A Collection of my Unfinished Stories

by Fluskie

[E] Auntie Flurry (OC, Alternate Universe, Sad, Cute)

“I’m back. I got take out again so hope you don’t mind eating hayburgers and fries again.”

Flusk set down a bag on the dining table as she heard the thumping of children running upstairs excitedly. A light blue pegasus filly and a light yellow unicorn colt giggled as they chased each other all the way to the dining table. They seemed more excited about having the same dinner again than Flusk was as they peeked into the bag, spotting a big box of fries and three hayburgers wrapped up inside.

“Yay, my favorite!” The filly said as she reached into the bag for a hayburger.

“Hey!” Flusk gently swatted away the filly’s hoof out of the bag. “Honeysuckle, you can’t just take one. I’ll pass them out once I’m done getting each of you some fries.”

Honeysuckle pouted and crossed her arms. “Why not? I’m hungry!”

“Auntie Flurry said she’ll give them to us once she’s done. Let’s just wait, okay?” The colt grinned at his older sister, hoping she’d listen.


Flusk gave Honeysuckle’s younger brother, Sea Biscuit a tired smile as if she was trying to say thank you to him for making her listen. He smiled back as he and his sister seated themselves at the table as Flusk filled little trays equally with fries for Sea and Honeysuckle. She levitated them both to the two of them once she was done as they dug in once they reached the table. She slid both their hayburgers over to them as well as she sighed with both relief and exhaustion.

“This is yummy, thank you Auntie Flurry!” Sea said.

“Yeah, thank you Auntie Flurry!” Honeysuckle said shortly after.

“You both are welcome. It surprises me you two still enjoy fast food after me ordering it all the time. I guess kids will be kids..”

She looked over to the almost empty bag and the empty box beside it which use to have fries in it before they were all given away to the children. She frowned, realizing she didn’t get enough fries for all of them as she sighed, digging through the bag for her hayburger.

“Well..I guess that’s my own fault.” Flusk mumbled.

“What is?” Honeysuckle asked, staring up at Flusk curiously.

“O-Oh! Nothing. Just..Talking to myself as always. Don’t worry about it.” Flusk replied, putting on a fake smile for Honeysuckle as the young one shrugged and continued to eat.

Once she was sure Honeysuckle had believed her, she unwrapped her hayburger, levitating it to her mouth when suddenly she heard somepony slam their hoof on to the table. She jumped a little as her magic suddenly gave out and her burger splatted right on to the floor, making a big mess of sauces and lettuce on the floor.

“Alright...Who did that?” Flusk asked, staring angrily at the two children behind her.

Honeysuckle sunk under the table as Sea Biscuit visibly shook on his chair, staring at the wall guiltily.

“Sea...Did you slam your hoof on the table?..”


She gave Sea a death stare for a moment before her face softened and she turned away from him. She levitated a roll of paper towels to herself, cleaning up the mess on the floor and teleporting the waste away after.

“You kids keep eating, I’m going to go get some fresh air..”

Flusk trotted off towards a glass sliding door and opened it with her magic as she trotted outside, shutting the door behind her.

She shivered as soon as the cold air touched her, not realizing that it was a rather cold summer night. It didn’t really matter though because she wasn’t going back inside again anyways...Not for awhile.

Truthfully she came out here because she wanted to escape Honeysuckle and Sea Biscuit. No, it wasn’t because she hated them or anything. It was because she needed a break. There was only so much she could take with ‘parenting’ two little ponies all by herself and in a tiny little apartment room she could barely leave. They were cute but they weren’t THAT cute to deal with all the time.

She rested head on the railing of the apartment balcony she stood on, staring up at the shining moon and the many stars sprinkled amongst the sky. Thinking...Just..Thinking...She didn’t really know what she was thinking about but anything but this..Was she thinking about, thinking about, thinking? Now she was just confused..

“Auntie Flurry?”

She jumped, coming out of her mind and swinging her head around to see little Sea Biscuit peeking his head out from the slightly opened sliding door, looking up at her curiously.

“Sheesh, you scared me, Sea! Warn me next time you’re going to just pop up out of nowhere.”

“I’m sorry..” Sea made a sad face at her.

“It’s fine...What are you doing here?”

“U-Um..I..I wanted to ask if I could sit out here with you..”

“...Sure..If you want to. Although, I’m not really doing anything interesting so you’re most likely better off just going and playing with your sister before bed time.”

“I don’t mind..I just wanted to see the stars.”

Sea took this moment of silence to sit down beside Flusk, staring up at the flickering stars in the sky in awe. She smiled down at him a little bit as she sat down beside him as well. She tucked her long blue tail behind his back and looked back up at the sky again.

“Do you like the night, Auntie Flurry?”

“I do. It’s a very beautiful time in Equestria. When it’s day time, you can’t see the stars and the moon because the sun is too bright. But right now..It’s perfect.”

“Daddy likes the night too! He told me and Honeysuckle that some stars in the sky are actually big circle things called planets. They just look like stars because they’re too far away.”


“Mhm! Maybe when daddy comes back we can all try and find the planets together!”

Flusk frowned a little as she looked away from Sea. She didn’t exactly like when Sea or Honeysuckle mentioned their father. Whenever he was brought up, it normally came with hurt or sad feelings for Flusk. Especially because the kids didn’t know the real story about where their father was and why he was...

“Auntie Flurry?..Are you okay?”

Flusk sniffled a little as she wiped away a few tears and plastered a fake smile on her face.

“Of course. Just uh..Thought I saw a bug.”

“Ew! I hope it’s gone.” Sea wrinkled his muzzle in disgust.

“I think so..I don’t see it anymore..”

They sat in silence again for a little while before Sea spoke again.

“Auntie Flurry...You and daddy are best friends, right?”


“So..Why do me and sis call you ‘Auntie’? I learned in school that an auntie and uncle are your mommy and daddy’s, brother and sister. You and daddy aren’t brother and sister.”


Both Drizzle and Flusk were now sitting on a balcony quite like Sea and Flusk were presently under the shining stars. They seemed to have been discussing important matters..Well, maybe not too important.

“We decided on the name, Honeysuckle. I think it’s an adorable name for a filly.” Drizzle grinned.

“What if it’s a colt?..” Flusk asked.

“Well...I haven’t got that far yet.”

Flusk giggled and sighed.

“So..What are we going to do about me?..”

“What do you mean? Do you not want to see the kid?”

“No, no. That’s not what I mean...I...I mean, what are they going to see me as? Just..A close friend of yours?..”

“I was thinking of telling them to call you their auntie.”

“Auntie?! But..Why? I’m not even your real family!”

“I see you as a little sister..I’ve told you that before.”

“But..That’s just awkward because of my..Feelings..” Flusk blushed in embarrassment, hiding behind her short blue mane. “Besides..Isn’t it wrong to lie to them that I’m your real sister?..”

“Nopony said I was going to lie to them..Ugh, forget it. I’m sure we can think of something else before the baby arrives..”

Flusk came back to reality again as her vision focused on to the little colt beside her. It was kind of funny to think that Honeysuckle wasn’t the only child Drizzle had..He had a son too. A son that very much looked like him and basically followed in his hoof steps. Hopefully not all of his hoof steps. Drizzle had done some horrible things that the two children didn’t exactly need to know quite yet.

“Your father thinks of me as a little sister even though we aren’t related at all. We thought it would be best if you both called me auntie. However, I thought I was going to be called Auntie Flusk not Auntie Flurry.”

“Auntie Flurry sounds better.” Sea smiled.

“I suppose so..”

Sea seemed particularly interested in the past of Drizzle and Flusk and went silent, thinking up more questions to ask Flusk about what they did together before he and his sister were born.

“What did you and daddy do for fun?”

“For fun?..Lots of things honestly. A lot of it was just casual conversation but we also did many other things..”

Flusk and Drizzle were now in a quiet little cafe with very few ponies sitting together at tiny tables. Some seemed to be working as a mare wrote furiously on a notepad with her unicorn magic and a hot cup of coffee beside her. Others were just friends hanging out on a nice morning having a chat with a donut or two. Flusk and Drizzle were hanging out at a little table with their own hot drinks. Drizzle had his usual coffee and Flusk had a cup of hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows floating about in the dark drink. Flusk didn’t like coffee so it seemed she just stuck with the next best thing.

“Soooo..Are we just going to sit in silence?” Drizzle asked.

“No?..I don’t know. Aren’t you usually the one who initiates conversation?”

“It would be nice if somepony helped.”

Flusk facehoofed and stared out the window beside her seat.

“Well, there’s nothing to do and nothing interesting to talk about so what do you expect from me?”