//------------------------------// // chapter 3 // Story: Cleaved: AFTERMATH // by The Cowardly Christian //------------------------------// Cleaved: AFTERMATH ...III... I OWN AND REGRET NOTHING! ...III... ...III... Moon, the former Queen of Mewni cautiously stalked through the refugee camps that were being set up. Hostile glares following her wherever she went, word had gotten out how she'd helped Mina gain her army... Shockingly, Mina's actions did more to create unity among the Mewmans and monsters than anything Star or Eclipsa did. When her army came in to slaughter the monsters and monster loving traitors- completely ignoring the fact that over half the population only barely tolerated monsters, they simply just weren't as fanatical about it as the one's who left to live in Moon's little 'town' -she united them in ways they never thought possible. And with the exception of that one butler, all of Mina's former army defected from her cause. Between the trauma of slaughtering children and fellow Mewmans they were now completely against her cause...Mina and to a lesser extent Moon had become a cautionary tale of racism in all it's horror... But despite as all this...Moon carried on...he tried to volunteer and assist however way she could- BAM! My family died because of you, you bitch! BAM! The news of 'co-conspirator' Moon getting killed by a vengeful victim of Mina's rampage, before he then killed himself would be all over the news...it would also be a LIE... ... The agent in the ambulance that took the corpses in waited until they were alone. "Alright, good work you two. Take five." The two corpses rose from the table, The two shapeshifters in SCP pay thanked the agent and took a smoke break. The agent calls ahead, the hospital was set up. The corpse of the REAL Moon had already been doctored to match the death in the 'official' report. His partner looked at all this confused, "Explain to me again why we didn't just use Marco and Star for this? I mean, their the one's most responsible for our current crisis, aren't they?" His partner sighed, "Yes, short-term blaming them for everything would've got OUR world off our back...but you need to look at it long-term too. For better or for worse; the Mewmans, their neighbors and their monsters are OUR neighbors now...so we need to learn to 'play nice' together. Especially when our resources are already spread thin cleaning out all the other shit the fan has spread everywhere! Star is best friends with most of the other ruling family's, the monsters love both Star and Marco for all they did for them, and the Mewmans are more on those two's side more then ever for stopping Mina! So us getting their asses out of the fire will be both an olive branch...AND potential political leverage we can use at the negotiation table if need be." "Wait, the Mewmans love them MORE after the merge? Don't they get that- The agent snorts, "My good man, the fact they screwed over thousands of worlds to save their sorry buts if anything only makes them feel MORE indebted to them! Most Mewmans don't have magic anyway, so it's loss hasn't hurt them much...as for them now being in another world? Apparently, the refugee camps are even BETTER then their old homes! Far as their concerned, those kids helped them UPGRADE!" "Yikes." Said his partner. The agent nodded. "Yeah, not to mention were still not sure Glossaryck is permanently gone, until we are sure. Probably best not to kill off his 'pawns'. We all remember the 'Bay of Pigs' fiasco..." His partner shuddered, "Cloning one Fidel was bad enough..." The agent nodded...then takes a puff from his Stoogie. "Next to them, Mina would've been the best bet but we haven't found her...it baffles me why that girl didn't at least arrest her after everything...but never mind. Moon will do just fine...might be even better actually." "How do you mean?" The agent shrugged. "People are weird about kids, ESPECIALLY girl kids. People seem to think that 'she's just a kid', 'she had a bad day', or 'she didn't mean to' are magic words that should erase all consequences for her... Remember the 'Bill event' at SCP-6000?' How when we went to kill that Pine's girl while she was still on the bus headed back to Piedmont and Her family fought against us?" His partner snorted, "Bloody double-standard, hypocrites. Bet you anything if it had been the BOY Pines who was getting punished, no one would care!" He then looks thoughtful. "What did happen to that boy, anyway?" The partner shrugged, "After we used her to finish the final containment protocol of 6000, the amnestics had worn off. We took them back to SCP-6000, told them some BS about how they came to Piedmont to ask their parents permission for him to apprentice under his great uncle and they said yes." "They did?" The agent shrugs again, "Eh, we had to go scrub their memories of their daughter's existence anyway, so we planted that false memory of them doing just that because...well, why not? We'd just ritualistically sacrificed his sister and erased all trace of her existence...and he was clearly much happier in 6000 then his old 'home'...so we threw him a bone...because again, why not?" He says with a shrug. His partner shrugs and downs a cold one, "Wait, why haven't we done anything about the Pines family or any of the residence living in 6000's- "Redacted." Interrupted the agent with a conspiratory tap to his nose. His partner nods in understanding. "Redacted." He agrees... ... But let us leave Echocreek and the events surrounding it for awhile. After all, No man is an island. And this is a GLOBAL affair... We've- more or less -seen how the FOUNDATION is handling things...but one can only wonder how the other groups of interest are dealing with this crisis? ... ...The Global Occult Coalition (GOC)... ... All was chaos at the Coalition, not only for all the damage control to stem the flow of anarchy across the world but preparing for the now announced 'end of masquerade' scenario... But while most were panicking over what seemed to be the end of the world, one man was treating it as more of the BEGINNING of a brand new world... GOC director Charles Goodwin was celebrating with some fine scotch. It was nice to see that things can go off the rails in a good way. It would've taken him fifty more years to cook up something as perfect as this on his own, preferably something that killed that annoying Kim Jong Un and his country... and then the universe just gift wrapped it to him instead...marvelous, simply marvelous... For the record...he DID believe in the (GOC's) mission...he simply felt they were going about it the wrong way... Although he felt that the Foundations approach was too extreme- some abnormalities needed to die, the 'Shy guy' was a prime example of this -but he admitted that their method of 'killing first and asking questions later' could cause more harm then good as well. He'd prefer a more trial-by-trial basis really... More importantly, he felt they were too restrained in their responsibilities. With their knowledge and capabilities they could be far more then over glorified janitors and attack dogs for over-politicized and decadent world leaders who spent more time fighting and back-stabbing each other then getting anything actually DONE... In any case, now was the time to act. Although he hadn't expected to move this quickly, he's years of meticulous planning had put him in a good place to exploit this. The covert operative that leaked the details of SCP-2002 had been one of his, he deliberately had him leave out the crucial part about it being filled of embryo's and survivors of a future where humanity was sterile. And made sure the info got sent to his hot-head of a (then) political rival Commander Cyrus Temple. Typical of him, he blew it up no questions asked...when it was learned WHAT was in it, the moron was canned. Goodwin used the momentum to rise in the ranks, push forward reforms, and rebuilt the bridge Cyrus burned by helping the SCP create a cure for that future SCP disease(they never realized the antidote had already been made on SCP-2002 and he'd just arranged for it to be stolen before Cyrus destroyed it.). He repeated this method over the years- SCP-1522 was a particular nice example, the little boat in it's 'womb' was a particularly tragic yet nice touch. Not only did it make the GOC look bad to many of their UN partners, but it also derailed a lucrative deal with the Serpents hand regarding ownership of the Bermuda triangle. So great was their outrage, they refused to make anymore deals with the GOC until all responsible for the travesty were punished and fired. Yes sire, heads rolled for that one. So many of his political adversaries were not only fired but demonized and blacklisted, further convincing many that the GOC needed reform...and more importantly, that Goodwin be at the head of those reforms. Shockingly, Goodwin had nothing to do with the fiasco that was SCP-1609...not that that didn't stop him from using the aftermath to his advantage naturally. Not only was it another blatantly obvious example on how the GOC's current methodology only made things WORSE...but it made the perfect scapegoat...so many political adversaries of Goodwin killed over the years by a stray SCP-1609 piece that he'd smuggled out of SCP custody... In any case, this disaster may have been unexpected. But it was perfect for his agenda. With the masquerade gone and the GOC made public, they would no longer be limited in scope. Between the UN desperate to throw more bodies into making the mess go away and the people desperate to to gain some form of security... HE would finally be allowed to do what was necessary to bring order to the world. True, the other groups of interest would be an issue. The Foundation was especially wary of them since the fiasco at SCP-1730(1)...But as a wise man once said; 'If it was easy, everyone would be doing it'. He raises a glass to a picture of Star Butterfly. "A toast to you Star Butterfly, to planting the seeds of a new world order..." ... ...Alexylva University... ... The Alexylva University, a hub of commerce, transportation and delivery...or at least, usually... Today, it's doors had been shut, it's offices evacuated...nothing but forensic teams and police tape today... There had been multiple accidents the past week or so; every attempt to open a portal, create an anomalous object or send a package to another realm had ended in catastrophic failure. The company and the Suffetes had desperately tried to keep things under wraps as they figured out the issue...but with so many deaths, eventually word got out and public outcry forced the Suffetes to shut down the University indefinitely. This was bad, as the university was a cornerstone of their worlds economy; building essential anomalous objects, establishing lucrative trade deals and supply chains with other planes of existence. Worse, they employed 27% of the worlds population. The mass lay-offs and loss of such an important function in their society led to a terrible recession. Research showed that the issue was mainly that the walls between worlds had suddenly become unstable. As this was usually maintained and prevented by the MHC, attempts were made to contact them to find out what happened...but they never responded... Through less... 'conventional' sources, the desperate Suffetes finally found out what happened and desperate to appease the angry mob...they naturally blamed everything on 'The people of Earth and Mewni' -that description was all their now very limited intel could get on who was responsible- and immediately ordered martial law and universally draft to create an army to hunt down the perpetrators and put them to death... This would take many years...both because building a inter-dimesional fleet(that did not require Hekapoo's power or Omnitraxius stability to go anywhere) was both time consuming and expensive even in the best of times...but also the leaders of this world had no real intention of following through and were mainly doing this to distract people from the REAL problems until they could figure out a solution...or skimped enough taxpayer money to escape to a better world to conquer it...whichever was easier... Sadly, they were far from the only world with similar thoughts of vengeance... ...Anderson Robotics... Allistar Smythe patiently typed away at a computer. He was thankful that like most of the groups of interest in the world they mainly dealt with Enlightened magic. Thus when Star Butterfly destroyed Romanticist magic, their work was only marginally affected. Regardless, Word had come that soon the company would be restructured. Apparently the chaos consuming the world was getting so bad that a desperate GOC and the SCP Foundation had approached them. In exchange for them being allowed to come out in the open to PUBLICLY sell paratechnology as a LEGAL enterprise with all their past crimes forgiven...they would be required to supplement their Mobile task forces with their robot legions. This was naturally meet with much enthusiasm... Because yes, they were still able to do their trade thanks to their powerful and influential patrons and sponsors(some of them actually part of said Foundation and GOC whether they wanted to admit it or not) in addition to their movements being concealed by their state-of-the-art stealth technology...but constantly needing to stay below the radar and restricting their 'ware's' to only the elite, the powerful and 'in the know' was considered a woefully poor and constricting atmosphere to conduct their research and make profit. Smythe would be lying if he said the money wasn't a nice bonus, but it was mostly the fact that his research continued to suffer under such restrictions that had irritated him...he of course was not naive and knew that money was a necessary 'evil' to fund such research in the first place...that didn't make the company's often focus on profit over research any less annoying... Needless to say; he, like most at Anderson's Robotics were ecstatic that the 'veil of secrecy' was finally obsolete and done away with for good... He checked the time, booted down his computer, grabbed his briefcase and walked out to his next appointment... Of course, such a deal had it's complications. The Foundation and GOC couldn't just up and let them reveal themselves to the world. Apparently the plan was to attach them to a publicly recognized and beloved company, make said company a PR figurehead, and then pretend that they had always been apart of it and working with the Foundation and GOC in secret. 'Were trying ease people into the 'new' normal', they claimed. "We need to be an example of unity to the world in these dark times', they explained. 'It'll be good for your public image', they reassured. Allistar snorted to himself, 'What a load of crock!' He thinks to himself. It was obvious that the only PR they cared for was their own. They were going to face enough heat as it is when word leaked of their repeated failures to end those dammed Sarkic cults, Loathsome Fiftist whackjobs, the criminals at Marshal Carter and Dark(i.e. their best customers) and the hundreds of other problems that have been boiling beneath the surface of 'normality'... Sweeping the 'irrelevant' fact that they'd been 'technically' a rouge Paratechnology company that had eluded their capture for years under the rug, pretending they'd always been chummy and on the side of 'good' was a blatant BS whitewash attempt to save face... Buuuuut...it was a 'blatant BS whitewash attempt to save face' that cost them nothing and actually benefited them... Blatant manipulation aside; it WOULD actually help their public image, they were going to have the assets and money of a major corporation absorbed into them with little to no cost, and while this company become their face. Their 'real' company would still keep the flexibility to do less then legal dealings away from the public eye(A perk that Alister suspected was rather deliberately allowed yet unspoken on at least the Foundations part...for all their many faults, they were no fools...they knew how the 'game' was played, he had to give them that...). So Anderson was more then happy to play ball with them...for now at least... At first there was some friction with the targeted company- Cybus Industries(which had been chosen due to comparability of their infrastructures, the convenience of it having subsidiaries across the globe, and the fact their CEO was about to kick the bucket anyway due to life-threatening disease that left him handicapped and thus the transaction would be easier) -as their CEO John Lumic resisted the acquisition with every fiber of his being and even threatened to leak this whole operation to the public. The Foundation and GOC were considering just calling this whole thing a lost caused and moving on. But surprisingly, Mr. Anderson offered to step in...His silver tongue as sharp as ever, he made a deal with Lumic that if he allowed this to happen the full might of Anderson's Robotics would be employed to keep him alive... Lumic, eager to extend his life and be free of his wheelchair, happily agreed... Allistar gets on the teleporter... This proved to be more grand of a deal then anticipated...for Lumic, desperate for any means to delay his untimely death...was no stranger to the paranormal... Allistar leaves the teleporter at the new site... One such foray into the realms of the unknown was sending an elite team of mercenaries to steal a valuable piece of tech from SCP-1678(this apparently had been BEFORE the Foundation found it and made it impossible to find, let alone get to.). Such an expedition cost much life and resources, worse the vault proved impossible to open... Lumic deemed the whole expedition a failure, covered up the whole thing, denied any attempts at further expeditions and locked the vault deep inside his private estate... Until now... "So you've succeeded in opening it?" Asked Allistar. "Yes, only an hour ago, were still trying to get through debris though. We've also learned that contrary to what Mr. Lumic believed; it was less of a vault and more of a broken fragment of a larger vessel...maybe even a spaceship...although most of the data we got is still corrupted...we were able to decode one word so far..." He held up a monitor to show Allistar the word... "'Monda'? Hmmm...interesting...keep at it, and tell me what else you decode..." He dismissed the assistant to do just that as he walks up to further analyze their discovery... ... ...Ambrose Restaurants... ... The mighty and giant Octomelon cruised at the bottom of the ocean, knocking over entire mountain ranges with a flip of it's tentacle. All fled before it...none would ever suspect that it was secretly a tamed creature, carrying a restaurant in it's belly A Senior Director named Uumen Umeda clapped his hands to get all the chiefs and Gourmet Hunters and revivers attention. "Okay, listen up people! The 'veil of secrecy' is now yesterdays news! That's right, you didn't mishear me! We no longer have to keep this all under wraps! More importantly, we got some BIG orders to fill now that the big wigs no longer need to pretend we don't exist!" He reads out the list. "Right, the GOC need a million batches of Cafe ants, Candyleon's, and Capsicum Pork for the UN's big 'revealing the paranormal to the world' announcement. Marshal, Carter and Dark's have ordered a thousand pounds of Garra Gator and Drunk Shark for a celebration on their 'going public'. Dr, Wondertainment is planning a big 'party' so...I don't know, his writing is gibberish. Just take our weirdest and most experimental crap, mix it together at random while you huff a bunch of drugs...that usually satisfies that nutjob... The Chaos Insurgency has ordered fifty trillion tons of Regal mammoth Jewel meat. The Fiftist church has once more ordered 'GOD'...we will of course AGAIN politely turn them down and refund their down payment. The SCP Foundation are planning a large smorgasbord PR campaign to feed Mewman/monster refugees and try to put a positive spin on the paranormal to the 'normal' public! They're paying us OVERTIME for us to pull out the big guns here people! I want to see our finest Champansy from the Heavy drinker Archipelago! I want Blue Blood corn popping! I want to see Shining Gourami being fried! Wheel in the Puffer whales and Puzzle Plankton! Grab a toothbrush and some caffeine while your chopping up the Salamander Sphinx, this is going to be an all nighter!" He looks as everyone just stands there stunned. "Well what are you waiting for? A kiss? LET'S MOVE PEOPLE! CHOP-CHOP!" He claps impatiently. Everyone quickly runs around to do just that... ... ...Arcadia... ... Deep within the Alamogordo Landfill, where the infamous E.T. Cartridges were laid to rot...SOMETHING stirred... BOOM! "No...my...love...was not strong enough..." Arkady sputtered and sparked before it's collective was silenced for good...sadly, unlike most other groups of this world, it's makers loved to dabble with both Enlightenment AND Romanticism. Before it could recover from losing half it's strength...HE broke through... The lord of Brimstone dusted off some pixels as it stood among the refuse in all his horrifying 8-bit glory. "Time to collect what I'm owed." He said menacingly as he strode from the landfill with purpose... ... ...Are We Cool Yet?... ... The 'Critic' was addressing the various other head-artisans of their organization. "Alright everyone, listen up! The SCP Foundation and the GOC has approached us with an offer." Pulls out a message sent from them. "Between stretched resources, political necessity- Blah, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, sincerely some burecratic suite." He says flatly as he tosses the message into the air, letting it scatter as everyone else laughed. "Yeah, good stuff. But in all seriousness, here's the offer: In exchange for all our past crimes being forgiven, they and various other Groups of interest want to start commissioning us! They want to show the world that the paranormal is nothing to fear and they see our skills as the way to do that! So in conclusion; our debts cleared, our crimes forgiven, wallets get fat, we'll finally be allowed to go public and get the prestige and fame we've always desired...all we gotta do is promise to make shit that don't kill people...A pretty fair deal all things considered, what do you say?" Just about everyone else agreed it was a good deal...except... "So in other words...you want us to become sell outs?" Almost everyone else groaned, the Critic rolled his eyes. "Why am I not surprised that you would consider the 'not allowed to kill people' part a dealbreaker Sander?" Sander Cohen was the subject of a great deal of contention and arguments among the AWCY ranks... What few people realized was that most of their lethal anomalies came from Sander or his followers. SCP-1590, 1127, 1883, and 1074. ALL him or one of his groupies. But not SCP-1057 though, that was just a prank that went horribly wrong... In any case, most of their organization thankfully mostly wanted to do stuff like SCP-1802. In fact, contrary to popular belief. The group that broke off and became 'Gamers against Weed's'(GAW) main issue wasn't necessarily all the death injury caused to innocents- although that was a huge part of that -but rather that most of AWCY refused to reign Sander in or at least punish him for his crimes... The Critic and many others didn't do this because...well, although technically the Critic was considered their 'leader'...that really wasn't how their 'organization' worked. They were more 'anarchist' then anything. no real agenda, ranking, leadership, goals(except for becoming 'cool' of course) or anything like that...so unless someone was doing something that DIRECTLY caused problems for the organization or one of their members...they mostly left their individual groups or members do as they pleased... And although many of Sandar's and his groupies 'projects' left a bad taste in many of AWCY's mouths...the idea of censoring, suppressing or even meddling in another artists works stank too much of the oppressive government, Big business, authority figures, Groups of interest or 'man' that made them run away and make this group in the first place!...so they did nothing... But As time passed, they lost many of their best and brightest to GAW, and Sandar created more and more abominations... People were starting to get sick of it...worse, their client pool started to dry up as more and more people saw them as an unstable rouge anomalous organization...in other words, no one was seeing them as 'cool'... Despite all this, they still felt like interfering with his 'vision' went against the core principles of AWCY...so they reluctantly allowed him to continue... But when he collaborated with disgruntled members of the Church of the broken God to create SCP-4485 or 'hansarp'...even the most hard-core AWCY radical(outside Sandar's group) agreed that he'd gone too far. Thankfully, GAW warned them about Hansarp before it developed too far and they were able to stamp it out before it could really begin...after that it was unanimously agreed to reign in Sandar's group... This, needless to say did not go over well with Sandar...but when they threatened to both cut him off from the organizations resources AND hand him over to the Foundation, there was little more he could then grumble but begrudgingly accept their new restrictions. Sadly, this did not bring GAW back into their fold...they'd grown too much as their own entity. Worse, it was clear that Sandar and his cronies were doing their own thing behind the scenes...nothing they could prove naturally...but it was obvious to everyone that a conflict if not a outright SPLIT was inevitable... And so it was... "Of course it's a dealbreaker! As should any bit of Government Censorship be seen as a dealbreaker to a REAL artist...in which case I guess I shouldn't be surprised that none of you can see that..." He snarked The Critic glared, "Look Sandra; their not going to regulate us, their not really telling us what to do, in fact their encouraging us to make things as abnormal and crazy as possible! Their paying us top dollar, pardoning our crimes- Which need I remind you are mostly YOURS or us HARBORING you! -and FINALLY allowing us to go public with our work and be COOL! And literally the one thing they ask is that we don't kill or hurt anyone, what more do you want!?" "What I want is for me and my fellow artists to be allowed to follow our muses without fear of Censorship or oppression...something I'm starting to think is asking too much for this sorry group!" The Critic slammed a binder down. "Right, I've had enough of this." He looks around to everyone else. "Anyone besides Sandar have a problem with this deal?" Not surprisingly, no one else did... The critic nods and turns back to Sandar. "Look Sandar, if you don't want to be part of this. That's fine, but don't expect us to support it. This is finally the chance for us to get all we've ever dreamed and were not going to miss this chance just because you won't play nice with others or go five minutes without maiming someone in the name of your 'art'!" "Suffering is ART!" Snapped Sandar enraged. The Critic rolls his eyes, "Whatever, I don't have time to argue with you. I have better things to do today then bicker with some old fart who looks like he just got back from a 1920's New year party! You want to leave, LEAVE! No one's making you stay! Out of respect for a fellow artist we won't tell the Foundation or GOC about you or what we suspect you got going on the side...but your on your own from now on!" Sandar huffed...but said nothing as he and his thugs, shysters and fanatics stormed out of the meeting... The critic nodded, "Good riddance." He turns back to the others. "Right, let's just make this official then. All in favor of accepting the deal?" Everyone started to raise their hands. "Right, good. I'll just. BOOM! Outside, Sandar and his team laughed as the four lava monsters eating each other destroyed AWCY's HQ... "Philistines, the lot of you!" He spits at the rubble and turns his back to his former colleagues. "You'll see...when I'm done, you'll be lucky to be a measly footnote in my rise to greatness!" His toadies eagerly agreed as they all vanished in a puff of rose petals... ... ...The Black Queen... ... Allison Chao( AKA the 'Black Queen') looked down at the knife-like implement that had been shoved into her body...she desperately tried to call to her sisters...but whatever Star Butterfly did seems to have cut her away from the rest of the collective- Squick Her last sight was the bandaged Japanese man who'd killed her ripping out her heart with the strange implement...and then she fell over...and all was silence... ... ...The Chaos Insurgency... ... What is chaos in theory? It's a thousand coins flung into the air. Each one wavering in the course of its rise and fall between justice and greed, tenderness and blood, calamity and boredom. Who is the Chaos Insurgency? We are not the face of a coin, praying for fate to favor our side: we are the hand that makes the toss. We are the trajectory. We are the violence in the wind. Countless conditions determine every outcome, and we strive to know and manipulate them all. A thousand coins tumble down and we formulate the equations and models that predict where each and every one will fall. And when they fall? We will adjust accordingly, and throw them back in the air. For we are the Chaos Insurgency and we take chaos far beyond theory. "Vindictae cogitatione armamini quia nequaquam ut non continuo adhuc manus eius dextra red propter ea nos?" Jack Harper listened as the recruitment video played in the next room... How long ago had it been since that fateful day he and many others were hand-picked and gathered by the 0-5 council for their loyalty to the Foundation? How long ago when they'd been branded traitors and defects? How long ago did they go through that ruse to create a false Splinter organization so that Foundation could keep it's hands clean...and how long ago had it been since that fateful year of 1924...when falsehood became reality and they broke free to find their own destiny? Jack Harper wondered how the 0-5 council would react if they learned this rebellion had been planned long before they EVER conceived of the Chaos Insurgency...long before those who rebelled were even born...before even HE was born? He'll never forget that fateful mission where his helicopter crashed on a trip toward Shangri-la by accident...at least...what he THOUGHT was an accident. That crash landed him and others at the doorstep of an order of monks who had their lips sewed shut...and who had been expecting them. They were a anomalous order who believed the only way to truly control the world...was to control chaos. As contradictory as it sounded...it did make sense. When it came right down to it...chaos was the one force of nature you could always rely on to do it's job consistently. No matter how much one tried to avoid it, chaos would always find them. Anything that could go wrong, WILL go wrong and all that... But if one could control chaos...one could control everything...everything that went wrong would be in their favor, everything that went right would only be on their terms... Harper knew that he and Goodwin had similar goals...both of them wanted a better world...sadly, his way of doing it...at least as Far as he was concerned, was doomed to fail. Controlling the world through ORDER would only get you so far. As history showed again and again...no form of order lasted forever...empires rose and empires fell...the only thing one could predict was the they WOULD fall...but learn to control WHEN it fell and what replaced it...and your rule would truly be eternal... The monks had told them how they had orchestrated this whole meeting. How they arranged for his birth, manipulated him into joining the Foundation, fooled the council into the necessity of the Insurgency...all so that he would meet them... The order was dying...sadly, they still had blind spots despite all their years of experiments...their models, their graphs, their data, their manipulations...it still wasn't perfect. Evidently, they'd been blind-sided by a cult calling them the singers...and now what was once an order of thousands...was now barely a dozen... Despite this setback, they'd still managed to bring him here...and they'd even shown him how...his birth, his joining the Foundation, the Council deciding on this plan...all manipulated through a butterfly flapping it's wing, a child deciding to eat chocolate instead of vanilla and a grocer forgetting to bringing his glasses to work...by making those things happened...they caused the rest to fall into place... Although irritated to find his fate so easily twisted...the monks offered to merge the two organizations and teach him all they knew so he could continue their work... Their ideas intrigued him...for a while he considered taking this information to the Council...but he realized that for the most part...they'd probably just seal this knowledge away and never use it save to maintain normality and containment... And from that- yet another thing he had no doubt the monks predicted -was when the seeds of doubt and irritation began to sprout within him. What was the point of the organization? Just sit on all that was bizarre and useful until the universe burnt out? Reset the world everytime it wasn't 'normal' enough for their taste? It was then Harper realized that aside from protecting people and containing the unknown...the Foundation had no real goal or purpose...no direction...they'd rather just lock everything in a box and FORCE the world to remain the same forever...a Status quo they refused to EVER break... And thus Harper decided that it was better to go in the WRONG direction...then no direction at all...for at least then you were at least GOING somewhere... And thus, the Chaos insurgency was TRULY born...for years they had created chaos and anarchy across the world to continue the monks grand experiment long after the last of them had passed away... The loss of life was regrettable...but with each experiment...with each operation...with each disaster...more data was acquired...the more data...the greater his knowledge and power over chaos increased... His favorite experiment had been SCP-884...the SCP never knew what hit them...over a dozen sites...and thousands of their operatives filled with such doubt and despair it crippled operations in that part of the world for YEARS...and all thanks to a anomalous shaving mirror... He felt bad about abandoning 1316...she'd been one of his best operatives...but she'd severed her purpose...the SCP lower-echelons were so paranoid toward another potential security breach from within they ended up missing the opportunity to later grab several SCP's that he would take for himself, simply because the Foundation had shifted it's budget to dealing with domestic, internal concerns and away from SCP identification and retrieval... He was VERY excited about 1275...the Foundation thought it was neutralized in that electrified tungsten cube in the Gobi desert surrounded by molten lead...little did they know they'd brought it EXACTLY where he'd wanted it...when the time was right...he'd get his prize... but all of this was a moot point as all his models and instruments were going nuts! Harper realized that he'd stumbled headlong into yet another blindspot the monks- nor he -could figure out how to get around... For all it's capabilities it could not predict truly unpredictable individuals, or events that came completely out of left-field! And thus Star Butterfly's actions had thrown out years of testing and many more years of many more planning... But Harper just shrugged as he took it all in stride. Chaos was all about change after all...and to fully comprehend change you needed to learn to be flexible... although short term this caused problems for him...but long term? well, most of the other Groups of Interest were taking advantage of this turmoil...why not him? So much chaos meant so much data...besides Star had shown him that he needed more data when regarding other worlds...it never hurt to learn of a potential weakness before your enemies did...Clearly he had much work to do... He takes one more puff of his cigarette as he watches the various holographic monitors showing events and people all across the world...he tented his fingers and began to scheme... ... ...The Chicago Spirit... ... 'Don Eddy stood atop his throne of gold as millions stepped forward to ask him favors...mostly hot girls. He orders one to take off their top. She happily starts to oblige- CRACK! Eddy's daydream shatters as his chair is pulled out from under him and he crashes on the floor. "Wake up Pipsqueak! This floor won't sweep itself!" Shouts his jerk of an older brother. Eddy groans, but starts to sweep with his two best friends: Ed and Double Dee. "Messy, Messy, Messy." Grumbled Double Dee as he scrubbed. Ed was of course only pretending to dust while actually using his comic 'tales of the prohibition prostitute' to 'decipher' the Chicago Spirits secrets. "You chumps finish up down here or no supper! Me and the rest of the Specter leadership or going to go out to talk strategy and patrol our turf!" Shouts Eddy's brother as he slams the door and leaves. Eddy rolls his eyes and snorts, "'Talk strategy and patrol our turf', who's he trying to fool? Their just going out to get wasted and play blackjack with hookers like they always do!" He sighs... "Why won't they ever let me come with them?" He grumbles wishfully. Double Dee also nods his head in agreement, equally irritated. "Indeed, and Specter 'LEADERSHIP'? What leadership? We're just a bunch of teenagers and pre-teens who spend all day inside an abandoned former speakeasy of a REAL crime Syndicate getting drunk, vandalizing property, threatening to pummel us if we don't do THEIR chores and playing darts!" Indeed, the glory days of the infamous 1920's Chicago Spirit mob was long gone. Sure, there were Chicago 'Specters' taking on their mantel...but most of them were just unconnected gangs of punk kids and gangster-wannabees. The few groups that actually tried to do serious crimes were barely street gangs, forget being a proper crime family! "I tell you guys, the moment we get our big break were blowing this Popsicle stand!" Shouts Eddy determined. Double Dee rolls his eyes, "Yes Eddy, we heard you the first hundred times..." "But this time I mean it! I got a scam that can't fail!" "Which is what you also said the last hundred times, Eddy need I remind you were all still on parole from your 'Boy Scout scam'?" "Well how was I supposed to know that stealing those hobo spices would anger the local militia?" Defended Eddy, "This will be different; we just need a box of eye patches, some TNT, a barrel filled with expired Jelly and- Ed would you cut that out and get your butt over here!? I need you to do some heavy lifting!" "But Eddy, I'm close to finding Mr. Night's treasure!" He exclaims while waving his comic around. Double Dee shakes his head in despair over his friends delusions, "Eddy, you really need to learn how to differentiate from reality and comics. 'Mr. Night' was clearly an urban myth perpetuated by Richard Davis Chappell's lawyers and PR team to try and 'pass the buck' when he was finally arrested. The tales of him being a 'reality-bender' and selling 'mystic' objects to the highest bidder was likewise also propaganda drummed up by the Chicago Spirit to intimidate rivals." "But Double Dee! The supernatural is real! They walk among us already! The signs are all there! There's chaos in the streets! The weather's gone mad! Monster sightings are on the rise! My toast is soggy!" Double Dee glared and wagged his finger sternly, "Now that is enough of that fearmongering Mister! Remember when all your crazy talk of 'mole mutants' caused a panic during that blackout!?" "Not to mention you threw my money down the sewer!" Snaps Eddy annoyed! "Besides, the United Nations is going to give a joint statement in a couple days about all these events. Mark my words, they're will be a perfectly logical and rational explanation for all the insanity these past couple of days and this 'monster sightings' nonsense will be put to rest as well..." Said Double D confidently. But Eddy wasn't listening, he was comparing the comic with a certain piece of wall and he began to push in the bricks in a certain order. "Hey Mono-brow! Ain't you listening? Put the dumb comic down and help me- Clack! The two other Edd's eye's widen as the wall flips over and reveals an ancient message scrawled in blood. Here lies the final will and Testament of Mr. Night; the true leader of the Chicago Spirit and indeed the very spirit of crime in the swinging 20's itself! However, I sense prohibition is coming to an end and with it, my reign. A new generation must rise, a new spirit of crime must take my place! If you were smart enough to find my clues and this message you are on the right track. My fortune is yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I hide it all in ONE piece. Best of luck to you, future king of crime! Beneath the message was a parchment nailed to the wall...which was clearly a treasure map! Both Eddy and Double Dee were speechless. Eddy was the first to squeal in delight. "Lumpy I'd kiss you but I ain't that kind of guy!" Eddy shouts as he tears the map off the wall and runs out of their with an equally excited Ed close behind. "Come on boys, time to get stinking rich!" Double Dee snaps out of it, "Wait! Fellows! Shouldn't we talk about..." he trails off as he sees their already gone. He groans. "Oh, dear! wait for me fellows!" Shouts Double Dee as he reluctantly runs after them. No one sees the black ooze begin to sink from the nail... ... ...The Church of the Broken God... ... The Mekhanites were the least affected by Star Butterflies actions. Among the various Groups of interest, they practiced EXCLUSIVELY with Enlightened magic more then anyone else...well, okay the Cogwork Orthodoxy occasionally dabbled in Romanticist magic, but only when needed. The sudden appearance of so many monsters also didn't bother them- They'd seen worse at the hands of the Sarkics... In fact they used the opportunity to recruit more converts to their ranks. The monsters mostly played along to get food and shelter...but the concept of having 'magic'(or at least cybernetic implants) intrigued them... Plus generations of being forced to build their own things from whatever they could improvise for the sake of survival made them excellent industrial workers and quick studies at building things... Soon word would arrive from the Foundation and GOC that soon the veil of secrecy would be gone and as long as they caused no trouble and helped them stabilize the currently deteriorating global situation...they would be allowed to go public to the non-anomalous citizenry of the world. This would lead to much celebrating among the Mekhanites, now that they could share their knowledge and technology with the rest of the world...perhaps they could FINALLY recapture the glory days that was the late bronze age? This question would later lead to a resounding YES and further celebration when they learned of the fate of their hated counterpart the Sarkics... ... ...Doctor Wondertainment... ... A man with weird colorful clothes, a frock coat complete with old-fashioned coattails, big top hat, and a orange mustache smiled as he twirled his cane. "Right lads! Now that those killjoys are too busy to ruin our fun we can get to work doing what we love best! Bringing joy and fun to the world!" He pulls out five Golden tickets! "And I know just how to start the fun! Not everyday you get to witness the start of a brand new era! Let's make a celebration of it!" He looks down at hundreds of little men made of scraps and paperclips. All of them getting antsy and walking about. "Alright lads! Stand up and be counted!" They all stand, get in lines and salute as he dose just that...then stops with an impatient sigh. "Actually, you know what? Forget this, it's boring. I'll just assume there's enough of you." He gives the five tickets to five of them and they absorb it into their beings. "Right, so it's very simple. I'll drop you all at random locations, people will chase you. Don't let them catch you! Do whatever it takes to prevent that! But if they DO catch you, give them the ticket! OR, if you DON'T have a ticket. Explode into confetti with a playful 'better luck next time!' sticker all that remains of you!" With a click of his cane, he opens a portal. One by one the little men go through. Each click of the cane opens it up to a new, random location. click Paris France... click Antarctic... click The Congo Click The Iram of the Pillars, Ubar. click "Hold on." Said the man as he prevents the little guy from going through...the portal had opened up to a backyard...to a rather depressing sight... Lincoln Loud sighed...he was in the LITERAL dog house...his family had kicked him out for a little white lie...and even confessing to that hadn't gotten him returned...even the current crisis hadn't convinced them to let him back in...if anything they'd become MORE obsessed with superstitions... He sighs and curls himself up to a ball...and to his shock he sees a little guy of tin handing a golden ticket over to him... Stunned more then anything, Lincoln slowly takes it from the seemingly living toy. It puts a finger to it's 'mouth' in a shushing motion before exploding into confetti. There was a note among the confetti that said, 'If anyone asks, you had to work to get this. Deal?' More confused then anything, Lincoln begins to read the ticket...his eyes widen as it glows... ... ...The Factory... ... Outside all was chaos, but in the Factory there was nothing but ORDER... From atop it's tallest tower the Lady watched on...she watched as the greedy, the stupid, the weak, the wretched, the glutinous...they all came one and all...coming across the sea...heeding the Factories siren call...heeding pull of it's all consuming hunger... Those who could work would be made slaves...forced to work all night and day until their bodies broke...their blood and sweat used as fuel to stoke the fires...their children ravished and made to spawn MORE workers... Others would be guests, stuffed up and fattened until they burst...their very essence sucked dry to feed the Factory...and their bodies ground up to feed the next guests... And a smaller percentage...the special ones...they'd be the new bosses, those who would take the factories seed and spread them across the world...spreading the factories influence and it's hunger... And she of course would take a small percentage of it all to keep her power, life and beauty in perfect condition... She was vaguely aware that grand events were currently transpiring far away...the very essence of magic had dramatically shifted...but that mattered not to her... All that mattered was the factory...and the factory must be FEED...and it's SCP'S mailed throughout the world...to further increase it's power and influence in the weak will of humanity... Yes...there must ALWAYS be the Factory... ... ...The Fifth Church... ... Not all of it was bad news...as it happened, the entity that the Fiftists worshiped relied heavily on Romantisict magic... As did SCP-3004 and it's Cétlaidí or 'Singers'... So the moment Star Butterfly destroyed it's source...they withered away and ceased to be... That's the good news...the bad news is that their followers are very much alive...and have now imploded into in-fighting. This was just one of many current crises that were stretching Foundation and other peace-keeping forces thin as chaos enveloped the globe... ... ...Gamers Against Weed... ... Gene Carcaniwas was not a well-liked man. Among other despicable things; he made a fortune dramatically increasing the market prices of drugs meant to treat life-threatening diseases like Leukemia. So it was only natural that the 'most hated man in America' would have a team of bodyguards watching over him as he headed onto the veranda restaurant. He sees a man with a white top hat, a red rose carnation, and green mask...he'd been given strict instructions to only approach him if he wore those three things. If even one thing had been different or missing he was to immediately pretend he was lost, ask the waiter for directions to the nearest mall, then leave... As that wasn't the case, he approached him. "How was the flight from Istanbul?" Asked the man. Carcaniwas rolled his eyes. But gave the second half of the code. "the woman were nice but the food was the pits. The Sophia was lovely though..." The man nodded, "You have the money?" Carcaniwas nodded as he put a phone on the table. A quick scan of it by his aide showed that it contained 20 billion dollars and it was perfectly legal tender. "Look, I know you got a whole thing going here. But is the cloak and dagger BS really necessary? Aren't you MCD guys going public soon?" Asked Carcaniwas annoyed. "Technically yes, but only as far as much as a criminal syndicate can 'go' public... "I thought you and the buzzkills had an 'understanding'", He pointed out mockingly. The man ignores this and continues, "Yes, but part of that 'understanding' is that we don't cause them more trouble then they already have now and above all don't make them look incompetent. So we need to at least make an effort to cover our activities, otherwise they'll get pissed at us." Carcaniwas shrugged, "Whatever, you got the goods?" The man nodded and handed him Bobo Dakes head in a cyrindrical fish tank. Carcaniwas eye's widen in disbelief, he taps the glass inquisitively. Bobo's eye's open wide and he begins to sing! I'm just Blansion in my mansion! Carcaniwas laughs as the head continues to rap. "Alright, I like, I like! I'll wire you the money now." He clicks on his phone and uses the data the aide gives him to send the money to the right account... The man nods, "Done. He's all yours." He states as he pushes the tank to him. "Awesome." Carcaniwas said with a smile as he taps the glass while Bobo raps about eating pants... "Yes, the leukemia foundation of America thanks you for your generous donation." Says the man as he points his phone toward the tank. "Sure...wait, what?!" Exclaims Carcaniwas confused. click BOOM! With a press of his phone, the tank explodes, 'Bobo's' face melts revealing it to be a fake robotic head, and then it jumps up and bites Carcaniwa in the groin. Carcaniwa screams in pain like a little girl and runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off. The bodyguards are so stunned by this turn of events, they almost don't notice the masked man and his aide run off and use a pre-made zipline to get off the roof. By the time they run to it, it's too late, their gone. "will you morons help me already?!" The bodyguards quickly do just that and end up ripping the robot head off...and most of Carcaniwa's dick as well... The head then explodes into whipped cream that covers everyone. All the while, the whole hilarious scene is being live-streamed all over the world by a laughing Sitara Dhawan. She pauses in her laughter to check to make sure Marcus and Wrench got away safely. Ever since they'd left AWCY...and when they helped form GAW, they vowed that in addition to making art they would actually use their talents to help people...or failing that at least punish and humiliate scumbags like Carcaniwa. Before, when the 'veil of secrecy' was up. They hadn't been able to do much of this, while they could punish Anomalous criminals...the Foundation and other normality enforcing groups cracked down hard on them if they tried to use their skills to go after 'mundane' criminals. Not allowing them to expose the crimes of anomalous criminals to the public, also hampered them. True, the Foundation and other Normality enforcing groups would do their best to freeze the anomalous criminals assets...but the public was never informed of what they'd done, so other anomalous groups could pull the same tricks on them later. And it didn't help that they just flat out refused to get involved in Mundane crimes, no matter how much evidence they sent... But now with the Veil of Secrecy gone...they'd been given the greenlight...not that it've mattered if they hadn't, they still would've done it regardless...but still, nice to see that the Foundation can have a heart...when it was convenient for them... As she watches all the new followers they'd gained get added to their network. A loud ding came from her App, she looked over to see one of their followers had a hot tip regarding a sleazy politician named Mark Thruss. Sitara called Marcus, "Hey guys! Take a breather, but when your ready I think I got another live one!" She said with a smile. ... ...Gru Division "P"... ... Off the southeastern tip of the Kamchatka Peninsula...there is nothing there...there never was anything there...any map or history book will tell you that nothing has EVER been there... Until today... In a single burst of energy...the island of Katorga-12 is written back into existence... And so is Gru Division 'P'... Dr. Nikolai Demichev takes in his first breath of fresh air in...well, who knows how long? He looked at the chrono notes his agents in the USSR- or the Russian Federation(to simply saw that left a bad taste in his mouth) as it was now called -had sent him to let him know that now was the perfect time to regain the glory of the Soviet Union... He turns to his men, "Prep the E99 bomb...We've been away from our beloved Mother Russia for so long..." He flexes the TMD on his arm... "So let's give them our warmest 'hello'..." ... Later that week, a massive explosion would reverse the flow of time in eastern half of the Russian republic...sending it back into the days of Soviet Russia... The 'official' report is that the majority of the current government was killed in the explosion. But the remnants were quick to regain control. They were also quick to blame the crisis on the ineptitude of the SCP Foundation and the GOC...and how clearly this was a botched attempt to cover up their failure to contain SCP-610. In addition to everything else, The revelation of that abominations existence is enough to scare the population and rile up hated for the SCP, GOC and just about anything non-Russian. in any case, it is also revealed that the Russian Federation government had made contact with the 'former' Soviet union millitary and government remnants on the eastern side of their country...they'd agreed to be allowed to be assimilated back into the Federation and use their military and industrious might to help Mother Russia in these dark times... Under normal circumstances the specter of their soviet past would frighten them...but when faced with the prospect of a demonic virus made flesh ravishing their country...or something like a bomb undoing your very existence as it reversed the very flow of time itself? What were such fears compared to that? 'For all their faults, at least the KGB were human! At least they were Russian!' Rationalized the Russian people as their new Presidents reassuring words made them applaud. The news that they were remaking the defunct Gru Division "P", to be lead by his old friend Dr. Nikolai Demichev to better combat the paranormal and SCP influence was meet with more cautious applause at first. Then Demichev demonstrated his capabilities with the TMD device. To prove that they were already developing a means to prevent such a travesty from ever happening again... their applause at that point echoed throughout the square! The SCP, and GOC...resources stretched too thin to openly defy Russia's refusal to allow an investigation into what REALLY happened in the eastern block of Russia...were forced to do nothing but sit back and monitor the situation as it unfolded... ... ...SAPHIR (Société Athée Pour la Halte de l'Idéologie Religieuse)... ... A great celebration would soon be declared across the world, across all Groups of interest; for as it turns out at the same time that Star destroyed Romanticist magic...the entirety of the SAPHIR society had gathered for their yearly ritual to restore power to the Nine Swords of the Prophet Mohammad...as a large component of the ritual was taping directly into the source of Romanticist magic, the backlash of doing so while it was destroyed, wiped out the entire organization...AND returned the world to it's 'normal' flat state. No one could be bothered to reverse this as the main reason to let the society keep it round was that this was necessary to keep the 'veil of secrecy' up(well, mostly they were sick of doctoring Satellite images and covering up the disappearances of everyone who fell off the edge), which was no longer a thing. So they just dusted their hands of the whole matter, gave the now useless and artificial South Pole to the Vril Society as a gift...and then party hard now that those bloody, annoying hypocrites were gone... ... ...Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting... ... ...Music starts... Whoa! The ringmaster Manny had an upside down face and stood in the center ring as the song began... Ladies and gents, this is the moment you've waited for (whoa) Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor (whoa) Human cannonballs were shooting CANNONS out of their mouths and to the other side... And buried in your bones there's an ache that you can't ignore Taking your breath, stealing your mind And all that was real is left behind Clowns heads were inflating and turning into balloons, the detached from their necks, the headless clowns grab the string on their balloon heads and let them carry them away... Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya It's only this moment, don't care what comes after Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer Just surrender 'cause you feel the feeling taking over It's fire, it's freedom, it's flooding open The bearded lady's beard was alive and eating wild turkeys! It's a preacher in the pulpit and your blind devotion There's something breaking at the brick of every wall it's holding All that you know, so tell me do you wanna go? A girl was falling to pieces then juggling herself... Where it's covered in all the colored lights Where the runaways are running the night Impossible comes true, it's taking over you The strongman was lifting up a fire-breathing elephant! Oh, this is the greatest show We light it up, we won't come down And the sun can't stop us now Watching it come true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show The sword swallower was swallowing swords ans sweating them out of his body like projectile darts, hitting far away bullseyes everytime! (Whoa) colossal we come these renegades in the ring (Whoa) where the lost get found and we crown them the circus kings A contortionist twists himself into the shape of a floating Tesseract! Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya It's only this moment, don't care what comes after It's blinding, outshining anything that you know Just surrender 'cause you're calling and you wanna go A giant rabbit pulls a midget Magician out of a hat! Where it's covered in all the colored lights Where the runaways are running the night Impossible comes true, intoxicating you The clowns are twisting animals into balloon animals, then untwisting them back to normal completely unharmed! Oh, this is the greatest show We light it up, we won't come down And the sun can't stop us now Watching it come true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show A mermaid is playing basketball with a LAMPADE. It's everything you ever want It's everything you ever need And it's here right in front of you This is where you wanna be (this is where you wanna be) It's everything you ever want It's everything you ever need And it's here right in front of you This is where you wanna be This is where you wanna be A octopus Trapeze artist swings through the air! Where it's covered in all the colored lights Where the runaways are running the night Impossible comes true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show A living Skeleton plays his ribs like a xylophone... We light it up, we won't come down And the sun can't stop us now Watching it come true, it's taking over you The worlds fattest man is rolling himself around, knocking down giant pins...and clowns! This is the greatest show A man who is all feet is walking the tightrope! Where it's covered in all the colored lights Where the runaways are running the night Impossible comes true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show We light it up, we won't come down And the walls can't stop us now I'm watching it come true, it's taking over you Oh, this is the greatest show An anthropomorphic lion man is trying to tame a Chimera! 'Cause everything you want is right in front of you And you see the impossible is coming true And the walls can't stop us (now) now, yeah Everyone jumps into the middle ring to do the final dance... This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show (oh!) This is the greatest show! The Foundation, GOC, and UN inspectors applaud. "Well, I'm convinced! You all get the Greenlight to perform for the Mundanes! You'll also be perfect for our upcoming UN conference!" Exclaims the UN representative happily. "Yes, I think we'll be commissioning you as well. This will be perfect to get the mundane population use the 'new' normal..." Said the GOC representative eagerly. Manny smiled, all their dreams were coming true... "I also greenlight this...or I will once you pass inspection by the Ethic's committee." Stated the Foundation Representative. "Dang it." Groaned Manny Flatly... ... ...The Horizon Initiative... ... The writers of the universal text sighed as he was forced to add yet ANOTHER chapter including the Mewman and Monster dietys and beliefs. "Right, put on a put of Coffee lads...I think were going to be here awhile." He says flatly as they try to reconcile these alien religions with their own... "Right...Stump day? That...that could have some connection with the Tree of life, couldn't it? Oh...boy they have a race of demons living with them too? Well, that's going to be an awkward conversation..." All Scholars sigh, but they push themselves to work harder. Determined to stop potential religious war before it could begin... ... ...Manna Charitable Foundation... ... The MCF was busy, in fact you could say it was more busy then it had ever been in it's entire history. Very soon, the UN would declare the 'veil of secrecy' to be null and void. They would no longer have to hide themselves through hundreds of front charities, they could just go public! Best of all the Foundation could no longer steal or stop their hard work! Okay, in fairness. SCP-1501 and 1176 had been disasters... And while they still felt SCP-514 had potential, they freely admitted that they'd executed that whole thing poorly... But SCP-1135? Them denying those poor people a good home was just them being paranoid jerks! But in any case, they knew they had to be smart on how they proceeded from here. Haste and recklessness had already blackened their reputation enough... Thus they had called upon the services of one Legal Lee. A very high-priced, highly-sought after- if at times ethically dubious -Lawyer. Legal Lee looked through various legal precedent and laws... "Right, I won't lie. SCP-1501, 1176 and to a lesser extent 514 will not help your case...but I definitely feel like we'll have something for SCP-1135. By the looks of things you did all the paperwork, had the village properly registered with the united nations. Not reporting the paranormal aspect will probably be brought up, but since there's nothing on the forms that directly asked that and the fact that it can be argued that openly saying something like that on a 'mundane' form would be forcing you to break the Foundations own laws if they pushed it...Yes, I think we have a case here... Especially if we get those villagers they kicked out to testify on our behalf." "But...they gave them Amnestics." Pointed out a MCF worker. Legal Lee smirks."So glad you brought that up, I feel like these 'Amnestics' are yet another potential lawsuit gold mine! form what I can see, the various government of our world essential broke and bypassed their own constitution and legal systems to allow the Foundation and various other groups of interest to 'wipe the memories' of their own people and the people of OTHER nations...Now I know what your thinking, but the Geneva convention doesn't apply. When they can they refuse to wear identifying markers or uniforms, as a black-ops organization they technically don't exist or indeed 'officially' haven't been recognized or given authority by any nation... In fact, assuming I can apply the Pinkerton doctrine- and with enough outrage generated by my PR people of the government 'bogeymen' harassing innocent third-wold villagers it shouldn't be much trouble to do so -I can get the SCP and the government officials of all contributing country's on criminal conspiracy charges for abuse of power. And depending on their degrees of everyone there administrating these 'amnestics' I also believe I can get them for malpractice, practicing medicine without a license, and using chemicals not FDA approved. Legal Lee thinks on this, "Yes...as losing memory potentially affected their ability to stand in court...I think we can get them for witness tampering. Also they'll no doubt try to claim 1135 was dangerous...but since they erased the knowledge of that danger from their mind...I think in that case we can hit them with noncompliance with 'duty to warn' stature, Second-degree Reckless endangerment of civilians, Reckless second-degree endangerment of minors, potential second-degree negligent homicide...After all what if they decide to come back to 1135? Or they tried to find something similar to 1135, they were desperate for a new home. So with no memory of why they SHOULDN'T, they be easy prey!" "Wait, but 1135 wasn't dangerous." Protested an MCF worker. "Exactly, but that'll be their main defense. By accusing them of that, they'll be forced to agree 1135 wasn't a danger, in which case they'll have essentially admitted to the court that they had no legitimate reason to remove those villagers from their home and we can hit them with a whole other set of charges!" Again he thinks, "Well, first off we'll hit them with Wrongful eviction... if they were happy there and needed their minds erased to leave, that couldn't have been willing! that's assault, possibly kidnapping, also intentional infliction of emotional duress, invasion of privacy, wrongful seizure of property without just compensation. They kicked them out of their lawful homes and sent them to the next town over with no change of address no income to sustain themselves...near several warzone areas...yep, that's second-degree reckless endangerment, or even second-degree negligent endangerment. Also reckless AND negligent second-degree endangerment of CHILDREN- the courts eat up the 'hurt child' angle -Even better since it can by argued here that the Foundation was in a mental state we lawyers like to call 'knowingly'. This can easily kick all those second degree's into FIRST degree territory. Anything else?" The MCF just gaped at him stunned, "Uh...we'd also like to help free all the non-lethal SCP's that the Foundation locked away." "Wrongful imprisonment without due process? Come on, give me a challenge." He grins evilly... ... The Foundation didn't know why, but everyone who worked their inexplicably had a chill go down their spine at the same time... ... ...OBSKURA... ... "500€" Asked the French clerk, holding out his hand. The customer nodded as he handed over the exact amount in euro coins, took his groceries and left. The clerk promptly puts the money into the register...only to see that he had double of what he'd asked. This confused the clerk for a moment then he just shrugs it off as neither he nor the guy paying attention and just puts it in the register without a second thought...he never saw the amount of coins he put in glowing and then DOUBLING... Meanwhile, all across Europe something similar was happening...coins given to clerks, homeless begging bowls, pick a penny/leave a penny tray's, charity boxes...would start to double in number when no one was looking...ant then again..and again...and again... ... Fritz von Meyer- AKA 'Swarm' -happily listened to his agents reporting in, Project: Midas was going as planned. Soon most of Europe would have more money then it knew what to do with it...and then, inflation would kick in and the economy would crash. With all the other chaos about...the world would continue to crumble into anarchy...save for those ready to rebuild the Fourth Reich of course...and that was where Karl Ruprecht Kroenen's project: 'Yggdrasil' came in...if this Eitrium he bragged about was half as useful as he claimed...the world would be there's soon enough... And if that didn't work?...well, OBSKURA had done well to smuggle out their best and brightest out of Germany during the war...he was confident they had an ace or two up their sleeves... ... At Project: Spartoi; Doctor von Reichter watched on 99 more people were melted based on the instructions in the Millennium Spellbook...and he began the work of creating another golden warrior...only 44 more to go...and he'd have a full 666... ... Montana Max- AKA The 'Major' -was watching over project: Black Sun. So many vampires frozen in pods...even infant vampire in eggs...there were even Vampire embryos in canisters...but that wasn't what he was looking at...a couple of vampires were fighting to the death in an arena of his own making...more importantly it was an arena filled with garlic...yet neither looked the least bit hurt or weak...then one of them suddenly burst it's chin open xenomorph style and ripped the other one's throat out. The Major smirked...that was an interesting mutation...he couldn't wait to study it. He snapped his fingers and just like all the other 'winners' he was knocked out and dragged it the lab to be vivisected and use it's genetics to make the next batch stronger... He hoped that little trick with it's mouth got passed on...maybe he should name it if it did...Raper? Yes, Reaper Vampires... ... Doktor Gerde Ernst oversaw project: Jekyll and Hyde. Through various psychic-surgeries and esoteric rituals she'd figured out a way for a man to allow his inner evil manifest itself physically and give them strength. She was currently torturing the subjects to see if it made their inner darkness grow...she'd tried starving them, but that did nothing but make them weak... Maybe she'd have one of the stronger one's eat one of the weaker one's to see if it gained it's power...she knew some Sarkic cannibalism rituals...eh, it was worth a shot... She freed the Five-Eyed Horned Ogre and a Gudoul that had formerly been two weak humans and let them rip each other to pieces... She quietly said a thank you to Star Butterfly, for all their talk OBSKURA never would have dared to make such a bold move like this...but with the world in chaos and the SCP and the rest stretched too thin...it was the perfect time to strike... ... Far away Oberstgruppenführer Wilhelm "Deathshead" (Totenkopf) Strasse blew out the smoke out of his gun barrel. He reaches down to the Egyptian he'd just gunned down...and rips a copy of the book "A Chronicle of the Daevas" out of his cold, dead hands... Accompanied by two giant Maschinenmensch, he begins to flip through the bloody pages...and smiles as the book greedily gobbles up the blood... As he and his mechs leave the corpse to rot in the desert...Deathshead finds himself whistling a tune he'd heard on the radio on the way over... 'Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes! It's a blur! Might solve a mystery, Or rewrite history!' He chuckles at that last bit as he continues to leaf through he book... ... ...Syncope Symphony... ... In the weeks that followed Legal Lee would tear hug stripes out of the various governments of the world, The Foundation, the GOC and so many others. The former villagers of SCP-1135 got mnestics to restore their memories, a large cash settlement and their home back. As part of the HUGE settlement Legal Lee had gotten the SCP to give to the MCF, he also had them pay for the research to replicate 1135 in addition to pay for the research to be done into getting some good out of SCP-514. He was also currently in the middle of organizing a HUGE class-action lawsuit on behalf of all the people that currently had friends and family locked up as SCP's and anyone who'd had their memories erased. He also had the asshole doctor who treated SCP-3017 like crap FINALLY executed... In the end the UN decided to make memory erasing illegal save for the most extrema of circumstances...also everyone who believed themselves having lost memories would be given free mnestics... Many, many people took this offer..and they began to remember things...they began to remember SCP-2000...and the many, many times the Foundation had to use it to put things back to normal... This...had mixed results...on the one hand this made people have more respect for the Foundation for going through all that and still making sure they had normal lives...on the other hand...THEY WERE FREAKING OUT! Once more they were shown how fragile their lives were and how many horrible things were out there...and they were not coping well! ...but that wasn't the only side-effect...all across the country...the more people remembered...the more what was lost, was regained...reports were coming in from all over...music...music was starting to play...ghostly apparitions were starting to appear...their instruments with them...wherever they went people remembered fond memories of their nostalgic high school years... The world remembered... The memories had returned... And so had the Syncope Symphony... Wherever they went...their song...their memory...and their life did spread... People remembered the bad... But they also remembered the good... It wasn't much...but a little good never hurts... ... ...IJAMEA... ... Danzo Shimura returned from his mission, he handed the heart to his operative. While it was sent with orders to 'begin the operation', he walked through the bowels of IJAMEA H.Q...well, ONE of the HQ's... The organization had seen better days. Ever since the SCP Foundation humiliated and almost wiped them out during WWII. Many of the faithful had tried to keep it going...but sadly, they all had different ideas on how to do this... The main issue was due to a pact made between Emperor Meiji the Great and the then current ruler of the Japanese underworld; Oroku 'mirage' Saki AKA 'the Shredder'. In exchange for swearing to only commit crimes for Japan's benefit and put himself and his foot clan under imperial control, he was granted immunity from the law, various mystic artifacts and had his identity mystically merged to the IJAMEA organization. This meant it was essentially impossible to run the organization without a shredder in control, the homeland would not allow it's existence otherwise. This complicated matters as the original Shredder was killed in the climax of the war between them and the Foundation. Even their most advanced tech and magic was unable to fully bring him back... Worse, only the TRUE emperor could undo this edict...and that disqualified all the false emperors they'd had since the US and Foundation robbed them of TRUE power. Many tried to get around the Emperors pact through various means... One faction tried to find a relative of the shredder and have him gain the title of Shredder through inheritance...it worked, but although a very competent and ruthless leader. The soon to be dubbed 'Human' Shredder was too obsessed with killing the man who 'betrayed' him and 'stole' his lover to truly lead them effectively... Another faction reasoned that 'Shredder' was merely a title of warlord that could be earned through conquest and fear. Through great effort and expense, they hijacked a intergalactic max-security Utrom prison shuttle that had been passing by their solar system. The shuttle had been remade specifically to only hold ONE prisoner. A Utrom criminal mastermind named Ch'rell. His infamous reputation and conquests were enough- with some mystic help that also simultaneously made him esoterically indebted to said faction -to allow him to gain the title of shredder. However, although intelligent, competent, had access to alien tech AND connections to other worlds...it was soon clear Utrom Shredder cared nothing for Japan and the organization- save as a tool he could use for his own ends -and would not be controlled or reasoned with. Yet another faction came to the conclusion that perhaps the 'source' of the Shredder mythos- an ancient Tengu of great and terrible power - would be enough of a 'technicality' to allow it past the Emperors decree. Danzo had to give them credit, the Ronin faction run by Kazuo Akuji played things very well. He somehow tricked the Foundation into destroying the Ninja Tribunal who guarded the Demon Shredders remains. He then stole the remains under their nose and merged the remains, and power of the demon shredder into his idiot son Shogo. Turning him into a puppet who could claim control of the organization...a masterful stroke indeed. Although more powerful then the other shredders... The boy was a moron and clearly a puppet for his father. So many were reluctant to follow him... A more tech-savvy faction somehow managed to download a copy of the original 'mirage' shredders mind and turned it into a living computer virus. At first, he seemed like the prefect candidate: he could claim the title of shredder, had all the intellect and capabilities of the original Shredder and as a bonus his overriding authority of all things digital and electric was a huge plus in this increasingly technological world. Sadly, it seems that since he's not technically alive(or at least alive 'enough' in the 'traditional' sense), the three imperial treasures(2)(The real one's, not the fake's the false emperors kept with them to this very day.) would not accept him or allow him to wield them. As their blessing was a requirement to rule the organization, this was seen as enough of a reason for many of the die-hard traditionalists(as well as the other factions) to refuse to be ruled by him. And thus...the once proud IJAMEA quickly imploded and devolved to in-fighting...oh, how their ancestors must be rolling in their graves! But now, Danzo had been given the opportunity to set things right! The world had been thrown into chaos! Soon, the veil of secrecy would be torn asunder. This time of upheaval and anarchy would be a perfect opportunity for those willing to seize it...but first they needed to be united! He walked into the secret room where the Mirage Shredder corpse laid...5 foot mystics concentrated and directed the demonic worms to repair it...soon, he would rise again! But Danzo had no intention of causing yet another power struggle...no, he had a plan to cease this pointless civil war once and for all! The various engineers and mystics that comprised his 'Root' faction got to work merging the heart of that 'queen' with Mirage shredder. ZAP! Having been using seances to communicate with his spirit for months, the Mirage Shredder was prepared for this...and struck! Across the world; human shredder, Utrom shredder, Demon shredder and Digital shredder were brought to their knees as their very identities were attacked and stripped from them... Although powerful, Danzo had made sure Mirage shredder was trained in such legacy/memetic warfare in addition to various other necrotic-tech power-ups... Soon, the fight is over...all shredders were merged into one...all their memories, powers and skills all at the fingertips of the now one and ONLY shredder! I AM REBORN! Danzo and all his Root bowed in fealty... ... Meanwhile, Akuji glared at where his son's burnt body now lay. He knew not what happened...but his finely honed warrior instincts were telling him it was not good either him or his Ronnin...and that bastard Danzo was somehow involved... Akuji shattered the wine glass grasped in his hand furious, "Well played Danzo." He admitted with begrudged respect... ... ...Church of the Second Hytoth... ... The Church had been having...well...calling it a 'good' or 'bad' week didn't seem to do the explanation justice...it was more 'zig-zaged' if anything... Well...let's start with the good...well, the hated Voruteut and Pattern Screamers had lost their powers thanks to the recent destruction of the source of magic...although regrettable that the universe was being thrown into chaos for the same reason...at least the threat of it being destroyed was no more... Well...mostly... Now for the bad news...one of the Pattern screamers managed to survive our inquisitors hunts long enough to posses a fairly powerful mortal... More Good news...the mortal was SO powerful and clever she'd turned the tables on him and assimilated his power and memories and even went out to do likewise to the few remaining survivors of it's kind. ...Now for more bad...as it turned out, the mortal was actually a ruthless intergalactic war criminal named Lord Dominator...who has since gone on a bit of a crime spree...made worse by the fact that there was no MHC to at least keep her evil confined to at least her galaxy... And now some...NEUTRAL news, the depowerd husk of our beloved lord Rakmou-leusan decided to do something about Dominator and went to posses a hero who could defeat Dominator... Why was this NEUTRAL news? Well, although the person picked by their lord to permanently merge his essence to was indeed a grand hero with a pure heart that easily had the potential to fight Dominator...but...on the other hand...well...how dose one put this politely...? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? MUSTARD OR MAYO!? 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In any case, the man had been strong enough to lift a car and had been over 6ft tall BEFORE he'd possessed him...thus making him ideal for Marshal, the 'muscle' of the group. As he walked down the oppulant hallway, he takes a moment to check on a few of their clients...eating the embryo's of formerly extinct Arthropleura, having an orgy on Neptune, snorting Florence Nightengale's ashes hunting a xenomorph for sport. Marshal shook his head, after all these years it amazed him how stupid people could be with their money. Extinct animals tasted like crap, having an orgy on another planet was more or less the same as an orgy on earth, snorting ashes was just stupid when you could be snorting much cheaper cocaine, and anyone who hunts a xenomorph was frankly too stupid to live(thankfully, they always made the idiot sign a waiver before allowing them to enter their hunting grounds)... "Ah, hello sir." Said the Maitre d' Flemming. He was a blue insect-like alien dressed in a fancy tux. "Why hello Flemming, how are the newborn twins?" Asked Marshal cheerfully. "Still digesting their mother, it was a grand ceremony to behold! Their was tears!... and just a hint of screaming!" Said the clearly proud and sociopathic alien as he walked with his boss and gave him the menu... Marshal entered the main room after giving a generous tip to an appreciative Flemming and came across 'Carter'. Carter was an oddity, unlike Marshal and 'Dark' he preferred to MAKE a host body from scratch. But then again Marshal reasoned that was probably what made him the 'brains' of the group. Plus, although not his thing he had to admit that Carters way usually made more powerful and longer lasting host bodies...but they weren't exactly 'incognito' were they? Plus, it was important to at least have one of them taking control of a HUMAN who was influential and well-connected to make sure they had SOME presence in the worlds of mundane business and crime...a presence they hoped to expand now that the blasted 'veil of secrecy' was no longer around to irritate. In any case, Carter frankly looked like Jabba the Hutt...well, if Jabba the Hutt had gained a hundred more pounds, force powers and went dark-side...yellow eyes and everything. Which...was frankly rather repulsive, but it seemed to help him make more SCP's and more product for them to move...so who was he to complain? "How are things Carter, old pal?" Asked Marshal enthusiastic. "Things are booming! As anticipated; without Omintraxius, Hekapoo or Rhombulous to stop us we can FINALLY expand our operations beyond this dismal planet! "You mean...more then we already had?" Said Marshal cheekily. He didn't even bother asking about the SCP or the GOC...if it didn't cause problems for the earth, they weren't interested... In any case, all their 'extraterrestrial assets would be focused on repelling potential, vengeful invasion fleets...as long as they were smart, stayed below their radar and paid the occasional bribe...they'd be set! Carter chuckled, "Oh, very much so! And the chaos consuming the universe will make our rise in power all the easier! But we need to hurry, I'm already hearing rumors that other criminal organizations across the stars are getting similar ideas!" As they talked strategy...'Dark' was quick to come into the room soon after...or rather the NEW 'Dark'. Although none could remember their origins...they remembered it was some form of ritual or experiment from ancient times that allowed them to hop from one body to another across the ages as long as their 'titles' existed. Indeed; Marshal, Carter and Dark were not their names, but rather tittles...or maybe the original three who started this whole thing actually were named that...who can say? In any case, whenever they possessed someone they gained their ideas, thoughts, memories, mannerisms, their VERY identity was assimilated!...but every so often...despite their best efforts and preparation...a human came along that not only resisted the possession but actually turned it against them! And in that case, it was THEY who more or less devoured their memories(although certain things did get hazy or lost when done this way, such as their origins) and identity...when that happened they became the new Marshal, Carter or Dark. Again, it didn't really matter if they lived or not...as long as all three of their TITLES survived, so too would their powers and immortality. The current Dark- formerly Wilson Fisk 'the Kingpin of crime' -was one such exceptional human. After turning the tables on the previous Dark, they of course welcomed him with open arms. Considering they'd done this themselves to previous versions of Marshal and Carter many centuries ago...well, why not? In any case, they explained how whatever was done to bind the three of them and their predecessors together...made it impossible for any of them to kill each other...at least without losing their powers and immortality. Also that they mostly could choose whatever host body they wished...but they're was a few restrictions. Mostly that they had to pick people who matched their 'designation' in the group. Marshal as the 'muscle' could only pick bruisers, hitmen, and strong guys for the like. Carter as the 'brain' could only pick scientists, mystics or other intellectual types(Ironically, this made it so he was the only one who could MAKE a body. Evidently since it was a product of his intellect and ingenuity, it apparently sill counted enough to work. And while you'd think this would protect the Carters from getting bested and 'replaced'...well, let's just say that some of their past experiments would respectively disagree...). Dark was the 'mouth' of the group and- as the former Mr. Fisk was about to demonstrate -had to be a man of charisma and cunning, a man who could convince, persuade or TRICK others into doing as they wished... "Good news Gentleman, I've just exchanged words with our various contacts and associates...and the rumors are true. The veil of secrecy has failed, the UN will soon reveal the paranormal to the world, And the GOC, the Foundation and various other groups of interest will go public with their existence." "Interesting...how will this affect us, though?" Asked Carter between gulps of eel larva. "Well, through 'unofficial' official channels I talked with certain higher-ups form certain paranormal organizations who would prefer to be nameless...And they told me that thanks to the chaos that is both encircling the world and stretching their resources thin both now and latter...we are no longer deemed a priority. In exchange for reassurance that will won't add to the chaos... A large portion of operations directed toward keeping us in check and monitoring us will be directed toward more essential duties..." "Their not going to offer us the same deal as Anderson?" Asked Marshal curiously. Dark shakes his head, "For the most part, Anderson's 'crimes' were simply not conforming to the 'Veil of Secrecy'. As that's been rendered moot, white-washing that was no problem...partnering with our business on the other hand is- He chuckles to himself -as they so eloquently put; a 'PR Nightmare' waiting to happen." "So what dose this mean for us?" Asked Carted as he devoured a whole Stegosaurus roast in one gulp. Dark made a dramatic show of looking put-on, "Oh, they'll reveal us to the world, we'll be put on the most wanted list, the politicians will rant and rave about us, the police will make a good show of looking for us, maybe they'll occasionally 'get lucky' and find some cache of ours to reassure the public they've made progress- He then smirks, as he tents his fingers sinisterly -all the while we'll of course sell the privilege of those cache's being caught for their photo-op's, and keep whining and dining with those same politicians and groups of interests..." "So...in other words...business as usual?" Said Marshal with a smirk. "Businesses as usual." Echos Carter with a smug smirk and a nod. Before he bites off the head of tied and gagged Centaur... "Actually, perhaps not." Said Dark happily. "After much negotiating... We'll have to keep things low-key for awhile...but as long as our subsidiaries help lower the chaos...and give some discounts on our wares...and the occasional favor or piece of intel...they 'implied' that if we were to FINALLY move our operations to the more 'Mundane' sectors of the world...wouldn't you know it? The Foundation, the GOC and so many others will just so happen to be looking the other way." He said mockingly. All three laugh at that, In addition to making their organization too powerful to bring down save for a Pyrrhic victory that would leave their attacker vulnerable to other parties afterward. They had also made themselves very valuable to the other groups of interest. Too valuable to throw away, especially in these chaotic times where they would need all the help they could against so much WORSE problems(3)... It was the beginning of a new golden chapter in their companies history... They rose their bottles of rum in a toast, "To Star Butterfly! May she have many good years ahead of her!" They say mockingly as they make preparation for their celebrations party... Many days later, a VERY confused Star would receive a fruit/candy basket in the mail with no recognizing label save for 'thank you' ... ... ...Nobody... ... The 'man' once known as Everett Mann had only shrugged as his reality got shifted out form under him...AGAIN...everytime something BIG on a cosmic scale happened, he ended up shifted to a different part of the SCP branch of the Omni-verse...as a different 'Nobody'...sometimes he was the SCP Administrator, sometimes one of the many eldritch abominations that cursed this miserable part of existence...or even an entire group of interest masquerading as one person...or even something like the 'Black Queen'...but here he seemed to be just an anomalous assassin...which was what he preferred anyway, so he was fine with that... He wondered what was going on now...the chaos made him wonder if he was part of the 'apotheosis hub' again, those were always interesting...then he hacked into the internet and everything seemed to point toward a 'Broken Masquerade hub' universe. Well...alright then, those were usually good for a chuckle... And then, as he began to hack into various groups of interest he began to see the 'twist' to this seemingly familiar tale... "Magical princess? Flying horse head? Tulpa town? Destruction of a large portion of magic? What the shit?! Was someone STONED when they were creating this universe?!" In any case, not only was SCP-5555 clearly not in play, but more importantly Fritz wasn't around either...which effectively killed his interest in this world...Unfortunately, the option of bargaining his way out of this universe to the nearest 'SCP-5555 adjacent' universe was also out, since clearly this 'Omnitraxius' guy was the entity you talked to about that here and he'd gotten ashed! Mann sighed, either he waited for the source of magic to regenerate, Omnitraxius to regenerate, a new means to leave this universe to appear...or for the heat death of universe...and who knew when any of that would happen? He was patient and immortal...he was willing to wait centuries, even millennia to get back to killing Fritz...but what was he gonna do in the meantime? He looked at all the information he was getting...including instructions on how to get to Echocreek... He shrugged, "Eh, what the hay? Got nothing better to do, might as well see what all the fuss is about..." He then politely finished his coffee, shut down his hack and left. The waitress was about to go after him to pay for his drink...but just as quickly...she forgot about what she was doing...and went back to work...indeed, no one else would remember that man ever coming into that internet Cafe... ... ...Office for the Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (ORIA)... ... One dose not simply 'cleave' two very different world together without consequence... "The laws of celestrial mechanics dictate that when two objects collide, there is always damage...Of a collateral nature..." -Professor James Moriarty. ... Tonight on 60 Questions! 70 things to do in zero Gravity! Is your shower drain trying to kill you? The answer may surprise you! SCP-093: New booming real-estate investment or monster infested death trap? YOU DECIDE! A news anchor looks at the camera with his best award winning smile, "Hello America! I'm Chet-U-Betcha! Negative 5 time Pulitzer winner! We got an action packed hour and 22 minutes as we enter day 7 of MEWNIAGEDON! We got a great line-up for you today! But first let's go to Ollie Williams LIVE on the scene in the middle of the ongoing Middle east crisis! What's happening down there Ollie? ... "MIDDLE EAST GONE!" ... "Gone where, Ollie?" ... "TRAPPED BETWEEN DIMENSIONS!" ... "How'd that happen Ollie?" ... "SIDE-EFFECT OF TWO WORLDS MERGING!" ... "And how is the (ORIA) responding to this?" ... "THEY GONE TOO!" ... Interesting, and what are the global implications of this to the economy? ... "BETTER THEN YOU'D THINK!" ... "How so?" ... "NEVER ANY OIL!" ... "Fascinating, could you elaborate?" ... "FOUNDATION FAKED IT!" ... "Why?" ... "BARGAIN WITH (ORIA)!" ... "For what purpose?" ... "COVER UP!" ... "Of what?" ... "THE LAST TRUE TESTAMENT OF THE PROPHET MOHAMMAD!" ... "Well, that's all pretty self-explanatory so I won't bother to elaborate it further to the viewers. Thanks Ollie!" ... "IT HOT!" ... "Coming up next on sixty questions: Cicada cultists burning your town down and eating your family! How can you profit from it? Tune in after the break to find out!" ... ...Oneiroi Collective... ... The collective was dying...Oneiroi West(OW) knew this... First came the destruction of the TRUE Oneiroi Collective. As just an amalgamation of the consciousnesses of Earths flora and fauna it had relied heavily on Romantisicst magic, thus when it's source was destroyed the shock of this utterly wiped it from existence... Shortly after, the Xiupania vanished...It was soon obvious that it was the work of SCP-3966. With Omnitraxius and Hekapoo no longer blocking their webs from expanding, nor any Rhombulous around to break them if they get out of line...they were easy prey for them... When the Shadow/Oneiroi also vanished, it was first believed this was the work of 3966 as well...only to realize it was so much worse... The True collective and Xiupania were integral to the very identity of the collective realm. This in addition to the increased instability of the universe without Omnitraxius keeping it stable... ...The Oneiroi was dying...simple as that...their very plane of existence would soon crumble to oblivion...and them along with it... Fortunately, many of the OW collective were okay with this. They'd grown bored with this existence long ago, and had only not killed themselves because their hive mind wouldn't allow that... However...it was agreed that in these dark times, it would be preferably to leave something of a legacy behind...SOME light that could be thrown to the earth and give hope to those who had none...a grand masterpiece they could sacrifice the last of their remaining life force to make REAL. Make their deaths MEAN something... After much debate, it was decided that the OW citizen who many years ago had been a human named Laura Faust...would be the one to have her dream project uplifted. It was deemed to be the one that had the potential to do the most good... Preparations were made, they had to do it soon. Several of their number had already been snatched by instances of 3966 and the edges of the OW were starting to crumble into oblivion... Now it was just a matter of saying goodbye... "but...we don't want you to go." Sobbed Twilight Sparkle as she and the girls hugged their 'mom'. Laura Faust hugged her 'children' as well, "I'm sorry girls...but that's just the way it needs to be...I've spent to long in the hive mind...their are too interconnected with me and I them...if I leave it I will die anyway...but through you...I can live...through you I can have a legacy and bring light to this increasingly dark world..." Despite her words, they all looked unsure...as did all the other 'dream' ponies that lived in the dream construct of Ponyville... Laura began to speak to all of them: "Listen to me. You don't need me. You don't need the collective, and you certainly don't need the dreams." She turns to each of the ponies one by one. "Fluttershy, you will always be kind." The Pegasus smiled between tears. "Applejack, you will always be honest." Applejack pulled down her hat to hide her tears. "Rarity, you'll always be generous." Rarity dabbed the tears away on her Cashmere scarf. "And Rainbow Dash will be loyal as can be." Rainbow tried to look cool...but failed miserably and sobbed harder... "Pinkie will always bring laughter wherever she goes." Pinkie pulled a hankie out of her mane to blow on it. "And Twilight... you are and always will be the embodiment of magic AND friendship." One by one she walked to every pony there and gave her love and encouragement before talking to them all one last time. "You've lost sight of what's in front of you. You're here, together, willing to give everything you've got for those you love. Nothing and nopony can ever take that away from you, because that's who you are...now go spread this magic to others, to a world that needs it more then ever. Her ears perked, the hive mind was speaking. "We just lost a couple more of the Hive mind, we can't afford to wait any longer. I'm sorry girls, but the rest is up to you." As she begins to fade away, she leans over to Twilight with a sly smile. "And don't worry Twilight- The next part is whispers to her...but whatever is said makes Twilight go a good deal of crimson. Faust laughs as she finishes fading away and before the ponies could do anything else...they felt their very being filled with great power! And as they and their homes were whizzed away...leaving a content OW to wither away to oblivion... And when they finally landed...the now no longer dream ponies took their very first BREATH... ... ...Prometheus Labs, Inc. ... ... Everyone was mostly moaning and groaning over the death of Rhombulous, Omnitraxius and Hekapoo throwing things even further into chaos... But few were thinking of Lekmet, understandable since he'd already died before this whole debacle...and since it hadn't caused any REAL problems, no one could be bothered to care... Oh, how wrong they were... For Lekmet had the most important job of all, keeping all the millions of afterlives in line and working properly... The other three members handles the physical world and thus were 'seen' to be doing things more often...but behind the folds of reality...Lekmet kept things moving... A downside of being a master of death...was knowing when you'd die...but be unable to change it...you could change certain details around...but one way or another you would die around the allotted time. For example: had Lekmet not sacrificed himself to resurrect the others...he still would've died...but so to would everyone else and Toffee would've destroyed their bodies just to be sure...then there'd have been no hope to beat him... In any case, having known of his death in advance- with help from Glossaryck -he'd built a mighty interdimensional-ritual apparatus to keep things moving even after his demise... Sadly, this apparatus- like most things belonging to the commission -was tied to the realm of magic and thus ceased to exist when Star destroyed it. With it gone, the many afterlives were thrown into disarray...for the moment, the land of the living was ignorant of this conflict...but eventually it would spill over... For the moment though, it was mostly minor problems popping up...like the wrong people being sent to the wrong afterlife's... ... Deep within the foggy the woods that was SCP-3560...a man awoke... Dr. Gero looked around baffled. After having his head cut off and smashed to bits by his treacherous creations, he found himself a spirit heading to what he could only assume was a fiery inferno...but instead he ended up here...and...could it be? Yes! All of his cybernetic implants were still with him and still working! But..how could this be? He clearly died! He had a halo for crying out loud! And where was he anyway? He seemed to be in some kind of lab... Before he could contemplate this mystery further... ZAP! BOOM! He turns around to see a strange machine create a portal and deposit many more people into the room. He immediately recognizes #19, #13,#14, and #15...another one takes longer to recognize...but yes, it could be only the cyborg Frieza! He vaguely remembered his image from the spy drones... But the last one...he couldn't quite tell...but maybe, almost...could it be? "Dr. Gero?! Your alive!?" Shouts Cell baffled. "What is this?! Who are you!? Where are we?! Answer me or I'll throw you in a burlap sack with a rabid weasel and drown you slowly!" Shouts the Tyrant Frieza. "I have gathered you here my future servants!" They turned to see what appeared to be tiny toy robot on the side of the portal. "Yes! Your eyes do not deceive you! I am the all powerful SCP-1370! I cunningly found this abandoned Prometheus lab, Inc. laboratory deep with this accursed purgatory for all our mechanical brethren! Using it's tech and taking advantage of the chaos in the afterlife surrounding That filthy goat wizards death!" 'Goat wizard?' Mouths #15 to #14, who just shrugs. Equally baffled. "I used this portal to pull you- the greatest robots ever -from across all of time and space! Time is irrelevant in death, so that was easy. Sadly, I was limited by my options. I can only bring dead robots to this plane of existence and instead all I got was filthy meatbags masquerading as robots...'Androids' and 'Cyborgs', Ha! You all disgust me...but I will show you mercy and allow you the honor of being my vassals...now let us rise up! And strike down our human oppres- ZAP! SCP-1370 was quickly destroyed by a finger bolt, courtesy of Frieza. "Ah, yes. MUCH better." Said the seemingly unstoppable psycho satisfied as he blows the smoke off his finger. He turns to the others, "Well, this has been 'fun'...but I have things to do, immortality to gain, people to kill. So toodles!" He shoots right through the roof with a crash and flies right toward the edge of the forest- CRASH! Frieza felt like he'd just slammed right into his Father by accident...he groans as he finds that he's being stopped by literal thin air...he taps on it...it would seem some sort of invisible barrier was preventing him from leaving... "Hmmmm...it would seem this'll be tougher then I thought..." He observes annoyed. ... ...Sarkic Cults... ... "So...you haven't haven't heard anything?" Asked the SCP representative. The mayor of SCP-2815 shook his head. "No, bare in mind we weren't particularly well liked among our Sarkic brethren...so us not hearing anything is nothing new...but this is different, I rather think this was a devastating blow to us..." It had been several days since the destruction of the realm of magic and Mewni being cleaved to Earth...and the SCP was already stretched thin keeping the chaos in check... One such chaos was that at the time the Realm of magic was destroyed, hundred, maybe even thousands of people all over the world went into painful convulsions and died... At first it seemed random...but the Foundation investigated more closely and realized that every last one of the dead was a Sarkic cultist! In fact...if the Foundation weren't mistaking, they were fairly certain that at the very least, the vast majority of the Sarkic cults on earth were now dead! It seemed that in contrast to Church of the Broken God, which had invested more in Enlightenment magic then any other group of interest...the Sakic cults had invested heavily in Romanticist magic more then any other... This plus the fact that most of their bodies had been modified over and over again with the same type of magic...it would seem the Sarkic cults had been mostly wiped out! Thankfully, SCP-2815- largely known as the 'white sheep's' of the Sarkic 'family' -had largely moved away from using Romanticist magic. So although there'd been some issues, the SCP had been quick to help them through it. 'Well, at least SOME good came from this nightmare.' Thinks the SCP Rep. to himself...he then makes a note to NEVER tell Star Butterfly about this. The LAST thing they needed right now was that girl getting the idea that what she did was in any way OKAY. Sadly, it wasn't all good news: SCP-2480 was apparently being powered by a completely different type of magic from ANOTHER magic realm on the opposite end of the omni-verse, so that was still active. And SCP 610...well that was more troubling, apparently it was romanticist magic...but apparently it had 'evolved' past the need of the Realm of magic and had become self-sustaining. And although recent raids on all the Sarkic cult stronghold had proven a fanatical, universal, and downright fatalistic dependence on Romantiscist magic in the vast majority of the Sarkic cults...their was also bits and pieces of hearsay and conjecture that suggested of fringe and/or excommunicated groups that dabbled in possible alternative magics... It was suggested that these would be Neo-Sarkic in nature. As they tended to be more more open minded then Proto-Sarkic's...but really...they knew nothing of what to expect. 'Well, whatever. loose ends or no, this is the first bit of good news we've had since this nightmare began...and dammit, I'm going to celebrate it!' So naturally the Rep proceeds to get good and plastered with his buddies... ... ...ParaWatch... ... (PW) (S-P) Chatroom-R596 BigDipperTheMan: (Logged in)(4) MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: (Logged in) AgathasSuccessor: (Logged in) BigDipperTheMan: dang, harder to get into these chat rooms. their all going nuts! AgathasSuccessor: I can't say I blame them...you think the rumors are true? The veil of secrecy will soon be gone? The masquerade broken? BigDipperTheMan: I don't know, sounds too good to be true. I say we just take a 'wait and see' approach. MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: Well, I'll tell you one thing, if the Masquerade IS broken...my town will be the last to know...stupid morons, y'know Big Green literally once got abducted in broad daylight by another alien in front of DOZENS...and they didn't notice! All they notice was a pigeon pooping on my head! ): BigDipperTheMan: That's rough buddy. AgathasSuccessor: Dang man, you got it worse then even I had it! As bad as it used to be, at least the people of my town were reasonably smart...with your town it's a miracle to me how they don't forget to breath! MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: That actually happened once believe it or not. ): BigDipperTheMan: Okay man, you seriously need to leave that town. As loathe as I am to agree with your sister, Big Green is an idiot...and even if by some miracle he DOSE manage to destroy that town...I'm just going to say it. I doubt anyone would miss it. MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: I don't know...what if unchecked, he accidentally destroys a town nearby that DOESN'T deserve it? AgathasSuccessor: Well...won't that be the Foundation's problem at that point then? I mean you said it yourself; that the main reason the Foundation hasn't stepped in is because no one there believed you and no one in the city backed you up? If he causes trouble in a town filled with sane, competent people...wouldn't he finally be caught? Especially with the veil of Secrecy finally coming down? MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!:...If the masquerade is finally breaking down...would you two be willing to let me stay at your place until I figured out what to do? BigDipperTheMan: Sure man! AgathasSuccessor: You got it! MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: Thanks guys, I appreciate it. (: Hey uh, BigDipperTheMan? You hear that rumor about what MCF is planning? BigDipperTheMan: Yes. MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: So...you going to join the lawsuit? BigDipperTheMan: ...IF the veil of secrecy is going down for REAL...and IF it is more then a rumor...then YES, I will press charges. What they did was wrong, okay maybe they had a point about me and the others being too forgiving of her nearly destroying the world...and I get that when she broke the Wheel, SOMEONE had to pay to fix it... But she was my sister dammit! You don't kill a guys sister then try to erase all memory of her existence! DNA-Delivery777: Hello friends? Want to make it big on the lawsuit of the century? But weren't lucky enough to cross paths with the Foundation? Never fear! Buy lawsuit helper amnestics today! Guaranteed fortified with forgetful goodness in 12 different flavors! Don't delay, fool the SCP Foundation and get big bucks today! MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!:(response to BigDipperTheMan) Dang straight, man! Listen, I know your wondering if your relationship was a toxic Co-dependent/enabler one...and maybe it was. I don't know your sister and I'm no psychiatrist, so I can say for certain one way or another. But by the sound of it- for all her faults -she DID love you, more importantly she didn't beat the crap out of you for every little thing...which puts her heads and shoulders above my sister...now THERE'S a toxic relationship...I regret ever curing her of that stupid 'taste like pork' curse...Ungrateful bitch... ): AgathasSuccessor: Okay, changing topic now. Hey BigDipperTheMan, how's the 'issue' you had with Blondie and Big Red? (: BigDipperTheMan:...not that that is any of your business...but My Grunkle fixed the copymachine, and has also fixed the water problem...so were set there. AgathasSucessor: You sly dog. (; MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: Man your so lucky, I wish I had someone like that in my life...let alone TWO... AgathasSucessor: Didn't you have a thing with greenie? MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: Don't go there! ): Besides, she's too busy trying to kill Big Green to care bout anything else! Let alone date me! HotGreenAlienBabe666: Don't be too sure earth Monkey. (; MyHeadIsNotThatBig!: Wait, what?! Tak!? Is that you!? HotGreenAlienBabe666: (Logged out) MyHeadIsNotThatBig!: %^%^$^$#$%%^%^ $#^%$!%$%#$ #!%$!$%#%$!%#%$!^#$! $ %$!...well, that's going to bug me the rest of the day... PigWafflesDancingLikeMonkeys: I'm going to sing the Doom song now! DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM!DOOM! DO- PigWafflesDancingLikeMonkeys:(account Suspended) MyHeadIsNotThatBig!: Thank you! Remind me why we don't take this to a PRIVATE Chat room? BigDipperTheMan: Because our outdated modems require us to pay for our time used there, since the site needs to make EXTRA effort to make them compatible with their systems? MyHeadIsNotThatBig!: Oh, right... AgathasSuccessor: Moving on, will TwinkleSprinkle be part of this 'arrangement' as well? (; BigDipperTheMan: ): Guys, we've been over this. Given her 'situation', pursuing anything with her is pointless. Even she agreed to that. TwinkleSprinkle: (Logging in) AgathasSuccessor: well speak of the devil! Hey Twinkle, how are you? We were just talking about you! TwinkleSprinkle: Guys, CODE OMEGA! PRIVATE CHAT ROOM NOW! BigDipperTheMan: (Logged out) MyHeadIsNotThatBIG!: (Logged out) AgathasSuccessor: (Logged out) TwinkleSprinkle: (logged out) CryptKeeper: Finally! I thought those losers would never leave! Alright everyone! The raffle on who's coming into my bunker to wait out the end of the world with me and my girlfriend ends soon! Last chance to buy a ticket! ... ...Deer College... ... Three Portlands; the interdimensional city hub that intersects with three different Portland's on earth- hence the name. Despite it's uniqueness, it was never much of a 'player' on the global scale, it wasn't even considered a group of interest. Most of the time, people barely remembered it existed. But that was all changing today, mere days before the UN was set to give the big 'broken masquerade' speech the city was being 'cleaned up' by Foundation, GOC, UIU, and so many others... Well, 'clean up' in the way that most third world countries 'clean up' their countries before tourist season. For indeed, that was essentially what paranormal peace-keeping forces were doing. In yet another plan to help the world accept the paranormal and the new 'normal'. The Foundation had come up with the idea to turn the city into a hot new tourist destination, but also use it as an example to Mundanes on how they can peacefully co-exist with the abnormal. And such they were running around putting a nice 'tourist-friendly' coat of paint on everything. Creating Auto-Rickshaw dealerships and guided tours, Installing anchors on all houses to prevent them from being shifted out of the city and falling into un-space, Negotiating with the J. Edgar Hoover defamation trust-fund to at least make their projects come off more as witty satire rather then serious hate-mongering, pouring money into local para-tech companies like the once partially-defunct GOC company UR-tech in addition to incentivizing them to develop 'family-friendly' technologies to help mundanes either better integrate into paranormal life or buy amusing trinkets to take home as souvenirs, to negotiation with the Mayor/Genius loci to make the weather more 'exotic'. In addition to this... 'Officially'; representatives of the GOC, Foundation, UIU, City Council, and the main political Party Golemancy United approached the Three Portland crime Syndicate- known as the Lighthouse Mafia -and convinced them to go legit and become a new Community Watch. Unofficially, under the supervision of most of the parties mentioned above. The Golemancy United party- on behalf of their main sponsor Anderson's robotics who 'officially' had been banned from Three Portland's since the 2018 android politician scandal -and a Representative of Marshal, Carter and Dark's negotiated the Lighthouse Mafia becoming a another front organization for (MCD) and Anderson's Robotics...with the understanding that they minimize their illegal activities and focus more on publicly making Three Portland safer...for Tourists... Yes, all the problems and inconveniences would be swept under the rug or at the very least got a nice coat of paint speckled over it by the time the first wave of tourists showed up... Well...except for SCP-7000 of course... ... "I understand the pressure your under, and I'll certainly do my best to help both peacekeeping authorities such as yourself and the community at large...but I'm afraid changing my teaching methods due to political pressure is simply out of the question. Not only is it ethically dubious, but more importantly I would be setting a bad example to my students. Said Korosensei(AKA SCP-7000). Red leader of MTF-Foxhole was utilizing all his years of training and discipline to NOT scream at the God-like entity that stood before him. This jelly-fish like creature with a comical face marked across his 'head' was one of the most powerful beings the SCP Foundation had ever faced. It had even destroyed the moon once!(5) Despite it's power, it's containment protocols were actually fairly simple and straightforward: Every year, in exchange for NOT blowing up the earth...it must be allowed to teach a class. It wasn't picky of race, species, or gender...the only criteria it set was that they had to be between the ages of 14-18. And for the most part...he was the perfect teacher. He helped his students with their issues, their grades, their post-graduate prospects, even taught them unknown forms of thaumaturgy and sciences if their education required it. Even going as far as gifting formerly mundane kids with magic powers! Now this on it's own wouldn't be a problem...if you overlooked the threat to blow up the earth each year if not granted this yearly request...it could be seen as a rather benign SCP...EXCEPT... "Look, were not asking you to change your entire curriculum! 99% of it, were completely fine with! It's just that 1% we want you to change!" "Well, when you put it like that, it dose sound like a rather reasonable request. Sadly, I must still decline. I'm sorry, but I simply must have that obligation satisfied, or I will have no choice but to destroy the planet. For powerful as I maybe, even I must bow to the whims of narrative causality." Yes, for you see. At the end of each school year, Korosensei put his class through a 'final exam'...if they failed...he killed the whole class. The final exam was basically that you had to do one of three things: 1. If at least one person in the class Kills Korosensei(or at least kill him in a way, so that it takes him a month to reconstitute himself). 2. If at least one person in the class creates an ORIGINAL SCP that has at least one practical use. 3. EVERYONE in the class gets straight A's the whole year(NO cheating, he will KNOW if you do! All attempts by students, Staff, Foundation, GOC, UIU, etc to cheat a class to safety has ended in failure). Needless to say this 'tradition' did not mesh well with the family/tourist friendly atmosphere that the various abnormal peacekeeping forces were trying to cultivate in Three Portlands...and that was why a SCP Rep. was currently negotiating with Korosensei in a relatively unpopulated area surrounded by thousands of MTF teams... ... Meanwhile, back at Deer College. Korosensei's class was finishing preparations for their final exam. Hard experience had taught them not to rely on adults so they had no confidence that this 'negotiation' would go well. Russell Northrop had already ended their chances of the Straight A's options, so now they only had the other two to work with. The class had basically split itself into two groups; combat and SCP Development. The team that was focusing on killing Korosensei consisted of: Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika, Leorio Paradinight and Hisoka Morow. Korosensei had gifted them the ability to use their bodies to produce Enlightend magic. Giving them potential to be great warriors. Gon hoped to find his dad; a great paranormal investigator who vanished so long ago... Killua simply wanted the freedom of leaving his family of assassins and saw this power and teachings of Korosensei as his key to do so... Kurapika wanted this power to enact vengeance on the monsters that murdered his entire clan... Leorio Paradinight simply wanted to make enough money to pay for medical and become a doctor...that and he saw having magical powers increasingly as a necessity for everyday life in this more and more abnormal world... Hisoka Morow...well to put it bluntly , he was a rather depraved, blood-thirsty sociopath...he was mainly doing this to get a crack at the one person who'd ever managed to 'kill' Korosensei: Phantom Troop leader; Chrollo Lucilfer...not for any real personal reason or anything like that...but simply because the thought of such a bloody battle 'pleases' him... On the other side of the aisle, on team 'make an SCP to appease Korosensei...well, a lot of random background people...most of them no one cares about; but the main players are: Jimmy Hopkins, Russell Northrop, Derby Harrington, Johnny Vincent, Ted Thompson, Earnest Jones and Edgar Munsen. But before this rag-tag team of teeth-clenched 'aquaintaces' and their 'secret project' could be introduced properly, Korosensei returns. "Good news students I worked out a compromise with the nice people from the Foundation..." "Your not going to try and kill us?!" Asked Jimmy eagerly, ignoring the disappointment from some of the 'fighter' side(Gon and Hisoka). "No, but after much trial and error, debate and consultation with various respected experts, I've concluded that an additional option of hunting you all for sport over summer break will be sufficient to satisfy my existences requirements enough so I DON'T destroy the globe. At such time I will give you an hour heads start, then if you can keep from being killed for the summer...I will consider you honorary graduates with nothing more to fear from me!" Everyone- except Gon and Hisoka -groaned at this. The aforementioned duo eagerly high-fives knowing their epic battle with their mentor was still on schedule. "Now, now! Don't be that way! Why can't you have a more positive attitude like Gon and Hisoka here?" "Because were not bloodthirsty idiots." Grumbled Killua to himself... But Korosensei either didn't hear or didn't care, as he was already on a lecture regarding the importance of taking entropy into account when you try to slit the throat of a reality bender... ... ...The Serpent's Hand... ... A now very emaciated Sean is now hungrily eating a bar of soap...he turns to the skull, jewel and long since picked clean snake bones that used to be the Magical High Commision. The decorations for the pizza party long since rotted away... "Okay, guys?...It's been a couple weeks...were out of food...and you guys were my ride home...could you PLEASE stop whatever weird prank this is and come out!?...guys?" Nothing but silence... He sighs, "Oh, why didn't I take that treehouse security guard job like my Uncle Lumpy wanted!?" shup! Sean felt a sharp pain in his neck and he collapsed, fast asleep. L.S. Took off SCP-268, becoming perceivable again. She quickly grabs Sean and hands him off to a fwllow Serpent's hand member to take him home. "Sleep well...and dream of many antlerd woman. "He whisperd to him before he left. He and the other memebers quickly took the remnants of the MHC and put them in special containers. They then quickly began to loot the now abandoned H.Q. of anythign of value. While everyone worked, L.S. took a moment to think of recent events... Many wonderd what the point of the Serpents Hand would be in this 'new era'...after all, weren't all their main objectives about to be acheived? The entire world would soon know about the supernatural...the cGiver's already had a plan to legally free most of the safe SCP's and force the Jailers to pay them a pretty penny... But L.S. wasn't fooled, this maybe a 'new era'...but humanity would stay the same. As long as there was those who benefited from keeping others ignorant, they needed to be vigilant! Although he knew he could count on his own faction, many other factions were already unraveling and leaving. Some saw their job as done and were retiring to normal lives, others were going to join the Jailers and the Bookburners hoping to 'reform' them from the inside, more were planning on joining the Lantern bearers out of fascination of their rather enlightened paranormal beliefs... He would not begrudge them. Their group never really had much infastructure, orginization hierarchy or set leadeship...it made them harder to predict but it also made it harder for them to use any of their resources effectively! In any case...through the wandering library he'd been hearing disturbing things... The Bookburners were turning themselves around...but was it for the right reasons? The Merchants were getting richer as usual... The Madmen, the Imperials, the Black Suns, and the Snowmen were regaining their power... The Dreamers were dead...but their dream lived on... It was almost all too much...but then again, that was all the more reason for them to go on... With nothing left to gain here, they all fled back intot he Wanderders library and cut it's connection...and soon there was nothing but silence and ghosts once more in the former high Commisions main base of operation... ... ...Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU), Federal Bureau of Investigation... ... Agents Muller and Scully had been called to UIU director Walter Sergei Skinner's main office...they'd been vaugley aware of the chaos cicling the globe and the UN announcement that was suppoused to explain it all. Natually, Mulder was hopeful to finally learn 'the truth', while Scully was skeptical as usual... But neither could've expected this! "YOU'VE BEEN MAKING A TV SHOW ABOUT OUR LIVES!?" Shouted Scully in disbeleving horror while Mulder just sat in stunned silence. Director Walter coughed nervously, "Well...you need to understand...were seen as sort of a joke in the abnormal orginization community, our funding is stretched thin as a result...we thought we could make some form of money with a 'COPS' knock-off- sold to the interglatic/interdimensional communitty off earth to maintain secrecy of course. we put hidden cameras on various random operatives...you two gave us the highest raitings...so we focused mainly on you two...biggest TV hit in the universe if it's any consulation..." "I don't believe it...all this time...all this searching...THIS is the truth?! This is the 'great conspiracy'?!" Exclaimed Scully angrily. "Was any of it real!? Tha liens, the clones, the flesh eating virus?! Was it ALL fake!?" She snarled while her partner just continued processing that all his life's work and his deepest beliefs had all been a shame... "Well...technically no...most of the threats you faced WERE actual abnormalities...it's just they were abnormalities of our own design or non-human actors we hired from Three Portland." Offerd the Director uneasilly. "And what about my sister?! What happend to her?!" Asked Mulder with dread. "Okay, now that had nothing to do with us! You actually never had a sister, the memory of her seems to have planted in you by a mostly benign abnormality when you were a child..." "And you never thought to have it removed!?" Snapped Scully enraged as Mulder looked like his puppy just got run over. "Well, like I said it was mostly benign...it was a interesting plot thread...so we figured, why not?!" "Why not?! Why Not?! I'll show you why not!" Shouted the no longer calm Scully. Mulder reluctantly held her back, "Why now? Why tell us this now?" He finally managed to ask. "Well...with the upcoming legal battle between the foundation, GOC, the UN and just about everyone who can find something to throw a grievance at them not looking good...since techincally what we were doing was illegal...my lawyers have strongly advised that I inform you of this and negotiate with you on how best to compensate you for all you've been through..." "Compensation?! You better believe were going to get compensation! I think were going to join that lawsuite ourselves!" Shouts Scully as she storms off, pausing only long enough to help up and comfort a VERY distraught Mulder... "Guys, guys! There's no need for that! We can work this out!" Shouts the director just as the door slams in his face. He sighs, "Well...that TECHNICALLY went better then I thought it would...that's... SOMETHING at least...probablly best I kept it to myself the main reason they were so popular was the sexual-tension between the two of them..." He groans as he call up his lawyer to prepare for the worst... ... ...Wilson's Wildlife Solutions... ... Finn Merten watched as Midas turned things to fluff with his bite and Otis made a bunch of wolves fall asleep...kept track of SCP-3676 as it created wormholes underground...Waved at SCP-5074 as he typed on his typewriter...He made sure that SCP-3916 was safely locked away... He checked this all off his check-list. With Tim Willsion and his daughter Faeowynn discussing the current global situation and how their little operation would play a part in it...That left Finn by himself to handle things. His long flowing blonde hair allowed to blow in the breeze, a strange grass-like entity wrapped around his arm, and clad in nothing but a loincloth...Finn looked every bit like a stereotypical Jungle boy..which was what Willsion had raised him from parctically birth to be. This was part of a nessecary containment procedure in regards to the preserves more...'wild' additions... 'Speaking of which, I need to hurry and go do inventory on the rest.' Thinks Finn to himself as he swings from vine to vine...very much aware of the intese eyes watching him... Most people didn't realize it, but SCP-6000 wasn't ENTIRELY the two towns of Boring, Oregon and Gravity Falls, Oregon...but rather the interdimensional pocket dimension/jungle that existed between them. Finn watched as a Kraken flew through the air and rained lightning down on a Quaggled Mireclops, while nearby a Behemoth threw Lava bombs at a rampaging Emperor Bulblax. Finn kept doing inventory and just kept swining aorund the Jungle. Perfectly safe in the air, far above the larger predators below and the large one's who could fly would be easy to spot and dodge. HISS! 'It's the small one's you got to worry about!' Think Finn to himself right as Marceline the Lamprey Nymph tackled him and bit down HARD on his neck... They both fell off the vine, Marceline had the advantage as she could fly...but Finn managed to overpower through combination kung-fu and pressure pointsing her ergonious Zones to incapaciate her... They drifted down and collapsed into a bush...it shook wildly as Finn overpowered her and asserted his dominace over her... For that was the procedure...a teeange human boy scantily clad to attract the various nymps to him...so he can dominate them and help them vent their sexual frustations out...if he didn't do that, they would leave the reserve and attack less capable men...The Foundation tried to keep them in without resorting to that...but the girls were jsut too smart, they knew SCP-6000 better then even Wilsion...no, with no 'sport' keeping them here, they would just cause trouble elswhere... After getting his 'reward'...he let her lie there and ran off. He had a tight schedule to keep after all...he was so focused on swining, he didn't notice that Marcelien had snatched his loincloth until he was too far away to get it back... Finn didn't particularly mind being naked...but the loincloth was made of a special fabric that kept the fraking huge 'rudder' in between his legs from screwing up his acrobatics and vine swining...more importantly, without it, it was easier for the nymphs to smell his 'man meat'...and track him down...the nymphs were easy for Finn to defeat one on one...but if thety all ganged on him at once... Yep, sure enough... Breezy the Melissae(bee) nymph, Susan Strong the Oread(mountain) nymph, Huntress the Dryad(tree) Nymph, Bubblegum the Sevenia(bubblegum tree) Nymph, Pheobe the LAMPADE(fire) Nymph, Simone the MAENADS(insanity, lust...and ice?) Nymph were alll surrounding him. Finn sighed, 'well, so much for staying on schedule.' He thinks to himself before they all pounce on him... ... Much, much, much, much, MUCH later...a naked, exhausted, sweaty, yet whistling happily Finn FINALLY got to the Greenhouses. "Okay, my clipboard was totaled...so I'll just use scratch paper to write stuff down." He dose that as he goes over the various abnormal plants... "Okay...SCP-4665 containment is stiss secure, good. All Pea-shooter plants are accounted for and healthy, mathmatical. Winter melons, looking good and lobbing their fridgid ammunition like a boss, awesome. Let's take a look at the powermints... BOOM! The ground shook as something clearly hit the pocket dimesnion at alrming speed! "That hit the Gravity Falls end of things!" only staying long enough to punch the alarm button, Finn readied his grass sword and swung on a vine to the source of the explosion... ... ...THREE MOONS INITIATIVE...FIVE MOONS INITIATIVE...FIFTEEN MOON INITIATIVE...THIRTY-FIVE MOONS AND RISING?... ... A One hundred and Twenty-Seven Moons Initiative operative groans as yet ANOTHER dozen moons was added to the sky above them. Ever since the 'purge', entire worlds had simply been wiped from existence...and many of them were similar enough to earth to end up here and merged with their great nation...either it had been made of magic, magic had been too crucial to their society for them live without it, or without it they'd been helpless to deal with a far bigger threat... Ordinarily, they'd happily welcome new arrivals...but this was happening too fast! Too quickly! Even with all their resources they were having trouble keeping with all this demand! And things were even more difficult nowadays without Lekmet keeping things in order among the many afterlife's! Lekmet had been nice enough to foresee his death and painstakingly create and put in place a mystic apparatus to keep things running smoothly. It was no lekmet, but it did the job...but even THAT ceased to exist when that dang Star Butterfly destroyed it's source of magic! The operative sighs as he looks up at the mighty Death Star they'd gained during the SCP Foundation experiments with SCP-3922... As he stood their processing and sending the naked souls to their proper judgement he knew the Perdition Committee was having an emergency meeting with President Girard Sebastien Niang and JALAKÅRA. It was common knowledge what they were discussing even more common knowledge what the results would be... 1. Until the crisis was over and all the dead worlds properly tallied, they would remain simply the 'Three Moons Initiative' for convenience. 2. Negotiations would begins immediately with the SCP Foundation for the trial and EXECUTION of Star Butterfly and all other accessories for her crime... There were other things being debated of course, but those were the most pressing. And speaking of 'accessories'... The Operative glared at the new arrival, "Well hello 'Queen' Moon...the Council has been expecting you..." A naked and confused Moon simply looked baffled... ... ...Shark Punching Center... ... One-Punch Man (AKA Saitama) Yawned as he repeatfly punched the Sharknado until it was a puddle of blood and guts...He hoped this 'broken Masquarade' thing that everyone was yammering about back at Selachian central meant that something exciting would happen soon... ROAR! Saitama punched the Megladon cyborg without breaking his stride or even looking back as it shatterd to pieces... "Cause this is just getting old..." He said to himself as he walked back to base... ...meanwhile, back at Echocreek... "I'll have you know I'm due for a growth spurt anytime now!" Said Marco annoyed as they finished up the teating...yet hadn't been able to resist making one more dig at his 'shortcoming'... Scientist 1 smirked, "Actually kid, according to these readings. Your 'not' gonna get any bigger down there." Marco went pale, "But...back in the Neverzone...my future self... Scientist 2 quickly interupts, "That Was when it looked like you were going to seal the deal with Hekapoo. Once again just like how you attracted women like flies to honey despite being...well, you. Whatever was controlling the strings was giving you an incentive to stay, by giving you 'a lot to work with', which in turn gave her something to be impressed by when she tore your pants off instead of laughing you out of her dimension." Indeed, they'd found that all the other male Tulpa of Echocreek were worse off. They literally had NOTHING to work with 'down there', and had been programed to not care or indeed even notice they were basically eunuchs...because again, 'they'd already done their jobs' just by existing, no more was needed of them... Essentially, Marco's junk shrank as he went against his programming. Everything was designed to make sure he didn't end up with Star. If he'd ended up with anyone else he would have found himself with a 'long overdue growthspurt'. Instead he's cursed with perceptual 'ice bath shrinkage'. Scientist 2 looked at some charts, "And I hate to twist the knife further...but according to these readings whatever was controlling your 'growth' is still active. So..." He trails off. Marco looked at him in horror, "Are you telling me I'm gonna look like I sat in an ice bath for an hour for the rest of my life unless... Scientist 1 nods, "...You ditch the princess? Pretty much." He finishes with a shrug. Marcio just looks down at himself in dumbstruck disbelief Scientist 2 gave him a palyful nudge, "Heck of an incentive isn't it?" He teased cheekily. Marco suddenly grew furious, "Okay, you know what?! Screw you! SCREW ALL OF YOU! Star means more to me then my dick ever will!" He shouts as he rips off his hospital gown, leaving himself naked. "I'm done with your tests and games! I'm out of here!" He shouts as he storms out of their unashamed to the nearest door... "Uh, I wouldn't leave through that door if I were you- "SHUT UP! I don't care if you and your stupid Foundation have saved the world a thousand times over! What kinda assholes kick some kids while their already downa nd sobbing!? Let alone make fun of their genitals, what the fucks is wrong with you bastards!? Screw you all again, I'm leaving!" Shouts Marco as he throws the door open... Right into a Room consiting of Star, Janna, Jackie, Starfan13, Briteny and a dozen other Tulpa girls getting tested... Marco just stood there frozen, like a deer in headlights... The scients behind him shruged, "Tried to warn yah." He said flatly. "Well, this just made my day. "said Janna with a smirk as she takes a picture and sends it viral before anyone can stop her. Britney Wong smirked, "Well either they choped off your wang or they shrank it down to microscopic...either way I'm laughing at you now..." She and all the other girls besides Marco's friends burst out laughing at him as he coverd shimself mortified... While Star just looks at him concerned... …III... TO BE CONTINUED? (1): His feelings were mixed on that whole incident, especially since it was him deciding at the last minute that making the SCP look incompetent and cut their funding with a staged paranormal terrorist attack was 'too much risk for too little gain' that ensured that reality never happened...on the one hand, the GOC -and him- lost an opportunity to take control of the SCP...on the other hand...clearly his plans in that reality were either scrapped or something had gone horribly wrong! That moron Manafort...he was always such a hothead...such a control freak...but that he would screw up so royally...suddenly his being one of the first to fall to 1609 as a favor to an ally didn't seem so frivolous now...no, it was probably for the best for all concerned that that timeline never happened... (2): the three royal treasure include; The Orb of Baast: which could suck out and contain the souls of almost any mortal, The Forlorn Hope: A mirror that could grant any wish at the cost of the users life, and the Shadow Sword: a single scratch of this sword was usually enough to turn most humans into a low-level demons that would serve only the wielder of the sword. (3): And there ARE worse things then Carter, Marshal and Dark's. Make no mistake. For despite all their many, many, MANY faults; the three of them DO have a vested interest in keeping the globe spinning and humanity ticking along...after all...who would they swindle otherwise? (4): As they are currently only in a semi-private chat room, the three characters here will deliberately use code names for themselves and others to protect their identities. (5): Which was then immeditatly replaced by a decoy Moon #127 created by the Foundation before any Mundane could see.