CYOA: Rainbow Maid

by DanishDash


You're pretty full after the pasta and you have other places to be.

Rainbow seems a little disappointed in that answer, she would probably have wanted you to stay for a bit longer, but she understands. You ask for the bill and Rainbow soon returns with it. It’s a nice sum of bits, but nothing too severe. 

You paid for the meal, took a moment to relax a bit before you stood up and made your way towards the door again. Rainbow walked close by. "Well, I can say you gave me quite the scare when you walked through that door. I thought I was going to die.."

You shrug. "I don't see what the big deal is, I'm your friend, you shouldn't have to hide such a thing from me."

Both of you stopped near the door. "You don't get it. I don't want you to think I'm some delicate little flower.. I'm your friend, good old Rainbow Dash, your bro.. Right?"

  1. ---> Invite on a Date.
  2. --->You're just friends.