A Pie's Mind's Eye

by DroshinNote

Pinkies Plan Part one

Pinkie Pie woke tangled within a cocoon of blankets she had twisted herself up in during her sleep. With a yawn she stirred, attempting to wiggle herself from the cotton confinement she had trapped herself in. On the fourth attempt to wiggle out she found herself tumbling over the side of the bed, rolling off to the side of the room, the sheets and blankets conveniently unfurling like a red carpet being rolled out for some celebrity. The main difference being that at the end of this blanket walkway wasn’t a well dressed theater star, but a pile of pink pony limbs and an extremely bead headed mane.

Rolling onto her back Pinkie stretched her limbs towards the ceiling. A yawn escaping her mouth as she rolled over once more, this time putting her hoofs between herself and the floor. Arching her back  downward Pinkie took a few moments to stretch, enjoying the sounds of a few nice pops. With her escape from her bed based prison handled it was time to start her day, and what a big day she had planned.

Pinkie had spent the last day and half doing some emergency party planning for Twilight, and she was quite proud of the party that would be happening later tonight. Invitations had been sent, entertainment hired, and the catsle's cooks informed of what was on the menu. She had also spent much of the last night making sure the party room was in order. She wasn’t quite sure how late it had been when she had stumbled into the room to finally sleep but a quick look out the window told her that she had slept well past sunrise. Thankfully a nearby clock held the answer for how long she had slept in.

“Ten Thirty?” she questioned, talking to nopony in particular. “Not the earliest I've been up, but I should have plenty of time left. Let’s see, the princess should be here in about... an hour?” Pinkie pondered, rubbing her chin before she shrugged and trotted to the door. Nothing to worry about really, considering that after raiding the kitchen she would head to the chariot landing area near the gardens. If anything she would be able to get there about twenty minutes before the chariot was supposed to arrive. Besides her Pinkie sense wasn’t telling her that anypony had arrived yet. Today had a plan, and that plan would grant her the reward Twilight had promised her.


Pinkie could see the chariot in the distance, two pegasus guards pulling it as three ponies sat in the back. The last bits of Pinkies breakfast were quickly demolished before she stood up and waved to the chariot. Plan part one, greet the guests of honor and make sure that the surprise guest knows nothing of the party that has been planned for them.

As the chariot came down, slowed, and stopped on the small landing strip by the gardens Pinkie could make three different expressions from the ponies who were now looking at her. Luna wore an expression of surprise that the pink party pony was there to welcome them. Diamond Tiara had a knowing smile and look of amusement. Obviously she had gotten the invitation Pinkie had sent, and considering the surprise on Luna’s face she hadn’t told the Lunar mare about the surprise waiting for her tonight. Part one was complete

The last face was an unfamiliar one. Sitting on Luna’s left was a bright yellow pegasus with yellow and green striped mane. This pony, who Pinkie had learned was named Sunbeat Melody, had a look of confusion on her face. Maybe she was wondering who Pinkie was? Maybe she didn’t understand why Luna was surprised? Maybe Diamond Tiaras mischievous smile towards the new pink pony was the source of confusion? Pinkie wasn’t sure but what she did know was that it was time to greet her guests.

Firstly she returned Diamond Tiara's smile with her own mischievous grin accompanied by a wink. The young mare gave a nod while putting her hoof up to her lips and moving it across her mouth as if to zip a zipper. Thankfully Luna was too busy staring at Pinkie to notice. Secondly Pinkie turned to Luna, “Heya Princess! Or is it Ex-princess who is soon to be a princess? OH! Maybe we could go with princess twice removed? Or thrice crowned? Either way It’s good to see you!” 

“It is good to see you Miss Pie.” Luna replied, most of the confusion leaving her face as she greeted the pink mare. “I assume Twilight told you of my reinstatement plans?”

“Yep. I was already visiting the castle to see Twilight the other day and figured I would stay an extra day or two to say hi. Besides Twilight had a job for me!” Pinkie stated, doing her best to make sure the two did not sound connected. “Lucky me, huh? Her job kept me in Canterlot just long enough for me to have time to see you all!”

“Well I appreciate you coming to greet us. I suppose I should introduce my companions.”  Luna said, exiting the chariot and stepping to the side as the other two climbed out as well. “I assume that you already know Diamond Tiara considering that she lives in Ponyville. I have been told you know every creature that lives in Ponyville, pony or otherwise. The other is Sunbeat Melody, she has been quite a close friend of mine for quite some time now.” Luna finished as she stepped in the middle of the two, giving each a quick affectionate nuzzle causing the two to smile up at their friend before returning the affection. 

Finally Pinkie got her chance to address the last of the three ponies. Questions swarmed Pinkie's mind as she thought of things to ask this new pony. Many of which involved things she could use for the party tonight. “HI!” Pinkie rushed up to the yellow mare, who was about the same age as Diamond, maybe a year or so younger. “I’m Pinkie Pie, Ponyville’s number one party pony at your service. Sunbeat, right? Are you a musician, cause your name sounds really music-y. Oh, there is sooooo much to ask. Do you like cupcakes? If so what flavor? What kind of music do you like to make? Have you heard of DJ-Pon3? She is a really good DJ.” Pinkie’s onslaught of questions startled the pony catching her off guard. Sunbeat just gulped and shuffled her hoofs, seeming a bit shocked how upfront this pink stranger was being. Thankfully Pinkie was able to catch a small look of interest after her last question. That small turn of the ears, followed by some quick succession blinking gave Pinkie an answer to one of her many questions. This was one of the reasons Pinkie truly loved body language, other than the fact it was the only reason she could read her sister, Maud’s, emotions.

Luna then Cleared her throat before Pinkie could ask anymore questions. “Thank you Pinkie, but we must be going. It was a long flight and the three of us are quite hungry. We are meeting with Twilight later if you are still in the castle. She sent me a message yesterday about a small tea party to celebrate my return to the castle.” Luna said, before hesitating for a moment. “Wait, she didn’t hire you to plan the tea party did she?” Pinkie sighed internally. She really needed to have a talk with Twilight on not sending invites to the target of a surprise party. Thankfully the situation was still salvageable.

“While I would have loved to plan a tea party, I can't say I’ve planned a tea party for anytime soon.” Pinkie said with full honesty. The party she had planned was definitely not a tea party. “Though if you want I could definitely do that next time I come to Canterlot. I have a lot of, well... Tea connections.” Pinkie leaned in to whisper the last bit of her statement, carefully eyeing a nearby guard who looked back at her. The two seemed to glare at each other for a moment before Pinkie turned back to Luna. Luna and her companions watched the interaction with curiosity, wondering what kind of tea connections had to be kept in secret. 

“Yes, well, I do suppose that sounds nice.” Luna took control of the conversation again before patting Pinkie on the back with a wing. “Maybe next time though. For now I am going to assume I shall see you for tea later tonight. Goodbye Miss Pie.”

“Pinkie” Pinkie corrected, which caused Luna to smile in amusement. 

“I suppose that could work. That is if you are willing to call me Luna.”

“Sounds good to me, Luna.” Pinkie said with a wink. 

As Pinkie stepped back and let the three pass she couldn’t help but bounce a few times in place. Her plan was going as planned, and she was sure that Luna was going to love the party. Twilight’s reward would be all hers!

Now all she had to do was move to part two of her plan, triple check the party room. Giving herself a small shake, internally making sure that her energy reserves were still at full she started back into the castle herself. Stopping only to give one last look at the guard she had glared at earlier, as he stared back. She gave herself a reminder to check on her tea connections before leaving the city.