A Rainbow Paradox

by mariomario4156

A Trip to Twilights house again

Dash tries to knock on Twilight's door. Of course, Twilight opens it before she strikes a blow.

Dash said, "Hi, Twilight." Then, she paused, remembering what happened the last couple of times. Dash continued, "How... are you doing? Uh-hum-m-m."

Twilight looked at Dash and said, "Are you trying to ask me how I'm doing, Dash?"

Dash said, "yeah sorry it's just the last couple of days have been hard for me."

Twilight said, "Ummm, you seemed fine, yesterday when we were doing winter wra-."

Dash said, "Winter wrap-up. I know you told me already, and I... I just don't know anymore, Twilight. I want to ask you, but you might think I'm crazy or its a joke, and it's not; it's not a bloody joke!"

Twilight was shocked at Dash, who was really freaking out. Twilight said, "Whoa. Whoa, Dash! Are you okay? Do you need some-." Twilight was interrupted again, and not happy about it.

Dash said, "No twilight I'm not ok I'm... I'm... ", then Dash took a deep breath and finished, "I'm reliving the same day over-and-over again. Yes, I did say that I'm reliving the same day over-and-over again. Today is the fourth time it has happened and I don't know how to get out! And, I really want to get out!"

Twilight saw her friend was going to cry. So, with her brilliant mind, she thought of what just may have been her most ingenious plan of all time. "Dash, do you want some coffee or tea? I can make you some. You seem really stressed out. Please tell me what's wrong," Twilight said.

Dash looked at Twilight and thought, "Does she have brain damage or something, because I just told her what's wrong? Oh well, I guess I’ll get a drink with Twilight."

Dash said, "Sure Twilight that will be nice."

Twilight grabbed a glass cup out of her cabinet and filled it with hot water. Then, she added a tea bag and handed it to Dash. Twilight said, "So Dash, you have been reliving the same day over-and-over again. You can see how this could be really hard to believe? However, since you’re so serious about it and because I trust you, I will. But, I have to be honest with you, Dash, it seems to me that you"re mistaken. Let"s find out."

Dash said, "Twilight, I'm not lying. I'm being totally honest with you. Please believe me."

Twilight said, "Well I don't know, it just seems impossible, but... wait, wait a minute. You're just trying to prank me, because this is just like a plot from one of my old filly books called 'Mr.Phil's Repeating Day'."

Dash said, "What! No! It's real, Twilight." Then Dash realized that there was no use trying to convince her of the truth. Dash realized how absurd it must sound. But, Dash had a question, so she asked: "Hey, Twilight! Do I still need to help you with your taxes?"

Twilight said "Oh yeah, you just reminded me, I forgot all about them! Hold on and I'll get Spike to go and get them. "SPIKE!!! GET DOWN HERE AND GET MY TAXES NOW OR YOUR FIRED!"

Dash said, "Why do you talk to Spike like that?"

Twilight said, "Oh, because he screwed up my calendar. Now, I'm punishing him for it."

Dash said, "Oh-h-h-kay."

Then, Spike came downstairs with Twilights taxes and he said, "Here you go." Then, under his breath, he muttered, "Your Royal Douche Bagginess."

Twilight glared at Spike and said, "Oh what did you say? I couldn't hear you."

Spike said, "Uhhh, I didn't say anything? Ha-ha-ha! I have to go." Then, Spike ran all the way upstairs to his bedroom.

Dash said sarcastically "Wow! You guys have a great relationship."

Twilight said, "I know, right?! It's so great."

Dash said "What?"

Twilight opened her taxes and looked at them and then she said to Dash, "Yeah, umm, I need help with the... HOLY SHOOT!"

All of the sudden, for no reason whatsoever, Pinkie Pie popped up from out of Twilight's tax forms. Twilight exclaimed, "Pinkie Pie, what the heck! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

By now, Dash was used to this conversation. For Pete's sake, she had already lived the same day, three times in a row, now. So, she just waited until they stopped talking. A couple of hours had passed and Dash was still sitting in that chair. She remembered why she didn’t just get up and leave? She knew that she'd just do it all over again tomorrow; may as well wait. Dash knew that it was late because she could see that it was dark outside. By the time they stopped talking, Dash was almost finished with her tea.

Twilight said "Man, Pinkie, that's crazy. How you battled Slender Pony, along with an evil version of yourself is such an amazing story."

Pinkie Pie said, "What? No! That's not what I said. What I said is that I went and bought some candy. Then, you guys go and eat it all! Then, I realize that I had forgotten my wallet, so I came back to get it, only to remember that Gummy needed a bath. So, I did the right thing and helped Gummy. Then, finally, I--."

Pinkie was interrupted by Dash, who screamed, "Gosh darn it, Pinkie! We already know! You told us 200 flipping times! And every single time, Twilight says some random crap that doesn't even make sense. I'm beginning to think that she has some brain problem, because she keeps forgetting what you say, and then you explain it again... and again... and again...

All the while, Dash is thinking, "DEAR CELESTIA! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!" But it doesn't stop. You guys keep going. It's driving me insane! So please, for the love of Celestia, stop. Please just stop! Thank you."

Then Dash sat back down. Both Twilight'sand Pinkie's mouths were hanging wide open in dismay by Dash's outrage.

Twilight said, "Wow. Okay. Look, Dash, I'm so sorry. I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, because of Winter Wrap-up. We went all day and all night. By the time I got home, it was 11:35 pm. I didn't fall fast asleep. It took me a while, so my memory might be a bit off today. Sorry again, Dash."

Dash thought "Well that explains why she had to hear what I said twice now."

Pinkie said, "Hey, Dash! Look, I'm really sorry about explaining so much to Twilight. I just wanted to help her. You know how it is, I always want to help a pony when they need it. But yeah, sorry, Dash. Will you forgive us?"

Dash thought for a moment and then she said, "Oh, how the heck I can't be mad at you guys? You’re my best friends, so yeah, I do forgive you."

Twilight and Pinkie Pie smiled and then hugged Dash a bit too tightly. Her eyes were nearly bulging out of her head. Twilight asked Dash if she wanted to have a sleepover at her place. "Yeah, but what about Pinkie? can she also come?", replied Dash.

Twilight responded, "Uhh... no."

Twilight then pushed Pinkie Pie out and slammed the door in her face. Pinkie said, "Okay, Twilight, I'll see you tomorrow." Then, Pinkie bounced off happily.

Twilight set up Dash's bed. When she was finished, she came back down to the living room. Dash said, "Hey Twilight, thanks for letting me stay here tonight."

"No problem, Dash. So how are you doing?", said Twilight.

"I'm doing good. Thanks for giving this yummy tea."

"It's all good, friend.", responded Dash."

Dash felt kind of tired, so she said, "Hey Twilight, I think I'm going to head to bed. I'm kind of tired."

Twilight said, "But, we didn’t t even do the makeover or the scary stories... or anything!"

"I'm sorry Twilight, but I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to head up. But, you can sit down here if you wan-."

Dash was interrupted by Twilight, "Dash, can I at least tell you a scary story? I had a really good one in one of my books. Please, Dash? Pretty please?"

Twilight tried to look as sad as possible to get Dash to agree. It worked.

Dash said, "Uhh-h-h, fine."

After Twilight was done with her story, Dash almost peed herself. It was so scary, so it was going to be hard for Dash to sleep tonight. They went up and each got in bed. Dash thought Twilight was going to say something for a second, but she didn't. As Dash had suspected, it was really hard for her to go to sleep... but, after a while, she finally did.

Dash woke up at about 4 in the morning. She sat up, because she heard a humming noise. She thought, "Where is that humming noise coming from? Oh well, it's quiet now. I guess I can still sleep. Yeah, I'm going to go back to sleep."

She fell back in her bed and looked at Twilight sleeping. She thought, "Wow, Twilight sleeps like a baby... and baby who snores really, really loudly."

That humming noise kept getting louder and louder and Dash couldn't get back to sleep. So, she got up again, and this time she got out of her bed.

She tried to wake up Twilight to talk to her about the weird noise, but Twilight was in such a deep sleep that it wasn't possible.

Dash thought "Hmmm, should I go towards the noise well it seems to be close enough so why not."

Dash walked down stars and the noise was now outside dash was confused because she could have sworn that she heard it down stars but never the less she followed it and it led her to the everfree forest.

Dash said, "Ok now this doesn't seem right I think I'm going to head back now....." BANG "OW!"

Dash had crashed into a invisible wall that blocked her from going back to ponyville.

Dash said, "What no no no no nooooo what the what now no i why is there a....ug screw it there's no use I can't get out i guess there only one way and that's in."

Now, Dash has never been scared to go into the evergreen forest However, since she couldn't go back to Ponyville so easily, she became freaked out. Dash headed into the forest. She walked for a while and then, to her great surprise, sitting in the middle of the forest was a portal to who knows where!

Dash said, "What the heck is that doing here?" She tried to turn back, but then slammed into an invisible wall. She said, "Ow! Dang! I guess I have to... No! I'm not doing it. I'm not going in there. I don't even know what's in there."

All of the sudden, the portal began to suck everything into it: a chair here, a coffee table, a bunch of books,... a cat! ...a car! Dash clung with all of her might to the tree that she stood beside. Then, whoo-oom!!! She was sucked into the portal.

Dash woke up and said, "Oh, Twilight I had the worst dream, where I was traped in the same day over-and-over and then I got sucked into a portal... Ohh-h-h-no!"

Dash was in another world, one where she'd never been. It was a city where the buildings looked run-down and blown-up and there was a phone booth in the middle of the street that was ringing incessantly.

She looked around and thought, "Well, I'm screwed. I am so screwed! Oh man, what do I do?! Do I pick up the phone or... yeah... no... yeah... no... yeah... no... Okay, fine! I'll pick it up!" Dash inched forward, moving as slowly to the phone booth as possible. Finally, she reached it. She picked up and said, "Hello?"

"Hi, Dashie.", said Pinkie.

"Oh, thank Celestia! It's just you, Pinkie. Hey, do you know how I get out of here?"

Pinkie said, "Well you can't."

Dash said, "What do you mean, Pinkie?"

Pinkie ignored Dash's question and said, "Hey, look Dash, I want you to meet one of my friends."

Dash said, "Look Pinkie, I don't have time to meet your friends. What I need to do is to get out of here!"

Pinkie said, "Oh no, it won't take that long. Please."

Dash thought for a while and then said, "Ugh-hh-h! Fine Pinkie, you win. Now, where is this friend of yours? HOLY CRAP!"

Just outside of the phone booth was a pony with candy as her skin.

Dash reacted appropriately. She hung up the phone and tried to get out of the phone booth. But, now it was locked. She said, "Oh yeah, of course, now it's locked. It wasn't locked when I got in, but now it is locked. Bloody brilliant."

Then, the candy pony grabbed Dash and threw the glass into the wall. Dash tried to fly away, but the glass was unbreakable. The candy pony yanked her out of the booth. Then Dash tried to fly away again, but couldn't launch. Whhat was going on?! This really confused Dash, because she was know for her ability to fly really high, like a bolt of lightening, all in a matter of seconds. But now, she couldn't. It was almost like an external force had her bound to the ground.

The next thing you knew, Dash was blown high in the air! As she was falling down from the sky shhe veered towards the candy pony with really sharp teeth. While falling like a lead weight, she thought, "Well, this is it. Or is it. Will I just get back up in my bed or will I die? It will really suck if I die. Hey, wait a second, can't I fly? Let me try..."

She tried with all her might to fly, but her wings just gave out. She continued thinking, "Oh great, now my wings are jacked up. Well, I guess it doesn't matter. Man, what a sucky week. Well, goodbye, my friends. Goodbye to every pony."

Dash fell into the candy pony's mouth and it ate her... then and there.

Then, all of the sudden, the clock-radio began to play, "I Got You, Babe", and the time was 9:05 am. Rainbow Dash woke up and she screamed super loudly. She had a bit of a panic act and then, after 5 minutes, she was fine.

Dash said, "Oh that was really screwed up. I have to see what's going on. I need to stop this day. Once and for all... if I can."