Isekai: Sword And Sorcery

by The REAL Seth Standmore

Chapter Two: The Legendary Sword






In a deep dark forest I woke up a long time later, trees in the distance could be seen with faces that resembeled frowns, grimaces and scowls. My head was hurting and I moaned, patting my body down for signs of damage. "What happened?" I said to nobody. "Last thing I remember that van was hitting me, that van with the red pill on the side."

A bunny hoped into my point of view. I smiled at him. "Hey there little guy." I said to the bunny. "Do you know where I am right"

But I started shouting in pain as he was kicking me in the nose and then running off, "GODDAMN IT." Wherever I was one thing was for certain: this place was full of jerks!

Standing up the forest surrounded me, black and dark and scary. I shivered, wishing that I had my sword with me, but when the van hit me I had nothing on but the clothes on my back, good thing I remembered to get dressed in my gi at least before I left the bathroom. It would really suck if I were in thiys strange new world naked. I shivered and rubbed my arms for warmth.

"Wherever I am I'd better find some shelter in a hurry." I said to the forest, starting to walk into it. "But why am I even here, I should be dead right now."

Suddenly I heard a voice in my head, a whisper that said my name. "Mingus....." The voice whispered.

I froze scared and fell into my boxing stance, even if I didn't have a sword I was far from helpless. "Who's there?" I questioned sharply. "Show yourself!"

"I am not your enemy, Mingus." The strange voice whispered. "I am your oldest friend and most true ally of all."

"Is that you The Bastard?"

"Watch your tongue you mediocre dunce." The voice hissed at me. "Follow the sound of my voice and I will explain........ everything."

Gulping I walked deeper into the woods, they got darker and darker the longer I went. Eventually I wound up at a big canyon, across from me was a ruined castle, and there was a ramp going down into the canyon. I walked down the ramp into the canyon, and at the bottom of the canyon there was a cave at the bottom of the canyon.

"Is that where you are?" I said to the voice in my head.

"Yes it is." The voice said. "Come inside...and meet your destiny."

Into the cave I went and gulping, I walked long and far until I came to what looked like a giant crystal tree with a purple star in the middle of it and five other strange objects like three apples three butterflies a rainbow three diamonds and three balloons could be seen. I stared and said. "What the hell is that?"

Suddenly the cave began to rumble and I began to stumble. "WHOOOOOAAAAA!" I said.

The tree of crystal started to shrink into the ground and it vanished as another object started to rise up and replacing it was a pedestal with a long sword inside of it, a big sword as tall as I was and even thick with a long handle for two hands. It was the biggest and mightiest sword I had ever been seeing!

"What is that?" I inquired curiously.

"It is I." Said the voice wisely. "I am that which you have heared inside of your mind. That which brought you here when you should have perished."

I gasped in shock. "The red pill! You know about that?"

"I know about many things." Said the sword. "And I can give you the power to seek revenge on those who wronged you. Do you wish that?"

I made fists with hands and said. "More than anything in my life."

"Then come to me now brave hero....and place your hands on my handle."

I did as the sword told me. Gripping its handle, "Okay what now?"

"Draw me from the stone and say "Kono ken o anata no senzo no namae de meijite kudasai sono chikara o kashite kudasai!"

I did as the sword instructed me to do. Gripping it tightly I pulled and said. "Kono ken o anata no senzo no namae de meijite kudasai sono chikara o kashite kudasai!"

There was a flash of red light and the sword pulled free like it wa sstuck in butter. Holding it high, a flash that filled the cavern could be seen from out side.

"At last I am free to continue my quest to purge the world of all evil." Said the sword. "And you and I together will achieve your destiny."

"Who are you?" I whispered to the sword.

The sword laughed. "I am the legendary blade...The Rantor."

Suddenly a scream could be heard fromk outside I turned around holding the Rantor in one hand, even though it was huge it felt so light and easy in my hand. "What now, The Rantor?"

"We must champion the cause of justice." Said the Rantor. "Go forth and save the fair maiden who suffers. You will find that she is the first step on the road to your destiny."

I didn't know whwat that meant but one thing was sure............I couldn't let a cute girl die. And I could tell from her scream that this girl was super cute.

I charged out of the cave holding up the Rantor.



I ran up the ramp and out of the canyon back into the woods, following the screaming that I heard. I thought about what the cute girl who screamed must have looked like. I bet she was tall and gorgeous with limpid eyes and flaxseed hair, and double J breasts that hung out of her shirt like two big round melons. I started tog et a nose bleed thinking of it.

"Can't you stop thinking about girls for five seconds?" Said The Rantor in disgust. "I can't believe the chosen one is a pervert."

Sweat dropping, "Wait you can read my thoughts?"

"I am connected to your mind. Of course I can read your thoughts you horny simpleton."

I blushed and got a sweat drop again. "Okay well I guess we'll just focus on saving the girl for now and figure out the rest later."

The screams got louder and louder until I found it. Two animals were righting. Well one was fighting, the other could be seen cowering against the rock, she was a yellow pony with pink hair. Over her was standing a beast that looked like a lion, but it was the strangest lion I had ever seen, it had a scorpion's tail and two wings.

"What in the world is this?" I questioned sharply.

The cowering pony opened her eyes and gazed at me with her ice blue orbs. Her orbs widened. "You! Please save me!"

I gasped in surprise. Her voice was the same as the person who was screaming?

"Holy shit you can talk? But you're a pony!!!" I said in surprise.

The Rantor grunted. "Is that really what's important right now boy? You need to save her, post mates!"

"What but why?" I said to the Rantor. I noticed the pony's orbs got even wider. She could hear The Rantor?

"In case you hadn't noticed she has the same markings as you could see on the tree back there. She is important, and she is your destiny. Now save her dammit! The other chosen ones were never this dense."

A vein veined on my head. "Well fine, but I'm doing it for me not you."

I charged at the lion with The Rantor held high. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The lion easily jumped aside as I swung the sword cutting halfway into the cliff behind the poiny. The lion ran around in a wide circle and doubled back on me with its wings spread and its jaws open, its tail was high as it stabbed at me. I jumped away and the scoprion stinger stabbed into the mountain getting it stuck.

"Looks like you're having a hard time." I smudged. I lifted The Rantor. "Seiken shirikiri kōgeki!"

The sword snicked through the manticore's tail and it screamed. Blood and acid venom squirted everywhere. "Get away!" I commanded to the pony. I could see her scampering away with her wings. Wait she had wings? How could that be possible-

"Focus you ridiculous dimwit!" The Rantor scoffed.

I noticed just in time to dodge that the manticore was lunging at me again with its jaws wide. I danced away and swing my sword and a red line could be seen in the manticore's side where I cut into its skin.

"Ha, child's play." I crowed. As the manticore fell down I leaped high into the air. "Time to finish this!"

"Indeed, boy." Said The Rantor. "Let us put swift death to this foul charlatan!"

Crashing down, "Saishū zanshu kakō ken dageki!"

The Rantor cut cleanly through the manticore's neck and it howled as it died, falling over, blood spilling everywhere. I flourished The Rantor and watched with marvelous as blood running off of its blade could be seen.

"Well done boy." The Rantor snickered. "Perhaps you are not so useless."

A vein veined on my head as I said. "Watch it Sword. It's not too late for me to sell you and replace you with a dakimakura."

The Rantor sighed. "Of course. My master is still a pervert after all."

I walked over to the pony with The Rantor slung on my shoulder. And said. "Are you okay?"

She looked at me, a blush came upon her face, her blue orbs wide. "Ii_i-I-I-I-I-I-yes. I think so. Um. Who are you? What are you, I've never seen something like you."

"The name's Mingus." I said. "This is The Rantor."

"How do you do." Said The Rantor.

"I don't know how I got here but no thanks are necessary, I couldn't keave a pretty girl to die." Even if she wa sa pony, I could sort of see why she was cute. But I did not want to fuck her.

"You think I'm cyute?" Said the pony. Blushing.

"M-Moe..." I got a nose bleed., she reminded me of my mom"What is your name?" I said to her.

"Myh name is Fluttershy." Said the Moe Pony. "And it's very nice to meet you Mingus."