Fast Tap's Little Tales

by Fast Tap


At the school of friendship, Fast was called to the principal's room ...

“Starlight ... Is everything okay now? ...”-Fast looked at that sitting waiting with Starlight was Starswirl the bearded-“hello Mr. Starswirl”

Starswirl said, “Fast Tap, it's been a couple of days since Double has been beaten, everyone is grateful for what you've done, and I knew that one day like these you were going to have the position you deserve ...”

Fast asked “What position?”

Starswirl made a blue magician's that appear on top of Fast with white stars drawn on it and it falls on Fast’s head “Fast, I proclaim you ‘Fast Tap, the defender of Equestria’”

Fast smiled in tears and hugged Starswirl “Thank you seriously, thank you!”

Starswirl added, “A great future awaits you Fast, from now on, everything will improve ...”

In the present of now ...

Fast says “…And that's how I got my hat, symbol of magician and professional defender, so it could say that I have 4 ranks at the same time, and what about you Double?”

Double responds “Well, something strange to be honest, I am a stone that can speak telepathically with you, but this reform of my buddies is something difficult”

Fast responds “Double, you told me that you managed to turn them into Fighters of justice, so it’s easy for you to make them good people”

Double says “I made them Fighters of justice without changing their mind, but this is literally changing their thinking almost thousands of years, this will last a long time”

Fast says “Well, you're not alone if you need me, I'm here for you ... Do you know something? Let me tell you something….

When we started out, we were kids

Having that idea we will always only be

But life came to our home

From that start everything

And we are here

We will always be together

We will always be for each one

Having fun with friends we had found

Creating a family of what is on our around

I tell you my clone Double, we will always be together

Enjoying the parties, you and me

Removing the remaining pinches of depression

Big adventures waiting to action

Defeating enemies

Making friends as you see

We will always be together

We will always be for each one

Having fun with friends we had found

Creating a family of what is on our around

I tell you my clone Double, we will always be you and me

Situations will try to end

With our friendship, but they won't make

We are an example of yin and yang

We are the best of our life

Enjoying the enviroment

Friendship is that gem we have

And the best thing is that it is natural

Oh and you can believe ...

We didn't know what it was?

We will always be together

We will always be for each one

Having fun with friends we had found

Creating a family of what is on our around

I tell you my clone Double, we will always be together"

Double ends the song

"We will always be together ..."