//------------------------------// // Departure part 1 // Story: Hogwarts Highlights // by mokaevans //------------------------------// Rainbow was feeling a mix of excitement and resentment. Excitement because she was finally on platform 9 3/4 heading for hogwarts. Resentment because she was sandwiched between herr parents who were currently crying their eyes out. "We're so proud of you!" Her father exclaimed, hugging her tightly. "I just can't believe it's already time!" Her mother agreed. "We're going to miss you!" They cried in unison, tears streaming down their faces. Rainbow noticed a number of wizards looking. "Mom, dad, people are staring." She groaned. "Of course they're staring." Her mother said. "They know you're meant for greatness." Her father continued. They began to cry again. "Enough. I really should go." She told them. "Okay sweetie. We'll take care of Tank for you." Tank was her pet turtle. Her father thought she might like a muggle pet. When she first got him, she hadn't liked him much. Rainbow liked to move fast and tank was very slow. Yet somehow she had become attached to him. Maybe it was all the cute turtle smiles, or maybe it was all the time she'd been able to vent about her overbearing parents to him. It was probably the second one. "Thanks mom," She said with a sincere grin. As she walked towards the scarlet engine she heard her father call 'that's our girl!' She rolled her eyes. She loved her parents, but she was glad to be getting a break from them. *** Rarity could honestly say that her trip to Hogwarts was not going as she'd always imagined. For one thing Sweetie Belle was rarely in her imaginings, and when she was she was walking alongside the family not running ahead into the crowded King's cross station. It was annoying. Deep down Rarity knew that she was just resenting her sister because she desperately wanted to do the same thing herself. She wasn't going to though, she was going to maintain a proper attitude if it killed her. Their was also the matter of her parents. in her fantasies they were wearing elegant robes as they guided her to platform 9 3/4. Instead they had decided to wear muggle attire to blend in better. Muggie attire was strange at the best of times, but her parents weren't wearing ordinary muggle clothes anyway. They both had medium blue shirts with a floral pattern in a garish array of colors. Apparently they were something muggle tourists wore. "Rarity I found it!" She heard Sweetie Belle call. She and her parents followed the voice to the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Her sister was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly she felt hands wrap around her legs and she was pulled through the barrier. She stumbled and fell over earning several stares. Rarity blushed with embarrassment. That was not how she'd intended to enter the platform at all. "Sweetie Belle! I cannot believe you." She scolded. "Sorry, I was just excited for you to see it." Her sister said. Rarity's eyes followed her sister's gesturing hand. There on the platform was a magnificent scarlet train. Now that was a vehicle worthy of such an esteemed school. Her thoughts were interrupted her and angry hiss from her trolley. Rarity looked down and her voice took on a syrupy tone. "Oh Opal Wopal I promise to let you out as soon as we find a train compartment. " Her parents finally walked through the wall. "I see you've found the Hogwarts express." Her mother said. "I wanna go too!" Sweetie complained. Rarity groaned but was saved from having to say anything by her parents. "Now Sweetie you'll get to go in a few years. You just have to be patient." Her father told her. Rarity couldn't help but smirk. Yes, Sweetie Belle would have to wait as long as she had. Her wait was over. *** Fluttershy did not have the desire to yell often. She was a very quiet person, especially when nervous as she was now. She was standing just outside the barrier to platform 9 and 3/4, holding her father tightly as her knees shook. She wasn't ready for this. All those new people, all the new subjects, the responsibility of learning magic, it all weighed upon her heavily. Zephyr was not helping. Fluttershy had a strong desire to yell at her brother but she didn't act upon it for multiple reasons. The main ones being she didn't want to draw attention to herself, and the knot in her throat probably wouldn't allow her anyway. "Come on! I wanna see the Hogwarts express!" Zephyr whined for what felt like the hundredth time. It was just going to be her and her father but Zephyr had begged to come. He hadn't been quiet the entire time. "Patience Zephyr, your sister gets to go first. It's her first time after all." Her father told him gently. "Then why hasn't she gone in yet?" He asked, a small pout on his lips. "I-I'd like to see you try to go through what looks like a solid wall." She managed to get out. "I'd love to but dad wants you to go first. Come on sis we can't stay here all day." Her brother tried to encourage her. "W-well why don't you go to school for me, and I'll wait until next year." She muttered. Zephyr turned to their father with a bright expression on his face. The older man shook his head. "I'm afraid not." Her brother pouted. "Look sweetheart, I know it's scary, but you have to do this. You have magic whether you want it or not. It's dangerous to leave uncontrolled. Both for you and others." Her father told her. She sighed. "Okay." "That's my brave girl. Now I want you to close your eyes." She did so. She felt her father's hands on her shoulders and he began to guide her forward whispering soothing things into her ears. "You can open them now." She opened her eyes to see she was on platform 9 and 3/4 a scarlet engine sat on the platform . She stared in awe. It was then she heard an irate voice complain about food. Apparently Angel had finally woken up. *** Pinkie didn't let go of the vice grip she had on her entire family. How she had a vice grip on five other people was anyone's guess. The point was Pinkie was hugging her family. "I'm gonna miss you guys so much!" A gruff voice came from the group of people in the excitable girl's grip. "Pinkie you're gonna crush to rock dust." Pinkie immediately let them all go. "Sorry Limestone. I'm just so excited!" "Try to be less physical with your excitement." Her sister growled. Pinkie began to say her individual goodbyes to her family. "Mom , Dad thanks for letting me come here." "Thou must remember Pinkie, thou hast to use such power for good." Her father said. "Remember to keep thy friends close." Her mother added. "Thanks for the advice! Even if I already knew it!" She moved on to her baby sister Marble. She made her usual noise. "You wanna say you'll miss me too?" Pinkie translated. Marble nodded her head. Pinkie hugged her again. Pinkie moved onto Maud. "I promise to send you letters all the time. Professor Flitwick said the school had owl's for that!" "Okay, Owl send them right back." Maud told her. "Classic Maud!" Pinkie laughed. Finally she moved onto her oldest sister. "Limestone I'm gonna miss you too. Even if you can be a little grumpy. Limestone looked anywhere but at Pinkie. "Well, I guess I might miss you. A little." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She gave Pinkie a serious look. "You're sure you packed everything in your hurry?" "Of course I did silly! What would I have missed?" She asked. "What about this guy?" Her sister deadpanned pulling a stuffed alligator from her pocket. "Gummy!" Pinkie grabbed the toy and held it close to her . I thought I packed you?" Pinkie gasped. "I was going to leave you behind! Thank you Limestone!" "Just looking out for my little sis." She murmured once again unable to look her sister in the eye. "Oh I love you!' Pinkie cheered and gave Limestone another hug. "Alright, alright, you're crushing my ribcage." Her sister said as she pushed her away. She had a smile on her face though. Having finally said her goodbyes Pinkie began to skip towards the train the calls of her family behind her. *** Of course Twilight had been to platform 9 and 3/4 before. That didn't make this trip any less special though. All the other times she had just been going to bid her brother farewell until Christmas. This was different. For the first time she would be going with him. She'd be getting on the Hogwarts express. She'd be leaving her parents behind. Twilight felt a brief moment of sadness. She shook it off. She was ready for this. She had been ready for this for years. She wanted to learn practical magic more than anything. She had studied her brother's books for years with fascination only wondering what Shining was doing. That didn't mean she wouldn't miss her parents though. "Where's Shining?" She asked, noticing his absence. "Where do you think?" Her father chuckled. She followed his pointing finger and giggled herself. Shining was talking to his friend Cadence. Though it was quite clear they liked each other more than that. Shining was just too much of a gentleman to make a move. "I see." She frowned. "I packed everything right?" Her mother laughed. "Honey you only checked your packing four times. Maybe you should check it a fifth?" Twilight moved to do so when her father stopped her. "She's joking. There's no way you missed anything." He paused. "Now remember to stay out of trouble. Listen to your teachers and get your homework done early. " He advised. "Don't forget to have fun dear! Like swimming in the lake!" Her mother suggested. "Honey there's a giant squid in the lake." Her father frowned. "I know! Do you know how many times I went diving in search of it?" She pouted. "I never did find it." "That's a good thing." Her father muttered. "You'd think a giant squid would be easy to find but nope." Her mother sighed. "Just stay safe please?" He asked. "Don't worry dad, I have no plans to dive in the lake." She promised. Her father gave her mother a triumphant look. "Fine." She pouted. "Well I'd better get going if I want to find a free compartment." She told them turning to walk to the train. "Make sure you write, Owlicious could use the exercise." Her father called. "Tell Professor McGonagall I said hi, and that I'm sorry about the time I accidently transfigured her hat into a peacock!" Twilight was just putting Owlicious in the luggage car when she realized what her mother had said. "You did what?!" *** Applejack stared dubiously at the divider between platforms nine and ten. She glanced down and her paper just to be sure. Yeah this was the place. Applejack glanced at the divider once again. She'd seen a lot of magic in the past week. Crazy things like floating items, teacups that could bite, and flying broomsticks. Really she should have every bit of faith that she could walk through what looked to be a solid wall. "Are ya gonna go in or just stare at it!" Applebloom cried. "It ain't that simple. Even if ya know the wall isn't solid ya still have a hard time goin' through it." Applejack sighed. "Besides the rest of ya need ta hold onto me if ya wanna go through." "I know, that's why I wantcha ta go through now! I wanna see a magic train!" Her sister pouted. Applejack sighed a turned to Big Mac. "Should we just go fer it?" She asked. "Yep." He nodded. "Alright, everyone grab onto me." She felt Applebloom grip her right hand, Big Mac her left, and Granny grabbed a shoulder. "On three we run. Okay?" Her family nodded. "One. Two. Three!" With that the Smiths ran towards the wall. Applejack closed her eyes bracing for the impact. Only for there to be none. She opened her eyes. "We made it?" They had, there were several groups of people going to and fro around the platform. Everyone trying their hardest to get where needed to go. Families saying goodbye to one another. A great scarlett train sat upon a set of tracks ahead. The only reason she knew it wasn't a normal train platform, aside from having to walk through a wall to get there, was because everyone was wearing those weird robe things. She heard an animal cry and sighed. She wished Winona could have come. She was as much a part of the family as everyone else. They weren't sure how she'd react though so she'd been left home. Applejack wished she could take Winnona with her, but she was the family dog and so should stay with the majority of the family. Professor Sprout had offered to get her a cat or an owl but it just wouldn't be the same as having Winona there. So she'd declined. She turned to her family. "So I guess this is it then." She told them. Truthfully she was a little sad. She was going to be away from her family for several months. Longer then she ever had before. She was going to miss them something fierce. She turned to Granny Smith. "Make sure ya take care of the house an' feed everyone." "Don't worry about us Applejack. I can handle the cookin'." She reassured her. "I am gonna miss yer apple fritter flapjacks though." She turned to her sister. "Applebloom stay outta trouble, an don' ferget ta help durin' the harvest." "I wish I could go too." Applebloom said. ` "So do I sugarcube, gonna be lonely without ya." Applejack said, giving her sister a quick hug. She turned to her brother. "Big Mac, sorry 'bout leaving ya with my part of the harvest." "No problem." Her brother said with a shake of his head. "Keep Applebloom and Granny safe ya hear?" She told him, ignoring Granny's cry of 'I don't need no protection.' "Applejack," Big Mac began pausing to make sure she knew he was gonna say more. "I know yer gonna miss us. So Applebloom and I made something for ya." Confused Applejack stood there as Big Mac pulled out a large heart shaped golden locket. It had an apple in the center. "Big Mac, I can’t accept anything that expensive." She shook her head. "It's just gold plated." He told her. Applejack hesitantly took the locket. She opened it and gasped. Inside the locket were four places for pictures. One in front, one in back, and a center piece where two pictures could be placed back to back. In the first was Granny, then Big Mac, Applebloom and Winona, then finally her parents. Applejack felt tears in her eyes. "I dunno what ta say." "Say you'll wear it!" Applebloom told her. "I'll only take it off to bathe and sleep." She promised. Big Mac unclipped the lock and put it around her neck. At that moment the last whistle went off. "I gotta go." With that she entered the train.