//------------------------------// // Wands // Story: Hogwarts Highlights // by mokaevans //------------------------------// They had arrived at the ally and then Professor. Fitwick had made the wall open! Diagon Alley, as her escort called it, was amazing. There were so many shops and people wearing funny clothes. First they had gotten her books, which Pinkie was a bit disappointed with, at least they were magic books. Then they had gotten her potion supplies. After that they went to a robe shop where she had to hold still for what felt like forever. Every time she fidgeted the seamstress would glare at her. Pinkie had tried to liven the mood with small talk, but the owner seemed to want her to be quiet. Professor Flitwick had decided to reward her patience after that. He took her to a sweets shop. They had all kinds of cool sweets, like chocolate frogs that came to life, and pumpkin pastries, but by far her favorite was Bertie Bott's every flavor beans. They had so many fun flavors, like lawn clippings, earwax, or toothpaste. Of course the normal flavors were good too. "Miss. Pie slow down!" The professor's squeaky voice called after her. Hearing these words Pinkie came to a halt. She waited a few seconds for the short man to catch up with her. When he arrived he was out of breath. "Miss. Pie, I'm not as youthful as you." "Sorry I was just excited!" She exclaimed. "regardless we are here." He told her. "Yay! we're here!" She blinked in confusion. "Um, where is here?" "Ollivander's. It's a wand shop." He replied. Pinkie looked the small, shabby looking shop over. It didn't look like what she'd expect a wand shop to look like, but she knew that didn't matter. Maud was loads of fun and she didn't look it. The Professor opened the door for her and she stepped inside. The shop was as small as it looked from the outside. High shelves filled the area, upon each was row after row of boxes. Those must be were the wands are. Pinkie felt her nose twitch and turned just as the shop owner arrived. He was an old man with a sparkle in his eyes. His hair reminded Pinkie of dandelion fluff, and she wondered if she could make a wish on him. Just as she was about to ask this question he spoke up. "A new student looking for a wand. I'll do my best for you Miss.-" He paused. "Pinkie! My name is Pinkie, and I'm super excited to get a wand. Do they glow or light up? How do you know when you've found the right one? What-" Pinkie was cut off from her rambling. "Miss. Pie there's no need to ask so many questions." The professor told her. "On the contrary, I find Miss. Pinkie's energetic nature delightful." Ollivander said. "Now which is your wand arm?" "My what?" Pinkie asked. "Your dominant hand Miss. Pinkie." He explained. "I dunno. I'm ambiwhatchamacallit." "We'll do your right hand then." With that the shop owner began to search the shelves. Meanwhile a tape measure was measuring her by itself. It seemed to measure everything, from her hair to her feet to the space between her eyebrows. Eventually Ollivander came back. "That'll do." The tape measure dropped to the floor. "Here, silver lime and Phoenix feather, 11 and a quarter-inch, springy." Pinkie took the wand and waved it. immediately the wand maker took it from her hands. "No, no, not that one. Alder and dragon heartstring, 12 inches, flexible." Pinkie tried the wand and it was snatched away immediately replaced with another one. "Cherry and unicorn hair, 12 and a half inches, swishy." This went on for a few minutes. Pinkie felt like she was trying every wand in the store, really it was only six more, and just wanted something to happen. Searching for a wand wasn't supposed to be so boring. Then Ollivander handed her a long wand. " Dogwood and dragon heartstring, 13 and a quarter-inch surprisingly swishy." Pinkie shrugged and waved the wand. Suddenly the shop owners hair turned green. Pinkie laughed, but a stern look from the Professor gave her pause. "Sorry, I guess that wasn't it either. " "No Miss. Pinkie this is your wand." The wand maker said with a chuckle, his eyes sparkling. "Dogwood wands have quirky and mischievous natures. They're playful and like an owner that can provide excitement and fun. I believe your wand was playing a prank." "So my wand's like me?" Pinkie asked. "Precisely Miss. Pinkie." Pinkie was glad her wand liked to have fun. *** Fluttershy walked slowly down the street, trying to avoid eye contact. She and her father had arrived in the alley several hours ago. Zephyr had complained about not getting to go, but her father had told him she was nervous enough without her over eager younger brother. They had gone to the book store first. Fluttershy had been okay with this. They were just books and surely they wouldn't have anything dangerous here. She had picked up her copy of 'Fantastic Beasts and where to find them' and began to read it as she picked up her other books. If there was one thing she sort of liked about the magic world it was the animals. Then they had gone to the potions shop to collect her cauldron and phials. After that she had gotten to go to the pet shop. She enjoyed chatting with the animals, though a number of owl wanted to eat Angel. In response the bunny had said some not very nice things. Fluttershy had apologized on his behalf but didn't really blame him. Now she was going to Ollivanders. The prospect terrified her. What if her wand didn't listen to her? What if she couldn't find one? Did she want to find one? Maybe if she couldn't find a wand she wouldn't have to learn magic? Her father placed a hand on her shoulder. "You don't need to worry. There's a wand for you." She sighed as she viewed the shop. It looked dusty and worn with peeling letters on the front. Her father opened the door and gave her a reassuring look. Tentatively she entered. The inside was small, with tall shelves holding boxes as far as the eye could see. There was a tension in the atmosphere, or maybe it was her. "Good Afternoon." A voice called. Startled, Fluttershy jumped behind her father hiding her head. Her father was shaking too and it gave her some comfort. At least she wasn't alone in her surprise. "Hello- Ollivander." Mr. Shy breathed. He sounded nervous, though it was clear he was trying to calm down. "Mr.Shy good to see you again. I remember your wand. Rowan and unicorn hair, nine inches, pliant I believe." the shopkeeper recited. "Yes, I brought my daughter to get her wand. She's starting Hogwarts this year." Tentatively Fluttershy peered over her father's shoulder at the man who owned the shop. He was elderly with gray eyes and a stare that felt like it was boring into her soul. She shuddered diving back behind her father with a whimper. "Sorry she's a little shy, but as kind and gentle a soul you could meet." Her father told him "I see." Ollivander said knowingly. "Which is your wand arm?" "R-right." She whispered, holding it out for him. After the first few measurements the tape began to measure her on its own. Ollivander flitted about the shop looking through the boxes eventually he called for the tape to stop. It dropped to the floor from where it had been measuring her hair. "Try this, Apple and Dragon heartstring, 9 and 3 quarter inches, bendy." She picked up the wand dubiously. She had not held it longer than a few seconds when it was snatched away from her. "No, what was I thinking with that core? Let's try Alder and unicorn hair 10 inches." Once again she had only held it a few moments before he took it away. So it went with her trying several wands, most of which were taken before she'd even cast a spell. Just as she was beginning to lose hope he handed her a relatively short wand. "Willow and unicorn hair, 9 inches, supple." The wand felt warm and comforting as she lifted it. She gave it a wave and it unleashed a torrent of yellow and pink sparks. Ollivander looked proud. "Miss. Shy a willow wand had selected you. You have great potential." Fluttershy blinked. "I do?" "Yes willow wands choose those with great potential, usually with some sort of insecurity. This wand will take you as far as you could wish." She looked at the wand in her hand. It made her feel warm and safe. For the first time since she'd entered the shop she smiled. *** Thus far Rarity's shopping trip had gone reasonably well. They had first stopped off for parchment and quills, then they had gotten her books. This was followed by a trip to the apothecary for her potions supplies. She had been a bit grossed out by the ingredients. The body parts of animals among other things, but it was a small price to pay to learn magic. After that they went to Madam Malkin's. Rarity had mixed feelings about the experience. On the one hand she was getting a first hand experience of what tailoring clothes was like. On the other, they were so very plain. Simple black robes that stood out in no way. They were loose and thus unable to flatter her. This is what she'd be wearing during classes, and so far as she knew accessories were not allowed. Perhaps she could wear some earrings and hide them behind her hair when the professors were looking. She had to stand out somehow. She could even make the earrings herself. The only thing truly annoying about the trip was Sweetie Belle. She was put out. This was her time, her moment, her chance to learn magic! She'd really wanted to experience the whole thing without her sister tagging along. Her parents had insisted however, saying it would be a good experience for her. Rarity knew better than to argue. Her parents had developed a cheerful ambiguity that she used whenever she tried to get her way. She would much rather have them yell. This was the moment she'd been waiting all trip for. She was finally going to get her wand. The object that would allow her to use magic. The thing that truly separated wizards from muggles. Honestly Rarity didn't have a problem with muggles but she didn't want to live like one. She frowned as she looked over the wand shop. It was a small drab shop, with peeling gold lettering across the front, the paint had long since faded. Then there was the window display. Two shabby curtains surrounded a single pillow with a wand on it. The entire display had a thick layer of dust upon it. Rarity balked, the window display was the first thing a customer saw. It gave them their first impression and if they liked it they would come in. Of course that was one of the advantages of being one of Wizardkind's most renown wand shops. You didn't have to be fancy, people would buy your product based on reputation alone. "Ohh! Let me see! I wanna see!" She heard her sister's squeaky voice from behind her. She sighed irritatedly and her parents exchanged a glance. "Why don't we go get ice cream Sweetie Belle?" Her mother asked. "Okay!" She agreed much to Rarity's relief. Now without her annoying distraction, she'd get her wand. The interior was not much better. The shop was small, with only a single spindly chair in a corner. The rest of the shop was filled with shelves, upon which sat many boxes. Boxes Rarity knew had wands in them. She barely managed to stop a squeal from exiting her mouth. "Good afternoon." She jumped back into her father, who chuckled at her good-naturedly. Feeling a bit embarrassed she straightened herself quickly. "Pardon me," She blushed looking anywhere but at the elderly man who looked dashing nonetheless. He had silver eyes and she enjoyed their hue. "Good sir you startled me." "He has a tendency to do that." Her father laughed. " How are you doing Oillivander?" "Well enough Mr. Flanks. I remember your wand Alder and unicorn hair, 9 and a half inches Pliant I believe?" The wandmaker asked, "Just Hondo please, and yes. You're really good at this Ollivander." Her father complimented. Ollivander turned to her. "Which is your wand arm?" He asked. "Right." Rarity informed him and at once a tape measure began to measure her. The shopkeeper moved about the shop gathering boxes of wands aplenty. After about a minute he called for the measuring to stop. He handed her a wand. "Right then Chestnut and dragon heartstring, 12 inches, supple." Rarity took the wand into her hand, but before she could wave it even once it was taken from her. "No that core isn't for you. What about Hornbeam and phoenix feather, 9 and a half inches rigid." Again she took the wand and again it was removed before she'd the chance to wave it. "No,no. Pear and unicorn hair 10 and a fourth inches, pliant. " The process repeated itself for what felt like forever. Being given a wand before having snatched from her grasp almost instantly. It was enough to drive her mad. Just when she was about to ask the shopkeep if he intended to even give her a wand, she was handed one. It felt good in her hands. "Elm and unicorn hair, 10 inches, unbending. " He held the wand aloft and with the utmost confidence waved it. Stream of purple and silver exited the wand. It looked fabulous. "I ought to have tried an Elm wand first. They tend to favor those with presence and a certain native dignity. They're sophisticated and can create the most elegant of spells. Perfect for one such as you Miss. Flanks. " Rarity beamed, she finally had a wand. She'd finally be able to do magic! Best of all the wand was perfect for a designer. It had been worth the wait. *** Rainbow was weaving through the crowd to get to the wand shop. She was so ready for that! Today had been okay but there had been a lot of boring things. They had to get her books, and potion supplies. None of which were very interesting. The most agonizing part was getting her robes. It had taken forever, she kept getting antsy, she hated holding still, and the owner had not been very happy with her. Everytime she moved the tailor would move her back into place. At one point she had asked why it was taking so long and the woman had muttered, 'it would take so long if you'd hold still.' To which she had replied. 'I wouldn't have trouble staying still if you moved faster.' Needless to say they were both glad when it was done. After that her parents told her she could go wherever she wanted. So she finally got to go to Quality Quidditch supplies. They had the nimbus 2000 in the window. A large group of boys about her age were blocking it but Rainbow was not deterred. She was going to she the broom in all its glory, and not from the bad of a large crowd. It had taken some doing but eventually she had managed to squeeze her way through them. It was so sleek-looking. It hung in the window proudly. Like it knew it was the fastest broom so far. The bristles curved from the back seamlessly. Rainbow sat back and admired it. Not for too long though as another boy pushed her out-of-the-way. Rainbow wanted to be annoyed by this but she had no room to talk. They had gone inside and looked over all the brooms. None were as cool as the nimbus but they were all cooler than her toy brooms. She also saw plenty of balls, the Quaffle was practically begging her to pick it up, but she didn't get to touch any. Her parents told her they'd love to get her a broom but she wasn't allowed one until next year. Rainbow was put out but had been more than willing to accept the catching gloves they bought her in the meantime. Back in the present she nearly passed the wand shop. It was so small and drab. Not that Rainbow really cared what the shop looked like. That just made it hard to spot, especially when you were running as fast as Rainbow was. She barely managed to screech to a halt. She began tapping her foot impatiently. She couldn't go in without her parents. They had the money. She shifted her weight and sighed. Why did adults have to be so slow? More importantly, why was it when she didn't want her parents around they showed up out of nowhere, yet now they were taking forever? It didn't make sense. She heard the heavy breathing of her parents behind her. "What took so long?" "Sorry we couldn't keep up." her father gasped. "Which totally makes sense! Our daughter is so good at running I bet no one could keep up with her!" Her mother cheered. Rainbow rolled her eyes and entered the shop. It was very small, the only furniture, apart from one small chair in the corner, was shelf after shelf of small boxes. Rainbow was so distracted by the number of the things that she didn't notice when the wandmaker appeared. "Good afternoon." Startled, Rainbow moved backwards quickly. She ran into a shelf knocking several boxes off of it. "My bad! I'll help pick those up!" She apologized, moving to do so. "No matter." The man said with a good-natured chuckle in his throat. He waved his wand and the boxes flew back onto the shelf in an instant. Rainbow took the opportunity to look at him . He was old, with wild hair and strange sliver eyes. "Hey Ollivander! It's been way too long! I got my wand like forever ago." Her mother grinned. "Ah yes. Miss. Whistles, I remember Sycamore and Dragon Heartstring 11 and a quarter-inch, quite flexible RIght?" He asked, though Rainbow could see he knew he was right. "You got it! Today to get to give our daughter her wand! When she's famous in the future you'll be able to brag." Her mother said. "Yeah our daughter is going to be the greatest witch Hogwarts had ever seen!" Her father cheered. Rainbow heaved a sigh. "Well then we'd best not wait any longer." He turned to her. "Which is your wand arm?" "Right." Rainbow answered easily. Ollivander began to measure her, though after the first few, she noticed the tape started doing that by itself. The shop owner was gathering a large number of wands for her to try, something that Rainbow couldn't help but smirk at. Eventually he called for the tape measure to stop and it dropped from where it was measuring the space between her toes. "Try this Cedar and unicorn hair, 11 and a half inches, springy." Rainbow took the wand and waved it, nothing happened. "alright then, English Oak and phoenix feather, 10 and one-quarter inch. Rigid" She held the wand but this time Ollivander took it from her before she had yet to wave it. "No not that core, what about Spruce and dragon heartstring, 9 and three-quarter inches, supple." So it went with Rainbow trying any number of wands. Well she felt like it was a lot but it was considerably less than her brain thought. Usually she'd wave it and nothing would happen, though on one particular occasion she did turn her mother's socks red. Eventually she was handed the right wand. "Ebony and dragon Heartstring, 12 and a half inches, slightly springy." The wand felt good in her hand, warm and strong. Rainbow waved it and a flurry of sparks in all the colors of her hair erupted from it. "Well Miss. Dash it seems you are a true individual, Ebony wands prefer the company of those with the courage to be themselves. They are nonconformists." He told her. Rainbow nodded. "Um Mr. Ollivander, why is my wand so long? I thought it was related to height?" The wandmaker chuckled. "While height does play a role, I find that longer wands are based on the size of a witch or wizard's personality." "So my wand is long because I'm awesome?" Rainbow grinned. "You could say that yes." Rainbow was glad her wand reflected that. *** Obviously this was not Twilight's first trip to Diagon alley. She'd been here every school year her brother got to go to Hogwarts. So she was familiar with the sights and sounds. That said it was still exciting. This was the first time she'd be going to get her own school supplies. They started at the parchment and quill store. Twilight bought the amount she'd need for the school year, then half that more just in case. She also got a number of different quills. After that they went to the bookstore. Twilight technically already had all the books for the school year, since she'd already been giving all of Shining's old books a long time ago. So really they were going for Shining's supplies but that didn't mean she didn't pick up seven or eight books for herself. She wanted to buy more but her parents pointed out they needed to save some money for other things. After that they had gone to get her potion supplies. Twilight couldn't wait to use them. She was going to enjoy carefully measuring the ingredients down to the exact amount. They stopped by Eeylops owl emporium for some treats to give Owlicious, Then they went to get her robes. She held still for the seamstress, who told her she was doing well. Certainly better than other family members she could list. She had then given both her mother and Shining a pointed look. Now they were headed for Ollivanders. Unlike most of the other shops she'd not been in the wand shop more than once. Shining took good care of his wand, so there hadn't been a need to. Since it had been so long she didn't remember what the inside looked like, but she knew the outside well enough. She stared at the shop in awe. It was small and faded with peeled lettering reading out the name. She heard a chuckle from beside her. "Well aren't you going to go in Twilie?" Shining asked. She blushed. "Well you can't blame me they've been making wands for thousands of years! It's practically a historic landmark!" Family chuckled as they entered the store. Twilight stared at it all. Shelf upon shelf of wands, each uniquely made. The wand she got would bond with her. They would be meant for each other. She'd heard all about the comfort using one's own wand brought. "Good afternoon." Twilight jumped a bit as did her father. Her mother and Shining remained unfazed. "Ollivander! Still making the surprise entrances I see. I hope you keep doing them. The adrenaline rush is potent!" Her mother told him. Twilight took the opportunity to look him over. He was elderly with silvery eyes that stared into her. She was pretty sure he was using a passive form of legilimency on her. It was intrusive and she was sure he needed it to narrow down what wands to use on her. "Ah, Mrs. Sparkle, I remember your wand well. Cypress and Dragon heartstring, 11 and three quarter inches, surprisingly swishy." He recited. "You always impress me with your ability to remember everyone's wands." Her father complimented. "I remember yours too. Walnut and unicorn hair, 9 and a half inches, reasonably supple." He told him. The wandmaker turned to her. "And you must be Twilight Sparkle. I've been expecting you." Twilight found it hard to speak for a second. The Ollivander was talking to her! He knew who she was! "I-I I've been wanting you to pair me with my wand ever since Shining got his! I'm so happy right now! I've read all about wand woods and what each one likes. I have your chocolate frog card! I've always wanted to experience the bond between a witch and her wand!" She paused for breath and realized she'd just been ranting. Her family chuckled good-naturedly. She blushed but Oillivander's eyes sparkled. "It's always a pleasure to meet someone versed in wandlore Miss. Sparkle. Now, which is your wand hand?" He asked. "Right," Twilight said confidently holding her arm out so he could begin measuring. The first two he did on his own but then it began to move by itself. As Ollivander gathered wands he talked to her. "I remember your brother's wand. Blackthorn and Phoenix feather, 10 and three-quarter inches, slightly yielding. Wand of a warrior that." Her brother looked proud. He handed her a wand. "Alright Walnut and dragon heartstring, twelve inches, supple." She waved the wand and a nearby bookcase set alight. He quickly put it out. "Clearly not Dragon heartstring." He muttered. "try beech and unicorn hair, 11 and a quarter inches, pliable." This time nothing happened. "Okay not that, how about. Vine and unicorn hair, 10 inches, flexible." This time he took the wand from her almost immediately. So it went wand after wand. Nothing was happening, and Twilight was concerned. Of course she could tell from the look in OIllivander's eyes that he was enjoying the challenge. She felt like she would enjoy the challenge too, were she a wand maker. So while she was a bit concerned she knew the wandmaker was going to feel immense satisfaction once she got her wand. The moment it touched her palm she knew it was the one. "Larch and Phoenix feather 10 and a half inches, quite bendy." A rush of power filled her. Suddenly she felt like she could do any spell she wanted so long as she studied and tried hard enough. She waved the wand and a flurry of purple and pink sparks exited it. She beamed. "Miss. Sparkle you are a gifted witch indeed. Larch wands choose only those of hidden talents and unexpected effects. Often a witch or wizard will never realize their full potential until they are paired with this wand. Once they make the match they are exceptional." He explained. Twilight paused a moment. She let out a shriek of happiness. *** At this point Applejack was positive it wasn't a prank. That didn't mean she wasn't suspicious but she couldn't see a set up this elaborate for a prank. Unless they were on some kind of reality show? Maybe but she doubted it. The day had started with Miss.Sprout taking them to a pub called the leaky cauldron. Oddly enough it seemed her family couldn't see the pub unless she touched them, though Applebloom claimed the air looked a bit different there. They had gone to the back of the pub, where a brick wall was made to move. Applejack had to admit these were some amazing special effects. Then they went to a bank and Miss. Sprout took out money for supplies. They went to get quill and parchment paper. Why anyone would use a quill and inkwell over a pen was beyond her. Then they got her books, which all had strange titles. Honestly who was writing these? Spells, herbs and fungi, history. Actually that last one was normal. Applejack had to admit she liked reading the plant book. Then they went to get potion supplies. She was put off by the jarred eyeballs, felt like they were staring at her. She was then fitted for her robes. Applejack hated holding still, but she also knew these things went faster if you did as you were told. That said she still occasionally twitched, much to the tailor's annoyance. It was all so complicated. Could still be a pyramid scheme though. If Miss. Sprout asked them for money she'd tell her family not to give her any. Apparently they were taking her to get her wand next. Applejack rolled her eyes, if this was real, somehow, the wand shop might convince her. After all, how was she gonna produce magic? The shop was small and dingy. It had peeled faded lettering across the front spelling out what the shop was. Applebloom giggled from beside her. "Don't get yer hopes up. This could still be a bunch of applesauce." Her sister rolled her eyes. "Applejack, what more proof do ya need? We saw a wall move!" "Plenty of castles have secret passages Applebloom." she reminded her. "But this ain't a castle!" Applebloom pouted. Granny Smith chuckled. "Don't you worry Applebloom. Yer sister'll come around once she's the one usin' a wand." "Can we just get this over with?" She sighed. "Right, the shop is a bit small, so I'm not sure you can all fit inside. I suggest you bring one family member in with you." Miss. Sprout said. "Big Mac?" Applejack asked. "Yep." He told her. They nodded at each other and entered the shop. It was as small on the inside as it was on the outside. The majority of the space was taken up by shelves full of small boxes. A spindly chair sat in the corner. "Good afternoon." A voice said. Applejack jumped out of her skin but managed to avoid breaking anything. Big Mac wasn't so lucky as he let out a low gasp and fell onto the chair, breaking it. "Sorry." He told the man. Applejack took him in. He was clearly old, with silvery eyes that seemed to pierce through her soul. She shuddered. "Quite alright." He told them using his wand to fix the broken chair. Applejack couldn't think of a way they'd do that without magic. That didn't mean there wasn't one. "Hello Professor Sprout. Escorting a muggleborn?" "Yes, this is Miss. Smith. She will be attending Hogwarts come September." Miss Sprout told him. "Splendid!" He turned to Applejack. "Which is your wand arm?" "My what now?" She asked. "Your dominant hand." He explained. "My apple pickin' hand? That's be my right." She said holding it out. Ollivander began to measure her body. "So uh, how does this work exactly?" "I'm glad you asked Miss. Smith." He began to move around the store and Applejack noticed the tape measure was still moving around her. She examined it closely, trying to see if their were any wires but she found none. "You see the wand chooses the Witch or Wizard. When you find your match it will be the one meant for you" Applejack wasn't exactly sure how a stick could choose her. Oillivander called for the tape measure to stop and it dropped from where it was trying to measure the width of her freckles. "Try this. Rowan and Unicorn hair, 11 inches, flexible." She waved the stick and of course nothing happened. "I feel dumb." She told him. "Never mind that, we'll find the right one. Ah what about Poplar and dragon heartstring, 10 and a quarter-inch, brittle." Once again nothing happened. "Ash and Phoenix feather, 9 and a half inches, ridged." So it went Applejack tried stick after stick, feeling dumber and dumber as time went on. Just as she was about to tell them she was sick of this nonsense, he handed her a wand. "Black walnut and Phoenix feather, 9 and three quarter inches, unyielding." This stick felt different. it was warm in her hand almost like a mother's hug. She felt comforted by it. As strange as that was she felt, more complete? She waved the wand and a flurry of orange and red sparks exited it. "Interesting. Most Interesting." He said. "What's interesting?" She asked. "black walnut will only work for a witch or wizard with good instincts and powerful insight. The interesting part is, they have a quirk. They are abnormally attuned to inner conflict, if you are unable or unwilling to be honest with yourself or others, it won't work well for you, To use this wand properly you have to be sincere and self aware. That one of your age would get this wand is rare indeed." He told her. Applejack stared at the sti- wand, She didn't think any amount of special effect could make her feel the way she felt when holding it. So magic was real. Applejack beamed brightly. This was amazing. Guess she'd have to start calling her Professor Sprout now