//------------------------------// // Bringing Them Back // Story: Snow’s Quick(Write) Quill // by Snow Quill //------------------------------// The first one was Angel.  Of course, I hadn’t intended him to be the first one, but life is funny like that sometimes. I couldn’t stand to see Fluttershy so upset though, she’s one of my best friends so of course I would do anything to make her happy again! Months before, I had started research into robotics, mostly for my own curiosity over anything. Technology was advancing and it was just so fascinating. Wires and gears and heat and electricity, all working together with or without magic.  One thing that doesn’t come easy as an Alicorn is the immortality. Ever since I got my wings, I could see my friends start to age before me. Every day came and went, another wrinkle, another grey hair, steadier complaints of feeling tired and sore when a month before they were fit as a fiddle. All while I stayed the same. Okay, so maybe I lied just a teensy little bit when I said my research was purely curiosity-driven. I mean, who wouldn’t want to have their best friends with them for life? You understand, don’t you? … I’m getting off track here. You wanted to know about Angel didn’t you? It started when Fluttershy crashed, yes, crashed through my window in Rainbow Dash fashion, sobbing and incoherent. It was only when I peeked in the basket on her back I understood.  Once I calmed her down with some tea and biscuits and blankets, I took her down into my basement and showed her my research. It wasn’t exactly a secret I kept from anyone, and I have a sneaking suspicion that’s why she came to me first.  We worked together for months, pouring over tiny gears and tiny wires and tiny metal plates that eventually formed the shape of a rabbit.  It wasn’t perfect of course, and he no longer had fluffy white fur, but Fluttershy seemed happy with it. Once the body was built and working, I mixed in a little magic to get the right mannerisms and make sure he would never stop working again.  Technology is amazing, but you can’t go wrong with a little magical help.  Okay you can, but Starlight hasn’t used magic to solve a friendship problem in years, which I think is great progress.  Anyways anyways, the day that A.ngel.3 (don’t ask about .1 or .2) came to life...I don’t think I’ve ever seen Fluttershy that happy.  She swept him into her hooves and with a flurry of ‘thank you’s and ‘I’ve missed you so much!’, she finally went home.  It’s been months since then and you’ve seen how well he’s done, how happy Fluttershy is. I know you’ve also seen O.pal.2 around too. Both Rarity and Fluttershy have been happy again with their pets.  Unnatural? Sure, maybe a little, but so is an alicorn being born. So was me becoming an alicorn. Come on Applejack, I know you miss her.  I’ve already run the data and have learned so much more, I can show you my papers. Please, let me do this for you; it worked for Angel and Opal didn’t it? Yes, they were animals, but didn’t you hear what I said? Those were the test runs, and now? Now I believe, no, I know I could bring Applebloom back for you.