Linkin Pony - Recharge: Revamped

by Kaciekk

Intro & Maps

Introduction to the story's world. Not necessary to read the story, but it could provide explanations about how this Alternate Universe works.

Equestria's resources began to deplete over 300 years ago. Ponies still try to use what's left, and most of those ponies are Hybrids. The world was beginning to degrade, wildlife being destroyed. Most of the country became wasteland. Pegasi began to control weather less, the sky becoming forever cloudy. Thus, with the factories in place, their smog began to collect in the clouds.

Hybrids, cyborgs, were made so ponies were more durable against the harsh world. They could use less of their own effort, for the machine parts of them could put in more.

But the idea backfired. The machine parts of the ponies took over, corrupting their minds. Their brains became instinctive, to create more Hybrids so all ponies could survive against the world. And they believed that the only viable energy source was natural resources, coal, oil, etc. They became lifeless, soulless.

But many ponies refused the idea of Hybrids. They fought against them, even killed them. Less Hybrids to create more hybrids. But it wasn't enough. It just seemed like the amount of Hybrids was continuing to grow. Citadels were built in larger cities where factories were. That is where they took their hostage ponies as slaves, and put them on the path to Hybridization.

Several decades after the Hybrids came in place, a new energy source was discovered. It was found in the form of piezoelectric crystals, deep in the earth. It was strange that these were never found before this. It was as if the magic of Equestria made them itself, a gift for the population.

The Hybrids soon took notice of this energy too. They began to suck it out of the ground, using nodes. They used that energy for their factories, to fuel their mechanical parts, and to make more hybrids.

The ponies knew they needed a leg up on the hybrids. So they united, and made the Resistance. They noticed how strong the Crystal energy was; an abundance of it could harm ponies. If it could harm ponies, it could harm Hybrids. So the Resistance designed energy weapons that, always making improved models

There was still the problem of ponies losing limbs, from fighting Hybrids, from machinery or just illness. For many years the Resistance worked on mechanical limbs that wouldn't corrupt powered by energy crystals. Finally they found the right wiring, and somehow, it was only possible with energy crystals

They decided that they could implement energy weapons into the mechanical limbs. Then came the idea of making the weapons wearable, since the crystals could react to the brain's nerves. That's where Energy power Devices, or EPDs, came into play. It was more effective than other types of weapons, and more convenient.

Over the years the EPDs were improved. Just as the Resistance improved, and grew. Different headquarters were set up across Equestria, and each had their own sector of the country they looked after. Smaller Resistance camps were made, to fight against the Hybrid camps, and saved enslaved ponies from Citadels. With hard work, the Hybrids seemed to be under control. But the work that was needed, was difficult, persistent work.

But not every pony was with the Resistance. Some believed using crystal energy as a weapon was a waste of it. Instead they used weapons such as guns and blades. Other ponies did not want to fight the Hybrids because they believed that the Hybrids were just as much as ponies as they were. They believed that there must be a way to reverse Hybridization.

For many years the Resistance has tried to reverse Hybridization, but all efforts have failed. The Hybrids lost their conscious thoughts. Their bodies were too degraded to function after removing the mechanical parts.. Only ponies who had been enslaved, chipped, in the Citadels could be saved. But that was even before full Hybridization. Hybrids were no longer ponies, not the way that the inhabitants of Equestria should be.

Camp Map

Area Surrounding Camp map