A Poetry Anthology

by Shaslan

4. The unknowable mare

Mystery…surrounds me.
It ensnares and enshrouds me.
The night is dark, unknowable, deep,
The night prowls silent while ponies sleep,
The night… I long for touch, for love to keep.

I am lonely. So lonely.
Nopony seems to want to know me.
They throng to the light and to the daytime,
To heady summer days and yellow sunshine,
And not a single pony questions the paradigm.

They love her, they worship her
Her white wings, her mane, her power;
And my stars are thrown by the wayside
And I too am discarded and tossed aside,
And the rage fills me, and crawls and writhes inside —

I love her, but I hate her
And I long to control her
To rip and tear and rend her
Maybe that would end my distemper—
If I could smash and bite and dismember.

The darkness is growing,
I can feel its power showing,
My fur dims to black, my pupils slitted
And against my own elder sister I am pitted
And I won’t stop until she has submitted —

My Nightmares will force the world to dream
And it is my moon ascendent that shall reign supreme;
After all, why bother with Princess, when I could be Queen?