GermBusters 2: Operation Quinty

by Lukington17

Chapter 5 - Exit Quietly

Quinty woke up at about 8am and shook his head. He'd had a good night's sleep despite waking up at one point for some reason - but his whole head felt like brainfreeze, and his breath was raspy and cool. He texted some of his friends and told them jokingly that he felt like he'd chewn Five Gum, but inside he knew something was odd. He felt no need to sneeze - thank Celestia - but his whole body felt cold. He found a warm blanket, wrapped it around himself and sipped a cup of hot soup.

Deep inside his chest, the party had continued into the early hours. The Micronauts and the Germbusters had celebrated at a pub in the chest cavity near the Heart, and the Mayors had even joined in the fun. Now, with day breaking and news of a large intake of soup in the stomach needing to be dealt with, various Micronauts headed off to carry out their daily duties. Through the QuintyVision screens the gang could see that it was a sunny day, and as some of them tried to sober up and wake up, they turned to the Mayors now. "Mr Mayors, you've been very helpful. Do you think we could ask for one more favour?"

"Yes, of course! What do you have in mind?"

"Well, we need Quinty to head to the flower shop."


Quinty had managed to warm himself up and felt strong enough to head out. He felt like buying some flowers for his garden, having been inspired by Cutea's garden yesterday. He headed to the florist and walked in, greeting the shopkeeper and looking around. "Hey, Quinty!" He spun round and saw Seraphine and also Soft Melody, another friend of theirs.

"Hey guys! How are you?" asked Quinty happily.

"We're good, how are you though? Heard you weren't well yesterday!" Soft said kindly.

Quinty shrugged, "yes I was suffering from my allergies. A bit worse than usual, but feels good now. Thanks."

Soft smiled, and Seraphine sniffed a rose. "Mmm, this one is great...ugh my head is killing me today, it's my turn Quinty haha."

"Oh, what's wrong?"

"Eh, the concert I was at last night. It was great fun but wooow my ears are ringing this morning!" Seraphine laughed, holding her ears.

"Well, I'm just browsing for some flowers" Quinty suddenly began sneezing, much to the others' concern, and with a huge "AACHOOOOO!" he startled the entire shop. "Sorry! I must be allergic to these daffodils..." They shifted away from them and it was only when Soft was telling him about her dinner party plan that evening that Quinty noticed something in the orange mare's mane. Could that be...? It looks like... Eventually he interrupted her. "I'm sorry Soft but there's something in your mane, it might be a petal or something that's blown. Lemme get it." He began to reach for it, but to his surprise the yellow 'petal' dived into the mane, and out poked a tiny pony's head! "What the...?"

"Shhh" Blaze gestured to him, putting her hoof to her mouth, and presently seven other tiny heads popped out from Soft's mane. Quinty stared in amazement, and it didn't take long for Soft to turn around.

"What? Is there something behind me now?" Soft spun her head, and inside her mane the gang held on tight (they had used Electric's potion to enlarge themselves to the point of visibility).

"Dear Soft, perhaps you should look in the mirror" giggled Quinty, and as if by magic Seraphine produced a mini-mirror from her bag and Soft looked closely.

"Gaaaah! Oh my..." She jumped but then laughed when she recognised those cheeky little faces. "Get out of there, how did you even...?!" The gang all flew out from the mane and found a space in the shop before they enlarged themselves back to normal. "What have you goofs been up to?"

The gang subtly hid all their weaponry, so as not to alarm anyone, least of all the poor florist mare. Atrimy looked at Quinty. "How are you feeling, lad?" Quinty nodded suspiciously that he was fine... "You're welcome." Chris said with a smirk.

"Oh for the love of... you guys did something, didn't you?" Quinty raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and laughed. "Well, it worked. Thank you, Germbusters..."

"Yeah it was great!" Blaze chirped up, "we met your Mayors, we partied all night and we even saw a dirty movie where I was- " Electric smacked her mouth shut with his hoof and laughed nervously.

He piped up, "Sorry for the surprise Soft. That was my brother's idea..." he glanced over to Chris, who simply laughed and snorted as Soft smirked. After more catching-up, they browsed the flowers some more, and Cutea even gave Quinty some recommendations for his garden. Finally they decided to go altogether for a nice brunch.

"All's well that ends well, ey?" said Divinity gleefully as they walked.

"Yeah, thanks for your help by the way, Sera!" Atrimy retorted sarcastically.

"Huh? I can't hear very well this morning" Sera moaned, but the others all laughed and shook their heads.