//------------------------------// // Rainbow`s concern // Story: Fluttershy has a problem // by Forever brony //------------------------------// "Wow" Fluttershy exclaims as she opens her door and ever so gently lies down on her comfortable bed. She falls asleep thinking of the fun she had today with Rainbow Dash. "I'm worried about that Fluttershy." Rainbow Explained to Twilight with concern in her voice "She seemed very happy today but also very nervous." She tells her purple maned friend as they drink tea. " hmm, Maybe shes stressed and shes trying to hide it" said twilight "I don`t know being so shy shes hard to read, other then the shyness I mean." said Rainbow Dash "Wow rainbow Iv never seen you so worried before." twilight says with a raised brow. "Well I mean.." she pauses then mumbles "I care about her" still trying to be the cool non-mushy pony she is. "Awwww Rainbow" Twilight exclaims "How about we go to Fluttershy`s tomorrow and talk to her? maybe we could get something out of her that she is holding back?" she offers "Okay" Rainbow says thinking about her yellow friend. The next day the two concerned mares made their way to Fluttershy`s beautiful tree home. At the same time Fluttershy is waking up to another beautiful fall day she awakes to a knocking on her door. Its Rainbow and Twilight. "May we come in?" Twilight asks "Oh yes come on in girls." said Fluttershy happy she has visitors. "Actually Flutters we have something to ask." Twilight says with concern on her tongue. "Yes Twilight?" She says with a nervous tone wondering whats wrong. "Well Fluttershy are you depressed?" she asks scared of what reply she will receive. "OH MY TWILIGHT NO!" she gasps as she is taken with shock. "In fact i`m the complete opposite to tell you the truth." she says smiling greatly. "Then why have you been acting so strange lately?" Dash asks her friend in a concerned tone. "Well you see my birthday is on its way i just didn't want to bother anypony" she says hiding behind her mane. "Fluttershy your my friend why have you kept that a secret?" Twilight asks. "Well you see the spotlight is a scary place I would rather just spend a day with anyone I can then bother the people i care about so much." she says with tears in her eyes hoping her friends understand. "Oh Fluttershy don`t cry sweetie i`m going to go talk to Pinkie Pie about a party how about that?" asked Twilight hoping to cheer her friend up. "REALLY TWILIGHT!?" asks Fluttershy "Of course come on lets let her know!" said Twilight. "Oh Twilight, Rainbow your the best" she says to her friends happier then ever. Pinkie pie hears the news and started to bounce off of the walls in glee. Rarity then wanting to make her a dress for the occasion.