settle for the second-best option of surgery. Surgery could only do so much, after all.

All the struggle to reach a point where you could be happy with yourself and look into the mirror with a smile... and I skipped all of that. I got it for free (relatively free, I mean) and without hardships and discrimination along the way. If anything, the only thing bugging me about my new life was the fact that I felt like I didn’t deserve this chance. So many others on Earth were a lot more deserving of this than me.

Then again, there was also the ageless, nigh-immortal goddess of the sun thing going on that weighed heavily on my mind. While I had no doubt there was a vast amount of people on Earth that would have happily taken the offer of never really aging in a physical way past a certain age, I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemies.

Immortality wasn’t a happy existence and anypony claiming otherwise didn’t really understand the implications of such a life. Only a fool desires to live for eternity.

Living forever... something like that could only become bearable as long as there were others along the way, sharing the burden of loneliness with you as they stand beside you. I only had my sisters there with me, a thing I was very grateful for, but I feared what the passing of the rest of the population would do to me and my sisters. We would have to constantly watch ponies become old around us, losing friends to the process of aging we, ourselves, would be exempt from.

That could drive anypony to insanity if they lacked the fortitude to stay strong. A strength I feared I might lack, to be honest. Although, I might be able to draw strength from the thought of never having to leave my wife and sister, possibly even Starswirl, our only parental/grandfather figure left to us. If anything, I can hopefully keep my sanity by reminding myself that they are pretty much in the same boat as me. Together, we will make it through this for however long we can.

To be honest, the thought of guiding the ponies of our nation into a golden age for eternity did manage to excite me. We could actually make sure they would never turn out as humanity did, preaching peace and harmony through friendship and love.

Haah. That would be something, wouldn’t it?

I had no idea I could actually manage to get all philosophical while my twin sister was running her tongue all over my wet pussy, edging out happy moans from me at a frequently higher pace. Damn, that mare had quite the high stamina within her dream, judging by her own moans and the sounds of Nightmare still pounding into her like a friggin’ piston running out of control.

The lewd sounds coming from our passionate love-making were akin to a musical to my ears. But all good things had to come to an end at some point, although this ending was almost perfect. Tia managed to drive me to another orgasm with her wiggling tongue and she herself was overtaken by her own high as Nightmare finally finished within. Our Mistress pumped her huge horse cock into her snatch with a few last twitching (and awkward) movements, her eyes losing focus completely as she did so.

By everything holy, we had achieved utter bliss by reaching the climax all at the same time and it was the best thing that could have happened to take my mind off my worries entirely. Only this moment mattered and what a glorious moment it was.

My sisters seemed to be thinking along the same lines as I did, enjoying our collective orgasm just as much as I did. Once we were all spent and sufficiently calmed down, Nightmare brought us back to the chamber with the Soul Mirror. She dumped us unceremoniously on the bed, squeezing Celestia between her and myself, content to simply cuddle with us in her afterglow like a satisfied, overgrown cat. Tia was pleasantly surprised that we weren’t a figment of her imagination and that we hadn’t actually gone and become evil for the sake of it. Not that what we did was all that good, to begin with.

And, of fucking course, she asked us to ‘rape’ her again at some point in the future to sate her demented fetishes. For her, it didn’t matter whether we did it as Fallen Star and Nightmare Moon or as our slightly less majestic (but good) halves. Something I swore I would never let happen. Tia was seriously fucked up in her head if she honestly wanted us to do 'that' with her.

This... whatever this was that made her enjoy these absurd fantasies... it can’t be normal. I was concerned about what could have made her behave in a way like that and... feared what the answer to that might be.

Perhaps it was better to live in ignorance, instead. I was sure that the answer to this mysterious question would bring naught but ruin if I were to force it out of her. Besides... there was something else I needed to talk about with both of my sisters. Something that could just as well bring about the same amount of despair to them if not more so, if I were to be honest with myself.

Alas, it was a conversation I have to bring up at some point, as much as I didn't want to. I couldn’t hide it away from them any longer. The longer I waited, the worse it would become. Still, I was rather reluctant to ruin the mood to inform them of this dire news. Even so... they deserved to know about it, didn’t they? 

I sighed, keeping my eyes down as I called out to them, avoiding their gazes outright as I fidgeted with my hooves. “There is something we need to talk about...” I said, dread filling my heart. I have to do this, I reminded myself. No more delaying like the chicken that I was.

“You’re not breaking up with us, are you?” my wife asked and I snorted out a laugh. How did she get that idea, of all things? Silly idiot. Breaking up, yeah right. Only in a million years, and even then, I doubt I... wait. Oh. Oh! I'm such an idiot. The whole ‘we need to talk’ thing might have given her the wrong idea, didn't it? Ugh. I should have worded that one better.

“No. Although...” I said, dragging out the last word and I giggled as my sister hit me on my side. “Okay, no more jokes! I get it, stop hitting me already, jeez.”

“Then get to the point, sister,” Nightmare sneered.

“Fair enough,” I said with a grimace, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. She's such an ice queen sometimes. “It would be better if you did this as Luna, though, Nightmare.”

My sister blinked in confusion, giving me a look. “What? Why would I need to switch back?”

“Well...” I whispered, my ears pressing themselves against the back of my head. “I don’t want you to... flip out, sister.”

“You know that I’ll just change back if this is as bad as you make it out to be,” Nightmare shot back and I winced. She might have a point there, but I would still feel better if she were in her other form for this. My sister did as I asked of her, grumbling all the while until she was back to being Luna.

“And why are you staying like this?” Tia asked me curiously. I bit my lower lip as I let out a sigh.

“For the confidence boost, I guess,” I answered. “Can I start now?”

“We’re waiting on you, dummy,” Celestia said with a raised brow and I chuckled weakly. Right. Might as well get this over with and stop stalling.

“I had a talk with Magic,” I began, both of them looking at me like I was crazy for having gone back to that asshole. “And I might have learned a few things that will change how you view the world...”

“Can’t be as bad as learning you and Tia love me,” Luna muttered. 

“Well...” I whispered, wincing again. “Magic isn’t the only one in that plane of existence...”

“Then who else is there?” Celestia inquired and I mentioned all the others I had learned of. And I told them who, or rather, what they are.

“Let me get this straight,” Luna interrupted me. “Magic and her siblings are the Elements of Harmony, those crystals we saw on the branches on the Tree of Harmony?”

“More or less, yes,” I nodded with a helpless shrug. It does sound kind of ridiculous and far-fetched, doesn't it? “The important thing about them, though, is the fact that they were formerly alicorns, just like us.”

“Really?” Celestia asked, excited to learn more. “What were they like? How did they end up as the Elements of Harmony?”

I grimaced, seeing Tia so giddy over something that was, more or less, a painful reminder of their failures and our impending lonely existence. I guess some background information couldn't hurt before I get to the crux of the matter.

“Hope told me this story with a heavy heart, I will do my best to recount it,” I mumbled. “Basically, there is this process that can make a regular pony turn into an alicorn under the right circumstances. Besides Magic and Laughter, none of them were actually born as alicorns, but what surprised me was the fact that Hope told me she had also been a former human.”

Luna snorted. “Seriously?” she asked. “What? Are humans more prone to be reincarnated, or what?”

“I... I don’t know, Lulu,” I shrugged. “Hope didn’t say anything about that. Just that a reincarnated soul could start their new life as an alicorn, or be turned into one. But that is also true for other ponies that hadn’t been reincarnated before. Minus the ‘being born as an alicorn’ part, I guess.”

“Okay... so, how does one become an alicorn if they aren’t lucky like us?”

“That is something that Hope told me is a very rare to accomplish process, requiring an exorbitant amount of magic. And then, the pony trying to ascend needs to achieve the highest potential of their special talent they could, on top of that,” I explained, rubbing a hoof over the back of my other foreleg. “Basically, it is highly unlikely to happen on a whim, although still possible to some degree. But you can't brute force it for everypony.”

Luna narrowed her eyes at me, suspicious. “So, what else is there to this?" she asked, prodding me. "This can’t be everything, sister, or you wouldn’t have been so fearful to tell us, in the first place."

I gulped, my throat feeling suddenly dry. I was stalling again, wasn’t I? Damnit. “Depending on the... uh... 'domain' the newly ascended alicorn presides over, there are a few things you need to be aware of,” I answered, a reluctant feeling welling up inside of me. Perhaps a little bit of stalling wouldn’t hurt? Anything to ease them into the true meaning of their newfound 'immortal' existence... “Hope told me that aside from a power boost, all alicorns have a few things they hold power over that are associated with their calling.

"It's like becoming an aspect of your very special talent. Like we already had to find out, that means a certain amount of power your domain is associated with. For good or bad, you literally represent a part of that concept. Both the 'appreciated' part and the part you'd rather not face.

“For example, mine and Tia’s domain are over the suns. With that comes the power to control heat and light, among other things. We could use our abilities for nurturing life... or we could use them for destructive purposes, inflicting death.”

“Wow...” Celestia muttered, fidgeting slightly. “That’s... a lot of responsibility.”

“Yeah,” I laughed awkwardly, a bit queasy about what I had yet to share with her. “Responsibility...”

“What aren’t you telling us, sister?” Luna asked, staring intently at me. Oh, how I wished she hadn’t asked me that because now, I had no way out anymore. Please, don’t hate me for this...

“Hope also talked to me about what kind of responsibility would fall on the shoulders of me and Tia,” I sighed, biting my lip. Damn you, Luna, for being so... you. I couldn’t just lie my flanks off, you do not deserve this. Nor would it ever work. Not in a million years. “ both know what happens at the end of the life cycle of a sun, right?”

“Yes...” Both of them nodded, a somber mood falling over them as they started to realize where I was going with this.

“Hope told me that Celestia and I would... bring about the destruction of life as we know it...” I muttered, a few tears running down the side of my head. “We are the ones that will usher in the end of the world.”


Neither of them said a word as I let that statement hang in the air like a looming specter. That was a revelation I feared talking with them about, but it wasn’t the only thing I was fearful of talking about. The bad news is far from over.

“...when?” Celestia asked, her voice barely loud enough that I almost missed her question entirely. I could see a few flames begin to appear within her mane as she stared back at me with golden eyes, the sclera of her eyes darkening considerably. Oh, no, no, no. This was bad, I thought, starting to panic. This hasn’t ever happened with my twin before, she had never lost control over her emotions like that. At least, not to such a degree that she actually started turning into her alter-ego.

“Hope wasn’t... very specific?” I offered, knowing full well that I was just trying to delay with that half-truth.

“When, Summer?!” she roared back and I stared fearfully at her as her entire mane was engulfed in solar flames. My tail tucked itself in as I found myself face to face with Daybreaker, reacting too late before she had me already pinned against the far wall of the room in the blink of an eye. The sneer on her face told me in no uncertain terms that she was ready to plunge her fangs into my throat if I dared to not give her a straight answer.

I let out a whimper.

“Whenever we think we need to?” I said, wincing as she let me fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I tried to stand back up, but my sister was faster than that. With incredible force, she pinned me to the ground as she put her whole weight on my throat with a snarl on her face.

“So, that’s it then, huh?” my sister growled, her magic throwing Luna away from us as she tried to come to my rescue. Daybreaker actually looked at me with genuine hate while I struggled uselessly underneath her. “We built this nation up for nothing? In a few years, it will become a ruin?!”

“Siftah...” I coughed, struggling to say something, anything at all as she constricted my windpipe with her hoof. This was making me afraid for my life and the thing about this dream was, that with Luna’s unique ability to dream walk, this could actually affect us in the waking world in a negative way if my twin decided to do something... violent.

“I’ve been a fool thinking that I could let my better half deal with everything that would have come up and contented myself with staying rational about everything,” she snapped and I let out a whine as I felt my vision darkening slowly. “By the way, the dream you and dear Lulu gave us was absolutely divine, beautiful. Too bad you had to ruin this night by bringing up that little tidbit of information. I wonder what I should do to punish you...”

“Hiftah...” I breathed out in a last desperate attempt to get her to step off of me. “Pweave...”

She gave me a contemplative look, deflecting a spell bolt from Luna nonchalantly with a shield as my little sister tried to break through her defense. Just when I thought I would suffocate in a friggin’ dream of all things, Daybreaker let up on the pressure she was putting on me. I gratefully filled my lungs with desperate gasps of air, pointedly ignoring the fact that one shouldn’t technically need to breathe in a dream in the first place, only to find her magic lifting me up against the wall by my throat again.

I let out a yelp as I felt her pluck out a feather with a sinister cackle. My sister patted the side of my head mockingly, trailing the feather slowly over my body in circles.

“Say, how long do you think I can tickle you until you pass out?” she asked me with a contemplative look and I shook my head desperately to dissuade her from going through with that threat. I tried to beg with her, but her grasp on me kept my jaw shut as well. “Or perhaps I need to inflict more pain?”

Tears streamed down my face as my twin plucked another feather from my wing. The moan escaping my throat edged her on to take a few more and I despaired. This is what I get for stalling like an idiot, isn’t it? 

“Huh. I never thought you, of all ponies, would have had a fetish for this, dear,” Daybreaker mentioned, smirking as I unwillingly let out another moan while I cried for every feather that was taken from me. “Taking pleasure from pain... that must be a new development. Let me guess, Nightmare and that riding crop? Mhhn, I'm gonna rip out so much from your pretty body and make you sing for me~.”

I whimpered, let out a moan, and shrieked as she plucked four feathers at the same time, two from each wing. My eyes searched beggingly for my little sister, desperate for this to end. Daybreaker was way less gentle than Nightmare had been with her riding crop and I wished I could go back to her instead of my psychopath of a wife. She wouldn't subject me to this torture.

“Oh, how I like to see you squirm so much,” Daybreaker said, her tongue flicking along my cheek as she let out a lewd moan. “Your screams excite me, gorgeous. I want to taste more of those delightful tears. Don’t stop crying for me now, will you? How about a primary feather next? I think the 'fallen angel' look would suit you so well. Ah, hah, haah... yes~... mhhnn...”

It was all for naught. Trying to strain against my bindings was futile, I couldn’t budge a hoof even the slightest amount and I cried desperate tears. This wasn't Celestia. This was so unlike my wife, it was like she was possessed by a demon. Daybreaker was like the version of her that had absolutely no inhibitions against doing whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She existed for the sole purpose of sating her demented fetishes and she wouldn't stop to think for one moment about what her partner was feeling.

I screeched out as unimaginable pain wreaked havoc on my body when I felt a cut against my wing joint next, half of my primaries already laying discarded on the ground next to her hooves. Blurry eyes stared at what my sister had done, the limp wing on my left side was trickling blood down my body and I barely saw that she was licking her fang with a shuddering moan.

“Ahh... this taste is divine, mhhn~. It's so much better than those bitter tears,” Daybreaker chuckled, running her tongue over my injury with shuddering gasps again. “Perhaps I will content myself with drinking your blood, instead? It tastes so sweet~...”

“Stop... please...” I whimpered, already having given up with these futile struggles against her and I simply clung on to the hope that somepony, anypony, would come to my rescue.

“Mhh, ah hah hah! Why would I do that, gorgeous?” Daybreaker asked and I felt her fangs press against my throat as she took in a deep breath through her nostrils in excitement, taking in the scent of sheer fear reeking off of me. "I will play with you for the remaining time we have until the end approaches. Oh, yes! What point is there in holding myself back anymore if it is pointless?! I'll enjoy myself to the fullest until this pathetic world lies broken before my hooves!"

Despite all of that fear, there was a small part of me that found this... arousing. I didn’t want it to be like that, but for some reason, I couldn’t help myself from thinking that being held helplessly at the hooves of a vampiric being was sexy as hell. But I’d rather have that pony that held my life in her hooves be... Luna. Definitely not Daybreaker or Tia... not like this...

“Enough!” Luna roared and the dream world shattered around me, waking me up with a startled yelp. My little sister was beside me a moment later, running her hoof over my back as I bawled against her like a little foal.

“I’m here, I’m here,” Luna whispered gently, her icy aura sending a pleasant chill through my body, calming me immensely. “Whatever got into her head? That mule of a sister will hear it from me the next time we see her.”

My breathing slowly got steadier over the next few minutes and I just noticed I was back in the form of my better half. I must have been long before this and Daybreaker didn't care one bit. Everything that happened in the dream... it left me desperate for a kind touch. Especially since everything was still hurting despite there being no physical signs of anything having ever happened. It still left a mark on my soul, though.

At least the stupid male sex transformation wasn't active anymore here in the waking world. That was something, wasn't it?

Luna was content with me resting my head on her chest and I appreciated that she was simply there for me. I... I didn’t hold this against Tia, to be honest. Her dark half did scare me quite a lot, though. Especially since she was under the impression that she didn’t need to hold back anymore because of this 'impending apocalypse' she feared was right around the corner.

Fuck... that wasn’t how I ever thought my wife would treat me. It goes to show what kind of dark desires she was keeping herself away from if she drew pleasure from something that got dangerously close to torture.

Okay, okay. Scratch that, it was torture. Plain and simple. There were many things I could make excuses for and embellish, even lie to myself about, but I had to face the truth here. I could forgive my wife for pretty much anything, but what she did there was too much. I wouldn't ever be able to forget what happened, but... I also knew it wasn't purely her fault. Even with everything that happened, a small part of that fault lies with me. I stalled like an idiot and didn't fight back. As always, I held myself back because I was afraid and I got what I deserved for being a coward.

That's not to say I would forgive her for everything, though. For one thing, I didn't trust Daybreaker. And I don’t think I could ever have sex with her while she is like that. Not in the waking world or the dream world. Not without significant changes.

I still love her. She's my wife, and that will never change. Even as Daybreaker. I found myself unable to truly hate her darker half, if it even amounted to 'hate', in the first place.

Daybreaker was... something else. An adversary, cruel, sadistic, even a psychopath. But also fiercely passionate. The thought of everything being for naught scared her. And that alone told me there was still some good in her. That there was still a part of the pony I loved in her, aside from the perverted desires I knew my wife for. Deep down, she was still the same pony I vowed to spend my life with. In good times, as well as bad times. One lapse of judgment was not enough for me to condemn her.

She was still my wife, the love of my life. And Daybreaker was as much a part of her as Celestia Sol was. I would be a hypocrite if I couldn't give her that much. Because, if I didn't, I didn't deserve her and Luna's forgiveness, either. I hurt them a lot with my stupid actions, too.

For one thing, I forced them to give Platinum another chance. Or rather, leave her be. I know they would have rather murdered her and probably gotten away with it, too. Well, probably not with the law, but my inability to think badly of them. Then, there was the whole insanity thing and my own 'anger management' problems. When I explode, I... let's just say I had no idea how they kept giving me the time of day when I was being the Queen Bitch to them.

I have the same problems, just... in a slightly different form. And if 'I' deserved their forgiveness, then so does Daybreaker. I just... have to get used to the idea of being in the same room as my wife's darker half again.

I guess we really do need to set up a lot of ground rules to ensure there won't be a repeat performance to this degree in the future. A keyword or action should put an immediate stop to our actions, even if we are genuinely angry at the time. It wouldn’t do if one of us went too far (even while we were doing it in a dream).

Both of my sisters had a thing for inflicting pain while in the form of their darker halves, but they went at it in completely different ways. I actually thought it was quite nice to have Nightmare do that to me with her damn lovable crop. And I wasn't exempt from this. Fallen Star was just as bad as they were, in her own right. We all have to follow these rules or our relationship with each other won't work out in the long run. And I mean the 'long' run.

Ugh. There was still the matter of me having to bring the whole ‘almost-but-not-quite’ immortality thing up with them. Then again, I hadn’t really gotten the chance to talk about that without getting choked half to death, too preoccupied with trying to stall as much as I could. A fat load of good that decision had proven itself to be.

Eff my life. I’m sure my twin would go Daybreaker all over again when I got around to telling her that part. Not that I had much of a choice in that regard, seeing how my sister was currently on a very destructive path, indeed. I hope Lulu could keep her pacified long enough for me to tell her the bad news. Preferably before she woke up and had her way with half of the population in our nation.

I really do hope Luna can keep her from rampaging for real. I don't quite fancy having to use the 'Elements of Harmony' so soon after learning about them from Hope and her siblings. Not that I had any idea what they would exactly do or how to use them, in the first place. Nor do I want to use them on my own twin sister, for that matter.

I looked up at Luna’s face with a glum expression, sighing as she gave me a small questioning smile, silently telling me that whatever I was thinking about would be alright to tell her. Well... perhaps not the morbid thought I just had, but I guess I will have to start somewhere with the whole 'never getting old and wrinkly' part.

I wasn’t so sure she would take this that well, either. If anything, maybe the aspect of eternal youth might appeal to her in some way? She was by no means vain (at least, not to the degree Tia was), but even I found a very small part of that appealing. Okay, who am I kidding? It was the only consolation I took comfort in aside from having my sisters suffer through the same fate. I do like looking like a pretty pony, what can I say?

Anyway! I tried to muster up the (not so) considerable amount of courage I had in me, only for me to end up mumbling incoherent words out to her. Thankfully, my sister was very understanding of my troubles, already used to my crippling anxiety when I had to bring up serious topics that were not pleasant at all. She did not push me to open up and gave me the time I needed, quietly humming a melody that reminded me of Mom.

Her melodious voice calmed me down enough to where I mumbled out a hasty 'We’re immortal' and I clammed up on her immediately afterward. My ears pressed themselves against the back of my head as I heard her suck in air harshly, her heart skipping a beat.

“What?” Luna whispered in disbelief. “Have you just said we’re immortal?”

I nodded simply with the smallest incline of my head and I waited fearfully for what was sure to happen. But as I stared at her fur, I didn’t see it turn pitch black as I expected it to. Instead, she resumed the stroking motions on my back with a hoof and I heard her sigh.

“Well, that explains that, at least,” Luna muttered and I stared up at her quizzically, dumbfounded. That was not the response I expected to get from her. At all. “Summer, you look exactly the same as a decade or so ago. I am an artist, I do have an eye for detail, you know?"—she rolled her eyes at that—" Aside from all of us growing in height, we haven’t really aged in the sense that other ponies do.”

“Oh...” I simply stated. Luna gave me a sad smile and placed a small kiss on my lips.

“I've had my suspicions about that, especially during the time I kept to myself,” she said, a little frown appearing on her muzzle. “Did Hope tell you that?”

I shook my head, first in a negative but then changing it to a nod midway through after giving it a second thought. “I... uh... I had a dream by the Soul Mirror talking to myself. Star mentioned that I... we had the feeling something wasn’t right about our aging and proposed we seek Magic out to get some answers.”

“And then you found Hope, right?” Luna asked and I confirmed that with a little hum. “So, what did she say about this immortality? Is it true immortality?”

“No...” I answered, playing with the fur on her chest with a hoof. “But it is pretty close. You know how much power we got from taking up our mantle as the stewards of the heavens, right?”

My sister slowly raised a brow at me. “Yes, what has that got to do with this near-immortality?” she inquired. 

“Hope told me an alicorn only dies if 'their time comes' or something of greater power slays them in combat,” I explained and she gave me a ‘huh’ at that. “Most likely destroying the source of their immortality in some way at the same time. For us, that would mean getting rid of our connection to the heavenly objects... by, you know... destroying them. In a way, we can choose when we want to die.”

“Is there no other way we can die if we wish to?” she asked me and I let out a hollow laugh. Luna gave me a concerned expression and I bit my lip.

“I mean, I'm sure there is a way to do so. Something about giving up our 'divinity' or so,” I shrugged, not entirely sure myself. Hope had said a lot but sort of not enough at the same time. “As I said to Tia before she went... you know... she and I will usher in the destruction of the world making way for change. In what way it will affect the future, I can’t say for certain, but I would like to at least make sure that when that happens, ponies will have found a way to traverse the universe. I’d rather not eradicate our subjects because I got weak and wanted to die...”

“Considering the lifespan of the sun that Earth orbited, I’d say we have enough time to come up with a solution,” Luna reassured me. “And I think I might know what I would have to cause...”

“What is that?” I whispered.

“I don’t think the night eternal thing came out of nowhere,” Lulu admitted and I agreed, it made oddly sense that her way of ushering in the apocalypse was by simply stopping her duty of lowering the moon and letting the tides of the ocean play havoc on the planet. Besides that, the planet would slowly start to freeze over on the half where the moon stayed up. And by that time, I’m sure Tia and I would do our best to raze this world to a burned crisp. “That vision when we took up our mantle wasn’t just for show, then...”

“Right... that. I almost forgot I had one of those, too. It was so short and confusing at the time and then there was the stuff that happened afterward with you and Tia. Besides talking about... you know, destroying the world... Hope and I had talked about something else entirely, too,” I admitted, nuzzling her chest softly. She smelled really nice... “There was this thing about Hope and her siblings sacrificing themselves to stop this 'Devourer of Life and Death' in order to keep it from erasing the universe. I think that thing might have been an eldritch horror from the Void or something.”

My sister snorted, giggling at the name of that thing. “Wow. That sounds really edgy,” she commented, barely keeping herself from outright laughing her flanks off. I mean... she was not wrong, per se. “So, that’s how they died? It seems like a worthy cause.”

“Yeah...” I agreed. I feel pretty bad for Hope and her siblings, to be honest. I can't imagine what that must be like, having lost their own physical appearance and then being denied the rest they deserved. It must be horrible for them. Still, considering the alternative... it was, by far, the preferable outcome. “Apparently the thing ate everything, even souls. Billions of them.”

“Souls? That’s... disturbing,” Luna muttered and I felt the same thing about that. “I mean, I can understand wanting to eat corrupted souls, especially after what Sombra did, but so many? And then not differentiate between tainted and untainted? By the moon...”

“Mhmm,” I hummed. “There is another part to being an alicorn, that being our ability to feast upon souls and cleanse them. Hope told me that every higher being could do so, even giving the example of the Grim Reaper.”

“Seriously? The Grim Reaper eats souls?” Luna asked me incredulously. “Didn’t Death guide souls to the next life instead of... you know... eating them?”

“Well,” I mumbled. “Hope made it out to be like the soul would be reborn afterward, so I’m not entirely sure how this works. I assume it’s more along the lines of the soul being a clean slate in order to start over, but Hope didn’t say much or anything about that. What she told me, though, was that there is this thing called the 'Shadowlands' and something about how the 'Machinery of Death' is more complicated than we think it is and so on...”

My sister dragged a hoof through her face. “This sounds like so much bullshit,” Luna grumbled and I let out a giggle, thinking back to how I reacted to that. “So, let me get this all in order. Firstly, alicorns have a domain they preside over with the associated aspects being part of their 'divine powers'. Secondly, as long as we decide to, we are basically almost immortal. Lastly, we can friggin’ eat souls to cleanse them of any corruption they may have. Anything else?”

“I, uhm...” I laughed nervously as one... no, two other things came to mind. Wait, there was actually a third thing, now that I thought about it. “I also learned of our actual purpose here besides us taking care of the suns and the moon.”

“Oh, sure, now Magic talks,” Luna snorted and I wilted a bit. “Or was it Hope that told you that? She sounds way more cooperative than that stupid asshole.”

I fidgeted with my wings, unsure how to exactly say it. So I just started with the easiest part. “After they sacrificed themselves, they lost their physical form and over time somehow got new bodies as these Elements of Harmony. They possess the power to do... 'something'... I don’t actually remember for certain if they talked about it or not. It was all a lot to take in, to be honest,” I explained, Luna nodding along as I continued on with the next part. “So, the spell that brought us here was designed in a way to bring a soul that is in harmony with itself to this world in order to combat the darkness left behind by the Devourer of Life and Death, in whatever form it manifests.”

“Okay... so I’m guessing that the spell looked for souls able to wield the Elements of Harmony and that we are the ones, right?” Luna asked to make sure and I nodded. That's one less part I would have to bring up, I suppose. “In addition to that, we are here for the purpose of fighting against these fragments left behind in their fight.”

“Yes...” I nodded, working up the courage to say the last thing that was on my mind. “There is one more thing...”

“Okay, I’m sure I can’t be surprised by anything anymore today, lay it on me,” Luna said and I grimaced. Oh, sweet sister of mine, if only you knew. If only you knew...

“Magic’s spell might have... taken us out of our proper time by, say, a thousand years or so?” I giggled awkwardly, feeling like a stone was weighing me down. Resentment started to appear on my sister’s face as the slow stroking movements on my back came to a halt.

“What?” she asked me with narrowed eyes.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much how I also reacted,” I said lamely, shrinking in on myself.

“Then how come I was born six years after you?” Luna demanded to know and I did my best to explain how Magic’s spell was basically on a pretty bad hiatus until Dad succeeded in doing the tango to impregnate Mom again. Weird metaphor aside, I gave her the ‘good’ news that we weren’t thrown into the future but the past.

“So there is a chance we will get to see your kids again?” Luna asked hopefully. “I don’t think my nieces took it too well after I died on them, too.”

“Yeah...” I said with a small smile. “We just have to find Earth now and wait. There is one thing I want to know, though...”

“And what would that be?” Luna inquired curiously.

“ did you die?” I asked, dreading the answer. Her expression fell as I voiced my question. I felt bad as she tried to avoid looking at me. “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. I’m sorry for bringing this up...”

Luna sighed. “You don't have to be, it’s fine...” she whispered, sounding slightly dead on the inside. Then, despite my protest that she didn't have to do this now, she proceeded to slowly recount the events that led to her own death. Let’s just say she had done a few stupid things after Tia and I died and leave it at that. I don’t think something so personal and painful should be remembered.

To cheer her up, I gave her a long and deep kiss, much to her delight. I gently brushed my rear leg against her marehood as I felt a bit of lust well up within me. She moaned into my mouth and gave a grateful hum for taking her mind off of things.

Her forehooves snaked their way around me in a tight embrace, digging into my muscles, and had she had fingers, they would have surely left a mark right there. I giggled as she panted against me lustfully, nibbling on my lips and jaw every once in a while between kisses.

Before long we were grinding and bucking against each other in earnest, screaming out with pleasure as we rubbed our weeping pussies against each other’s legs.

“T-this is s-so much better t-than a dick could ever b-be,” I moaned out against her, loving every groping movement of her hooves over my body, especially when she gave me a few whacks against my flanks. The pain only aroused me more and I really wished she had her riding crop here with us. I might be getting addicted to the damn thing. “I love you s-so much, Lulu.”

“S-shut up and fuck me, sister!” she screamed out, moaning heavily. A lot of ‘Yes, right there!’ left her mouth right afterward and I made sure not to disappoint her as I gently bucked out with my rear, dragging my own marehood all over her hindleg in the process. 

I’m sure I’m going to have a lot of bruises on my flanks after we were through with each other and I can’t tell for sure if they are going to be visible in the end. But at the moment, I found myself unable to care about that as I cried out against her while she let out lewd sounds, nicking me slightly on the neck, jaw, and cheek. If she keeps this up, I'm sure those will show for certain.

Both of us didn’t care that we were working up quite the sweat from the exercise of fucking each other silly, filling the room with our scent quite thoroughly. I was slightly turned on that it had a hint of horse to it (or rather pony in our case), the smell had become quite normal over the last thirty or so years.

And dear mother of all things, Luna’s particular scent was so very intoxicating to my nostrils, I couldn’t get enough of it as we continued to smear our fluids against each other and the bed.

“F-fuck!” Luna cried out against me as we bucked each other at the same time and I moaned out in agreement as stars temporarily filled my vision. “D-do that again, Sunny!”

“Mhmm, y-yes, sister,” I panted, coordinating myself with her and we managed to repeat the movement with fantastic pleasure coursing through our bodies afterward. “How c-close are you?”

“Not close e-enough, d-didn’t I already tell you to s-shut u-up?!” she whisper-moaned, deciding to shut me up herself as she shoved her tongue into my muzzle. I giggled, trying to win the war against her as we coordinated another buck against each other.

Once more stars danced through our vision and I tried to shake things up a bit by moving my hindleg in a circular fashion against her pussy, also doing my best to move my hips in the same way. It did wonders, I had to admit it, the pattern evoking the most interesting sensation with my aching nub. 

My marehood was already begging for release, but I held myself from my climax as best as I could in order to finish at the same time as my sister. So, to even out the playing field a little bit, I decided to cheat. And by that I mean I absolutely abused the fact that the wing joints were quite sensitive to touch, not disregarding what a few featherlight touches on the feathers could do to a pony.

To round things out even more, I went for her horn as I disengaged from our little battle for dominance, licking multiple grooves at the same time. In the end, that rewarded me with many heavy, and more importantly, lewd moans from her as she screamed out her approval.

Together with our synchronized bucking, the massaging of her wing joints while slowly brushing the underside of her wings beneath me with my primary feathers, and the slow, sensual licks I gave her horn, I had her panting almost out of breath in no time.

“S-Summer, I... ahn~! I love you,” she mewled, her eyes crossing and I smiled, finally allowing myself to have my climax as she shuddered against me.

“And I you, Lulu,” I giggled, enjoying every twitch my body gave as I rode my high out with a few more awkward grinding movements. “So very much.”

"Mhmm..." she 'said', too out of it to reply how much she loved me, in turn. Not that she needed words to convey how she felt about me. Her actions alone showed her abundance of love for me, all of it contained in one gaze only. And ever since we confessed to her, that amount has been growing in her for me.

She really does love me above anything else, doesn't she? More so than even Tia does. I was so very lucky to have her...

“Lulu?” I asked after a minute or two of us lying there on the bed doing nothing. My sister let out a hum, looking me in the eyes with those beautiful turquoise orbs. “Do you wanna mawwy me?”

“Summer...” she rolled her eyes at my silliness, smiling softly. “If you want to propose to me, do it right. Seriously. How old are you?”

“Spoil my fun, why don’t you?” I pouted, grinning back at her. “But... if there ever is an option for that, would you?”

Luna sighed and I wilted slightly as she gave me a sad look. “You know as much as I do that our ponies would never approve of a marriage between siblings, you dolt,” she said and I nodded reluctantly. It really was a curse and a blessing to be reborn in the same family. “Although a private setting between you, Tia, and me would be nice...”

I smiled at that. “I can settle for nopony ever knowing about our marriage,” I said, giving her a loving nuzzle. “What matters most is that we know about it. It would have been nice not having to hide it, though.”

“Yeah...” Luna nodded slightly, letting out a yawn. “What about Tia?”

“What about her? I don’t think she would be against this. Not that I'm going to give her much of a choice in the matter....”

“That's now what I meant and you know it. It's not much of a guess to know what that perverted mare would say. My question was more about how are you going to tell Tia about the immortality thing?” she murmured sleepily, absolutely exhausted from what I had just done to her body. The fact she could probably sleep twenty-four-seven might also be a factor in how easily she could get herself to sleep. Lazy moon princess.

“I don’t know...” I sighed, hugging her against me with a wing draped over her possessively. I calmed myself down as best as I could, forcing my anxiety down from where it came from. “To be honest, I don’t feel like talking to her...”

“That’s a first for you, I’m shocked,” Luna commented and I wilted slightly at the remark. “Sunny... I’m sure she didn’t mean to be so forceful.”

“Intellectually I know that, but emotionally? I feel like I need some time away from her. At least for a little while,” I morosely said. “I can still feel my wings ache, Lulu.”

“Do you want me to talk with her?” she asked gently. I gave her a hesitant nod, looking away from her to hide my tears. “Hey, it’s okay, sister. I have my own few choice words for her, so don’t worry about it so much, okay?”

“Okay...” I nodded, smiling slightly as she gave me a kiss.

“Do you want to sleep?” she asked me and I thought about it. Sleep does sound nice right now. Even though we have barely been awake, it was still in the middle of the night. I gave her a small, timid nod and Luna used her power to grant me a dreamless sleep. “Rest easy now, sister. In the meantime, I will have a small 'chat' with Tia...”

I hummed sleepily, fully drifting off while happily snuggling her a little bit tighter against myself. The next few days would undoubtedly see us do a lot more kinky stuff while locked in our safe room, and I had to admit I was looking forward to it.

My sweet Moon was entirely of the same opinion and our bond would only grow from this point on...