Twin Suns

by Feynna

Chapter 009 - Experimenting with Portals! They are horseshoe-shaped...

Starswirl was finally ready to test out the prototype mirror. While it was only a prototype and general concept of proof, I’m sure that it will be a success already. Just thinking about it... it was something so incredibly unbelievable, wasn’t it? A portal to another world. Once upon a time, I would have thought something like that would never be possible. Something that was, at the very most, limited to science fiction only. Maybe, just maybe, it could have become a reality far into the future of technological development on Earth. Now, though? I couldn't believe we were just moments away from finding out what was on the other side of the Void.

I was a little bit anxious to find out, though. I can remember a few horror stories where things went incredibly wrong. It wasn't just limited to the fearful stories of forever being stranded in a different universe far from your own universe, either. No. The true horror came in the form of the eldritch monstrosities lurking in the Realm Between who could drive even gods insane. I dearly hoped we weren’t committing something stupendously stupid by opening an arcane gateway, a bridge between worlds, and inviting them unknowingly in. Whether or not Starswirl’s safeguards would be enough to keep such unwanted guests out remained yet to be seen. I dearly hope they are going to work, though.

To be honest, I didn’t want to go through that thing any time soon, I was very anxious about what might be on the other side. Despite being quite curious, I’d rather let Tia explore the unknown while Luna and I would keep this side of the mirror safe in case Mr. Tentacle Overlord does decide to visit our realm. I know my twin could take care of herself, no problem, so... we didn’t need to all go through it, right? I was content with hearing recounts from my wife of what she found with Starswirl, I’d rather stay here in Equestria where it was cozy and, most importantly, safe. Relatively safe, but safe nonetheless.

Well... I mean... a very small part in the back of my mind kinda... sorta... maybe wanted to experience it, too. If only for the excitement. Being confronted with the possibility of simply forgetting everything that has been going on for the past few months was very enticing, I'm not gonna lie. Still... I don’t know if I can get over my little bit of anxiety and go through with it. It sounded perhaps... a little bit too exciting?

It has been some odd few months since the Crystal Empire disappeared together with Sombra, we sorely needed something to distract our minds. Especially after the nobles gave us more than enough trouble by trying to raise taxes to get more money in their dirty little pockets. Platinum was among those nobles, trying to undermine our authority. Again. 

I don't know what her problem with us was this time (it was always one thing or another), but she certainly didn’t know when to stop pestering us with her next stupid scheme to regain the throne. She got even worse after her dad got fed up with her antics and he kicked her out of the mansion they had in Canterlot.

I mean, she kinda deserved it? I don't know. She was a spoiled brat, through and through, so… I don't feel a lot of pity for her. Plain and simple, she was a nuisance to us and nothing more. Sure, Platinum was a dangerous individual within the court and it didn’t help that we couldn’t just ban her from attending. Despite everything, she just had too many supporters in the nobility for us to get rid of her. Legally, that is.

In the end, though, her schemes were just that. Schemes. None of them ever worked and it was unlikely she could ever attempt a coup. For that, she was simply too uncharismatic, and, well… everypony loves Celestia, it's ridiculous. No amount of money would be enough to sway ponies to her side.

Anyway, that wasn’t important right now. Currently, my sisters and I were in the secret laboratory deep within Mount Canterhorn (also known as the Secret Mad-Scientist Laboratory of Questionable Knowledge™). I was glad that the hydra Starswirl and Tia had me bring up here to his little hideout was having a great time and that it was well cared for. I wouldn’t want it to cause any trouble for the old coot.

“And there it is!” Starswirl proudly presented us with the rounded full-body mirror that eerily looked like an elongated horseshoe to me. The mirror was the very first of its kind and I had no doubt Starswirl would make good use of it. If there ever was a pony that I would trust to keep the portal safe, he was the one. His knowledge of magic was unrivaled by anypony, not even my sister came remotely close. And he was stupidly overpowered on top of that, being able to toy with time as if it was a mere suggestion to him. While he didn’t have our raw power, he made up for it with incredible control and skill. “Every bit of magical knowledge in Equestria all wrapped up in a delightfully reflective package!”

Luna snorted next to me as she rolled her eyes. “Certainly 'sounds' magical,” she commented derisively and I let out a giggle. It was a bit mean, but… also funny. So far, it looked like a particularly eccentric mirror and that was it. Our mentor continued on undeterred, though, bringing over a scroll from one of the nearby shelves stuffed full with a variety of books, trinkets, and artifacts. As well as his research. He explained to us that there were different ways he could access other worlds, mainly through a specific spell or by using the mirror as a gateway. The mirror was obviously a lot safer than ripping open a hole in the universe (duh).

Besides, the mirror served as a dimensional anchor. Without one, it would be all too easy to get lost in the multiverse. The mirror always leads to the exact place it has been anchored to, and conversely, the exit portal always leads back to the mirror it was 'attached' to. Hence, there was no way to get lost (unless you forgot where you put the mirror or don't remember the location of the portal leading back).

“Think of the new magic to discover out there...” Starswirl practically swooned and I could tell he was getting giddy already, as was my twin. Both of them were huge nerds when magic was involved. “The knowledge we can attain...”

“We?” I asked unsurely. It was all nice and good that he told us that he was ready to test this thing out, but I had been under the assumption that only Tia would be the one to actually go through with him. My heart was beating furiously in... anxiety, fear, and... excitement. I really wanted to say yes now... get over my misgivings and just enjoy life. Could it be that easy, though? “I... don’t know if it is such a good idea if we all go through at the same time, Starswirl. Something could go wrong, right? We can’t just leave our kingdom unattended for too long! We have responsibilities.”

My sister nodded in agreement as she eyed the mirror with trepidation and unease. “I’m with Summer on this one,” she commented. “I am all for the adventure, but somepony needs to run this nation while you go gallivanting off to who knows where. I’m not going to be the only pony to do so.”

“Wow, your laziness is showing through again, Lulu,” Celestia snorted with a smirk. “Come on! This is what we always wanted when we became princesses, is it not? You were the one that always wanted to have amazing adventures and explore the unknown, how come I am now in this position instead of you? Let’s do this together, it will be exciting!”

“I grew up, Tia,” Luna said with a deadpan voice. “We aren’t little foals anymore, we can’t just leave on a whim. Work's gonna pile up and…”

“Please? Pretty please? Do it for me?” Celestia pouted cutely and I had to shuffle awkwardly on my hooves as my resolve began to falter. Damn you, Tia. Damn you and your adorableness.

Haah. What could go wrong with one little trip? Perhaps my twin was right... And we certainly could use the opportunity to get some excitement away from the troubles of keeping the nation in one piece.

“Fine...” Luna mumbled, looking away from Tia with a faint blush, her forelegs folded over her chest. “I swear, you are more childish than me at times, sister.”

“Aww,” Celestia cooed, squeezing Luna’s muzzle with her hooves. “Look at you, so grumpy. It’s too cute!”

“Stop that!” Luna grumbled while swatting a hoof at our sister as one of her eyelids started to twitch. Judging by her fidgeting wings, though, she enjoyed the show of affection very much. 

“Now, now. There is no need to fight over this, Your Highnesses,” Starswirl said and the mirror lit up with a swirling vortex of arcane energy, filling the room with a strange sparkling fog. “You won't have to worry about Equestria, we aren’t going to be gone for too long. And I thought you would be ecstatic about the pursuit of knowledge.”

“I guess that’s true,” I said, taking a deep calming breath (not that it helped any). “Might as well see it with my own eyes, right? What are the chances of something going wrong, huh? Eh heh heh…”

“That’s the spirit!” Starswirl nodded, ignoring my awkward smile as I could barely keep my emotions in check. “Now, come along! Adventure awaits!”

Luna went in first after him, followed by my twin and then (reluctantly) myself. The experience of traveling between worlds was... something, alright. It wasn’t as bad as teleportation, but it had its... ahem, 'unique'... quality to it.

I had to screw my eyes shut at all of the bright flashing lights, feeling like I was about to vomit sparkles and rainbows any time now. As I left the other side of the portal, I bumped into the rear of Celestia.

“Uff! Hey! What’s with the hold-up?” I asked, blinking my eyes rapidly to clear away the dancing spots in my vision. Following the gaze of my sisters and Starwirl, I looked up. And up. And up a little bit more.

“Aww, how cute!” I smiled, staring at the massive dinosaur with teeny weeny arms. The big reptile before us grinned back. My sisters let out a frightened squeak. “And it even has a Cutie Mark! Isn’t that something?”

“Run!” Tia screamed frightened, jumping back through the portal and dragging me with her in her telekinetic grasp. We landed all in a heap back in the laboratory and I pouted with an upset grumble as Starswirl closed the portal hastily.

“I didn’t even get the chance to talk with it,” I whined, hanging my head down sadly.

“Summer, it was about to fucking eat us, you idiot!” Luna growled at me.

I wilted away from her, rubbing my neck with a hoof. “I’m sure it was just happy to see us?” I retorted, uncertain. “I mean, it smiled back at us, right? Surely it wouldn’t have hurt a fly.”

“It's a giant reptile with sharp teeth. Do tell me, what do you think it eats for breakfast, Sunny?” Luna shot back and I laughed nervously. They never had a problem with the hydra guarding Starswirl's secret hideout…

“Well, this was a successful test!” Starswirl said jubilantly, not at all disturbed by the big reptile on the other side of the mirror. “Although, I think I might have made a small miscalculation with the spell.”

“You think?!” Celestia exclaimed. “We were almost eaten, Starswirl! Eaten! What is this, the mad search for knowledge by a crazy archmage? Have you lost your common sense?!”

“But we weren’t,” Starswirl told her nonchalantly, waving her concern away with a hoof. “And I will have you know, I’m perfectly sane. I think.”

“I... I have no words for this...” Luna muttered as her eyelid twitched madly and I shrugged back. I was also lost for words. Here was a world unlike any other and I was denied from having a conversation with a T-Rex. Unbelievable, I know. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I was just denied! Oh... all the things I could have learned from it!

“Let’s try again~,” Tia said with a little gleam in her eyes that told me she was about to go full insane scientist on me and Luna. And to make matters worse, Starswirl let out an excited laugh as well, encouraging her on. Those two could destroy the world and all they would do was cackle madly for the sake of science, I swear.

“As long as we don’t run into another giant beast ready to devour us,” Luna deadpanned. “That’s not the kind of adventure I was looking for.”

“I liked him,” I commented, getting my little sister to roll her eyes at me. “I think it was a him...”

“Does that even matter?” she asked me and I shrugged. “Seriously, since when have you overcome your fear of creatures that are bigger than you?”

“I don’t know,” I answered, trying to remember. “I guess seeing a dragon cry made them seem... less threatening? They are all big softies on the inside, you just have to get to know them.”

“Uhuh,” Luna huffed, not at all believing me. “They are big and soft and squishy on the inside. Once they eat you.”

“Aww, don’t be like that,” I pouted. “A little bit of kindness goes a long way, you know. They are just like you and me, having their own dreams and such.”

“Summer, they are predators. Predators eat prey,” Luna told me, poking a hoof into my side. “Ponies are prey. Excuse me for being so skeptical about that.”

“You like Melvin,” I shot back.

“He is a vegetarian manticore,” Luna argued with a raised brow. “That’s like... totally different.”

“He eats fish, so technically he isn’t a vegetarian,” I pointed out. My little sister rolled her eyes, mumbling something about technicalities. “Heck, we eat fish, Luna. Horses are opportunistic carnivores, so your point about them being predators is kinda moot in my opinion.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that a friggin’ dinosaur would still see us as prey,” Luna said. “Why are we even still arguing about this? Not every creature you come across can be reasoned with, Summer. Your bleeding heart won’t change that fact.”

“Fine, so the T-Rex might have been a teeny tiny bit hungry, but I’m sure I could have told it that we aren’t food,” I grumbled, crossing my forelegs in front of me defiantly. “Just because I haven’t gotten such a cool ability like you that lets me dream walk doesn’t mean that mine is entirely worthless.”

“Wow, are you pouting?” Luna giggled. “Could it be that you’re jealous, Sunny?”

“No...” I said, avoiding her eyes. “I’m not.”

“You are!” Luna grinned, prancing around me giddily. “Oh, this is rich! And here I thought you were incapable of such feelings. I need to mark this day on the calendar...”

“Yeah, well... rub it in, why don’t you? Fallen Star might have had more of an impact on me than I thought,” I answered, grabbing Luna as she came back around in front of me, trapping her in my embrace. “Don’t make me shut you up.”

“Oh? With Starswirl right around the corner?” Luna smirked, raising a brow at me. “Kinky...”

“My, my... you’re practically begging me to force my tongue down your throat,” I smiled wickedly. “Where is this boldness coming from?”

“You know that I hear you and Tia during the night, right?” she whispered, biting her lip cutely as she looked up at me. “You are driving me kind of crazy with that. Could it be that you and Tia haven't had sex with each other since I entered the herd?”

“Well, I’m content with her nibbling on my ears as long as we don’t make you uncomfortable,” I answered, shifting slightly on my hind legs. Why does she have to talk about this now? “I can’t say for certain how Celestia feels about this. She might be getting a little bit antsy.”

My sister let out an exasperated sigh. “Summer, just because I’m not comfortable with taking that step yet, doesn’t mean you and Tia need to stop having fun with each other,” she said, rolling her eyes at me. It almost sounded like she was scolding a small foal instead of a grown-up mare. “I won’t throw a fit because you have sex in the same room as me. I might even... w-watch...”

“I see...” I hummed. Then, I started to grin again. “Could it be that you’re secretly a pervert, too?”

“What? No!” Luna blushed as she vigorously shook her head in denial. “Stop looking at me like that, Summer. Seriously, stop! I swear you’re worse than Tia with that ‘I know you’re trying to lie to me’ look in your eyes. I’m not a pervert, for the moon's sake!”

“Aww. You are such a bad liar, Lulu~,” I sing-songed, nuzzling the tip of her muzzle softly. “Look at you! All flustered and swearing on the moon. I haven’t heard of anything cuter than that before.”

“Sure you haven’t...” Luna grumbled. “What about that thing Tia did the other night? Praising the sun on your butt?”

“Celestia is weird like that,” I shrugged. “It felt good, though. Her slowly nipping at my Cutie Mark and licking the center. Mhhn…”

“I didn’t need to know that...” Luna whispered, her midnight blue fur not hiding her cherry-red blush in the slightest. “ did it feel?”

I grinned as she shyly asked me that. So much for not wanting to know more about that~. Slowly, I moved my mouth directly to her ear and then I whispered a single word into it. The experience was electrifying, something that was unlike anything I could ever compare it to. I saw her struggling from popping a wing-boner as I borrowed the sexy, raunchy voice of my darker half and I smiled with glee. Oh, my sweet, innocent little sister…

It took me only a month or so of practice and I could finally switch back and forth between Fallen Star and Summer Sol at will (something that my sisters weren’t able to do because they still struggled with getting into the right mindset for the transformation to happen, in the first place).

Luna and Celestia tried to have control over the change when it was a matter of losing it. I knew the feeling already, therefore it was easier for me to simply relinquish my hold on my emotions like that, submerging myself in my own rage. The best my little sister could do was evoke the change in her eyes. My twin couldn’t even accomplish that much because she was so rational about it that I felt like ripping the hair out of my mane (and then hitting something to calm down again).

What can I say, they just couldn’t use their emotions in the same way that I could. Even with spells, something that my twin was a prodigy at, they mostly failed to utilize their emotions. I don’t know, maybe I had an unfair advantage over them with my bleeding heart, who can tell for certain?

Accessing my other form was still a bit surreal to me, though. It felt like all my emotions were heightened while I was Fallen Star and it was especially easy to set off my anger. It still felt like I was me, but also kinda 'not'.

The thing about being Fallen Star instead of Summer Sol was that I felt like I had different definitions of kindness. Normally I would do my best to be as understanding and caring as possible but as Fallen Star? I’m more often than not in a no-nonsense mood and if the first attempt didn't yield the results I wanted, I wasn't about to give second chances. In that state, I will be more forceful in my approach to showing kindness. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have another pony’s best interest at heart, it is just more... convenient... for me to approach problems in that way to avoid getting annoyed at somepony.

Generosity, on the other hoof, flies completely out the metaphorical window in my altered form. While I may give in more easily as Summer to lending aid through financial means (or otherwise), I am more reluctant to part with what is mine as Fallen Star. 

It was a bit peculiar that I still stayed true to my ideals of kindness (even if it was a bit different from how it should be) but not with generosity. I had no idea why I was so selfish as Fallen Star... I mean, I had a theory that might explain it, but that was only speculation at best.

Was I simply more selfish because I was afraid of losing the things I loved most like we had lost our parents and our old lives? It sounded plausible in my mind and it had become one of my most deep-rooted fears in this life. Besides Mom, Dad, and Earth, we had just lost Amore recently, which led to me enforcing my will to keep what is mine while I was in the form of Fallen Star.

Well, I guess I wasn’t entirely greedy... not with what was left of my family, at least. While I still felt like they were my possessions at times, I would do my very best to keep my loved ones happy. Even if that meant giving up things for their sake.

Besides the dilemma with my ideals, there were my... 'questionable' morals. I was a lot more paranoid about somepony’s intentions, questioning their motives more thoroughly. Almost to the degree of distrusting them by default. It was sort of useful while dealing with the nobles, so I wasn’t really complaining about that part.

No, what I was more concerned about were my cruel little fantasies of devouring souls. Even if I tried to keep my mind clear of those thoughts, they kept wandering back to the events in the Crystal Empire and what I wanted to do to Sombra. And sometimes, I thought about doing that to other ponies that had proven to us they were willing to sacrifice the well-being of others for their selfish goals. It was almost like a sense of how 'evil' somepony was, giving me the urge to punish them.

Apparently, there were other ponies that were just as cruel as Sombra at times, just without all the power he had at his disposal. They were no actual threat to us, but to the average everyday ponies of Equestria? Those little bastards could cause quite a lot of havoc before the law could intervene.

I don’t know why there was an incline in crime across Equestria. What I did know, though, was that somepony must be pulling the strings behind the scenes. There was a certain method to it that set off all of my warning bells. My twin was having more and more visions of ponies committing crimes and we were starting to get worried. There hasn’t been an actual murder as of yet, but that didn’t mean no deaths have been caused by this.

All that we could do for now was to investigate as much as we could without neglecting our nation in the process. On top of that, Luna and I needed to make sure Starswirl and Tia didn’t actually cause a rip in spacetime with their ‘casual’ experiments.

Most of what those two crazy ponies did wasn’t even all that interesting. Lots of complex mathematics that went well over my head and other techno-babble that sounded like mad gibberish to Luna and me. They were so engrossed in their 'science' that I feared they would forget to take a pause every now and then to eat something. I didn’t want them to starve themselves in their quest to find new and exciting worlds to explore.

Luckily, I managed to get them to put their work away every once in a while with the help of my sister. They had been at it for quite some time at that point and I’m sure they would be at it for several weeks more. Ah, who am I kidding, they are going to be here for months, trying to find more worlds.

Luna and I checked in on them periodically as we neared the end of the year, my twin practically having moved in with Starswirl instead. I wasn’t entirely happy with her that she literally shoved her regular duties over to Luna and me while they were working on the spell for the mirror, but then again, I understood that she had found something that gave her so much joy to work with.

It’s not like she shirked all her duties, anyway. Celestia mostly wasn’t attending court, so it wasn’t like we had to pick up the slack that much (she did leave us with more paperwork, though). The ponies attending court were kind of miffed that their ‘favorite’ princess wasn’t there to help with their ‘major’ problems that only ‘she’ could resolve, slowly grating on my nerves more than the slightly larger pile of paperwork Luna and I split between ourselves.

The arrogance of our ponies was a little bit nerve-wracking for Luna and me. I started to understand just how underappreciated Luna must have been feeling for her beautiful nights when they practically told us with their behavior that they saw us as lesser princesses as soon as they couldn’t go to Tia, instead. I never knew the sheer degree of their conceitedness and arrogance, Celestia never said anything in that regard about the behavior of the ponies attending her court. And when we held court together, it never happened that they treated us differently.

I was confused about why it was so bad now all of a sudden. Then again, I had my suspicions as to why that was and it all pointed to a prissy, snobby, little bitch that was the former princess of the unicorn tribe.

All of this was her doing, wasn’t it? Platinum couldn’t resist stirring the population against us as my twin was practically absent all the time. At least the commoners weren’t throwing hissy fits along with the nobility or I would have already dragged Tia back here to deal with the snobby idiots. 

I could deal with Platinum and her schemes, for now, no need to run back to my wife to get her to solve all my problems for me. Luna and I were just as capable of dealing with them, I told myself. It would just be a bit more... 'difficult', I guess. For some reason, they wouldn’t take us seriously anymore with the false words Platinum whispered into their ears. There was no way they could be that gullible, right? Ugh.

It wasn’t like everything was bad at the moment, though. There was one thing I was looking giddily forward to and I couldn’t wait for the day to finally arrive. Hearth’s Warming Eve is just around the corner now and it will be the very first time Equestria is going to celebrate the day this wonderful nation was founded. Ee! I'm so excited! It has been a long time in the coming, hasn’t it? And it would also serve as a day that we could remember Amore by, celebrating the friendship we had shared. I'm sure she would have shed a happy tear at that, were she to see us honor her like that.

And I already had the perfect gifts for my sisters, I could hardly wait to give them their presents! I really hoped they would like it, I had spent a lot of time with the blacksmith and the jeweler to get them done just right. The jeweler that helped me out had been in awe of the outcome, so I felt like we had done our best, at the very least.

As the day actually arrived, Luna and I went back up to Starswirl’s lab. I had slaved over the decorations for hours by that point, much to the protest of a kooky old archmage. My sister helped me with glee, giddy to celebrate one of the greatest holidays we had basically ripped off from Earth.

I even had a nice present for the hydra, I’m sure they would like the Christmas hats I made for them. They would look so cute on them, I really wanted to see them wear them.

Starswirl and Celestia had a little surprise ready for us, too. They had finished altering the spell for a new world and we would get to explore it come morning, just after we would exchange our gifts with each other.

The evening was spent in a joyful celebration with a nice little feast prepared by me and Luna, consisting of seasoned vegetables, baked potatoes with smoked fish, and glazed fruits to round things out. Of course, I made a lot of baked goods for dessert, as well (more than we would actually be able to eat this evening). I might have gone a bit overboard with that, I think. Maybe. Eh. Probably not, considering how greedy my twin could get with these...

We had a great time, telling stories, playing a few childish games at the insistence of Luna (not that I minded, I instantly agreed to her proposal), singing some 'Christmas' songs with a new spin on them, and just sitting by the fireplace enjoying the warmth of the crackling logs within. It's nice, being able to put my fiery aura on a lower output so I could enjoy some proper warmth, cuddled up to my sisters with a hot chocolate in a silly Christmas mug.

Celestia even brought a tree into the lab that we decorated together, something that intrigued the old coot to no end (we even hung up some painted baubles with our faces because Luna thought it would be funny). Christmas just wasn’t Christmas without the tree and I was glad that my twin had magicked one up for us. No idea where she got it from, though. I didn’t really care, to be honest.

Luna made a little illusion of a flaming heart above it, starting a new tradition I would come to enjoy very much. Hearth’s Warming, indeed. It gave the celebration the slightest touch to make it different from Christmas, even though the holidays were so similar (they were basically the same, but… come on, everything's better with ponies). 

Starswirl was quite proud of us, and he was like the cool grandfather that we never had. I was glad to call him family, including him as an honorary member, having him here with us on this day. While he was primarily our teacher, he was far more than that. Starswirl was a great mentor, through and through, even though it sometimes didn't feel like that (the old coot had... ahem, 'questionable'... teaching methods at best, which still somehow worked). While he was our mentor for everything our education could possibly need, he also was a confidant we could go to for advice, much like a grandfather would have been for us.

We never got to meet our grandparents in this life, so Starswirl took that role for us. I’m sure my sisters felt the same way about him. Celestia might even feel like he was her best friend, what with all the experiments they were doing. I just wished Amore could have also been here with us, or even our daughters from Earth.

The night was spent in a ‘small’ shared dream between all of us. Luna was having the time of her life as we engaged in a snowball fight. My twin and I had teamed up with a small snow fortress as our defense, doing our best with our shoddy aim to keep Starswirl and Luna at bay while avoiding their snowballs.

Suffice it to say, we weren’t entirely successful against our little sister and the crazy archmage that could manipulate hundreds of snowballs with his magic alone. It was quite funny seeing Luna turn on Starswirl as soon as they had taken over our fortress, declaring herself as the queen of this winter wonderland.

Besides that, we had a wonderful time skiing down the mountain after we had our fun with the humiliating defeat at the hooves of our little sister. I was abysmally bad at this sport, but my twin was happy to help me along as her sport-loving side showed itself from beneath her pervertedness.

I wasn’t complaining about having her wandering hooves grope me everywhere as she helped me. In my previous life, I might have tried to impress her by trying my best at the things she loved doing, but now I was more content with having her show me the things she enjoyed doing, instead.

It was also nice that Luna was getting over her shyness with physical contact as she, too, helped me out on the flimsy pieces of wood. At that point, we had half-forgotten about Starswirl, but he was having a blast riding down the mountain on a sled, so I don't think he minded it that much.

The next morning arrived all too soon, our celestial bodies demanding to be moved again. I really missed the times when we could sleep in and not worry about causing a mass panic. We were literally incapable of waking up after dawn because of our connection to the suns and moon.

It still managed to astound me that this world had two suns, instead of only the one I was used to on Earth. Although, by now it felt like such a distant memory and almost alien to think there was a world that only had one sun. My sisters and I had gotten so used to the sight that it was normal to us by now, the novelty of having two suns having mostly (but not entirely) worn off.

Anyway, it was time for presents and I was happily skipping over to the gift boxes underneath the tree, giddily awaiting the reaction from my sisters. I levitated the wrapped package over to me and brought it back towards the breakfast table we set up. Both of my sisters were nursing a hot cup of tea as they still looked half asleep. We really needed to get coffee to Equestria, those two seriously needed it.

My wife eyed the package I brought over in exasperation, letting out a sigh. “Summer, can’t we eat breakfast first before you want to open the presents?” she muttered, struggling not to yawn too loudly. “I swear, you’re like a little filly again, too impatient to wait a few minutes before we are fully awake...”

“We can eat breakfast while opening presents,” I whined while I pouted. “Come on, I really want to see what you think of them.”

“Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Tia,” Luna smiled slightly, putting her cup to the side as she slid the box over to her on the table. “And is it not in the spirit of the holiday to rip and tear away at the wrapping first thing in the morning? I seem to remember you waking up impatiently yourself, once upon a time.”

Tia crossed her arms over her chest, annoyed. “I am not an impatient filly,” she shot back with an indignant grumble. “I did no such thing, whether here nor then.”

Luna snorted and I couldn't help but giggle at how cute my wife was being. “Oh, sure you didn't. You go on and keep telling yourself that, sister. I know the matron at the orphanage would have insisted otherwise, were she here with us now,” she said, tearing the corner of the gift open with childish glee. I couldn’t contain the eager squee in anticipation of her reaction. Once the paper was shredded to tiny pieces, my sisters inspected the now revealed polished dark-wooden case. On the top were our Cutie Marks engraved while the edges were decorated with gold and silver in intricate patterns.

I danced a little bit on the spot as their eyes seemed to pop out of their heads as they opened the case and looked at what was on top of the silky velvet red cushion within. Celestia levitated one of the three necklaces out in front of her, staring speechlessly at the mana gem hanging from the chain, inlaid in a frame that depicted her Cutie Mark.

Luna took out hers with a few tears in her eyes as she, too, was stunned at the craftsponyship. The chain of her necklace was a silvery blue, infused with magical properties that would keep the necklace whole, not unlike our swords. The same was true for the necklace my twin was holding, although the chain she held was golden.

The last necklace in the case held a similar mana gem that Celestia’s had, only it was in the colors of my Cutie Mark instead. But that was not all there was to them. All three mana gems, when activated, could teleport the wearer to the sibling we spoke the name of. With these, we would always find our way to one of our sisters, as long as the necklaces were within reach of each other and had enough mana stored in them to power the teleportation matrix.

“Summer...” Celestia whispered in disbelief. “How did you get these?”

“I made them. Well, not by myself,” I admitted, rubbing my neck with a hoof. “I had help. Do you like them?”

“Like them?” Luna asked bewildered. “Summer, these are amazing! Thank you so much!”

I found myself being squeezed to death a moment later, both of my lovely sisters not holding back their affections as I was showered in grateful nuzzles and kisses. A laugh behind us made the fur on my neck crawl, a frightened whinny escaping my throat as I had totally forgotten where we were.

“My, my,” Starswirl chuckled, taking a seat at the table as he returned from the 'kitchen' with a plate full of breakfast (let's just say we repurposed part of his laboratory and leave it at that). “Such enthusiasm in youth… Oh, it makes my old heart warm up. You three share such a strong sisterly bond, I’m glad I followed that rumor and met you back then.”

My sisters and I let out a relieved sigh, thankful that the old coot had interpreted their gratefulness wrongly. This could have turned out very badly if he had thought this to be anything but sisterly affection. I’m glad that they hadn’t decided to shove their tongues down my throat. That definitely would have given him the clues to figure out what exactly our relationship with each other was.

“Now, let us eat before we try out that mirror again, hmm?” Starswirl commented, shoving the case slightly to the side as he levitated the plates on the tablet over to us.

“Oh! Starswirl, I also have something for you!” I said with an eager smile, reaching out with my magic toward one of the packages underneath the tree. Starswirl rose a brow as I deposited it next to him. With curious eyes, he neatly unpacked the gift with precise movements, revealing a thick tome with glittering letters on its cover.

“‘The Properties of Crystal Magic and its Uses, by Princess Amore'? Oh, my. Where did you get that, Princess?” Starswirl asked me, astonished. “I thought the Empire was lost?”

“Yes, well...” I coughed, fidgeting slightly. “...I might have asked Amore a long time ago to give me a guide on the unique crystal pony magic. I thought you might enjoy the read, I can’t seem to get it working. It combines emotional magic with rational magic. Maybe you will have more luck with that, rational magic still gives me trouble...”

“Hmm, I can’t say I have ever tried out emotional magic before,” our mentor commented. “I will try my best, Your Highness. It would certainly help my lesson plan for the three of you if I can get it to work.”

“Wait. Are you not an archmage?” Luna asked, her head tilted slightly. “Shouldn’t you know emotional magic as well as rational magic?”

“Yes, yes, that might be true, but I have always found that incanting words helped to substitute for that part,” Starswirl shrugged, looking at the table of contents with interest. “My, advanced mana crystals, that sounds very useful to know...”

And we have lost him,” Celestia deadpanned, levitating a piece of cheese from her plate and popping it into her mouth. “I didn’t know you had that book, Summer.”

“It has been gathering dust,” I shrugged. “And that’s just a copy, so it’s not like I gave away the original.”

Starswirl chuckled. “Still a thoughtful gift, Princess,” he said as his eyes flitted over the words in the book, not even once stopping in the pursuit of knowledge. “Thank you. I do hope you like the gifts I have for you three, I wasn’t entirely certain what to give you three. This is all very new to me.”

Celestia patted his shoulder with a smile. “I’m sure it’s going to be lovely,” she said. Starswirl merely grinned mischievously at us and levitated three simple packages over that looked like they held some type of clothing inside. Curious, I opened mine with a few rips as I discarded the wrapping to the side.

I gave Starswirl a raised brow as I levitated the pointy hat out in front of me. The old coot just let out another chuckle as he saw my sisters and I stare at our new headwear.

“Really, Starswirl?” Luna asked before putting hers on as she let out an amused giggle. “A pointy wizard hat?”

“My dear Princess Luna, every apprentice of mine gets something like that eventually, it was long overdue that you received yours,” Starswirl explained. “Of course, I don’t expect you to actually wear them, it is just a tradition to give your apprentice something that reminds them of their mentor. Clover has gotten a wizard’s cloak from me when he was far along enough in his studies underneath me.”

“Thank you, Starswirl,” I said, feeling touched that he considered us in such high regard to give us these, even though we weren’t the typical students he has had over the years (or the most mature, causing him a few headaches here and there). I placed the black pointy hat on my head as well and saw my wife do the same with her own hat.

Mine had a red band around the base with a silverish-white buckle in the middle of it. Luna’s had a dark blue band around it, and lastly, Celestia’s had a yellowish-orange band around it, their hats also having the same buckle on it.

Luna rubbed her hooves eagerly together as she levitated her own gifts to us over. “Now it’s my turn to give out gifts!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Open them! Go on! Tell me what you think.”

I smiled at her enthusiasm and did just that, tearing away the paper and opening the small box within. In it was a little globe of transparent glass and inside of it floated a colorful cloud, changing its hue constantly. Looking over toward my twin, I saw that she had one of her own.

It kind of reminds me of a mood ball…

“What is it, Luna?” Tia asked our sister while she studied her glass ball curiously. Without asking, Luna took the thing from her and touched it to her horn for a moment, concentrating a second or two before the magical cloud within it swirled around. She gave it back to Celestia as an image became visible from within.

In the globe was a memory, specifically one of me and Celestia while we were asleep in our bed, my twin glomping down on my ear while my sleeping self was smiling. 

“Aww,” I giggled, feeling butterflies well up within me as I smiled warmly. I presented mine to my little sister, silently asking her to fill mine with the same memory, and happily hugged it to myself after she gave it back to me. This might be my favorite gift of all time, I thought with joy.

“If you want to change the illusion in the memory ball, just touch it to your horn like I did and think of what you want it to display, then push a bit of mana into it,” Luna explained, happy that we were so enamored with her present to us.

“Thank you, Lulu,” Celestia said, extending a wing over Luna’s back gratefully, nuzzling her. “This is such a nice gift, I’ll cherish it forever. I hope you will like mine, in comparison to this it seems so little.”

“This isn’t a competition, Tia,” Luna consoled her as she leaned herself into the hug with a content sigh and I let out a d'aww. I wish I had another memory ball so I could collect these memories, they were better than any photograph I could have taken, instead. “I’m sure we will love yours just as much.”

Before it was Tia's turn, though, our sister brought out a big wooden case and gave it to Starswirl. We looked on as our mentor opened the big ebony case and he floated a great staff out of it. And oh boy, that staff looked like it came straight out of a fantasy novel, I swear. My little sister smirked as Starswirl’s eyes sparkled like he was suddenly turned back into a foal.

The staff was a sight to behold, truly. It was made out of a gnarly dark (almost black) wood, twisting slightly as it reached the top half upon which was a shining crystal acting as a focus to amplify any kind of spell. I knew Luna was really good with enchanting items, but feeling the sheer power that the staff was giving off, it made that fact stand out all the more to me.

“My word, Luna,” Starswirl muttered astonished, forgetting the title entirely as he was stunned beyond belief. “How did you manage to craft this?”

“I actually asked my moon to lend me a bit of help in enchanting the crystal at the top of the staff,” Luna answered, blushing slightly. “It was a difficult process and took me many failed attempts, but in the end, I got lucky with the right gemstone that could hold the enchantment. What you’re sensing is condensed moonlight enclosed in the crystal.”

“Simply incredible,” Starswirl noted, inspecting the branches holding the centerpiece of the staff and marveling at the shine within it. “I feel wholly undeserving of such a marvelous gift, I don’t know what to say. Whatever can I do to repay such kindness?”

“You don’t need to, you crazy old coot,” Luna shot back and rolled her eyes. “It is a gift, is it not? I mean... I wouldn't say no to you going a bit easy on us in our lessons...”

“Well, then I guess I have to simply thank you for this,” Starswirl smiled, resting the staff against the table reverently. “I won’t ever leave without it, it deserves to be seen for the masterpiece that it is.”

Luna blushed brightly at the praise and I was inclined to agree with our teacher on this one. It truly was one of a kind. I know we had our swords already, but this made me feel a teeny tiny bit jealous of the stallion. A great staff like that was like a dream come true for any fan of the mystical arts (or fantasy novels, in general).

Celestia was the last one to bring the remaining gifts over from underneath the tree, giving them nervously out to each of us. I showed her a reassuring smile as I ripped the brown paper away with my magic, finding something that looked suspiciously like an engagement box.

Fidgeting slightly, I gave Tia a suspicious stare as I opened the small box. A small flutter raced through my body in anticipation and my increased heartbeat almost threatened to make me go lightheaded as I slowly peeked into it. Celestia chewed on her lips nervously, shifting on her rear a bit as I felt thick and heavy tears come to my eyes upon seeing what was within that box on the velvety cushion. My sister let out a surprised shout as I threw myself at her, sobbing with all of my heart after seeing her gift for me.

It was a perfect replica of our wedding ring from Earth. Even the engraving on the inside was the same, spelling out ‘in amore in aeternum’ which basically meant ‘forever in love’ in Latin. I know it was cheesy as hell, but I didn’t care at the time and my wife loved it as much as I did.

Not a moment later, Luna joined my sister in comforting me as she took a peek at my gift from Celestia. I was unable to stop myself from crying my soul out in happiness, never having thought of having lost my ring back on Earth after our reincarnation. It felt as if I had been reunited with an old friend, seeing it again even though it wasn’t the original.

Tia patted my back as I clung to her tightly, whispering sweet nothings into my ear softly. Soft enough that Starswirl couldn’t make out what she was telling me (he was watching us with fond eyes, though, as if he was proud of us). I almost thought he knew perfectly well what the reason was that made me into this crying mess, but he never said anything.

My twin smiled gently down at me while I gratefully gushed out my thanks to her, placing her lips on my forehead just below my horn. Her calming presence alone managed to ease me of all of my worries, whether they were past ones or ones yet to come. With her at my side, I knew we could tackle all the problems this universe could throw at us. Or any other universe, as the case may be.

After I calmed down, I watched contentedly as Luna opened her gift from Celestia, lifting three very cute plushies out into the open. They looked just like us and were extremely well crafted. Lulu was happily hugging them to herself, a sight I was sorely tempted to imprint on my new memory ball, as well.

I really do need a lot more of those, don't I? I’m not sure how hard they would be to make, though. I might have to ask Luna if she would be up to the task of making a few more. They would also make for great decoration in our room, now that I thought about it.

As Starswirl levitated his unwrapped gift in front of himself, I let out a snorting giggle (and pointedly ignored the laughter that came from my sisters at that) while he slipped into the ugly Christmas sweater.

Starswirl proudly puffed out his chest with a chuckle, looking himself over like an upbeat grandfather that just got the best gift of all time. It definitely fits the crazy old coot to a tee, personality-wise. The sweater had a few images of bells and stars on it, paying homage to his usual attire, while also having cartoony versions of Clover, Starswirl himself, Celestia, Luna, and myself on it.

Suffice to say, I really wanted to have one of my own now. Perhaps next year I could get my twin to make me one, too. Oh, and Luna should totally also get one, it would look extremely cute on her. And naturally, Celestia should make one for herself to round out the set. Damnit, now I can’t wait for next year!

We finished breakfast not long after we were done with exchanging our gifts and Starswirl had us gathered back in front of the horseshoe-shaped mirror. A few minutes later, he returned with the scroll on which the activation spell was written out, altering the destination of the prototype mirror.

Once more the magical fog spread out as Starswirl opened the gateway to another universe. The swirling vortex of arcane power called out to us in an invitation to explore the unknown, and this time, I felt less trepidation about going on another adventure through the multiverse.

“Now, trip number two!” Starswirl exclaimed excitedly, resembling a small colt about to go play with his friends instead of the wizened old stallion that he was. “Where do you think we will find ourselves this time?”

“Hopefully not in a place with giant monsters,” Luna remarked, smiling slightly. “You know, like last time.”

“Pish posh, dear!” Starswirl chuckled. “What are the odds of that?”

Celestia let out a groan in mock despair. “Don’t tempt fate like that, please,” she commented. “Or Luna will be proven right and lord it over our heads for the next decade or so.”

“We could just... you know... go in and find out?” I giggled, poking the wobbly surface of the mirror with a hoof. 

“A good idea, onwards to adventure!” Starswirl agreed, rearing up and hopping into the mirror without a care. Luna shrugged and jumped in right after him. Celestia shoved me through the mirror with a giggle, following behind me as we traveled through the Void in Between, Limbo, the Space that Separates, whatever one wants to call it. I was rather particular to 'The Realm of Psychedelic Lights'.

Celestia and I tumbled out on the other side, swiftly noticing that this wasn’t the most habitable zone of the planet we found ourselves on. I spit the sand out of my mouth as we all took a look around at the endless expanse of desert that could be seen in every direction. Ugh, so much for adventure.

“I call this now already, this is a bust,” Luna voiced her opinion in a dry tone. Pun fully intended. “Instead of a monster, we find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. Yay.”

“Don’t be so sour, Your Highness,” Starswirl said, shaking the sand out of his clothes as Tia and I struggled to do the same with it clinging to our fur and feathers. I really wished she hadn’t shoved me in with her now, this was a really annoying feeling. So itchy. “This is still a success! And who knows, maybe we can still find something of value here!”

“Starswirl, I don’t think you would survive for very long in this heat,” Luna told him. “I’m sorry to disappoint you with my attitude, but I prefer to have my friends alive instead of slowly cooking to death in a wasteland of nothing.”

“I agree with Lulu,” I said, spitting a glob of saliva out of my mouth to finally get rid of the sand within it (well... mostly, anyway). “This isn’t a place that you should stay in, Starswirl. My sisters and I will be fine in such an environment thanks to our auras. Luna might be able to keep you cold if she concentrates on her aura, but even I think we won’t find much besides sand here. We wouldn’t even know where to go to find something of interest.”

My wife hummed in agreement, pawing at her ear with a hoof. “Perhaps we need to refine the access spell for the portal a bit more,” she said, getting rid of sand in her ear. Starswirl let out a reluctant sigh, trudging back to the portal. “There must be something we are missing in our calculations. Maybe we can add a variable that determines if the world we are going to is inhabited by intelligent life or not.”

“Hah! A great idea, Celestia!” Starswirl exclaimed, his mood flipping back around almost instantly. “Why haven’t I thought of that before?!”

“Well, I hadn’t either, so I guess we are both at fault for that,” Tia shrugged and we went back through the portal. As soon as we get back home, I’m so going to take a bath. This itchiness was driving me insane.

“Back to the drawing board as they say!” Starswirl grinned, already moving to appropriate a new scroll for the reworking of the spell. The improved version would probably take him another few months, I feared.

Time I didn’t want Celestia to be away for so long again if I could prevent it. I’m sure Starswirl could take care of this on his own for a little while, he didn't really need Tia, right? My sister couldn’t just stop being a princess all of a sudden, after all. While I’m sure she would find enough free time to help him out with his experiments, she can do that when there wasn’t some kind of criminal mastermind running around.

That needs to be resolved sooner rather than later. Whoever is edging on this criminal activity within our nation needs to be brought to justice. And I wasn't just saying this because of my darker side getting restless. No. Our ponies were starting to become afraid and I couldn't leave it like that. But first, I really need a bath.

Back in our castle, I enjoyed the company of my sisters as we cleaned ourselves off from our recent adventure. I was pleasantly surprised when Luna engaged me in a rather intimate kiss as Celestia rinsed out my mane with her magic. 

Even more surprising was her tongue prodding at my lips. I raised my brow at her as she gave me a nervous, but at the same time also excited, look. 

“Luna?” I asked, slightly confused as she had never tried to do this before. Celestia moved on to my tail with her magic, watching us in the meantime with interest.

“I...” Luna hesitated for a moment, thinking about what she wanted to say. I gave her an encouraging smile, seeing her gain a bit of confidence from it. “I just want to try this kind of kissing? I’m not sure...”

“You don’t have to impress me,” I whispered gently. “We can stick with regular kisses for as long as you want to, don’t try to rush what you aren’t entirely comfortable with.”

“No, I... I do want to,” Luna mentioned shyly. “And we have been dating for a few months now, so why not go a small step further?”

“Come on, Summy,” Celestia whispered into my ear with a hot breath. “Don’t stop the show now, I was quite enjoying it.”

“Shut up, Tia,” I giggled. “Well, alright then. If you are sure...”

“I am,” Luna nodded, capturing my lips with hers. This time when she asked permission with her tongue, I let her explore my mouth and she let out a happy hum. She wasn’t as aggressive at it as Celestia was, but she still fought me into submission with gentle flicks of her curious tongue. 

I let out a surprised moan as my twin brushed the sponge within her telekinetic grasp against my nethers, rubbing my clit. Celestia was watching us from her position at the edge of the pool, biting her lower lip between her teeth. I grinned slowly as I gave her a half-lidded stare, prompting Luna to do the same as we started to make a show out of our little make-out session.

Judging by how greatly Tia was fidgeting with her flank, she enjoyed what we were doing very much. Luna giggled, throwing her forelegs around me as she pressed me against the edge of the pool, my head coming dangerously close to hitting my twin in the jaw.

Once more, I let out a squeaky moan as I felt Celestia clamp down on my ear, almost whinnying in pleasure were it not for Luna trying her best to make me go out of breath.

“Ah~,” I moaned and my breath hitched as my twin slightly nipped my ear with her teeth, losing more ground against Luna’s tongue in the process. I let out a small growl as a bit of possessiveness started to well up within me, partially causing my transformation into Fallen Star as I felt my teeth and vision sharpen.

Luna was entirely taken by surprise as I reversed our position in the pool, aggressively pressing her tongue back with mine. I chuckled as my little sister pushed back valiantly, trying her best to even out our little battle. Our breathing came out in ragged puffs of air and I was delighted to hear her moan out cutely.

“Mhhn,” Celestia let out a moan herself and I noticed the sponge was nowhere to be seen but her magic was still lit up. Ah. I see how it is, how very naughty~. I grinned a bit more as I let out an exaggerated moan, watching her all the while. 

Luna and I giggled as Celestia’s wings shot wide open at that, my raunchy voice bringing out the worst (or best, it depends on how one wants to view it) in her, and I finally saw what she was doing with the poor sponge. She really was naughty, wasn’t she?

I broke the kiss with Luna, giving both of us the opportunity to get some air back into our lungs so we weren’t constantly panting for more. With a little hop, I was out of the water and drying myself off with a quick flare of my fiery aura. I levitated some towels over for Luna as she followed after me, helping her dry off with tender care and small nuzzles here and there.

“Now, how about Tia and I work on those pretty wings of yours while you relax a little bit?” I asked Luna, my voice still that of Fallen Star. I have to say, I quite liked changing it back and forth in private. It has a nice ring to it and it manages to get Celestia all crazy and excited.

“Oh yes!” Celestia moaned out heavily, her eyes rolling up in her head as she set herself off and I rolled mine at what she had just done with a friggin’ sponge. Not that I was complaining, seeing her masturbate to Luna and I was kinda hot as hell. My little sister looked just as touched as I was about it, judging by the bright blush on her muzzle. Or she was embarrassed, but my money was more on the first option.

I took Tia into my telekinesis and levitated her over the pool with a mischievous smile. I let go of her and watched gleefully as she sputtered and flailed about in the water. Celestia shot me a glare as the liquid began to bubble around her as she let her fiery aura get out of control. Whistling lowly in amusement, I sauntered out of the room with an exaggerated sway of my flanks and I had to smirk as my twin calmed down considerably as I noticed her staring at my rear with undisguised lust. The only thing missing now was a nosebleed~.

Luna followed me up on the bed as I patted the spot next to me, happily snuggling up to me. A minute or two later and Celestia was at the other side of her. With some silent prodding, we had Luna extend her wings for us and we began to preen her carefully.

Not long after that, Lulu was half asleep with a relaxed smile on her face as we set her feathers straight and got rid of the ones that needed to come out. She let out a few giggles from time to time as we took care of her wings, even letting out a moan or two while we worked on her.

A little idea came to my mind as I stared at her Cutie Mark, Celestia following my gaze as she, too, got the same idea as me. Luna let out a surprised squeak which quickly turned into a heavy moan as she bit her fetlock while Tia and I slightly nipped her in the flanks. I watched with glee as her back arched up with her tail rising higher as we showed her the wonderful feeling of being teased at her Cutie Mark.

“S-Summer,” Luna mewled out cutely, staring back at me with a smoldering gaze. “Don’t. Please.”

“Alright,” I acquiesced, shoving down the feelings of possessiveness and reverting my changes back to normal as I felt guilty for forcing myself on her like this. “Sorry. I might have gotten myself carried away there for a moment...”

“It’s alright,” Luna sighed, fidgeting slightly. “It felt good, though. You were right about that, sister. It felt really good.”

“I’m glad you liked it, at least,” I whispered, snuggling up to her. “I truly am sorry for making you uncomfortable by doing that.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Luna reassured me, nuzzling my cheek. “I just need a little bit of time to get used to the idea, okay? I’m sorry that I make you wait so long for me to get ready for that step, it’s just... I don’t want to rush into things like that.”

“I understand,” I told her with a nod. “If I have to, I can wait for years.”

My twin sighed at that. “If it is for you, Luna, then I will wait, as well. I’ll just have to suck it up and amuse myself with the fucking sponge, instead,” Celestia grumbled, pouting back at me. “Because somepony won’t let me at them since you entered the herd.”

“Well, if you had been here the last month or so, we could have found time for ourselves, but no... you just had to seclude yourself in Starswirl’s lab,” I shot back, rolling my eyes while feeling a bit grumpy myself. Tia wasn't the only one with pent-up sexual frustration. “Maybe you should ask Starswirl, instead. You seem to be pretty attached to the old coot...”

Luna hit both of us over the head before our 'disagreement' could escalate. “Stop this at once! I won’t have you arguing over such a stupid thing! Besides, what have I told you about that, Summer?” she interrupted us. If it went on further like that, we might have started to accuse each other of more than just not having sex.

“Wait, you were serious about that?” I asked, leaning my head back from her as I looked at her incredulously. “Luna, just a moment ago you stopped me from taking a step further than what you felt comfortable with! This is so much more beyond that! Even what Tia did in the bathroom was inappropriate and inconsiderate of your feelings about this subject.”

“Luna, what is Summer talking about?” Celestia inquired, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

“Eh heh heh. I, uh…” Luna laughed awkwardly. “I might have told her... that I wanted to watch?”

“Watch?” Tia asked with a raised brow. “Seriously? Wow. And here I thought I was the pervert in our relationship. Is this your type of fix? Do I have to worry that you will get a nosebleed from this? Summer was right, this is so much beyond what you said you are comfortable with...”

“Okay, okay! I get it!” Luna groaned, slumping her head down in embarrassment. “I don’t need you teasing me over it, okay?! I just... I don’t know. It feels less involved if I just watch. I don’t have to get in on the action as long as I don’t want to.”

“But… we don’t have to do this with you in the room if it makes you feel so awkward, Lulu,” I gently told her, not sure how to feel about this. “It doesn’t feel right to leave you out like that while we do it right in front of you...”

“I’m with Summer on this, even though I really want to throw caution out of the window and ravish her this instant,” Celestia commented, throwing me one of her looks that told me she was about to do just that. “You have no idea how much of a tease she can be by just existing. Constantly flaunting her perfect little flanks in my face, the adoring look in her eyes, that childish skip she sometimes does… "—Tia gulped, breathing more heavily—"it’s like she doesn’t even realize she's doing this, it’s driving me crazy.”

My muzzle exploded in a blush and I felt heat erupt in an entirely different place, as well. “Since when do I flaunt my flanks?” I asked back, puffing my cheeks out indignantly. “I don’t do that!”

“Oh, you do, sweetheart,” my twin shot back. “You really do... and it is so fucking sexy...”

“No, I don’t!” I argued, turning my muzzle up at her, heart racing as Luna watched us bicker back and forth.

“You do!”


“Oh, for the love of the moon, you do, Summer!” Luna shouted between us, causing us to look at her in surprise. A fiery red blush appeared on her muzzle a moment later.

I groaned. “You, too, Lulu?” I asked with a pout as I looked at my own flanks. “I certainly don’t do it consciously, then.”

“Yes, well...” Luna coughed into her hoof. “You started doing it more after your transformation into Fallen Star...”

“Really?” I asked bewildered. “Huh...”

“Oh, Sunshine,” Celestia giggled. “You have no idea how much sexy you flaunt around on a day-to-day basis.”

“So now it is sexy, instead of cute, huh?” I smiled. “When did that one change, huh? Let me guess, it happened after I learned how to control my switch to Fallen Star?”

“Are we going back to that topic now?” Celestia grinned at me, switching positions with Luna in a flash of magic. A moment later, I was pinned underneath her on my back, looking up at her twinkling eyes. “Does it really matter~?”

“I thought you liked it more cute?” I answered back in a whisper, heat spreading in my nethers and I felt myself get nervous as Luna watched my sister place one of her hooves on my lips, tracing them slowly while biting her own lips.

My sister chuckled. “What if I like it both ways?” she asked me, her voice incredibly saucy and I let out a whine, doing my best to not demand my wife to have her way with me even while Luna was here. “A cute little flank like yours, swaying them around in a seducing way... mhhn, that is sexy and cute at the same time, Sunshine.”

“Mhhhn,” I whined underneath her, her words sounding so raunchy I almost thought she figured out how to access Daybreaker’s voice. I begged her with my eyes to stop what she was doing before I would throw caution out the window, too. While I didn’t want to go any further with Luna right next to us, what I actually wanted Celestia to do right now was to fuck me silly while our sister watched us do it, instead. It was so very maddening.

“Shh,” Celestia murmured, smiling down at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and I tracked them wander up to my horn as anticipation sped up my heart rate quite a lot. “If Lulu really wants to watch, then I’m taking my time with you...”

My eyes wandered back and forth between my sisters and I felt my fluids begin to soak the bed sheet underneath me as they unanimously came to an understanding. Celestia wanted to show Lulu how she was about to make me into a puddle of pleasure with her teasing alone and Luna wanted to get a taste of what she could look forward to herself when she decided to take the next step in our relationship.

And I was going to be the one that had to suffer the teasing touches of my twin while I couldn’t protest against her. Although, as Celestia trailed a few light kisses up my muzzle towards my forehead, I found myself unable to care about it anymore. All I wanted was to feel the thrill of her denying me an orgasm for hours on end. Oh, yes… it made my marehood beg with need oh-so-beautifully…

I mewled out against the hoof of my wife as I felt her tongue lightly grazing the groove in between the spirals of my horn, the sensitive part that could cause quite a lot of pleasure for a unicorn (or alicorn, as the case might be). Absentmindedly, I noticed Luna watching us carefully as she hugged our plushie selves to herself tightly, but I quickly lost focus of my vision as Celestia gave my horn a little flick with her tongue.

Celestia let out a chuckle as I whimpered once more as she trailed her tongue over the spirals, making me literally beg her to concentrate on the proper place instead. But like the massive tease that she was, she ignored my pathetic pleas in favor of riling me up even further.

Her teasing tendencies were starting to annoy me to no end, and yet, I couldn't help but revel in them. It was always the same with her and the fact that she drew pleasure out of it, hearing me beg futilely, only managed to make me resent (and love) her more for it. For some reason, it still had that strange allure to it that had me go wilder for her when she actually did start to grant me some mercy from her teasing. I could tell Tia was loving it, especially after she saw my eyes turn golden and my pupils into slits. All my attempts at getting her to lick the groove on my horn were thwarted by her withdrawing for a few moments before going back to teasing me.

Luna giggled at my misfortune and I let out a sad sigh in the hopes my sister was going to somehow get bored of doing this to me. Sadly, this was my wife and she was notorious for dragging this out as much as she could whenever she could. I couldn’t even move my forelegs underneath her to prompt her into doing what I wanted her to do. Celestia wouldn’t allow me any kind of choice in the matter, she was that evil.

So, seeing that I had no other way to get her to stop teasing me, I tried one last option. Giving in to my feelings of hatred, I felt my mane begin to heat up as the first few strands of my mane caught fire. I didn’t care that I might singe the bed in the process, Celestia made me resort to these methods.

That plan failed like the rest, though. I cried out in shock as my wife lightly slapped me across the muzzle with her hoof, stopping me from further turning into Fallen Star. 

“Bad Summer!” Celestia told me sternly, glaring at me with that disappointed look that always managed to make me feel guilty. I resigned myself to my fate and continued to silently suffer as she licked me anywhere but where I wanted her to. All the while, I felt more desperate and thrilled to be treated like her personal plaything. “Do I have to teach you manners, Red Nose?”

I rolled my eyes as she used that ridiculous nickname again. It seems I won’t ever escape that one (not that I actually minded it that much, hearing it from her). Then again, I think I preferred Summy over this now.

“I think I need a reminder?” I asked back with a falsely innocent whisper, glad that she wasn’t stopping me from retorting after she decided to punish me. “Do tell~...”

“Well, first of all, do not do that again,” Celestia said, gesturing to my mane. “I don’t need you burning down the room. Again.”

“I seem to remember that it was your fault that happened,” I grinned smugly, thinking back to ten years ago when we got the power boost from our suns. 

“Okay, we were both at fault for that,” Tia shot back, rolling her eyes in annoyance. “I wasn’t the only one with trouble containing our aura.”

“Luna had it easy with her aura...” I pouted and my little sister let out a snort at that.

“Sure, if you call sleeping on a block of ice better,” Luna commented sarcastically. “Or threatening to inflict hypothermia on anypony close enough to you...”

“Okay, okay! I get it,” I grumbled defeatedly. “We all had a bad time after we started with our celestial duties, bla bla bla.”

Tia looked disapprovingly down at me. “Don’t you get snippy now,” she told me, poking me with a hoof. “That’s the second thing after burning things, so no more of that now, or I won’t continue...”

“Aww...” I mumbled, feeling dejected. “But I rarely get the chance!”

“I would think you of all ponies would be the last one that would want to be like that,” Luna said with a raised brow. I shrugged. It probably was more of a Fallen Star thing than a Summer Sol thing, perhaps my darker side was showing through a bit more right now.

“Alright, will you behave yourself now?” Celestia asked and I nodded reluctantly, still of the opinion that my wife was dragging this out way too long with her teasing. She smiled and rewarded me with a soft kiss, improving my mood immensely. “As always, listen to your big sister and I’ll reward you~.”

“Aren’t you like... a minute older than me?” I asked with a roll of my eyes.

“Yes, but I was also older than you on Earth, so shut up,” Celestia answered and began to use her magic to clamp my mouth shut instead of placing her hoof back on my muzzle. I had to suppress a few giggles as the arcane energy started to tickle me.

Celestia couldn’t resist playing with me a little bit longer as she started to trail the tip of her tongue along the edge of my ears lightly. All I really wanted was for her to bite down on them, begging her with my eyes to at least give me that much. Alas, Tia (being the massive tease that she was) did not oblige to my silent request.

My wings strained against the restricting embrace of my twin as I felt a sudden pinch on my flanks, trying to flare out from the spike in arousal that the sensation evoked in me. Tia smirked wickedly at me, holding my wings closed against my sides for a moment longer before letting go of them so that they didn't start to cramp and cause me pain.

Luna stared fascinatedly as Celestia trailed her primary feathers lightly on the inside of my wings, provoking a few loud moans from me. I blushed heavily and fidgeted my hind legs in an effort to somewhat satisfy my aching nethers. 

My twin wasn’t having any of that, though. So, besides me being silenced, Tia forced me to stay still by taking my hind legs in her telekinesis and spreading them wide open so even my squirming couldn't do much to satisfy me. She also threatened me by telling me she would stop touching me altogether if I continued to defy her. I pouted in defeat as she raised a brow at me, reminding me that I wasn’t supposed to do anything while she had her fun with me. What can I say, it was just so frustrating that I had to try something.

At least Luna was enjoying the show of me completely at the mercy of our sister. I could already see her mentally taking notes about what she would enjoy and what she would like to try out with us. That fascinated look in her eyes told me more than what a thousand words never could and judging by the playful smirk on Tia's muzzle, she also took notice of that.

The featherlight touches on the inside of my wings had me almost in a trance as Celestia didn’t let up on that, almost causing me to miss the sensation of her starting to lick my horn again. Both of these feelings combined managed to drive me into a quivering mess, although it was nowhere near the pleasure that the electrifying shivers of her paying attention to my Cutie Mark could have provoked.

Letting out a hum at Celestia licking the spirals of my horn, I was completely unprepared for the unexpected vibrations running through my nethers as my wife made me whinny through the use of her magic. I could hear Luna snicker at my reaction, but I ignored her as I cried out my desire for more.

Alas, Celestia stopped as soon as she had gotten the reaction from me that she wanted, causing me to whimper sadly because she was being mean to me. That only gave her more incentive for her teasing, her smirk widening at my begging. There was no way for me to convince her otherwise, and even if I tried, it would only get worse.

I watched with bated breath as she trailed a few kisses further down my barrel and then toward my stomach. My hopes rose as she continued to go further down and I waited, full of anticipation, to feel her finally reach my crying nethers.

And I waited... and waited... and waited, only for nothing to happen. I felt the needy ache build up more and more, soaking the bed sheets even further as my expectations began to crumble into nothingness. Celestia stared back at me with the most self-satisfied grin on her muzzle as I shot her a betrayed look, trying to wiggle myself in a way that would get her to stop being such a dick to me.

A heavy blush appeared on my muzzle as I felt her tongue play with my teats, a feeling I seldom got to experience from her as she found it more interesting to tease my wings or the Cutie Marks on my flanks. Perhaps because I was always less vocal when she teased me there, but I enjoyed the feeling nonetheless even though I wasn’t the most sensitive there.

Maybe she decided to finally have mercy on me for once or the heavy scent of arousal finally got to her, but I was happy beyond belief as I felt her tongue prod at my marehood after endless minutes of her driving me crazy. I think I might have even used the Royal Canterlot Voice as I let out the loudest moan I could possibly let out once her wiggling tongue dashed into my folds with eager enthusiasm.

If it was her goal to make me squeal and writhe in delight, she had certainly achieved that. Celestia giggled as I tried to trap her head between my hind legs, a futile effort on my part as she was clever enough to increase the strength of her grip on me whenever I tried that. I wanted her to go further in. However, even now she tried to get the maximum effect with the least amount of movements on her part.

The slow movements of her tongue had an interesting outcome, though. I don’t know why, but this only managed to get me more aroused. And the friggin’ slurping noises coming from her only drove me wilder.

She sucked her tongue back out of my folds, and then, I felt her teeth gently squeeze my aching nub, sending stars through my vision as I was suddenly overtaken by an earth-shattering, mind-numbingly good orgasm. This... this never happened before, I thought blearily. I was happy beyond belief as I basked in the afterglow of this unexpected orgasm, feeling pure bliss as my whole body shuddered uncontrollably.

My mind absentmindedly noticed that even my wife was surprised by this development, looking disbelievingly at what she had just accomplished. I let out a whimsical giggle, snuggling up to her contentedly as she let go of me in her stupor. I might have been a bit too much out of it because I started to abuse my wife’s ears without a care in the world.

Celestia very much enjoyed the attention she rarely got to experience from me, giggling happily. At some point, I must have nodded off into dreamland without letting go of her ear.

Opening my eyes, I found myself standing in the circular room with the mirror that would show me my darker half. Although, this time I was completely alone here as my sisters were nowhere to be found. Walking slowly over to it, I stared back at the reflection of Fallen Star. There clearly was something on her mind, seeing that she didn’t have her usual cruelly confident look on her muzzle but a more subdued expression, instead.

“Star?” I asked, confused. “What is going on? Why am I back here?”

Fallen Star sighed, looking away from me, conflicted. “Summer... we need to address a problem.”

“What problem?” I asked her, fidgeting slightly as my heart rate sped up with fear. I could tell that it was her fear instead of mine. “Hey. It's alright, Star. I promise you, whatever it is, you don’t have to be so fearful. You can tell me.”

“I think...” Fallen Star gulped, taking in a heavy breath. “I think there is something wrong with our aging, Summer.”

“Huh?” I let out a confused hum, raising a brow at her. “How come you think so?”

My darker half gave me a look that basically told me she thought I was an idiot. “We still look like we are barely an adult, for one thing. At most, we look like we just turned twenty,” she growled out. “Don’t you think that is a bit weird?”

“I, uh...” I stammered, fidgeting awkwardly. I summoned another mirror to look at my actual reflection, unsure of myself. “I thought ponies age differently than humans, to be honest...”

“Summer, ponies do start to look more mature by the time they reach this age, you dimwit,” Fallen Star snorted. “We are almost thirty-three and still look like we have just come out of puberty and become a young adults.”

“But I’m still growing?” I asked in uncertainty. “I mean, I am getting taller, in a few years I will even outgrow Starswirl and he is by no means short.”

“Think back for a moment when we got our Cutie Mark,” Star instructed me, a strangely gentle tone in her voice. “What did Magic tell us?”

“That we have a destiny to fulfill with our sun? I don’t know,” I snorted, put off by her being so cryptic with me of all ponies. “Can’t you be a bit more specific?”

She groaned back at me. “You featherbrained idiot, I am you!” Fallen Star growled. “We are literally talking to ourselves right now, I can’t hold your hoof and force the fucking memory out.”

I shot her a glare, pouting unhappily. “There's no need to get so snippy with me,” I grumbled before letting my misgivings go. “Anyway, there must be something that caused us to have this suspicion in the first place, right? Something that made us suspicious of why we still look like we are twenty at the most...”

“Why can’t Celestia be here, instead...” Fallen Star grumbled dejectedly. “She would have already remembered, damnit.”

My eyelid twitched at that comment. “How about you shut up and help me think, huh?” I shot back and focused on doing just that. Star muttered something about me being an idiot, but I ignored her in favor of replaying the last moment in that weird astral plane thingy. I don't remember what it was actually called. Didn’t Magic call it the Realm of Ascension or something? It’s hard to remember the specific words that were spoken, it has been over a decade...

There was something about destiny, a rising darkness, and then of course me discovering my special talent. The attitude of Magic was a bit alienating, to be honest. Everything that Magic said... it kind of blended together because of how bored and disinterested they came across to us.

What else? Magic told us who we were in our previous lives, but that was hardly connected to this conundrum now. Then there was the fight between my sisters and what Magic thought about that. Lastly, there were the insults Magic threw at us for being... ignorant, I guess? 

“There!” Fallen Star crowed, slamming her forehooves against the glass pane of the mirror. “That's a part of it! Now, what was it that Magic said to us?!”

“I, uh...” I mumbled, thinking a bit harder. It wasn't easy, but… “I think it was something about mortals and their feelings?”

“Yes! Go on!” Star urged me, desperate. “Come on, we are so close!”

“Don’t rush me so much,” I said, massaging the side of my head indignantly. I might be getting a headache if she pressured me further like this. Can one get a headache in a dream? “Let’s see here... Luna accused Magic that it was all their fault, Magic insulted her back as she told them to die in a hole... I don’t think Luna had a painless death, now that I think about it...”

“Summer, focus! We can worry about that later!” she ordered me, snorting out a puff of fire. Clearly, she was mad about that, too. But she was also right, we had more than enough time to worry about that when we could ask Luna in the waking world. If I don't forget to ask, that is...

“There was something about... our bodies being different?” I asked, uncertain. “Right before Magic gave us the clue how we could leave and enter that realm.”

“Yes! That’s it!” Fallen Star nodded, pacing back and forth in front of me. “Magic said something along the lines of looking forward to our reaction when we find out in which way our bodies are different, right? So, together with that remark and what we found out about us still looking like we are just about twenty...”

“You don’t think..?” I asked, fearfully. 

Star nodded reluctantly with a dark frown. “I’m afraid so...” she said, sighing as she slouched down. She bit her lip as she looked at me. “Summer, I think we do age differently than regular ponies. Just... not in the way you thought we did...”

“But... all of our friends,” I whimpered. “Pansy, Cookie, Clover, and Starswirl... Oh, dear...”

Star looked at me with pity, a sad look in her eyes. “I wouldn’t worry about Starswirl so much. That old coot still has that flawed time-travel spell, after all,” Star pointed out. She didn't look very happy about that small piece of consolation, though. Neither was I, to be honest. “Summer... we need to talk with Magic again.”

“What?!” I protested, my wings flaring out in shock. “But... but...”

“Yes, I know,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Magic is a massive asshole, but we need answers.”

“Don’t we have them now? I mean, we age slower, right? That's all there is to it… right?”

“Summer,” Fallen Star sighed, looking me in the eye with a crushing amount of fear in them, fear that I felt myself because we were the same pony. “What if this is only part of the answer?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I laughed awkwardly, although our fear only grew more with each passing second as I felt doubt creeping in. “This can’t be more than a slight increase in lifespan, right? There is no way that...”

“I’m waking us up now,” Fallen Star interrupted me, beginning to cast the spell already. “Go to Magic, or I will.”

“You are me, you know that, right?” I commented and I felt my ears splay back against my head. 

“Yes, but we will force ourselves to turn into us if it means we will go through with this,” she shot back and I felt my hatred spike in response to that, unbidden. I didn’t want to believe we could live for a very long time, far longer than any mortal ever should. I wanted to rage and kick and scream at the unfairness of it, go to Magic so that I could rip the head off of their body for not telling us such an important thing, but would that change anything?

“I don’t want to know...” I whispered fearfully back to Star and tried to suppress my anger back from where it came from, but it was all for naught. It was my own rage, and the more I tried to ignore it, the harder it became to stay calm. “W-we don’t need to know, right? Please, don’t make me do this...”

Star growled, stomping a hoof angrily. “Then you leave us no choice, Summer,” she said and I noticed how her eyes turned into gentle pale magenta orbs while my vision sharpened. “I’m... sorry about this, but I see you won’t go through with this if you aren’t properly motivated.”

A moment later I was staring down at the reflection of Summer Sol as she wept to herself. My heart quivered slightly, but I quickly squashed those feelings. As much as I hate seeing her like this, this has to be done.

“We need those answers, Summer,” I told my good half, mustering up all the kindness I could as I gave her the gentlest smile I could with my sharp teeth. “You know you want this as much as I do. We can’t delude ourselves and live on in ignorance. It’s better we learn the full truth now, instead of learning it later down the line.”

“I know...” she sighed, shooting me a teary smile back. “Promise me to not go on a rampage once we find out the whole truth, please?”

“I... I promise,” I said as I sneered slightly, angry that my good half was such a bleeding heart. “Even though I feel like we should teach that stupid entity a lesson or two. The bloody kind.”

“I’m sure Magic has a good reason for the things they do,” Summer retorted gently and I rolled my eyes at her forgiving nature. 

“I’ll be going then,” I said, placing my hoof on the glass surface of the mirror. Summer mirrored my movement, nodding with a wobbly smile on her white muzzle. I found myself smiling back at her as the dream world started to fade away around me.

I opened my eyes with a blink, finding Celestia and Luna snuggled up to my body. A bit of possessiveness reared its ugly head within me and I struggled to suppress the urge to view them as my belongings instead of my lovers. Damn you, Summer, for making me so soft.

My sisters were oblivious to me leaving their embrace and I hopped out of bed. A small part of me wanted me to wake them up and bring them with me to the realm Magic resided in, but I shook my head, dislodging that thought. It was probably something Summer wanted me to do.

I growled in defiance, not giving in to these feelings. This was going to be a mercy on them. They didn’t need to find out right now, right? I will let them believe they were still ordinary ponies for a little while longer. They just have a bit more power at their disposal, that's it. I fear a revelation of this nature would shatter them. And that's something I cannot allow.

I strolled over to the balcony, throwing one last glance back at the sleeping sisters on the bed. They were so peaceful and I couldn't take that from them. They deserved to be ignorant for a bit longer. I pushed the feeling of pity to the back of my mind before I reached out to my alicorn magic, demanding it to bring me to Magic. 

Once more I found myself in the starry field of lights that strangely supported my weight with no obvious floor underneath me. I narrowed my eyes as I spotted the figure standing before me, wearing the skin of my other half as if it meant nothing to it.

You...” I growled out, stalking forth with a snarl on my muzzle, displaying my sharp teeth in their full glory as I flared out my wings. “What have you done to us?”

Magic tilted their head at me, looking annoyed that I was taking up their time. “I need you to elaborate on that,” they said with their usual bored tone. “Otherwise, I might not be able to answer your question in the correct way.”

I sneered. “You know what I’m referring to, monster,” I told them, prowling around Magic-Summer as I barely held myself back from pouncing on them and as I wanted to sink my fangs into their neck. “Answer me!”

“Hmph. Always demanding answers. I wonder who the real monster here is...” they said, rolling her eyes. “I liked your other side a lot more. It's such a pity that she gave in to her darkness like this.”

“We have come to an accord,” I shot back. “Something I can’t say we have ever made with you. Now stop skirting around the question.”

“Truly? I assume this holds true for your sisters as well?” Magic asked, raising a brow mockingly. “I would have thought they knew better.”

“Because we do,” I snarled back. “We represent harmony, do we not? And what is harmony in your eyes?”

“All that is good? Where are you going with this?” they answered, sounding confused to my ears. I smirked maliciously, letting out a small, taunting laugh.

“All that is good, huh? You’re pathetic,” I grinned, coming to a stop in front of them. Our muzzles were almost touching each other. “Harmony is a balance, you ignorant fool. What would the world look like if there was only good in it?”

“Certainly a lot better than what it is now,” Magic commented, narrowing their eyes at me. “I see it has been a mistake to bring you and your sisters here, you threaten harmony. New guardians must be chosen.”

“No, you made a spell that would bring you a few unfortunate souls that were compatible, did you not?” I asked, mockingly patting their muzzle with a hoof. “And you did just that. What did you specify in your spell as the search criteria?”

“A soul in harmony,” they answered as if they thought it was already obvious. “Compatible, as you said.”

“The spell did just that,” I told it, my voice triumphant. As I continued to stalk around Magic, I studied the form they had taken on disapprovingly. My flanks do not look like that. How pathetic. They couldn’t even get the magnificence of my rump right. “Your spell searched for souls that would be compatible with the criteria that they would be 'in harmony'. But you misinterpreted the meaning of harmony, Magic. What you think harmony is is actually only an aspect of it. On a scale from extreme bad and extreme good, harmony would be where the scale is balanced.”

“Then I need to redesign the spell,” Magic said, ignorant of what that would mean. “New souls need to be chosen to fulfill a task you and your sisters would fail at. I need pure good to combat pure evil.”

“And that is where you are wrong,” I sneered, poking them in the chest. “Think for a moment what a soul like that would look like.”

“Better, perfect, uncorrupted,” they said, as if on auto-pilot. I let out a laugh at that pitiful answer.

“Then you would bring about the destruction of the world,” I shot back. “And you know why? A soul like that would be so fanatic, they would cleanse the world of imperfections until nothing but order remains.”

“But that is what is needed, is it not?” Magic asked, staring back at me in confusion. “Cleanse the darkness plaguing this world and bring order to it. That is the purpose that I brought you here for. Only for you to embrace your darkness. It is illogical.”

“You know, there is a saying back on Earth,” I said, staring at the ignorant deity in front of me. “Too much of one thing is bad.”

“How can too much good be bad?” Magic said with a scoff. “You are not making sense.”

“Alright, then let me explain it in a way that even your dimwitted skull can comprehend,” I sneered.

“I do not have a skull,” they commented, but I ignored their remark. 

“You want to bring a soul so extremely 'pure' into this world, a soul that would rival the most vilest thing you could ever imagine, and then, it would look at the imperfect world it has been brought to,” I started to explain while Magic tried to comprehend why such a soul would be so vile as I said it would be, so I continued on with a smirk. “Seeing this blasphemy to their very ideals, they would go on to bring order to the world. Everything would become the same. Nothing out of place, no individuality, not a single soul that would still be in any way corrupted, right? That is what you want? This utopia with no darkness?”

“Yes?” Magic said, nodding dumbly in that ignorant way that made me want to rip their throat out in a fit of rage. “What is so bad about that?”

“Then you are mistaken that they would leave anything alive,” I growled, taking Magic aback. “Because life is impure by its very nature. You would bring a soul back that would go mad trying to accomplish a goal that could only ever be reached once there's no life left. At least, every impure lifeform, that is. I can’t say what it would think of divine beings...”

“You must be lying,” they retorted in disbelief. “Life is what should be protected for good to flourish, nothing purely good would do something so evil.”

“And you are so certain of that, are you?” I cackled, astonished by how naïve Magic was. “Life and death are a balance, constantly trying to reach a perfect harmony. Too much and it is tipping the scale, as would be the case with too much good. You invite that soul into this reality and all you would do would be to doom our world.

“This pure light would tear away everything you try to protect, and for what? A misguided goal to bring good to this world? This ‘harmony’ you seek is not accomplished by bringing a pure soul to this world for them to eradicate all darkness. There cannot be light without darkness, you idiot. And the brighter that light shines, the longer the shadow will become that it casts on this world.

“Is that truly what you want? A world that would be cleansed of every scrap of darkness, of every bit of imperfection, and every piece of uniqueness? Let me tell you what that would mean, Magic:

“A little colt makes the mistake of borrowing some money from their parents without asking them first. Does he deserve to die for that small show of selfishness? Or a foal is born with a disfigured wing, does this newborn deserve to die for what it had no influence over? And what of a mare that voiced a different opinion to everypony else? Is she going to die for that?”

“Why would they need to die for that?!” Magic shot back, indignantly.

“But that is what you want?” I mocked. “A 'perfect' world. No imperfections, right? No darkness, no bad, no evil. Or am I wrong? That is  what a state of absolute order would bring with itself.”

“But that is wrong! Nopony should die for a small mistake like taking without asking for permission first! Certainly not for something they had no influence over, how can you suggest that?!”

I’m not suggesting that,” I said in response, poking Magic in their chest with a hoof. “It is what you are suggesting by rewriting that spell so it would bring that pure light into this world. A light like that would be unable to live with anything that does not fit in with their version of perfection.”

“I... I need to speak with Honesty...” they muttered, winking out of existence in front of me. I blinked, not expecting them to just leave me standing here like an idiot. Where did they say they would go off to? To Honesty? That... couldn’t actually be the ideal they were talking about, so they most likely referred to another entity like themself.

“Great, and I still haven’t gotten the answer to my question, the only thing I came here for, in the first place...” I grumbled, plopping my flanks down on the weird ground of floating lights underneath me.

A few minutes passed and nothing happened, so I lay down with a bored expression. Just perfect, I thought bitterly, beginning to play with the little wisps of light as I had nothing better to do at the moment.

My thoughts wandered back to my sisters still sleeping in our bed, desperately hoping they hadn’t noticed my absence yet. I certainly wasn’t in the mood to explain why I decided to go on this little quest on my own. Now that I was thinking about it, I had to wince as it was really selfish of me to withhold this from them.

I snarled a bit as I watched my hoof lose its orange color, changing back to a pearl white. Not now, I told myself, forcing my regret back down from where it came from. This confrontation with Magic was easier if I continued to stay in my current form. I was in no mood to forgive the insensitive entity anytime soon. I would get my answers from them if it was the last thing I did. If I did that as Summer, I would surely back down from confronting them like I should and I couldn’t allow that to happen.

Damn you and your bleeding heart, Summer. Stay out of this! This needed a different approach, I told myself. A crueler one, perhaps.

“Such hatred,” a voice whispered at my side and I whipped my head around, my heart pounding in my ears. There stood a figure I thought I would definitely never see again.

“Amore?” I asked, reaching a disbelieving hoof out to her, desperate for her to be actually here. “Is that really you?”

“I’m afraid not, dear,” the being in front of me answered sadly. “You may call me Hope.”

“Hope? I’m guessing not Radiant Hope, right?” I said, disappointment spreading within me.

“Yes, my dear. It is not my place to tell you what happened to her,” she nodded. “In time, you might find out. If you prefer, you might call me Empathy, instead. It’s close enough to my domain, I suppose. Now, why is it that you feel so much rage?”

“Ask Magic that,” I snarled, shuffling away from the entity calling itself Hope (or Empathy, I don’t really care) in distrust. “I still need my answers. Answers I will get.”

Hope sighed, sitting down on the not-ground. “I see,” she said, motioning a hoof at the space in front of her in an inviting way and I gazed at her suspiciously. Slowly, I got over my reluctance and took her up on her offer, sitting down at the offered spot. “This pertains to your difference to normal ponies, I take it?”

“Yes,” I answered, staring at her serene smile and finding myself unable to stay mad at her genuine demeanor (at least, I thought it was genuine, but I can't be too sure of that). “Specifically about how we age.”

Hope-Empathy-Amore nodded, a sad look in their eyes. “Very well, then. I will answer your questions, young alicorn,” she said. Before she continued on, though, her gaze hardened considerably. “You must know this, little Red Sun: These answers will cause you and your sisters a lot of pain, I fear.”

“I don't care, I need to know,” I growled out, steeling myself for what she would say to me that could possibly be so bad. “This is important. Please...”

“Of course,” she nodded, honoring my wish. “The alicorn race is a very unique species among all of the pony races, young one. Alicorns are not only a combination of all pony tribes, they embody certain aspects of life and death itself.

“Depending on their calling, they hold dominion over various things in the world. Yours is a unique one, even among other alicorns of the past. You and your twin hold domain over the same aspects. Those being the suns you usher across the heavens in the physical plane of existence, and with those, you hold jurisdiction over light and heat but also destruction. 

“With the power of the suns at your call, you and your twin sister can embody the very light that gives your world life, but also take it away. You have already embraced both parts of that duty while your sister still struggles with giving in to that aspect of her responsibility. You both will, once the time has come, bring about the destruction of the world to make way for something new.

“But rest assured, that won’t be something you have to worry about for a very long time to come. You won’t become the harbinger of change for as long as the suns continue to burn or you decide to end them by force. And I know this might hurt very much to find out, but with that duty comes a certain... agelessness.

“I’m sorry to say, aside from something of equal power to yourselves, none may slay you for good. You are, for all intents and purposes, immortal. God-like, even. Do not lose hope, though, my dear. This eternity is nothing you have to endure alone, there are going to be others that may stand against the test of time that you can rely on, aside from your sisters. Other deities roam this world to this day and I'm sure others will ascend in time.

“My brethren and I will also always be here for you to call on, as long as you stand true to your ideals. If you are ever in need of aid in the physical plane, visit us back in the cavern that houses the Tree of Harmony. There, you will find our vessels and call upon our powers to defend your realm from harm by using the Elements of Harmony.

“Magic might have only come to terms with the revelation you have given them mere moments ago, something I am deeply grateful for. I fear what would have happened had my sibling decided to go through with the spell to summon another soul to this world, a soul that would have brought nothing but ruin. I’m sure they will find it in their heart to reconcile with you and your sisters if that is what you want.

“And I feel like I have to apologize for what Magic has dragged you into without your permission, so please, do not hold it against my sibling,” she sighed, looking at me sadly. I looked down at my hooves, one white and the other blazing orange, trying to understand everything Hope told me. My heart was at war with itself. On the one hoof, I wanted to rage and scream at the being in front of me for what they had done to me and my sisters, but on the other hoof, I wanted to do nothing more than throw myself at her and cry my heart out.

I went with the latter, unable to contain the tears threatening to spill out. Hope hugged me back tightly with a loving smile on her muzzle as she stroked my deep red mane, the fire of my hatred gone from where it came from. I was back to being Summer Sol again.

“What happened to the other alicorns?” I croaked out, sniffling heavily. “Where are they? We can’t be the only ones left, right?”

Hope gave me a tender smile, wiping away my tears. “There haven’t been any new alicorns for a very long time, my dear,” she told me. “My siblings and I passed on in order to contain a great evil, but I fear our decision to do so might have done more harm to the world than we expected.”

“Why?” I asked, confused.

“The Devourer of Life and Death was too much for us to handle, even with our combined might. It consumed almost half of our universe, destroying the very plane of existence you reside in. It did not stop at even the most sacred of things,” Hope explained, a far-off look in her eyes. “Our very bodies were destroyed in the process of slaying the beast for good. I’m saddened to say, though, that some of its darkness has survived to this day and infected others.

“With every generation, new heroes rose up to combat the darkness left behind, but this time, Magic feared that mere mortals would not be able to stand against the rising darkness. My sibling felt a suspicious rise in activity from the remnants of the Devourer of Life and Death and it seems to us that it has gathered enough power to threaten the very world again. We needed new defenders, and Magic got the idea to search for souls like us that would restore harmony for good, starting with the damaged cycle of day and night.

“So, here you are, fulfilling a great duty only you and your sisters can accomplish. Hopefully, you will also stand up to the darkness left behind in our foolish attempt to vanquish the greatest evil this world has ever known. We can’t really assist you in the way that we would like to, because now we are but spirits bound to little gems on a tree that has been planted not too long ago. Before that, we were wandering aimlessly, not able to move on due to what we did. We were unable to interact with the physical world on our own. It was the better alternative to what that monster did, trust me. You do not want to know what it consumed to sate its hunger.”

Despite her warning, I asked her, “What was that?”

Hope gave me a grim look, speaking of horrors unimaginable with one glance only. “Souls, be it those of mortals or those of unawakened worlds,” she said, hitting entirely too close to home with that one. “Do not be afraid of your darker half’s desires, dear. There are souls that deserve that kind of punishment.”

“But... you just told me that it is the most sacred thing that could ever be defiled like that!” I protested and she let out a small titter at that.

“True, if you were to devour the souls of billions of innocents,” Hope told me. “Tainted souls, on the other hoof, can only be cleansed by a higher being. Such as an alicorn, for example.”

“That sounds so much like a deus-ex-machina,” I snorted. “There is no way such a thing could be natural.”

Hope tilted her head at me, confused. “Does the Grim Reaper not do the same in your original world, then? Do they not usher the souls of the deceased over to the Shadowlands to be judged for an afterlife like the kyrian or the Horse of Death? The Machinery of Death is more complex than you think, my dear,” she asked me and I blinked.

Was the Grim Reaper actually real? And what about this 'Horse of Death'? Are they the equivalent of the Grim Reaper here? I suppose it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think that they had something to do with the cleansing of tainted souls. After all, the Grim Reaper reaped the souls once their time has come, judging them based on something only they knew, most likely searching for any sign of corruption.

“Don’t tell me God eats souls for breakfast,” I queasily remarked, shuddering at the thought of the great being that was worshipped on Earth for being a benevolent force of good doing just that. Even though I’m pretty sure God was much more than that, based on all the divine punishments mentioned in the Bible and whatnot.

“I can’t tell you for sure,” Hope shrugged. “It has been eons since I lived my life on Earth. There were many that called themselves a 'God' back then. None of them ever survived the sacrifices.”

“Wait, what?” I asked, incredulous. “You were a human once?”

“Oh, are they called human now?” Hope said, furthering my disbelief. Just how old was she?! She can’t be serious about that, right? She has to be pulling my leg here. And what was that about human sacrifice, huh?! “My siblings and I all come from there, believe it or not. Alicorns are not an original life form found in this reality, dear. They are either made or reborn, sometimes both.”

“What do you mean, made?” I whispered, stunned.

“Not in the sense of throwing ingredients into a pot and saying a few fanciful words. Witchcraft isn't that powerful,” she laughed, finding amusement in my reactions. Now I couldn’t get the image of a mad alchemist out of my head, doing just that. Or, well… a witch, like she said, dancing around a cauldron. “There exists a process, one that requires very special circumstances, that allows a regular pony to ascend to this very plane we currently occupy. Here, a regular mortal may be judged worthy of their accomplishments and be remade into an alicorn. Have their souls be reforged into a divine one.”

“Seriously?!” I said, shaking the Amore look-alike in front of me excitedly. “We could make more alicorns? How?!”

“Dear, this process is not something you could do on a mere whim,” Hope scolded me, making me deflate a bit. “It requires an exorbitant amount of power to even begin the process and the pony that has the potential to ascend needs to embody their own special talent to such a degree that they could take up the mantle of their new domain over it.”

“Oh...” I mumbled. “That... that is very unlikely to happen...”

“Unlikely, but not impossible,” Hope told me gently. “I myself wasn’t actually reincarnated as an alicorn, I had to ascend from an earthpony.”

“Really? From an earthpony?” I asked, incredulously. “How did you do that?”

“By restoring hope when all else was lost,” she smiled. “A grand sorceress had nearly destroyed my new home in this world and I was there to stand against their evil when nopony else would. I rallied my fellow ponies in their greatest time of need, giving them the strength to fight against her. It was a close battle that I fought, but I persevered, defending the very way of life I had come to enjoy much. More than I ever did in my old life.”

“What happened?” I asked, eager to hear what she must have done to deserve ascension. It felt much grander than just being granted this power, like me and my sisters.

“I won,” she said, booping me on the muzzle with a hoof. I pouted at her, making her chuckle lightly. “The sorceress was using a magical artifact that boosted her magic in unpredictable ways. I destroyed it in our struggle against each other and with all of that power coursing through me in that moment, I literally became a shining beacon of hope to my fellow ponies. After that, I found myself in this realm.”

“Wow...” I breathed out. “It must have been so frightening, not knowing what was going to happen.”

Hope nodded, smiling. “It was, but thankfully, I did not find myself alone here. There were a few others like me here.”

“The rest of your siblings?” I guessed and she nodded.

“Though, they weren’t my actual siblings,” Hope admitted. “Kindness was a demure pegasus mare, having saved a whole village from dying in a magical forest fire. Loyalty had been a young thestral mare, she had stayed in the collapsing caverns of her old home until the last pony made it out, not knowing that it, too, was of a magical nature.”

“Why was it of a magical nature?” I asked.

“During our times, the natural elements of Mother Nature were a lot wilder, oftentimes manifesting in magical catastrophes,” Hope explained, thinking back to a world that was more primal and untamed. “Those times were a trial of survival for many ponies, some took to abusing others in the hopes of furthering their chances at survival, much like the sorceress that I fought against. Honesty was also an earthpony mare like me, defending her village against a raging earth elemental.”

“Were you all mares?” I snorted, giggling slightly. “Are there no male alicorns, or what? That’s so sexist.”

“Now that you mention it, we have never encountered a male alicorn,” Hope muttered, making me raise a brow in disbelief. Seriously? I was only joking! That can’t be a coincidence. “I can’t tell you if there had been others before us, but I would have known if there were any during or after our time.”

“What of your other siblings, how did they ascend?” I nudged her, bringing her back out of her musings.

“Oh, Laughter was born as an alicorn, as was Magic,” she answered with a shrug. “Generosity was a unicorn mare before she became an alicorn. She had actually managed to convince a dragon, a creature that is notoriously known for their greed, to open up their heart and share with the world, showing it that there was more to life than hoarding.”

“Wouldn’t she have needed a source of powerful magic to ascend, though?” I asked, confused.

“That I did,” a new voice interrupted me. There stood the form of Shield Wall, though judging by what he said, that was Generosity I was talking to. “I had given up an old family heirloom, a magical stone I believe is called a mana crystal these days, and gave it to the dragon to show him that giving was just as fulfilling as receiving.”

“That managed to convince the dragon?” I said skeptically. Generosity let out a small chuckle at that.

“No...” he answered with a smile. “I offered myself as his concubine.”

“What?” I breathed out in disbelief.

“A concubine? Do you not have those anymore?” Generosity inquired with a tilted head. “I could swear this is something that would have survived the passage of time. Oh, well.”

I sputtered, shaking my head in denial. “I don’t believe this,” I said, horrified. Generosity, the very ideal I strived to live up to, casually mentioned that they offered their body to a dragon in their lifetime. How does that even work?!

“Dear, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Generosity scoffed. “If I recall correctly, your own sister offered herself to you and your younger sister.”

“Okay, okay! Just... stop, alright?” I muttered, frustrated. This was entirely too embarrassing to talk about. “Say, what did you look like as alicorns, anyway? Why are you taking these forms, instead? Do you not have your own anymore?”

“Those would be the Elements of Harmony now, dear,” Hope told me with a hum. “We can hardly talk as inanimate objects now, can we? Our previous forms are forever lost to us, little Red Sun. Ever since we sacrificed ourselves, we were unable to revert back to our original forms.”

“But your powers still exist, right? In the Elements of Harmony?” I asked, feeling pity well up in me for their fate.

“Yes, over time our power grew back to a fraction of our original one as our vessels grew,” Magic said as they reappeared, unable to meet my eyes in shame. “There was also a different part to the spell that sought you out, that being your ability to wield our physical forms should the need to do so ever arise. I’m sure you can guess which of my siblings would correspond with you and your sisters.”

“Don’t make the filly so nervous, Magic,” the voice of Smart Cookie reached my ears and I looked at the mare standing next to Magic. “It’s mighty nice ta meet yah, little Red Sun.”

“Honesty?” I asked and she nodded. “The pleasure is all mine... I guess Luna would be all over you, would she be here right now.”

“Aw, shucks, no need to flatter me,” Honesty chuckled. “Ah do think the youngun would make a good match for mahself.”

“So, based on what Celestia is good at, she would wield Magic and Loyalty, right?” I mused, looking at Hope. She nodded, telling me to go on with a warm smile. “Then there is the obvious choice of Honesty with Luna and Kindness with myself, Laughter would most likely go to Luna while I would wield Generosity... but what about you, Hope?”

“Dear, I’m slightly insulted that you wouldn’t consider yourself for that role,” she told me, faking a dramatic sigh with tears. “Oh, the horror! My chosen champion, rejecting me!”

“I’m not rejecting you!” I squeaked out in panic, trying to calm her down. “But... am I really the best pony for the job?”

“Dear, I couldn’t ask for a better pony to wield my physical form,” Hope said, nudging my chin up with a hoof, causing me to look back into her kind eyes. “Are you not the one looking for the best in others?”

“Well, yes... but what has hope to do with that?” I answered, feeling slightly confused. I mean, looking for the best in others was kind of like hoping they had something redeemable about themselves, so that could be the link she was talking about (she did say her domain was close enough to Empathy and that I had in spades). And judging by the widening of her smile, it was quite easy to see my revelation on my muzzle.

“Now then, there is another thing we should probably tell you about. Magic?” Hope said, her gaze wandering over to Magic, who was grumbling indignantly as Honesty gave them a glare.

“Fine, I will tell her, stop giving me that look,” Magic (while still in my form) grumbled out. “There might have been a slight... 'detail'... I left out of my explanation of the spell...”

“What?” I asked, tired of getting confused and having to pull the answer out of Magic. “Was there another criterion for the spell?”

“Well, it was more like a... lack of a criterion?” Magic retorted with an awkward laugh. “I might have... uh... searched through time and space?”

“Eh?” I blinked, trying to comprehend what the flying pancake Magic meant by that. “But hasn’t your spell found Luna six years after me and Celestia?”

“Well, yes...” Magic said, nodding in confirmation. “But that also had something to do with your mother and father only succeeding in getting pregnant again six years later, the spell was... in standby? Is that the right wording? It had already latched on to her at the same time as it did with you and your twin sister, but due to circumstances beyond my ability to influence, she could not be reincarnated to a different, suitable mother.”

“Okay... I guess that makes some sense,” I said. As much sense as something like that can make, I suppose. “But what has that got to do with the time and space part of the spell? Or rather, the lack of criteria... for... that...”

“I think she is getting mad again...” Magic muttered, staring at me as my coat began to glow with heat.

“What gave you that idea, numbskull?” Honesty said, rolling her eyes.

“I don’t have a skull, idiot,” Magic shot back. “None of us have one anymore.”

“It’s a figure of speech, ya numbskull.”

“I’ll give you ‘figure of speech’...”

“Must you be fighting again?” Generosity remarked, giving a slight huff.

“And here I had managed to calm her down...” Hope grumbled, glaring at Magic. My eye gave off a twitch at their bickering, a snarl fighting its way on my muzzle, showing off my sharp teeth again.

Flames exploded away from me and I saw red. “What have you done..?!” I screeched, pouncing on the look-alike of my good half. Magic let out a sheepish laugh as I bared my fangs at her.

“There might be a... slight discrepancy of time between your old reality and when you were reincarnated here?” they chuckled sheepishly as their ears splayed back against their head. I let out a low growl, almost biting their head off were it not for the hoof Hope placed on my side. 

I looked over to the one who dared to get in between me and my righteous fury, and, once more, I faltered as I stared at the regretful eyes of Amore. I wanted to throw every spell I knew at them in my rage, not in the least bit okay with the appearances they had chosen, but I quelled my blazing hatred as I felt a small glimmer of hope enter me that I might yet still find a way to see my children again at some point.

“How long?” I growled down at Magic-Summer. 

“A thousand years... give or take?” they answered back, sounding not entirely certain of their answer. My heart sank further at that steep number. That long? That... that was a long way from my proper time. A long way away from my children. Will I even remember them by that time? 

I lost my strength to stand as I sank back to the ground, crying out in despair and hurt. Absentmindedly, I noticed Hope hugging me in a comforting embrace, whispering her support and apologies. Disbelief didn't even come close to describing how I felt about that length of time. A thousand years…

“If it is any comfort, you went back in time instead of forward,” Magic told me, an ashamed tone in their voice. “I’m sorry...”

“You will be, you little piece of shit!” I snarled, fighting against the embrace of Hope, trying to get at Magic. “If I don’t find their reality by the time your little spell took us away from my daughters, I won’t leave anything of you remaining!”

“I could make a spell that would reincarnate them like you if you want?” Magic offered and I glared balefully at them. They winced. “Okay... not, then. Why not, though?”

I glowered at them, breathing heavily in rage. "You won't kill them, too, you idiot!” I growled, spittle flying away from my mouth as I saw red. This was supposed to have been an alicorn a long time ago? Puh-lease, don’t make me laugh.

“But what if they die before you reach them?” Magic asked, shying away from my enraged self. I blinked, caught off guard by that question. That was a good point Magic made…

“Fine, but only if they die first,” I muttered, calming down slightly. “And only then will your spell bring them here, do you understand me?”

“Yes!” Magic nodded rapidly, glad that we have come to an agreement. “Only in the unlikely, but possible, event that your children die before their time or of natural causes will my spell reincarnate them here.”

“Good...” I sighed, slumping down in exhaustion.

“That means that you won’t see them for at least a thousand years, though. Perhaps even longer,” Hope commented, giving me a sad look. “Are you okay with that?”

“It’s better than ripping them out of their time, too,” I grumbled. “And that way, they won’t get mad at me or you for having to wait to see their children, if they have any.”

“Very well,” Hope smiled. “I’m glad you’re thinking about what they would want, not what you want.”

“They are my children. Of course, I would,” I shot back, smiling mournfully back at her. “I can... live a thousand years without them...”

“Y'all see them in no time,” Honesty said, offering me an apologetic smile herself. “Time starts to blend together after long enough. Ah won’t say it will be easy; it won’t be; but eventually, they will come back to yah.”

“Thanks, I guess...” I sighed. “I think I will be taking my leave now. It was nice meeting you all for the first time. I can’t say the same for meeting Magic again, though.”

“Remember, we’re always there for you as long as you stay true to your ideals,” Hope said, giving me one last hug. I nodded in thanks, keeping that in mind. 

“Do try to be more generous as Fallen Star, yes?” Generosity told me and I let out a slight laugh. We’ll see...

Drawing on my alicorn magic, I pushed myself back into existence in the physical plane of reality. I stared at my sisters still sleeping on the bed with a queasy feeling in my stomach.

Could I ever tell them what I had learned today?