CYOA: A Heist With Pinkie Pie

by Leondude


You and Pinke quickly ran towards the automobile, with you hopping in through the window and hoping none of the resulting glass shards didn’t cut a vital artery. Inexplicably, you managed to hotwire the vehicle despite the fact that you have hooves. Without a moment to lose, you put the pedal to the metal and sped away from the guard that had just caught up to you. Unfortunately, in your haste, you forgot to turn the lights on and immediately crashed into something, knocking you out cold.

You woke up in a hospital bed with a “Get Well Soon” card beside you. However, there was no sign of the artefact. To your left, you saw Pinkie Pie bouncing towards you and prayed she wouldn’t give you a hug.

“Congratulations, buddy,” Pinkie said, “Our test of the security was amazingly successful! I told Twilight that we gotta train the geese to sleep in the day and stay awake at night. But not all of the geese because then we’d have no geese to take the day shift.”

As you felt a sudden headache come on from Pinkie Pie’s rambling, you wondered to yourself if going straight for once might be better than a life of crime. That way, you wouldn’t get endangered by a manic pink pony that just wouldn’t shut up.