//------------------------------// // Cloudy With A Chance Of Drama // Story: The Heart of a Derpy Ditzy // by Derpybrony890 //------------------------------// I woke up today with a bright smile on my face. Today was the day that my punishment was over and I couldn’t handle not getting up early, It seemed like forever since I had last seen Whooves, many lunches were spent alone in the bathrooms. And partnered projects were unbearable. Thankfully the end of the semester was coming up so I had to study more than ever. It was hard with no one to help me. Daydream seemed to be occupied with her own life (for once) and once she had her friends over, she had been talking to me less, but I didn’t take any more thought to it. I had learned long ago not to ask Daydream for many questions. I went into the kitchen where my mother was baking breakfast. She noticed me and was surprised that I had woken up so early. “Well, you seem chipper, any reason?” my mother asked with a tiny smirk, one that made me wonder about a few things. “Oh, no reason, I just woke up early,” I said trying my best to hide my real reason. “Well, since you are here then you can probably make something yourself,” my mother said as I went into the cabinets, finding nothing. Soon I went scouring around the kitchen and found a few muffins in a plate. I smiled and squealed as I munched on the muffins. My mother laughed at my diablery and I smiled cheekily. I finished my muffins fast and made my way to my saddlebags. I picked it up and made my way to the door. My mother tried to call me saying that it is a bit early to go. I didn’t care. I was excited and ready to see Doctor again. though I had realized that it was really early. So, while waiting, I went to my locker. It was close to the classroom, so I knew that I would have some time. I noticed while putting a few things from the locker to my bag, that there was a poster for a winter dance. I groaned. I knew that it was just another charity event to raise the school some money. They had done this for years. The prices were so high that I couldn’t believe that they could get away with it. Yet the principal strictly says that this was for "educational purposes". I looked to see that the dance this time was over 25 dollars! as if I was going to that. I think we all know how parties go for me. And I was not ready for another disaster like the last time. And yet it was probably the best night you ever had, I thought. Not many ponies were in school. Only a few of them were awake in this scene. I guess I was just excited to finally be seeing someone that I was restricted from. Nonetheless, I was partly glad that there weren’t so many ponies, then at least I wouldn’t be crowded from my ‘locker buddies’ and their inhumane friends. it was hard to not listen in all their conversations, some would talk about the strange antics that their families put them through, or some even went ahead and told a few things that should have been kept private, very loudly! I almost made an assumption one time that they were talking to me once when they asked someone what they had thought about the economy over shopping. What’s more, is that they were looking directly at me. I kind of smiled thinking that after 3 years of this school they were finally letting me be apart of a conversation. But of course, they were talking to a mare behind me and just brushed me off like everypony else. I lay at my locker, it was hard to find mare friends to talk to when all of them hated or mocked me. Some I could tell were jealous (I don’t know why), but they would never admit that to their friends, they have to be cool to impress. And the stallions, don’t even get me started on their nature. It's not that all of them are stupid, but they do all have very similar intellectual intelligence, most of them are bullies towards me, and some just think they are smarter than me. Boy, but when the science fair came around in my freshman year, I showed them all who I really was, and they believed me! For about 2 days, before they all made a simple guess that my mother had just helped me out with the entire project. I didn’t necessarily want her to help me, my project was on how the mind works in different ways on two different pictures, one to see how long it takes to see the two pictures, and the other (just for the fun of my experience that I did NOT put on my board) was to see who had a dirty mind (again, this was just for fun, I did not intend to make this as a joke. My mother confiscated it and burnt it in a fire, however, so I gave up on that and was punished). This is what made me win, but of course, after those two days, everyone just couldn’t believe that I was smart, so they made different rumors that were not quite enough for me not to hear. Anyway, the trophy rusted and is somewhere that I cant find, but I still take that as a good day, it may not have lasted long, but it still showed ponies that I wasn’t all that stupid as I seemed to be. Soon after my thinking, I heard hoofsteps running to me and I smiled. The force came upon me and hugged me so tight, I was a little surprised by this action, I know it had been a month but Doctor was acting as if it was a whole year! “Nice to see you… again…” I said through my choking voice. Once my vocals came to his canals Whooves let go of me and smiled brightly. “It seems as if so long and yet only 4 weeks have gone by!” he said in full excitement, and a bit of exasperation. He seemed a bit worried, I didn’t know what exactly, but with the exams coming up, I think it was just a few jitters, even I was a bit worried about them. Still… “Hey, are you alright? You seem a bit more… ecstatic than usual,” Whooves began to sweat and I grew more concerned, I could see that something was bothering him, and I could also see that he wanted to tell me, but he looked away and bit his lip, he looked behind the doors as if afraid a demon would come out and capture him away. “Ditzy there is something I need to tell you… and fast before she gets here.” “She? What are you talking about? What’s wrong?!” I said in a calm yet panicked voice. I had come to a hypothesis that he only uses my real name when he is serious, and this sounded like danger serious, so I was entitled to listen carefully. “While being restricted from you, I only had my other friends, but there was someone else who was there, trying to get me, and due to a mistake I made she has blackmailed me until I get these exams out of my way. And-and… I am sorry… so, so sorry that I couldn’t tell you earlier, but I know you were trying hard to not see me for your punishment, and now I am afraid that it could be too late to tell you everything that happened…” “Whooves, calm down! You’re scaring me, who is this ‘she’ and why does it bother you so much that it is too late for you to tell me everything? Please, I am your friend, you can tell me anything,” “Not right now, she could be here any second, as long as you know who it is, then I think things could be cleared up a little,” “Okay then, who is she?” I said in the calmest voice I could muster, though inside I was a wreck, whoever this ‘she’ was really scared Doctor Whooves, and it made me mad. He wasn’t a bad pony, so it must be someone who doesn’t like him. Or does… WAIT!!! Before I could say anything an innocent voice came from behind me, “Turner, I'm here,” it took me a while to adjust to the fact that ‘Turner’ was Doctor, wow I hadn’t heard that name since I called it to him, but wait, if that was a mare then is that… I gasped in shock and fear, it can’t be! Why would he EVER be affiliated with her! What happened to make this whole mess come out! Why can’t I move?! Soon my consciousness came back to me and I turned around, to be face to face with… Shadow Heart. Never before had a name made me so furious than this one. I looked at her dark brown eyes that had to much eye shadow and fake lashes to even think it was her eyes and not just on some brand. She looked at me with a wicked smile, knowing full well how jealous I was, but she didn’t know that I was not jealous, (okay obviously I was partly jealous), I was just full-on MAD. I couldn’t speak or even breathe for the matter. She knew that I was in defeat and came up to the Doctor in a fully seductive way that any stallion would die to get, but being a friend of Whooves I could see that he hated every second of this moment. “I see you are talking again, oh this is wonderful,” Shadow Heart said as if the scene was over, “As you can plainly see, while you were away Time-Turner and I soon had become somewhat of… an item. Of course, this was not my fault. He was broken and needed a healing heart. So I gave it to him. And boy did he enjoy it. “That is a big lie! Don’t listen to her, whatever she says it is not true!” Whooves said, trying to get his best defense from the mad mare. “Quiet you!” Shadow Heart began, just before she calmed down and went back to her playful behavior. “Heh heh, I mean… oh, you are so funny when you tease,” “B-b-but I-I-I-I don’t understand, h-h-how could… how did… why?” was all I said before I felt the tears come out of me. “Well isn’t it obvious, your little friend here chose me over you,” I knew this was a lie too, yet the look on her face made me coil. I hated to see her, but I hated to see Doctor’s sorrowful face. He was so scared, all I wanted to do was hug him but I knew that would just raise problems. So what do I do? Why I go off running away and crying, of course, knowing that more drama did come my way. I went into my place of solitude: the janitor's closet. There I had a moment to get it all to my head. Okay, so Whooves has been overtaken by a demon goddess who seems to like him (Tartarus, what mare hasn’t eyed him and fell. I guess I was just one of the lucky ones) and he has to be with her because of… reasons? Maybe he can tell me later. Or never! Oh, why does my life have to be like in a drama novel! My head shrank down as more tears and sobs escaped me, I just had you… and now I lost you again! As if this was another sign that we just shouldn’t be together in the first place. My head sprang up at that, did the universe just know that Whooves and I shouldn’t see each other, or is it just mere coincidence? All of this made my head hurt, I hadn’t realized how late I was for class until I looked (and yes there is one in there) at the clock, I was 30 minutes late for my class, but I didn’t care, it did not matter. Nothing did. I was alone and that was how the universe wanted it! “Fine universe! You win! I know now that I can never be happy because I am just a mistake! No amount of caring can help me anymore. I am destined to be alone. Forever…” I cried more and decided to just go home. I didn’t want to see anypony after this catastrophe. And if I am going to be alone I want to do it the right way, in my bed for the time being. I made sure no one could see me and I ditched school for the first time. It wasn’t as exciting as I thought it would be. -*- I banged open the door and went into my room, It was full of space and it felt like no one would be there at all. It strongly felt perfect for my mood. However, it was still too much for me. I wanted it dark and comfortable, so I went into the next best thing… The observatory. I opened it up and everything was as it should be, perfect. I climbed into the hammock and began to cry again. the thoughts were overcoming my head with questions, some I didn’t want to answer, and most I couldn’t. it all happened so fast that I was growing a major headache. I must've fallen asleep crying because when my eyes were open I could see that a lot of time went by, the curtains were closed, but by my standards, it was around lunchtime when I woke up. And of course, it was when my stomach began to grumble. So, I slowly got up and tried my best to be unseen, obviously not needing to do so as many of the ponies near the neighborhood were at work. I knew I needed comfort food so I began to look into the pantries for some muffins. Yet all I could see were canned foods and ingredients for other things. I sighed heavily. This just isn’t my day is it. I thought. I retreated before I realized that there is one place that did sell muffins that I liked, and I knew that I needed something, but I was broke for now. (as if I had any money before, I usually had to ask for some). So, despite my sadness… I went anyways. As I slowly walked, I noticed that the sky was filled with light grey clouds, looking puffy and small and bunched up together. They somehow made me think of myself. In a weird way. The clouds seemed as if, put together, they would create a small shower, most likely for the evening, and that made me feel somewhat happy. A nice sad shower, perfect for my mood. The bell to SugarCube Corner jingled, and I was (once again) expecting an adult, but I was mildly surprised that a vision seeking wall breaker with a bouncy mane was near the counter. Mildly surprised is right. “howdy-do Mrs. Doo!” Pinkie said in her cheerful and funky voice. “Miss Doo pinkie, I am not married,” I said. I knew it was mean, but even I get mad at ponies who call their teachers by the wrong acronym. “What's wrong? You seem sad, did something happen?” “Take a guess,” I said in sad desperation. “ooh! I LOVE guessing games! Let's see, is it…” I had to give it to her, she did know how to make even the saddest of ponies smile the slightest. “A muffin sale got canceled?” I was a bit confused about her guess but I just took it anyway. “No,” “Is it… a big scary monster angel that looks like it is as sad as you and weeping but if you blink then you see it get closer and closer and that makes you scared so you are crying until it finds you and kills you?” Pinkie said, as I stopped for a second and had to do a double-take, where does she get ideas like these, a weeping angel? What even... how could she? Oh when will I learn that it is just Pinkie Pie and get over it? “Not even close,” I said, a bit better, but not well enough. “Then it must be that you found out that your arch-rival is now dating your best friend and your wanted special somepony and you feel as if you are going to lose him forever and you know that you can't do anything because he may refuse or even be mad at you and you feel like you are going to be alone forever in the universe? Is that correct?” I stared for long minutes, making sure that I heard her right, I began to get another headache and decided to drop it all at once, I can’t risk any more migraines. “Yes pinkie, you are correct,” I said with a disappointed cheer. “Yay! Oh, wait… not yay. I'm sorry, would you care for a muffin?” soon a muffin was placed in her hooves as if it came out of nowhere. “ Oh, Pinkie I would love this, but I don’t have any bits on me now,” “Nonsense! It’s on the house, I can tell when a pony needs her muffins,” I smiled and began to munch on it softly, letting the taste buds kick in. a small smile crept onto my face. But it still didn’t satisfy me. Tears came back out and pinkie began to feel sorry for me. She came up to hug me, but not in the way that I thought she would, this was a gentler hug than what she probably gave to her other friends. “It’s okay, everything is alright, your auntie Pinkie Pie is here to cheer you up,” Pinkie said in her usual cheery voice, yet it sounded calmer and put together. I thanked her for helping me but refused, I didn’t want any cheering up, all I wanted was to go home, eat muffins, and maybe read something in the dark. “Oh all right, but if you need me to do anything, I will. How about a party!” “Thank you for the hospitality Pinkie, but I think I will be fine, I just need to be alone for a few hours okay?” I said as I went out of the store. “Wait! You need some more muffins than just that one. Here, These are on the house as well,” she said giving me a big basket full of muffins that looked really delectable. “I made these myself, in case of muffin emergencies.” I could have asked but decided not to. It would just confuse me. So, I left and went back to sulking in my observatory. My face was full of muffins and my disappointment full. I waited until I heard a knock that made me wonder. Why would I even consider thinking it's him. It wasn’t. Daydream had noticed I wasn’t in the house before and decided to call me up for dinner. I just came out without a word. No one spoke to me, but I could see that there was something that they wanted to say. Though I just kept it to myself. I didn’t want them to worry about something that no one did. So, after dinner, I went up into my room, where I flew out and went into my observatory. Where I cried the rest of the night before sleep came to me once again. -*- My eyes slowly slid open as I felt a nudging force. I had first thought that Daydream or somepony else had found me and decided to take me to my room. However, I somehow could feel warmth in this force. One that, for lack of a better word, made me feel… fluffy. “Come on, you said I was allowed to sleep in here, and yet the night I do I find you here. Are you sure this is the right room?” the accent in the voice made me jump so hard that I fell out of the hammock and winced in pain. I could feel hooves reach up and check on me, though my tired eyes couldn’t see much yet. When I am fatigued my eyes work less than they usually do, making my eyes go in opposite directions. And with today being a bit hectic, it was no surprise that I was exhausted. “Who – “ “Yes, but I think we have long-established our introductions before,” the voice said playfully. He began to laugh but I just stayed put. “You must have had a really bad day if you aren’t laughing at my corny jokes.” He sighed, “I’m so sorry, I can’t believe how this happened. You must hate me right now.” Whooves said, letting go of me and putting me down near him. I stayed quiet a bit longer before I moved my head to his forelegs. “Not you, just Shadow Heart. She had no right of claiming you when I could clearly see that you were terrified. So, I don’t hate you, but I do think that you should have thought a bit more about this.” “You have no idea, I guess without you there, all I had were my nerdy friends and my conscious. You were the one with my common sense. And I really needed that before I went ahead with this deal.” “Deal? What deal?” I asked in full curiosity, I had never really taken to the thought that Doctor Whooves may have had no choice in the matter. Still, Shadow Heart? He has hated that mare ever since they met. “Well… I guess it all happened a week before the month was over…” Doctor Whooves was playing around with a few things near an air conditioner. A few wires were swinging around and put together as he melded them in his little symphony of electrical bits. Finally, he put it all in a panel and began to smile at his completion. “All done Miss Greensbottom, you should be having warmer air in a matter of minutes,” “Oh, thank you so much, mister Turner, you really do know a lot about those wirings don’t you,” “It helps to know where all of the wires go in a clock and I guess the rest is just like… clockwork,” Whooves said hoping Miss Greensbottom would excuse his horrid joke. She began to laugh and shoved him away. “Well since you have helped me so much I think you should take a break and go get something nice to eat. So sorry that I made you miss lunch for this, but most of my students just would not stop complaining about the weathering conditions.” “It is quite alright, rest assured that I intend no treat in the favor, just a nice smile is what I require for payment,” Whooves said with a sweet smile that could make any mare faint at the sight. In fact, Miss Greensbottom was feeling a bit tense as she saw that smile. 'A good mechanic with a good heart, oh if only I was just twenty years younger,' she thought. They said their goodbyes and Whooves began to trek down toward who knows where, he had seen the entire place and knew where all of the essentials were, but still he had difficulty when it came to traveling alone. He would turn right instead of left and get lost completely. Or go up instead of downstairs, even though neither were correct “I miss Muffins,” he thought. She had always helped him when he got lost. As he went into a hallway a shriek was heard. Doctor Whooves began to gallop to the voice and saw that two stallions were fighting against each other. He didn’t know a lot about fights, but he did know that you should do whatever you can to stop them. He looked around but not a single teacher or administrator was near. So, he did the next best thing. Went up to stop it. Unbeknownst of Doctor, this was, of course, when the principal showed up and saw the fight, but what he saw wasn’t the two stallions Whooves saw, this was Whooves who shoved the bully out of the way, and the victim falling in defeat. Now he knew that assumptions can go far fetched, so he needed to see if anypony else saw what happened Along with unbeknownst of Doctor, Shadow Heart had also witnessed this and began to smile pleasantly. As if this was expected. Her father came to her to check and see if she saw anything. That was when she looked at Whooves, who was now checking to see if the victim was alright, and smiled a devilish smile that anypony would feel threatened from, as she and her father walked away… “I had gone to the office… and heard that the principal saw my little “actions” and said that he was very disappointed. I, of course, was really confused, but soon was told that I may have to be suspended for weeks. This made me panic. You probably already know this, but when ponies are suspended, then they have to contact the parents, and I don't think the school would like that my parents are most likely not living with me." My face changed with understanding. It was clear to me now that he needed to make sure that his secret remained. And I smiled tiredly as I let him continue. " "I was just about to lose hope until Shadow Heart came up to me. And I could smell trouble was waiting for me. She said that she was very sorry to hear what had happened, I could tell she eavesdropped on me, but said to, and I quote, ‘fret not, for I have the perfect solution for your problem’. I was a bit surprised to hear this, but I just left it out of the way, anything to get me out of something I didn’t do. But of course, there was a catch.” "Do you think she knows?" I said with worry, Shadow Heart is most definitely one Whooves would consider a gossip around the school. "I don't think so, she never even brings up my family or any relatives that I may have. To be honest, I am surprised that the education association hasn't even brought that up," Whooves said, I could tell we were bantering, but I never wanted it to stop. "That's Equestrian education for you! All they need is the money and the only dark secrets you have is the fact that your mortgages are overdue," We laughed at that, and I could sense that he was calming down a bit, and so was I. It seemed like forever since we last were able to do this, making me think of the time he told me about his past. And how less drama-filled that experience was than this. But I was still curious, and I hated to end it on him finishing the story, but I knew this needed to come out as soon as possible. "Could you finish the story? I want to know what the catch was," “Yes, yes, getting to that. You see, Shadow Heart had been eyeing me for a while now and noticed that I was having a bit more time to myself. Once, she even tried to ask me out again, but I rejected her quickly. I could tell she was mad, I just never thought she would take it to this level,” I tried my best to listen, but his voice seemed to seep through my ears like a lullaby, I felt my eyes grow strong, and my head giving out once in a while, I picked myself up, only to be dropped from my tiredness. It hadn’t exactly been a sleepless night, but when I need my sleep, I usually need my sleep. And I could tell that Doctor Whooves noticed this as well. “It is getting late. You should go to bed dear, I can probably tell you this story in the morning, when and if you get up early.” Whooves said pulling me up as I tried to walk to the door, I missed and was jolted up as I felt a wall come to me. A little chuckle escaped from the chestnut stallion as I tried to clear myself off the wall. The Doctor came back to me and saw that I had a bit of a bruise on my forehead, he gently pressed onto it as I winced in pain. I hadn't realized the pain that hitting the wall would cause me, but somehow I could feel tears wanting to form, it could have been from the pain of the wall, or the entire day in general, most likely both, but as soon as they shed, I knew Doctor was definitely feeling bad about this entire day. “I can’t leave you like this, not like this,” he said with a sigh as I was lifted and thrown onto a soft and comfortable force that overtook my body. I also felt another that made me warm as it wrapped itself around me. All I did was smile. As the sleep came upon to me. Mayhap I was wrong, maybe the universe wants us to try and see if we can pass its little test, universe... you are a strange thing. -*- "Doctor?" I asked as I saw a dark field around me. I didn't know where I was, but it felt warm, almost as if it was summer. "Muffins, I'm here," I heard Whooves say. Turning around, he smiled at me and we held onto each other for a while, before I noticed his face was full of regret. "What's wrong Doctor? Why do you look so sad?" "I just wish I didn't have to say this, but I can't see you anymore," Panic grew inside of me, "But why! We finally have each other now, why would you not see me?" I began to grow curious, his face didn't look mournful anymore, almost playful now. "Because I am in love with somepony else," I stared, shocked, "What! But I thought you... why would I... with whom?" "With me!" I heard a voice say, and as I turned Shadow Heart was there, and I raged. "No! This can't be! How could you ever do this!" I said to Whooves, who was ripped off of me and held by Shadow Heart. "I can't explain it, but being with her has made me realize that she is way more special than I ever thought." With that their lips met and I gagged of nausea. I couldn't close my eyes, however, and saw everything. Every bucking thing. Even their tongues were expressing how much more Whooves wanted Shadow Heart more than me, and I began crying. "Why did you do this to me!" I said in anger. They came apart and I felt like I would throw up as I saw their saliva interconnecting them, "Why isn't it obvious? I am not a mistake!" Whooves did nothing but searched for my help, I couldn't do anything though. All I did was stare with wide eyes as the two fell to the ground... -*- I sprang up as breath tried to reach me. That was the worst nightmare I have ever had. it was horrifying, gut retching, and just sad. I was very scared right now when I looked out the curtains and noticed that the sun was just peaking out, and sighed as relief hit me greatly knowing it was all a dream. I heard a snore and smiled softly. Doctor Whooves was resting with a peaceful face, one that I was happy wasn't being smashed on Shadow Hearts lips. My face began to redden as I looked at the stallion. I wish I was more like you, then I would have better confidence in everything, rather than think it is all my fault. Why do you have to go away from me again? Why does no one see that you have saved my life from its pain? Tears began to streak down but I wiped them away quickly, trying to stay quiet, however unable to stop a sniffle that had to be reached out. I hated that this may be the last peaceful look I ever see on him. My head fell down and I mourned. I must have been sobbing for a few minutes, I just didn’t know it at the time. But my face was moved up at a teary-eyed Doctor. He looked as if he read my mind. Knowing that, I hugged him hard. Making it all last. “H-hey, don’t worry, I know that Shadow Heart may be taking me away from you, but I promise that no matter the time, I will come back, and we can rejoice.” He said trying to calm me down, though I could hear, he was also trying to calm himself down as well. “I know,” I sniffed, “It’s just that, you don’t know how long Shadow Heart plans to keep you away from me! It could be a week, a month, or forever! How can you know!?” I said in between my sobs. We both stayed in silence for a while, just two ponies crying in each other’s hooves. I felt better knowing that he was as sad as I was about this (in a weird way), yet I also was as scared as he was, I knew he didn’t know the answer to my question. And that made me even more sorrowful. “I don’t know,” he said after our long silence “I just don’t know,” he held me tighter, and I could feel his emotions coming out. I wanted to look at him. I wanted to kiss him again, but I knew that it would only make things worse. I could see that the sun was coming up, and I knew he could too. I hated to part with him, right now he needed me more than I need him, but I knew that if I kept him here, then we would just stay here all day and never get through this. So despite my negative feeling of loss. I parted and smiled the best I could. He knew it was for the best as well, so we came apart and he began to walk towards the exit. “I hope you know that I won't stop seeing you, no matter how much Shadow Heart protest she will never stand between the two of us. Never.” and he was gone. Once again out of my life, and just like before, I cried. But I knew that it was useless, crying brought you nothing in life except pain. And that is what I always believed. And it seems like Whooves thought so too.