Twin Suns

by Feynna

Chapter 006 - The Castle...

We decided that it would be for the best to clear out a road first before starting with anything, it would make transporting all of the stones easier (duh). The helping ponies were very enthusiastic about assisting us with our project. When we asked them, they always said to us that it was an honor to help us build our own castle, which made it kinda cute in my eyes.

They were like little eager kids trying to please their parents. Just that we were their rulers, instead. I really hoped they would never start to think we would be offended by anything they were doing or think that the slightest mistake would result in punishment. We were ponies like them, there was no need to put us on a pedestal.

Something told me I wouldn’t be so lucky with that. I hoped I could at least make them see that such behavior was unnecessary. 

The process of clearing out the trees for the path through the forest was a quick affair. Ponies were hard workers if nothing else. They sure knew how to keep themselves motivated to do the required work with great efficiency. 

It wasn’t long after that that we began to get the first few shipments of building materials. My sisters and I made sure that everypony was safe while we traveled through the forest towards the ravine. Thankfully, nothing happened. Starswirl was right, most of the wildlife never came close enough to our group. It must have been too much of a hassle for them to try anything and if they did, my sisters and I would have been there to deal with the animals. 

The first order of business after that was constructing a bridge towards the clearing on the other side of the chasm. While it wasn’t a particularly fancy bridge, it served its purpose quite dutifully. As long as it held the weight of the carts loaded with the materials we had no reason to cry about the way it looked (not that it looked ugly, but art it was not).

After the first week passed, we had the foundation finally done. The basement where the Organ to the Outside would find its place was completed, too. The next few weeks blended together with working from dawn to nightfall. All the work the earthponies, pegasi, and unicorns were doing was a great help to us, and progress was at an all-time high.

But not all things could go as perfectly as we had planned out. Our workers had actually managed to convince us to also get some materials out of the Everfree after our supply shipment ran late due to an error in planning. So we decided to let them do what they wanted as long as they promised us that they would stick together in a group with a few guards.

As long as they were happy about it and played it safe, why shouldn't we give them a bit of freedom with how they procured the building materials? It's not like they will do something incredibly dumb, right?

Well... as it turns out, that decision quickly came to bite us in the flank (who would've guessed). Their plan worked for as long as one meager week because by then, we learned of the first missing team. Luna wanted to immediately go out and search for them because she felt guilty. She was the first one to agree to their proposal, although that didn’t mean it was her fault that they were missing now. 

Celestia stopped her before she could run off on her own (thank the suns), stating that going in without a plan was not a wise decision for her to make. Luna argued fiercely with her that it was her responsibility and that she would go search for them whether or not she wanted her to do so.

So, because Lulu and I had been spending some quality time exploring the forest in our free time (only the areas we deemed to be safe enough...ish), we decided that I should accompany her while Tia remained with the crew to keep them safe. I mainly came along in case we ran into any wildlife that would hinder us from finding our missing ponies.

It was easy enough to find a few clues as to what must have happened as we saw the tracks they made when they went off the beaten path and into the wilder parts of the Everfree Forest (you know... like we told them not to do). Luna and I landed to follow their trail on hoof, keeping branches away with our magic on our way through the thicket.

Luckily for us, the group that went through here left enough signs of their passage for us to easily follow after them. They must have somehow found their way to a large rocky hill to get new stones for the caste. Our search for them led us past where they had been collecting resources towards a smallish cave that had been blocked off with an excessive amount of brambles.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to go after our ponies would soon learn their lesson. As soon as we saw what must have been somepony’s attempt to get rid of our workers we ran up to it, trying to see past the dense foliage and free them.

“Hello?!” we shouted just shy from deafening, seeking a reply from one of them in the hopes that they were still alive. “Are you okay?!”

Just as we were about to reach it, though, a massive beast leaped down from the ledge above us, cutting us off from coming to their aid. The manticore that stood before us let out a rattling roar that shook us to our very bones. A moment later, it was already charging towards us and we took to the sky with our wings in order to avoid it.

Not that that helped us any as it also possessed the ability to fly...

“Summer, can’t you calm it down?!” Luna asked me, avoiding a strike from one of its paws as I tried to catch it with a magical binding. The manticore kept dodging my hasty attempts, though.

Before I could say anything to it, I felt the flat non-pointy end of its tail impact the side of my head as the beast turned suddenly on the spot. I was unable to dodge in time and was sent spiraling to the ground, unable to right myself. Luna tried to catch me in her hooves before I would have crashed into the dirt, but she was sadly not fast enough.

Too bad that she forgot she had magic at her disposal. I felt stars dance through my vision as my regalia absorbed most of the impact. I was thankful that my wife had the foresight to put an exorbitant amount of defensive enchantments on it, lessening the damage I could have taken. It was a good thing she had thought ahead for such an occasion so that we at least had some modicum of protection in case we needed to fight. I don’t know what would have happened otherwise.

Luna landed slightly panicked beside me, inspecting me for any serious injuries. Aside from a small scratch wound on my head that was bleeding, I was fine. The worst thing I would have to deal with would be a concussion at the most.

I saw my little sister stand in front of me as I tried to get my vision to clear up, noticing that she had drawn her sword and was holding it between her and the manticore. I couldn’t see her expression, but her posture told me enough that she was about to go full avenging angel on the animal that was pawing the ground in front of it, snorting through its nostrils like a mad bull.

I tackled my own sister to the ground before she could end the life of an animal that was just defending its territory. It was clear to me that our ponies stumbled upon its nest and that it was trying to stop them from destroying it completely.

“Stop, don’t hurt him!” I cried out, pinning her underneath me while I erected a barrier in between us and the manticore. “He hasn’t hurt anypony, not yet!”

“What are you doing, sister?!” Luna grunted, bucking against me trying to break free. “This beast almost smashed your head in!”

“I’m sure it didn’t mean to,” I told her, holding her at bay as I tried to calm her down. It was a bit difficult as my vision continued to drift slightly. “He was just defending his home, right?”

The manticore let out a small growl and to my surprise, I perfectly understood what he said. But before I could relay what he had said to my sister, my twin arrived with Starswirl in tow. Both of them threw out magical bindings, trying to subdue an animal that appeared to them as if it was threatening us.

“Stop!” I called out, fluttering over to the manticore and standing in front of him. Both Tia and Starswirl gave me an incredulous look, although they complied with my demands to stand down. “He said he was trying to chase us off, he didn’t mean to hurt me.”

“You can understand it?” Starswirl asked me awestruck and I gave him a small nod. I shivered as I felt the manticore lick the side of my head. I looked towards the animal in a questioning way and after he gave off a small purring meowl, I understood why he did it. Apparently, the saliva of a manticore can accelerate the recovery speed of the body and cause small wounds to close within a few seconds. 

It was a bit disgusting, though. The smell wasn’t nice, either...

“Have you found the missing ponies? We heard fighting and came to investigate,” Tia asked, walking over to me and giving me a small nuzzle where I wasn’t currently covered in saliva.

Figures she wouldn’t trust us enough to get this done by ourselves, having to make sure we were okay. It was cute and sweet of her, so I wouldn’t complain about it. At least, not overly much...

“Yes, they aren’t too far from here,” I answered, enjoying the feeling of my sister so close to me. My heart gave out a small quiver and I immediately understood what was going on with me. Of fucking course, my estrus was about to start within the next few days. Perfect timing, body. Perfect timing. “Melvin... that’s his name, by the way... said that our ponies were wrecking his home as they were collecting stones nearby. So he just kept them locked away.”

“Can you ask him to let them out for us if we fix his home in return?” she inquired, looking over to the manticore uneasily. I could tell she wasn’t entirely too trusting of him, yet. Melvin let out another few meowling sounds and I giggled.

“He can understand you just fine, sister,” I told her once I saw her give me a confused stare. “Melvin will do as you have asked of him and he even offered to help us with finding new spots for resources.”

“Well, thanks, Sir Melvin?” she said unsurely and said manticore just gave us a small nod. He broke the brambles with a single swift swipe of his paw, lethal-looking claws outstretched and I turned a bit pale.

I'm suddenly glad he didn't go all out...

After we got the small crew out of the cave they apologized for the misunderstanding and for wrecking Melvin’s home. I was glad that he didn’t hold a grudge against them, so we did as promised and fixed up his nest with our magic. It was quickly restored to what it formerly was, much to his happiness.

And much to our surprise, Melvin offered to help us build our castle as he saw what we were using this much stone and wood for. Together with his help in finding ideal locations for resources, him lending a paw at the construction site, and the ponies working throughout the day, we were back to our former speed and ahead of schedule.

I was immensely glad for that because we now had a few rooms that were estrus safe for the strength my sisters and I could muster up. Celestia had also noticed by now that that time of the year was finally around the corner for us and was glad that we had at least that much done for our new home.

Although, before that started for me and my twin sister, Melvin also helped me convince a few nocturnal animals to help with building our castle so we could have it being worked on around the clock. That alone boosted our efficiency so much that we should be done within a few weeks from now.

Starswirl also gave us the news that the ritual was currently working smoothly as a traveling unicorn had shown up one day that was almost at the level he was at. He said something about her having a blue-ish mane and having an old family name that dated back to the early Unicornian days. I didn’t remember the first name, but the last part stuck with me because it reminded me of my little sister. Her last name was Lulamoon. I quite liked it and I wanted to meet this traveler at some point if we got the chance.

Due to that, I was pretty optimistic that Starswirl wouldn’t have to lose his magic for at least another two or three months at a minimum. The little breather this traveling unicorn granted him did wonders for him, letting him relax for at least a little bit.

Then, one particular morning, I woke up to find out that I had the primal urge to mate with my wife right at that moment, making me groan in annoyance. I squirmed under the covers of my sleeping bag, trying to suppress the feeling of fire spreading within my nether region.

“Tia,” I grumbled, reaching a hoof out of the confines of my sleeping arrangements. While we had completed a lot of rooms within the castle already, it wasn’t entirely safe to sleep in it yet while it was being worked on around the clock. I suppose that would have to change now...

The sleeping figure in front of me let out a moan and I saw what looked suspiciously like her squirming her hindlegs together within the confines of her own sleeping bag. She continued to sleep, though. Nudging her a bit harder this time, I called out to her again hoping to wake her up from whatever dream she must have been enjoying.

She could fucking enjoy having me to herself and not continue to be a prick and stay asleep, damnit. Here I was, willing to make one of our mutual fetishes come true for her and she ignored the pleading call of her wife. 

Instead of continuing to try futilely at attempting to rouse her, I conjured one of the water buckets I kept in my hammerspace (after the surprise with Starswirl, I’d rather not risk a repeat of stumbling sleepily into somepony as they broke into my home). 

Grinning deviously, I emptied the bucket out completely in one go over her head. My wife practically asked for it and I am not sorry for doing this to her. I wanted her so badly and I wouldn’t stand for her not ravishing me this instant.

Tia let out a little shriek, thrashing around in her sleeping bag in our tent in a blind panic. I snickered as she sputtered and coughed, trying to spit out a few strands of hair from her mane that had managed to find their way into her mouth during the night.

My twin whipped around with a furious scowl on her muzzle, looking for the perpetrator of this prank. As she saw me trying to keep my laughter in, she let out an irritated huff. 

“Why did you do that?! I had such a good dream, too...” Tia asked me, pouting madly. Instead of answering her angry demand for an explanation, I slipped out of my sleeping bag into the crisp air of the tent and went over to her. I placed a long and deep kiss right on her muzzle, getting her to coo slightly at the sudden attention.

“Castle, room, now,” I growled slightly, biting her lip gently. Celestia nodded rapidly and powered up her teleport spell, taking me with her just outside one of the rooms that we had warded up to the high heavens. She locked one additional room for the sake of appearances, stuck a note on it saying we had gone into heat, and then dragged me with her into the room we would be staying in.

As the door clicked shut behind us, my sister picked me up in her magic and threw me playfully towards the cloud bed in the middle of the room. I shrieked out, surprised by her sudden act of roughness, feeling the mattress give slightly as she leaped on it after me.

A moment later I let out a pleased hum as she locked herself with me in a tongue battle, giggling into the kiss as she groped my flanks with her hooves. I snaked my forelegs around her barrel lovingly, giving in to her superior skill with the tongue.

We came up for a breath as Tia disengaged my mouth with a smack of her lips, her muzzle moving to my neck as she gave me a few small nicks with her teeth, causing me to giggle-moan at the feeling. She giggled in return, moving further down towards my chest as I loosened my grip on her. Instead, I reached my hooves out to just above her wing joints. 

Her wings flared out as I had the pleasure of managing to force her to nicker, the sound music to my ears. I felt my lower region get even wetter because of that as I watched my wife sensually lick the fur on my barrel, making me bite my lower lip as she began to tease me with a grin on her muzzle.

And as she had learned quite thoroughly, I was at her mercy as she slowly stroked the insides of my flared-out wings with her own primary feathers. I let out a whimper as she held me at bay from returning the favor to her.

“Just stay still, dear,” she told me quietly. “This is for you, after all.”

“But I can’t just...” I started and she placed a hoof on my muzzle to stop me from complaining about not letting her get any relief in return.

“Shh...” she shushed me, placing a soft kiss on each of my own wing joints. I moaned against the hoof still forcing me to stay silent as she began to run the tip of her tongue over my feathers, setting them into order one after another. Tia was incredibly careful and gentle as she started to preen my wings, taking out the feathers that actually needed to come out before they could cause me more discomfort in the future.

Each tug, while accompanied by a small prick of pain, left me with a warm feeling afterward. I delighted in the thought of my twin being so tender with this intimate task, her loving care causing my stomach to do a few flips within my excited body.

“Feels nice, doesn’t it? Being pampered?” Celestia asked me with a knowing smile, taking her hoof away from my muzzle. “Can’t give you a foot massage like you had done so many times on Earth, but this is even better, isn’t it?”

“Y-yes... Please, don’t stop,” I breathed out.

“As you wish,” she giggled, returning to her task and she actually let me stroke her mane as I watched her with affection in my eyes.

“Would you ever go back to Earth, Tia? If there was an option for it,” I asked her, voicing a random thought out to her.

“Hmm?” she hummed, spitting out a discarded feather from her mouth. “What brought this on? You’re normally not one for pillow talk before or after sex.”

“Isn’t pillow talk only after sex?” I asked her confused and she rolled her eyes at me.

“It’s pillow talk if I say it’s pillow talk, now stop distracting yourself from my question,” Tia told me, going back to my left wing to finish it up.

“I guess I have been wondering a lot about Earth, lately,” I said slowly, trying to get my thoughts ordered on the topic. “It has been over twenty years now since we have been reborn here. I wonder what our kids are doing right now...”

“Tabetha is probably nerding out in a big ass library and Rose is most likely trying to play match-maker,” she retorted with a roll of her eyes. “What do you think they would have done?”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I agreed. “Still, I miss them. My little petal must be so devastated... Not to mention what my little star would think...”

“Dear, they are probably over us by now,” she told me, starting on the right wing. “While I also miss them dearly, they can take care of themselves. They aren't little children anymore, you know.”

“Even so, ever wonder if there is a spell that would allow a pony to travel between worlds? Go for a visit, if nothing else?” I mused out loud.

“Sure, that would be nice,” Celestia answered with a hum, wiggling around on my chest to get into a more comfortable position for us to talk in. “Going to some movies or just driving around in a car again would be wonderful, but I don’t think we’re just going to stumble upon a spell that would allow us to go over there. Aside from the obvious of us still being ponies, you would probably waste all of the bits in the royal treasury on video games.”

“I would not! Probably...” I muttered indignantly, sighing contentedly as I felt a particularly annoying feather come out. “But... I guess you’re right. There are probably going to be a lot of problems if we went back looking like this... although, I just know Starswirl would jump at the chance of making some kind of portal to another world were it not for the whole ritual thing that he has to oversee.”

“That old geezer would get excited over any chance of experimenting with magic,” my wife snorted. “Clover had to literally drag him out of his study the last time he had lost track of time trying to figure out a spell.”

“He had green hair for, like, a week,” I giggled, thinking back on seeing him after he had botched up his attempt at making his beard grow even longer.

“It was kinda funny,” Celestia giggled with me. “Luna couldn’t stop laughing for an entire hour.”

“Yeah... about that...” I hesitantly spoke up, getting her to look interestedly at me. “Do you think she could also be somepony that was reincarnated from Earth?”

“Why do you think so?” she asked me in return, confused. “I haven’t noticed anything that indicated something like that. At least, not outright...”

“Well...” I started, awkwardly rubbing the side of my neck with a hoof. “Sometimes I just get this feeling like I know her from Earth. She does seem to remind me of your sister, especially during her younger years when everything was a lot simpler...”

“Huh. Now that you mention it...” Celestia mused, furrowing her brow in thought. “She does have her brutal honesty and their taste in humor are practically identical.”

“She can’t be your sister, right?” I asked her unsurely.

“Summer, Luna is our sister,” she rolled her eyes. “But if you mean in the sense of Rebecca being Luna? I don’t know. If she truly is Becky, she isn’t showing it in an overt way. We would have to observe her more carefully, maybe bait her into revealing herself?”

“Oh yeah, and in the process weird out our sister if she is not your human sister,” I shot back with a snide tone. “Imagine what she would think of us if that were the case. 'Oh no! Summer and Tia have been body-snatched by aliens! The horror, the horror!'”

Tia snorted. “Not by being obvious, you idiot,” she reprimanded me. “I’m not stupid, I know what I’m doing.”

I sighed, fidgeting slightly. “I think we should just... not do anything about it. I don’t want to risk it,” I said, nervous. “Besides, she can’t be Rebecca, right? She would have said something to us already if she knew who we were... I mean, she should have noticed that you were her human sister and I was your... well, husband then.”

“We aren’t making it that obvious to her, either,” Celestia argued and I wilted slightly, seeing the truth in her statement. “And I know Rebecca wasn’t this stupid to not notice that I’m her big sister. Except if she is denying it to herself, but why would she do something like that?”

Yes... why, indeed? Perhaps she doesn’t remember? Or our behavior was truly so different that she got confused, instead. My behavior had changed quite a lot since my rebirth, I was... sort of a doormat at times? I wasn’t the most confident pony anymore (or was it courageous I meant?). Tia was way more... aggressive, I suppose? And a lot more stubborn, too. While I had a few moments here and there where my temper flared out of control, Tia let it show more often.

Although, at the same time, Tia was far more loyal in her approach to things. Like coming to the defense of one of us, even if it meant getting hurt in the process. If she had her way, she would have ripped the guards that took Mom away to shreds and if I weren’t here to keep her away from murdering Platinum, she would have done so already. We were sort of more vengeful if our temper spiraled out of control. I always try to rein myself in, though, before I could lash out in anger (more or less successfully at that). I’d rather forgive and forget if I have the option to do so.

I wasn’t proud of the rare moments where I did lose myself to my temper and lashed out, as much as I tried to pretend those moments never existed in the first place. I could be quite vicious with my punishments if Tia and Lulu were naughty, tickling them until they were barely able to breathe (sometimes even continuing on long past that point if I thought they weren’t genuine with their apologies to each other). Staying kind and generous was the imperative I stuck to, those few rare moments where I lost my temper wouldn’t ever change that.

I might have even become obsessively kind, now that I think about it. Almost a bit zealous in my approach, even. I don’t think Rebecca would have ever associated me with Rudolph were she to see me now, acting like the gentle big sister that I now was.

“I feel like it would be too much of a risk with Lulu,” I sighed, worrying my lip slightly. “I’d rather not take the chance of alienating her...”

Tia shrugged carelessly. “It’s your call,” she said. “I don’t care either way, as long as she doesn’t steal you from me.”

I snorted, smiling faintly. “You don’t have to worry about that,” I remarked, amused. “Although I would have thought you would have jumped at the chance of making a harem out of the three of us, you pervert. That's a thing in one of your isekai novels, isn't it?”

“My my, is that desire I hear in your voice?” she grinned back at me. “I don’t think you meant me there, gorgeous.”

“What? No! I’m not that depraved,” I said while recoiling a bit, aghast. “I’ve already told you that would be inappropriate. She's like six years younger!”

“And yet, here you are, bringing it up again,” Celestia pointed out with a snort, her grin turning smug. “You can admit it to me, I won’t think any less of you. It might, in fact, make me love you even more~.”

“Oh. My. God. Why are you so perverted?!” I groaned, throwing my head into the mattress.

“Are you asking God if he is perverted, or me?” she grinned and I swatted a hoof at her, trying to shut her up.

“That’s not even funny,” I told her. “Luna was right, you’re abysmally bad at this.”

“I am funny,” she said with a sniff, turning her muzzle up at me.

“Yeah, when you don’t want to be or when you embarrass yourself,” I smiled back at her, sticking the tip of my tongue out at her.

“If you continue with this, I won’t continue with this,” Celestia grumbled, pointing at my unfinished wing. I pouted and acquiesced to her demands, feeling like I just got blackmailed. 

Damn sexy sister...

“Now, that’s better,” she whispered around another feather as she pulled it gently out. I let out a small moan as a shudder raced through my wing and up my spine. “See, if you behave like a good little filly, you get rewarded~.”

“Don’t give me that routine,” I mumbled. “I’m not in the mood of playing mistress and slave right now.”

“Do be a sourpuss, why don’t you?” she groused.

“I’d rather be your little mare being bred by her big strong wife,” I shot back huskily, smirking as her wings popped up with quite a bit of force, causing a small gust from the movement.

“Oh, you wanna do it that way, huh?” she asked me gruffly, finishing up my wing in a hurry. I winced slightly as I felt a practically fine feather get ripped out in her haste, but it just managed to turn me on more.

“Yes, make me your mare,” I replied, my breath starting to come out in hitched pants. “Fill me up and don’t stop. Put a foal in me~.”

With a little bit of concentration, my horn lit up and enveloped my wife in the golden aura we shared. A moment later I felt her body accept my transformation spell and I gulped at seeing her already at full mast, her own mare juices dripping slowly down from her vagina over to it as she stood over me.

I just gave my wife a penis (one that wouldn’t ever be able to impregnate me, but my body didn’t need to know that), and it looked so delicate as I stared at its tip with an apprehensive gulp. If a penis could ever look feminine, my wife managed to pull it off.

And my marehood clenched fearfully in anticipation, but first, I would show her what it felt like to have one before letting her anywhere near my nethers with it. For the first time, our roles were reversed since Earth. While she had pleasured me countless times like this as a human male, now it was my turn.

I pushed her on her back with a half-lidded gaze and she wiggled herself into a comfortable position. I had no idea what a stallionhood was supposed to look like (I don't go looking at other ponies' junk, certainly not my father's and definitely not Starswirl's), so I just went with a slightly longer version of a human shaft. It seemed like she didn’t care about that, either. I’m sure my wife knew what they were supposed to look like in more detail than I cared to find out, but that didn’t matter to me right now.

I smiled slightly as I trailed my tongue up its length very slowly, seeing her watch me impatiently. Normally she was the one that endlessly teased me, so I thought it would be good payback to make her squirm under my ministrations. Because I knew that the tip was basically the only sensitive spot that would get her over the turning point any time soon, I stopped right before licking that part.

My wife grunted in despair as I moved my muzzle back to where I started and I couldn’t help myself from giggling like a little filly. She was so cute like this, wanting me to only concentrate on the part that would bring her to an orgasm as soon as possible. The thing was, I was in no particular hurry to get this over with so soon.

Wrapping my tongue around the base, I ran it back up to the point where I just barely touched her tip getting her to twitch her erection beautifully. I prevented her from reaching a hoof out towards the back of my head to force me to lick it fully with my magic, holding it to her barrel so she wouldn’t start to get any ideas. I did the same with her other hoof, just in case.

She was at my mercy now and I wanted her to know it. Starting the whole spiel again, I smiled around her shaft with glee. This was even better than I had previously imagined it, making her squirm so much. It was beautiful in its own right.

Celestia let out a pathetic whine as I stopped almost shy of licking the tip, making a tiny jolt run through her again. I continued avoiding the tip for my own sick amusement, her eyes begging me to stop teasing her. She had done this so often to me that I wanted to show her just how agitating it really was. 

Stopping with the teasing licking, for now, I breathed lightly on her saliva-covered dick with a triumphant smile on my muzzle. I heard her let out a puff of hot air through her nostrils as I did so, noticing how it caused her to thump her head into the cloud mattress in frustration and arousal.

Well, well, well, she was mad at me for this, wasn’t she? I could continue with this all day long and she wouldn’t be able to stop me, even if she tried. Letting out a small breath again, I licked the part I blew air on right after I did so, seeing her try to buck out against my muzzle with an unpracticed motion.

She wouldn’t get to enjoy this until I gave her permission, so her attempt was, while extremely funny, futile in getting anywhere near her desired objective. Tia never had an appendage like this, so she wouldn’t immediately know how she would have to move to get what she wanted. She thought like a mare and was wholly unprepared to change her perspective from trying to get her nethers closer to me.

And I took advantage of that (I know, I know, I'm evil). Slowly, I trailed up a few light kisses on her throbbing length, provoking her to let out a growl at my taunting. I held her shaft still with my magic and my hooves prevented her rear from moving as I decided to give her just a little reward for putting up with me by placing a delicate kiss at the very tip. 

As I had already predicted previously, she tried her best to force her new appendage into my mouth with a little thrashing on her part to get me to release her lower body from my grasp. I wasn’t stupid, though. There was a reason why I had prepared myself for this action and she wouldn’t be able to make me do anything before I decided I wanted to do it.

Of course, that left her to grumble unhappily at me, but I didn’t let that deter me. I had a plan with this teasing, and maybe, just maybe, I would get to see it come to fruition.

So, once more I began to tease her with my tongue, starting from the base and barely touching her glans as I went back to the base again. It was driving her wild and I delighted at every noise she made at me.

With every twitch of her tip, I knew I was getting closer to my goal. I grinned in anticipation as I started to pick up my pace a bit, making her hum in approval. Then, I sprung my trap as I saw her approach her peak.

I gave her tip a sharp lick and watched with a giggle as she let out a shuddering moan as her penis gave a mighty twitch, beginning to spray her spunk all over herself. It made me laugh and giggle so hard as I saw her so out of it that she didn’t even notice what she had just done to herself.

“How did that feel, hmm?” I asked her, starting to lick the sticky substance away, going from her abdomen to her chest and from there to the tip of her muzzle. She stood next to no chance to stop herself from expelling her fluids from her new body part, covering herself all over with it and I hummed in pleasure as I tasted the slightly salty, spicy-sweet cum from her (something that I was sure wasn’t supposed to taste this good). Tia happily returned the kiss I gave her as she began to calm down from her first orgasm with a penis.

“Wonderful. Not the same as what I’m used to, but it was still pleasant,” she replied dreamily, giving me a nuzzle which I cheerfully returned. “I think I still prefer getting off as a mare compared to this, though.”

“I do, too, honey,” I giggled. “I really didn’t know what I missed out on all those forty years on Earth.”

“It’s superior in every way, isn’t it?” Celestia asked me with a pleasant hum in her tone and I nodded in agreement. “Now then, how about you do this properly? Believe me, teasing is all nice and such, but what I really want to see is you sucking it until I shoot my load again. Mhh, it would look so hot, Summer...”

“Let’s give you a few minutes to recover first. Believe me, you don’t want to go immediately again with no practice at all. Even if you had that, I would advise you to still not do it,” I told her. “You could hurt yourself and I don’t want that, dear. I know you like to pretend to be a porn actress, but this is literally uncharted territory for you.”

“You’re a meanie,” she pouted but relented to my demands. Instead, we engaged in a deep kiss until I saw her get fully ready again, her penis twitching alluringly back at me. 

“You want to return the favor?” I asked her, wiggling my flank suggestively and all she did was to give me a nod with a shuddering intake of air. Smiling, I got us in position and felt her immediately lap her tongue around the outside of my marehood, collecting all of the leaking fluid with noisy slurps.

Not wanting to be outdone, I took the tip of her rod into my mouth with only the slightest bit of hesitation. Shrugging, I didn’t care that this was technically a male genital in my mouth now. It was attached to my wife so I found myself still being attracted to it, even though I was more into her mare parts.

I started to slowly bob my head up and down on the upper part of it, not trusting myself to go any lower and let it go down my throat. Didn’t want to have my gag reflex make me puke all over her, after all. 

My wife let out a satisfied purr as I didn’t let up on my pace. Her hindlegs kicked out cutely beside my head as I felt her twitching tip in my mouth and her tongue inside my marehood. She really was enjoying this as much as I was, which furthered my happiness all the more.

A moan escaped my muzzle as I felt her wiggling tongue brush against a particularly sensitive spot inside of me, causing her to giggle-moan in return as the vibrations from my moan massaged the shaft inside my mouth.

With a loud slurping noise, I took her dick out of my mouth for a second or two to try and fill my lungs back up with air as all the panting from the pleasure has left me a bit short of breath. My wife tried to buck the tip of her cock back into my muzzle as the air began to tickle her wet appendage in front of me. Not wanting to leave her hanging, I went back to work on it at a slightly faster pace.

As I neared my peak from her ministrations, I was quickly overtaken by surprise as her load suddenly shot into my mouth while her hindlegs clamped themselves together around my head. To make matters worse, I felt her try to shove her dick further into me. Trying not to panic, I began to gulp down cum shot after cum shot, breathing in through my nostrils in quick bursts.

Fuck, she really was eager to pump me full, I didn’t know somepony could offload so much in one go. All the while Celestia was groaning with pleasure as her orgasm rocked her whole body and I tried to get her to bring me over the edge, too, with a wiggle of my flanks.

Tia continued to tongue fuck me a little bit hazily as she rode off her orgasm and I felt her load peter out just as I thought it would have never stopped from coming. A moment later I felt my own high wreak havoc on my body as I cried out around her shaft, warmth spreading through all parts of me while my eyes rolled around in my head. 

We were left a panting, twitchy mess for a few moments as we tried to gather our bearings. I rolled off of Tia as her deflating dick left my muzzle and I snuggled into the side of her flank with a happy smile. The afterglow was just amazing, I didn’t want this moment to end.

Tia and I cuddled for a little bit as she turned my body around with her magic so that I was facing her. She giggled at my expression, delighting in the fact that she managed to get me out of it so much.

“Fuck, that was good,” Celestia mumbled and I felt her latch onto my ear, sucking and nibbling on it. I let out a happy coo at her, enjoying the feeling of her slowly kneading the delicate flesh with her teeth and the small licks she gave. “You’re practically glowing right now, Red Nose.”

“Stop talking and lick my damn ears,” I mumbled, not wanting her to leave them unattended for even a second. Celestia shook her head in amusement and did what I told her to do. I can’t believe she managed to get me to like this so much, but it just felt so addicting now! Happily humming, I played with the soft tuft of fur on her barrel.

Her regalia sadly managed to squish it beneath it but I had it back to its former fluffy glory in no time. I seriously considered banning her from ever wearing it again so I could enjoy the sight of her fluffy fur all the time, but she also managed to make her chest piece look sexy, too, when she wore it.

It was debatable which of the two options was superior, but at the moment, my opinion leaned more towards the regalia. I lamented the fact I hadn’t gotten to take the thing off of her during our foreplay, it would have been a very alluring thing to do.

“Are you ready for the main event?” Celestia whispered into my ear and I squirmed around a bit against her side, a queasy feeling welling up in my heart and stomach. 

“I’m kind of a bit fearful of how it would feel, can we stay like this for a few more minutes?” I told her, looking up at her in uncertainty.

“We don’t have to do it today if that is the case, Sunshine,” Tia answered me, concern etched on her face. 

“No, I do want to, it’s just...” I started, trailing off as I was unsure how to relay my feelings to her. 

“Just the initial fear, right?” she asked me and I nodded. It was practically spot on, I guess. “Don’t worry, I will be gentle, okay?”

“Okay...” I said, placing a small kiss on her lips. Tia gave me a small reassuring smile. “Umm... h-how are we going to do this?”

“Well...” Celestia began, thinking slightly. “I don’t think we can do it like we had done it on Earth, ponies don’t really have the physique for that. We could try if you really want to, but let’s leave the experimentation for later.”

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea for now, either.”

“Well, there is the option of me mounting you while you lie with your upper body on the mattress,” she offered and my face brightened considerably at the image, so I gave her a meek nod. “You wouldn’t have to do anything, in that case. And perhaps we can still kiss while we do it, just like we had on Earth. Pony necks are more flexible, after all.”

“I’d like that,” I told her in a whisper as a small smile grew on my muzzle, glad that she had thought about this.

“I knew you would, my sweet Sunshine,” Celestia giggled. She hopped off the bed after that, stretching her limbs out like a cat. “Now get that cute flank of yours off that cloud.”

“Cute? Not sexy?” I pouted and she grinned at me. 

“Sorry, but you need a bit more padding on them for that, my gorgeous wife,” she told me, and my heart skipped a beat as she called me her wife. As she wiggled her own flanks demonstratively, I stared at them as they bounced and gave my own a curious look. Mirroring her, I gave them a slight shake, and unlike hers, they bounced far less. I frowned. “It’s your own fault for eating less than what Luna or I do. If it is any consolation, I like the slim look you have, dear.”

“Are you sure? I’m not too thin, am I?” I asked her, feeling slightly self-conscious. 

“Summer, I’m sure,” she reassured me. “You look better as a small, delicate little mare. Not everything has to be about wide birthing hips, you know? Now, how about you let me give you a good time, huh?”

“As long as I’m your mare,” I told her with a flutter in my heart. I slowly wiggled my butt off the cloud, anticipation building in my chest and nethers. And a whole lot of fear, but I tried to ignore that. “Don’t press in too fast, okay?”

“No need to worry, I will be gentle like I said,” Tia said, lowering her muzzle as her magic brushed the pink hair of my tail away so she could place a tender kiss on my folds. I felt a bit of wetness in my nethers start to build up, so I just rested my head on my forelegs as she did her best to get me as aroused as I possibly could be.

“Mhmm,” I hummed as my tail started to stand up on its own. Tia stopped her nuzzling and kisses and stood up, looking at me with a caring smile.

“Ready?” she asked and I gave her the go-ahead as my heart picked up speed in excitement and nervousness. Celestia reared up on her hind legs and not a moment later I felt her forehooves touching down on my back near my flanks to keep herself steady. “I’m just going to place the tip in, so don’t be startled, okay?”

“Okay,” I murmured softly, fidgeting slightly on my hooves to find a better stance on them with the added weight. Slowly, I felt her entering my entrance and I breathed in sharply in fear.

No, no, no. No. This was an entirely different feeling from when she went in with her tongue, her tip was a lot broader and firmer in contrast. It felt weird and... and... weird.

“What did I tell you about being startled?” Celestia grunted, my marehood squeezing shut due to my anxiety. I breathed in and out, trying to calm down this irrational fear of being penetrated. “C'mon, Summy. Relax.”

“Summy?” I squeaked out.

“What? I want to see you try and come up with a nickname based on your name,” she shot back with a grumble. Thankfully, the distraction managed to make me loosen up. At least somewhat. “Mom only ever called us Sunshine, we have a nickname for Lulu, and you call me Tia. Summy was the only option I could think of.”

“I think I like Red Nose more than that,” I said. “Summy sounds so... awkward, I don’t know.”

“Yeah, but Red Nose doesn’t have your name in it,” she called back, pushing further in slightly. I tried to avoid clamping down on her again, but I couldn’t help it as my marehood was spread further open by her. “Do I have to distract you the whole time? Maybe we should stop, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“No!” I shouted in panic while I gave her a pleading look. “I don’t want to stop now! I put so much effort into this spell and I really do like the idea of a mare with both parts. This is just... something I have to get used to.”

“Summer, don’t force yourself on this 'idea' of a fetish, please,” Celestia told me gently, already going back to move out. I followed her steps stubbornly, not allowing her to ruin this for me. I felt like I wanted to snarl at her, telling her in no uncertain terms to not stop our first attempt at sex like this. “Summer, please! What is wrong with you?!”

“Tia, either you do this with me now or I will never get over this,” I growled, forcing her to step back towards the bed with me by using my magic. “I want this, okay?!”

“Summer...” she sighed desperately. “Why?”

“Because I want to... feel like I’ve made you feel,” I muttered, tears pricking against the corners of my vision. “I want to experience this, too. I want to learn what it feels like to be in this position. Is that so wrong of me?!”

“No...” she mumbled back. “But we can still continue this at a later time, why do you insist on doing this right now?”

“I don’t want to back down the next time, or the time after that,” I answered. “I want to get this over with so we can enjoy it more the next time we do this, so please... do it for me?”

“Using my own words against me now, huh?” Tia muttered defeatedly. “Alright, if this is what you truly want, then I won’t say no. Even if I want to so badly.”

“Thank you,” I said and I felt myself start to loosen up again.

“You’re welcome, I guess,” she shot back half-heartedly. I pushed my rear against her but she didn’t move one bit in her uncertainty. Breathing in and out, I calmed myself each time as we pushed into each other until my wife hilted herself fully into my fearfully clenching canal at last. 

“There,” I said, my tone quivering a little bit from the strange and alien feeling. “It’s in... it’s in, h-holy fuck...”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Celestia asked me and I nodded, giving her a nuzzle as her head was now close enough for me to place a kiss on the corner of her lips. “I swear, you’re way too stubborn when you want to be.”

“I love you, too,” I told her, a slight laugh escaping me while I got used to the feeling of having her all the way in me. “I really hope I get used to this before our heat starts to drive us nuts.”

“We can always just go back to what we’re used to,” she tried to convince me again, but I shook my head at that. “Ugh, you really are an idiot. And also too tight. Loosen up, already.”

“Oh, yeah, because I can tell my snatch what to do now, can I?” I shot back, locking her in a tongue fight to shut her up. We both moaned into each other's mouths and I finally felt my nethers start to comply with my desires, somewhat. At least now Tia wasn’t being squeezed to death by my vagina, anymore.

Slowly, I began to lean forward, pulling her dick out of me at a steady pace before I leaned back to slowly start up a rhythm that I was comfortable with. Tia worked with me, not stopping our make-out session while we started to make love to each other.

And as we continued at what was basically a snail’s pace, I got gradually wetter in my nethers, helping us along and allowing us to increase the pace a bit. The fearful clenching of my vagina lessened each time I managed to get her to hilt herself within me.

Before long, I started to moan more heavily from the sensation of her dick filling me, my breathing coming out in gasps and pants. More and more I started to enjoy the feeling of her sliding within me, hitting spots I hadn’t known I had. As my fear dissipated at long last, I wondered why I had feared having her penis penetrate me in the first place.

As Tia began to thrust in with a buck of her rear, I cried out her name telling her to continue with what she was doing. And with each thrust, I felt stars enter my vision as I screamed in pleasure.

I had to constantly adjust my stance with my hindlegs in order for them to not give out underneath her as we rocked back and forth, my slick walls allowing her to increase her pace to an even faster one. 

And I loved the feeling of her fucking me with all she got. I started to feel silly for ever having been afraid of having something shoved up so deep in my marehood that I had to cry out with pleasure. Once or twice, I had to reprimand her to be a bit more gentle with me as she went back in with force, touching the entrance to my womb more than once with her tip, her shaft sliding in and out smoothly now.

It didn't hurt, but the feeling of something touching against it reminded me too much of my body's insistence to get impregnated and bear a foal to term. Something I wasn't ready for, at all. Not with us just starting to come into our roles of being Equestria's princesses. Becoming a mother all over again would be seriously inconvenient at a time like this.

Not that my body minded it all that much, trying to drown me out with nothing but pure pleasure. My wife stimulated all my spots at once as if she already knew how to work her dick to the best effect in order to draw out the most moans and screams of bliss from me.

Tia wasn’t better off in the pleasure department, grunting and panting as her thrusting pace began to transition into a steady hammering of my pussy. She had bit down on my ear at my insistence, tugging my head back with it. It just furthered my arousal and made this experience all the more memorable for us.

“Breed me, Tia!” I cried out, my mind in a frenzy. “Fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk, give me a foal!”

“You d-did,” she began as she grunted out, “cast the”—she let out another pant—“correct spell, r-right?!”

“Yes!” I gasped, warmth starting to spread from my nethers over to my whole body. “Yes, I did! Now let me keep pretending, f-fuck!”

“In t-that case,” she chuckled, thrusting in fully and holding herself right at the entrance to my womb with a shuddering cry. “I’ll fill you up so full that you will leak cum for the next week!”

I let out a wordless scream as my vision went white from the sudden harsh thrust and my walls started to milk my wife dry, wringing out every last drop from her heavily twitching mare shaft. With every vibration running up her rod came a new load of her spunk, shooting everything she got right into the cervix, painting my inner sanctuary white as the fluid kept coming for even longer than the time I had sucked her off.

Tia’s strong forelegs kept me against her as her dick continued to pump me full, making sure nothing missed its mark. A whole new kind of warmth filled me from the inside up and my hazy mind embraced it with open arms.

Even if I had screwed up the spell (which I thankfully did not), I was feeling far too good to care about the consequences right now. A small part of me even felt disappointed that I couldn't become pregnant from her cum. I shut out that part of myself and told it to grow up first before thinking of raising a foal again. And then think again about having a foal with my sister.

My brain really was only thinking with my nethers while I was in heat, wasn't it? Ugh, this is so bothersome...

Anyway, at some point, I felt my marehood let go of my wife and she slowly retreated from my depths. I just continued to lie there half on the bed and half in a slowly growing puddle of cum. Tia levitated my half-conscious self up on the bed with her and I absentmindedly noticed her rubbing herself off again. 

“Still not finished?” I asked dreamily, crawling over to her still-needy sex. I nuzzled her hoof away, thinking that it mustn’t feel all that great to masturbate with it, and plopped her length into my mouth, suckling on it much to the pleasure of my wife.

“N-no,” she answered me, squirming under my quickly moving tongue. “I don’t think your spell considered how much to, y-you know, produce.”

“That might explain that, then...” I mumbled taking her dick out of my mouth to lick the rest of it clean from our mixed juices before returning to the tip so I could bring her over her peak again.

“I’m c-close, Summy,” she whispered, biting her lip while she screwed her eyes shut. “P-please, j-just get me off.”

“Oh, with pleasure, Tia,” I giggled, licking her with a renewed vigor. And not long after that, another few shots were expelled from her as I heard her sigh happily.

“That’s so much better,” she mumbled, one last spray flying out of her just as I thought she was done. My sister giggled as I tried to get her cum away from my eyelid with a grumble. “Here, let me help you.”

She met my face with her tongue and slobbered all over me, not stopping even after I was technically clean from her spunk. 

“You pervert,” I giggled, playfully trying to get away from her muzzle.

“Well, you know me,” she chuckled at me. “Although, did you do that on purpose?”

“What if I did?” I smiled mischievously and she engaged me in a rough kiss, arousal clouding her eyes heavily. “I have to somehow sate your perverted hunger...”

“I love you so fucking much,” Tia murmured, happily. “So... how does it feel to be my perfect little mare, hmm?”

“Good,” I said, leaning into the kiss she gave me. “Positively nice, sister. I look forward to the next few days, even though we will go into a frenzy by then.”

“What time do you think it is right now?” she asked me, letting out a yawn.

“Time for sleep?” I shrugged, her yawn caused me to let out one, too. She ensnared me in her forehooves after I said that and together, we slowly drifted off to sleep.

I must say, this day was even better than I ever hoped it could have been. While I had to literally force myself to let her stay in me, it turned out to be one of the best things I have ever experienced.

Tia was, while a bit awkward in her movements, amazing in bed. The feeling of her holding me against her while she pumped me full of her fluids was exhilarating to me and I loved every moment of it. I felt her immense love for me as she held me in her strong embrace and I could just lose myself in that feeling all day long. It was utterly amazing.

Thankfully, as I felt myself awaken from the blissful depths of slumber, I saw that my wife still had her transformation active. The spell would probably run out of power in a few hours, but until then, I could give her a very nice awakening.

Wiggling out of her tight grip was a bit difficult and I almost feared I had woken her up too soon but she continued to blissfully snore away in a cute way. Feeling a bit giddy about what I was going to do for her, I nudged her penis a little bit, trying to get it to go fully erect.

I heard Tia mumble out in her sleep and I stayed still for a moment. It became quickly apparent that she was starting to have a wet dream from all of my prodding. 

“Oh, this is even better,” I giggled quietly to myself, stroking her to full mast and then taking her member into my eager mouth. I let out a few hums and giggles while bobbing up and down on it, letting the vibrations of my voice make her even harder. 

My ears perked up as I heard her groan out my name and for a moment I feared she was already awake. She continued to mumble sweetly into the bed as I saw her already biting her lower lip from whatever she was seeing in her dream that made her so horny. Good, she was still asleep, wouldn’t want to wake her up too early, now.

Suckling on the tip noisily as I started to get a feel for how close she was to finishing, I giggled when she blearily opened her eyes. She took in the sight of me with her cock in my mouth for a few moments, not yet awake enough to comprehend what was going on. Then she let out a small moan as I felt her penis give a twitch in my mouth and I knew I was getting her ever closer to the finish line.

Celestia finally smiled down at me approvingly, her groggy mind getting clear of the cobwebs and I managed to bring her to an orgasm first thing in the morning. Greedily gulping down the salty-sweet treat of her cum that was being expelled from her cock, I grinned back at Tia as she gave me a look that basically told me that she found it sexy beyond belief.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” I whispered after she was done with her load. I came up to her muzzle for a tender kiss, having her hum a reply at me in return.

“You’re certainly eager this morning,” she told me with a few kisses. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“I would have thought you would have remembered what day it is,” I answered back, raising a brow at her only half disappointed. “You know, this is a nice birthday despite us entering heat.”

“Ugh. How could I have forgotten?” Celestia asked, facehoofing at her stupidity. “All those thoughts about estrus must have pushed it out of my mind.”

“Well, now you know, dummy,” I giggled. “Happy Birthday, sister.”

“Happy Birthday,” she mumbled in return, getting back to eating my face sloppily. I eagerly reciprocated her affections with my own. We stayed like this for a while, enjoying each other’s company.

“So,” Tia began. “What do you wanna do today?”

“How about a repeat of yesterday?” I eagerly asked back, feeling my marehood get excited already.

“You really are eager today, aren’t you?” she giggled. “Well, then. Let us get to it, shall we?”

“Yes,” I answered, presenting her already with my sex before she could even stand up from the bed. “I’m yours to abuse, Mistress.”

My sister raised a brow at me in interest. “Is this how we are going to do this, then?” she asked, a small smirk appearing on her muzzle. “Have you been good, my little Sunshine?”

“No, Mistress,” I whispered breathily, wiggling my flank at her. “I've been dripping all over the floor. I’m so sorry, Mistress.”

“Well, why don’t you get down on the ground and clean it up?” she asked with a demanding tone.

A flutter raced through my heart and I put on a meek and apologetic mask. “Because I would make it even dirtier, Mistress,” I answered, biting my lip with eager anticipation. “I think something is causing me to leak, I need to be checked out.”

“I can see that,” she grunted in mock annoyance, getting close to my nethers with her muzzle. “Let me see if I can find out what is causing this...”

As she told me that, I felt her begin to lick my dripping fluids up. Tia smacked her lips thoughtfully, running a hoof over my overly excited entrance and I leaned into her touch with a quiver. She chuckled slightly at that, seeing how wet and needy I was. I was already back to dripping my fluids over the floor again.

“I see...” she said. “It seems to me that you are in need of being filled up to stop the leaking, my delicate breeding mare.”

“Y-yes!” I squeaked out, holding my vagina right in her face and smearing my fluids all over her. “I need to be bred! Make me your mare a-again, M-Mistress! Fill me up with your seed!”

My mistress sputtered, shoving me away from her face. “Ngh! Look at what you have done!” she shouted at me, her gaze furious. Although I could see the playful glint in her eyes, so I played along by letting out a fearful squeak.

“I’m so sorry, Mistress!” I cried out, pretending to be afraid. “I don’t know what must have come over me, please forgive me?”

“Oh, we will see about that,” my mistress told me with a sneer. “First, you need to clean me up, do you understand?”

“O-of course, Mistress,” I answered, turning around to do what she had asked of me. My mistress stood still while I eagerly licked off my juices from her face. “Am I forgiven now?”

“Not just yet, my clumsy little pet,” she shot back. “I think you are in severe need of punishment for your transgressions, are you not?”

“R-right,” I breathed out, my nethers even wetter now. “What should I be punished with, Mistress?”

She let out a thoughtful hum, rubbing her chin with a hoof. Then I saw her smirk at me, and in the next moment, I felt her tug at my mane painfully while she placed a rough bite on my lower lip.

“I think a bit of pain should suffice,” my mistress answered, chuckling evilly back at me. “Now present me your bare flanks so I can spank them, you naughty mare, you.”

“Y-yes~,” I moaned delightedly, already excited about what she would do to me. “P-punish t-this clumsy maiden, Mistress~!”

She snorted. “Don’t be so eager about that,” she said and one clap after another rang out as I let out a cry followed by a moan, relishing the sharp sting of pain. “Now, if I feel you resist my entry, there will be more of that!”

“I w-won’t disappoint you, Mistress,” I told her, lowering my front half back to the ground again while presenting her my marehood with my tail standing painfully up and away from it. 

In one swift motion, my mistress was on top of me. She aligned her tip with my entrance and in a single thrust, she was fully hilted within me. I let out a shrieking moan from the stimulus of her filling me up without warning, the 'weirdness' of having something shoved into my vagina disappearing within seconds.

“My, you are sopping wet, my sweet little mare,” she chuckled, her dick twitching approvingly within me. “I don’t think I can fix that. It seems to me you will have to leak all over the floor for the rest of your days~.”

“W-won’t that be a p-problem for you, M-Mistress?” I asked, another moan coming out of me as she withdrew from my depths only to thunder back in.

“N-no,” my mistress grunted, taking the hair on the back of my neck in her mouth. “I shust will hash to keep pluggin’ you up, shen.”

“M-Mistress!” I cried out, pleasure rocking my body as she started to pump in and out like a piston running wild. “I-I, ahnn~, I d-don’t deserve s-such an honor! Ngh! F-fuck, yes! Harder! Ahn~!”

“Uhuh,” she growled as she granted me my wish, plowing even harder into me. Her wild movements caused me to skid forward on the ground a bit and I was quickly reduced into a quivering mess of pleasure by her movements. Then, she spat my hair out as a moan escaped both of our throats. It was almost like our lust had synchronized itself to our frantic love-making. “You will b-be reduced t-to a mere toy, m-my little m-mare!”

“Y-yes! If that is what my mistress wishes, then I will be your toy for eternity!” I answered happily. My mistress drilled into me with her shaft in a sudden jerking motion and I felt her go even deeper into me as I was pressed to the ground harder in turn. I cried out her name as she started to try and get further in as her dick shot the creamy substance of her load into the deepest parts of me.

“F-fuck!” she growled out. “Take my load! Take it and give me a foal!”

“Y-yes, breed me! F-fill me u-up!” I shouted back in ecstasy. “I will carry your young, Mistress!”

“Good,” she chuckled in satisfaction, slapping me on my flank roughly. “I’ll be unhappy to see you not bloat up with a big fat pregnant belly!”

“Mhmm,” I giggled. “Anything for you, Mistress~.”

She slowly withdrew from my marehood with her slick dick hanging in front of me not a moment later. I licked my lips in heavy anticipation as I heard her demand for me to clean her up, our combined fluids slowly dripping down from it. Eagerly, I followed her order without complaint, slurping noisily all over her shaft, much to her amusement and delight.

“Was I too rough?” Celestia asked me as I finished up with her. I gave her a shake of my head, nuzzling her neck lovingly.

“No, just the right amount, sister,” I answered her as she brought me over to the bed. “I liked you biting down on my mane...”

She let out a relieved sigh. “I’m glad to hear that,” she said, snuggling me tightly against her barrel. “What do you say to some pillow talk? I’m kinda really exhausted here.”

“Yeah, pillow talk sounds nice right about now,” I nodded. “I don’t think I can take any more of that for a little bit, anyway.”

“Wow,” my sister chuckled. “And here I thought you wouldn’t want to stop.”

“Nah, we will have more of that over the next few days,” I told her, gazing into her beautiful pale magenta eyes with love. “I’d rather be able to walk after we are through with this estrus cycle, I don’t want to make Lulu suspicious of us.”

Celestia nodded reluctantly as she breathed in deeply from my mane before letting out a sigh. “Very well,” I heard her say. “She would probably do something stupid if she were to find out what we have been up to.”

I snorted. “Like going around and telling everypony as soon as they ask her? You know she would because she is terrible at keeping secrets. It would only be a matter of time until somepony noticed her acting strange.”

“We would have to lock her away forever,” she snickered. I also let out a snort as I pictured us standing before her locked door while she tried to escape in order to tell the whole world what depraved ponies we were.

“So, what do you think we will have to do as princesses once our castle is done?” I asked, playing with the soft tuft of fur on her chest again. 

“Probably boring paperwork all day long,” Tia mused, a frown evident in her voice. “Go on boring meetings with the ‘important’ ponies or other rulers of foreign nations, pass bills for snotty nobles thinking they could get away with everything, and so on and so forth...”

“I’m sure it won’t be all that bad,” I said. “We might even get petitioners, so we could hold court for a good part of the day.”

“Instead of boring paperwork, we get to listen to nobles whine about everything?” she snorted. “That’s even worse.”

“They don’t have to be nobles every time, Tia,” I said, giving her a disapproving look. “We could help the peasants with important things, for example. We can make their lives better.”

“Oh, it’s the peasants now, huh?” Celestia rolled her eyes. “What’s next, are you going to call the castle staff your servants?”

“That's not what I meant,” I mumbled meekly. “This world’s vernacular is getting to me...”

Tia let out a sympathetic sigh. “I guess that’s true...” she said, non too happy about it. “It would look weird to the nobles if we behaved like the ‘peasants’ would. We probably should get used to the idea of acting like royalty. Just not the bad kind of royalty.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I agreed hesitantly. “Others would see that as a sign of weakness, I’m sure. As long as we stand true to our ideals though, we should be fine.”

My sister smiled reminiscently to herself. “Stay loyal to our subjects, be honest with yourself, show kindness and generosity to those in need, and keep the happiness of the ponies of Equestria at the forefront of your thoughts...” she said, quoting something Starswirl had told us on the day of our coronation. “I guess there are worse ideals than that. We should have no problem upholding these.”

“Yes, especially kindness,” I said with a smile. “So, get used to having a bleeding heart, sister.”

“I don’t think I would show kindness to just anypony, sister.”

“Everypony deserves it, even if it may be hard to give at times,” I told her. “Take Starswirl for example. He doesn’t care whether you’re young or old, a pegasus, a unicorn, or an earthpony. Anypony deserves a chance.”

“Forgive and forget, huh?” Tia whispered. “Like Platinum?”

“I..."—I hesitated—" I want to say yes, but even I don’t know if she has any redeemable characteristics,” I murmured, looking away from her in thought. “She certainly doesn’t want to change in her ways, even after her father talked with her.”

“You mean shouted,” she giggled and I smiled slightly. “She deserved every second of it. That stallion packs a serious pair of lungs.”

“I kinda felt bad for her...” I sighed. “If that had been Mom shouting at you or Lulu, I would have thought she went overboard.”

“That doesn’t change the fact that King Bullion was right with every word he said to her. So I’m not nearly as sorry for her as you are. Not even the slightest bit, she is a bitch,” she said. “On another note, what do you think we should do about Starswirl and the ritual?”

“I don’t know, he told us not to worry about it,” I answered with a shrug. “At the moment we can’t really do anything but hope that he finds a more permanent solution. I don’t think even we are strong enough to do this ritual for any length of time.”

“For all we know...” Celestia muttered. “I wish he didn’t tell us not to worry about it. We are the princesses now, aren’t we? We are supposed to be concerned and all he tells us to do is to concentrate on learning how to govern Equestria. The old geezer has a lot of nerve...”

“Well, I get where he is coming from,” I said, stroking the tuft of fur on her chest a bit in thought. “If we were to lose our magic, Equestria would lose three of their defenders. It would severely weaken our ability to lead our little ponies.”

“It fucking sucks, that’s what it does,” Tia growled angrily. “He continues to look at us like we are little kids that don’t know any better. We are a lot closer to his mental age than we appear, for fuck’s sake.”

“Don’t get so angry about that, dear,” I giggled. “He does have a lot more experience than us, that’s for sure.”

“He is still an ass,” she pouted at me.

“And you need to stop swearing so much. We are princesses now, it would reflect poorly on us if you were to let out such foul language in the presence of other ponies,” I scolded her, smiling playfully. “Even though I don’t mind as much. You could swear all day long and all it would do would be to arouse me.”

“Oh?” she smirked. “I think that’s fucking worth it to me.”

“Please, don’t,” I said. “I really meant it when I said it would reflect poorly on us as rulers.”

“Fine, you win,” she huffed grumpily. “Why do you have to be so cute?”

“Why do you have to be a pervert?”

“Touché, Summer. Touché.”

We continued to talk about this and that, just enjoying the day for what it was. All in all, it wasn’t such a bad Birthday. Tia and I had our urges mostly under control and I was glad that our estrus didn’t manage to ruin this day for us. The same couldn’t be said for the following days, though.

Despite going at it like rabid animals, Tia at least tried not to leave me as an utter mess once we were done and she felt finally spent enough that she couldn’t continue on pumping me full of cum. I had to say though, the spell I had created was doing its job beautifully.

While Tia was only the slightest bit saddened that I couldn’t work out how to cast the spell on myself without it failing on me, she was understanding enough to not complain about it. It helped that she was also the dominant one in our relationship, so she wasn’t all that sad about it after our heat ended.

Once we were able to think clearly again, we were able to leave the room. Thankfully the wards could recognize what state our bodies were in so that we couldn’t open them from the inside and only kept the room under lockdown while we were still in heat. Luna had asked the animals to bring us our food while she was busy overseeing the construction of our castle, so she didn’t notice that the critters left all the food in our room.

The animals at least didn’t care what we were doing and I was glad nopony could understand them or the secret would have come out a long time ago. I felt like hitting myself for this 'slight' oversight but was glad that we got lucky this time around. We would have to come up with a solution to that problem in the future.

Thankfully, the massive bath chamber had been completed as we were... ahem, 'laid up'. My sister and I gave ourselves a thorough cleansing, trying to get the heavy smell of sex off of us. It felt nice being squeaky clean again as we scrubbed each other's backs and I was happy to see that we had a few natural sponges gifted to us by some nice ponies.

Seriously, natural sponges were awesome and extremely fluffy. Tia was just as happy about them as I was because using hooves to clean ourselves wasn’t exactly the nicest thing. Thankfully, ponies already knew how to make soap and we had quite a collection of different scents to choose from.

After our well-deserved bath, we continued to go around the castle as we were pleasantly surprised by how much progress had been made. Ponies and animals alike were already almost done with the finishing touches. 

As I had requested, we saw some of the most high-quality decorations I’ve ever seen being put up by a few ponies, all of them bowing happily as we passed them by on our walk. We asked a few guards standing watch where we would be able to find our sister and were promptly directed to the basement.

Luna was tinkering with the massive organ that would eventually become the central control unit for all the traps and hidden passages. She was so focused on her task that she didn’t notice Tia sneak up on her with her feathers at the ready. I smiled fondly as they were rolling around on the ground a moment later.

“Don’t scare me so!” Luna grumbled annoyed as she pinned my twin under her. “I’m glad that you’re back, but must you be so...”

“Childish? What? Can’t you have a bit of fun?” Celestia grinned slightly as Luna helped her back on her hooves. I came over to them, leaning down a bit to give my baby sister a gentle nuzzle. “How far along is the castle, by the way?”

“A few more days and we should be completely done. I’ve had a bit of trouble with the Organ to the Outside, to be honest. Your animal friends have been a great help, Summer,” Luna told us, going back to tinkering with the mechanics behind the triggers that were within the giant musical instrument. 

“I’m glad to hear that, Lulu,” I said, trying to see what she was doing. It looked really complex and I’m sure only my little sister had the exact knowledge of what did what.

She let out an annoyed huff a moment later, cursing under her breath as she let her frustration show with a little growl, trying to get a moving part into the right spot. I had no idea what it was for, but I could guess that it was probably an important part. “You know what? I could take a break from this, actually. What do you say to a round of hide and seek in the throne room? Oh, you’re going to love what we have done with it!”

“Sure, I could go for a bit of light-hearted fun,” I said smiling. “What about you, Tia?”

“It certainly would keep my mind off of the thought of having to start our duties soon,” she shrugged. “Why not indulge in a bit of childishness for a little while?”

Lulu was happily skipping ahead of us, a cute little spring in her steps as she told us to keep up with her. And while the Hall of Hooves was definitely the most creepy thing within our castle, I had to say it added to the atmosphere a lot. As we entered the throne room, I had to admire the tapestries hanging above the golden and midnight blue thrones. 

My throne was more of a reddish-gold while Tia’s leaned more towards a light yellow. Up above, woven into the tapestries, were the depictions of the heavenly objects we were named after. Luna's depicted not only the moon but also a starry sky with a shining pearl representing the Argent Star. I felt a happy tear leave me as I squeezed the living daylights out of my little sister, babbling my endless thanks to her for getting some of the artists to make them as a tribute to our parents and us. 

Because Luna kinda had the advantage over us with knowing more about the layout of the castle, we made her promise to give us plenty of time to hide before she started to seek us. It was a nice way to have us familiarize ourselves with the castle and we had a lot of fun while we kept on playing throughout the whole day.

It was a welcome distraction for the workers, too. They saw us behave a bit childishly, sure, but they didn’t seem to mind it much. If anything, it proved to them that we weren’t some snobbish ponies that would take advantage of them. We even had a few of them join us while they were on their breaks, making the whole experience even more entertaining.

Soon, as the days continued to pass, we had our castle finally finished and polished up nicely. Starswirl came over along with King Bullion and (much to our dismay) his daughter. We were gracious enough to host his presence while showing him around in our new home, all the while Platinum continued to give us glares.

It got so bad that, as we entered our throne room, she and Luna ended up in a shouting match... 

“You dare come here into our own home and behave like you own it?!” Luna growled. Platinum huffed and was about to open her mouth again to give us one of her generic ‘I am better than thou’ insults, but Luna beat her to the punch. It was... I have no idea. I felt strangely proud that my little sister was being mean to her. “You are no princess, you prissy foal! A princess conducts herself with respect and earns it with her actions, not with her empty words and promises! You know nothing of how a princess should behave and you dare call yourself a royal?”

“I am a unicorn!” Platinum glowered back. “We deserve to stand above everypony! Even you and your mongrel sisters. You are nothing more than abominations and that ponies would follow you instead of me... it sickens me.”

“Platinum...” her father said, a warning tone in his voice. Instead of listening to him, though, Platinum let out a snort as she sent a baleful glare towards him.

“I can’t believe you would side with these... these farmers over me, Father!” Platinum shrieked with her incredibly annoying voice. “These simpletons don’t deserve their place as princesses!”

Luna laughed hollowly before it started to pick up in volume as she couldn’t stop herself from laughing hysterically. “Deserve? You know nothing of what we deserve! You take everything for granted, thinking yourself privileged to anything and everything only because you have been born as royalty!

“Clearly, you don’t realize what your arrogance has led to! You ruin lives and don’t even bat an eyelash, never having had to live with the consequences of your actions because you thought yourself safe from punishment! No more! Keep insulting us, your rulers, and see where it leads you, worm. Remember who you have sworn your loyalty to, Princess Bitchface.”

“You little brat!” Platinum cried out, enraged. “Know your place, peasant. That throne should have been mine! You aren’t even worthy of your position, blank flank!”

“Oh?” Luna smirked. “It should have been yours? Very well, then. If you think yourself better than us, then sit on it and we will see if you are worthy of it. A Cutie Mark does not make the mare, as you so perfectly serve as an example of. Show me that that crown on your flanks means you should rule, you little immature bitch.”

We got a quiet laugh out of Platinum as Luna tricked her into sitting on her throne while she gave me a look and I reluctantly asked Melvin to trigger the secret slide behind it, causing the throne to turn around to throw her into the ‘escape’ plan that Luna insisted on that we have.

Platinum came back covered in tears looking quite ruffled, ‘apologizing’ for her misbehavior. I could tell that she was still holding on to her grudge against us and that she wasn’t very genuine with her apology, but as long as we had this truce between us now, I felt like we could somewhat tolerate each other. Probably.


King Bullion apologized for the way his daughter continued to behave and assured us that he would try to keep her away from us as much as he could. We were quite thankful for that, I don’t think we could stand her toxic behavior all that much even with this truce between us.

At least my sweet Moon got to call her an immature bitch for thinking we were the ones that needed to grow up because we haven’t gotten our Cutie Marks yet. Luna was also quite happy that her Organ to the Outside worked exactly like she wanted it to. I guess I have to give her credit where it was due, the thing was quite useful for having fun and moving around the castle (despite the multitude of other things that creeped me out).

We also discovered we could infuse our magic into our voices, due to her thorough tongue-lashing. Luna was extremely giddy with using it to annoy us and the servants in the castle, playing alarm clock first thing in the morning with glee.

Waking up at the crack of dawn started to become a regular thing after that and she managed to get us to always wake up at the same time now (even when she wasn’t screaming her head off). Well, I guess the advantage of that was that we had a bit more time to get ready for work each day, so it was at least 'somewhat' useful.

And how tedious that quickly became, having to go over documents and such while Starswirl, Clover the Clever, and his friends taught us all about how to govern a nation. Luna tried to get out of our lessons by pretending to be sick for a while, but that quickly turned on her as we found her playing the Organ to the Outside to mess with my twin (and everypony else, but mostly with my twin).

She was grounded after that, having to endure extended lessons from Clover as punishment. I wanted to say she asked for it with her pranking, but I kinda felt bad about seeing her be so pouty. Luna just wanted to have a little bit of fun, after all.

Still, she needed those lessons just as much as my twin and I did. She didn’t try to weasel her way out of them afterward, the hassle apparently not worth the outcome. Her high jinks, at least, managed to get our new friends to laugh for a while. Small miracles, that.

Aside from Luna having had her fun at our expense, Clover, Pansy, and Smart Cookie told us some rather good news regarding the state of our nation.

Chancellor Puddinghead had a few rare moments where he let his inner brilliance shine by getting the earthponies to farm more effectively, leading to an overabundance of food. I was glad that we didn’t have to worry about that so much anymore, things like that make me feel really antsy.

Commander Hurricane, on the other hoof, established the first official weather team, organizing our weather for the whole of Equestria. His team of pegasi were doing their jobs with an admirable enthusiasm. 

But most importantly, Clover told me that the unicorns were making good progress with developing a safer way to raise and lower the heavenly objects. While they weren’t entirely there yet, they hoped to finish the new spellwork before Starswirl and Miss Lulamoon couldn’t continue on anymore.

Our friends were quite grateful for us having taken on the mantle of princesses, as our presence alone had inspired ponies to look past their differences and work together in harmony. If only that was true for Platinum, but I suppose there was no changing her.

Smart Cookie and my wife had a little bit of trouble with reining in Chancellor Puddinghead as the wacky stallion decided to spontaneously visit us one day. To make matters worse, Luna and Puddinghead decided to have a little wager as to who was better at hide and seek, causing a whole lot of chaos in the process.

I was quite surprised to find myself suddenly thrown off my throne in the middle of holding court while I was trying to help a pair of ponies out on a dispute over land. At first, I thought Luna was playing pranks on ponies again, but I later found out that Puddinghead had beaten my sister at her own game.

I won’t ever understand that stallion, honestly. He did things and knew stuff that should have been impossible. Luna and Puddinghead were a terrifying combination for pranks from that day onward, causing me plenty of headaches.

When we weren’t busy with our duty as princesses, I continued to work on my own personal garden with tender care. My little animal friends were happy to assist me with anything and I was glad that they loved this place as much as I did. In the middle of the garden, I had a nice wide cherry blossom tree enchanted to stay in bloom for the whole year (aside from winter, obviously). It was my whole pride and joy. I often found Tia napping underneath it when she wasn’t busy with work, either.

It was a very cute sight to behold and I couldn't help but mourn the fact that I did not have a camera at hoof to take pictures with. It would have been such a good one, too, of her sleeping blissfully underneath its vibrant leaves. She just looked so peaceful whenever I found her there.

Then, for one particular lesson by Starswirl, he invited us over to his personal library and my twin totally geeked out over the massive collection of dusty old tomes, reminding me of where our daughter had gotten that particular trait from. Not a thing had changed from Celestia being a massive nerd when it came down to books and magic (and cars, but those don’t exist in Equestria... and hopefully never will).

Starswirl had us on a few research assignments, trying to teach us how to find our way around in a library if we ever felt the need to in the future. The old stallion assured us that it was a necessary skill to have in order to rule more effectively, seeing that it would not only help us keep organized but also on task.

My twin was obviously the better pony at it than either Luna or myself were. She always finished her assignments with time to spare, so she helped us out by teaching us her methods. Not that it helped us all that much, Tia just was a natural with this type of work (just like she was with everything else).

Starswirl also told us that we were free to browse through his collection whenever we wanted to and Celestia was giddy at the prospect of learning all that she could from his magic tomes. It was really adorable how her eyes continued to sparkle brightly for days afterward because of it, her mood having been uplifted so much I thought she would have floated into the sky because of it.

Of course, Luna made fun of her enthusiasm in our diary, so I left an entry telling her to stop antagonizing her (I was reasonably sure she would see my words, she never knew how to keep her hooves to herself). I also wrote about all the great times I had together with Pansy as I showed her my private garden. She was such a gentle pegasus, she took after my own heart.

Aside from that, Starswirl was also working on a multitude of spells, some of which he even asked us for our input on. There was one about Cutie Marks that went well over our heads because we had next to no reference to it due to the lack of our own. But that's the boring stuff, anyway. What was more interesting were the spells involving time travel!

It was quite funny to see Tia try the spell out, despite Starswirl's warnings that the spell could only be cast by the pony using it once. There was something that the future Tia did that surprised me, though.

She made out with herself because, apparently, it was the perfect opportunity to test out what it would feel like to have yourself eat your own face from both perspectives. We were thankfully alone at the time in her private reading room, so Luna and Starswirl were none the wiser.

A week later as Tia was back in Starswirl's library, she found where Starswirl had kept that spell hidden and immediately used it, much to his grumbling protests. As she returned from the past, and I knew full well what she had just done, Starswirl gave her a thorough scolding for being so foolish to cast something without any kind of preparation first. Or consideration for possible consequences, for that matter.

That led to him giving us a refresher in the proper safeties of spellcasting, much to the chagrin of my younger sister and I. Celestia wasn’t even remotely apologetic about it, still high on making out with herself... again. Sometimes, she really was too perverted for her own good.

At least Starswirl had his fun lecturing us, the old coot needed all the distractions he could get. I fear that time was starting to take its toll on him...