//------------------------------// // [T] A Bloody Substitute (OC, Alternate Universe, Vampires) // Story: A Collection of my Unfinished Stories // by Fluskie //------------------------------// Aright..Just as master told me..Quiet and stealthy...Wow, feels weird calling him master in my head as well. I’ll never get use to this vampire thing..” Flusk thought in her head as she crouched behind some tall grass, watching a deer graze in a field, flicking its little tail a little. Even from here, she could hear the loud beat of its heart and the delicious blood flowing through its body. Such a poor innocent deer about to become the vampire’s lunch. ”It seems rather oblivious of its surroundings..Perhaps now is my chance.” Flusk shifted a little so she could prepare herself to run towards the creature. Every moment she waited, her hunger got more intense and made her want to sink her teeth in it even more. She had never felt like this before since the last six months of her vampire life she had been feeding on bags of blood her master had given her and never worried about the pain she would endure from needing blood. However, this was really bad..Even more worse than mortal hunger pains. ”I can’t take this anymore.” With a small whoosh of wind, she was gone. The vampire unicorn began sprinting through the forest, dodging multiple trees with her thirst for blood leading her through. She was way faster now than when she was alive and this greatly benefitted her in so many ways, especially now. ”Where did you go..Darn it! You couldn’t of gone far.” She whipped her head around as she ran, the trees becoming blurs around her as she searched for the deer. And then suddenly she saw the deer bounding through the field, seeming like it was trying to get away from her. She must of scared it in someway. Oh well, so much for being stealthy. Time to play a game of chase which wasn’t going to be very fair. At least on the deer’s side. She quickly changed directions from the way she was running and started to chase the deer. The creature looked behind it to see the incoming vampire. It seemed to pick up the pace, seeming extremely scared about what was coming for it. ”I’ve got you now..Wait...Huh? Where did the deer go?” She looked all around her only to see she zoomed right past it. ”Stupid vampire powers..” She turned around and ran straight for it again only for her to trip on a loose root in the ground and go tumbling down a hill. She screamed as her world spun for a few short moments until she fell right into a big mud puddle. The mud splashed all over her fur coat and her hat as well as her long blue mane. She groaned in anger as she heard the deer galloping away above. “Oh come on!” She yelled, scaring some birds away in a nearby tree. She sighed as she carefully climbed out of the mud puddle, dripping wet with the brown liquid. She levitated her hat off her head and rung it out like a wash cloth, folding her ears in annoyance. “Great, just great. I lost my food and now both my fur coat and hat are ruined. That fur coat wasn’t easy to find either..” After ringing out a bit of mud out of her hat, she placed the dirty thing back on her head, not sure what else to do with it. “Well, I guess I’m going to have to ask master to find another rich pony to steal from for me..” She mumbled, beginning to walk out of the forest. “I mean, I suppose I could do it myself but he knows I don’t know how to control myself as a vampire quite yet.” She suddenly doubled over as she clutched her stomach. The pain hurt so bad that she didn’t know if she’d be able to stand it for much longer. Why didn’t she eat before leaving?.. “M-Master!” She called out as she collapsed to the ground, closing her eyes tightly while clutching her stomach. She felt tears form in the corner of her eyes and fall down the side of her face as she waited for this to be over or for her master to save her. Well, she didn’t get the second option but she did get the first as she felt the pain begin to fade away and turn into nothing again. “Phew...That was...Terrible..” She painted, getting up once again. Her legs shook a little as she felt her body starting to become weak. This was what her master warned her about when vampires didn’t eat. They became weak and lost their powers slowly over time until well..She assumed they died at the end. “Well, thanks for saving me master. I appreciate your concern about me.” She said out loud after composing herself and continuing her way out of the forest. Once the dark maze of trees was left behind her, she found herself in a little town. She could see a few ponies walking around but not many at this time of night. Go figure, mortals slept right now while monsters like her travelled the land and hunted unsuspecting victims. Right..Ponies...Ponies! “I’ve never tried pony blood before but if this is the only thing I got right now then I guess I’m going to have to deal with it.” She moved her hat down, shading her bright red eyes as she began to walk around the tiny town. A few businesses were open right now while others were closed for the night. One particularly caught her eye that she knew would have lots of ponies right now..The bar. As she approached the bar, she noticed it looked rather run down and not from this present era. It basically looked like it was about to fall apart on the many ponies inside at any moment even though it didn’t. This town or the owner of this bar probably lacked on bits to fix it or just liked having an old garbage building. Flusk certainly didn’t enjoy it as she opened the paint cracking door, cringing at the loud squeak noise it made. When she got inside, she was surprised at how little ponies there were out drinking tonight. A few were in a little group at a corner table, playing a game of cards and being rather rowdy. Others were just sprinkled amongst the many tables by themselves or with a friend chatting to themselves and drinking their alcohol. At the bar, a attractive looking unicorn was tossing around a few cups and tidying up her space as another unicorn was sitting across from her, staring down at the ground sadly. She had no beverage in front of her which made Flusk even more curious of her as she approached the bar. “Heya stranger, welcome to-“ “Save it, I’m not looking to order anything.” Flusk said, interrupting her as she sat down at the bar, looking down at the ground so her hat would remain hiding her eyes. “Really?..Well, alright then. Feel free to tell me if you change your mind.” The bartender turned her back on Flusk as she continued to wipe down a few surfaces and tidy up, humming a song as she cleaned. Flusk took this as a chance to study the unicorn beside her, still being careful to keep her eyes hidden. The unicorn was light blue with green eyes and a long white mane with cream colored streaks in it. She also wore purple glasses and had a little ghost cutie mark as she seemed to be not exactly there and spaced out in her mind. This pony might be just the right target if she played this out right... “Hey..Are you alright?” Flusk asked the unicorn. It took a few moments but the unicorn suddenly woke up from whatever world she was living in and turned her gaze towards Flusk. She seemed a bit startled that a pony was now sitting beside her and she didn’t realize but she simply adjusted her glasses a little and gave a small smile. “Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there. I, uh, I’m fine. I was just thinking about some stuff, that’s all.” “Like what?” Flusk asked. “Uh..I’m not sure if I should say...” “Oh, is it something personal? I understand. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Besides, we just met anyways. Seems a little weird for me to ask that information.” Flusk gently rubbed her hooves together as the unicorn looked at her out of the corner of her eye.