//------------------------------// // Episode 10 - Vault of the Abomination // Story: My Little Pony Realization // by Slendy //------------------------------// Act III - Dark Within So after the events of Trench, the Scourge of Kranon, the three days after were easy sailing. I and my partner, Purplrain, or Rain for short, arrived at Canterlot's massive gates. Much like the towns before us, players and ponies alike dotted the streets, some more than others to complete quests, gather items, or to relax, not everyone fought, some generally lacked the courage to step beyond the walls, I can't blame them, you either go out there smart or be reduced to shards. But on the First of July, after nearly two months, the pieces across what safe zones were unlocked, the runes gathered for the Vault were to gather in a Guild Hall just outside the castle for a meeting. It was time to make the first-ever move toward the end of this Death Game, to commence the Raid of the ver first Vault. Even for my confidence, the fight ahead wasn't going to be easy. [Canterlot | Bronze Bull Inn] Groggily I opened my eyes to the sunlight piercing my room, it wasn't much in terms of size. One bed and a small table beside it with a window to my left. A desk and chair in the right corner with the door to its left. All wood with white walls too. It was homely and suited myself and my other occupant just fine. Yeah, so to save on Bits we decided to room for a while, I didn't care, less debt meant better equipment in the future. One downside. Leering down at my stomach I found the smiling form of the bat pony hugging my waist, nuzzling my side as she snored softly. I may be cold but my God was it adorable, however- "Get off," My left hoof struck out, shoving her off me and subsequently the bed with a yelp and groan. "We have a king-sized bed, quit gravitating toward me as a pillow," "Though pony fur is surprisingly soft - not the issue here." "Morning..." She moaned, rubbing her forehead while I stretched. "So, when's the meeting?" Her curious tilt brought my hoof to my chin while focusing just beside my status bars in the top left corner of my vision, seeing the clock state it was '10:30 AM'. "Hrm, we got time, come on," I hopped out of bed, popping my legs. "Might as well prep beforehand." "Shopping it is then!" Always excited for the day, I'm no morning person so someone had to be. She paused mid-hoof raise, smiling sheepishly at my gloomy state. "...And coffee!" Now that perked my ears "Mmm, music I can dance to." [Canterlot | Guild Hall] "This place looks cozy." Rain's observation would be correct at our approach From the outside, it looks cozy, rustic, and inviting compared to the far more pristine city surrounding it. Hardwooden planks and marble pillars make up most of the building's outer structure. It's tough to see through the large, curtained windows, but the laughter from within can be felt outside. Ponies came and went from the open doors, some in teams and others alone. We stepped inside and were greeted by a rather enchanting atmosphere. The inside of the bar-turned-Guild was as busy as you'd expect. Boards sat on either side of the hall, requests, and side-quests posted up for others to inspect. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the light fixtures attached to them. The walls are decorated with paintings and lanterns. The Guild Hall itself housed several long tables occupied by separate groups of players, all enjoying themselves, but they keep to themselves. At the center, before a large fireplace was what I assumed was the gathered players for the Raid. I was about to approach until someone nudged my side, causing me to yelp. "Hey, Arto-" Skye's words died in his mouth as I glared back at him for startling me, seeing his plain, scared expression eye me with a hoof raised. "S-sorry, a pleasure to be working with you again." He bowed his head rapidly as I blinked "Don't... startle me," Clearing my throat of my almost broken facade I grinned. "So, you brought your tagalongs?" I tilted past him to find Seraph, Axel, and - "Heey buddy!" It was Riot, flashing a toothy grin as his hoof immediately threw itself to bump mine. He sported quite the bulky armor, primarily the thick, blackiron gauntlets around his hooves, and the metal that outlined his muzzle and head like a vice "Hey, man, great to see you again!" As outgoing as Rain. He moved closer to Skye, wrapping a hoof around his neck. "Like you'd leave me out of all the fun, I got your back!" He bumped Skye's chest, the 'Cheater' smiling with a nod "Thanks again, man," "Hey, no worries, bro, with us three this'll be a sinch." Confident in his words I turned, motioning to the awaiting players "Guess we should join them, wonder if any have some intelligence among their groups, 'cause if not we're dead," I was offering them too much credit but who knows. "If anything we'll just take things from here." "That might work out better, AL and KOH are sending their rune holders," Axel's deep voice broke my stride, causing me to trip into Rain's quick hooves "Oh come on... just Once can we have a clean run?" This was alot to ask of the Gods, but for all that was cruel in this world, why did it have to be them. Running my hooves down my face I groaned bitterly. "I can't work with sheep, they just... fail every order you attempt to give! How can I work with that!?" "They aren't that bad," Seraph tried to calm me down but I just chuckled at her assuring voice "'Aren't that bad'? Where the hell were you fighting Trench, I want to meet these competent, coordinated teams!" My eyes were wide with sarcasm, some groups in the hall watching us as I ranted. "If a bunch of nobody-glory-seeking players can't master the 'Three Cs of Raids' - Coordination, Communication, and Competence - then there is nothing I want to do with them!" Some around us sent glares my way as I snorted. "What? Don't like the truth, that's fine, I couldn't care less for your opinions!" As the berating and shouting began, Skye face-hoofed while Rain chuckled softly, rubbing his back while Seraph stood completely flabbergasted and Axel kept his mouth shut, Riot did what he could get me to calm down. "This is going to be a long day." [※•⁎·°•⁎․•°·•⁎※] After a... heated debate on the intelligence of many players the Guild Hall emptied, leaving only the parties that would amass for the Raid on the Vault just off the horizon of Canterlot. The one orchestrating the strategy was actually a dragon player, surprising me and Skye as we thought the class wasn't available until the full release. He was like an adult version of Spike, only his spines were doubled, and with black tips, alongside his yellowish-orange eyes, and silver armour modeled after the Night Guard. Beside him was his only companion, a mute pegasus in all black, the only thing showing was his black legs, his silver, spiky tail, and the locks from under the hood, a bandana covering his muzzle. His belt lined with two curved daggers. As the conversations died out we saw the dragon, raise his hand. With a sharp smile, he gave everyone a welcoming look, just like... I felt my body go rigid but said nothing. "Welcome, I first want to say 'thank you' to all of you, the work and effort you've put in to acquire the runes to access the Vault proves that those gathered here are the brightest and most well-equipped players for this dangerous task!" Skye jabbed my side to keep me from laughing, I rolled my eyes "Now, you're all the top players in the game and are the top frontliners in our progress over two months so I won't beat around the bush as to why you're all here," Klaw's smile became far more stern, placing his claws on the table. "We're all here to defeat the boss at the end of the Vault known as, the 'Vault of the Abomination', is that clear?" Numerous nods and hums occurred. Klaw smiled, materializing a rune similar to mind from his menu, the symbol was that of a sun. "Now, can those that hold a rune please present them to everyone, this will allow us to advocate team leaders for the Raid?" Doing as instructed I flicked open my menu to procure my Sea Rune To my right, Skye produced the Earth Rune. Across the table was AL's leader, Bombard, with a stern frown he dropped his Sky Rune to the table. In reaction to the gathering of the runes all their symbols started to glow. Mine light blue, Skye's a bronze, Bombard's was white, and Klaw's gold. Then our notification appeared. [Quest Updated!] -The Shattered Throne- You have united your Rune with the others, the gateway awaits your keys, and so does that which lurks in the dark. [ ] Enter Vault of the Abomination [ ] Reach the Shattered Throne [ ] Defeat the Vault Warrior "Looks like that answers one question," I muttered, setting my rune to the table. "If I'm to make a suggestion, chief, best make three teams, one for frontlines, another for defense and to switch with the vanguard, then the third team acts as support." Klaw's brow raised curiously, then Bombard opened his mouth. "Hold on a second, who died and made you leader!?" I slipped up but it was too late, "Gwyn did due to your incompetence, now shut up." My deathly stare washed over his party, seeing him open his mouth to retort but it just came out as a grunt with his hooves crossed. Breathing out my nose I continued my reasoning. "We have to maximize our weak points effectively, this was a piece to the game that had never been seen outside trailers and sneak peeks, every room, every hallway is an unknown variable, our best chances are to accommodate each other's strengths." "I agree," Skye spoke up, cutting me off. He wasn't budging on the subject either it seems, his hoof on the table. "Given the many diverse changes, not just to the system but the Regional bosses it's safe to assume any pre-existing info we have on the game is a bust, the most effective way to accomplish out goal would be to play things cautiously until we can find a solution, even if that means we're in there longer." After a lengthy pause, Klaw chuffed, nodding to his companion who in return did the same. "I'm glad both of you are on the same wavelength, this makes my decision far less rigorous," Motioning with a claw between me and Skye he smiled. "I would like for you two to be apart of the vanguard then, alongside your chosen partners if you wish." We both jumped, looking to one another while pointing a hoof at each other. "Seriously?" Give the fact he was the famous 'Cheater' and I was currently antagonizing half the city I don't see how this will fair well with the others "What the hell - Erk!" My sharp gaze shut someone up as Klaw continued. "I understand there may be some bad blood between some of you, and I am not asking you to be friends but to simply trust in each others ability to win," His words kept them all attentive, placing a hand to his chest. "I myself find it hard to put my faith in those I do not know personally, this is a large set for myself as well, this is why I want all of us to try and for this moment push aside our rivalries, at the end of the day, it is our strength that will display itself to the players that this game isn't unbeatable, that there is a chance we can take to move forward." Was this what you said to them that day? You understood their goals, their morales, and encouraged them to look past such trivial nonsense to fight for a just cause? Is this how I failed you, Sir Knight? I didn't quite listen to whatever else was said, my head just couldn't forget that day, seeing that name crossed out, why now, why was I feeling guilty for something out of my control? "-It's settled," Klaw declared, "This afternoon we will gather at the gateway into the Vault, as for the team leaders, we have Skye as Team Vanguard, myself as Team Defense, and Bombard for Team Support, any questions?" No answer was given and he clapped. "Very well, make whatever preparations you can and meet beneath the Vault tower at four this afternoon, meeting adjourned people!" He threw his arm wide as we broke away from the table I was waiting by the Teleport Rune to the Vault, Rain happily conversing with Seraph, both looked to be having fun, whatever it was they were laughing about involved them pointing to me, hrm. Off to the other end of the park was Axel and Riot, both actually having a decent conversation with Bombard who looked to be taking what they said on the chin, must be about our heated issues. So that left me to mull over Klaw and his ally, man with literally no words. He and Gywn were so similar, the way they just... united people with promising yet realistic words, it wasn't some bloated or misleading speech about friendship, yeah I know, the audacity. Hell, even I believed in his words when I didn't for Gwyn, maybe I'm just fooling myself? I tapped my forehead, disgruntled by the thoughts I've never had before. "Dammit," Closing my eyes for a moment I remembered I still had something in my inventory. Blinking, I flung my hooves wide and brought my menu up, scrolling through my items until I found the blue-tier equipment slowly stop before my hoof. 'Bedrock Shield', it had good defense and the ability to break minerals as fast as a pickaxe, odd but handy skill if you're just out on a quest "Hey," My eyes flew from the menu to the sandwich held before my muzzle, smells pretty good too, toasted. Even as my mind wandered with stupid thoughts I couldn't stop from almost drooling at the sight. Skye smiled down at me, sitting down as he procured his own from his menu. "Found this nice stand not far from here, thought I'd buy a few, so here, on me." "Uh-um, thanks," Almost uncharacteristic soft of me I took his offered food and bit into the sandwich. It wasn't 'Oh My God I'm going to blush!' sorta tasty, just... nice, satisfying. With a hum, I gave a wink. "Not a bad choice, who thought salmon could taste so real in the virtual world." Skye too smiled, nodding. "I knwn rght?" He answered with his mouth full, myself blowing a raspberry "Not one for manners I see?" He gulped, looking down at his sandwich in his hooves as I chuckled, nudging his side. "Roll with the punches, my guy, you get used to them." I don't know how long we sat and ate without a word, it felt nice, perplexing as the idea was to someone like me, who doesn't like waiting around. Skye was just strange, he kept a calm, almost lax aura around him yet when he fights he might very well be on equal ground to me, how long has it been since someone's achieved that form of experience? No one really knows who I am, better off not knowing, I certainly wish I was that ignorant. "Skye?" He looked away from his menu while shifting through weapons. I kept my eyes to the sky. "Was Gw - Sir Knight, what did he say to you before the boss fight?" I could see his expression so I just waited for a reply. "He said... 'You're the best damn group I could possibly hope for. Let's win this thing. Let's go'," Every word I could easily see him saying in that heroic voice of his, stupid as it was, heh, wonder how he rallied people like Bombard beforehand? "Tell me something else, is it true, that it's not just 'Cheater' you're called?" I eyed him out the corner of my eye, seeing him shift sharply. "That you're his son, Ryder's I mean?" It was whispered here-and-there, even Gin kept silent when I asked, but the rumor was that he proclaimed to have known far more about MLPR because he knew the man that created the game, that put quite the reputation on Skye's back, and not a sweet, Gary-Sue kind A howl in the wind passed between us I awaited his reply, if he didn't say that was fine, I couldn't care less if he's related to Ryder or not, he wasn't the one that created Malware, if he did then I'd have kicked him in the balls by now. Finally, his muzzle opened. "...Yeah," He sighed, sounding exhausted. "That's me, though I only really know-" "-Didn't ask for insight, just wanted to know if all this hot air had some form of tangible truth - man, you worry too much," Standing up with a smile I offered my hoof to Skye, "When this Raid's over... I want to tell you something, from one Alpha Tester to another, sound fair?" He didn't say anything, merely eyeing me as his baffled, skeptical expression morphed to relief while reaching for my hoof. "Sure, deal." "Fuck! Why!?" I snapped as the blinding light dissipated in my pupils, leaving me reeling from the flash. In time, and many complaints, all of us now stood in the middle of a glade uprooted by the abrasive spire that tore from the earth, forming jagged cliffs and waterfalls to pour into the dark abyss below. A large, marble road led to the spire, archways and bricks broken and overtaken by debris and nature "Wow, it's really big up close!" Rain gawked, nearly falling backward in flight trying to measure the height of the spire of black stone with white edges, it looked like several ribs grew from the earth to brace the base as we strolled. "How tall is the dungeon?" "From this height?" I pondered, then whistled. "Probably a dozen floors, maybe more?" "There's the doorway!" Someone from Bombard's party stated the obvious ahead. A large pair of black doors with gold trimming and elegant designs marked the entry. Those same shiny textures circling four holes in the doorway, something we ourselves needn't struggle with as the whole world trembled with a low bellow of a horn From nowhere our four Runes appeared by force. Floating high above the broken archway to slot themselves into the holes, lightning up several scores on the doors. Within the moment the vibration ceased, we stood back at the gust of wind rushing past us as I held onto my coat before the wind mellowed out, and the black corridor of vines, leaves, and thorns greeted us from behind the doors. "Alright, everyone, this is it," Klaw stated, standing before the stairway leading inside. "Once we go through there will be no telling what we may encounter so remember to stay on your toes and stick by your partners, understood!?" A chorus of yells and agreements were met. "Good! Then come, let us show Malware not to underestimate our devotion to survive" "Ready?" Skye asked brow raised curiously I chuffed like there was any doubt before. "Armed and ready." "Let's go, you guys!" Rain cheered beside me, energized for what lies beyond With one step forward, the shadow of the Vault shrouded us all in its chilling visage. To Be Continued...