This Hideous Dream

by upsidedownweirdo

About the Author

Upsidedownweirdo is an alicorn pony who has a dark purple coat and dark blue mane. Her first story involves a dream that she is currently still having at the moment, in which Gallus and the others are engaged in many torture acts. It may seem like a nightmare, but the author assures you that it is just a dream. I hope you enjoyed this story's adventures . Please rate 5 star ratings because this was a new experience for us and WE LIKE MLP YAY!

This story contains violence, death, and is very dark and sad. Enter at your own risk. This story was originally published on another story-making website, that being for children, but originally created by upsidedownweirdo herself! If you want to read it, you can check it out at:

Violence, death, dark, sad

Violence, death, dark, sad

Violence, death, dark, sad

Violence, death, dark sad