Twin Suns

by Feynna

Chapter 003 - Sister.

As it turns out, there is a significant difference between humans and ponies. One that brought about a lot of chaos the first time I experienced it. It was bad enough that our mother had to lock me and my sister away in two separate rooms and tell Luna that she couldn’t see her sisters for some time.

It was a maddening experience, that's for sure, and I was completely unprepared for it. Pony mares don’t go through a monthly period like human females on Earth. No, what we had to go through was so much worse. The mood swings were the easiest to deal with. The constant urge to molest myself so I could satisfy the damn drive to reproduce, on the other hoof, was driving me up against walls and had me screaming my voice raw as I pleaded for somepony to just end my misery. I was cursing my mother for having had the foresight to set up some of her teleportation wards so I couldn’t escape and find somepony willing enough to help me out.

To tell the truth, though, that probably was for the best. I was glad that there was also a noise cancellation field in my sister’s and my own room after the urge slowly subsided. I didn’t want to explain to my little sister why her big sister was constantly moaning behind closed doors as I abused the hell out of my dripping wet pussy. I swear, even weeks after I had gone through that ordeal my room still smelled like I just had sex in it.

I really wished my wife was there with me at the time. I know, I know. I shouldn't even entertain this notion of ever seeing her again for even a single moment, but... it didn't hurt to fantasize, right? Catherine was the only one I ever felt like this around and my mind was quick to remind me why I loved her and her perverted side.

She would have happily complied with my demands to fuck me silly, not once questioning me about my more... submissive... tendencies. She could have teased me endlessly (a thing she gleefully took advantage of more than once) and I would have liked it despite putting up a front of being frustrated. I wouldn't have said no to some wild sex, either. Heck, I'd probably relish the feeling of being unable to walk straight for weeks, knowing my wife was the reason for that.

And, oh my gosh, sex as a mare felt so much better than it ever did as a human male! My wife could have done all sorts of things to me I never experienced before and I knew it would have been like the bliss of Heaven and Valhalla combined, a symphony of pleasure. My wife was that mind-numbingly good, and I'm sure she could have easily shattered my limited experience with something else on an entirely different level. I already felt like nothing else compared to the feeling of every cell screaming out in ecstasy as I got off time and time again, how much better could she have made me feel?

And then, there was the matter of magic. Magic was even better than any toy I could have used to satisfy myself with, imagining for just a moment my wife was doing all the things to me that I did to myself. Every little pulse of mana running through my overly wet marehood managed to make me scream out even louder than before, mimicking the actions I pictured my wife doing to me. The smallest touches sent shivers and pleasant tingles down my spine as my eyes rolled up in my head with each orgasm, and even then, I didn't stop until I couldn't stay awake any longer.

It was only a fantasy, but during that time, I felt happier than I ever did since reincarnating. A small part of me told me that what I was doing was wrong and it would only prolong this profound heartache, but I could have cared less at that moment. I was living from one moment to the next as I played teasingly with my body. I needed to unwind from this pent-up stress even if it meant falling for this illusion for a short time.

Deep down, I knew I could never let go of my love, it was just not possible for me to not yearn for her touch. It was everything I desired, to be with her again. Nothing I could tell myself would ever change that. And yet, for me to live as a functional being, I needed to be able to survive on my own and live my life to the fullest without her by my side. She would have wanted nothing less of me, I knew that.

Then again, with or without my wife, I could have done without the constant, excessive need to keep doing it long after I had exhausted myself, to be honest. At the time, I didn’t care that I slept in my mare cum soaked bedsheets, finding myself not able to care in the slightest about the sticky feeling clinging on to my fur, feathers, and hair. A small perverted part of my mind found it even more arousing than the sounds my throat made as I voiced out my pleasure, hoping against hope that somepony would hear me and invite themselves in.

Even more arousing was the thought of another mare licking my insides out as I was left to fantasize about all the kinky things my mind could come up with. Going even deeper down the rabbit hole, I tried to imagine what my wife would have looked like as a pony. And since I had the parts now, I couldn't help but imagine her eating me out just as I did with her while I was still a human, running her tongue over my vulva with teasing flicks and plunging it deep into my tunnel and drinking from my heavenly nectar while I held her pretty head against me with my hindlegs, not allowing her to stop until I was fucked thoroughly into unconsciousness.

The thought of that image alone made me cum all over again, even while I was still left convulsing from my last orgasm. It was like my body had lost the very ability to hold itself back during my estrus. All the images of her using whatever toys we could get our hooves on left me wanting, needing, for somepony to be in my company at the time. I wanted somepony else to make me their mare so badly, I was crying in my sleep about it.

Every time I managed to force my body to go through another earth-shattering orgasm, the feeling of emptiness persisted. The fucking burning in my nethers just wouldn’t ever stop, no matter what I tried. That was probably my body telling me that yes, sex was amazing and I should have more of it and no, it wouldn’t stop until I was pregnant.

During my estrus it was everything I wanted, so very much, but afterward? It felt like my own mind and body betrayed me. The thought of having little foals of my own running around was downright terrifying, I was way too young to be thinking about having a child of my own with this body. And the prospect of having to carry them myself? Yeah, thanks but no. Not when I was still a friggin’ teenager. Maybe when I was older again and somehow got around the admittedly disgusting idea of letting a stallion do that to me.

That was one thing that didn't change one bit from my previous life on Earth. Being together like that with somepony identifying as a stallion just didn't do it for me. Sure, my wife was a bit rough around the edges and far from the girliest girl, but she was a tough girl and tough girls are hot as fuck. She wasn't completely butch or anything, but you could clearly see her defined muscles when she got serious about defending someone's honor and their feeling of safety. Deep down, she was a decent person that valued justice and loyalty equally as much as I valued kindness. And she still managed to be the most feminine woman I've ever met, leather jacket and all included.

I guess the aftermath of the decades-long Great War for the right to express yourself however you wanted blurred the lines of what was 'feminine' and 'masculine' in a lot of ways. It wasn't just the custom of wearing more colorful clothes and family emblems somewhere on your body, but the style of fashion itself shifted to something more free and less conservative. While I liked the idea of dresses, nothing screamed more 'woman' than my wife on a motorcycle with a confident smile on her face.

Compared to that, not a single stallion could hold a candle to her sheer badassery. The only thing she didn't have that my body craved above all else, was a thick cock to penetrate me deeper than even I could reach with my magic.

Then again... I couldn't help but blush as my mind provided me oh-so-helpfully with the image of my wife having both a vagina and a penis at the same time, causing me to masturbate to that image with reckless abandon as I found it sexy as hell. I had to wonder whether or not there was a spell for that, and if not, I totally would make one of my own that would do just that. The thought of a mare mounting me like that had me biting into my fetlock as I moaned heavily.

I don’t think I was bisexual (or was it biromantic?) as the thought of being in a relationship with anypony but a mare made me want to gag. I had no idea why my mind found it okay if a mare had two parts instead of the usual (or only a big fat cock with juicy grapes for balls as long as they were clearly feminine), but something about the thought of being together with a 'stallion-y' stallion rubbed me the wrong way. Even as I went through my estrus cycle I found myself unable to get excited over somepony having their way with me when it didn't involve that pony being predominantly feminine.

There was just a certain excitability to the fantasies I had about being pleased by another mare that set my heart aflutter. Maybe it was part of my old life that ingrained that into me or it was just an aspect I never paid attention to until now. Either way, I felt somewhat relieved that my body didn’t crave the company of a stallion.

The question, though, was what would my mother think of me if I told her that her daughter was a lesbian? I don’t think I would ever mention my weird fetish of a mare with 'stallion' parts to anypony, though. Maybe my twin would understand my peculiar taste as we almost felt the same about a majority of things, but that is a can of worms I didn’t want to open any time soon.

My wife, on the other hoof, would gladly jump on the opportunity, I just knew it. She had a lot of strange fetishes over the years, some of them she even managed to get me to play along with. Some I also found alluring, not that I would ever admit that out loud.

After what felt like an eternity I was all too happy to finally get out of my room and not feel like I had to keep masturbating every single second of the day. Mom gave me a knowing (and deeply empathetic) look once she saw the absolute mess I left my room in and I was all too happy to burn my sheets to cinders. We had spares, so it wasn’t like it was too great of a loss.

I might want to learn some cleaning spells in the future, though. I don’t think I could go around ruining my bedding each and every time and then default to destroying it afterward. It was a hassle to make new ones and trading wasn’t a notion I entertained all that much, either. Ponies were already suspicious enough of our mom and dad a few years ago, I didn’t want to find out how they would react to me and my sisters.

Celestia didn’t fare better during our craze and was just as glad as I was once it was over. Our mother told us that the estrus would get progressively less bad each time we had to go through it and both Celestia and I weren’t looking forward to the next time for sure. How much the urge would lessen with each time wasn’t something Mom told us, though. I had a bad feeling that it would take me well into adulthood before I started to notice any change at all.

It was hard to say no over and over again to Luna as she wanted to know why we had to be locked into our rooms for over two weeks and some odd days. I didn’t want to tell her what would have happened had our mother not had the foresight to do what she did. We really would have gone for the first available pony if it weren’t for her.

Considering there were no other ponies around us for several miles... I'd rather not continue going down that rabbit hole. Nothing good would come from it. Nope. Nuh-uh.

Anyway, after a few weeks, some normalcy finally returned to our lives (thankfully). Celestia and I kept working on the field whenever we weren’t training under the watchful gaze of our mother. We had to make sure that we had enough food to last us at least a month in advance in case something like the extended winter happened again (more like a mini ice age, to be fair). Our storage shack had enough charms to keep the food from spoiling for several months, but our growing bodies demanded more and more sustenance as time went on.

Mother suspected that we needed to eat so much because we had the characteristics of all three tribes, and therefore all three types of magic. The farmwork also had the purpose of training us in our earthpony magic besides providing a meal on the table. Mom didn’t know as much about earthponies as she would have liked, though. So we needed to learn by doing, more or less. Much like we had to learn weather magic and how to fly on our own, though at least she knew some things about that due to having learned a thing or two from Dad.

One thing we did learn about our earthpony magic (besides the obvious strength boost) was the fact that we could make plants grow more healthily even under less-than-good conditions. It was a reassuring thought that we wouldn’t have to worry so much about our crop dying on us. That and the fact the yield was by far more bountiful with a nudge here and there (it also helped that the local honey bee hive adored me for giving them a sweet reward or two in exchange for their help).

“Mom?” I shouted back into the house as I stood in the open doorway, Celestia a few paces ahead of me looking puzzled at the first few snowflakes gently drifting down from the overcast sky. We were just about to go work on the field when it became apparent that something wasn’t quite right.

“Yes?” the groggy voice of our mother answered back. “What is it now? It’s still too early for me to deal with you and your sister’s antics, you know...”

“No, it’s not like that,” I said, rubbing a hoof against the back of my head. While yes, we sometimes really do need to learn how to behave when our mother wasn’t breathing down on our necks, this was a bit more important than that. “Is it supposed to snow this early?”

“What do you mean, snow?” she asked me, coming up beside me. “Oh dear... not again.”

“Is it like a few years back?” I questioned her, getting afraid at the prospect of the conflict up north following us back here to where we decided to make our new home. “Don’t tell me we have to move again.”

“I’m not sure, my little Summer Sun,” she answered, nuzzling my drooping ears comfortingly. “For now, just make sure the crops won’t die on us. We will figure something out, I promise.”

“If you say so...” I said uncertainly, joining my sister on the field as we let our hooves do the talking. Earthpony magic was more of an instinctual thing, something that is done passively. While one could force it to work rapidly, it didn’t help the soil if we decided to do that. We kinda depend on the earth being fertile, but anywhere else? It was quite a surprise to see my sister make roots grow into a fence-like barrier at the border of the nearby forest.

Luna was a bit miffed about not being so good at growing things. On the other hoof, she was a lot better at flying and manipulating the weather than us. So we had a routine worked out for caring for our little farm. My little sister was quite proud of being helpful and getting all the praise from me for being so good with the weather.

Sadly, even she couldn’t do anything about the falling snow. Where our dad had utterly failed at keeping the rogue clouds at bay, Luna was at least able to stop it from going full-on blizzard on us (at least, for now). I don’t think we’re going to need extra firewood this time around. At least, not immediately.

What we needed was a solution to what was causing this mess, to begin with. The unnatural coldness has to have a cause that we could fix, we just needed to know what it was.

The days continued in a quiet fashion. Our mood was way more somber than before as we watched on as our new home slowly got overtaken by the freezing temperatures. We had enough food to go through a prolonged winter if we were careful with how much we used per day, but even then I’m not certain if this winter will last as long as the one we fled from. It might last even longer...

I was afraid that we wouldn’t make it through this. Secretly, I gave my little sister and Tia parts of my portions so they wouldn’t have to go hungry to bed. That was something I could deal with without a problem, I had the mental fortitude to go without but they lacked that. My mother said nothing about my bleeding heart and I noticed she was doing the same for us.

We took to sleeping in a big pile by the fireplace so we wouldn’t freeze to death overnight. Although, with all the blankets and the quiet crackling from the fire, we still felt the cold creeping in.

Some days it got so bad, we couldn’t even leave the house. This winter proved to be the worst one yet and with Luna unable to stop the clouds anymore, we were trapped for good. My little sister wasn't happy about that, grumbling unhappily about not being able to do what she was better than us at. Well, in that regard, my twin and I weren't better off...

“When is this damn winter going to end?” Celestia grumbled, shivering against my side. “This is the fault of those ponies up north, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know, sister,” I answered. “I don’t think we should go around blaming anypony.”

“You’re too kind for your own good, Summer,” she retorted, snorting away a cloud of steam. Tia seemed to be having it way worse with the cold than I did. I suspect that's why she always clung on to me since we were foals (aside from molesting my ears, that is). “Don’t think Luna and I didn’t notice you and Mother giving us more than what is our due share.”

“I can deal with a little bit of hunger if it means you and Luna have a full stomach,” I shot back, stubbornly looking away from her. She sighed and rested her head against mine.

“Why do you insist on this so much? Does your generosity know no bounds?” she asked me in a whisper, a saddened tone evident in her voice. I laid one of my wings over her under our covers and looked back at her. Her eyes reflected the flickering flame within the fireplace in a mesmerizing way.

I wondered why she had to confront me like this. Was it really so bad that I wanted her to be comfortable and not go to bed hungry? She is my twin, after all. Isn’t that something every twin wants to do for their sibling?

Maybe that was why she was getting concerned for me. She would want the same for me, I knew her as well as I knew myself. It was probably eating her up from the inside that I was sacrificing my own well-being for her.

“I don’t want to see you unwell, sister,” I finally said, knowing full well how much of a hypocrite I was by denying her the right of returning the favor. “The thought of you hurting for anything makes my fur crawl.”

“And I don’t want to see you like that, either. So please, stop starving yourself for my sake,” she said, nuzzling me insistingly. “What sister would I be if I let you do this to yourself any longer?”

“Your loyalty is truly inspiring,” I giggled. Fine, then. I will accept her ultimatum, she was right with that, after all. I couldn’t deny her that. I guess it was good that she confronted me like this. I could be just as stubborn about something as her, couldn't I? “I’m glad to have you for a sister, Celestia.”

“And I you, Summer,” Celestia said, laying her head against mine once more. “What would I do without you, I wonder?”

“Hmm... I don't know. I could ask you the same thing, you know?” I retorted with a teasing smile, enjoying the moment for every second. We stayed like this until Luna managed to weasel herself between us, making my twin pout grumpily.

“I’m glad to have you, too, Summer!” Luna said, grinning up at me. “You like me more than Tia, right?”

“Of course, my sweet little Luna,” I giggled, ruffling her mane playfully. “There is enough room in my heart for both of you, though.”

“No! You’re mine, I say so,” Luna insisted with a little stomp of her hoof. Celestia rolled her eyes from where she started sulking. Our little sister didn’t seem to mind, though.

“Then you must be right,” I said with a pondering look. “I seem to recall you having stolen my heart at your birth, you little troublemaker.”

“Yay, I win!” she cheered, blowing a raspberry at Celestia. “Take that, Tia! She is mine!”

“I think a little filly needs to be taught a lesson on how to share with others,” Celestia sneered, feathers at the ready. In the next moment, Luna was squealing around the floor, trying to get away from my twin.

“S-Summer! Help, please!” Luna pleaded with me, quickly starting to become out of breath.

“Yes, Summer, 'help' won’t you?” Celestia cackled delightedly and I shook my head at their antics. I was tempted to help both of them, so I chose the middle ground.

“As you wish,” I grinned, my own wings ready to do what was my chosen mission.

“Hah! Take that, Tia!” Luna laughed gleefully as I began to tickle my twin at every point where I knew she was ticklish. Mostly because I knew I was ticklish in the same spots.

“No~! Why, Summer?! Betrayed by my own twin! Ah hah hah! Stop! I give up, I give up! Please!" Celestia giggled uncontrollably as she tried to swat me away with her twitching legs, but her weak attempts helped her not one bit. Luna tried to join in, but that was when I sprung my trap.

I had two wings, after all. Why not use both of them on two naughty siblings having a fight over little old me? Hah! My mercy knew no limits!

Bow down to the tickle mistress! Mwahahaha!

“Su-Summer! W-why?” Luna asked, betrayed. She was completely unprepared for my superior assault against both of them at once and I took full advantage of this. Neither was able to fight back against me and our mother looked on with a fond smile.

“That’s what you get for fighting over me,” I smiled devilishly, not letting up with my assault on them. Their struggles were futile for I learned from the best! Ah hah hah ha! I am unstoppable!

The magic aura of my mother caught me off guard as I, too, began to roll on the floor with a shriek, our blankets having long since been discarded all over the room. Her tickles were of legendary proportions, managing to make us so exhausted we fell asleep in a giggling twitchy pile of fur and feathers.

I was barely conscious enough to notice Mom putting the blankets back over us before I succumbed to slumber with a small, content smile. At some point, I’m sure we will get our revenge on our dear mother, whenever that day comes.

During the night I had a pleasant dream of being at a beach with a ponified version of my wife looking out at a sunset with two suns halfway down below the horizon, the water shimmering in a stunning way I had never seen before.

“You’re going to have to let me go at some point, Red Nose,” she told me, her blue eyes looking at me from the corner of her vision. Her chocolaty mane danced around her face playfully, perfectly complemented by the smirk stretching her beige-colored muzzle wide with amusement.

“I don’t have a red nose now and I never had one, to begin with,” I shot back, sticking my tongue out at her. I didn’t want to let her go just yet, so of course, I ignored her words much to her displeasure. That was something I just couldn’t do... she was my everything for more than twenty years of my life. Previous life, I suppose. How could anyone let someone like her go?

“You do when you blush, beautiful,” she grinned, licking my cheek slowly in a sensual way. She always had been a massive tease like that. No wonder I fell in love with her.

“S-shut u-up,” I said, my breath hitching as one of her wings trailed down towards my flanks with just the tip of a primary feather.

“Oh, I know of a hundred different ways you could shut me up, gorgeous,” she whispered into my ear with a hot breath tickling the inside of it, making it flick a few times as a shudder went down my spine.

“I...” my voice quivered, a shaking tongue wetting my dry lips.

“I know about those little fantasies of yours, my dear,” she continued, her teeth lightly nipping the edge of my ear as she bit down on it, dragging my head down and I felt my nethers heat up with a cherry-red blush on my face. “See, lighting up is what you do, my little Red Nose Reindeer.”

“You know I hate that ridiculous nickname,” I whispered, whimpering in need of release. My wife was relentless in her teasing, though. She always was.

“No, you don’t,” she told me and Catherine shoved me lightly on my back, trapping me beneath one of her hooves. Despite her rough and wild appearance, she still looked soft and dainty, even as a pony. Her slightly toned muscles did things to me I didn't know I could feel. I was completely at her mercy as my tummy quivered with suppressed shudders. Fuck, she's so frigging hot.

“No... I don’t...” I gulped, agreeing with her. She was the only one that was allowed to call me her Red Nose Reindeer, after all. And by everything that was holy, it was sexy as hell when she did it.

“You like it when you’re not in control, don’t you?” she whispered huskily, going in with her muzzle to kiss me but denying me from ever reaching hers as I went to go meet hers with mine. “So helpless, I can smell your arousal, you know?”

“P-please...” I cried pathetically out to her, wanting... no, needing her to have her way with me. She merely grinned mischievously down at me, and I felt my tail press itself even deeper into the sand as I couldn’t get out from beneath her.

“Oh, look at how cute you are like this,” Catherine said, running her hoof over my bottom lip. I wanted to suck on it, but she withdrew it before I could do so much as even lick it with my tongue. “You like it as a cute little mare, hmm?”

“Yes...” I breathed out, trying to buck out towards her with my rear. I wanted her to appreciate me in a wholly different way...

“None of that, now,” she grunted, shoving me back down on the warm sand. “You’re not allowed to lead, not when I’m on top.”

“S-stop teasing, already...” I whimpered, begging her with my eyes as she stroked the fur on my chest.

“Oh, I’ll do so much worse than teasing, my little Red Nose,” Catherine giggled, slowly trailing a few kisses up my neck towards my jaw. She stopped just short of my delicate chin. “Why don’t you just enjoy this, hmm?”

I nodded numbly, my voice failing me entirely. One of her wings reached out to my splayed-out ones, brushing a little bit of sand away from them. That just made me quiver more as it felt like she was torturing me for a little bit of fun at my expense.

“You like that,” she stated, not even having to ask. She repeated her actions with an even lighter touch this time and my wings started to press themselves even harder against the ground at that. “So very sensitive, aren’t they?”

“Y-yes...” I shuddered, biting my lip as I tried to not moan from the sensation. My wife smiled down at me and pressed the lightest kiss against my muzzle, holding my head back at the throat so I couldn’t make it more passionate. She knew me too well, it seemed.

“Don’t try to fight for control or I’ll stop. Disobey me one more time and you will regret it,” Catherine ordered me and I forced myself to lay as still as I could under these circumstances. It took a lot of willpower on my part, I had to admit. “Now that's a good little filly.”

Her tail brushed against mine and my nostrils flared when she began to play with my lips again with one hoof. I wanted to never forget this intoxicating smell of sweet chocolate (and the faintest hint of motor oil) as her scent continued to play havoc on my body.

Catherine straddled my barrel with her back legs as she sat on top of me, one of her primary feathers tickling my lips slightly. She reached out with her right foreleg towards my dripping nethers with a teasing flick, not even having to look away from my pleading eyes. It came back into my vision glistening with my fluids, reflecting the light of the suns with little sparkles.

“You smell so beautifully, my dear,” she said, taking a deep sniff of my arousal. I whimpered as I felt my insides burn from the sight of her half-lidded eyes, turning me on so much that I thought I would orgasm from the view alone. Catherine gave her hoof a small lick, moaning as she did so. “And the taste...”

“C-Catherine...” I whined, my own forehoof tried to reach out towards my own nethers, but she was quick enough to stop my pathetic attempt at pleasuring myself.

“None of that, have I not told you so already?” she snarled, glaring down hotly at me. “Do I need to punish you?”

“Y-yes! P-punish me!” I nodded eagerly, hoping she would just do so before I lost it completely. “I’m a bad filly, I need to be p-punished!”

“Oh, is that so?” Catherine giggled, slapping my bare flanks with a resounding snap. This time, I moaned loudly. “You have been so naughty, it will take a while to slap the bad out of you.”

“M-mhhmmm!” I agreed vigorously with her, my marehood agreeing wholeheartedly with her.

“Lick my hoof clean, won’t you?” she asked, holding the hoof with my juices in front of my face. I moaned throatily as I did just that, not taking my eyes off of her as she watched me like a hawk. “That’s better. Do as I say and I might reward you. Now, call me your mistress or I will be quite cross with you...”

“Y-yes, Mistress,” I said, continuing with my ministrations to please her. Just as I thought I was doing a good job at it I felt her flick my aching nub of a clitoris harshly, coaxing out a scream of pleasure from me.

“Not so fast, do I make myself clear?” Catherine growled and I gave her a wordless confirmation that I wouldn’t get too eager again. “That's better~. Now, lick my hoof clean again and behave yourself this time.”

“Mhmm,” I hummed, already working on said appendage like she wanted me to. She let out a pleased tone as I did so, making my vulva tingle happily.

“You’re so hot, do you know that?” Catherine told me, withdrawing her hoof and engaging in a hungry kiss with me. “Licking your own juices like that, it makes me go wild.”

“I aim to please, Mistress~.”

“That you do,” she smirked, slapping my flanks again a bit harder this time. I sucked in a sharp breath while I went cross-eyed, shuddering underneath her. By the twin suns, I love being her submissive little pet, fuck. “Now, why don’t you tell me why you won’t let go of me?”

“I can’t,” I answered, melting under her grasp as she gave a single buck against my needy marehood. I let out a gasp, winding my hooves around her back as she bit down on my lip, tugging on them ever so slightly before letting go.

“Can’t or won’t?” Catherine inquired, going for one of my ears next.

“Won’t...” I said, my eyelid squeezing shut with a shudder as she licked the inside of my ear slowly. My throat let out a moan once more, reveling in the sensation. It was a wholly different thing from when Tia did this to me on so many occasions. This clearly was meant as something sexual. And I loved it. Oh, how much I loved it...

Despite my current bliss, Catherine stopped with a frown on her beige muzzle. “Then you need to wake up,” her voice was a strange mix between hers and Celestia’s. “Don’t hold on to the past.”

“What do you mean, wake up?” I asked her in confusion, looking around me as I started to get afraid. Everything around us was starting to fade away slowly. “What is going on?”

“Let go of this dream, my little Red Nose,” Catherine told me, a sad smile on her face. “Don’t torture yourself over this. Move on.”

“But I don’t want to!” I shouted, terrified of what was happening to the little island. The palms were almost all gone by now, as was the mountain in the distance. “You are my everything!”

“And you mine, Summer,” her voice was getting more distant the longer this went on. “I will always love you, dear. Don’t let that stop you from living your new life, though. Do it for me, please.”

“How can I do that?!” I glared at her, tears streaming down the side of my head. “I might have deluded myself that I have moved on, but that won’t ever change what I feel in my heart!”

“Does your heart have so little room in it that I occupy all of it?” she asked me with a rueful tone. “Have I stolen it so completely?”

“Please, don’t make me let go of you!” I cried out, seeing her start to fade away, too. “I don’t know what to do without you! Please! Cath... I... I love you. Please stay with me. I don't want this to end, even if it is only a dream...”

"You know I can't," she told me, brushing a strand of my disheveled mane out of my face with a gentle, loving touch. “I'm not real, my love. You know what to do, though. I'm not the only one your heart yearns for. Stop lying to yourself. You can move on and be happy again.”

“But...” I started, but she placed her hoof on my lips.

“Don’t give me that, now. You know that I’m right, so why fight me on it?” Catherine said, her colors changing from beige fur to light fuchsia-ish gray that was almost pearl white if you missed the subtle hint of color, her blue eyes fading to a pale magenta, and her chocolaty mane to a bright pink. “I know you want to... I know you the best, after all. Give in, my little Red Nose. She can make you so much happier than I ever could as a dream version of what cannot be real.”

“But it is wrong! She is my twin, for fuck’s sake!” I said, slapping her hoof away. She instead brought me into a rough kiss, causing my insides to whirl around in so many confusing feelings.

“I’m not the only perverted one in our relationship, Summer,” she replied in a sultry way, her voice having been replaced by Celestia’s. She captured my lips a moment later, her light magenta eyes smoldering down at me. “Give in, my sweet Sunshine. Your heart yearns for it, why deny it? Give it what it wants...”

“Please... not like this,” I let out a moan against my will. “Anypony but her. I don’t want to lose her. Not like I have lost you, Catherine. I can't.”

“You never lost me,” she huskily replied. “I stayed with you in your heart all this time, now I ask you to let go of me. Can you do that for me, please?”

“Why Celestia, though?!” I screamed at her, thrashing under her grasp. Our little world was almost gone by now.

“Because she reminds you of me, doesn’t she?” Celestia-Catherine told me, forcing me to acknowledge the truth. She really did and it made me want to cry so much. This wasn’t fair! I hate these damn feelings for her! Why did it have to be my own twin?! I felt so dirty because of that... “You have to let go of me for you to find your true happiness. Do it for me, please.”

“No! I... I won’t! I can’t let go of you like that. It would mean that I have let you go for good. I-I don’t want that! I love you, Cath. Please... not Celestia... not... not like that. She and Luna are everything to me, I can’t risk that!” I said, a hiccup forcing itself out of my poor, abused throat. “I’ve already lost so much, I’ve only got so little to give before I start to break down.”

“Hmph. And here I thought you were so generous you would stop at nothing,” she stated, staring down disapprovingly at me. “Or are you so weak that you falter so easily?”

“What if she rejects me? What then?!” I demanded of her, staring her down as my anger flared hotly in my chest. “I won’t have anypony left, then!”

“How do you know she will reject you?” she asked me, a challenging look in her eyes. “How do you know she doesn’t feel the same way about you? Can’t you see the signs? Are you that blind?”

“What signs?!”

“Oh, my poor, poor Summer,” Celestia-Catherine looked sadly upon me. “I didn’t know you had deluded yourself so much. This intervention couldn't have come soon enough, it seems.”

“Deluded? Deluded?!” I growled, infuriated. “You are deluded for thinking this is a wise idea! Stop playing with my heart!”

“You will see, my sweet Sunshine...” she simply said as she faded away completely and the world around me grew dark. “Accept it. Embrace it. Don’t shun it.”

Those were her last words to me before I felt myself wake up from this strange nightmare. I wished she hadn’t stopped the sexy time to bring up my darkest, most closely kept secret that I tried to hide away from.

All this time I had to suppress the tingles and blushes as Celestia reminded me more and more of my own wife with each passing year. I would have even gone so far as to think she was an alternate version of her or even her reincarnated self, just like me, but I couldn’t let myself get weak like that. There was no way that was in any shape or form true.

I promised it to myself, even though it sometimes seemed so eerily like the truth. Little things that I knew only my wife did were mirrored by my own twin, making me hate myself for feeling like that. It just couldn’t be possible. I had to be projecting these things onto her, I just had to.

Otherwise, that would mean my wife was dead by now. That... that she died, like me. And that was something I couldn’t entertain the thought of. If she was indeed a reincarnated version of the love of my life, then that meant she took her own life as she learned of the death of my human self.

The thing about that, though, was that that was something I could see her actually do. It would have been a thing I would have done if I were honest with myself. Our children would have been a painful reminder of what I once had with her, and it would have slowly driven me mad. If not suicide, then I would have lost myself to alcohol for sure. That wasn’t something I could have condoned, though, selfish as it was.

What happened back on Earth? Did my passing have such a large impact on her? I would have thought she was stronger than this, but then again, I would have thought to be stronger than this myself. We were bad parents, weren’t we? So selfish that we couldn’t live without one another.

I wanted to puke at that thought. I didn’t deserve to live on and be happy. Not when that meant that I caused my own wife to take her life. I could be wrong, of course. My heart knew differently, though.

There was a reason why the dream version of my wife changed into Celestia, wasn’t there? It couldn’t be, though. These were the confused ramblings of a madmare, this was my mind playing tricks on me. Nothing more. A way to convince me of a forbidden love that shouldn’t be.

Have I lost it, already? Trying to see my wife in her because I missed her so much? Was my subconscious trying to convince me Celestia was Catherine because of how much they resembled each other? Was it trying to reason that Celestia could be Catherine because I might have the fear she took her own life? That Catherine reincarnated like me because of that? Was I really unable to let go? Was it my brain’s way of coping with my new life?

I wanted to say no, I couldn’t be so depraved as to cling on to this false hope, but everything else in me said yes, I am very much capable of it. My heart yearned for these fantasies to be the truth because otherwise, I...

I wanted to rip my mind to shreds just to stop myself from feeling like this. But as I felt the strong legs of my sister hold me in her grip, I felt myself awaken more and more. I felt her tongue ravish the inside of my ear so much that I wanted to moan out, and... I felt a part of me relish these emotions I held for this forbidden love.

A hoof of mine found its way to my wet nethers, unbidden. The guilt in me warred with the perverted part of my mind and quickly lost to the ecstasy flooding my brain. I loved how Tia played with my ear and I felt revolted at myself at the same time. A small part, a very small part, wanted me to accept my feelings for her right at this moment, turn around and force myself on her. My marehood practically begged me to do so. But I couldn't. It wouldn't be right of me to do so.

No. It would have to be a secret I need to take with me into the grave, I decided. In no way would I ever risk her finding out and hating me for it. Nor would I ever force her into accepting my feelings, that would be even more wrong of me. I can't risk her shunning and hating me for feeling this strongly about her. She was too innocent for me to taint her like that. Never, I swore to myself, would I tell her of my feelings.

I would silently admire her from the safe confines of my own mind, I told myself that as a compromise, but I would never go beyond that. It was the only piece of guilty pleasure I could allow myself to have. And yet, my heart still rebelled against me.

I couldn't help but feel like the words I told myself were the most dishonest thing I have ever told myself in both of my lives...

And, as I felt my guilty orgasm shudder through my body, I looked out the window and had to bite back a gasp. It was such an alien sight after having been trapped within the house for so long, I never thought I would be able to see them through the clouds again.

Those clouds were gone now, as was the blizzard. No more snow fell down from the heavens, and the shiny blue sky was perfectly complemented by the glowing suns rising like nothing was ever wrong in the first place.

The early winter had come to an end at last after so long. I was grateful that it didn’t last for eternity. Telling time was already difficult enough without a calendar to count the months by, I didn’t know which month we currently had right now.

“Summer...” Celestia whispered dreamily and the voice of my twin brought me out of my musings as I felt her bite down on my ear again, sucking on it. My blush brightened as the words of the dream version of my wife came back to me. Was... was that one of the signs she mentioned? But Celestia did that since we were newborns, for fuck’s sake! There was no way that there was anything remotely sexual about it!

I silently continued to suffer as Celestia abused my poor quivering ear and I felt my tail start to stand up. Not like this, not before she was about to wake up! Please body, get a grip on yourself!

My body ignored my thoughts, though. After the dream of my wife doing the same thing to me, my traitorous body couldn't help but interpret Tia's actions as the same thing with the same intentions.

Desperately, I grabbed my tail before it could move even further and give me away. Not that that helped me in any way as a small moan escaped me due to Celestia biting down on a particularly sensitive spot as if doing it on purpose.

I felt the mouth of my sister quirk up into a smile and I did my best to pretend to be asleep. Oh, god... by the twin suns, what if the dream version of Celestia-Catherine was right about her? I... no. Don’t get your hopes up like this, Summer. It's wrong and you shouldn’t even entertain such thoughts in the first place.

It's wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong! So fucking wrong... Damnit, Summer! Think unsexy things, quick! Anything but this...

Celestia made a wet slurping noise and my wings started to go up a bit as my heart was quickly filled with fear and horror. Don’t have a wing-boner now, don’t have a wing-boner now, don’t have a wing-boner now, I desperately chanted within my mind. I wished this was a nightmare instead, but I knew better.

One wrong move and my sister would hate me forever. I cannot let it come to that. I can't.

“Stop abusing your sister’s ear and get up, you have to see this,” the voice of our mother managed to pierce through the awkward tension in my muscles and I heard Celestia let out an unhappy groan as she stretched her limbs out with a cute little yawn. My heart skipped a beat as I heard her breathe in deeply through her nostrils.

Please, don’t smell my arousal. Please, don’t smell my arousal. Please, don’t smell my arousal. Why the fuck did I have to masturbate right before she woke up? While in her embrace, no less?! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

“C'mon, sister, wake up,” Tia called out to me, shaking me on my shoulder. “Mother wants to show us something.”

I tried to fake being roused from my slumber, but I had a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that Celestia knew perfectly well what I had just done. She had that twinkle in her eyes that reminded me so much of a mischievous Catherine.

My brain was such a dick, sometimes. Stop seeing things, I told myself and tried to hide my glistening hoof away from her gaze. My blush threatened to reappear.

So wrong. This was depraved and wrong and depraved and... so wrong. It was stupid, and... and sexy, but wrong! Wrong, damnit! For fuck’s sake, Summer! Get a grip on yourself.

“What is it?” I asked, not having to fake the yawn. Thankfully, I could wipe away the mare juices on the blanket and I was reasonably sure she didn’t notice as I did so with all the secrecy I could muster. It helps that she was staring out the window at the time.

Her flanks looked so divine from this angle, my mind treacherously whispered and I shook my head rapidly to clear the thoughts away. It was wrong! Utterly, damnable, heinously wrong!

She just motioned for me to come up beside her and so I did what she wanted me to do. Outside, where previously a heavy blanket of snow covered the landscape, now were green fields of grass, chirping birds, and puddles of water.

“How?” I asked, perplexed. The sight made me forget my previous thoughts completely (thankfully).

Outside, there wasn’t even a single speck of snow left to be seen. It was... confusing, to say the least. I would have thought for sure to at least see heaps of snow still covering the ground, there was no way it could have melted so fast without a trace.

“That’s something I would also like to know, sister,” Celestia said, glancing at me from the corner of her eyes, and for a moment, the image of Catherine stood before me, the same look in her eyes. After a blink she was gone, a mere ghost from my dream here to haunt me in my waking hours.

Why does this have to happen now?! Couldn’t I just live my life in peace?! Must I be reminded of my wife by everything my twin does?! These thoughts needed to stop before I did something foolish. Something foolish like blurting out 'I love you, Tia!' and then kissing her perfect lips... tasting her tongue as I deepened it before she could protest... forcing her to moan for me as I caressed her with my magic against her will... I... fuck! Stop it, brain!

This is so fucking wrong. It's wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong, damnit! Disgustingly wrong. These feelings, these thoughts... they were all wrong! Wrong and disgusting! So fucking wrong. It was abominable and disgusting and wrong and abominable and disgusting and... and...

“Are you okay?” she asked me, looking at me in concern. Startled, I gave her the best confused gaze I could muster and she lifted her hoof to my cheek, bringing a tear back with her.

Oh, Catherine... I missed you so much, even if you wanted me to let go of you, I can’t. And if it truly is you standing before me... what would I do then? This notion of forbidden love is driving me crazy now, why did you have to open my eyes like that? Why did you have to make me acknowledge these feelings? Why?!

I’m not okay, Tia. Not one bit. I... I love you. I really do. More than a sister should. And it’s so damn wrong of me to feel like this. It’s disgusting, detestable, depraved, and... and so friggin' sexy. Oh, fuck, it's so damn sexy and I can't help but want to kiss you so badly. And I want to do so much more to you, but I can't. I can't give in to these incestuous feelings, they are wrong. I can't just force myself on you and make you love me back. I can't. It's wrong of me to have these disgusting thoughts of you. You deserve better than this depraved, foolish mare as your sister.

Why? Why did it have to be you of all ponies?! Why can’t I go back to being ignorant? I don’t want to lose you... I love you. I really do and it hurts. So. Damn. Much!

“I’m okay...” I whispered, afraid of what I would say if I were to continue to talk, or even if I were to give her the reason for that drop of liquid. I cannot tell her the truth, as much as I wanted to. It’s wrong. So damn wrong. What would you think of me if you weren’t somepony that was reincarnated like me, sister? You would think me mad, wouldn’t you? I’m sorry that I harbor such a love for you...

“Are you certain that you're okay?” Tia asked again, skeptically. I gave her a slight smile, but it didn’t reach my eyes. My body betrayed me as it demanded of me to tell the truth to her. But I couldn’t. I wanted to, so very much, but... I was too much of a coward to do so.

And it was wrong. Atrociously wrong.

“I’ll be fine, I just had a nightmare,” I reassured her, hoping that would be all we would talk about on this topic. I feared I might confess my feelings regardless of how much I didn’t want to if this conversation kept on. At the same time, my heart wanted to spill everything out and leave myself at her mercy. Everything about her just... continued to remind me of my wife.

Despite my wishes, my mind couldn't stop making me see these things in her. It was unfair to Catherine and Celestia. It was especially unfair to my own sister. She didn’t deserve to be treated as a replacement. She didn’t deserve to be treated as someone she couldn’t possibly be. It was impossible.

It was wrong and despicable. We are twins, damnit! Twins! Family! I couldn’t give in to these impulses! I couldn’t give in to things like incest just because my heart yearned for it. How depraved would that make me?!

“Hey. You can talk to me anytime,” she said. “I promise, I will listen. Do it for me?”

“I...” my breath hitched. Those words... Why did she have to use those words? Of all the words... why did it have to be those? Every other pony would have asked 'Can you do that for me?' instead of 'Do it for me?', so why did it have to be those words? Before my inner eye, I saw Catherine's devil-may-care smile just before she asked me in the exact same way to do something for her. She always said the same words when she asked me for something she wanted of me. And I always gave in, no matter what I thought about it. I always ended up doing it because I knew she would be happy. I loved seeing her happy...

There were countless instances of her asking me for one thing or another. And each and every memory was so similar to each other, perfectly matching the expression she made to the same pleading one Celestia had on her muzzle now. The slight bow of the head, her lip pointing out the smallest bit, her eyes staring practically into my soul. It reminded me so much of her, it was uncanny.

Celestia giggled and I blinked, confused. “Your face just lit up a bright red, was your dream about sex? Aww, my sister is so naughty~,” Celestia said with a mischievous grin. “You have a red nose, you know. It's really cute.”

Red Nose. That’s the nickname Catherine gave me. Red. Nose. There was no way, it must be a coincidence! Celestia can't be Catherine! Stop this, brain! I plead with you. Stop playing with my heart so much. Stop. Stop! STOP!

It's so damn wrong. Please. I... I can't do this anymore. I have to get away from her. I can't give in to these deplorable feelings. I'm sorry, sister. I love you. Please, don't hate me. For your sake and mine, I'll have to get away from you. I can't stay near you, it will break my heart.

A bright flash later and I was sitting in the middle of the forest, sobbing my heart out. I screamed out in anguish, hitting my hooves against the dirt. I ignored the aching from the impacts, ripping out chunks of grass and dirt with my magic.

I continued with my rampage, uprooting trees and throwing boulders around. My voice got more and more raw from the sobs leaving my throat, and still, I couldn't stop. Everything welled up from within me and I needed to vent it out, lest I fall victim to my memories of her. Despite my every effort, everything continued to flash by me. Our first kiss. The first date. The stupid car race for the sake of impressing her, trying to connect with her through her love of cars. The cheesy romance movies she watched with me only because I liked those...

The first time we had sex.

“Why?!” I raged, burning the ground with bright blue flames of magefire. “Why does this have to happen now?!”

I let myself fall to the ground, sorrow gripping my heart tightly as my voice did it injustice in voicing it to the heavens. The flames continued to lick against me as everything around me burned. They did not hurt me, though. No, they felt strangely comforting to me. Not even the heat of the scorched earth around me felt uncomfortable. It was as if they were a part of me and thus couldn't hurt me even if they destroyed everything else.

“Damn you, Catherine!” I croaked out, my voice still working despite how much I had abused it by now. “Damn you, Celestia! I hate this. I hate this so fucking much... Why can't I just be... normal..? Why do I have to feel like this..?”

Tia... Why do you have to be so similar to her? And why did I have to notice it now?! I can't do this anymore, I'm sorry. I can't keep pretending to not see these things in you, anymore. I can't stay near you anymore. I just... can't. It hurts too much. Please, take care of Luna and Mom for me.

And yet, I still wanted my twin sister here with me so much. I saw everything about her in Celestia. Every expression of Catherine I loved was mirrored perfectly by my twin. Not only that but the way they behaved was like they were one and the same person. A teenage Catherine stared back at me when I looked at my sister now and no matter what I did, I couldn’t stop thinking like that. That alone was reason enough to stay away from her. I couldn't do this. Even if I just love her in secret from the safe confines of my own mind, it would destroy me more than it already did if I stayed near her.

This was the fault of my second puberty, wasn’t it? Forcing me to recognize these things about my sister, if I wanted to or not. My heart yearned for my love and it sought somepony similar to fill that role now. I fucking hated it.

“Damn my stupid heart...” I whispered, holding my forehooves close to my chest, whimpering mournfully. I tried denying it. I tried to be angry about it. And I tried to reason myself out of this. I wished for anypony but my twin to fill that role. But nothing I did could have changed those feelings. They stayed the same, torturing me at every opportunity they got. It was unfair.

Couldn't I have been born into a different family? Everything would be so much simpler then. It was of no use, thinking like that. Nothing would change now, and... I just burned all bridges, didn't I? I couldn't go back, even if I wanted to. Things would never go back to how they used to be. I could never see Celestia as anything other than this beautiful goddess I fell in love with. It was impossible.

Now... now I was depressed. I couldn’t let go, even if I wanted to. All I saw in Celestia was Catherine. My beloved. And now, Celestia made me feel the same way as I felt about Catherine. It made me want to puke, it made me want to cry in happy tears and in sad ones, and it made me want to kiss her so badly. If only I hadn't run away...

Fuck. Why did I have to die and leave her on Earth? Why did I have to be reborn and find myself seeing her in my twin? Why did I have to fall in love with my twin?! Why?!

All of these questions... and no answers. I couldn’t know for sure what happened with Catherine and the kids back on Earth. I couldn’t know for sure Celestia wasn’t Catherine in disguise. I couldn’t know for sure what to feel about this.

I wanted to feel this way, and I didn’t. I wanted to have Celestia be Catherine, and I didn’t. I wanted to love her so much, and I didn’t. Everything I wanted, I also didn’t want. What a damn conundrum.

“My love, what are you thinking of me now?” I asked, staring up at the heavens. “What would you say? Not the dream version, but the real you?”

No answer came back.

Of course, a good guess was all I could make. And everything I came up with was the same conversation I had with her in my dream. Accept my feelings, truly accept them. Not just fantasize. Not just look and not touch.

I wanted to accept that I had these feelings. But was that so easy? I mean sure, it was easy accepting that I could admire Tia from afar, not even saying anything to her. But what I really wanted to do was to go back and lay my heart out to her, hoping beyond hope she would accept it.

Like I accepted feeling these things about her, to be honest. I couldn’t... I couldn’t continue to deny feeling like this anymore. I really do love her, Dream-Catherine was right. It was futile trying to deny it. She was right, just like she always was. I loved my twin with all of my heart.

I loved my own twin... I loved her and I ran away. I ran away because I loved her. She is going to be so worried about me, isn't she? Ugh, I can't believe how stupid I can be. I'm so dumb. Nay, unbelievably dumb, even. Tia is going to search for me and it will break her heart that I abandoned her. I'm still that foolish filly that hid the truth from my little sister. I keep lying to those I love.

At least I stopped lying to myself, huh? This wasn’t a crush. This wasn’t just a stupid phase. This was true love. The kind that made one do stupid things. Like running away from home and marrying somepony, as our mother did. Like running away out of fear and denial, trying to escape your own sister and feelings, as I just did.

The smile and giggle from Celestia just before I teleported out on her made me smile and giggle wistfully myself. The way she still continued to molest my ears in her sleep left me wanting for more. The guilty pleasure I let myself have as she sucked on my ear made my nethers flare up with arousal once more.

And this time, I didn’t feel guilty about it. I moaned, thrashed, and cried out in pleasure as I began to masturbate to the image of my sister and I felt no shame. Only love, unbridled love for somepony dear to my heart. She would never know, and that was okay. I hope she will get over me, eventually.

I cried out her name as I came once, then twice. And once more, my body shuddered with overwhelming pleasure and I didn’t stop there. I needed to feel good and I didn’t care that I was masturbating to my twin. I wanted to go back to her and have sex with her. The desire burned brightly in me and I desperately clung on to this feeling of need within me. It was going to be everything of her I would still have for the rest of my life.

“Celestia! Ahn~, hah... hah..."—I huffed in exhaustion as I felt myself shudder again from another orgasm—"I love you, so much,” I whispered to myself as a tiny giggle escaped me. “Fuck, ngh~. I wish I could be together with you. I want to, but... I can’t tell you. I can't ever let you know, I'm sorry. Not unless I know for sure you feel the same way about me. I guess I'll never find out, huh?”

“You don’t have to tell me, Red Nose,” her voice whispered back and I felt my heart stop, eyes popping wide open as my body froze in fear. No. No no no, this wasn’t happening! I... I ran away because I wanted to avoid this very thing! Why? Why did you have to find me?!

“...Tia?” I asked, a nervous tone entering my voice. Slowly, my eyes turned to the right and I saw her twinkling eyes staring back at me, a smile on her muzzle. “What are you doing here?”

“I came looking for you, dummy,” she giggled as she approached me slowly. “So, what is this about? Why hide in the middle of the forest? You really did a number on this place, huh? I didn't think you had it in you to be this destructive.”

“I...” I murmured and my reply fell short as my eyes took her fully in. I couldn't tell her I just ran away because of her, but then... I noticed that her tail was notably raised, she was biting her lip, and there was no hostility in her eyes. Tears fell from my eyes as I said my next words. They fell out of my mouth unbidden, but my heart danced with joy as they reached her ears. “I love you...”

“I heard... you weren't exactly silent, you know? Had I known you felt like this... mhh~, I would have done a lot more to you than suck on your ear, Summer...” she whispered huskily and I felt my marehood clench tightly, a shudder running through me as her voice did wonders to my body. “You know, you kinda remind me of someone. Someone I loved a lifetime ago...”

“I could say the same thing,” I rasped out, the abuse I subjected my vocal cords to began to finally catch up to me.

“I think we both know what this is about, Red Nose,” Celestia said as she came closer to me until she stood over me. Slowly, she caressed my cheek with her hoof and I nodded up at her, gulping thickly. “I missed you, you know.”

“Cath...” I started but her hoof stopped me from fully voicing her name.

“I thought I lost you as I died,” she said, placing a small kiss on my lips. I blushed brightly as she lifted her head ever so slightly. Her beauty was almost swan-like. “I thought I left you alone on Earth...”

“I did, too...” I whispered, returning the kiss with one of my own, tears of anguish and joy forming in the corner of my eyes. “I don’t know what happened, but the next moment I found myself here.”

“Same...” she said around the kiss, asking me for permission with her tongue and I granted it readily. Her tongue moved around just like I remembered it, wrestling for control in no time. Not that she had to fight for long, I let her win as I always did.

“But... if we’re here...” I started, breathing heavily. Celestia broke the kiss and a somber mood settled over me. “What about Rose and Tabby? Or your sister?”

“I don’t know...” she returned, frowning. “I thought you were still with them, but I seem to have been mistaken about that.”

“I’m sure my parents or your sister are taking care of them...” I replied. “I know they would.”

“You know my sister was jealous of me for having you,” she shot back. I nodded meekly, grimacing at the reminder. She really was, but I’m sure she wouldn’t let that get in between taking care of them.

“You don’t seem so surprised that I enjoy being a mare...” I started and she grinned lecherously down at me. “But then again, you are a pervert.”

“Says the right one,” she giggled as I made that remark in a deadpan voice. “I was conscious as you moaned out into your fetlock this morning. Had you not grabbed your tail, I'm sure it would have done the most wonderful things to my body... I was kinda tempted to do it with you right then and there~.”

“I knew it!” I shouted with a pout, poking a mare cum soaked hoof into her chest. “You did that on purpose!”

“I always did,” she said, laughing. “I couldn’t resist trying to make my own twin love me. I mean, it’s a thing that seemed to work in my light novels. At first, I only did it because it was cute and gave me comfort after I thought I had... lost... you, but now? Oh, fuck me, Summer. You are so damn hot~.”

“You little pervert,” I said, pouting. “Would you have done this to me if I hadn’t been who I am?”

“What do you think?” she asked me, raising an eyebrow back at me. Of course, she would have. How could she not? “There is no way I wouldn’t have gone after the first love interest like in a dating sim. Besides, this is basically an isekai but with cute little ponies. That's like a furry's wet dream come true and there's no way in hell I am going to miss a chance like that. Who do you take me for?”

“A devil?” I shot back. “You’re the worst. Why am I not surprised you're into that?”

“Aww, you know you love me~,” she said.

“I don't know... I’m in doubt about that,” I said playfully, smearing a bit of my juices on the tip of her muzzle, making her go cross-eyed. A shudder went through her body, her inner pervert no doubt loving it. “What would you have done if you didn't have a twin?”

Tia snorted. “Don’t think just because Luna is six years younger I would have kept my pretty hooves off of her,” she smirked and I sighed in despair. Why did I have to ask? “Aww, c'mon! Don’t give me that look, now. I knew I would have moved on from you eventually, as I’m sure you would have, too, judging by you screaming my name out in bliss.”

“You’re incorrigible. Going after your own sister, for shame,” I said, turning my muzzle up at her. She laughed at that, her head shaking in mirth.

“And what would that make you?” Tia retorted, a smug smile on her pretty muzzle. “At least I admit it.”

“But Luna?! How can you go after your own baby sister?” I asked, aghast. “We’re at least the same age! It’s like dating a kid, for fuck’s sake!”

“Dear, we are kids,” she argued, rolling her eyes. “And it’s not like I wouldn’t have waited until we were adults, idiot.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“No, you.”

“You times double,” I shot back, blowing a raspberry at her. Tia giggled, embracing me tightly. Fond eyes stared back at me.

“See? Such a child,” Celestia told me. “I’ve missed this.”

“Me, too. I had this dream where I dreamt of your human self as a ponified version, you know?” I said, gazing back up at her twinkling magenta eyes. “Chocolate hair, beige fur...”

“Why not blonde? I’m sure you haven’t already forgotten that I dyed my hair,” she said with a raised brow and I nodded shyly.

“I liked it dyed, though...” I mumbled and she giggled, nuzzling me lovingly and I sighed happily into the touch. I’m glad I won’t have to let go of her...

Then, her expression turned mischievous and teasing. “So... was it a kinky dream~?” she asked me and I sputtered for a moment. My blush was enough of an answer for her to know and she smirked down at me. “What did I do?”

“You... do you remember the first fetish I asked you to let me try out?” I whispered, squirming a bit in her embrace. She nodded and I felt her breath start to pick up a bit more. “You had me pinned under you...”

“Go on...” she gulped, licking her lips.

“And then teased me endlessly with your wings, denied me from playing with myself, and slapped my flanks...” I answered, making a shudder go through her, her wings flared out as she beheld me with hungry eyes.

“Did I make you call me your mistress?” she wanted to know and I merely nodded. “Mhh. You were a bad filly, weren’t you?”

“Y-yes...” I confirmed and she pressed me into the ground, giving me a rough kiss. “Mhmm...”

“I’m so gonna fuck you right now...” she growled, grinding against me. Her own marehood was slick with her arousal and I moaned into her mouth. “I wished I had you with me as we went through our first estrus, you know?”

“Mhhh...” I hummed, rolling her over so I was on top. I was careful to not squish her wings as I did so. I smirked back at her as I reached out with my own wings, repeating what Catherine did to me in my dreams which managed to make Celestia mewl out in delight.

“Ru–mph...” she whispered out, but my kiss interrupted her. That was a name she shouldn’t speak out loud anymore. I was Summer now and I let her know that. Our horns clanked against each other, making stars go through our vision. It didn’t stop our make-out session in the slightest, though.

“That’s Summer, Tia,” I said to her, heavily flushed with arousal and need. With a quick flare of my horn, I made her squeal out my proper name as I vibrated her clitoris gently. “I have longed for this day so much, sister.”

“And so have I... Fuck, it really turns me on when you call me your sister,” she said, her hips bucking out against mine. We gasped into each other’s muzzle as a pleasant jolt went through us. She turned the table back on me and I found myself trapped underneath her once more. “Now shut up and let me fuck your brain out.”

“Shouldn’t we worry about Mom finding out?” I breathily asked her, feeling her magic begin to go for my own marehood. “E-especially after... Ahn! F-fuck, that feels good! Tia, I... we need to make sure Mom doesn't "—I let out a wordless shriek as she gently twisted her magic around my nub and I glared up at her for interrupting me again—"Tia! W-we need to make sure Mom won't come looking for us, especially what happened the l-last time one of us ran away!”

“Don’t you worry your pretty head about that, I’m better at magic than you,” she said matter-of-factly while repaying me tenfold for using my magic without her permission. “She won’t find us until I'm done with you here.”

“Say... w-when... fuck, right there, Tia~! Ahn! Yes! Oh, fuck! Oh my, nghh... h-harder! Yes, oh fuck! Right... there! Ahn~!"

"That good, huh?" she grinned and I whimpered for more. Thankfully, she decided not to be a tease about it and used her magic to vibrate my entrance more. She gave me exactly what I wanted, making my eyes roll around in my head as she pulled and twisted my clit while also pressing down and massaging my vulva. This was so much better than doing it myself, all the while feeling her weight comfortingly on top of me.

If only she had a dick right now, we could...

"T-Tia?" I asked breathily and she hummed, doing her best to make me go out of breath. "W-when do horses go through heat a-again?”

“Spring and Summer, why?” she asked me. I gulped, crying out against her chest as she found a particular weak spot of mine.

“W-what time of y-year is it?” I shot back with a fearful quiver, whining as my question made her pause.

“Shit...” she exclaimed, her own eyes going wide as well. “No wonder, I was getting more frisky than I should have been.”

“I think the winter lasted too long...” I retorted, wiggling my flanks in the hopes she would pick up where she left off. “I don’t want to be alone again...”

“Neither do I...” she said. “How long do you think until we go fully nuts?”

“Last time it was relatively fast,” I answered her, squirming underneath her. She went back to work on my needy pussy with a renewed vigor, much to my joy and relief. “Do you think we can... mhn... somehow alter the spellwork of Mom? So we could get to each other when she locks us away again?”

“We would have to be stealthy about it,” Celestia said, biting down on one of my ears. I let out a throaty moan at that, causing her to smirk playfully. “I knew you liked this already, but I didn’t expect a reaction like that.”

“S-shut up!” I mumbled, cheeks coloring up brightly. “All the times you have been going after it, it changes how one feels about it. I can’t believe you did this as a foal, you pervert.”

“Hey now. You're being unfair, I was clearly trying to get some comfort after finding out I reincarnated as a cute little pony," she retorted, frowning unhappily. "Besides, I was a grown-up in a baby's body, how should I get my fix in your opinion? I won the cute competition, no doubt about that."

Of course, she made it into a competition to be the cutest against her newborn sister. Not that I agreed on that point, I had clearly made the bigger impact on Mom (Dad doesn't count). The title of Mistress of Cuteness clearly goes to me.

Still, to do that with your own twin sister at that early of an age. She really was beyond the point of no return, wasn't she? Unfair competition aside, how could she not control her own urges around a baby?

Well, I guess she didn't mean it in a sexual way because that would be truly messed up. Her kind of fix either meant molesting me or 'molesting' me.

Three guesses as to what molesting and 'molesting' meant. And only the first one counts. 'Competition to be the cutest' my flank, she only did it so she wouldn't bawl her eyes out because I wasn't there, didn't she? She really is a clingy twin. Not that I was any better in that regard.

Speaking of molesting my ear, I felt my body seize up with an orgasm again and, uh... I squirted, much to my embarrassment. Celestia raised an eyebrow at me as I stared tiredly up at her.

“What?” I asked her, daring her to say something.

“Oh, nothing, nothing! I'm just curious. How often did you make yourself cum already before I found you?” she inquired. I couldn’t help but giggle nervously.

“I... kinda lost count?” I answered sheepishly. Tia looked down at me incredulously. “That dream really had managed to make me question a lot of things. I tried to deny my feelings for you for so long, it flooded quite literally out of me once I accepted my love for my own twin...”

“Flooded out, huh?” she smirked before she let out a perverted giggle. “I wonder if you taste the same as me.”

“Of course, that’s the first thing you think about, you pervert.”

“Stop calling me names,” she pouted. “I seem to remember you being quite a bit perverted, too.”

“Not as much as you, though,” I argued with her. She rolled her eyes at me.

“So...” Celestia began. “Do you want to try oral?”

“Uhm... I don’t know what it feels like with a vagina, so yes?” I asked her unsurely. I mean, if it felt half as good as what she was doing with me before, then I certainly wouldn’t say no.

“Oh, you’re going to love this,” she said, standing up from me with a last kiss and a flick of the tongue on my horn, making me go cross-eyed at the sensation. The next thing I saw before me was her sopping wet snatch and the sensation of her tongue running around the edges of my own opening. I let out a moan as I heard her smack her lips in thought. “Spicy-sweet, rich in flavor, and... totally like me. Fuck, I love it...”

“You weren’t kidding when you said you tasted yourself...” I groaned, biting my lip. “Why do I love the fact you’re such a pervert sometimes?!”

“Well, of course, I would. Do you have any idea how hard it is to resist something like that? Who do you take me for?” she answered me, giving me a slow, wet lick from tip to bottom. “Oh, by the way, this is totally an upgrade to the taste of your human cum, gorgeous. Don’t know whether that is because of pony tastebuds or not...”

“Ugh...” I whined. “Why do you have to bring that up now?”

“It’s true,” she complained, her magic reaching out to my head forcing me a bit closer to her marehood. “Now, I’m sure you want to know what this piece of flank tastes like.”

“Your dirty talk needs more work,” I replied, giving out a tentative lick. Tia was right, spicy and sweet at the same time, quite rich in flavor. I stared at my own cum-soaked hoof, slowly taking it into my own mouth and finding out that yes, I did have the same taste. “Fuck, you were right, this is so weird.”

“Stop licking your own juices and lick mine instead, ass,” Celestia complained, wiggling her nethers into my face. I moaned out, getting her to hum with a pleased tone. “Gotta do more than that to make me cum, pretty.”

“I’m your twin, I know where your sweet spots are now, sister,” I shot back with a smirk, snaking my tongue into her waiting canal. That rewarded me with a long and deep moan from her. I felt myself shudder from her own ministrations as her tongue entered mine in return.

My hindlegs squeezed her head against me as the sensation of something physically entering me was unlike anything I have ever felt before (magic just wasn't the same). Celestia giggled into me, not stopping what she was doing and I felt my insides quiver around her tongue, my arousal spiking up from what she was doing to me.

I fought myself from going cross-eyed as she gave a sudden wiggle inside of me, a moan forcing itself out of my throat. Fuck, where did she learn that from? My forehooves gripped her flanks roughly as I searched enthusiastically with my own tongue for a particular spot within her marehood I knew must be there.

Judging by the groaning coming from Tia, she liked me kneading her flanks quite a bit. So, I let myself grin a little bit as I dug my hooves into her soft but firm muscles. That made her buck out against me, causing my teeth to scrape against her opening which in turn made her scream out beautifully.

My own rear bucked out against her as she won the race against me in finding the sweet spot with her thick pony tongue. A muffled scream of her name forced itself out of my mouth and my walls clenched against her wiggling tongue, not letting it get away from where it currently was. The entirety of my body twitched a few times from the orgasm she inflicted upon me.

Celestia let out a mirthful laugh as I almost lost consciousness this time. Once my pussy started to let her go, she withdrew her tongue from my nethers, lapping up every last drop of my arousal with loud, exaggerated, totally hot slurping noises.

After I felt myself calm down enough, I went back to her own marehood with a vengeance. There was no way I wouldn’t get her off within the next few seconds.

“Mhmm, right there,” Celestia mewled, pawing against my flanks with her own forehooves. She let out a few cute noises I didn’t know we could make as I almost had her where I wanted her. “D-don’t s-stop!”

I grinned and did just that. I let my tongue go completely still and she whined out against me, trying to get me to continue with a few wiggles and shakes.

“Summer, p-please?!” she begged, turning her head around so she could stare into my mischievous pale magenta eyes. Her own pale magenta orbs seemed to glimmer in the light with desperate tears. “C-come o-on! Don’t be a d-dick, now!”

“...” I silently laughed and gave her sweet spot a sharp lick, making her go entirely limb as her eyes rolled up in her head suddenly. Her walls clamped down on my tongue, trying to milk it for something that it couldn’t give. I withdrew it with a small bit of difficulty, getting my twin to shudder even more, as I felt her own juices squirt out against my face.

“Fuck, that is so hot,” I mumbled, drinking her practically dry as her orgasm found no halt. “Damn, it’s like you never had sex before in your whole life!”

The only response I got was happy giggling and I smiled, a flutter going through my heart with an overwhelming sense of love for my reincarnated wife. I’m happy I won’t have to let go of her, having her here with me. We would have to continue our relationship in secret, though.

This technically counted as incest, didn’t it? Celestia and I knew how much this was frowned upon while we were still human, how did ponies view something like this? I mean, as Rudolph I wasn’t of a different opinion than the rest of humanity, but now?

This was my friggin’ wife and she was my sister for fifteen years by now. Almost as long as we had been married. We swore we would love each other while in life and in death. This didn’t change a damn thing about that. But it was everypony else I was concerned with.

We couldn’t just say we were a reincarnated couple and expect everypony to believe us. They would think this is some sick excuse so we could be together out in the open. We would be ostracized, even more so for being an amalgamation of the three pony tribes.

“Hey... what are you thinking about?” the voice of my wife-turned-twin brought me back to reality. I saw Celestia next to me with a small content smile, her eyes holding love and happiness in their pale magenta depths. Her forelegs wrapped themselves around me as I scooted over to her and I put my head on her chest with a small, soft sigh.

“You know we can’t ever let anyone else see us like this again, right?” I told her, feeling sad. One of her hooves stroked through my mane slowly and I heard her let out a small, thoughtful hum. “Not like we could when we were married. No kisses in public places, no saying ‘I love you’ in the romantic sense, no more teasing words in front of anypony...”

“I hate that you’re right with this, Summer,” Celestia said, making an unhappy noise. “This could very well become something life-threatening if it ever caught the wrong kind of attention.”

“That, and everypony would think us freaks,” I said. I let out a giggle afterward, though. “Although your perverted nature is quite freakish sometimes, sister.”

“You going along with it is the freakish thing, sister~,” she retorted and I could practically hear the smirk in her voice. I didn’t bother to argue against that, it was practically true by now.

“So, what are we going to do now?” I asked her. “Not to mention the thing with the estrus, that’s going to suck if we can’t circumvent the wards in our rooms somehow.”

“I might have an idea about that,” Tia told me and I turned my head to look at her inquisitively, careful not to poke her with my horn. “What if the wards think our rooms are one and the same room? We can still teleport within the confines of our own bedrooms, can we not?”

“How do you propose we do that?” I asked skeptically. She grinned down at me and whispered her plan into my ear, tickling the inside of it.

“Quite simple, right?” she stated, eyes twinkling in mischief.

“If it works... I mean, what are we going to do when Mom brings us our food? I doubt she is going to fall for an illusion,” I answered. “And what about afterward? What are we going to do about our relationship? We aren’t going to tell Mom, right?”

“I say we continue on like nothing happened,” Celestia said with a shrug. “Luna and Mom don’t need to know, so we just tell them you tried to get away before your estrus started and I dragged you back when I found you. I’ll set up our rooms in the meanwhile and don’t you worry your pretty little head about the glamor, sister.”

“Okay, Tia,” I mumbled, agreeing that this was probably the best course of action for now. I had run away from home suddenly without explanation and if it gave Tia the necessary distraction so we could be together during our estrus, I would happily throw myself at our mother’s mercy. “But, what are we going to do about our relationship when we get older? Are we going to hide this forever?”

“We will have to, Summer,” she sighed. “You know just as well as I do that something like this won’t ever get accepted. While I’m sure there is a lot of inbreeding going on within the nobility of this world, even they would frown upon siblings like that.”

“This sucks...” I pouted. “Couldn’t we have been born in two different families? Then we wouldn’t have to worry about this so much.”

“Summer, you dummy. Think for a moment,” Celestia sighed. “We wouldn’t even know we exist at all. It was a massive coincidence we were born as twins, already. Imagine how unlikely that must have been! I think this only happened because we died at the same time, most likely.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” I said, pointedly ignoring the ‘I always am’ from her. “I just... this isn’t fair...”

“Dear... even if we had been reincarnated in two different families and somehow found each other, what do you think they would think of two lesbian mares?” she questioned me and my ears splayed back as I perfectly knew what people thought about homosexuality for a very long time in Earth’s history, even up to the present day. It had been getting better over the last few years since the end of the war, something I very much approved of, but one couldn’t eradicate prejudice like that entirely, sadly.

Not to mention the transphobia running rampant... I don't want to imagine what ponies would think if they knew I hadn't been a mare in my previous life. Well, a cisgender mare, I should say. I was very much a girl through and through in my heart.

Judging by the lack of technology and any form of modern housing, this world was still in the middle ages or so. If we were lucky we would be chased out of the country, if not, well... I don’t think they would do anything less than what humans had done when they thought they had to purge the rainbow out of the 'affected' like a disease. There was a reason why people had kept something like that hidden from others during those times.

“When should we head back?” I asked after I decided I had wallowed in my misery for long enough. Celestia squeezed me tighter to her chest for a moment, most likely unsure if she wanted to get up at all.

“We probably have been gone for too long already,” she answered with a sigh. “But this is too nice for me to get up.”

“Hey, now. Let’s make this a quick thing and get it over us, Tia,” I smiled. “I know I’m sexy, but we can’t stall forever.”

“You’re strangely eager to get locked up again, Summer.”

“If we do it right, then we won’t be alone this time~,” I shot back and she let go of me reluctantly. I could tell she was miffed at having to let go of me for just a little while, now that we knew who we were to each other.

Fine...” she grumbled. “You go do the talking while I’m will meddle with the wards without alerting Mom in the process.”

I nodded, and together, we made our way back home. Mom was relieved to find out that I hadn’t run away for good. While I distracted her with the little story we spun up about me trying to flee the house before the estrus fully got to me, my twin stealthily did her work on the wards in our rooms.

To say that Mom wasn’t pleased in the slightest by my ‘attempt’ to avoid getting locked up in my room was the understatement of the century. It was the first time that I saw her get so mad that she dragged me up to my room by the ear. Luna was confused as to why I was in the situation that I was in, but Mom told her to not get too curious about it with the threat of no cookies hanging in the air.

Thankfully, Celestia was long gone out of my room before Mom closed the door on me. A few minutes later a triumphant twin appeared in my room, grinning from ear to ear at having outsmarted our mother.

And our mother was none the wiser of what we did~.