Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

Morning date

Status: In hospital and still sick.
Fun chapter, enjoy1

Chapter 26

I stepped out of my house and took a breath of the fresh air. Being in a house that smells like weed makes you dizzy after a while.

I shifted my saddlebag so that it fit better and began walking down the street. I almost forgot about my job at the Cafe. Good thing Twilight remembered.


Zane stood out side of New Mane City. Finally, after days of traveling, he had arrived at his destination.

If the Princess was right, she would be here. The only person he had to meet.

But now, a new problem is presented. Where will he find her? She could be anywhere in this large city.

He sighed, might as well start looking.


Captain Barehoof looked at the menu in front of him. What should he order?

The waiter stood next to the table holding a notebook and pen in front of him with his magic, "Sir, what will you be having today?"

The Captain sighed and put down his menu, "Just give me two hayburgers, two salads, and a lemonade."

The waiter nodded and looked over to Dana, "And you madam?"

She looked at the menu, "Just a salad."

He wrote down the order, "It'll be out in a few minutes."

As the waiter walked away, Dana looked at the Captain, a smirk on her face, "Someones a big eater aren't they."

The Captain chuckled, "I'm just hungry."

She gave a sly smile, "Of course you are."

The Captain sat forward and put his hoofs on the table, "So why did you want me to take you out for breakfast?"

She shrugged, a strange smile on her face, "No reason. Just thought you would like to eat after this mornings events."

He nodded, "Well, I didn't have time to eat this morning. Thanks to you wanting to get going so early."

She leaned forward and put her hoof on his, "I'm sorry. I just want whats best for him."

The Captain looked at her hoof on his, "Well, that's understandable. Parents should want whats best for their kids."

The waiter came back with their food, "Food for you sir," He put the Captain's food in front of him, "And food for you madam." He placed Dana's food in front of her.

Dana nodded towards him, "Thank you."

The waiter bowed, "Your welcome madam." He turned and walked back to the counter.

The Captain picked up one of the hayburgers and took a bite. Delicious.

Dana poked at her food before taking a bite. She chew it for a second before nodding her head, "Taste pretty good."

The Captain nodded, "This place serves the best food."

She took another bite, "I think I have to agree with you on that one."

The Captain finished the first hayburger and picked up the second, he took a sip of his lemonade.

Dana looked at him, "You already ate the first one?"

He shrugged, "I eat fast."

She chuckled, "I see that." She sat back, "But I eat faster." Her bowel was empty.

The Captain held back a smile. It seems shes not as stuck up as he had thought, "You was distracting me. I would have finished way before you did."

She laughed, loudly, "Oh what ever Captain."

He finished the last of his hayburger and took a large gulp of his lemonade, "How about I prove it." He pushed one of the salads over to her, "First one to finish wins."

She smirked, "Your on." She quickly began eating her salad

The Captain dived his head down into his salad and started chewing. When he finished he looked up smiled.

Dana was sat back, her bowel empty and picking her teeth, "Took you long enough Captain."

He chuckled, "Unfair, you had a head start."

She shrugged, "I still beat you."

He looked over to a waiter and waved him over, "Round two?"

She nodded, "You ready to lose again?"

The waiter walked over, "Yes?"

The Captain looked up at him, "Yes, bring us five hayburgers."

The waiter nodded and turned for the counter.

Dana chuckled, "Five huh? Wouldn't there be one left over?"

The Captain smiled, "Who ever eats three wins."

She smiled, "Sounds good to me."

The waiter brought out their food and placed it down in front of them, "There you go."

The Captain smirked, "Ready?"

She nodded, "Oh yeah."

He reached forward, "Begin!"