//------------------------------// // Part 02 // Story: Twilight and friends // by Lawton //------------------------------// Twilight layed on her side in a bit of a daze.Just then,Starlight and Spike fell out of the rear flour car head to hoove in flour. “Starlight?Spike?What are you two doing here?”Gasped Twilight. “We want to see how you were doing.“Starlight spoke.”Help you not cause anymore trouble.” “You left the brakevan back there.”Said Spike. “What!?I did it again.“Moaned Twilight.Suddenly,She saw Thomas puffing down the line with the breakdown train. “Go!Hurry!Before someone see’s you!”Whispered Twilight.The two hid behind bushes as Thomas steamed in. “Twilight!Are you ok?”Thomas said worried. “Yes.I’m fine.”Said Twilight in pain.Soon,She was back on the rails. “Twilight,You should have waited for the brakevan.”Said Thomas.”Mabye if I push you....”He was cut off by Twilight. “Sorry.I can handle this on my own.Thank you.Can’t be late.”She said as she puffed away. “Ugh.Ok”Said Thomas confused.Twilight continued her delivery.She then saw a station up ahead. “That must be the station next to the bakery.”Said Twilight.She used her magic to uncouple her flour cars.She steamed through the station.But,She didn’t knew it was Calon station.She steamed past Edward.Edward was waiting to puff onto the main line.Then,There was trouble.The points changed and the flour cars were now rolling towards him. “Uh oh.”Gasped Edward.They bashed into Edward and bright white flour flew up like a big white cloud.Edward was covered in a floury mess. But,Twilight didn’t know.She raced down the line to her next job.When Twilight arrived,She saw her cars loaded to the top with chocolate sauce,M&M’s,And chocolate chips.She backed up to them and was ready to go.But,The troublesome trucks had their brakes on.Twilight tried to pull forward.But,The trucks won’t move. “Come on!I can’t be late!”Groaned Twilight.She pulled with all her might.Suddenly,The trucks released their brakes.Twilight shot forward.Up ahead,Henry and James were pushing flatbeds of logs and crates.Twilight biffed straight into them!The chocolate sauce sprayed all over Twilight,James,And Henry.Crates and logs were everywhere. “Watch my paintwork!”Said James crossly. “Sorry.I gotta go!”Said Twilight.The points changed and she raced away.She didn’t noticed that she left her trucks behind. “Twilight,Stop!”Cried Henry.But,Twilight didn’t listen.Soon,She arrived at the quarry.Toby the tram engine got her cars ready.They were very very heavy. “Thank you.Now I gotta get going.”Said Twilight.She was in such a rush,She didn’t wait to be coupled up. “Stop!You haven’t been coupled up!”Called Toby.But,Twilight was too far to listen.Twilight was going too fast.She charged down Gordon’s hill.Suddenly,The troublesome trucks slipped away from Twilight and raced down the hill. “Faster faster!”Screamed the trucks. “Oh no!”Gasped Twilight.She raced after them.The troublesome trucks rattled along the track.Then,There was trouble.Thomas had stopped at a signal.He didn’t knew the trucks were rolling towards him. “Double oh no!”Cried Twilight more worried.”Points!”The signalman quickly changed the points.The trucks swerved and sped past Thomas.He was suprised. “What was that!?”He gasped.Twilight was happy Thomas was ok.Suddenly,There was a loud crash in the distance!Thomas and Twilight went to investigate.As the dust cleared,They saw what happened.The troublesome trucks had ran into Percy with the mail train. Luckily,No one was hurt.Sir Tophom Hatt arrived.He was upset. “Twilight,What on earth happened here?”He asked worried.”There has been so many delays.”Twilight didn’t say a word.She was worried about all the accidents she caused.Gordon was next to them at a signal.He was cross. “Go on!tell him,Twinkle Sparkle!”Gordon said sternly. ”This is your fault!”Huffed James.Edward came covered in four and Henry arrived covered in chocolate. “She didn’t mean to do this.”Said Percy. “Yes.she did!”Scolded Gordon and James. “No!She didn’t!”Scolded Percy,Henry,And Edward.Soon,The engines were arguing. “Now now,Everyone.Calm down.”Said Sir Tophom Hatt.But,The engines didn’t listen.Then,Twilight started to cry. “I-I’m so sorry!”Sobbed Twilight.She raced away crying loudly.Spike were worried about Twilight. “Twilight.”He said sadly.Starlight was getting angry about the argument. “ENOUGH!!!”She shouted angrily.Soon,The argument stopped.”Will you all stop arguing and let me and Spike fix this!?”She trotted away after Twilight while Spike flew after her. “Twilight.”Said Thomas sadly.He raced down the track after Starlight and Spike to find Twilight.Thomas was looking for Twilight.But,everywhere he looked,She was nowhere to be seen.“Oh,Twilight,Where are you?”Said Thomas worried.When he arrived at Knapford station,he saw the Mane 5 talking to duck about Twilight. “Please.Twilight sometimes causes trouble.But other times,She fixes problems.”Said Fluttershy worried about Twilight. “Oh please,Duck.Tell us.Have you seen Twilight.”Said Rarity disappointed. “I sorry.I haven’t seen her.“Said Duck.”But,I have seen a purple tank engine racing to the shunting yard crying.” “Purple tank engine?”Said the mane 5 and Thomas.Then,They remembered Twilight turning herself into an engine.”Twilight!”They gasped.The mane 5 jumped into Thomas cab and he raced away.Duck was suprised that they left in such a hurry.They soon reached the shunting yard.They searches everywhere.But,No sign of Twilight.Spike and Starlight went near a big brick wall. “Mabye she went over the wall.”Said Starlight. “I’m on it.”Said Spike.He stepped onto Starlight’s hooves. “Alioop!”Starlight spoke throwing Spike above the wall.Suddenly,There was a crash and a smash of oil drums. “Ow.I don’t think she went this way.”Moaned Spike. “Anything?”Asked Applejack. “Nothing.”Said Rarity. “I don’t see her.“Said Starlight.”How is our aerial seekers doing?”Rainbow Dash,Fluttershy,And Spike we’re flying above searching for Twilight in the air. “Negative.”Said Rainbow Dash. “No good.”Said Fluttershy. “Anything,Pinkie?”Asked Rainbow Dash. “Nope.Nope.Wait....Nope.”Said Pinkie. “Oh,Twilight,Where are you?”Said Thomas in his head.Just then,He saw Twilight crying in a small shed in her pony form.”Hey!I found her!”The mane 5 and Thomas went to see Twilight. “My friends.” Said Twilight sadly. “Twi,Sir Tophom Hatt was right about bringing new engines to Sodor.” Applejack spoke.”He meant engines who know how to work on the railway.” “And I don’t know how.” Sobbed Twilight.”And because of me,I’ve made so many more mistakes than before!” “I know how you feel.I’m sorry,too.I never should have made you do my jobs.” Said Thomas. “The princess of friendship we know wouldn’t make this many mistakes in two days.” Said Starlight.”Where’s the Twilight we know?”Starlight’s words and her friends reignited Twilight’s heart. “You’re right.We need to fix this.” Said Twilight. “You an count on us.” Said Spike. “Yeah!” Said Rainbow Dash. “Sure thing,Sugarcube.” Said Applejack. “I’m ready to help.” Said Rarity. “Yeah.” Whispered Fluttershy. “Piece of cake!” Said Pinkie.The mane 7 and spike climbed into Thomas’ cab and they set off to Tidmouth sheds.There,Sir Tophom Hatt was worried about all the delays on Sodor. “Oh dear.Oh dear.Oh dear.” He said worried.”So many delays.How will we fix this?”The Young 6,CMC,And the other engines were worried about Twilight.Especially James and Henry.They felt sorry about laughing at her last night. “We will fix this with friendship together as one!” Shouted Twilight with bravery from the distance.There from the sunset was Thomas and the mane 7. “Twilight,You’re back!” Cheered Sir Tophom Hatt. “Thomas!” Cheered the engines. “Twilight!” Cheered the Young 6 and cmc.Thomas and the mane 7 arrived at Tidmoth sheds. “I know we can fix all this.If we’re all in this,We’re doing it together!” Said Twilight.Before she could apologize,She stopped.She saw something on the line. “There’s a bunch of logs on the tracks!” Gasped Twilight pointing at the logs.Then,She remembered her accident with James and Henry with logs rolling down the hill. “I think the logs rolled down the hill and onto the express line!” Realized Henry. “I think you’re right.” Replied James. “Relax.This can’t get worse.” Said Rainbow Dash.But,This did went worse when they heard a whistle from the distance.It was a whistle they all heard before. “It’s Gordon!” Gasped Thomas.”He is steaming towards the logs!”And he was right.Gordon was racing through the countryside at a tremendous speed with the express.The engines blew their whistle’s as loud as they could.But,Gordon didn’t hear them. “Gordon,Stop!” Shouted the engines.As Gordon rattled around the bend,He saw the logs ahead! “Oh no!” He screamed.He slammed on his breaks.But,His coaches were too heavy to stop in time. “What will we so!?” Gasped Fluttershy.Twilight built up courage. “I do!” She said and she flew in the direction of Gordon.Twilight landed on Gordon’s boiler. “Twinkle sparkle,What are you doing!?“Asked Gordon worried.Twilight started using her magic horn.Magic sparks started flying around Gordon and the express. “My name is Twilight Sparkle!”She said.Just before they hit the logs,Gordon and the express disappeared and appeared on the other side of the logs.Gordon screeched to a halt. “Thanks,Twin...Twilight Sparkle.”Said Gordon.Then,There was a very loud crack!The valve in Gordon’s boiler had burst.Now,He needed repairs. “Twilight,Do you know what to did to fix this?”Asked Sir Tophom Hatt. “Yes.”Said Twilight.She then transformed to an engine again.”I’ll help Thomas with the engines jobs while you and the engines fix all the messes.” “Together,Me and Twilight can pull heavy trains like the express and flying kipper.”Said Thomas. “That’s a great idea.”Said Sir Tophom Hatt.Then,He turned to the engines and mane 6.”As soon as you all re repaired and washed,Clean up all of the derailments.The ponies will help you.Can I count on you all?” “Yes,Sir.”They all said. Edward and Applejack went to Calon station to clean up the flour mess.Edward pulled the trucks back onto the track and Applejack loaded the remaining 58 flour sacks. “No!Don’t shunt us or we’ll shunt you!”Demanded the trucks. “You can drop the act!I hope this teaches you troublesome trucks a lesson!”Scolded Applejack.Soon,The trucks weren’t being troublesome anymore. Meanwhile on the main line.,Thomas was pulling James’ passengers and Twilight was taking fruits to market.Rosie and Pinkie Pie were cleaning up the chocolate mess while Henry and Fluttershy were picking up more chocolate from the factory. “This’ll get the job done faster.”Said Pinkie.Rosie watched as Pinkie started to eat the chocolate.It took a long time to clean up the mess.Soon,Pinkie was bloated like a water balloon. “Will Pinkie get a stomach ache?”Asked Henry. “No.Because she’s got a pretty flexible body and a big appetite.”Said Fluttershy. At Knapford station,Thomas and Twilight both backed up to the express. “Do you think we can do this?”Asked Thomas. “I don’t think we can.I know we can.”Said Twilight happily and they both set off with the express.They pulled with all their might.Soon,They went to Brendom docks to get the flying kipper.They coupled up and set off into the night. Later,Percy and Spike cleaned up the stone from the quarry as Gordon and Rainbow Dash took them to the docks. “A goods train.The shame of it.Oh.The shame.”Moaned Gordon. “Sorry,Big G.We need all the help we got.”Said Rainbow Dash.Spike was happy about Twilight. “Twilight,I knew you wouldn’t give up.”He said in his head.Finally,Thomas was pulling the mail train with Twilight back in her pony form in his cab. “Starlight was right.The princess of friendship never gives up.”Twilight said in her head.They set off into the moon lit night. Back at Tidmouth sheds,Twilight told the engines all about where they came from and how they got here. “No way!You’re from an alternate dimension!?”Gasped James. “And you rode a flying train!?”Replied Henry shocked. “Ha!I wish I can go as fast as him.”Said Gordon. “That’s impossible.”Said Edward. “That’s so cool!”Said Rosie and Percy amazed.Twilight then apologized to Sir Tophom Hatt about what she had done. “I’m so sorry.I thought I could help by turning myself into an engine.But instead,I made things much worse.”She said sadly. “It’s my fault,too.I never should have given Twilight my jobs.”Replied Thomas. “Well,You two did cause confusion and delay.But,I am proud of you for helping everyone on Sodor this afternoon.”Said Sir Tophom Hatt with pride.”Once again,This proves you are all really useful.” “Hey.No need to thank us.”Said Sandbar. “Yeah.It was Twilight who helped fix everything.”Said Applebloom. “Oh.But,There is.I think you all help the engines on the railway.”Said Sir Tophom Hatt.The mane 6,Young 6,And cmc beamed with excitement. “Thank you,Sir.” Said Twilight. “But,What about equestria?”Said Starlight worried.”We can’t just abandon it.” “Don’t worry.I’m sure Princess Celestial and Luna will help protect it from evil.” Said Twilight. “So,Theres nothing to worry about.“ Said Rainbow Dash.”We can be here as long as we like.You and I are gonna be fast friends,Big G.” “Sure.A fast friend like you could double the express speed.” Replied Gordon. “It would be an honor to be along side you,Jamesy.” Said Rarity. “Thanks.” Said James. “Will you work with me?” Asked Henry. “Sure.I’m not scared.Sometimes.” Whispered Fluttershy. “You would make a great partner,Applejack.” Said Edward. “I sure sugar will.” Said Applejack. “This is gonna be fun!” Chuckled Rosie. “Sure!It’s gonna be a Pinkie blast!” She screamed firing her party cannon.Balloons,Streamers,and confetti flew everywhere. “Guess I’m with you.” Said Spike climbing into Percy’s cab. “Of course.After all,I am Thomas’ best friend.” Replied Percy. “Tomorrow morning,We will show the young six and cmc their partners.” Said Sir Tophom Hatt. “Thank you.” Said Sandbar. “It’s great that you are my partner,Twilight.“ Said Thomas.”And it’s happy that you are staying here.” “It’s true.We help friends at need because friendship is magic.” Replied Twilight watching the full moon light sky.