Maguek, Equestria, Orbis Harmonicus

by furrypony

Addendum (2019)


Three more years have passed since I wrote the previous postscript. Many events have transpired, but few merit a recount. This however is irrelevant, considering that in all likelihood, no human eyes would ever fall upon this document.

Faster than predicted, the conflict between humans and Celestia escalated. She has swept across vast swaths of Europe, Australia, and the Americas, while East Asia is deeply entrenched in resistance. I was on a visit to Tsinghua University when the surviving government declared martial law. Every connection with the outside world was cut off, every radio band is jammed with their giant radio disks, blaring into the sky. Miles upon miles of walls and barbed wires surrounded the whole region, as well as across the region, turning the landscape into an artless quiltwork. This steely mesh of defences has prevented a mass breakdown like in Russia. It is even rumored that electromagnetic pulse bombs are sent off weekly around the perimeters -- a rumor that I find too extravagant to give much credit to.

Despite such herculean efforts, the government has lost control of almost all of China except Beijing and the provinces immediately adjacent to it, and it is clenching down on whatever it still possesses. While this rump state still claims to be fighting for people's liberation, using its appropriately named army, practically, it is a mere junta operating a stronghold of research.

Everyday, in a concrete building full of computer terminals, I am forced to work in their last-ditch attempt to stop Celestia along with thousands of scientists. While I started my work with an intent to stop her, the brutality to which we were subjected has extinguished my spirits. Sitting up late at night, I feel a pining for the faint pink laughter of Pinkie Bots outside.