MLP: The Equestrian Engines

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 11: A bad day for Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Trucks and Apple Bloom and The Old Bridge

While Twilight and everyone was doing work on the standard gauged rails, Skarloey and his friends were working on the narrow-gauge railway. Skarloey was the number one engine on the Skarloey railway and worked with his friends, Rheneas, Sir Handel, Peter Sam, Duncan, Rusty, Duke, Bertram, Mighty Mac, Ivo Hugh, Freddie, Luke and Jim, and you’ll see them working on the railway that weaves around the lakes and mountainsides. The coaches are filled with visitors and the engines are proud to run the line come rain or shine.

The engines will never let their passengers down but ever since the blue mountain quarry was built, most of the engines were too busy to pull passengers. The Thin and Fat Controller understood this, and they spoke kindly to them.

“You can never have too much help on my railway,” Mr. Percival said, “So we are getting three more engines to help us.”

Skarloey and the others were pleased with this news and promised to give the new engines a big welcome.

When the three engines arrived, Skarloey, Rheneas and Ivo Hugh were the only ones there to greet them. The three engines where surprise to see that the three engines were female. One was orange with a purple smokebox, the second was light grey with a pink and purple smokebox and the third was greyish olive with an amaranth smokebox. They also found out that they have much to learn.

“What a small group of sheds,” grunted the orange engine, “this won’t do at all I am much to cool for this old Shack.”

“Ah think it’s nice,” said the olive coloured one, “what da you think Sweetie Belle?”

“Hmm,” thought the light grey one, “It could do with a few things where and there, but it should be fine.”

“Huh,” replied the orange one, “what’s that rubbish?”

“Shh,” said the light grey one, “that’s Skarloey, Rheneas and Ivo Hugh, they’re famous.” And she spoke to the three red engines, “Sorry about Scootaloo, she always judge things that don’t look cool to her, but she’s really nice. Anyway, I’m Sweetie Belle and this behind me is Apple Bloom.”

“Well, I hope you three enjoy your time here on the Skarloey Railway,” Skarloey responded.

“Now Scootaloo,” said the fireman, “I will get you ready for work.”

“I’m tired,” complained Scootaloo, “Let Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom go they’d love it.”

“No, you first,” the fireman said as he climbed into Scootaloo’s cab and got her ready for work. Scootaloo puffed away to fetch her coaches. She didn’t like the look of them at all.

“Whatever next,” grumbled Scootaloo, “those aren’t coaches they’re cattle trucks.”

“Ok that’s not clever,” screamed the coaches, “such a rude engine.”

“It’s not what I’m used to,” clank Scootaloo.

She rolled to the platform just as Reginald arrived. “Hello, who are you?” Scootaloo puffed.

“I’m Reginald,” he said grandly, “Who are you?”

“I’m Scootaloo, I’ve heard about you, you’re an express engine,” Scootaloo said, “apparently, so am I, but I’ve never pulled coaches before and my first time pulling them are these cattle truck. Do you have smart coaches, I see you do, we should have a chat, sorry can’t stop we must keep time you know.”

Reginald was speechless.

Clouds of steam filled the air as Scootaloo huffed and puffed along the line. She was still cross when they reached the top station. Scootaloo was hoping for a rest but her driver thought otherwise. “We’ll leave the coaches now and fetch some trucks from the quarry”.

“Truck!” snorted Scootaloo, “trucks! I won’t so there.” Scootaloo was about to cause a great deal of trouble, she ran over a rock on the rails and came off the tracks. “Told you,” said Scootaloo.

By the time the workmen came to rescue her, Scootaloo was feeling rather silly. To make matters worse there stood the Thin Controller, his message to Scootaloo was brief and blunt. “I shall talk to you later.” And he and the fireman left in Peter Sam.

Scootaloo felt sillier still. “Come on,” said her driver, “let’s get you back on the rails.”

When Scootaloo crawled, she found the Thin Controller waiting for her. “You’re a very naughty engine,” he said sternly, “I hope I can trust you to behave when you next come out of this shed.”

After hearing that, I’m sure Scootaloo will aren’t you.

Everyday where the little engines work the crisp air is suddenly filled with a familiar noise the lake and mountains have many visitors and Harold the helicopter flies the skies making sure that no one is in trouble.

“All present and correct time to return to base,” he said. Then Harold noticed something. Apple Bloom was sturdily coming around the mountainside. Harold flew lower for a closer inspection. “I’m Harold who are you?” he asked.

“I’m Apple Bloom,” she replied.

“Don’t recall seeing you before, what brings you this way?” Harold asked again.

“I was teleported here by Lady to help the other engines,” huffed Apple Bloom, this was no time for a chat with a helicopter.

“Well done,” said Harold, “cheers and keep up the good work.”

“Cheeky chopper” muttered Apple Bloom.

“Not long now,” encourage the driver, “we will soon be at the top station.”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were glad to see Apple Bloom even so Scootaloo wouldn’t stop grumbling. The trucks didn’t like Scootaloo and wanted to play tricks on her.

“No one understands our feelings,” sympathize Gordon, “now if you were ill, you couldn’t shunt trucks could you.”

“Good idea,” good replied Scootaloo, “I’ll try it.” She did so next morning. “I don’t feel well,” she groaned.

There wasn’t time to examine her, so some of her trucks were coupled behind Sweetie Belle’s coaches. Apple Bloom promised to follow with the rest. Sweetie Belle didn’t mind the extra work, she left her coaches at the station and trundled cheerfully on.

Soon they reach the slate quarry where the trucks were needed. Empty trucks at the bottom of the slope are hitched to a steel rope, loaded ones at the top are hitched to another by their weight loaded trucks run down the steep slope pulling the empty ones up.

Sweetie Belle gleefully waited at the bottom of the slope for the loaded trucks, she never bumped trucks unless they misbehaved. But the loaded trucks couldn’t see her properly, they thought she was Scootaloo. Their chance for trickery had come.

“Faster, faster!” they yelled.

“No, no!” wailed the empty trucks, “it’s Sweetie Belle.”

But it was no use. “Hurrah, hurrah!” roared the trucks. Sweetie Belle shut her eyes, as the trucks smashed into and one even went flying a broke the guttering above her.

“Peep, peep,” wailed Sweetie sadly.

Apple Bloom and Rusty were working nearby and came to help clear up the mess.

“Bust my buffers,” exclaimed Rusty.

“Sweet apple sauce,” cried Apple Bloom, “never mind Sweetie Belle we’ll get you out”.

Sweetie Belle felt battered, her funnel was cracked, and her boiler dented. “Thank you Rusty and Apple Bloom,” she sighed as Rusty slowly pushed her back to the sheds.

“I’m sorry about your accident,” said Scootaloo, “I always stand well back, trucks don’t like me you see.”

“Why didn’t you warn me,” Sweetie asked angrily.

“I didn’t think,” Scootaloo said quietly.

“You never do,” The Thin Controller said sternly, “you can start thinking now while you’re doing Sweetie Belle’s work as well as your own. That’ll teach you to pretend you are ill.”

Scootaloo did start thinking about Gordon.

When the wreckage was cleared way, Apple Bloom set off along the line.

“Splendid to see you again,” whizzed Harold, “I’m completing my evenings look around.”

“Well done,” replied Apple Bloom, “keep up the good work.” And the little engine chuffed back home.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom love puffing through the forests and over the rivers. An old bridge crosses one of the rivers, some of its beams were rotten and had been damaged by a storm a few days ago. Apple Bloom chuffed happily along; she didn’t see the broken rail until it was too late. She dangled dangerously above the water.

“HELP!!!” she screamed.

But Ivo Hugh soon pulled her to safety. A few days later, the Thin Controller came to the sheds.

“The old bridge has been mended and the workers trucks have been left there, Apple Bloom I need you to collect them,” he requested.

“Yes sir,” chuff Apple Bloom. But she didn’t want to go on the bridge again.

When Apple Bloom arrived, she saw the trucks on the other side. She started to cross. But stopped. She looked down at the rushing water. Apple Bloom was scared she remembered what had happened before.

“Come on Apple Bloom,” called her driver, “the bridge is safe now.”

But Apple Bloom wouldn’t cross the bridge. And she and her driver went home instead.

“We’ll pick up the trucks,” said Sweetie Belle’s driver.

“But if you don’t cross the bridge soon,” said Sweetie Belle, “the Thin Controller will be cross.”

Now Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had to take Apple Bloom’s loads as well as their own. Each morning one of them will collect her trucks and puff across the bridge with their heavy load.

Finally, the Thin Controller came to see Apple Bloom. “If you won’t cross the old bridge, you stay here and shunt trucks, I can’t have engines that won’t do as they are told.”

“Sorry sir,” said Apple Bloom sadly.

The next morning, Scootaloo took Apple Bloom’s heavy trucks as usual. Then she puffed and heaved through the countryside towards the bridge. She puffed so hard, that she ran out of water.

“Bother,” she groaned.

The yard manager spread the news. “Scootaloo has broken down,” he said.

“We must go and help her,” Apple Bloom said bravely. They set off immediately.

Apple Bloom was scare but determined. She rolled slowly up to the edge; the bridge creaked loudly. The river seemed deeper than ever.

“I must rescue my friend,” whispered Apple Bloom. She chuffed slowly onto the bridge; the bridge groaned as she rolled forward, but Apple Bloom puffed on.

Finally, her driver coupled up and pulled Scootaloo to safety.

“Thank you,” said Scootaloo, “you were very brave to help me.”

Apple Bloom is no longer afraid of the bridge, and loves her journeys more than ever.