I Don't Wanna Live Forever

by Twilight Star

News and Coronation

After an hour, Twilight, Spike, Celestia and Luna heard the throne room door open, revealing Luster Dawn. Luster Dawn approached Twilight. Celestia and Luna were surprised to see that Luster was an alicorn.

“Twilight, I came as fast as I could,” said Luster Dawn.

“Thanks for coming, Luster,” Twilight said with a smile.

“What’s the news, Twilight?” asked Luster Dawn, curious but also nervous. “Did something bad happen and do you need my help?”

“Nothing bad has happened, Luster,” Twilight replied with a smile. “I called you here to tell you something.”

Luster became more calm and relieved, she soon asked, “what do you want to inform me, Twilight?”

“Luster, you know it’s been about five years since you became an alicorn, don’t you?” Twilight started with a smile.

“Yes, I know, Twilight, but what does that have to do with what you wanted to call me here for?” asked Luster, now confused.

“Since I saw you at Canterlot school, I knew you had potential with your magic, and with that I decided to make you my student,” Twilight continued. “And after you defeated a great threat to Equestria, I knew it was time to you follow your destiny. ”

“My destiny? But which?” asked Luster, now getting even more confused by what the princess was talking to her.

“It was time for me to retire and you are the next ruler of Equestria!” Twilight declared with a smile.

Luster gaped at what Twilight said. “What?! Are you going to retire? But… but… but why?”

The ex-royal sisters couldn’t help but notice that Luster reacted just like Twilight when they said they were going to retire, they looked back at Twilight to continue listening to her.

Twilight got up from her throne, went down the step wells, approached Luster and hugged her with a wing with a smile. “Luster, you are already an alicorn and a princess of Equestria. I’m sure you will play a great role as Equestria’s ruler.”

“But I don’t know anything about politics, prin… I mean, Twilight. I might end up doing something wrong,” said Luster uncertainly while keeping her ears down.

“Luster, you will not be alone. There will be several ponies and creatures that work in the castle that will be able to help you in your early days,” Twilight assured Luster with a smile.” I understand you, because when the royal sisters said they were going to retire from the throne, I was also nervous just like you.”

“But it will mean that I will have to return to Canterlot permanently,” Luster could feel tears want to come out of her eyes. “I don’t want to leave my friends.”

“Don’t worry, Luster, you can go to Ponyville to see your friends in your spare time or even make a Council for your friends to go to the castle to see each other if you don’t have time to go to Ponyville, just like me when my friends were alive. ”

“Were your best friends the same mares who were already old and were in the throne room with us that day?” asked Luster to be sure.

Twilight looked away, now sad and with tears wanting to get out of her eyes. “Yes, Luster. But unfortunately they have been dead for years. That’s why I want you to take my place on the throne, Luster: so that I can reunite with my friends in heaven.”

Luster felt sorry for her former mentor, she never imagined that Twilight would go into depression due to the death of her friends. “Twilight, I’m sorry for making you remember that ...”

Twilight looked back at Luster, now with a smile on her face as she wiped his tears away with a hoof. “It’s okay, Luster. Since the death of my friends, I was crying in my room and never left the room. But now, I have found a way that will make me go back to being mortal again so that I can reunite with my best friends in heaven, and I know that you will play a great role as my successor.”

Luster smiled at the good words. “Well, Twilight, if you think I will be able to rule Equestria, then I will trust you.”

“Very well, Luster,” the future ex-ruler of Equestria looked at Spike. “Come on Spike, we need to organize things for the coronation of Luster Dawn.”

Spike got up from his seat with a smile and went to Twilight. “Yes, Twilight!”

Celestia and Luna exchanged looks before looking at Twilight. “Twilight,” Celestia began.

Twilight turned and looked at Celestia. “Yes, Celestia?”

“Can we help you prepare the coronation for Luster Dawn?” Celestia offered her and Luna’s help.

“Of course the two of you can, as I said before, working in a group is going to be a lot faster,” Twilight replied with a smile.

After an hour, the coronation preparations were all ready. The creatures and ponies came in together and sat on the chairs with pink towels. They were sitting in the same place where Twilight was crowned the new ruler twenty seven years ago. They looked at the balcony waiting for the future ex-ruler of Equestria until she came and reached the supporter to start speaking.

“Subjects, thank you all for coming on this special day, which will not only be for me, but also for my former student and now successor: Luster Dawn!” said Twilight as she lifted a hoof.

When she finished her sentence, Luster approached the balcony, she wore a white dress with blue ruffles and a white regalia, but she tripped over the dress covering her hooves, but she soon got up and went to Twilight with a nervous smile.

“For many years, I have been ruling Equestria since the royal sisters retired and passed the throne, and now, I believe it’s my time to do the same as them and pass the throne on to Luster,” Twilight took the crown off her head and changed the shape of her crown to a white crown with Luster Cutie Mark design and placed it on her head. “I present to you, the new ruler of Equestria: Princess Luster Dawn!”

Everypony and everycreature cheered with hooves and paws with smiles at the Twilight speech and also for the new princess who will rule Equestria. Luster nodded for her subjects with a hoof while Twilight looked at her with a smile.

Celestia and Luna watched everything through the castle window, they were happy to hear everything Twilight said, but also because of Twilight she will finally be able to see her deceased friends in the sky, and also for them who would see their subjects who were already in the sky too.